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Design Situation
Explain and justify the need

1. The Problem
Rewrite the task in your own words. You must mention inquiry statement, key concept,
related concepts and Global Context (you can attain this information from the MYP poster)

The problem I have to find a solution for is for people with celiac disease. Celiac disease is 1 of the most
common genetic disorders, affecting approximately 1% of individuals worldwide. People who struggle with this
disorder must abide by a gluten free diet. We’re going to make a website for people who struggle with finding
recipes that support their diet requirements as well as raise awareness of the disease. 

I must focus on the inquiry statement that is new ideas can be diffused into the World through innovative and
targeted communication such as using a website.

 I need to focus on the Key concept 

Communication & related concepts Innovation & Resources to understand how to solve this problem. 

I must investigate the key concepts and related concepts through the Global context Scientific and technical
innovation – the impact of scientific and technological advances on society and the environment I will 

do this by designing a website.


2. Explain and Justify

a. What is the nature of the problem?
The nature of our problem is that there are people struggling with celiac disease and they may
have issue with having a diet that supports their needs. We will solve this complication by
raising awareness and adding a different variety of  recipes which will ensure the safety and
benefit the people suffering with celiac disease.

b. Who is your client? (Individual/organisation)

The manager of Liverpool hospital is asking us to design  this for people who have celiac

c. How and why, you need to solve this problem? (Cause, effect, …)
I will solve this problem by gathering information about celiac disease and making a
recipe website via Wix. For people who have celiac disease, We need to make this
website because people 1 in 70 Australians suffer from celiac disease. It can manifest in
symptoms ranging from bloating and abdominal pain through to anaemia and even some
forms of cancer. 6-10 years is the average time a person waits to be correctly diagnosed.
(Source: Daniel Leffler, MD, MS, The Celiac Center at Beth Israel Deaconness Medical
Center). 5-22% of people with celiac disease have an immediate family member (first
degree relative) who also has celiac disease. A 100% gluten-free diet is the only existing
treatment for celiac disease today.

Identify the Need

Website, to make the website
Research, to add information into the website
Recipes, to add into the website, software we can use to make website
WIFI, to make the website and attain information and recipes
Google, to research

Design Brief
There are not many people informed about celiac disease and the issues it can create.
There has been an increase of people who suffer celiac disease that has become a


In order to complete this project, what will you need to do? Make a list of the
things you believe will make your project a success.
   þ Teamwork skills: Use online facetime to communicate with each other so that we know
what we ae doing and to help with collaboration and also make a website together.

þ Resources, having the necessary tools: Laptop, google, wifi, time, information, other
websites (to reference off), Microsoft Word, books, stationary. 

þ Budgeting: No budget

þ Punctuality to your assessments: Work on it at least once every fortnight on Fridays for
2-3hrs. Have calls every week. Handing in each component is the correct due date.

þ Knowledge about the subject: Celiac disease is a disease where a person is gluten
intolerant, you can find a lot of gluten free products in the shopping center at a variety
of different places.

þ Research skills: 
We can gain information about celiac disease by researching what it is, how it is formed,
what its effect is and what impacts it. (who, what, were, when and, why)

þ Overall ability and skills: research skills (we can use this skill by using google and
researching questions and making them), thinking skills (we can think of what
information we need to make the website), social skills (we can socialise with each
other through the process of making the website), self-management skills (we can
manage our time).

þ Organization skills: we will organise our time by using a schedule, organise our
website online during the set time for our schedule, organise our information gained
through research
Create a mind map of what you will need to find out about that relate to the concept of your design
Task analysis        How       why          when         where     what

providing gluten free diets

how: by using google and recipe books.
why: because some people may struggle with finding a proper diet to
support their nutrition needs.
when: during the semester we will complete this task.
where: on on google
what: we are going to make a website with recipes to support people's
needs by making this website we’re also raising awareness on this

Identify and prioritize the research 

Things that can help you create a research plan:
a. Questions to think about:
i. Describe your product
We are making a website that would raise awareness on celiac disease. The website would
include a page that would educate people on celiac disease and how they can’t eat gluten and it
would also include multiple categories of different types of food such as; vegetarian, vegan,
seafood, meat. the whole website would be a halal website.

ii. Describe your target market
The first target market includes a very aesthetically pleasing website design with a bigger
variety of products with detailed descriptions of each product it is also categorised very well.
However, the layout of the website is a bit messy and unorganised making it more complicated
to use moreover the colours of the website distasteful. Whereas the second website is very neat,
tidy and organised but doesn't offer a description of the product. However, it does have a
detailed and well organised procedure for the recipes. The colours on this website are more
appealing compared to the previous although it is still displeasing.

iii. Do you require any specific imaginary or text?

Our website should include both images and text. The type of images that should be displayed
in our website include images that are related to the recipe that is being addressed. we would
also need to add images throughout the website so that the website doesn't look bland, if we
wanted to we could also include a logo to add at the top of the website. The texts that are
essential for this website to be completed include the text;  the text that shows all the
ingredients for the recipe that are made, it needs to show the steps for the recipe, and we need
text to describe the recipe.

iv. Any special details that you want to use

Special details that could be included in the website include the logo that would be placed at the
top/header of the website. We could also include extra images to make the website more

v. What do you need to develop? 

 To develop the website we will need communication skills, research skills, time-management
skills, editing skills, IT skills and self -management skills.

vi. What do you need to research? 

We will need to research what is celiac disease (its effects, symptoms, related conditions and
mental health, celiac disease in children, testing and diagnosis, research news, etc.). We will
also be researching different recipes for casual meals,  dairy free, desserts, dinner, egg free, fish
& seafood, food to share, healthy snacks, instant pot, kids favourite, muffins and bread, paleo,
pizza & pasta, salads, sides, soups & stews, vegan  and vegetarian. 

Research about celiac disease

Research plan 
What do Primary  Secondary  Why did choose Date 
you want this research 
1  Interview (yasmin) 24th
What is a (yasmin) Februa
celiac We chose to do ry
disease? - We can this because it's
interview Mr vital that we add
Whitehead to extra information
gain a proper for people who
understanding on might not be
celiac disease. aware of what this
disease is. 
2 Website (Sameeha) 26th
What (Yasmin) Februa
recipes (Sameeha) We chose to do ry
do we this research since
include? - For this it is the main
question we can focal point of ur
research website. 
different kinds
of recipes online
using websites
and google
3 Interview (yasmin) 26th
Can (Sameeha) Februa
celiac We chose to do ry
disease - I will interview this research
be cured? Mr Whitehead on because it will be
whether or not useful for our
celiac disease can website. It can
be cured and help us make sure
how, to gain a the website is safe
proper for people who
have celiac
disease to use the
recipes without
putting their lives
at risk.
4 Website
what are (Sameeha)
symptom - For this
s of celiac question we can
disease go on the
internet and
research about
the symptoms in
5 Email
what are (Sameeha)
the (Yasmin)
s of celiac - I will email
disease in existing websites
children for the recipes
-we can also ask
other people for
their opinion on
what recipes can
be included.
6  Website
What (yasmin)
usually - I can research
are and whether or not
are not this disease has
gluten foods that are
free? and aren't gluten
free. After doing
this we can find
foods and
recipes to help
support people
with celiac
 (Sameeha Shabnam)
Celiac illness is an immune system problem that is set off when you eat

gluten. It's otherwise called celiac sprue, nontropical sprue, or gluten-

touchy enteropathy. 

Gluten is a protein in wheat, grain, rye, and different grains. It's what

makes mixture flexible and gives bread its chewy surface. 

At the point when somebody with celiac sickness eats something with

gluten, their body goes overboard to the protein and harms their villi,

little finger-like projections found along the mass of their small digestive


At the point when your villi are harmed, your small digestive system can't

as expected ingest supplements from food. In the long run, this can

prompt malnourishment, just as deficiency of bone thickness,

unsuccessful labor, barrenness or even neurological illnesses or certain


On the off chance that your celiac infection isn't better after in any event

a year without gluten, it's called headstrong or nonresponsive celiac


The vast majority with celiac infection never realize that they have it.

Scientists imagine that as not many as 20% of individuals with the

sickness get the correct analysis. The harm to your digestive tract is

moderate, and indications are shifted to the point that it can require a

very long time to get an analysis. 

Celiac infection isn't something very similar as gluten prejudice or gluten

affectability. Individuals with gluten bigotry may have a portion of similar

manifestations and might need to dodge gluten. Be that as it may, they

don't show a resistant reaction or harm to the small digestive tract.


Symptoms in adults:

 Stomach torment 

 Iron deficiency 

 Swelling or a sensation of totality 

 Bone or joint agony 

 Stoppage 

 Loose bowels 

 Gas 

 Acid reflux 

 Bothersome, blistery rash (specialists call this dermatitis


 Cerebral pains or exhaustion 

 Mouth ulcers 

 Sickness 

 Sensory system injury, including numb or shivering hands or feet,

balance issues, or changes in mindfulness 

 Crap that is pale, smells particularly unpleasant, or skims


 Weight reduction

Symptoms in children:


 Kids with celiac sickness are bound to have intestinal issues,


 Swelling or stomach growing 

 Blockage 

 Looseness of the bowels 

 Pale, noxious crap 

 Resentful stomach or spewing 

 Weight reduction 

In the event that celiac infection holds a kid's body back from engrossing

the supplements they need, they can have issues including: 

 Iron deficiency 

 Harmed tooth veneer 

 Postponed pubescence 

 Inability to flourish, in babies 

 Irritability or temperament changes 

 Neurological issues like learning handicaps and consideration

shortage hyperactivity problem (ADHD) 

 Moderate development and short stature

There are no cures for celiac disease. However, most people usually
change their diet instead to become gluten free. Unless it says it is gluten
free it's better to avoid products such as; Beer, Bread, cake, Cereals,
Pasta, Crackers, Pancakes and Sauces.

Other foods such as wheat, rye, Brewer’s yeast, barley, semolina, barley,
wheat starch, etc. There are also many processed foods that may have
gluten such as; french fries, energy bars, salad dressings, soup, soy
sauce, lollies, etc.

Potential benefits:
 Prevents Small Intestinal Damage
 Reduces the Symptoms of Celiac Disease
 Improves Nutrient Absorption
 Improves Fertility
 May Reduce Cancer Risk
 Lowers the Risk of Osteoporosis


Foods that are always gluten-free; fruits/vegetables, dairy products,

beans, nuts, meat, seafood. There are also some starches and grains that
are gluten free such as; rice, corn, soy, potatoes, chia, etc. 

Common products like medications and toothpastes can also contain

gluten, so it’s important to check the label.
If you have a serious lack of nutrients, your doctor may have you take
gluten-free vitamins and mineral supplements and will give you
medication if you have a skin rash.

After you’ve been on a gluten-free diet for a few weeks, your small
intestine should begin to heal, and you’ll start to feel better.


 Gluten-Free Blueberry Banana Bread
 Gluten-Free Italian Pasta Salad

 Gluten-Free Vegan Thai Meatballs
 gluten free Moroccan Chicken Dinner
 Gluten-Free Strawberry Tiramisu
 Gluten-Free Milk Chocolate Truffle Brownies

 Double Chocolate Soft Cookies – Gluten Free
Analyze similar products
Identify at least 4 examples of the product design and annotate each of the examples in the table below with
comments by carrying out the following:
a. Break down the essential elements of the product.
b. Identify the connection between the problem and product.
c. Compare with the client specifications.
d.  Include primary research.
e. Images can be included.

Product Appe How it represents the How Valu

(yasmin) aranc organization practical e for
*screenshots of websites e  (Sameeha) it would mon
below 8 Aesthetics be to use ey
(colour, fonts,
layout  and (1-5
(Same poor
overall style) eha) -

Product 1 (yasmin) Simply Gluten Free, Inc. It is 5

https://simplygluten- very In this practic
website, al to
we found use.
that blue, Very
black, simple
white and and
gray were not
colours compl
being used. icated
The Fonts websit
being used e with
are very easy
casual and access
are the to the
same as the recipe
regular s.
fonts that Howe
would ver, it
usually be doesn'
used t
online. The includ
overall e any
website inform
style is ation
nice and it about
isn’t  very what
cramped celiac
together. diseas
e is.

Product 2 (Sameeha) Gluten free Palette It is a 4

https://www.glutenfreepalate.c beauti
om/category/recipes/ The ful
website websit
contains e.
mainly 2 Well
different presen
primary ted
colours contai
black, ning
orange and all the
grey. There releva
are various nt
fonts used inform
as well as ation
different and
shapes and very
sizes. practic
There are al.
many While
images still
included pleasi
which help ng to
give a clear the
idea of eye.
what the
viewer will

Product 3 (Sameeha) (yasmin) Once 3

https://www.mamaknowsglute Mama Knows Gluten Free again This it is
website very
contains practic
the colours al to
turquoise use.
and red for Very
the simple
majority of and
the not
website. compl
Other icated
colour websit
comes e with
from easy
images that access
are used to to the
help recipe
present the s.
expectation Howe
s of the ver, it
recipes. doesn'
e any
e is.

Product 4 (yasmin) (Yasmin) Not a 2.5 On this Only Gluten-Free Recipes great
m/recipes/ website the websit
colors e
being used doesn'
are pink, t look
baby blue, appeal
and black. ing to
Also in this the
website, eye
the fonts howev
are also er still
very casual contai
similar to ns
the first releva
website. nt
The recipe
website has s. A
a large bit
variety of practic
foods to al.
make that
are 100%
gluten free.

product 1:

product 2:
Product 3:
Product 4:
Present your finding – how the research assists you to create your product 

The research will assist us in creating our website because it will give information to add in the front page to
educate others . Our research will also help us in looking for recipes that we can and cannot use on our website,
to ensure that the safety of people who suffer with celiac disease is covered. The research will also allow us to
expand our knowledge and understanding on bipolar disorder so that we know completely what it is that we are
doing for our website.

Explain your product 


Our product is making a website that would raise awareness on celiac disease. The website would include a page that
would educate people on celiac disease and how they can’t eat gluten and it would also include multiple categories of
different types of food such as; vegetarian, vegan, seafood, meat. the whole website would be a halal website. This
website will be aesthetically pleasing to the eyes and be very easy to navigate the website as well as having easy
access to this website

Product examples:
1. (Recipes, 2021)
2. (Recipes - Only Gluten Free Recipes, 2021)
3. (Gluten-Free Recipes, 2021)
4. (Gluten Free Recipes by Carol Kicinski | Simply Gluten Free, 2021)
5. (54 Foods You Can Eat on a Gluten-Free Diet, 2021)
5. (Celiac Disease Diet: Food Lists, Sample Menu, and Tips, 2021)
5. (Celiac Disease Diet: Food Lists, Sample Menu, and Tips, 2021)

Product examples:
1. In-text: (Gluten-Free Chocolate Cookies, 2021)
Your Bibliography: 2021. Gluten-Free Chocolate Cookies. [online] Available at:
<> [Accessed 5 March
2. Only Gluten Free Recipes. 2021. Recipes - Only Gluten Free Recipes. [online] Available at:
<> [Accessed 5 March 2021].
2. 2021. Gluten-Free Recipes. [online] Available at:
<> [Accessed 5 March 2021].
2. Simply Gluten Free. 2021. Gluten Free Recipes by Carol Kicinski | Simply Gluten Free.
[online] Available at: <> [Accessed 12 March

5. Healthline. 2021. 54 Foods You Can Eat on a Gluten-Free Diet. [online] Available at:
<> [Accessed 12 March 2021].
5. Healthline. 2021. Celiac Disease Diet: Food Lists, Sample Menu, and Tips. [online] Available
at: <> [Accessed 12
March 2021].
5. Healthline. 2021. Celiac Disease Diet: Food Lists, Sample Menu, and Tips. [online] Available
at: <> [Accessed 12
March 2021].

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