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Descriptive statistic:

Descriptive statistic is tha part of statistic in which quantitatively describes the

characteristic of a particular dataset under study , with the help of brief summary about the the descriptive statistics the data is summarize tabulated , organized and presented in

the forms of graphs and charts . it is used to describe the characteristics of data . its is very useful

because it allows us to make sense of the give data and it is also very usefull is exploring and

allowing us to make conclusion order to make logical decisions. It is mainly used in non-

experimental researches and usually talks about samples .

For example :

A student's grade point average (GPA), it provides us a good understanding in

terms of descriptive statistics. The idea is that in a GPA it takes data points from a wide

scale of exams, classes and grades, and then averages them together to gives a general

understanding of overall academic performance of a student.

descriptive statistic are further broken down into measures of central tendency include the mean,

median ,mode and measures of variability includes Range ,Interquartile range ,Variance

,Standard deviation. All descriptive statistics are either measures of central tendency or measures

of variability

Measures of central tendency :

 The mean, or the average, is calculated by adding all the figures within the data set

and then dividing by the number of figures within the set. For example, the sum of the

following data set is 18 : (2, 3, 4, 5,4). The mean is 3.6 (18/5).

 The mode of a data set is the value appearing most often like in our case 4 is the

value that appears most, then 4 is our mode .

 The median is the figure that is situated in the middle of the data set again in our

case when we see the middle figure of data set we find 4 , so 4 is our median.

Measures of variability:

As the name suggested variability means change . It is Also known as measures of

dispersion. It is a summary statistic that represents the amount of dispersion in a dataset.

In other words , variability measures how much your scores differ from each other .

For example :

Imagine two groups of people one is the classroom of 13 students and second is the play

ground on Saturday morning which include babies, toddlers, parents , grandparents

everybody. Now what we are interested in is height. The question is how do the two

groups differ in relation to height ,we are start looking the average height of the people in

each group. In the classroom the average height of the students is 4 foot. Now the 4 foot

represent average height in classroom as well as in playground. In the classroom

everybody has roughly the same Height. Now what we say is the height varies a little,

now in the playground height varies a lot more because elders are much taller than the

young children, so we can say in the playground height varies a lot , what we talking

about is something called variability. We can say that average height in both groups is

same but what is not the same is the amount of variability in height in each of the groups.

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