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A. Look at the picture carefully. Colour the living things in green and
non-living things in red.
B. Write ‘living thing' or ‘non-living thing’ for each picture.

living thing non-living thing non-living thing

non-living thing living thing living thing

non-living thing living thing non-living thing

living thing living thing non-living thing

C. Match the picture with the correct statement of what living things can

moving produce young need food

growing need water breathing

D. Complete the table with the word given.

girl butterfly sunflower plant hibiscus plant

ant mango tree bear baby

mother horse banana plant Mr. Adam

Humans Animals Plants

girl ant banana plant
mother horse hibiscus plant
baby bear mango tree
Mr. Adam butterfly sunflower plant

E. Fill in the blanks with words given.

food laying eggs plants

give birth move produce

grow run air

1. Humans, animals and plants are living things.

2. All living things need air to breathe.
3. Living things also need water and food to stay alive.
4. Living things can produce young.
5. Some animals like hen laying eggs and some animals like cat give birth.
6. Living things can move from one place to another place.
7. Animals like fish can swim and horse cans run.
8. When living things grow, it become taller.
F. Group the animals below into the correct categories.

Give birth Laying eggs

cow bird
giraffe snake
elephant hen

G. Underline the correct answer.

1. This is a (car, bicycle). It’s a (living

things, non-living things). The bicycle
(can, cannot) move by itself.

2. This is a (hibiscus, rose) plant. It is a

(liv ing things, non-living things). It can
grow (taller, smaller) and bigger.

3. This is an (eagle, pigeon). It’s a (living

things, non-living things). It can (swim,
fly ). This bird produces their young by
(give birth, laying eggs).

A. Look at the picture carefully. Can you recognize things that we

can eat and drink? Group it with the correct categories.

sandwich pencil milk ring

key radio egg chicken

ice-cream book cola drink umbrella

Things we can eat and drink Things we can’t eat

sandwich umbrella
milk book
egg radio
ice-cream key
chicken ring
cola drink pencil
B. Fill in the blanks with the words given.

breakfast lunch

bowl of rice chicken egg

lunch lunch breakfast

noodle bread
breakfast lunch breakfast

sandwich milk salad

breakfast breakfast lunch

C. from the list of food given below chooses the food that you take for

milk sweet fish burger meat rice cake

noodles bread chicken egg vegetables cereal fruit

rice vegetables
fish fruit
chicken meat
D. Look at the picture given. Colour it according to the indicator below.

Categories of food Colour

Foods that give us ‘energy’ Yellow
Foods that help us ‘to grow’ Red
Foods that help us to ‘stay healthy’ Green

egg bread meat bowl of rice

banana chicken noodle fish

carrot prawn broccoli

potatoes tomato apple milk

E. Underline the correct answer.

1. This is Amar. He is new-born baby.

Most of the time, he just
(sleep/wake). Sometimes he
(laugh/cry) when he hungry or need
to change his diaper. His (cute/ugly).

2. When Amar is (8 months/ 8 years)

old, he can (stand/sit). He also can
(crawl/jump). He is a ( healthy/sick)

3. Now Amar is (10/1) years old. He

started to (walk/run). Sometimes he
(fall/ sweat). But he never gives up

4. At the age of six, Amar can walk,

run, jump and (talk/cry) fluently. He
grow (taller/shorter) and

5. Amar goes to school at S.K Cahaya.

He now in year 2. He is (seven/eight)
years old. He is a (friendly/shy) boy.
Everybody (love/hate) Amar.
F. Fill in the blanks with the correct answer.

taller weight sizes small

heavier longer bigger height

1. When we grow older, we

will grow in sizes. So our
hand and leg become
longer and bigger.

2. Ali is 4 years old now. He

has grown in height. He
is taller.

3. Aslam has grown in

weight. He is heavier
now. His mother cannot
carry him in her arm

4. When Anita is a baby,

she is so small that she
can fit in the basket.
Now, as she grows older,
she becomes bigger

A. Fill in the blanks with the correct answer.

1. Animals need food.

2. Animals need air to breath.

3. Animals need water.

B. Match the animals with their

C. Fill in the blanks with the correct

1. The horse eats grass, while the tiger eats meat.
[meat, grass].

2. The grasshopper eats leaves, while the spider eats insects.

[insects, leaves].

3. The rooster eats grains and worm. The cat eats fish and rice.
[fish, worm].

C. Group these animals according to the food they eat.

elephant eagle cat bear

caterpillar chameleon snake camel

crocodile panda mouse ant

fox bee duck

Eat plants only Eat other animals only Eat plants and other
bee eagle cat
panda chameleon bear
elephant snake mouse
caterpillar crocodile ant
camel fox duck
E. Match the adults with their baby animals.
F. Colour the animals that didn’t look like their parents.

G. Write the number from 1 to 4, to show the correct order of

3 2

4 1

H. Fill in the blanks with the words given.

pupa larva egg adult

pupa larva egg adult

A. Match the picture with the correct statement.

1. Too little water. The plant will


2. The right amount of water.

The plant grows taller and bigger
and has more leaves.

3. Too much water. The plant will


B. Write the number from 1-4 in the boxes to show how a plant grows.

4 1 3 2
C. Group this plant that ‘produce seed’ and ‘not produce seed’.

Mango tree Sunflower plant Papaya tree Durian tree

Aloe Vera Sugar cane plant Rambutan tree Ginger plant

Pineapple plant Sweet potato plant

Plant that produce seed Plant that do not produce seed

Mango tree Aloe Vera

Sunflower plant Sugar cane plant

Papaya tree Pineapple plant

Durian tree Sweet potato plant

Rambutan tree Ginger plant

D. Group these fruits correctly.

chilly mango mangosteen papaya

coconut rambutan jackfruit lychee

Fruit with many seed Fruit with one seed

chilly mango

mangosteen lychee

jackfruit rambutan

papaya coconut
F. Match the seed with their plants.





G. Match these plants with their fruits.






A. Colour the longer objects.

1. 5.

2. 6.

3. 7.

4. 8.
B. Fill in the blanks with the correct answer.

longer taller bigger shorter

1. This is Tina and her

mother. Her mother
is bigger than Tina.

2. The car is shorter

than a bus.

3. An elephant is taller
and bigger than a
4. An eel is longer than an earthworm.

C. Colour the objects that can be used to measure length.

blackboard ring pin

screw sand castle apple leaf

D. Look at the picture below. Underline the correct answer.

apartment bicycle doctor

1. An apartment is the (taller / shorter).
2. A bicycle is the (shorter / taller).
3. The doctor is (taller / shorter) than a bicycle but (taller / shorter)
than the apartment.
4. The apartment and the doctor is bigger and (taller / shorter) than a
E. Write the length of the
objects below.

1. The table is 4 nails


2. The television is 5
straws long.

3. The frame is 10
matchsticks long.
4. The skateboard is 9 paper clips long.

F. Look at the picture below. Fill in the blanks with the suitable answer.

1. The frame is 8 paper clips long.

2. The envelope is 5 paper clips long.
3. The key is 4 paper clips long.
4. The frame is the longer object.
5. The key is the shorter object.
6. The frame is the longer object than the envelope.
7. The envelope is the longer object than the key.
8. The difference in length between the key and the envelope is 1 paper
clip long.
9. The difference in length between the envelope and the frame is 3
paper clips long.
10. The difference in length between the key and the frame is 4 paper
clips long.
G. Color the standardize tools.


A. Group these objects correctly.

alarm clock sofa basket ball

scissor compact disc camera

watch radio iron calculator

Things that use batteries Things that do not use batteries
alarm clock sofa
radio basket ball
camera compact disc
calculator iron
watch scissor
B. Match the objects with the batteries they use.





C. Match this battery to it correct terminal.

- Negative terminal

+ Positive terminal

D. Colour the things that their batteries is inserted correctly.

1. 2.

3. 4.

E. Name the things below with the word given.

bulb battery wire bulb holder

bulb holder battery

wire bulb

F. Using the things above, draw a complete circuit in the space bellows.

G. Colour the bulb with yellow for the circuit that will light up.

1. 2.

3. 4.
5. 6.

7. 8.


A. Write ‘dissolve’ or ‘not dissolve’ for each substance.

sugar coffee powder

dissolve not dissolve dissolve

marbles salt pin

not dissolve’ dissolve not dissolve

wheat flour paper clip curry powder

not dissolve’ not dissolve dissolve

sand milk powder green bean seed

not dissolve dissolve not dissolve

B. What is the taste when these substances were mix with water? Fill in
the blanks with the word given.

bitter sweet spicy salty tasteless sweet

1. sugar 2. salt
sweet salty

3. wheat flour 4. curry powder

tasteless spicy

5. coffee powder 6. brown sugar

bitter sweet

C. Fill in the blanks with the correct statement to show how to mix
substances with water.

A with solution is formed. Add three spoonfuls of milk powder

into the glass.
Then stir the mixture with spoon. Fill a glass with warm water.
1. Fill a glass with warm water.

2. Add three spoonfuls of milk

powder into the glass.

3. Then stir the mixture with


4. A with solution is

D. Write ‘yes’ or ‘no’ for in

the spaces provided.

Add substances below Does the substance Does the colour of the
with water dissolve in water? mixture changes?
1. coffee powder

yes yes

2. brown sugar
yes yes

3. salt

yes no

4. milk powder

yes yes

5. curry powder

yes yes

E. Colour the correct statement below with red.

1. milk powder 2. coffee powder

Do not dissolve with water. Dissolve with water

The colour of the mixture changes The colour of the mixture changes
to white. to yellow.
It tasteless. It tastes bitter.
3. rice 4. wheat flour

Do not dissolve with water Dissolve with water

The colour of the mixture didn’t The colour of the mixture changes
change. to white.
It tastes sweet. It tasteless.

5. chili powder 6. green bean seed

Dissolve with water Do not dissolve with water

The colour of the mixture changes The colour of the mixture didn’t
to red. change.
It tasteless. It tastes sweet.

A. Fill in the blanks with the word given.

push push and pull pull

push and pull push and pull

pull pull

push and pull push

B. Tick (  ) the objects that will change its shape when it is pushed
or pull.

1. sponge 2. battery 3. soft bear toy

 
4. pencil 5. pillow 6. wooden sign

7. balloon 8. cotton wool 9. key

 
10. sofa 11. plasticine 12. rubber band

 

C. Look at the picture. Colour the correct statement.

Moves faster Changes direction

Moves slower Moves faster

Changes direction Stop moving

Moves slower Moves faster

Stop moving Moves faster

Changes direction Moves slower

D. Circle the object that will travel the furthest if it is pushed
equally hard.
E. Fill in the blanks with the word given.
squeezing twisting stretching pressing

pressing squeezing stretching

stretching pressing pressing

stretching squeezing twisting

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