Interview For Body Modification

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Interviewer: Why did you decide to get your eye colour

Interviewee: Well it was something that i always wanted to do
from i was a child and i was surrounded by that nature.
Interviewer: How was the process that led to the change of your
eye colour?
Interviewee: It was an injection and it was a very risky and
painful process. It was risky in terms of there was a possibility
that i could have been blinded. This was also permanent.
Interviewer: What are the reactions that people give to your
different modifications.
Interviewee: Most people think ask like why did you get these
or was it painful and some weren't too happy about it but most
people are supportive.
Interviewer: Does it physically hurt or affect you in any way
Interviewee: It hurts a little but most of the pain is taken away
when they give us anesthetics.
Interviewer: How has these modifications affected your life?
Interviewee: Well i love these modifications and these are what
make me feel normal and good inside. Some people get like
aftereffects of the modifications like rashes some are severe
some aren't and some don't get any at all.

This was the Jeremy vine show that aired a year ago that was
found on youtube between a woman with many different
modifications and the host. You can go to
https://www.my5tv/jeremy-vine/season to watch the full
episodes there or look up the video on youtube.

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