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Resistencia a la fractura de premolares

restaurados y tratados endodónticamente

Evaluation of fracture resistance in
root canal-treated teeth restored
using different techniques
Usage of horizontal post or occlusal Ribbond usage increased the fracture resistance of root canal-
treated premolars with MOD cavities.

Fracture Resistance of
Endodontically Treated Maxillary
Premolars Restored With Different
Methods (in vitro)
No hubo diferencia significative entre los grupos. La mayor resistencia a la fractura la tuvo el grupo
de resina conv encional seguido de los sanos y de los reforzados con un poste de fibra de vidrio
ubicado horizontal. La menos resistencia la tuvieron las resinas bulk fill. La colocación de un poste
de fibra aumenta la prevalencia de fracturas reparables.

Fracture resistance of
endodontically treated molars
restored with horizontal fiberglass
posts or indirect techniques (in
Onlays de cerámica y resina directa reforzada con postes de fibra horizontales tuvieron similar
resistencia a la fractura. Resina directa e inlays de cerámica tuvieron las menores resistencias.
Influence of coronal restorations
on the fracture resistance of root
canal-treated premolar and molar
teeth: a retrospective study
 In general, endodontically treated teeth restored with prosthetic restorations
demonstrated a significantly lower mean fracture rate than teeth restored with fillings.
Cavities with up to three surfaces may well be successfully restored adhesively with
composite filling material.

Posterior partial crowns out of

lithium disilicate (LS2) with or
without posts: A randomized
controlled prospective clinical trial
with a 3-year follow up
over a 3-year observation period, the clinical performance of endodontically treated teeth
restored with lithium disilicate partial crowns was not significantly affected by the use of a
fiber post and by the type of tooth (premolars or molars).

Otros dicen que la deflexión cuspídea se reduce con refuerzo de fibra de vidrio en cámara
o con postes de fibra de vidrio.

Fracture strength of endodontically

treated maxillary premolars
supported by a horizontal glass
fiber post: an in vitro study
Under the conditions of this in vitro study, a horizontal glass fiber post in a MOD cavity
increased significantly the fracture resistance of the endodontically treated upper

Effect of Fiber Posts on Stress

Distribution of Endodontically
Treated Upper Premolars: Finite
Element Analysis

In the presence of FPs, the maximum stress values recorded on dentin (in cervical and root-
furcation areas) appeared slightly reduced, compared to the endodontically treated tooth
restored with no post. FPs in maxillary premolars with MOD cavities can lead to a positive
redistribution of potentially dangerous stress concentrations away from the cervical and
the root-furcation dentin.

Influence of restorative procedures

on endodontically treated
premolars: Finite element analysis
of a CT-scan based three-
dimensional model
MODP seems to reduce von Mises stress values in dental tissues and the Post seems to
transfer some of the stresses from dental tissues to the composite filling.

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