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Rahmatul Idola


1. Discuss the differences among “syntax, semantics, and pragmatics. Give examples (5 for
• Syntax is the study of sentence structure and the rules of grammar. While people can
do what they want with language (and many often do), syntax helps common users of
a language understand how to organize words so that they make the most sense.

Contoh :
1. I go to school at 7 am
2. Mother buys vegetables at the market
3. I wake up early at 5 am
4. Children play volleyball in the field every afternoon
5. I went to the bookstore to buy picture books with my mother

• Semantic the branch of linguistics and logic concerned with meaning. There are a
number of branches and subbranches of semantics, including formal semantics, which
studies the logical aspects of meaning, such as sense, reference, implication, and logical
form, lexical semantics, which studies word meanings and word relations, and
conceptual semantics, which studies the cognitive structure of meaning.

Contoh :
1. A water pill could be a pill with water in it but it is understood to be a diuretic that
causes a person to lose water from his body.
2.“Crash” can mean an auto accident, a drop in the Stock Market, to attend a party
without being invited, ocean waves hitting the shore, or the sound of cymbals being
struck together.
3.Depending on context, a flowering plant could be referred to as a weed or a flower.
4.A human can be referred to as a male, female, child, adult, baby, bachelor, father or
5.To call someone a lady means more than simply being female. Semantics tell us that,
if she’s a lady, she possesses elegance and grace.

• Pragmatics is a subfield of linguistics and semiotics that studies how context contributes
to meaning. Pragmatics encompasses speech act theory, conversational implicature talk
in interaction and other approaches to language behavior in philosophy, sociology,
linguistics and anthropology.

Contoh :
1. I hear you
2. If you eat all of that food, it will make you bigger!
3. Will you crack open the door? I am getting hot
4. I will kill you, I am starving
5. Rumah makan padang

Conclusion : Syntax is the study of sentences and phrases, and the rules of grammar that
sentences obey. Semantics is the study of sentence meaning; pragmatics is the study of sentence
meaning in context.

2. The role of inference in communication is to allow the listener to identify correctly which
particular entity the speaker is referring to.
a. What can you infer from the following utterances?
• Mister Aftershave is late today.
• Cheese sandwich is made with white bread.
• The cheese sandwich left without paying
• “Picasso’s on the far wall”
• “My Rolling Stones is missing”
b. Give 5 examples of each references and inferences

1. Mr Aftershave is late coming today, he may not normally be late but for today he
will be late
2. White bread is an ingredient for making sandwiches
3. Someone after going to buy a cheese sandwich without paying first
4. Picasso is located on a wall that is far away, we don't know which wall it is, it is
confirmed that the location of the wall is very far.
5. A person's rolling stone has been lost

Contoh refence :
1.Hills : is a landscape
2. Beautiful : is an abjective
3.Rabbit : is an animal
4. Rose : name of flower
5. Red : One of colour

Contoh inference
1. I looked into the room. The ceiling was very high
2. I walked into the room. The windows looked out to the bay
3. Walked into the room. The chandeliers sparkled brightly
4. John went walking out at noon. The park was beautiful
5. I left early. I have a train to catch

3. Types of presupposition
• existential
Indonesia is beautiful
The culture is diverse
There are many ethnic groups
There are various languages
Indonesia is a plural country

• factive
1. We don't realize the beauty of our country
2. I love Indonesia
3. The President of Indonesia realizes that the state needs to be continuously improved
4. I am aware that Indonesian culture is diverse
5. Indonesian as the national language

• lexical
1. Indonesia never stops developing
2. Indonesian culture continues to develop
3. Indonesia is free
4. Indonesia was no longer colonized by colonies
5. Food ingredients are always a lot in Indonesia
6.Indonesia is a producer of the world's spices
7. Dance in Indonesia continues to love until now

• structural
1. When is Indonesia Mardeka?
2. When was the president inaugurated?
3. When did Indonesia become a developed country?
4. When can we have advanced technology?
5. When do we go to the capital?

• non-factive
1. I imagine that Indonesia will become a developed country
2. Indonesia is a developed country
3. Indonesia has no culture
4. The national language of Indonesia is Minang language
5. Indonesian people are white

• and counter-factual.
1. Suppose the capital city of Indonesia is in West Java
2. supposing that the national language is Minang language
3. If there is only one language in Indonesia
4. If there is only one tribe in Indonesia
5. if all the people are Muslims

• Our lecture is Ms Honest : Ms. Honest is a lecture
• Ola won debate in the class : Ola is winner
• Ola is teaching in the classroom : Ola is teacher
• Wine broke the glass : the glass broke
• Ola and Airin went to campus together : Ola went to Campus
• The man died in an accident. : The man died
• He had finished his dotorate are degree : He is graduate of doctorate.

4.There are 4 types of contexts in Pragmatics. You should find 5 example of each Context.

1. Physical context,
a. Iwantthatbook. (accompanied by pointing)
b. Behereat 9:00tonight. (place/time reference)
c. He not the chief executive; he is.
d. He’s the managing director.
e. What is the size of this room ?

2. inguistic context
a. I can’t believe you said that!
b. If my mom heard you talk like that, she’d wash your mouth out with soap!
c. You can’t do it to me!
d. “She is broke me first” ( she is refer to girlfriend of the man who said this conversation)
e. My friend never did something like that!

3. Sosial Context
a. Mr. President, stop bugging me and go home. (You can’t talk like this to the President.)
b. I do hereby humbly request that you might endeavor to telephone me with news of your
arrival at your domicile when such arrival occurs. (A bizarre sentence if said to a friend instead
of “call me when you get home”.
c. i don’t want to do this homework! (you cant said it to the teacher)
d. i’am angry with you, i hate you (you cant said it to your parents)
e. cook for me, im hungry! ( you cant said it to your sister)

4. Epistemic context / Share.knowledge

a.What time do we have class today ?
b. Today we are going to learn about deixsis
c. Today is friday
d. I know that the Capital of Indonesia is Jakarta
e. Semantic is the branch of linguistics and logic concerned with meaning.

5. a. Meaning in semantic is refer to such different things as the idea or intention lying behind
a piece of language
Example :
- Conotative meaning
Ex : - blue is a color, but it is also a word used to describe a feeling of sadness, as in: “She's
feeling blue.” Connotations can be either positive, negative, or neutral.
- ‘’Hey angel’’ in one directions song mean beautiful girl not malaikat in bahasa
- - ‘’ I’m not afraid of the dark” in one directions song , in conotative meaning, its mean the
word dark is situation dont have light, but on the lyric dark mean unconditional situation when
the problem will comes.
b. Semantic Relation is Any relationship between two or more words based on the meaning of
the words.
Example :
-Retronymy : An expression that would once have been redundant , but which sociental or
technological changes have made nonredundant : Example : Silent movies – movies
– Polysemy : A word Which has two or more related meanings
Ex : bright, shining , intelligent
Converseness : a reciprocal semantic relationship between pairs of words
Ex : Husband – wife – childreen – parent – sell - buy
A. The word ‘meaning’ is used to refer to such different things as the idea orintention lying
behind a piece of language, as in (1), the thing referred to by a piece of language (2), and the
translations of words between languages (3). In semantics, we can study about meaning.
Meaning is the message conveyed by words, sentences, and symbol in a context.

There are several types of meaning, namely literal meaning, connotative meaning, dennotaive
meaning and figurative meaning and according to Leech, types of meaning are connotative
meaning, social and affective meaning, reflectted and collocative meaning, associative
meaning, and thematic meaning.

Sentence/Word Meaning is what a sentence (or word) means,i.e.what it counts as the equivalent
of in the language concerned, w.hile Speaker meaning is what a speaker means (i.e. intends to
convey) when he uses a piece of language.

B. Synonymy
big = large hide = conceal small = little

girl woman
+ animate + animate
+ human + human

brass = military officers jock = athlete
Cops = policemen
Moscow = Russian Government
crown = monarchy

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