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Questions to probe the candidate’s underpinning knowledge
Extension/Reflection Questions Yes No
1. What are the common drawing tools used in technical
drafting?  

2. What software do you need for you to create computer-aided

drawings?  

3. What exactly should you do if your trainer asked you to plot

your drawings?  

4. What will you do if you don’t know how to read and interpret
complicated blueprint plan?  
Safety Questions
5. Have you practiced good housekeeping?  
6. Should you check the computer hardware before using?  
7. Is it important to properly shutdown your computer after  
using? Why?
8. Is it important to not have food and drinks on or near your  
computer while working? Why?
Contingency Questions
9. What will you do if your trainer gave you a task but you  
have no idea how to do it?
10. What will you tell your co-learner who keeps on borrowing  
your things and not returning it back?
11. What will you do if you were given a wrong plan?  
12. What will you do if the printer you are using  
Job Role/Environment Questions  
13. You can’t give your finished drawings on time to your  
trainer due to storm (no internet connection). What will
you do?
14. What will you do when you are almost finished with your  
drawings and suddenly your computer shut down? You
need to submit your drawings the next morning.
15. Will you continue to perform your task if you encountered a  
problem with your co-learner?

Date Developed: Document No.

Technical Drafting NC II
OCTOBER 2017 Issued by:
Questioning Tool Developed by: 8
Assessment Tools DANIEL D. REYES Original #00
16. What will you do if you’re lacking some materials for you to  
perform your task?
Rules and Regulations  
17. What organization sets the requirements for the Alphabet of  
18. What code should you follow for safety regulations and  
practices in plumbing and sanitation?
19. To which code will you refer in designing an electrical plan?  
20. To which code will you refer in designing a building?  
The candidate’s underpinning  Satisfactory  Not
knowledge was: Satisfactory

Date Developed: Document No.

Technical Drafting NC II
OCTOBER 2017 Issued by:
Questioning Tool Developed by: 9
Assessment Tools DANIEL D. REYES Original #00
Questions to probe the candidate’s underpinning knowledge
Extension/Reflection Questions Yes No

1. Pencil, T-square, Triangles, Scale, Protractor, Compass,  

2. CAD Software  
3. Print the drawings  
4. I will tell my superior and ask for assistance.  
Safety Questions
5. Yes, for the clean, safe and organize workplace.  
6. Yes, for safety purposes.  
7. Yes, for the device to function properly.  
8. Yes, to prevent un-save work due to power interruption.  
Contingency Questions
9. I will honestly tell my supervisor that I do not know yet how  
to do it but I am willing to learn if given the chance and
10. I will tell him/her that it’s okay to borrow my things but  
he/she has to return it after using.
11. I will return it to my superior and ask politely for the correct  
12. I will politely inform my superior of my situation.  
Job Role/Environment Questions  
13. I will call or text my instructor/trainer and explain my  
14. I have no choice but to repeat everything and try to finish it  
on time.
15. Yes, I will settle first the problem with my co-learner and  
then continue to finish my task.
16. I will honestly inform my trainer.  
Rules and Regulations  
17. ANSI/ASME Y14.2-1992 Line Conventions and Letterings  
18. Revised National Plumbing Code of the Philippines  
19. Philippine Electrical Code  
Date Developed: Document No.
Technical Drafting NC II
OCTOBER 2017 Issued by:
Questioning Tool Developed by: 10
Assessment Tools DANIEL D. REYES Original #00
20. National Building Code of the Philippines  
The candidate’s underpinning  Satisfactory  Not
knowledge was: Satisfactory

Date Developed: Document No.

Technical Drafting NC II
OCTOBER 2017 Issued by:
Questioning Tool Developed by: 11
Assessment Tools DANIEL D. REYES Original #00

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