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WARMER: Unscramble the

words. They are things you find

in any classroom.

1) Nep = ..…………………
2) Kobo = …………………..

3) Orbad = …………………..

4) Cheater = …………………..

5) Sdek = …………………..

6) Lurer = …………………..

7) Tudtens = …………………..

8) Preap = ………………….

9) Ceinpl = …………………

10)motercup = …..…………........

Every year, in the last week of the summer Answer the questions:
term, we have our photo taken. The last week
1) Which month is it?
of term is in July, so the weather is always
fine. We all dress in our best clothes and we
are usually on our best behaviour, although 2) What is the weather always like that day?
sometimes one or two students act up and do ………………………………………………………………………………
silly things! I never do! I am always good.
3) How do they dress? ………………………………………..
We stand in rows and this means that the tall 4) Do all the students behave well?
students stand at the back and the small
students stand at the front. There are
5) Where do the tall students stand?
twenty one students in our class, but not all
are present today. ………………………………………………………………………………

6) How many students are absent today?

Our teacher stands at the side of the class or
sometimes, she has a chair and sits down. ………………………………………………………………………………

7) Where does the teacher stand?

A photographer from town comes to the
school to take the photo. We usually have the ………………………………………………………………………………
same photographer. His name is Mr Jackson. 8) What does Mr Jackson ask them to do?
Mr Jackson lines us all up and gets us into our
correct place. Then, he says ‘Smile!’
9) Do they have usually have fun on ‘School
We always have fun on ‘School Photo Day’.
Photo Day?’ ………………………………………………………….

This is our class, 9A.

1 Here we are with

our teacher, Mrs

5 Hall. She is a great
teacher and we all
love her. Read the
2 1
1 descriptions of my
8 2
class mates and
0 1

write down the

numbers in the right

15 place. Then, describe
13 18
16 1
6 7

A) This is JOHN. He has got black hair and he G) This is LEONA. She is quite tall with short blond
wears glasses. He is laughing. He is number ___ hair. She is wearing a lilac T-shirt and she’s got her
hands behind her back. No.___
B) This is AMANDA. She has got long brown hair
and she is smiling. There is an apple on her T-shirt. H) This is GUS. He is short with short black hair.
She is number ___ He is wearing a light brown sweatshirt. He is
smiling. No. ___
C) This is LUKE. He is quite short. He has dark
brown hair and he is holding a football. No. ___ I) This is RHIANNA. She is wearing dungarees.
She is smiling and showing that she has got some
D) This is RENATA. She is tall and she has medium
teeth missing! She is wearing funky blue glasses!
brown hair. She is reading a book! No. ___
Cool! She is No. ___
E) This is MIA and her hair is wild! It’s ginger and
J) This is JANA. She is not happy because Mia is
she wears it in bunches. She is chewing gum –
popping chewing gum in her ear! She’s got long
actually blowing a bubble! So naughty! No.___
brown hair. No.___
F) This is ARTURS. He has got curly black hair. He
K) This is MELVIN. He’s tall with blond hair. He’s
is smiling and he’s got his hands behind his back.
really sweet and everybody likes him. He’s wearing
He‘s wearing a striped blue T-shirt and green
a pale blue jumper with a wide stripe on it. He is
trousers. He is No.___
No. ___
L) This is Jim. He is wearing a green and white cap Here are some ‘signal’ words and phrases
and a purple jacket. He is No. ___
L for the present simple tense. Uscramble
M) This is MARK. He’s a chunky lad! He’s wearing a
the letters.
pale blue sweatshirt with a white collar. He’s a got
a big grin as he’s always happy. No. ___ 1) tiesomems = …………………………….
N) This is POPPY. She is tall and slim. She’s wearing 2) revey yad =…………………………….
a yellow top. She is No. ___
3) ni het rimoing = ………………….
O) This is LONNY. He has got short curly blond 4) alluyus =………………
hair. He’s wearing a red hoodie. No. ___
5) cone ni a liewh =…………………
P) This is JACK. He gets into a lot of trouble! He’s
6) vener =
got short, dark blond hair and he’s putting his
tongue out! He’s got a ‘No.3’ on his T-shirt. No. ___ Rearrange the words to make sentences

Q) This is GINNY. She has got long auburn hair and in the present simple tense:
it’s tied back with a purple ribbon. She is student
No.__ A) always lunch Saturdays. makes Mum

for sphaghetti on
R) So, that leaves me! I am No.___ My name is
LIBBY. Write a description for me, please! B) I forget birthday my never mother’s

This is Libby. C) we morning classroom up line Every

She……………………………………………………………………………………… our outside
D) Christms Father sleigh in rides a
…………………………………………………………………………………………… E) morning for a the dog Every takes
………………………………………………………………………………………… dad walk.

Put the verbs into the present continuous or present simple tense as appropriate.

Mrs Hall ………………. (stand) beside us to have our photo taken. Sometimes she ………………. (sit) for

the photo. Mia ……………... (blow) chewing gum because she ……………….. (know) Mrs Hall ……………….

(not look). Renata ………………… (hold) a book and she ………………. (read) it! She ………………. (love)

reading and she usually ……………… (read) fiction. Jack ………………….. (put) his tongue out! He really

is a naughty boy and he always ……………. (seek) attention. Luke ……………… (hold) his football

because he ………………… (love) football and he …………………. (play) it every day after school. I

…………………. (fold) my arms, because sometimes I just ………………… (not know) what to do with

them! Most of us …………………… (smile) because we ……………….. (like) school and we usually

…………………… (get on) really well with each other. Do you ……………… (have) your class photo taken

every year, like us?

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