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Prepared by: Basant Psd Bohara 1/25/2021

Unit 3: Problem Definition, Theoretical Framework and Hypothesis

Problem Definition
• Any scientific investigation starts when a person has collected many facts but all
of those fact which we do not know and confuse. A problem is said to exist when
we know enough that there is something we do not know really. Thus the
research problem originates. A problem statement may be defined as an
interrogative testable statement which expresses the relationship between two or
more than two variables.
• A research problem (also “issue” or “question”) indicates the need or desire to
know or to understand something. It is a gap between actual and desired state.
 According to Selkaran, “Research problem is any situation where a gap exists
before and the actual and the desired ideal state”
 According to Kerlinger, “A good problem is defined as interrogative sentence or
statement that show what relations exist between two or more variables”
1. Training generally has increased the organization performance. But some
industries spent large amount in training and development but no performance
improvement is noticed.
2. What are the components of brand equity? 26

Steps in Problem Formulation

1. Identifying broad problem area
2. Divide the subject area into sub-areas
3. Decide about and area defining problem
4. Decide about the objectives

Research Questions

• Research question is a statement designed/developed in the research that

identifies the factors to be studied. Basically it is clearly tells about the factors
you attempt to study.
• The objective of the research must match with research questions. It helps you to
do the work in the trend as you intend. The questions should be feasible, clear,
significant and ethical.
• It concentrates the study in specific issues, determine the methodology and
guides all stages of inquiry, analysis and reporting.
• While developing a research question, a researcher should identify area of
interest and have preliminary survey or literature review and find out the
variables. Researcher can develop the question statement considering to the
factors under variables.

Prepared by: Basant Psd Bohara 1/25/2021

Steps in Selecting Research questions

Research Area
e.g. Total Quality Management

Select Aspect of Research Area

Impact of TQM on work

Research Questions
• Does TQM have a positive or negative impact on job satisfaction?
• Does the effect of TQM on job satisfaction vary by level in the organization?
• Does TQM disrupt traditional methods of working in firms?
• Do workers try to resist TQM and if so how far are they successful?
• Does TQM lead to empowerment or disempowerment?
• Does the way that TQM is introduced have an influence on the nature of its impact on job

Select Research Questions

• Does TQM have a positive or negative impact on job satisfaction?
• Does the way that TQM is introduced have an influence on the nature of its impact on job
• Does the effect of TQM on job satisfaction vary by level in the organization?)
Note: We cannot answer all the research questions that occur to us. This is not just to do with issues of time and the cost of
doing research. It is very much to do with the fact that we must keep a clear focus so that our research questions must relate
to each other to form a coherent set of issues. Therefore, we have to select from the possible research questions that we
28 arrive

Types of Research Questions

1. Descriptive question
2. Observational/Relational questions
3. Causal or cause and effect questions
4. Research questions seeking difference


• A variable is a measurable units, characteristics, trait or attributes that varies over

the units value of variable differs activity to activity and time to time. i. e. Age,
sex, income, expenses, class grade, eye colour, vehicle type, capital expenditure,
revenue, tax etc.
• Generally numerical values are allocate to the variables on the basis of their
features that help to keep record and analyze variables. Some variables can be
classified into two or more groups/categories like sex, caste, religion, education
status etc. are provided 0 and 1 for two categories and 1,2,3,..are given to more
than two categories. Such variable are mostly used in social science research.
 According to F. N. Kerlinger, “A variable is a symbol to which numerals or
values are assigned.”

Prepared by: Basant Psd Bohara 1/25/2021

 According to P. V. Young, “A variable is any quantity or characteristics which

may poses different numerical values or categories.”

Types of Variables
1. Dependent Variables: A variables, which are affected by change in
independent variables is known as dependent variables. Dependent variable of
primary interest to the researchers.
Innovation of new product Sales
Salary & other financial benefits Commitment

Income Expenditure
Independent variables Dependent variables

2. Independent variables: A variable that influence the dependent variable

positively or negatively is known as independent variables. Independent variable
remain unchanged due to change in other variables but change in independent
variables changes to dependent variables.


3. Moderating variables: A variable that change in the degree of relationship

between the independent and dependent variable is know as moderating
variable. Presence of moderating variables (third variable) modifies the
originally expected relationship between the independent and dependent
variables. Generally, demographic variables like age, sex, qualification, position
etc. moderate the relationship between independent and dependent variables.
For examples,

Remuneration Job satisfaction

• Age
• Sex
• Position

Management style Employee retention

Employee stress
Independent variables Dependent variables

Moderating variables


Prepared by: Basant Psd Bohara 1/25/2021

4. Intervening variables: A variable whose existence is essential to show the

relationship between independent and dependent variables is know as
intervening variables. For example,
Training effectiveness Service tenure Employees’ commitment

Management Organizational
Workforce diversity
expertise performance
Independent variables Intervening variables Dependent variables

Theoretical Framework

• A theoretical framework is a conceptual model that shows the relationships

among the several factors that have been identified as important to the problem. It
is prepared after the literature review, defining the problem and interview with
the concern party.
• It is used in research to outline possible courses of action or to present a preferred
approach to an idea or thought.
• It presents the relationship between dependent, independent, moderating and
intervening variables. Also it helps to develop hypothesis.

• Consider the theoretical framework as a conceptual model that establishes a sense

of structure that guides your research. It provides the background that supports
your investigation and offers the reader a justification for your study of a
particular research problem.
• After formulating the theoretical framework the researcher has to develop the
conceptual framework of the study. It is the researcher’s own position on the
problem and gives directions to the study. The models of conceptual framework
are given below: Dependent variable Independent variables

Reward Motivation

Dependent variable

Punishment Age and

moderating variables

Training and Development

Independent variables 33

Prepared by: Basant Psd Bohara 1/25/2021

Need of Theoretical Framework in Research

1. Clarify the variables
2. Provide general framework
3. Guides for data collection
4. Helps to data analysis
5. Helps to show relationship
6. Helps to interpretation
7. Helps to clarify


• A theory is a set of systematically interrelated constructs, concepts, definitions,

and propositions that are used to explain and predict facts.
• Various theories were developed at different time period in the field of
management and those theories help to explain and predict the other factors.
• The basic objective of the theory is to define, establish and explain the concept
and constructs.
• In scientific research, theory and research are complementary and inseparable.
Interaction of theory and research develops applied science. 34

• Theory provides conceptual base and research contributes to theories. Research

either develops new theory or improves the existing theories. Thus theory and
research are interrelated. Theory is presented as follows:

Concept A Concept B
Training Increases Skill
Reward and punishment Lead to High productivity

Types of Theories

1. Quantitative, qualitative and descriptive theory

2. Explanatory, predictive and normative theory
3. Grounded theory

Contribution of Research in Theory Building and Practices

1. Develops new theory

2. Helps to modify existing theories
3. Gives impute to develop theory

Prepared by: Basant Psd Bohara 1/25/2021

Deduction and Induction Approaches or Theory Building

a. Deductive Approach:
This approach is also known as top-down approach or the hypothetic deductive
method. This approach usually being with a theory driven hypothesis, which guide
data collection and analysis. Deductive approach work from the more general to the
more specific. We might begin with thinking up a theory about our topic of interest.
We then narrow that down into more specific hypotheses that we can test. We
narrow down even further when we collect observations to address the hypotheses.
This ultimately leads us to be able to test the hypotheses with specific data -- a
confirmation (or not) of our original theories. The process of this approach is
presented in following figure:

(Generating theory or
improving theory)


b. Inductive Approach:
Inductive research begin with a research question and the data collection of
empirical data, which are used to generate hypotheses and theory. It is also known
as bottom-up approach. In inductive approach, we begin with specific observations
and measures, begin to detect patterns and regularities, formulate some tentative
hypotheses that we can explore, and finally end up developing some general
conclusions or theories. The process of this approach is presented in the figure
Contribution of Research in Practice
1. Analyzing situation
2. Developing tools
3. Providing alternative solutions
4. Showing cause and effect relationship

Prepared by: Basant Psd Bohara 1/25/2021

• An educated guess or assumption on the solution of the problem or issue is
known as hypothesis. In other word, it is a logically estimated relationship
between two or more variables expressed in the form of testable statement.
• This relationship is estimated on the basis of the network of associations
established in the theatrical framework formulated for the research work. A good
hypothesis shows the direction of research and the relationship between the
variables and helps to find out the solution of the problem.
 According to F. N. Kerlinger, “A hypothesis is a conjectured statement that
implies or states a relationship between two or more variables.”
 According to U. Sekaran, “A hypothesis is a logically conjectured relationship
between two or more variables expressed in the form of testable statement.”
• Thus, it can be said that hypothesis is a declarative statement that shows the
relationship between two or more variables.


Types and Format of Hypothesis

Types States Examples
Descriptive • Presents the existence, H1: Employment opportunity of Commerce graduates is
hypothesis size, types and more than the Arts students.
distribution of variables, H2: Most of the population has heard of Godawari.

Relational or • A relationship exists H1: Attendance at lectures influence marks in the exam.
Explanatory, between two or more H2: Newspapers affect people’s voting pattern.
casual, than two variables H3: Increase in income of people increases the market of
hypothesis the product.

Directional and • Formulated using the H1: The greater the stress experienced in job, the lower the
Non-directional word more and less, like job satisfaction of employees.
hypothesis or dislike or comparing H2: Women are more motivated than men.
two variables, and H1: There is a relationship between age and job
• Shows the relationship satisfaction.
or difference between H2: There is a difference between the work ethic values of
variable but does not American and Asian employees.
direct the relationship

Null and • There is no relationship Test whether the training increases productivity or not.
Alternative between two variables H0: Effective training does not increase the productivity of
hypothesis • Against null hypothesis employee.
H1: Effective training increases the productivity of
employee. 39

Prepared by: Basant Psd Bohara 1/25/2021

Functions of Hypothesis
• Shows the area of emphasis
• Provides guideline for collecting information or data
• Informs about area of subjective priority
• Basis of research
• Helps to test mathematically
Formation of Hypothesis
1. Discussion
2. Through internal data
3. Literature review
4. Interview
Features/Criteria of a Good Hypothesis
1. Simplicity
2. Clarity
3. Testability
4. Relevant to problem
5. Specific
6. Relevant to available technology
7. Consistency and harmony

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