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Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris

Kelas/ Jurusan : XII/ TKJ
Hari/ Tanggal : Senin, 2 Desember 2019

Choose the correct answer A, B, C, or D for each number.

1. Meidi : What does your mother do?

Lala : She’s a nurse. She . . . .
A. helps doctor take care of patients C. examines patients
B. performs surgical operations D. makes medicine for patients

2. Vera : The air conditioner in my room is broken. What should I do?

Denny : You should call . . . to fix it.
A. a doctor B. a mechanic C. an electrician D. a programmer

3. Assistant : Here’s the report you ask for.

Accountant : Yes, could you please help me put this file back before leaving?
A. Is there anything else I can do? C. Can I leave now?
B. Can you help me? D. What can I do for you?

4. Receptionist : Under what name would you like the reservation?

Rudi : Rudi Candra
Receptionist : . . .
Rudi : Yes. It’s 9985482
A. Your phone number, please. C. Can I tell you my phone number?
B. May I have your phone number? D. Will you speak about your phone number?

5. Customer : I’m sorry to tell you that there’s a problem with the camera I bought yesterday.
Sales Clerk : I’m sorry to hear that . . . .
A. let me know if you can repair it by yourself C. let me check the problem
B. please try again to make sure D. you should buy a new one

6. The passenger : What should we do before a plane takes off or lands?

The stewardess : . . . .
A. Fasten you seat belt C. Open you seat belt
B. Loosen your seat belt D. Close your seat belt

7. Herry : Can you tell me how to turn off a computer?

Via :....
A. Turn on the power button C. Click on start
B. Press the power button D. Click on the turn-off icon

8. Customer : Excuse me. Could you show me . . .

Shopkeeper : Yes of course.
A. What this water heater works? C. Where is the water heater works?
B. When this water heater works? D. How this water heater works?

9. Guest : Would you do me a favor, please?
Manager : Yes, sir . . .
Guest : I ordered lunch an hour ago, but I haven’t got it yet.
A. What would you like to order, sir? C. What seems to be the problem?
B. Would you like to have lunch? D. I’ll call the room service.

10. Ms. Lia : Would you like to join us for dinner?

Sarah : I’m sorry I have to go bow. I wish . . . .
A. I can stay longer C. I’m full
B. I cannot have dinner here D. you tell me first

11. Kiara : What do you do now?

Sarah : ____________________
Kiara : That’s sound great.
A. I’m good, thanks. C. I exercise every morning.
B. I’m looking for a new job. D. I’m a Sales Manager at Clothing Company.

12. Jessica : ____________________

Sarah : I’m a freelance designer.
A. What do you do? C. How do you do?
B. What are you doing? D. What are you responsibilities?

13. Fred : ____________________

Sarah : I help customers find the product that suits their needs.
A. Do you like your job? C. What are you doing?
B. What do your customers do? D. What are responsible for?

14. Interviewer : What is typical day at your current office like?

Applicant : ____________________
A. I work from Monday to Friday. C. I don’t work there anymore.
B. I perform administrative duties. D. I like my job.

15. Nuri : ____________________

Niken : 8 a.m.
A. What time do you enter work? C. What hour do you enter office?
B. What time do you star work? D. When you start work?

16. Greg : I forgot my wallet.

Lisa : Don’t worry, ____________________
Greg : Thanks, Lisa.
A. you are going to be fine. C. I’ll borrow you some money.
B. I’ll lend you some money. D. you’ll find it.

17. Calle : Hi. I’d like to book a table for 6 a.m.

Sarah : Certainly. ____________________
Calle : Two.
A. How many table do you need? C. What time is the booking for?
B. How many chairs do you need? D. How many people is the booking for?

18. Caller : Hi. I’d like to check my reservation for next week, please?
Staff : ____________________
Caller : John Smith.
A. Who would like to order, please? C. Can you repeat that, please?
B. Can I have your name, please? D. Who is he?

19. Guest : I’d like a deluxe room.

Receptionist : ____________________
Guest : Just one night.
A. How long do you need it for? C. When would you like to stay with us?
B. How long will you be staying with us? D. When would you like to check out?

20. Guest : Hi! The DVD player in my room is not working.
Staff : ____________________
A. We’ll send someone to your room to fix it. C. We’re going to send the DVD to your room.
B. We’ll send the DVD to your room. D. Of course we’re checking it for you tomorrow.

21. Lyla : Hi, Ren! What’s wrong?

Renee : I got a C for my math test. ____________________
A. I wish I had studied harder. C. I wish I didn’t get an A.
B. I wish I hadn’t gotten it. D. I wish I get a new test.

22. Teacher : Class, __________ we begin, let’s review the chapter we discussed last week.
A. first B. before C. after D. then

23. Lisa : What did he do before he became a professional football player?

Berry : _________, he was a student.
A. Afterwards B. Previously C. Recently D. Until

24. Many companies require their staff to _________ uniform to work.

A. use B. wear C. buy D. apply

25. Some shops allow you to exchange or refund. Therefore, it is important that you _________ the receipt
of problem purchases.
A. hold B. keep C .lose D. discard

The following text is for questions number 26 to 30.

How to Clean Your Digital Camera

First, clean the body of the camera. Wipe any dust on the camera, using compressed air, an air blower
or a dry cloth. Don’t’ use anything like window cleaning liquid, which might damage your digital camera.
After cleaning the body, you can clean the camera lens. Use a soft cloth to wipe the lens. Only use lens
cleaning fluid to clean the lens on your digital camera. Don’t forget to wipe the lens cap for any dust. Then clean
the image sensor. Use an air blower to remove the dust. Don’t use compressed air or anything like window
cleaning liquid to clean the sensor.
Finally, clean the inside of the camera. Open up your camera, use an air blower to clean the inside of the
camera for any dust.
26. What is the first step of cleaning a digital camera?
A. Clean the camera body. C. Clean the image sensor.
B. Clean the lens. D. Clean the inside part of camera.
27. What is the next step after cleaning the body of the camera?
A. Clean the image sensor. C. Wipe the lens cap.
B. Clean the inside part of camera. D. Clean the lens.
28. What is used to clean the image sensor?
A. Air blower C. Soft cloth.
B. Dry cloth. D. Compressed air.
29. Use the air blower to remove the dust.
What is the synonym of the underline word?
A. Pull B. Clean C. Dismiss D. Clear
30. Don’t use anything like window cleaning liquid, which might damage your digital camera.
The antonym of the underlined word is . . . .
A. ruin B. keep C. clean D. destroy

The following text is for questions number 31 to 35.


A chef’s job is much more than a job. Food is much more than a biological necessity. In the right hands, it’s an art form
meant to be savored. You can’t taste you can’t taster a photograph or smell a symphony, but good food is meant to be consumed
and appreciated with all your senses.
The culinary artist, or as we call them chefs have mastered the medium of food, producing dishes that can comfort us and
inspire us of our dear moms, or energize and inspire us. A good chef can nourish the body and please the plate, leaving us
satisfied and wanting more at the same time.
Of course, it is not easy to be a good chef. Specialized training and dedication are the key ingredients in the recipe for
success. The time you spend in a culinary school will help you develop your natural talents and prepare for a successful culinary.

31. The main idea of the text above is . . . .

A. a good chef C. The art culinary
B. the work of chef D. It is not easy to be a chef
32. The culinary artists have mastered the medium of food.
The synonym of the underlined word is . . . .
A. skilled B. taught C. learned D. tried
33. The time will help you develop your natural talents . . . .
The antonym of the underlined word is . . . .
A. supernatural B. unnatural C. made D. artificial
34. Based on the text, what is the key to being a successful chef?
A. Developing natural talents. C. Preparing food well.
B. Having specialized training and dedication. D. Spending time in a culinary school.
35. What does the second paragraph talk about?
A. The culinary artist is called chef.
B. Chefs can inspire us through their food.
C. A chef can remind us about our moms.
D. A chef must have mastered the medium of food.

Identify the underlined words or phrases that should be corrected.

36. I don’t think we should go. It looks like it can rain.
37. Yesterday you say you would give me back the money you borrowed.
38. If you took this medicine regularly, you will feel better in no time.
39. I wish I were bought the ticket early.
40. We have 40 employees totally, and half of them are almost always terribly late!

Read the following dialog and answer the questions corrctly.
Maya and Rudi are neighbors.
Maya : Hi, Rudi! You look so busy. What are you doing?
Rudi : Hi, May! Not really. I’m repairing my car. Well, where are you going?
Maya : I’m going for work.
Rudi : What do you do, May?
Maya : I’m a secretary at Astra Company.
Rudi : What do you do there?
Maya : I type letters and answer phone calls.
Rudi : Well, you have an interesting job, May.
Maya : Thanks, Rudi. How about you? What do you do for living?
Rudi : I work at Nagata workshop as a mechanic.
Maya : What do you do there?
Rudi : I repair cars and machines.
Maya : It looks like a difficult job, Rud.
Rudi : Well, sometimes.
Maya : Sorry, I have to go. See you!
Rudi : See you too.
1. What are they talking about?
2. What is Maya’s job? Where does she work?
3. What does she do at his work place?
4. What does Rudi do for living? Where does he work?
5. What does he do at his work place?



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