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Yulo Cristian D.

Orsolino May 18, 2021

ES 222 (Dynamics)

1. A stone is thrown from a hill at an angle of 600 with the horizontal at an initial velocity of
30m/s. After hitting level ground at the base of the hill, the stone has covered a horizontal
distance of 150 m. How high is the hill?

2. A projectile is fired with an initial velocity of 60m/s, upward at an angle of 300 to the
horizontal from a point 80m above a level plain. What horizontal distance will it cover before
it strikes the plain.
3. The track for this racing event was designed so that riders jump off the slope at 300 , from
the height of 1m. During a race it was observed that the rider remained in mid- air for 1.5m.
Determine the speed at which he was traveling off the ramp, the horizontal distance he
travels before striking the ground, and the maximum height he attains. Neglect the size of
the bike and the rider.

4. The ball is kicked from point A with the initial velocity vA = 10m/s. Determine the range R,
from the speed when the ball strikes the ground.
5. A ball is thrown from A. If it is required to clear the wall B, determine the minimum
magnitude of its initial velocity vA.

6. Determine the speed at which the basketball at A must be thrown at the angle 300 so that
it makes it to the basket at B.
7. A projectile is fired with an initial of vA = 150 m/s off the roof of the buildings. Determine
the range R where it strikes the ground at B.

8. A particle travels along the y 2 = 4x with a constant speed of v = 4 m/s. Determine the x
and y components of the particle’s velocity and acceleration when the particle is at x = 4m.
9. Water is discharge from the hose with a speed of 40 ft/s. Determine the two possible
angles the fireman can hold the hose so that the water strikes the building at B. Take s = 20

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