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COC 1: Deliver Training Session

Demo flow (30 minutes)

Declaration of Training Program is in compliance with the Training Regulation from Tesda
Welcome trainees
Introduce self and Training Center
Conduct attendance
Segway to conduct of pre-test
10 to
Explain/orient about purpose and context of pre-test
Conduct pre-test
Declare break to check pre-test
Conduct Training Program orientation thru power point presentation
Recognize Prior Learning (RPL)
Explain RPL purpose and context
Conduct attendance
Deploy 0 knowledge to Learning Resource Area for 1 st activity (CBLM)
Explain how to use CBLM and other rooms (learning areas) to supplement learning
Ask with knowledge necessary document for RPL
Verify authenticity of document
Explain again purpose and context of RPL institutional assessment
Conduct RPL institutional assessment of with knowledge
Give feedback, inform of achievement certificate and update Progress Chart and Trainees Record Book
Dismiss with knowledge
Check activity of 0 knowledge, give feedback and update achievement chart plus trainees record book
Dismiss 0 knowledge
Conduct attendance
Award achievement certificate to with knowledge
Deploy both trainees to the learning resource area
Instruct 0 knowledge to continue with the remaining learning activities
Explain to with knowledge how to use CBLM and other rooms (learning areas) to supplement learning
Assist 0 knowledge to the Practical Work Area to master a certain task from the task sheet
Trainer should first demonstrate the task to 0 knowledge
Let 0 knowledge do the task and give more time to practice
Check against the performance criteria checklist the accomplished task of o knowledge
Update Achievement Chart and trainees record book of 0 knowledge
Give feedback to 0 knowledge that all of the activity in the UC is done and trainee is required to undergo
an Institutional Assessment on the next day in order to move to the next UC
Remind 0 knowledge to review all the learning activities of the UC before dismissal
Check activity of with knowledge, give feedback and update achievement chart plus trainees record book
Dismiss with knowledge
Conduct attendance
Instruct with knowledge to continue with the remaining learning activities
Orient 0 knowledge purpose, context and assessment method to be used in the Institutional assessment
Conduct institutional assessment to 0 knowledge
Give feedback, inform of achievement certificate and update Progress Chart and Trainees Record Book
Dismiss 0 knowledge
Check activity of with knowledge, give feedback and update achievement chart plus trainees record book
Conduct attendance
Award achievement certificate to 0 knowledge
Deploy both trainees to the learning resource area
STATE to the TM1 Assessors that due to time constraints you will move the demonstration to the latter
Update Achievement and Progress Chart as well as the Trainees Record Books
Congratulate the trainees for finishing the training program
Conduct Training Program Evaluation using training program evaluation form
30 End

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