Organizational Networks: Week 6 - Monday April 26

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Week 6 | Monday April 26
Think of someone influential in your life (work, school, personal) –
what is it about that person that makes them influential to you?
Type 2-3 words to describe (View options > Annotate > Text)

• I will record every class and post recordings to Canvas so they can be viewed
• You can find recorded classes under “Files” > “Class Recordings”
• Recordings are not to be shared outside of our class cohort
• You do not have to turn on video or unmute yourself if you are uncomfortable being
• Staying on and engaged now is your consent to recording
Class today
■ A few notes on the next 2 weeks
■ Check in on listening
■ Continuing our discussion of personal influence
■ Shifting to influence in organizations
■ Assignment check in
On the horizon…
■ No office hour tomorrow (Tuesday 4/27) at 9am. If you need help / want to talk:
– Roger office hour Wednesday 3-4
– My office hour M/W 5:30-6pm
– Reach out to set up 1:1 time
■ Please complete your course evaluation! I want your feedback!
■ Next Monday (5/3)
– No class content – use it for group work time
– I will have an office hour 4-5pm
– You can plan to meet “here” with your group and I’ll put you in a breakout OR do
your own thing (meet when/where you choose)
■ Next Wednesday (5/5)
– Group presentations!!
– Every group: presentation does not exceed 10 minutes
– Can be “live” or pre-recorded
– Classmates will RATE each presentation using the Zoom poll – this is one portion of
the group’s grade
Level 1 v. Level 2 Listening – What have
you noticed?
Level 1 Listening Level 2 Listening
■ About YOU ■ About the OTHER person
■ Listening to respond ■ Listening to really understand
■ Connect to your frame of reference ■ Stays focused on them
■ Casual conversation ■ Deeper conversation
■ People will feel heard and leave
the conversation feeling good
6 principles of influence/persuasion

■ Reciprocity
■ Scarcity
■ Authority
■ Consistency (and “commitment” in article)
■ Liking
■ Consensus (“social proof” in article)

Influence scavenger hunt
■ In small group, share the example of each principle you came up with since class
last Wednesday
– Reciprocity
– Scarcity
– Authority
– Consistency (and “commitment” in article)
– Liking
– Consensus (“social proof” in article)
■ Pick a spokesperson / scribe who will write examples on the page when we come
back together and speak for your group
What did your group come up with?
Reciprocity Scarcity Authority

Consistency Liking Consensus (“social proof”)

Solo reflection
■ How would you describe your personal presence?
■ When is it hard to be authentic?
■ What gets in the way of you being fully present?
■ Who can you trust to give you feedback on your presence?
■ What influence styles will you try out? When and where?
Wrapping up

■ Next time: continue our discussion of influence in organizations

■ I misspoke!! You still have 1 discussion question left due Monday 5/3 at 4pm
– It will help you start thinking about the action plan for your final paper
■ Group projects
– Will share order of presentations in Wednesday class
– Take time for Q&A
■ Final assignment
– Come prepared with questions on Wednesday

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