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International Journal of Pharmaceutics 516 (2017) 214–224

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Co-delivery of zinc and 5-aminosalicylic acid from alginate/N-succinyl-

chitosan blend microspheres for synergistic therapy of colitis
Haogang Duana,b , Shaoyu Lüa , Hongyan Qinb , Chunmei Gaoa , Xiao Baia , Yuhui Weib ,
Xin’an Wub , Mingzhu Liua,* , Xinyu Zhangc,**, Zhen Liud
Department of Chemistry, Lanzhou University, Lanzhou 730000, PR China
Department of Pharmacy, The First Hospital of Lanzhou University, Lanzhou 730000, PR China
Department of Chemical Engineering, Auburn University, Auburn, AL, 36849, USA
Department of Physics and Engineering, Frostburg State University, Frostburg, MD 21532-2303, USA


Article history:
Received 15 August 2016 The present study developed novel zinc ion cross-linked alginate/N-succinyl-chitosan (NSC) blend
Received in revised form 3 November 2016 microspheres (MS) for co-delivery of zinc and 5-aminosalicylic acid (5-ASA) for synergistic therapy of
Accepted 12 November 2016 colitis. Physicochemical characterization of blend MS was assessed using scanning electron microscopy
Available online 13 November 2016 (SEM), Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) spectroscopy, and energy dispersive X-ray spectrometer (EDS).
In vitro release studies demonstrated that blend MS has a pH-dependent release property. Both 5-ASA
Keywords: and zinc have lower release in acid medium and higher release in colonic environment. The therapeutic
Alginate efficacy of zinc cross-linked blend MS was evaluated using induced-colitis rat models, and showed a
superior treatment effect in alleviating inflammation of colitis rats. No systemic toxicity was observed
Blend microspheres
after oral administration of blend MS. Therefore, zinc ion cross-linked alginate/N-succinyl-chitosan blend
Colon-specific MS appeared to be a good candidate for co-delivery of zinc and 5-ASA to colon, and had great potential
application in inflammatory bowel diseases (IBD) treatment.
ã 2016 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction gastrointestinal tract (GIT), which resulted in lower therapeutic

effect and the occurrence of side effects (Lichtenstein and Kamm,
The inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) is a group of chronic 2008), had limited to its application.
intestinal inflammatory diseases, mainly including Crohn's disease In recent years, colon-specific drug delivery systems (CDDS)
(CD) and ulcerative colitis (UC). Nowadays, the prevalence and have been widely investigated for the effective treatment of local
incidence of IBD is increasing, especially in developed countries colonic diseases such as IBD and colorectal cancer (Kavianinia
(Moura et al., 2015). As a result of the etiology and pathogenesis of et al., 2016; Prudhviraj et al., 2015; Cerchiara et al., 2015; You et al.,
IBD were not yet fully known, the major therapeutic strategies are 2015; Hua et al., 2015; Gunter and Popeyko, 2016; Seeli and
to relieve or reduce inflammatory episodes. Conventional thera- Prabaharan, 2016; Nour et al., 2016; Wang et al., 2016). CDDS could
pies for IBD treatment mainly involves aminosalicylates, cortico- increase the concentration of drug in colon, and also reduce many
steroids, antibodies and immunomodulators (Yadav et al., 2016). adverse reactions from systemic absorption of the drug. Therefore,
Aminosalicylates have widely been used as first-line therapy for 5-ASA used to treat IBD in the form of CDDS has also drawn much
both the treatment of UC and maintenance of remissions (Clapper attention (Karrout et al., 2015; Omwancha et al., 2013; Mura et al.,
et al., 2008). 5-ASA is the most frequently used drug in this class. 2011a; Wu and Yao, 2013).
However, the rapid and extensive absorption of 5-ASA in the upper Alginate (ALG) is an anionic polysaccharide that composed of
glycosidic units of b-D-mannuronic acid and a-guluronic, which has
been widely used in drug delivery systems. Due that alginate could
* Corresponding author. form gel particles in the presence of multivalent cations (e.g. Ca2+,
** Corresponding author. Zn2+, Ba2+ and Al3+) by ionic cross-linking, it has been extensively
E-mail addresses: (H. Duan), (S. Lü),
used in CDDS. N-succinyl chitosan (NSC) is a water-soluble (H. Qin), (C. Gao),
(X. Bai), (Y. Wei), (X. Wu), derivative of chitosan that exhibits several biological properties, (M. Liu), (X. Zhang), has been applied as drug delivery carrier (Mura et al., 2011a, 2011b;
(Z. Liu).
0378-5173/ã 2016 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
H. Duan et al. / International Journal of Pharmaceutics 516 (2017) 214–224 215

Ajish et al., 2016; Kamoun, 2016; Bashir et al., 2016; Mukhopadhyay The obtained bend MS were washed with 0.1% Tween 80 solution 3
et al., 2014; Yan et al., 2015) times and finally lyophilized at 50  C. The powdered MS were
As well known, alginate and/or NSC were regularly cross-linked stored in sealed glass vial in vacuum desiccators.
by Ca2+ to form microspheres, microparticles, and hydrogels for
drug release or antimicrobial (Cerchiara et al., 2015; Dai et al.,
2.4. Characterization
2008; Vicini et al., 2015; Straccia et al., 2014). However, it was
reported that alginate microspheres cross-linked by Ca2+ have low
2.4.1. Morphology and sizes
drug entrapment efficiency and the release of drug from micro-
The shape and surface morphology of the blend MS were
spheres was non-controllable (Halder et al., 2005). In this study,
characterized with SEM (JOEL, Japan). The average particle size and
zinc ion was used as a cross-linker to develop alginate/NSC drug
size distribution of the microspheres were also measured from
delivery systems. It can form more compact network between zinc
several SEM images.
ion and carboxylic groups than the most commonly used calcium
ion for more resistance to disruption in upper GIT (Das et al., 2011).
In another aspect, zinc is necessary for a variety of physiological 2.4.2. Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) analysis
and biochemical functions including growth and development, The chemical structure of blend MS was analyzed by FTIR
reproduction, and immunity (Fukada et al., 2011). It was reported (Nicolet 670, USA). The samples were prepared by KBr pellet
that zinc deficiency had been observed in IBD patients (Filippi method and the spectral scanning was conducted in wavelength
et al., 2006; Vagianos et al., 2007). Moreover, studies also had region between 400 and 4000 cm1.
demonstrated that zinc was beneficial for IBD and has protective
effects in the GIT (Di Leo et al., 2001; Luk et al., 2002; Sturniolo 2.4.3. Drug loading efficiency (LE)
et al., 2002; Lodemann et al., 2013; Sivalingam et al., 2011). To determine the drug loading efficiency (LE), a specific amount
Therefore, zinc ion plays dual roles in this study. For one thing, it of drug-loaded blend MS were allowed to swell completely in 10 ml
was a cross-linker to form drug-delivery carriers in CDDS; for of phosphate buffer solution (PBS, pH 8.0) for 48 h (37  C, 300 rpm).
another thing, it can be used as a ‘drug’ for treatment of IBD. The higher pH value and rotation speed were employed to prompt
The aim of the present study is to develop zinc ion cross-linked break of blend MS and ensure 5-ASA complete release from the
alginate/NSC blend MS by emulsification/gelation for colon blend MS. The mixture was centrifuged to get the polymeric debris
targeting co-delivery of zinc and 5-ASA for synergistic therapy free of drug solution. The clear supernatant was collected and
of colitis. The developed blend MS were characterized by SEM, examined with UV–vis spectrometer at 310 nm (Perkin-Elmer
FTIR, and EDS analyses. Furthermore, in vitro release properties of Lambda 35, USA). All measurements were performed in triplicate
5-ASA and zinc from blend MS were studied in simulated to calculate LE by the following formula:
gastrointestinal conditions. Finally, the therapeutic efficacy of Amount of 5  ASA in blend MSðmgÞ
the blend MS was evaluated in colitis rat models induced by 2, 4, 6- LEð%Þ ¼  100
Mass of blend MSðmgÞ
trinitro-benzene-sulfonic acid (TNBS). In addition, the systemic
toxicity of blend MS was observed after oral administration for rats.
2.4.4. Zinc ion evaluation
2. Materials and methods The chemical elements presented in blend MS were identified
by EDS (Octane Ultra, EDAX, USA). To determine the amount of zinc
2.1. Materials in blend MS, 10 mg of blend MS were placed into 50 ml of PBS (pH
8.0) and completely swelled at 37  C for 48 h. And then the swollen
Sodium alginate (molecular weight, MW: 68 kDa) was obtained blend MS were crushed by sanitation. The amount of zinc was
from Tianjin Guangfu Chemical. Chitosan (molecular weight, MW: determined by the complexometric titration method, which EDTA
106 kDa, degree of deacetylation, DD: 95%) was purchased from solution (0.05 M) was used as titrant and eriochrome black-T was
Sinopharm Chemical Reagent Co., Ltd., 5-ASA (purity >98.0%), regarded as indicator.
succinic anhydride and 2,4,6-trinitro-benzene-sulfonic acid
(TNBS) were obtained from J&K Scientific Ltd. All other chemicals 2.5. In vitro drug release
and reagents were analytical grade.
In order to investigate the release properties of 5-ASA and zinc
2.2. Synthesis of NSC from blend MS, dried drug loaded blend MS (10 mg) were placed in
a dialysis bag whose molecular weight cutoff was 3500 Da, and
NSC was prepared according to a previous report (Mukhopad- dispersed in 50 ml of release media with pH of 1.2 (HCl buffer), 4.5,
hyay et al., 2014). The structure of NSC was studied through FTIR 6.8 and 7.4 (PBS) at 100 rpm at 37  C, respectively. At predeter-
and 1H NMR (Fig. S1 in Supplementary information). Finally, the mined time interval, two samples (3.0 ml) were taken out and the
yield of the reaction was about 86% and the substitution degree of fresh buffer solution was added to maintain a constant volume.
NSC was about 0.56 determined according to the reported method After centrifugation at 10000 rpm for 5 min, the released amount
(Mukhopadhyay et al., 2013). of 5-ASA and zinc were determined by UV spectrophotometry and
complexometric titration method, respectively. All release tests
2.3. Preparation of the blend MS were performed in triplicate.

The blend MS was prepared using emulsification/gelation. 2.6. Animal experiments

Briefly, NSC and sodium alginate were dissolved in 10 ml of NaOH
solution (1%, w/v), then specific amount of 5-ASA was added into Male Wistar rats were obtained from laboratory animal center
the mixture solution to form a homogeneous solution. And then of Lanzhou University, and used to evaluate in vivo treatment
this homogeneous solution was emulsified into 40 ml of isooctane efficacy and in vivo toxicity of blend MS. Animals were housed in
containing Span 80 (2%, v/v) with mechanical stirring for 10 min at animal facility at a temperature of 25  C under 12 h light/dark cycle
800 rpm. Then 1 ml of ZnCl2 solution was added drop wise under control room. Standard feeding and drinking water were provided.
mechanical stirring for 30 min at 800 rpm and the bend MS formed. All animal experimental protocols were reviewed and approved by
216 H. Duan et al. / International Journal of Pharmaceutics 516 (2017) 214–224

the Institutional Animal Experimentation Committee of Lanzhou (TP), total bilirubin (TB), alkaline phosphatase (ALP), blood urea
University. nitrogen (BUN), and creatinine (CR). Major organ (heart, liver,
spleen, lung and kidney) were dissected from rats for histological
2.6.1. In vivo therapeutic efficacy on experimental colitis evaluation.
To evaluate the therapeutic efficacy of blend MS, colitis rats
model was induced using TNBS according to our previous report 2.7. Statistics
(Qin et al., 2012; Duan et al., 2016). The rats whose body weight
decreased linearly to 80–100% of the initial weight were selected as All quantitative data are expressed as mean value  standard
the colitis animals (Yano et al., 2002). The healthy group received deviation (SD). The differences between groups were analyzed by
50% ethanol instead of TNBS solution. The above rats were divided the Student’s t-test and one-way ANOVA test. *p < 0.05 was
into 5 groups (n = 6, in each group) and treated as follows: group 1 considered to be statistically significant, and extreme significance
(healthy group): oral administration of 10 mlkg1 of saline; group was set at **p < 0.01.
2 (colitis group): oral administration of 10 mlkg1 of saline; group
3 (blank blend MS1 group): oral administration of 21.4 mgkg1 3. Results
blend blank MS cross-linked by 2 M Zn2+; group 4 (blank blend
MS2 group): oral administration of 21.4 mgkg1 blank blend MS 3.1. Preparation and formulation optimization
cross-linked by 4 M Zn2+; and group 5 (5-ASA loaded blend MS1
group): oral administration 21.4 mgkg1 of 5-ASA loaded blend Table 1 shows the measured results of LE and mean particles
MS cross-linked by 2 M Zn2+ (equivalent to 10 mgkg1 of 5-ASA). size of blend MS with different formulations. The LE of drug in
The dose of 5-ASA was calculated and adjusted according to the different formulations ranged from 4.7% to 46.7%, and the mean
previous report (Horvath et al., 2008) and our pre-experiment. particles ranged from 6.1 to 13.4 mm. According to the results of LE
After administration ten days, the rats were weighed and sacrificed and mean particles size, the formulation of F6 was selected for
by overdose of anesthesia. The distal colon segment was removed further investigations.
and washed in the saline to remove contents. The visible colonic
damage was observed and the severity of inflammations was 3.2. Characterization
assessed by a clinical scoring system. The ratio of distal colon wet
weight to body (C/B ratio) were calculated as another parameter 3.2.1. Morphology and sizes
for assessment of colonic injury. And then two samples were SEM was used to study the size, shape, and surface morphology
excised from each colon and maintained in formaldehyde (10%, v/ of blend MS. Almost all of the microspheres have spherical shapes
v) for histological evaluation. and smooth outer surface with a few porous regions (Fig. 1). The
mean particles size of blank blend MS cross-linked by 2 M Ca2+ and
2.6.2. In vivo toxicity study 5-ASA loaded blend MS cross-linked by 2 M Ca2+ were 12.1  4.8
The toxicity of developed blend MS was evaluated in adult male and 13.4  5.6 mm, respectively. Obviously decrease in particles
Wistar rats (180–210 g). Rats were randomly divided into two size were observed for blank blend MS cross-linked by 2 M Zn2+
groups of 6 rats in each. Experimental group (blend MS group) was and 5-ASA loaded blend MS cross-linked by 2 M Zn2+ (Fig. 1C and
orally given empty blend MS at a dose of 80 mgkg1 for 21 days; D), which particles size were 6.8  2.6 mm and 7.4  1.6 mm,
the other group (normal group) was orally administrated 0.4 ml of respectively. In addition, higher zinc concentration in cross-linking
saline for 21 days. All animals were fed with normal fodder and solution (4 M) led to a smaller particles size of blend MS about
water during the experiment, and monitored for changes in body 6.1 1.1 mm (Fig. 1E).
weight. At the end of the experiment, rats were weighted and
anesthetized to collect blood. Main blood parameters were 3.2.2. Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) analysis
determined such as white blood cell (WBC), red blood cell Fig. 2A shows the characteristic FTIR spectra of 5-ASA, NSC, ALG,
(RBC), hemoglobin (HGB), and platelets (PLT), mean corpuscular blank blend MS, and 5-ASA loaded blend MS. The spectrum of 5-
volume (MCV), mean corpuscular hemoglobin (MCH), mean ASA (a), showed the stretching vibration of  NH and OH at
platelet volume (MPV), neutrophil absolute value (NAV), and 3448 cm1, the C O stretching vibration at 1656 cm1, the NH
lymphocyte absolute value (LAV). Also serum was separated to bending vibration at 1616 cm1, and the C N stretch with the peak
assess biochemical parameters including aspartate transaminase at 1353 cm1 and the COOH symmetric stretching vibration at
(AST), alanine transaminase (ALT), albumin (ALB), total protein 1388 cm1. The FTIR spectrum of ALG (b) exhibited the absorption

Table 1
Loading efficiency (LE) and mean particles of blend MS in different formulations (n = 3)

Formulation NCS /mg ALG /mg Zn2+ /moll1 Ca2+ /moll1 5-ASA /mg LE /% Mean particle size /mm
F1 10 30 2 – 10 17.6  3.2 10.6  1.4
F2 10 20 2 – 10 13.5  1.6 9.8  2.1
F3 10 10 2 – 10 10.5  1.2 7.4  1.6
F4 20 10 2 – 10 11.2  3.2 8.1  1.5
F5 30 10 2 – 10 11.1  2.5 8.6  3.1
F6 10 10 2 – 20 46.7  4.6 8.3  2.5
F7 10 10 2 – 16 32.4  3.8 7.8  1.7
F8 10 10 2 – 4 4.7  2.4 7.1  3.3
F9 10 10 4 – 10 19.8  2.8 6.1  1.1
F10 10 10 1 – 10 5.8  1.4 8.8  2.7
F11 10 10 0.5 – 10 4.4  0.8 9.3  1.5
F12 10 10 2 – – – 6.8  2.6
F13 10 10 – 2 10 6.4  1.1 13.4  5.6
F14 10 10 – 2 – – 12.1  4.8
H. Duan et al. / International Journal of Pharmaceutics 516 (2017) 214–224 217

Fig. 1. SEM micrographs of blank blend MS cross-linked by 2 M Ca2+ (A), 5-ASA loaded blend MS cross-linked by 2 M Ca2+ (B), blank blend MS cross-linked by 2 M Zn2+ (C), 5-
ASA loaded blend MS cross-linked by 2 M Zn2+ (D), and 5-ASA loaded blend MS cross-linked by 4 M Zn2+ (E) (scale bar = 50 mm).

peaks of O H and CH stretching vibrations at 3394 cm1 and of zinc per mg of the blend MS) at the cross-linker concentration of
2927 cm , respectively; the absorption peaks at 1624 cm1 and
4 M.
1415 cm1 assigned to asymmetric and symmetric stretching
vibrations of carboxyl anion, respectively. In the case of NSC, it 3.3. In vitro release properties
exhibited stretching vibration peaks of OH and  NH2 at
3425 cm1, the C¼O stretching of amide I band at 1664 cm1, In vitro release experiments were performed by dialysis
and the amide II at 1585 cm1, the symmetric stretching of the diffusion method at different release media (the value of pH
COO at 1408 cm1 (c). For the blank blend MS, the absorption was 1.2, 4.5, 6.8 and 7.4, respectively) mimicking the in vivo GIT
band at around 3392 cm1 concerned with OH stretching conditions at 37  C. Both 5-ASA and zinc were pH-sensitive release
vibration for ALG shifted to a high wave number at 3425 cm1. and the cumulative release amount of 5-ASA and zinc was
COO at 1415cm1 of ALG and at
The symmetric stretching of the  increased with the improvement of the pH of medium. Less than
1408 cm of NSC shifted to a higher wave number at 1429 cm1.
5% and 20% of encapsulated 5-ASA were released from blend MS
The absorption band at 1664 cm1 of NSC shifted to 1629 cm1, the over 12 h at pH of 1.2 and 4.5, respectively. However, the released 5-
amide II peak (1585 cm1) of NSC disappeared in blank blend MS. ASA from blend MS was obviously increased at pH 6.8 and pH 7.4 in
The FTIR of 5-ASA loaded blend MS was similar to those of blank a sustained way. About 60.2% and 71.5% of entrapped 5-ASA was
blend MS (e). released from blend MS over 8 h at pH 6.8 and pH 7.4, respectively
(Fig. 3A). The effect of the Zn2+ concentration on 5-ASA release
3.2.3. Drug loading efficiency (LE) showed that increasing Zn2+ concentration in cross-linking
The amount of 5-ASA encapsulated in different formulations solution led to slower release of 5-ASA from blend MS (Fig. 3B).
were measured by an UV method, and the results were showed in Also, the release properties of 5-ASA and zinc from blend MS were
Table 1. Increasing of ALG: NSC ratio could improve the content of evaluated in a pH progression medium simulating the conditions
5-ASA in blend MS, which might be due to more three-dimension of different parts of a real GIT (pH 1.2 HCl buffer for releasing at the
network, resulting from increased cross-linking sites. Also, the first hour, then pH 4.5 PBS for the next 2 h, and pH 6.8 PBS for the
amount of 5-ASA in initial NSC solution could lead to an obvious 2 h, finally pH 7.4 PBS until the end). The results indicated that 5-
increase of LE in blend MS. Finally, the concentration of cross- ASA and zinc were rarely released at the condition of pH 1.2, and on
linker (Zn2+) could influence on the LE of 5-ASA in blend, i.e., overpass 5% of 5-ASA was released in pH 4.5 PBS. Only small
decreasing concentration of Zn2+ could reduce the content of 5- amount of 5-ASA and zinc (about 10%) was released from blend MS
ASA in blend MS, which is attributed to lower cross-linking density. in the SIF at pH 6.8 over 2 h. However, the released drug from blend
MS was significant increased at pH 7.4 and maintained a sustaining
3.2.4. Zinc ion evaluation in blend MS release characteristics in this condition.
The chemical element distribution of drug loaded blend MS The release behavior of zinc from blend MS was similar to 5-ASA
cross-linked by Ca2+ and Zn2+ is evaluated by EDS, and the results release, and also exhibited a pH-sensitive release, which cumula-
were shown in Fig. 2B. It can clearly be seen that calcium is mainly tive release of zinc from blend MS was increased with pH
present in the Ca2+ cross-linked blend MS, whereas, the presence of increasing (Fig. 3C and D).
zinc was primary in Zn2+ cross-linked blend MS. The amount of
zinc in blend MS was shown in Fig. 2C. The concentration of zinc in 3.4. In vivo treatment effects on experimental colitis
cross-linking solution has obviously influenced the amount of zinc
in blend MS. Increasing the zinc concentration from 0.5 M to 4 M in The therapeutic effect of this colon-specific co-delivery system
cross-linking solution resulted in an increasing of zinc content in for treatment IBD was evaluated on a TNBS-induced colitis rats
blend MS, and the amount of zinc reached the maximum (196.2 mg after oral administration. As can be seen from Fig. 4A, healthy rat
218 H. Duan et al. / International Journal of Pharmaceutics 516 (2017) 214–224

Fig. 2. The FTIR of blend MS (A), the EDS spectrums of blend MS (B), and the amount of Zn2+ in blend MS (C).

colon was intact and looked pink, and showed no macroscopic obvious amelioration than those of colitis rats, and only very small
damage, however, the colon from colitis rats showed on the ulcer spots were observed in internal walls of colon. On the other
formation of ulcers and macroscopic edematous inflammation, hand, the severity of the inflammation was significantly decreased
with a thickening, hyperemia and rigidity in the intestinal wall and upon administration 5-ASA loaded MS1. The colons from this group
a consequent reduction in length. Internally, colon exhibited rats presented small slight hyperemia, and were very similar to
congestion, necrotic and edema of the colon mucosa. In contrast, those of healthy rats. Barely there were necrotic areas in the
colon from the rats treated with two blank blend MS showed an internal walls of this colon.
H. Duan et al. / International Journal of Pharmaceutics 516 (2017) 214–224 219

Fig. 3. In vitro release profiles of drug from blend MS: (A) release profiles of 5-ASA from blend MS cross-linked by 2 M Zn2+ in HCl buffer at pH 1.2, PBS at pH 4.5, pH 6.8 and pH
7.4; (B) release profiles of 5-ASA from blend MS cross-linked different levels Zn2+ in PBS at pH 7.4; (C) release profiles of 5-ASA and zinc from blend MS in gradually pH-
changing buffers; (D) release profiles of zinc from blend MS cross-linked 2 M Zn2+ in HCl buffer at pH 1.2, PBS at pH 4.5, pH 6.8 and pH 7.4 (The values are mean  SD, n = 3).

The clinical scores of colon for the colitis rats are presented in infiltration throughout the mucosa and submucosa. The micro-
Fig. 5A (about 7.8), and markedly increased compared with healthy scopic of colon from rats treated with two blank blend MS showed
rats (p < 0.01). The clinical score of colon from rats treated with an obviously improvement of inflammatory process with a few of
two blank blend MS (about 6.1 and 5.2) obviously decreased inflammatory cell infiltration. In addition, the colon from the rats
compared with colitis rats. Especially, the noticeably difference of treated with blank MS2 showed obvious amelioration in inflam-
clinical score was observed between rats treated blank blend MS2 matory status. In particular, the colon from the rats treated with 5-
and colitis rats (p < 0.01). After treated with 5-ASA loaded blend ASA loaded MS1 presented largely normal mucosal architecture
MS1, the clinical score of colon was sharply declined (p < 0.01), and with slight presence of inflammatory infiltration.
reached the minimum (only 2.4).
Similar results were observed in the results of the C/B ratio 3.5. In vivo toxicity
compared with those of clinical score systems (Fig. 5B). The basic
value of the C/B ratio of healthy rats was 4.46 mgg1, however, for After oral administration of blend MS1 at the dose of 80 mg
the colitis rats, it was about 14.41 mgg1 and observably increased kg1 for 21 days, blend MS treated rats did not show any weight
compared to those of healthy rats (p < 0.01). After treated with loss, and no difference in body weight was observed compared to
blank blend MS (2 M Zn2+ cross-linked MS and 4 M Zn2+ cross- normal group rats (Fig. 6A). The main blood parameters after oral
linked MS), the C/B ratio of rats were markedly decreased (10.78 administration of blend MS1 are shown in Table 2. The values of
and 7.93 mgg1). Especially, rats treated with 5-ASA loaded blend WBC, RBC, HGB, and PLT from blend MS treated rats were 8.82109
MS1 showed lower C/B ratio of 5.84 mgg1 compared with those l1, 8.631012 l1, 153.90 gl1, and 1017.60109 l1, respectively.
of colitis rats (p < 0.01). Slight variations but no statistical significance was observed in
Histological evaluation could provide an effective support for blood parameters compared to those in normal rats. In another
the results of macroscopic observation and the C/B ratio. The aspect, the levels of AST and ALT in blend MS treated rats were
histological results were showed in Fig. 4B. For rats of health group, 131.40 and 69.30 Ul1, respectively, and somewhat elevated
it exhibited normal colon structure with normal enterocytes, compared to normal rats (119.70 and 58.60 Ul1, respectively).
goblet cells, muscularis mucosae, and normal submucosa. The However, no statistical changes were observed compared to
colon from colitis rats showed mucosal damage and necrosis of normal rats (p > 0.05). A mild increase but no significant difference
granulation tissue, which was accompanied by destroying of the in serum creatinine and albumin were obtained in blend MS
normal architecture of the colon and severe inflammatory treated rats (9.89  0.73 and 0.28  0.04 mmoll1, respectively)
220 H. Duan et al. / International Journal of Pharmaceutics 516 (2017) 214–224

Fig. 4. Photographs (A) and histological evaluation (B) (magnification 10) of the colon from health rats, colitis rats, blank blend MS1 treated rats, blank blend MS2 treated
rats, and 5-ASA loaded blend MS1 treated rats.

compared to those of normal rats (9.62  1.35 and 0.23  0.06, drugs were extensively absorbed in upper part of the GIT, and the
respectively). drug level achieved to the colon site for therapy is not sufficient
The histological evaluation of main tissues (heart, liver, and after oral administration. Therefore, CDDS was developed to solve
spleen, lung, and kidney) from blend MS1 treated rats was this problem. In CDDS, pH-dependent delivery systems composed
presented in Fig. 6B. No pathological changes were observed in of natural polysaccharide and its derivatives have drawn large
blend MS treated rats, and the appearance of all tissues in blend MS attention. Especially, microspheres or microparticles systems have
treated rats was similar to those of normal rats. been developed and exhibited superior property of colon-specific
4. Discussion In the present study, a novel zinc ion cross-linked blend MS
composed of ALG and NSC was developed to co-deliver 5-ASA and
For colonic diseases such as IBD and colorectal cancer, to zinc in colon for colitis treatment. The emulsification/gelation
maintain a therapeutic level of drug at the disease site and avoid method was successfully used to prepare different formulations of
toxic or side effects of drug is crucial. However, most of the oral blend MS. In this process, the negatively-charged carboxylic groups
H. Duan et al. / International Journal of Pharmaceutics 516 (2017) 214–224 221

Fig. 5. The clinical activity scores of colon from rats treated with different blend MS (A), and the C/B ratio of colitis rats after treatment with different blend MS (B) (* p < 0.05
and ** p < 0.01, vs colitis, # p < 0.05, vs healthy).

Fig. 6. In vivo toxicity of blend MS after oral administration of blank blend MS1 at a dose of 80 mgg1 for 21 days: (A) the bodyweight changes of rats, (B) histological images of
main tissues from rats (magnification 10).
222 H. Duan et al. / International Journal of Pharmaceutics 516 (2017) 214–224

Table 2 cross-linking density. The FTIR of blend MS was used to identify the
Qualitative analysis of blood parameters and serum biochemical parameters in rats
interactions between polymers and Zn2+, which indicated the
after oral administration of blend MS1 at a dose 80 mgg1 for 21 days (n = 6).
formation of intermolecular hydrogen bonds between ALG and
Different parameters Groups NSC molecules, and cross-linked networks between Zn2+ and the
Normal Blend MS COO of ALG and NSC. In addition, the characteristic absorption
Blood WBC (  109 l1) 9.40  1.08 8.82  0.82
of 5-ASA could not be observed in 5-ASA loaded blend MS,
RBC (  1012 l1) 9.12  0.65 8.63  0.74 suggesting that 5-ASA was incorporated in network of blend MS
HGB (gl1) 155.60  1.82 153.90  2.13 during the preparation procedure.
MCV (fl) 57.42  1.02 56.82  0.68 The enhanced in vitro release drug from blend MS at higher pH
MCH (pg) 18.33  0.51 17.86  0.84
(6.8 and 7.4) could be explained with the protonation effect of
PLT (  109 l1) 995.60  54.80 1017.60  80.70
MPV (fl) 8.48  0.43 8.14  0.21 carboxyl groups (COOH) on ALG and NSC at lower pH, which led
LAV (  109 l1) 7.75  0.76 7.32  0.48 to the shrinkage of blend MS, and limited the release of 5-ASA from
NAV (fl) 1.72  0.53 1.46  0.37 blend MS (Fig. 3). When the pH changed to 6.8 and 7.4, which
corresponds to the pH of ileocecal and colon region of the GIT, a
Serum biochemical AST (Ul1) 119.70  21.50 131.40  18.10
ALT (Ul1) 58.60  5.16 69.30  6.76
maintained drug release was obtained due to the stretching and
TP (gl1) 56.70  4.52 60.65  3.84 deprotonation of carboxyl groups in ALG and NSC, leading to
ALB (gl1) 35.64  2.84 37.15  3.65 swelling and disruption of blend MS. High Zn2+ concentration
TB (mmoll1) 2.68  0.69 2.85  0.46 could reduce the release of drug, attributing to that high Zn2+
ALP (Ul1) 168.70  52.60 179.40  61.40
concentration led to the high cross-linking density between zinc
BUN (mmoll1) 9.62  1.35 9.89 0.73
CR (mmoll1) 0.23  0.06 0.28  0.04 and polymers, and formed more rigid and compact polymer
network structure. The high cross-linking density could reduce the
swelling of the blend MS and might slower the drug release from
of ALG and NSC were cross-linked by Zn2+ and the blend MS was the blend MS (Straccia et al., 2014; Sinha et al., 2015; Pillay et al.,
formed. Zinc ion was used as a cross-linker to prepare the blend MS 2005). Furthermore, the rigid and compact polymer network
for more resistance to disruption in upper GIT, which attributed to structure could reduce the penetration of water molecule, which
the formation of more compact network between zinc and could decrease the leakage and diffusion of drug molecules from
carboxylic groups than the most commonly used calcium (Das gel network (Banerjee et al., 2013).
et al., 2011). In vivo treatment efficacy of blend MS after oral administration
Increasing of ALG significantly increases the LE of 5-ASA was further evaluated using TNBS-induced colitis rats. The C/B
following with the increased particles size of the blend MS ratio and macroscopic observation of colon were used as important
(Table 1). However, there is no difference in LE, and only slight parameters for monitoring the severity of ulcerative colitis, which
increase of particles size of blend MS has been observed with the can visually evaluate the inflammatory degree of colon and judge
increase of NSC. Increasing the amount of 5-ASA actually led to an the treatment efficacy according to the real inflammatory status of
obvious increase of LE of blend MS, and has no noticeable effect on the colon (Karrout et al., 2015). The clinical scores of macroscopic
the particles size of blend MS. In addition, the concentration of zinc observations were regarded as another assessment index, and
also has influence on LE and the particles size. Increased LE of drug quantified using the “Wallace score system” (Wallace et al., 1989).
in blend MS and decreased particles size of blend MS are observed Higher clinical score represents more severe situation of the
with the increasing of Zn2+ concentration. The possible reason is disease. The blend MS cross-linked by different Zn2+ concentration
that increased Zn2+ will enhance the formation of network for drug showed a favorable treatment efficacy for colitis rats, which
entrapment, which is due to greater level of cross-linking between attributed to the release of zinc ions in inflamed colon for
Zn2+ and polymers. On the other hand, the blend MS prepared treatment of colitis (Luk et al., 2002; Sturniolo et al., 2002).
using low Zn2+ concentration might have large pores because of Furthermore, Zn2+ could improve intestinal barrier function and
insufficiency in cross-linking degree and/or drug leaching through protect against intestine damage (Lodemann et al., 2013;
the pores, which led to lower drug encapsulation (Das et al., 2014). Sivalingam et al., 2011; Chen et al., 1999; Hering and Schulzke,
In addition, the decrease of the particle size of blend MS could be 2009). Rats treated with 5-ASA loaded blend MS1 obtained best
explained by the formation of more compact polymer network, therapeutic effect, which could be attributed to the synergistic
causing physical retention of 5-ASA inside the blend MS. Increasing effects of targeting delivery of 5-ASA and zinc ion to inflamed colon
the 5-ASA content also results in an obvious improvement of drug for colitis treatment.
LE in blend MS. Compared to Ca2+ cross-linked blend MS, blend MS In vivo toxicity study was assessed by monitoring body weight
cross-linked by Zn2+ generally had smaller mean size (6.8 mm), changes, determination of blood parameters and serum biochemi-
Because Zn2+ radius was smaller than Ca2+ radius in a single cal parameters, and histological evaluation of main tissues. No
coordination number, and the blend MS cross-linked by Zn2+ have a mortal animal was observed during the experiment, indicating
more compact “egg box” structure than those of cross-linked by that blend MS has lower toxicity after oral administration. Blood
Ca2+, which led to a smaller volume occupied by Zn2+ in the blend parameters have no significant difference after oral administration
MS. Moreover, Zn2+ has stronger affinity with ALG because of the for 21 days at the dose of 80 mgkg1, which demonstrated the
bond of guluronic and manuronic acids, while calcium binds only lower hematotoxicity of blend MS. In fact, serum biochemical
to guluronic acid chains (Wasastjerna, 1923; Costa Cuozzo et al., parameters such as AST and ALT have a direct correlation with the
2014). This might result in a smaller particle size of blend MS cross- damages of liver parenchyma (Mukhopadhyay et al., 2015). The
linked by Zn2+. No significant difference in particle size of 5-ASA determined level of AST and ALT after oral administration of blend
loaded blend MS cross-linked by Zn2+ were observed compared MS suggested that blend MS did not produce hepatotoxicity.
with the zinc cross-linked blank blend MS (Fig. 1D). According to Furthermore, serum creatinine and albumin were most commonly
this result, it seemed that the drug loading process did not highly measured to evaluate the nephrotoxicity and renal disease. A rapid
affect to the size of blend MS cross-linked by Zn2+. Furthermore, an increase in the serum creatinine and albumin level is an index of
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particle size of the blend MS (Fig. 1E), which attributed to the serum creatinine and albumin indicated no nephrotoxicity of blend
formation of more compact network resulted from increased MS compared to those of normal rats (Table 2). Again, the
H. Duan et al. / International Journal of Pharmaceutics 516 (2017) 214–224 223

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