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3, MARCH 2014 521

A Low-Voltage Low-Power Wide-Tuning-Range

Hybrid Class-AB/Class-B VCO With Robust
Start-Up and High-Performance
To-Po Wang, Member, IEEE, and Yaon-Ming Yan

Abstract—This paper proposes a hybrid class-AB/class-B 110.8-dBc/Hz phase noise at 1-MHz offset from the carrier.
voltage-controlled oscillator (VCO) with low voltage, low power, To achieve a wide tuning range, a negative-transconductance
and a wide tuning range. The class-AB VCO core is designed to en- back-gate tuned technique is utilized [7]. The tuning topology
sure robust start-up of the class-B VCO core. Featuring a high-ef-
ficiency class-B VCO core, the combination of class-AB/class-B is combined with varied junction capacitance on the back-gate
VCO cores consumes low dc power. Based on the proposed archi- transistors. It achieves a tuning range of 10.5% with dc power
tecture, the fabricated 0.18- m CMOS VCO exhibits a measured consumption of 4.1 mW. Moreover, a 13-GHz VCO with dif-
tuning range of 25.6%. Operating at a low supply voltage of 0.75 V, ferential high- low-noise active inductors is presented in [10].
the hybrid class-AB/class-B VCO cores consume a low total dc The active inductors are constructed by using differential boot-
power of 2.4 mW. In this bias condition, the measured average
value of phase noise for all frequency ranges is 101.4 dBc/Hz at strapped inductors. Therefore, the factor of a 3.15-nH active
1-MHz offset from the carriers. Compared to recently published inductor at 13 GHz is higher than 60, leading to a low phase
wide-tuning range VCOs, the proposed hybrid class-AB/class-B noise of 105.25 dBc/Hz at 1-MHz offset from 12.72-GHz car-
VCO simultaneously achieves a low supply voltage, a low dc rier.
power dissipation, and wide tuning range, leading to a good To develop a robust start-up for a class-C VCO [12], an am-
figure-of-merit including the tuning range . In addition,
the theories for analyzing the VCO are given in detail, and the plitude feedback is adopted in [13]. The feedback loop is com-
mechanisms are validated by experiments. posed of a negative peak detector and a low-pass filter for ad-
justing a gate bias to control the oscillation amplitude. This de-
Index Terms—Class-AB/class-B, start-up, voltage-controlled os-
cillator (VCO). sign achieves improved noise performance and enhanced os-
cillation swing. In another work [14], class-C VCOs are com-
bined with dynamic bias to maximize the oscillation amplitude
I. INTRODUCTION for robust start-up. The negative feedback measures a common-
mode voltage of the bottom of the VCO’s cross-coupled pair,
and then sets the dc values of gate bias of the MOSFETs. In

D UE TO increased demands on high data-rate wireless

communication, the development of RF integrated cir-
cuits (RFICs) is focusing on higher frequency bands. For
[15], a class-B VCO is designed to start up a high-efficiency
class-C VCO. However, it requires a high 1.5-V supply voltage
and 18-mA current consumption for the 55-nm hybrid class-B/
fabricating RFICs, CMOS technology is one candidate because
class-C CMOS VCO, leading to a large dc power dissipation of
of the low supply voltage, low dc power, and high integration.
27 mW.
With reductions of CMOS sizes to the deep-submicrometer
In this paper, a hybrid class-AB/class-B VCO with robust
range, CMOS voltage-controlled oscillators (VCOs) with oper-
start-up and high-performance is proposed. The use
ation frequencies in the -band have been reported [1]–[11].
of a class-AB VCO core effectively alleviates the startup con-
In [1], a 12-GHz fully integrated cascode CMOS VCO
dition of a high-efficiency class-B VCO core. This approach
with a -enhancement circuit has been developed. The negative
relaxes the VCO start-up condition, allowing reduction of the
conductance circuit is implemented by using a cascode struc-
dc power dissipation. Furthermore, start-up conditions and
ture. Fabricated in 0.18- m CMOS, that VCO can be tuned
nonlinear formulas are derived for characterizing the hybrid
from 10.85 to 11.6 GHz, resulting in a 6.68% tuning range.
class-AB/class-B VCO.
While consuming 4.5 mA from a 1.8-V supply, the VCO has
This paper is organized as follows. In Section II, the proposed
VCO is introduced. The design considerations and nonlinear
Manuscript received September 08, 2013; revised December 31, 2013; ac- characterizations are described. Section III gives the experi-
cepted January 03, 2014. Date of publication January 23, 2014; date of cur-
rent version March 03, 2014. This work was supported in part by the National mental results. Finally, a conclusion is provided in Section IV.
Science Council under Contract NSC 101-2119-M-027-003, NSC 102-2623-E-
027-004-NU, and NSC 102-2119-M-027-002.
The authors are with the Department of Electronic Engineering and the Grad- II. PROPOSED VCO TOPOLOGY
uate Institute of Computer and Communication Engineering, National Taipei
University of Technology, Taipei 10608, Taiwan (e-mail:
A conventional -tank differential CMOS VCO composed
Color versions of one or more of the figures in this paper are available online
at of a negative conductance generated cross-coupled pair
Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/TMTT.2014.2300443 and a resonator is depicted in Fig. 1(a). The

0018-9480 © 2014 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission.
See for more information.

Fig. 1. Schematic of the: (a) regular differential cross-coupled VCO, (b) dif- Fig. 2. Schematic of the proposed hybrid class-AB/class-B VCO.
ferential Colpitts VCO with additional feedback from tanks to MOS gates, and
(c) regular class-C VCO.
channel noise factor of the MOSFET, is the parallel tank re-
continuous tuning varactors are adopted to adjust the VCO os- sistance at resonance, and is the feedback factor from the tank
cillating frequency. However, the quality factor of the integrated to the MOSFET source.
tank in Fig. 1(a) is poor due to a lossy silicon substrate. In From (1) and (3), it is observed that the lowest phase noise can
addition, due to stacking of the cross-coupled pair be achieved by setting equal to zero. This eliminates the feed-
and the tail current transistor, the supply voltage of the back capacitor connecting from the tank to the MOSFET
regular VCO has to be raised to increase the , and thus source. Moreover, the equivalent capacitance of the oscillator
overcome the severe start-up condition. Therefore, the dc power in (3) can be simplified to , making it easier to predict
dissipation of a regular VCO is considerable. the oscillation frequency. Considering the voltage gain of the
feedback path in Fig. 1(b) and (1), a high voltage gain can indeed
A. Class-AB, Class-B, and Class-C VCO Cores perform low phase noise. In [21], a positive feedback network
was applied to a 40-GHz low-noise amplifier (LNA) to boost
In order to overcome these difficulties, Colpitts-based
the gain of the first stage and minimizes the noise figure. The
topology is widely used in the literature [16]–[18]. Fig. 1(b)
feedback network in [21] is implemented by a nMOS cascode
shows a differential Colpitts VCO with additional feedback
stage, and the stability of the 40-GHz LNA was also consid-
from tank to MOS gates [19], [20] to further improve the phase
ered. In [22], a tunable delay path was utilized to improve the
noise, and is the voltage gain of the feedback path.
VCO phase noise. The amplitude stability and phase stability
Phase-noise characterization of the Colpitts VCO with addi-
have to be taken into account for oscillators with self-injection
tional feedback depicted in Fig. 1(b) is formulated as [20]
techniques. To simplify design procedures and ensure robust
start-up, the voltage gain is set to one [20]. Upon , it can
achieve as large as 5-dB phase-noise improvement. Therefore,
the differential Colpitts VCO with additional feedback from the
(1) tank to the MOS gates shown in Fig. 1(b) can be transformed
into a regular class-C VCO in Fig. 1(c) and with .
with Fig. 1(c) shows a typical class-C VCO, and the gate bias
approximates to below the threshold voltage of the
(2) MOSFETs . can be as low as for
reducing dc power dissipation. In addition, the fundamental
(3) current approximates to the tail current . Therefore,
most of the current is transformed to fundamental current
where is the offset frequency from the carrier, is the for oscillation, leading to a high-efficiency oscillation. For
Boltzmann’s constant, is the absolute temperature, is the a class-C operation, the gate bias of the cross-coupled pair of

Fig. 3. Operations in: (a) initial state and (b) steady state of hybrid class-AB/class-B VCO. Turned-off MOSFETs are denoted via in gray color.

the class-C VCO is lower than the threshold voltage, leading to

a current conduction angle lower than half a period. Therefore,
corresponding crossover distortion of voltage waveforms will
occur at the class-C VCO’s output. Moreover, the startup
condition is severe for a low gate bias less than the threshold
To alleviate this difficulty, a VCO core with class-B operation
is adopted in this work, as shown in Fig. 2. The gate voltage of
the MOSFETs is about 0.53-V threshold voltage.
Due to the gate bias approximating to the threshold voltage, the
startup condition can be effectively relaxed from class-C VCO
operation. In addition, although the class-B/class-C VCO cores
have the advantage of low dc power, they still suffer from the Fig. 4. Simplified equivalent half-circuit model for determining the startup fre-
difficulties of start-up and require huge dc power consumption
[15]. Moreover, the process, voltage, and temperature (PVT)
variations also influence the VCO performance. In order to en-
sure a robust start-up condition, a VCO core op- where
erating in the class-AB region is utilized in this work for ro-
bust start-up, as shown in Fig. 2. The gate bias of the MOSFETs
is 0.8 V, which is higher than the device’s threshold
voltage of 0.53 V. In addition, the drain-to-source voltage
of is greater than , resulting in
operation in the saturation region.

B. Hybrid Class-AB/Class-B VCO Operation

The operation modes of the proposed hybrid class-AB/
class-B VCO are shown in Fig. 3. Due to the low gate voltage
of 0.53 V, the MOSFETs are turned off. The
oscillation is initiated from the class-AB VCO core, as shown
in Fig. 3(a). Biased in the saturation region, the MOSFETs
can easily meet the startup condition. Rapidly, the
raised voltage waveforms turn on the MOSFETs
for class-B operation, leading to a steady state of the hybrid
class-AB/class-B oscillator in Fig. 3(b).
For analysis of the startup condition, a simplified equivalent
half-circuit model of the class-AB VCO is shown in Fig. 4,
where and are the losses of the on-chip inductors
and , respectively. To derive the oscillation frequency and
analyze the tuning range, the voltage transfer function between
and can be written as
To get a first approximation for oscillation frequency ,
let voltage gain equal 1. After proper arrangements and
(4) neglect of the parasitic resistors ( and ), the oscillation

TABLE I Moreover, the VCO tuning range by measurement and formula

CIRCUIT PARAMETERS OF THE PROPOSED VCO are 25.63% and 26.0%, respectively. The tuning-range differ-
ence between measurement and (6) is 0.37%.

C. Phase Noise and Start-Up Considerations of Class-AB,

Class-B, Class-C, and Hybrid Class-AB/Class-B VCOs
It is critical and essential to minimize phase noise for VCO
designs [23]–[31]. Typically, the flicker noise of switching
transistors and tail current sources are the main noise sources
of a VCO’s close-in phase noise. The noise of a tail current
source can be up-converted to the close-in phase noise through
the AM-to-FM conversion. At common-source nodes, the
second harmonic current will modulate the flicker noise from a
cross-coupled pair, leading to a degraded VCO phase noise.
In this work, the time-varying phase-noise theory in
[32] is adopted to analyze the phase noise of the hybrid
frequency can be formulated by class-AB/class-B VCO. To effectively consider the phase
noise, an impulse sensitivity function (ISF) is utilized to ana-
lyze the proposed hybrid class-AB/class-B VCO.
It represents how much of the phase shift of the output wave-
forms is due to applied unit impulse. Therefore, the ISF can be
formulated as

(5) (7)

From (5), it is observed that the start-up frequency of the where is the dc value, and the and terms are the co-
proposed VCO is determined by the inductors and efficients and phases of the th harmonics, respectively. is
capacitors , and varactor . There the oscillation frequency, and is the time of an applied unit
are two VCO bands controlled by a digital switching voltage impulse. In addition, the ISF depends on the properties of the
, and the continuous tuning mechanism is achieved by nodes injected by unit impulses. From (7), it is observed that the
the control voltage . impulse sensitivity of the class-AB/class-B VCO can be mini-
To gain more insight into the mechanisms of VCO oscilla- mized by reducing the dc value .
tion frequency and tuning range, the nonlinear properties of the Assuming an input noise current has a white power spectral
varactors are taken into account. Therefore, the VCO oscilla- density , the raised VCO phase noise in the region
tion frequency can be formulated as (6), shown at the bottom an be formulated as [32]
of this page. The maximum and minimum values of the var-
actor are fF and fF, respec-
tively. The and are the parameters of the varactor’s non-
linear property. For this work, is V and is 2.26.
The circuit parameters for the proposed VCO in Fig. 2 and (6)
are listed in Table I. The bank capacitances for switch on and
off are fF and fF, re- where is the corner frequency. Moreover, the relationship
spectively. In addition, the characterizations of the VCO tuning of the corner in the phase spectrum and device noise
curve by measurement, simulation with EDA tools, and (6) are corner frequency is given as
given in Fig. 13. From this figure, it is observed that the formu-
lated tuning frequency in (6) can be used to predict the reality.


Fig. 5. (a) Characterized drain voltage and (b) calculated ISF of a class-C VCO

where is the root mean square value of the ISF. From (9),
it is found that the phase noise can be effectively reduced by
reducing the dc value of the ISF.
Fig. 5(a) describes the characterized drain voltage waveform
of a class-C VCO by simulation and formula in (10) as follows:


For Fig. 5(a), the gate bias is 0.4 V, which is below the
threshold voltage of MOSFETs, 0.53 V. Moreover, the ISF for Fig. 6. (a) Start-up simulation, (b) characterized drain voltage, and (c) calcu-
the class-C VCO calculated by using the approximate analytical lated ISF of a class-B VCO core.
method [32] is depicted in Fig. 5(b). It is calculated that the
absolute dc value for the ISF is - . For Fig. 7(a), the gate bias is 0.8 V, which is much higher
For the class-B VCO core shown in Fig. 2, the simulated and than the 0.53-V threshold voltage of the MOSFETs. Fig. 7(c)
formulated drain voltage waveforms are shown in Fig. 6(a) and shows the calculated ISF for the class-AB VCO, and the abso-
(b), lute dc value for the ISF is - . Com-
pared to the class-B VCO core, with an ISF of -
- dc value, it is seen that the ISF’s dc value of the
(11) class-AB VCO core is larger than that of the class-B VCO core.
This means that the class-AB VCO core has a larger noise
The gate bias is at 0.59 V, which is close to the 0.53-V upconversion factor, resulting in a worse phase noise.
threshold voltage of the MOSFETs. Fig. 6(c) shows the calcu- To alleviate this difficulty, the class-AB VCO core is com-
lated ISF for the class-B VCO, and the absolute dc value for the bined with the class-B VCO core for phase-noise improvement,
ISF is - . as depicted in Fig. 2. It is calculated that the absolute ISF dc
In this work, the VCO core with class-AB operation is de- value of the class-B VCO core is 0.75 times lower than that of
signed to startup the class-B VCO core, as shown in Fig. 2. The the class-AB VCO core. From the VCO phase noise in (8), the
characterized drain voltage waveform of the class-AB VCO by maximum phase noise improvement can then be de-
simulation and formula in (12) is described in Fig. 7(a) and (b), rived as

(12) (13)

Fig. 7. (a) Start-up simulation, (b) characterized drain voltage, and (c) calcu- Fig. 8. (a) Start-up simulation, (b) characterized drain voltage, and (c) calcu-
lated ISF of a class-AB VCO core. lated ISF of a hybrid class-AB/class-B VCO core.

class-AB VCOs, leading to a calculated phase-noise improve-

where and are the phase noise of class-AB
ment from the class-AB VCO, shown in (15) as follows:
VCO and class-B VCO cores, respectively. - and
- represent the absolute ISF dc values of the class-AB
VCO and class-B VCO cores, respectively. In this design,
the parameter - is 3.86 10 , and - is
2.9 10 , leading to a phase-noise improvement around where and are the phase noise
2.5 dB. of the class-AB VCO and hybrid class-AB/class-B cores, re-
Fig. 8(a) and (b) shows the simulated and formulated drain spectively. Moreover, the design parameters are -
voltage waveforms of hybrid class-AB/class-B operation, and , leading to
- -
a phase-noise improvement of 5.0 dB.
- - Fig. 9 depicts the simulated phase noise performance at
(14) 12.7 GHz. It is observed that 4.2-dB phase-noise reduction
from a class-AB to hybrid class-AB/class-B VCO is achieved.
The gate bias is V, which is much higher than the Moreover, it is found that the 4.2-dB phase-noise reduction
0.53-V threshold voltage of the MOSFETs. The calculated ISF is similar to the calculated absolute ISF dc value reduction in
for the hybrid class-AB/class-B VCO is depicted in Fig. 8(c), (15).
and the absolute dc value for the ISF is - - For start-up consideration, the simulated start-up of class-B,
. It is lower than that of the standalone class-B and class-AB, and hybrid class-AB/class-B VCOs are shown

Fig. 10. Simulated output power with Monte Carlo analysis.

Fig. 9. Simulated phase-noise performance at 12.7 GHz.


Fig. 11. Simulated phase noise with Monte Carlo analysis.

in Figs. 6(a), 7(a), and 8(a). From these figures, it is ob-

served that the start-up time of the hybrid
class-AB/class-B VCO is 1.5 ns, which is much faster than that
of the class-B VCO ns and class-AB VCO
ns . Moreover, the drain voltage swing
of the hybrid class-AB/class-B VCO is 1085 mV , which
is much larger than that of the class-B and class-AB VCOs,
exhibiting a robust start-up.

D. Process Variation Consideration

In order to ensure a robust start-up condition and predictable
VCO performance, the proposed hybrid class-AB/class-B VCO
has been simulated with PVT corners. The process corners are
Typical Typical ,
Slow Slow , and Fast Fast . The varia-
tion of supply voltage is . The temperatures are 0
C, 25 C, and 75 C. Table II shows the characterized results.
As can be seen from that table, this VCO can meet the startup
requirements and operate at PVT corners. In addition, the VCO
oscillation frequency ranges from 9.89 to 13.24 GHz, the tuning
range ranges from 26.15% to 28.32%, the phase noise at 1-MHz
offset ranges from 106 dBc/Hz to 109.6 dBc/Hz, the VCO
core current ranges from 1.7 to 4.77 mA, and the dc power con-
Fig. 12. Microphotograph of the fabricated VCO with a chip size of 0.66
sumption ranges from 1.15 to 3.94 mW. 0.89 mm .
To gain more insight into the proposed hybrid class-AB/
class-B VCO phase noise and output power due to mismatch of including channel length, channel width, threshold voltage,
the MOSFETs , Monte Carlo and oxide thickness are taken into account in the Monte Carlo
analysis can be used to characterize the VCO. The random analysis. Fig. 10 describes the simulated output power with
variations in Gaussian distribution of the process parameters, Monte Carlo analysis, comprising a total of 50 sampled data.

Fig. 13. Characterized oscillation frequency of the proposed VCO.

Fig. 16. Measured phase noise of the fabricated VCO at a 11.31-GHz output
frequency in low band. ( 105.55 dBc/Hz at 1-MHz offset from the carrier. The
resolution bandwidth is 91 kHz).

Fig. 14. Characterized output power of the proposed VCO.

Fig. 17. Measured phase noise of the hybrid class-AB/class-B VCO operating
at 12.7 GHz.

Fig. 15. Measured phase noise of the fabricated VCO at a 13.15-GHz output
frequency in high band. ( 102.33 dBc/Hz at 1-MHz offset from the carrier. The
resolution bandwidth is 91 kHz).

It is observed that the maximum discrepancy of these data is

0.12 dB. In addition, the simulated phase noise with Monte
Carlo analysis is described in Fig. 11. These 50 sampled data
are within 0.03 dB.
Fig. 18. Measured and simulated phase noise versus the control voltage.
Fig. 12 shows the microphotograph of the fabricated hybrid by a 26.5-GHz spectrum analyzer. On-wafer probing was used
class-AB/class-B VCO with a chip size of 0.66 0.89 mm in- to test the VCO performance. The losses of the measurement
cluding the testing pads. To evaluate the high-frequency perfor- setups were de-embedded and calibrated in the experimental re-
mance, the output spectrum and phase noise were characterized sults.


While operating at the supply voltage of 0.75 V, In addition, the bias current of the proposed hybrid class-AB/
the VCO core consumes 2.4 mW. Besides, the supply voltage class-B is provided by a pMOS tail current source , as
of the buffers is also 0.75 V, and the two buffers shown in Fig. 2. Utilizing a pMOS as a tail current can achieve
consume a total of 1.13 mW. Figs. 13 and 14 show the lower noise than that of NMOS. Moreover, high value resistors
characterized oscillation frequency and output power. When (5 k ) are applied to and to minimize the injected
sweeping the controlled voltage from 0 to 1.8 V, low-frequency noise into the VCO core.
the overall measured operation frequency is from 10.1 to To evaluate limitations of VCO performance, the tuning volt-
13.15 GHz, exhibiting a tuning range of 25.63%. At this bias ages of the recently published VCOs shown in Table III are al-
condition, the measured phase noise is 102.33 dBc/Hz at most as low as 0 V and as high as supply voltage . In ad-
1-MHz offset from the 13.15-GHz carrier in the high band, as dition, negative values of control voltages are used to further
shown in Fig. 15. In addition, Fig. 16 show the measured phase extend the VCO tuning range in [3] and [35]. For VCO appli-
noise of 105.55 dBc/Hz at 1-MHz offset from 11.31-GHz cation in a phase-locked loop (PLL), the control voltage
carrier in the low band. Moreover, the measured and plotted from 0.2 to V could be generated from an adequate
phase noise versus the offset frequency is shown in Fig. 17. supply voltage of the charge pump and loop filter [46]. In order
As can be seen from this figure, the measured phase noise is to verify the robust start-up of the proposed VCO, the gate bias
104.5 dBc/Hz at 1-MHz offset from the 12.7-GHz carrier. It of the class-AB VCO core shown in Fig. 2 can be adjusted
is similar to the simulated result in the and regions from 0.8 to 0.55 V. From the measurement result, the proposed
in Fig. 9. Furthermore, the measured and simulated phase VCO can overcome the start-up condition and oscillate at low
noise versus the control voltage is shown in Fig. 18. From this gate bias of 0.55 V.
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lator with greater than 18 GHz of continuous tuning-range based on ON CIRCUITS AND SYSTEMS—I: REGULAR PAPERS, the IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON
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[40] P. K. Tsai, C. Y. Liu, and T. H. Huang, “A CMOS voltage controlled recipient of the Best Paper Award of the Symposium on Nano Device Tech-
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Yaon-Ming Yan received the M.S. degree from the
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frequency tripler for 24-GHz low-power phase-locked loop applica-
His research interests include the design of RF in-
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[43] I. Nasr, M. Dudek, R. Weigel, and D. Kissinger, “A 33% tuning range
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SiGe technology,” in IEEE RFIC Symp., 2012, pp. 301–304.

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