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What you will do

Activity 1.1

Direction: Secure an original and a fake document. Paste it on a paper explain the
differences between the two documents.


What you will do

Activity 1.2
Direction: Below is an example of a suicide note that should be investigated. Given the
piece of evidence, how would you analyze the document?


In my own way of evaluating, assuming that I have the real document of the
suicide note only the visual examination is the one that I can apply to the
documents because of the lack of forensic tools. That is why, I cannot able to
investigate deeply the documents using the scientific methods and techniques.
The methods that I should apply first is to find out
The methods that I should apply first is to observe the calligraphy of the notes
because it is one of the most important thing to know if this handwritten looks
like to the handwritten of the one who committed the suicide.
Another method that I will do is to check the type of paper he used in the note. Its because
theres a possibility that the type of paper he used doesn't usually found in the vicinity of
where he lives or places that he usually go to. If that is the case, then the suicide note
might be fake.

Lesson 1: Chemical Aspect of Document Examination

 Document is an original or official written or printed-paper furnishing
information or used as a proof of something else. Is any object that
contains handwritten or typewritten markings whose source or
authenticity in doubt.
 The problems encountered in the analysis of paper are the determination
of whether two pieces of paper originated from the same source,
determination of the probable age of paper and determination of the
composition of the paper.
 The examination and comparison of paper may determine the age of the
paper as compared to the age of known document, whether the paper is
identical with or different from another paper whose history is known
and whether two sheets of paper of the same manufacturer were made at
the same time.

 The four tests for paper are preliminary examination, physical test
causing no perceptible change, physical test causing a perceptible change
and chemical test.
 The two tests for ink are the physical method/test which is applied to
determine the color and presence of alterations, erasures, destruction of
sizes with use of stereoscope, handlens, and microscope and the Chemical
test or spot test which is simple test wherein different Chemicals or
reagent are applied on the ink strokes and the chemical reactions or
characteristics color reactions or other changes in the ink are observed.


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