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A. Identify the adverbial phrase and the type of adverbial phrase from the following


1. The requirement process moved so slowly.

2. We meet on airplane from Jakarta to Tokyo.

3. She talks to English native speakers to improve her communication skills.

4. She changes her mind every day.

5. The table has been prepared for us.

6. I often feel drowsy after lunch.

7. He got a job with no work of experience.

B. Choose the appropriate adverb for the each sentence!

1. I found his home easily/frequently/goodly.

2. Rohan behaves very goodly/easily/badly with his elders.

3. David plays football aggressively/hardly/sympathetically.

4. They called the police immediately/peacefully slowly after the accident.

5. Kiran is a lowly/hardly/highly paid employee of this company.

6. I was stuck in jam for simply/nearly/correctly two hours.

7. Thomas was extremely/halfly/fully happy when he got his first job.

8. I won’t say it progressively/necessarily/repeatedly.

C. Choose the appropriate conjunction for the following sentences!

1. I’m afraid of heights, and/yet/nor appreciate the view from the top of this building.

2. Carol wanted to drive to Colorado, and/or/but bill insisted that they fly.

3. This is the place where/when/how we stayed last time we visited.

4. Wherever/if/unless you win first place, you will receive a prize.

5. Our trip to the museum was interesting, but/for/yet there were several new artifacts on

6. You will not pass the test when/if/unless you study.

7. I could net get a seat, as/thought/when I came early.

8. Pay attention to your work so that/unless/or you will not make a mistakes.

9. Nadia doesn’t like to drive, but/yet/so she takes the bus everywhere.

10. The musicians delivered a rousing performance though/as/once they had rehearsed often.

11. I visit Grand Canyon once/whenever/wherever I go to Arizona.

12. She is honest if/so/when everyone trusts her.

13. My car has radio but/or/and a CD player.

14. I have to be on time, and/nor/or my bos will be annoyed if I’m late.

15. Do you like chocolate or/nor/and vanilla ice cream better?

16. I was on time, so/but/for everyone else was late.

17. Write this down or/when/lest you forget.

18. We are leaving Wednesday if/whether/though or not it rains.

19. I have to go to work at six, but/so/yet I’m waking up at four.

20. Sharon hates to listen to rap music but/nor/or will she tolerate a heavy metal.

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