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LESSON 1: Gregor Mendel

INTRODUCTION TO - Characters are controlled by factors

MOLECULAR BIOLOGY - Discovery of the inheritance of biological
Wilhelm Johannsen
Molecular biology - branch of biological
science that explain processes in terms of - Coined the term gene 1909
molecular interaction.
Thomas Morgan
- Study of biology and molecular level
- observe the gene associated with
- Biochemistry of genes and their
chromosomes in 1910
Frederick Griffith 1928
- Transformation in diplococcus
- Genetics - deals with identification and
characterization of genes and also the
- DNA was the transmittable genetic
inheritance of genes
- Cell biology - concerns with this doctors
and functions of the cell organelles M. Schlesinger 1934
- Biochemistry - involves the pointing out
- Bacteriophages are compose of DNA and
of 3 dimensions structures and actions of
different macromolecules.
 Molecular biology was coined by George Beadle, Edward Tatum 1941
Warren Weaver 1938 (a director of
natural science division of - Published the results of biochemical
Rockefeller Foundation) -- describe genetics of neurospora
the program, application of tools, - Established one gene-one enzyme
physical science to biology, hypothesis
biochemistry, and genetics. Oswald Avery, Colin MacCleod, Maclyn
McCarty 1944
 First use by William Astbury 1945 to
study chemical physical structure of - Transforming principle of streptococcus
by logical macromolecules pneumoniae was DNA

Erwin Chargaff 1950

- Demonstrated in DNA, the # of o Originated the concept of the
Adenine = Thymine; # of Cytosine = central dogma of molecular
Guanine biology (describe the transfer of
genetic information into functional
MOLECULAR BIOLOGY - Marshall Nirenberg, Heinrich
Matthaei 1961
- James Dewey Watson, Francis Harry o They crack the genetic code they
Compton Crick (F. H. C. Crick) 1953 crack the genetic code present in
o Structure of DNA MRNA
o Proposed the double helical model
of DNA - Francois Jacob, Jacques Monod 1961
o Based on the studies of Rosaline o They put forward the operon
Franklin (obtain images of DNA concept for regulation of gene
using X-ray crystallography) and expression.
Maurice Wilkins (idea) o Receive noble prize in 1965

- Watson, Crick and Wilkins - F. H. C. Crick 1966

o Awarded noble price in 1962 o He proposed the Wobble
o One of the most important hypothesis
scientific discovery of 20th century.
- Har Gobind Khorana, Marshall
- Matthew Meselson, Franklin Nirenberg, Robert Holley 1966
Kornberg 1957 o They work out the complete
o Confirmed Watson and Crick genetic code for one enzyme
semiconservative model of DNA o Receive noble prize in 1968
- Allan Maxam, Walter Gilbert 1977
- Arthur Kornberg 1958 o Describe the dna sequencing
o He isolated the first polymerizing technique
enzyme now known as dna
polymerase from E. Coli and got a - Frederick Sanger with his team 1977
noble price 1959 o Dna sequencing techniques (sanger
sequencing) noble price 1980

- F. H. C. Crick 1958
- Yoshinori Ohsumi 2016
o Mechanisms for autophagy and reproduction in all the living
(body’s way of cleaning up cells of organism)
damaged cells to regenerate newer  Accurate replication (so that the
or healthier cells. same genetic information as
present in parents cell are pass on
- William G. Kaelin Jr., Sir Peter J. the daughter cells)
Ratcliffe, Gregg L. Semenza 2019  Transcription
o How cells sense and adapt to  Chemical stability (so that the
oxygen availability stored information are not loss)
 Variations (capable of undergo
modification and their
CENTRAL DOGMA OF MOLECULAR combination so that it can
BIOLOGY contribute to adaptation leading to
- Genetic material- substance that stores evolution of living organisms)
information about structure function and
development of various characteristics of CENTRAL DOGMA: DNA TO RNA TO
a living organisms PROTEIN

o It is responsible for the transmission 1. The DNA produces exact copies of

of genetic information for all the itself by the process of replication as
characteristics of living beings from it can only be synthesized from any
parents to progeny other molecules.
2. The genetic information and DNA is
o Following the rediscovery of transferred to RNA by the process of
Mendel’s laws, geneticists where is transcription.
able to conclude that: 3. Then the RNA translates it to form
 Organisms characters are proteins by the process of
controlled by genes. translation.
 Genes are able to reproduce The MRNA burst the genetic code appear
themselves or replicate without from DNA translate it into the amino acid
losing their information. sequences by polypeptide chain with the
 Genes are arranged on the help of TRNA and RRNA and synthesize
chromosome in a linear function. proteins.
 Genes are transmitted from
parents to offspring generation Thus, the transfer of genetic information
after generation almost unaltered. from DNA to RNA and the proteins is called
o Major characteristics of genetic the CENTRAL DOGMA OF
 Storage of genetic information
(structure, function, development **in later years it has been proved that the
DNA can enzymatically replicate itself by
DNA polymerase and RNA to DNA by  which contains the blueprint for
reverse transcriptase constructing a living organism, is the
center piece for research and clinical
BIOLOGY – the process by which the
instruction in DNA are converted into a  DNA is the information molecule.
multifunctional product.
 It stores instructions for making other
large molecules, called proteins.

 These instructions are stored inside

each of your cells, distributed among
46 long structures called

 These chromosomes are made up of

thousands of shorter segments of
DNA, called genes.

 Each gene stores the directions for

making protein fragments, whole
proteins, or multiple specific proteins.

 Molecular biology has historically traced

its beginnings to the first description of
the structure of DNA by James Watson
and Francis Crick in 1953.

 The description of the DNA structure

initiated the dramatic increase in the
knowledge of the biology and chemistry
of our genetic machinery.

DNA STRUCTURE AND  The impact of the Watson and Crick
discovery was so significant that it is
FUNCTION considered one of the most important
scientific discoveries of the 20th century.
 In 1909, Russian-American biochemist
Phoebus Levene

 identified the 5-carbon sugar ribose

as part of some nucleic acids

 In 1929, he discovered a similar

sugar— deoxyribose —in other
nucleic acids.

 He had revealed a major chemical

distinction between RNA and

RNA has ribose, and DNA has

deoxyribose. Levene then
discovered that the three parts of
a nucleic acid, these are: 1. Five - carbon sugars
 Sugar
 Nitrogen-containing base
 Phosphorus containing  Nucleotide subunits of RNA contain a
component. pentose (five-carbon) sugar called

 Nucleotide subunits of DNA contain

the sugar deoxyribose.

 The five carbon atoms in each pentose
sugar are assigned numbers 1’ through

 Primes are used in the numbering of the

ring positions in the sugars to
differentiate them from the ring positions
of the bases.

 Both sugars have an oxygen as a

member of the five-member ri
ng; the 5’carbon is outside the ring.
 The sugars differ only in the presence or are easily broken by enzymatic
absence (“deoxy”) of an oxygen in the hydrolysis.

 This minor distinction between RNA  The negatively charged phosphates are
and DNA dramatically influences their extremely insoluble in lipids, which
function. ensures the retention of nucleic acids
within the cell or nuclear membrane.
 The remarkable versatility of RNA is
critically dependent on these 2’-hydroxyl COMPOSITION OF DNA
 The DNA double helix is an icon for
modern biology; a form represented
2. Nitrogenous bases
from art galleries to corporate logos.
 As their name suggests, the bases are  The structure of DNA is certainly
nitrogen-containing molecules having the aesthetically pleasing but is relatively
chemical properties of a base (a meaningless without an understanding
substance that accepts an H+ ion or of how it relates to function.
proton in solution).
 Likewise, function cannot truly be
NOTE! understood without knowledge of
 Two of the bases, adenine (A) and structure.
guanine (G) have a double carbon–
nitrogen ring structure; these are called

 The other three bases, thymine (T),

cytosine (C), and uracil (U) have a single
ring structure; these are called

3. The phosphate functional group

 The phosphate functional group (PO4)

gives DNA and RNA the property of an
acid (a substance that releases an H+ ion
or proton in solution) at physiological
pH, hence the name “nucleic acid.”

 The linking bonds that are formed from NUCLEOSIDES AND NUCLEOTIDES
phosphates are esters that have the
additional property of being stable yet

1. In the first reaction, each base is  A nucleotide contains adenine.

chemically linked to one molecule of  T nucleotide contains thymine.
sugar at the 1’-carbon of the sugar,  G nucleotide contains guanine.
forming a compound called a nucleoside.  C nucleotide contains cytosine.

2. When a phosphate group is also attached

to the 5’-carbon of the same sugar, the NOTE!
nucleoside becomes a nucleotide.
3. Finally, nucleotides are joined  All four of these nucleobases are
(polymerized) by condensation reactions relatively complex molecules, with the
to form a chain. The hydroxyl group on unifying feature that they all tend to have
the 3’-carbon of a sugar of one multiple nitrogen atoms in their
nucleotide forms an ester bond to the
phosphate of another nucleotide,
 For this reason, nucleobases are often
eliminating a molecule of water.
also called nitrogenous bases.
This chemical bond linking the sugar
components of adjacent nucleotides is SIGNIFICANCE OF 5’ AND 3’
called a phosphodiester bond, or 5’ - 3’
phosphodiester bond, indicating the
 The ends of a DNA or RNA chain are
polarity of the strand.
distinct and have different chemical
properties. The two ends are designated oxygen) all the way to 5’ (“five
by the symbols 5’ and 3’. prime”), identifying the carbon that
sticks off the fourth and final carbon
 The symbol 5’refers to the carbon in the deoxyribose ring.
in the sugar to which a phosphate
(PO4) functional group is attached.

 The symbol 3’ refers to the carbon

in the sugar ring to which a
hydroxyl (OH) functional group is


 The asymmetry of the ends of a DNA

strand implies that each strand has a
polarity determined by which end
bears the 5′-phosphate and which end
bears the 3′-hydroxyl group.

 This 5′ → 3′ directionality of a
nucleic acid strand is an extremely
important property of the molecule.

 Understanding this directionality

(polarity) is critical for understanding
aspects of replication and
transcription, for reading a DNA
sequence, and for carrying out
experiments in the lab.

 In order to keep things organized,

biochemists have developed a
numbering system for talking about  A diagram showing the carbons on the
the molecular structure of nucleotides. ribose ring numbered.

 These numbers are applied to the  The phosphate group is attached to the 5'
carbon atoms in the sugar, starting at carbon. The -OH group is attached to the
the carbon immediately to the right of 3' carbon and the base is attached to the
the oxygen in the deoxyribose ring, 1' carbon.
and continuing in a clockwise fashion:
the numbers range from 1’ (“one
prime”), identifying the carbon
immediately to the right of the
 The phosphodiester bonds that join one
DNA nucleotide to another always link
the 3’ carbon of the first nucleotide to the
5’ carbon of the second nucleotide.
 This forms a covalent bond between the DNA REPLICATION
oxygen sticking off the 3’ carbon of the
 DNA synthesis proceeds in the 5 to 3
first nucleotide, and the phosphorous direction, DNA polymerase, the enzyme
atom in the phosphate group that sticks responsible for polymerizing the
off the 5’ carbon of the second nucleotides, uses a guide, or template, to
nucleotide. These bonds are called 3’-5’ determine which nucleotides to add.
phosphodiester bonds.
 The enzyme reads the template in the 3
to 5 direction.
 Each time nucleotides are bound
together, a water molecule is removed (or  The resulting double strand, then, will
“lost”) through a process have a parent strand in one orientation
called dehydration synthesis.  and a newly synthesized strand oriented
in the opposite orientation.

 Each cell division cell must copy its

 Many molecules rely on dehydration entire DNA.
synthesis to assist with forming  So each daughter cell gets a complete
polymers. copy



1. Semiconservative

2. conservative, with one double helix

specifying creation of a second double
helix, and

3. dispersive, with a double helix

shattering into pieces that would join
with newly synthesized DNA pieces
to form two molecules.
hundreds of points along its length, and
the pieces join.
REPLICATION  A site where DNA is locally opened
resembling a fork, is called a replication
 Predicted by Watson and Crick; It is the fork.
key to maintain the sequence of the
nucleotides in DNA through new Note!
generations. Ligase comes from the Latin word meaning
“to tie”.
 Every cell in a multicellular organism or
in a clonal population of unicellular  This replication process can be observed
organisms carries the same genetic by ELECTRON MICROSCOPY as a
 It is important that this information, in
the form of the DNA sequence, be  OKAZAKI FRAGMENT, small pieces
transferred faithfully at every cell of DNA about 1000 bases in length.

 The replication apparatus is designed to DNA REPLICATION PROCESS

copy the DNA strands in an orderly way
with minimal errors before each cell 1. DNA replication occurs during S
division. PHASE of the cell cycle.

 A few years after solution of the double 2. When DNA replicates, it unwinds,
helix, the mechanism of breaks, builds a new nucleotide chain,
semiconservative replication was and mends Enzymes called helicases
demonstrated by Matthew Meselson and unwind and hold apart replicating DNA,
Franklin Stahl using the technique of enabling other enzymes to guide the
equilibrium density centrifugation on a assembly of a new DNA strand.
cesium gradient.
3. DNA replication begins when a helicase
 The order of nucleotides is maintained breaks the hydrogen bonds that connect a
because each strand of the parent double base pair. Binding proteins hold the two
helix is the template for a newly strands apart.
replicated strand.
Another enzyme, primase, then attracts
 Human DNA replicates about 50 bases complementary RNA nucleotides to
per second. build a short piece of RNA, called an
RNA primer, at the start of each segment
of DNA to be replicated.
 To get the job done, a human
chromosome replicates simultaneously at
The RNA primer is required because the
major replication enzyme, DNA 9. DNA polymerase also “proofreads” as it
polymerase (DNAP), can only add bases goes, excising mismatched bases and
to an existing nucleic acid strand. inserting correct ones.

4. The RNA primer attracts DNAP, which It also removes the RNA primer and
brings in DNA nucleotides replaces it with the correct DNA bases.
complementary to the exposed bases on
the parental strand; this strand serves as a Yet another enzyme, called an annealing
mold, or template. New bases are added helicase, rewinds any sections of the
one at a time, starting at the RNA primer. DNA molecule that remain unwound.

5. The new DNA strand grows as hydrogen 10.Finally, ligases seal the entire sugar-
bonds form between the complementary phosphate backbone.
bases. The nucleotides are abundant in
cells and are synthesized from dietary

6. DNAP works directionally, adding new

nucleotides to the exposed 3 ′ end of the
sugar in the growing strand.

Overall, replication proceeds in a 5 ′ to 3

′ direction, because this is the only
chemical configuration in which DNAP
can add bases.

7. Next, an enzyme called a ligase then

seals the sugar- phosphate backbones of
the pieces, building the new strand.
These pieces, up to 150 nucleotides long,
are called Okazaki fragments, after their

8. DNA polymerase also “proofreads” as it

goes, excising mismatched bases and
inserting correct ones. It also removes the
RNA primer and replaces it with the
correct DNA bases. LESSON 2C:
Yet another enzyme, called an annealing
helicase, rewinds any sections of the METABOLIZE DNA
DNA molecule that remain unwound.
RESTRICTION ENZYMES  An example of a type I enzyme is EcoK
from E. coli K 12. It recognizes the site:
 These are endonucleases that recognize 5-ACNNNNNNGTGCTGNN
specific base sequences and break or N N N N C A C G - 5 where N
restrict the DNA polymer at the sugar- represents nonspecific nucleotides and
phosphate backbone. the adenine residues (A) are methylated.

 These enzymes were originally isolated TYPE II RESTRICTION ENZYMES

from bacteria where they function as part
of a primitive defense system to cleave  Are those used most frequently in the
foreign DNA entering the bacterial cell. laboratory.

 These enzymes do not have inherent

 The ability of the cell to recognize methylation activity in the same
foreign DNA depended on both DNA molecule as the nuclease activity.
sequence recognition and methylation.

 Restriction enzymes are named for the

 They bind as simple dimers to their
organism from which they were isolated.
symmetrical DNA recognition sites.

 Example, BamHI was isolated from

 These sites are palindromic in nature;
Bacillus amyloliquefaciens
that is, they read the same 5 to 3 on both
strands of the DNA, referred to as
TYPE I RESTRICTION ENZYMES bilateral symmetry.

 Have both nuclease and methylase

activity in a single enzyme.
 Resemble type I enzymes in their ability
 They bind to host-specific DNA sites of
to both methylate and restrict (cut) DNA.
4–6 bp separated by 6–8 bp and
containing methylated adenines.
 Like type I, they are complex enzymes
with two subunits.
 The site of cleavage of the DNA
substrate can be over 1000 bp from this
 Recognition sites for these enzymes are
binding site.
asymmetrical, and the cleavage of the
substrate DNA occurs 24–26 bp from the
site to the 3 side.
 An example of a type III enzyme is  degrades single-stranded DNA from the
HinfIII from H. influenzae. 3 hydroxyl end, producing
 Its activity is optimal on long single-
 It recognizes the site: 5 - C G A A T G C stranded ends, slowing significantly as it
T T A - 5 where the adenine methylation approaches a double-stranded region.
occurs on only one strand.

DNA LIGASE  removes 5 mononucleotides from the 3

end of double- stranded DNA in the
 catalyzes the formation of a presence of Mg2 and Mn.
phosphodiester bond between adjacent 3-
hydroxyl and 5-phosphoryl nucleotide  It also has some endonuclease activity,
ends. Its existence was predicted by the cutting DNA at apurinic sites.
observation of replication,
recombination, and repair activities in  Exo III removes nucleotides from blunt
vivo. ends, recessed ends, and nicks, but will
not digest 3 overhangs.

 Exo III has been used in the research

setting to create nested deletions in
double-stranded DNA or to produce
single- stranded DNA for dideoxy


 digests single-stranded DNA from either
the 5 phosphate or 3 hydroxyl end.
 Degrade DNA from free 3 hydroxyl or 5
phosphate ends.  It is one of the few enzymes with 5
exonuclease activity.
 Exo VII can be employed to remove long  It has some endonuclease activity on
single strands protruding from double- duplex DNA, generating short fragments,
stranded DNA. or oligonucleotides.

NUCLEASE Bal31 FROM Alteromonas
 Digests single- and doublestranded DNA
and RNA at AT- or AU-rich regions.
 can degrade single- and double-stranded
DNA from both ends.  Although this enzyme can digest duplex
DNA, it prefers single-stranded
 Because its activity at 20oC is slow substrates.
enough to control with good resolution, it
has been used extensively in research
applications to make nested deletions in
 It is used in the laboratory to remove
nucleic acid from crude extracts and also
for analysis of chromatin structure.

S1 NUCLEASE FROM Aspergillus

FROM bovine pancreas
 It hydrolyzes single-stranded DNA or
RNA into 5 mononucleotides.  Digests single-and double-stranded DNA
at pyrimidines to
 It also has endonuclease capability to oligodeoxyribonucleotides; so,
hydrolyze single-stranded regions such technically, it is an endonuclease.
as gaps and loops in duplex DNA.
 It is used in both research and clinical
laboratories to remove DNA from RNA
 It was used extensively in early RNAse preparations.
protection assays of gene expression. It is
also used for nuclease mapping
techniques.  DNAse I has also been used to detect
exposed regions of DNA in DNA protein
binding experiments.
 It digests DNA from either the 3
hydroxyl or the 5 phosphate ends.  Release of DNA for transcription,
replication, and recombination without
tangling is brought about through cutting for the specific methylation patterns
and reclosing of the DNA sugar- in differentiated cells
phosphate backbone.

 These functions are carried out by a

series of enzymes called helicases.


 catalyze the addition of methyl groups

to nitrogen bases, usually cytosine in
DNA strands.

 Most prokaryotic DNA is methylated,

or hemimethylated (methylated on
one strand of the double helix and not
the other), as a means to differentiate
host DNA from nonhost and to
provide resistance to restriction

 Unlike prokaryotic DNA, eukaryotic

DNA is methylated in specific LESSON 3A:
 In eukaryotes, DNA binding proteins RIBONUCLEIC ACID
may limit accessibility or guide BIOCHEMISTRY
methyltransferases to specific regions
of the DNA.
 It is a polymer of nucleotides similar to
 It differs from DNA in the sugar
1. Maintenance Methyltransferase moieties, having ribose instead of
 work throughout the life of the cell deoxyribose and, in one nitrogen base
and methylate hemimethylated DNA. component, having uracil instead of
thymine (thymine is 5-methyl uracil).
2. De nove Methyltransferase  Furthermore, RNA is synthesized as a
 work only during embryonic single strand rather than as a double
development and may be responsible helix.
 Although RNA strands do not have  Carries the genetic information from
complementary partner strands, they are DNA and is used as a template for
not completely single-stranded. protein synthesis.
 Through internal homologies, RNA  Most mRNAs are 500 to 4,500 bases
species fold and loop upon themselves to long.
take on as much of a double-stranded  Each three mRNA bases in a row form a
character as possible. genetic code word, or codon.
 RNA can also pair with complementary  Polycistronic – coding more than one
single strands of DNA or RNA and form protein on the same mRNA; most
a double helix. prokaryotes are Polycistronic.
 There are several types of RNAs found in  Monocistronic – coding one protein on
the cell. the same mRNA; most Eukaryotes are
 Ribosomal RNA, messenger RNA, monocistronic.
transfer RNA, and small nuclear RNAs
have distinct cellular functions.
 RNA is copied, or transcribed, from


• Double Stranded Single strands 1. Polyadenylation
• Base- Thymine • Base- Uracil
• Sugar- Deoxyribose • Sugar- Ribose  Study of mRNA in eukaryotes was
• Cannot function as • Can function as facilitated by the discovery that most
enzyme enzyme messengers carry a sequence of
polyadenylic acid at the 3-terminus, the
 In the synthesis of protein there three poly(A) tail.
types of RNA that participate and that  The run of adenines was first discovered
play different roles: by hydrogen bonding of mRNA to
polydeoxythymine on poly(dT) cellulose.
 4 Polyuridine or polythymine residues
covalently attached to cellulose or
I. MESSENGER RNA (mRNA) sepharose substrates are often used to
specifically isolate mRNA in the
 The poly(A) tail is not coded in genomic
 It is added to the RNA after synthesis of  In some cases, 2O-methylation occurs
the pre-mRNA. not only on the first but also on the
 A protein complex recognizes the RNA second nucleotide from the cap.
sequence, AAUAAA, and cleaves the  Other caps methylate the first three
RNA chain 11–30 bases 3 to that site. nucleotides of the RNA molecule.
 The enzyme that cuts pre-mRNA in
advance of polyadenylation has not been 3. Splicing
identified. Recent studies suggest that a
component of the protein complex  Prokaryotic structural genes contain
related to the system that is responsible uninterrupted lengths of open reading
for removing the 3 extension from pre- frame, sequences that code for amino
transfer RNAs may also be involved in acids.
generation of the 3 ends on mRNA.  In contrast, eukaryotic coding regions are
 The enzyme polyadenylate polymerase is interrupted with long stretches of
responsible for adding the adenines to the noncoding DNA sequences called
end of the transcript. introns.
 A run of up to 200 nucleotides of  Newly transcribed mRNA, heteronuclear
poly(A) is typically found on mRNA in RNA (hnRNA), is much larger than
mammalian cells. mature mRNA because it still contains
the intervening sequences.

2. Capping  Labeling studies demonstrated that the

hnRNA is capped and tailed and that
 Capping occurs after initiation of these modifications survive the transition
transcription, catalyzed by the enzyme from hnRNA to mRNA, which is simply
guanylyl transferase. a process of removing the intervening
 Eukaryotic mRNA is blocked at the 5- sequences from the hnRNA.
terminus by an unusual 5-5
pyrophosphate bridge to a methylated  Introns are removed from hnRNA by
guanosine. splicing.
 The structure is called a CAP. The cap is
a 5-5 pyrophosphate linkage of 7-methyl  The remaining sequences that code for
guanosine to either 2 O-methyl guanine the protein product are exons.
or 2 O-methyl adenine of the mRNA, 7-
methylG5 ppp 5 G or A 2 O-methyl
 Splicing may be important for timing of
pNpNpNp where p represents a
translation of mRNA in the cytoplasm,
phosphate group, N represents any
although it is not necessarily required as
cloned genes synthesized in vitro without
 The cap confers a protective function as introns are expressed in eukaryotic cells.
well as serves as a recognition signal for
the translational apparatus.
 Introns may have evolved as a means of
 Caps differ with respect to the
increasing recombination frequency
methylation of the end nucleotide of the
within genes as well as between genes.
folding the tRNA into loops in a
 The discontinuous nature of eukaryotic characteristic cloverleaf shape.
genes may also protect the coding  One loop of the tRNA has three bases in
regions from genetic damage by toxins or a row that form the anticodon, which is
radiation. complementary to an mRNA codon.
 The end of the tRNA opposite the
II. RIBOSOMAL RNA (rRNA) anticodon strongly bonds to a specific
amino acid.
 Major constituent of the cellular particles  A tRNA with a particular anticodon
called ribosomes on which protein sequence always carries the same amino
synthesis takes place. acid.
 It compromises 80-90% of the total  For example, a tRNA with the anticodon
cellular RNA. sequence GAA always picks up the
 Sedimentation coefficient (S) amino acid phenylalanine.
 Various types of ribosomal RNA are  Enzymes attach amino acids to tRNAs
named for their sedimentation coefficient that bear the appropriate anticodons,
in density gradient centrifugation. where they form chemical bonds.
 (rRNA) molecules range from 100 to
nearly 3,000 nucleotides long. MICRO RNAs (miRNA)

 In prokaryotes there are three rRNA  These are tiny regulatory RNAs; 21-25 nt
species, these are: in length.
A. 16S- found in the ribosome small subunit  Derived from endogenous RNA hairpin
B. 23S- found in the ribosome large subunit structures.
C. 5S- found in the ribosome large subunit  Caenorhabditis elegans- the worm in
which the micro-RNA was discovered.
 In eukaryotes, rRNA is copied from
DNA as a single 45S precursor RNA
that is highly processed into: SMALL NUCLEAR RNA
A. 18S- found in the ribosome small subunit
B. 5.8S-found in the large subunit  Another type of cellular RNA is the
C. 28S- found in the large subunit small nuclear RNA (snRNA), which
functions in splicing (removal of introns
III. TRANSFER RNA (tRNA) from freshly transcribed RNA) in
eukaryotes. Small nuclear RNA stays in
 Incorporates a particular amino acid the nucleus after its transcription by
subunit into the growing protein when it RNA polymerase I or III.
recognizes a specific group of three  Small nuclear RNAs from eukaryotic
adjacent bases in the mRNA. cells sediment in a range of 6-8S.
 Binds an mRNA codon at one end and a  Small nuclear RNAs serve mostly a
specific amino acid at the other. structural role in the processing of
 A tRNA molecule is only 75 to 80 mRNA.
nucleotides long. Some of its bases form
weak chemical bonds with each other, OTHER SMALL RNAs
 Since the late 1990s a growing variety of
small RNAs (sRNA) have been described
in prokaryotes and eukaryotes, including
tiny noncoding RNAs (tncRNA, 20- 22
b), small modulatory RNA (smRNA, 21-
23b), small nucleolar RNAs (snoRNA),
tmRNA26 and others.
 In addition to RNA synthesis and LESSON 3B:
processing, these molecules influence RNA MATABOLISM
numerous cellular processes, including
plasmid replication, bacteriophage ENZYMES AND
development, chromosome structure, and REGULATION OF
 These small untranslated RNA
molecules have been termed sRNAs in
bacteria and noncoding RNAs (ncRNAs)
in eukaryotes.
 Catalyzes RNA synthesis.
 One multi-subunit prokaryotic enzyme is
responsible for the synthesis of all types
of RNA in the prokaryotic cell.
 Eukaryotes have three different RNA
polymerase enzymes.

1. DNA - dependent RNA polymerases

require a DNA template.
2. RNA - dependent RNA polymerases
require an RNA template.

 In prokaryotes, all types of RNA are

synthesized by a single RNA


 Ribonucleases degrade RNA in a manner

similar to the degradation of DNA by
 An endoribonuclease, cleavage, and
polyadenylation specific factor (CPSF)
are required for proper termination of transcription at specific sites on
RNA synthesis. chromosomes.
 32,33 Along with RNA polymerase II  Transcription factors include regions
subunits and other proteins, this enzyme called binding domains that guide them
cuts the nascent RNA transcript before to the genes they control. The DNA
addition of the polyA tail by poly A binding domains have very colorful
polymerase. names, such as “helix turn-helix,” “zinc
fingers,” and “leucine zippers,” that
RNA HELICASES reflect their distinctive shapes.

 RNA helicases catalyze the unwinding of Two types of factors are responsible for
double stranded RNA. regulation of RNA synthesis:
 RNA synthesis and processing require
the activity of helicases.  cis factors - are DNA sequences that
 These enzymes have been characterized mark places on the DNA involved in
in prokaryotic and eukaryotic organisms. the initiation and control of RNA
 Some RNA helicases work exclusively synthesis.
on RNA. Others can work on DNA:RNA
heteroduplexes and DNA substrates.
 Evidence suggests that transcription =For transcription to occur, several proteins
takes place at discreet stations of the must assemble at the gene’s transcription
nucleus into which the DNA molecules initiation site including specific and general
move. One of these sites, the nucleolus, transcription factors and the RNA
is the location of ribosomal RNA polymerase complex.
 trans factors- are proteins that bind to
REGULATION OF TRANSCRIPTION the cis sequences and direct the assembly
of transcription complexes at the proper
Transcription Factors gene.

 1961- when French biologists François Steps of Transcription

Jacob and Jacques Monod described
the remarkable ability of E. coli bacteria Transcription is described in three steps:
to produce the enzymes to metabolize the 1. Initiation
sugar lactose—but only when lactose is 2. Elongation
in the cell’s surroundings. Jacob and 3. Termination
Monod discovered that a modified form 5
of lactose “turned on” the genes whose Transcription Initiation
encoded proteins break it down.
 Transcription factors and RNA
 To manage this, groups of proteins called polymerase are attracted to a promoter,
transcription factors come together, which is a special sequence that signals
forming an apparatus that binds DNA at the start of the gene.
certain sequences and initiates
 The first transcription factor to bind,
called a TATA binding protein, is  It is the ending of transcription and
chemically attracted to a DNA sequence occurs when RNA polymerase crosses a
called a TATA box—the base sequence stop sequence in the gene. The mRNA
TATA surrounded by long stretches of G strand is complete, and it detaches from
and C. DNA.
 Once the first transcription factor binds,
it attracts others in groups. Finally, RNA Two Major Termination Strategies
polymerase joins the complex, binding Found in Bacteria:
just in front of the start of the gene 1. Rho-dependent termination
sequence. 2. Rho-independent termination

Setting the Stage for Transcription to begin: Rho-dependent Termination

1. Proteins that initiate transcription  In Rho-dependent termination, the

recognize specific sequences in the promoter RNA contains a binding site for a
region of a gene. protein called Rho factor.
2. A binding protein recognizes the TATA  Rho factor binds to this sequence and
region and binds to the DNA. This allows starts “climbing” up the transcript
other transcription factors to bind. towards RNA polymerase.
3. The bound transcription factors form a  When it catches up with the
pocket that allows RNA polymerase to bind polymerase at the transcription
and begin making RNA. bubble, Rho pulls the RNA transcript
and the template DNA strand apart,
Transcription Elongation releasing the RNA molecule and
ending transcription.
 Enzymes unwind the DNA double helix  Another sequence found later in the
locally, and free RNA nucleotides bond DNA, called the transcription stop
with exposed complementary bases on point, causes RNA polymerase to
the DNA template strand. pause and thus helps Rho catch up.
 RNA polymerase adds the RNA
nucleotides in the sequence the DNA
specifies, moving along the DNA strand
in a 3 ′ to 5 ′ direction, synthesizing the
RNA molecule in a 5 ′ to 3 ′ direction.
 A terminator sequence in the DNA
indicates where the gene’s RNA-
encoding region ends.
 When this spot is reached, the third stage, Rho-independent Termination
transcription termination, occurs.
➢ A typical rate of transcription in humans  Rho-independent termination depends on
is 20 bases per second. specific sequences in the DNA template
Transcription Termination
 As the RNA polymerase approaches the  Sample Compartment – the led
end of the gene being transcribed, it hits opens and closes to insert sample
a region rich in C and G nucleotides. inside
 The RNA transcribed from this region  Wavelength Control Knob – to
folds back on itself, and the change wavelength
complementary C and G nucleotides bind
 Zero Control Knob – left
 Transmittance/Absorbance Control
 The result is a stable hairpin that causes
the polymerase to stall. Knob – right
 Mode select button – transmittance,
absorbance, concentration, factor
Getting Started: Cuvettes and Solutions

To begin using, you have to have your

samples ready,

1. Prepare a blank solution, the blank

solution has everything in it except
for the molecule or compound you
wish to measure.
2. You should have a tube which
contains a sample which you want to
When taking readings, its best to use the
transmittance. (Select “Transmittance”
before making adjustments)


1. Use the wavelength control knob to

select the desired wavelength.
2. Use the Zero Control Knob to set the
transmittance to 0.0%
3. Open the sample compartment
4. Put the blank solution cuvette in
(always wipe the button of cuvette
before inserting to make sure nothing
interferes the reading). Notice the
vertical line on the cuvette, match up
this line with the mark at the front
Parts of Spectrophotometer edge of the sample compartment.
5. Use the transmittance/absorbance - It’s function depends on the physical
control Knob to set the Transmittance properties of the molecule being
to 100.0% measured.
- Visible light of a specific wavelength is
passed through a solution inside the
Taking measurements machine.
- The light strikes molecules in the
- Once you finish the calibration, you can solution:
take the Blank Solution cuvette out.
 Some of the light is absorbed by
- Now you can put the Sample Solution those molecules
cuvette in to take a measurement. Be sure
 Some of the light is reflected or not
to align the marks.
- Push mode select to read absorbance
- Only use transmittance and absorbance The spectrophotometry directly measures
- When you remove your sample, the how much of the light passed through a
transmittance should return to 0.0% sample and it’s either absorb or
- You can take as many readings at the transmitted (not absorbed).
same wavelength as you want by simply
Visible light
changing the Sample cuvettes.
*** Recalibrate every time you change the Light is a form of radiant energy. There has
wavelength. to be a source of radiation In order for us to
perceive it. The sun, light bulbs, LEDs,
lasers, etc. are all examples of common light
sources. Each color of light is radiation of a
specific wavelength.

Electeomagnetic Spectrum
A visible light is a very tiny fraction of the
entire spectrum of radiation.

- Used to determine the quantity of a Normal measurement 400-750nm

specific molecule present in a solution.
- Less than 400nm is considered as
How does it work? “ultraviolet” radiation.
- More than 750nm is considered as The amount of that wavelength of light that
“infrared” radiation. passes through is measured directly. Scales
- Energy increases as wavelength ranges form 0% - 100%.
 Absorbance:
The amount of light absorbed by the sample
White light is a combination of all colors of ( calculated based on % transmittance).
Scales ranges from 0 to infinite.
Effect of a “prism” or diffraction grating on (Absorbance has no units)
white light is:
***High % of transmittance = Low
- Each wavelength of light will travel absorbance and vice versa
through the prism at a different angle
- Each wavelength of light will exit the
prism separated from each other. FACTORS THAT AFFECT
The color that something appears depends MEASUREMENTS
on what pigments they contain.
1. Colored Molecules – the molecules must
Pigments are molecules that absorb specific have some kind of color to work. If a
wavelength of visible light. molecule does not strongly absorb any
wavelength of visible light it will appear
A red flower appears only red because it clear in solution. It can not be
absorbs all colors of light except for red. measured…
Unless we add an “indicator”
Thus, Its pigment strongly absorbs All other
colors of light that reflects red light. Indicator change colors upon reaction
***Thus whatever color something with a colorless molecule.
appears to us that is the color it absorbs The indicator can allow us to
the least. indirectly obtain a measurement.

Using prism, one specific wavelength 2. Concentration – there must not be too
(color) of light can be passed trough much or too little of the molecule in the
sample. sample. The spectrophotometer has
detection limits.
 Percent Transmittance:
3. Light Path - the distance the light passes
through a sample affect the
measurement. Use a cuvette with specific  Start by measuring in 100nm
diameter or thickness. increments: (400, 500, 600,
4. Calibration - you must calibrate the 700nm)
spectrophotometer using a blank solution  Find the two wavelengths with
reference before taking measurements. the highest absorbance values
 A blank contains everything that is in  Measure in smaller increments
your sample tube except the molecule between those two wavelengths
you are measuring.  Example: if 600 and 700nm are
 You must recalibrate the the highest, also take readings at
spectrophotometer every time you set 620, 640, 660 and 680nm
it to a different wavelengths.
 Detection limit of the 2. Create a standard curve
spectrophotometer - you can not  Make a series of solutions (5 or
obtain readings at concentrations that more)
are too low or too high.  Each solution containing a known
 You may have to calculate the concentration of the molecule of interest
absorbance at very low %  Each solution of a different concentration
transmittance readings. ranging from low to high
 You may have to dilute your sample  Make each concentration a fraction of the
further if it is too concentrated to max (high) concentration
measure.  Example : if your high concentration is
0.10mg/mL then make series of known
SPECTROPHOTOMETER ANALYSIS solutions containing 0.02, 0.04, 0.06,
0.08 and 0.10 mg/mL
To measure the concentration of a specific  Use your absorbance profile to select the
molecule: best wavelength to measure at calibrate
the spectrophotometer using a proper
1. Create an observance profile of that
blank solution measure the %
transmittance and absorbance of each
 Make a solution containing a known
known concentration.
concentration of the molecule of
 Create a line graph of absorbance vs.
 The solution should be only
slightly tinted in color. *** use this data to determine the
 Calibrate the spectrophotometer concentration of each sample.
using a proper blank solution
3. Set the spectrophotometer to the
 Measure the % transmittance and
optimum absorbance wavelength from
absorbance of this one known
your absorbance profile.
solution at different wavelengths
4. Measure the observance of your sample
between 400 and 750 nm
5. Determine the concentration of each An absorbance spectrum is the plot of the
sample using standard curve. absorbance vs the wavelength of the incident


 Spectroscopy is the study of

electromagnetic radiation emitted or
absorbed by a given chemical species.
 Spectrophotometer an instrument that
measures the amount of light absorbed
by a substance. A transmittance spectrum is the plot of the
transmittance or %T versus the wavelength
l: the distance the light travels to the of the incident light.

I0: intensity of incident light

Beer-Lambert Law
I: intensity of the light after it has passed
through the sample. The absorbance can be expressed by the
beer lambert law.
Transmittance (T) is a measure of fraction of
light that passes through the sample. It is the A=Ex1xc
ratio between I and I0 A : is the absorbance of solution (no unit)
T = I/I0 E : is the molar absorptivity or the molar
The percent transmittance (%T) could also extinction coefficient (in L/,
be used : %T = T x 100 l : is the distance the light travels through
The absorbance (A) is the amount of light the solution (in cm)
absorbed by the sample. c : is the concentration of absorbing species
A = -log T = -log I/I0 (in mol/L)

The absorbance can also be given in terms

of the percentage transmittance. ELECTROPHORESIS
A = 2 -log (%T) Electrophoresis is the movement of
molecules by an electric current. This can
occur in solution, but it is practically done in
ABSORBANCE SPECTRUM a matrix to limit migration and contain the
migrating material. Electrophoresis is
routinely applied to the analysis of proteins  These matrices must be unaffected by
and nucleic acids. Each phosphate group on electrophoresis, simple to prepare and
a DNA polymer is ionized, making DNA a amenable to modification.
negatively charged molecule. Under an  Agarose and polyacrylamide are
electric current, DNA will migrate toward polymers that meet these criteria.
the positive pole (anode). When DNA is AGAROSE GEL
applied to a macromolecular cage such as
agarose or polyacrylamide, its migration  Agarose is a polysaccharide polymer
under the pull of the current is impeded, extracted from seaweed.
depending on the size of the DNA and the  It is a component of agar used in
spaces in the gel. Because each nucleotide bacterial culture dishes.
has one negative charge, the charge-to-mass  Agarose is a linear polymer of
ratio of molecules of different sizes will agarobiose, which consists of 1,3-
linked--D-galactopyranose and 1,4linked
remain constant. DNA fragments will
therefore migrate at speeds inversely related
 Hydrated agarose gels in various
to their size. Electrophoresis can be
concentrations, buffers, and sizes can be
performed in tubes, slab gels, or capillaries.
purchased ready for use.
Slab gel electrophoresis can have either a  Alternatively, agarose can be purchased
horizontal or vertical format. and stored in the laboratory in powdered
 For use, powdered agarose is suspended
in buffer, heated, and poured into a mold.
 The concentration of the agarose dictates
the size of the spaces in the gel and will,
therefore, be determined by the size of
DNA to be resolved (Table 5.1).
 Small pieces of DNA (50–500 bp) are
GEL SYSTEM resolved on more concentrated agarose
gels, e.g., 2%–3% (Fig. 5-3).
 Gel matrices provide resistance to the  Larger fragments of DNA (2000–50,000)
movement of molecules under the force are best resolved in lower agarose
of the electric current. concentrations, e.g., 0.5%–1%.
 They prevent diffusion and reduce  Agarose concentrations above 5% and
convection currents so that the separated below 0.5% are not practical.
molecules form a defined group, or  High-concentration agarose will impede
“band.” migration, whereas very low
 The gel can then serve as a support concentrations produce a weak gel with
medium for analysis of the separated limited integrity.
 Double-stranded DNA and RNA are  This slows and distorts the migration of
analyzed by native gel electrophoresis. the samples, reducing resolution and
 The relationship between size and speed smearing the bands.
of migration can be improved by
separating single-stranded nucleic acids;
however, both DNA and RNA favor the
double-stranded state.
 Unpaired, or denatured, DNA and RNA
must, therefore, be analyzed in
conditions that prevent the hydrogen
bonding between complementary
 These conditions are maintained through
a combination of formamide mixed with
the sample, urea mixed with the gel,
and/or heat-denaturing electrophoresis.
 The physical characteristics of the
agarose gel can be modified by altering
its polymer length and helical
 Several types of agarose are thus
available for specific applications.

 The resolving properties differ in these

preparations as well as the gelling

 Low-melting agarose is often used for re-

isolating resolved fragments from the
gel. Other agarose types give better
resolution of larger or smaller fragments.

 Modern agarose preparations are

sufficiently pure to avoid problems such
as electroendosmosis, a solvent flow
toward one of the electrodes, usually the
cathode (negative), in opposition to the
DNA or RNA migration.

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