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Unit 6B Name:

Sound Waves
Practice Problems Date:

Work each of the following problems. SHOW ALL WORK.

1. Determine the wavelength of the longitudinal wave below:

12 m

2. A
 sound wave is determined to have a frequency of 1,000 Hz and a wavelength of 35 cm. What is the speed of
this wave?
v =tf 1000/s

= 35 cm (1000/s) = 350 m/s

3. If the sound wave in the previous question is measured in air, what is the temperature of the air?

v= 330 m/s + 0.6 (t) t= 20/0.6

350 m/s = 330 + 0.6 = 33.30

350-330= 0.6
4. What is the speed of sound in air that is 25 °C?

v= 330 + 0 x 6 (t)= 345m/s

questions continued on next page

Unit 6B_Practice Problems STUDENT
Copyright © 2018 Georgia Public Broadcasting. All rights reserved. Use or distribution by an unintended recipient is prohibited.
Unit 6B Name:

Sound Waves
Practice Problems Date:

Work each of the following problems. SHOW ALL WORK.

5. T he hottest recorded temperature in the history of the United States is 134 °F, which is 57 °C. What would the
speed of sound at this temperature?

v= 330 + 0 x 6 (t)= 345m/s

  6. T he human range of hearing is between 20 and 20,000 Hz. What is the corresponding range in wavelengths
for sound in air at 25 °C?

v = 330 + 0.6(20)= 345m/s

  7. The speed of sound in water is 1,500 m/s. What is the wavelength of a sound wave with a frequency of
15,000 Hz in water?

v= 15000(1500) ------> 225 ---> 225000000/15000 = 0.1 m

  8. How much louder is a 70 dB sound compared to a 50 dB sound?

A 70-dB dishwasher will sound about four times as loud as the 50-dB refrigerator, but in terms of acoustic
intensity, the sound it makes is 100 times as powerful.

Unit 6B_Practice Problems STUDENT

Copyright © 2018 Georgia Public Broadcasting. All rights reserved. Use or distribution by an unintended recipient is prohibited.

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