Conflict Resolution Training

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Conflict Resolution

Seminar Content
This two-day workshop will provide participants with a six-step process
that can be used to resolve conflicts of any size. Participants will also
learn crucial conflict resolution skills.
The purpose of the Soft Skills Training Series is to assist participants in
developing the personal attributes necessary to effectively relate to
others. This workshop is intended provide participants with a skillset for
solution building and finding common ground.
Who Should Attend
All would benefit from this workshop since the possibility of conflict
exists whenever two or more people work together.
Recommended Training and/or Experience
Seminar Materials
Each participant will receive a course manual and related exercise
Seminar Goals
 Understand what conflict and conflict resolution mean
 Understand all six phases of the conflict resolution process
 Understand the five main styles of conflict resolution
 Be able to adapt the process for all types of conflicts
 Be able to break out parts of the process and use those tools to
prevent conflict
 Be able to use basic communication tools, such as the agreement
frame and open questions
 Be able to use basic anger and stress management techniques
Seminar Outline
An Introduction to Conflict Resolution
 What is Conflict?
 What is Conflict Resolution?
 Understanding the Conflict Resolution Process
Conflict Resolution Styles with the Thomas-Kilmann Instrument
 Collaborating
 Competing
 Compromising
 Accommodating
Conflict Resolution
 Avoiding
Seminar Outline (cont’d)
 Creating an Effective Atmosphere
o Neutralizing Emotions
o Setting Ground Rules
o Choosing the Time and Place
 Creating a Mutual Understanding
o What Do I Want?
o What Do They Want?
 Focusing on Individual and Shared Needs
o Finding Common Ground
o Building Positive Energy and Goodwill
o Strengthening Your Partnership
 Getting to the Root Cause
o Examining Root Causes
o Creating a Cause and Effect Diagram
o The Importance of Forgiveness
o Identifying the Benefits of Resolution
 Generating Options
o Generate, Don’t Evaluate
o Creating Mutual Gain Options and Multiple Option
o Digging Deeper Into Your Option
 Building a Solution
o Creating Criteria
o Creating a Shortlist
o Choosing a Solution
o Building a Plan
 The Short Version of the Process
o Evaluating the Situation
o Choosing Your Steps
o Creating an Action Plan
o Using Individual Process Steps
 Additional Tools
o Stress and Anger Management Techniques
o The Agreement Frame
o Asking Open Questions

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