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Quarterly Preview

Step 1 my biggest wins /  List your top accomplishments from the past quarter.

Step 2 after action review /  Refer to your goals for this past quarter.

How far did you get? %


What worked? What didn’t?

Plan for what is difficult while it is easy. Do what is great while it is small.
sun tzu

What will you keep doing? What will you improve?

What will you start doing? What will you stop doing?


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You don’t have to wait to be confident. Just do it and eventually the confidence will follow.
carrie fisher

Step 3 life plan review /  Connect with your long-range vision.

If you have a life plan, read through it. Is there anything you need to revise, remove, or re-
place? If you don’t have a life plan, skip this step for now. If you want to learn how to create
a life plan, read Living Forward by Michael Hyatt and Daniel Harkavy.

Step 4 annual goal review /  Connect with your yearly goals.

Check your Annual Goals. Do you need to revise, remove, or replace any? Rewrite your
goals, along with any adjustments, on the Annual Goals page of your next planner.

In your new planner, indicate which goals will get your quarterly focus. Limit yourself to
two or three per quarter.

Complete your new Goal Detail pages. Rewriting ensures you internalize your goals, stay
connected to your why, and improve the likelihood of achievement.

Step 5 monthly calendar review /  Schedule next quarter’s “big rocks.”

Turn to the Monthly Calendar pages of your new planner and write in the following items focus-
ing on the “big rocks.” Then, if you want, do the same for the Rolling Quarters.


Step 6 ideal week review /  Tweak your Ideal Week based on your experience.

Turn to the Ideal Week pages of your current planner. Is there anything you want to revise,
remove, or replace? If so, do that in the Ideal Week pages of your new planner.

Step 7 daily rituals review /  Tweak your Daily Rituals based on your experience.

Turn to the Daily Rituals pages of your current planner. Is there anything you want to
revise, remove, or replace? If so, do that in the Daily Rituals pages of your new planner.

Step 8 new daily pages /  Enter the dates into your new planner.

Enter the dates on the Daily Pages in your new planner for the first week or two of the
new quarter.

If you don’t write your ideas down, they could leave your head before you even leave the room.
richard branson


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