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Monday, November 11th 2019

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Supreme Court rejected

division of Ayodhya site –
but based its decision on
such divisions
Had the question of possession been tested on a composite
site, would the Hindu side have succeeded?

Sruthisagar Yamunan
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14 hours ago 1/16
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The Babri Masjid in Ayodhya, Nov, 1990. | PTI

14 hours ago

Sruthisagar Yamunan

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What tilted the scales in favour of the Hindu side in the Ayodhya case was the
Supreme Court’s willingness to consider “exclusive possession” by the Hindus of
just one part of the disputed site as valid grounds for awarding a title over the
entire site. Its decision was not based on the case made by the Muslim side for
“adverse possession” as reported by sections of the media. 2/16
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In this piece,Hard
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First, a look at what the court said about exclusive possession.

Partial possession, full title

In 1857-’58, after a communal riot broke out between the two communities, the
British administration decided to build a railing that divided the inner and outer
courtyards of the disputed land. The inner courtyard contained the three-domed
mosque that would be demolished by Hindutva mobs in 1992. The outer courtyard
contained several Hindu shrines.

In its judgement delivered on Saturday, the Supreme Court held the Hindus were
able to show they held exclusive possession of the outer courtyard before 1857,
whereas the Muslims were not able to show similar exclusive possession of the
inner courtyard before 1857.

Using the civil law tenet of “preponderance of probabilities”, the court declared
that since the Hindus had possession of the outer courtyard and were in contest
with the Muslims over the inner courtyard, the disputed site should be assumed to 3/16
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be inHome
possession of the Video
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The other words,
The Reel the
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have been in possession of the entire land originally is higher.
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However, if the inner courtyard was always under contest, why should the land
title not be divided between Hindus and Muslims as the Allahabad High Court had
ruled in 2010? Rejecting the High Court’s judgement, the Supreme Court said that
the land could not be divided because it is a composite entity. The suits filed by
both sides were not for partition of the site. The five-judge bench said:

“In the absence of historical records with respect to ownership or title, the court
has to determine the nature and use of the disputed premises as a whole by
either of the parties.”

“The grill-brick wall did not constitute either a subdivision of the disputed site
which was one composite property, nor did it amount to a determination of title
by the colonial administration.”

But here is the problem: while awarding title over the land, the court took the view
that it was a composite entity that could not be divided, but in its analysis to
determine possession, it looked at the land as two different parts. That is, the
possession claims of Hindus and Muslims are determined individually over the
inner and outer courtyards of the disputed land. The court said: 4/16
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“(iv) Despite
Home Hardthe existence
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The railing,
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the Hindus fromthe
inner courtyard was a matter of contestation and at the very least was not
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(v) As regards the outer courtyard it became the focal point of Hindu worship
both on the Ramchabutra as well as other religious structures within the outer
courtyard including Sita Rasoi. Though, the Hindus continued to worship at the
Ramchabutra which was in the outer courtyard, by the consistent pattern of
their worship including the making of offerings to the ‗Garbh Grih‘ while
standing at the railing, there can be no manner of doubt that this was in
furtherance of their belief that the birth-place of Lord Ram was within the
precincts of and under the central dome of the mosque; and 

(vi) The riots of 1934 and the events which led up to 22/23 December 1949
indicate that possession over the inner courtyard was a matter of serious
contestation often leading to violence by both parties and the Muslims did not
have exclusive possession over the inner courtyard. From the above
documentary evidence, it cannot be said that the Muslims have been able to
establish their possessory title to the disputed site as a composite whole.” 

The last sentence in the quote above is significant because its purpose is to show
that Muslims have not established possession of the site as a “composite whole”
even after 1857. But if the land is treated as a composite whole, neither can the
Hindus establish their possessory title after 1857. 5/16
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The Babri Masjid being demolished on December 6, 1992, by Hindutva activists. Credit: Douglas

This is because post-1857, there is clear evidence that the inner courtyard was used
by the Muslims to offer prayers in the mosque, with the Hindus trying to assert
their claims through both violent and non-violent means. Since the inner courtyard
was clearly contested after 1857 by the court’s own admission, when the land is
treated as a composite, even Hindus fail to establish exclusive possession of the
disputed site after 1857.


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No role of adverse possession

Some media reports had suggested that the Muslim side lost out because it was not
to prove “adverse
verdict is silentpossession”. This
on why Muslims is prove
must incorrect.
exclusive possession of site – but not

11/11/2019 Flaw in Ayodhya judgement: SC rejected division of disputed site but based decision on divisions

In itsHome
title suit,
Hardthe Sunni
Times WaqfThe
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case of adverse Trending
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which is essentially occupation of a land for a particular period without challenge
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from the actual owner. But it set this up as a secondary claim. The disclaimer was
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that it would seek adverse possession if it was established that a temple was
demolished to build the mosque in 1528.

Adverse possession can be claimed only after acknowledging that the land title
belonged to someone else. There should also be a record of unimpeded and
exclusive adverse possession. Did this legal necessity derail the board’s claim?

The Supreme Court said there was no clear evidence that a Hindu structure
beneath theTimes: This family
mosque in Delhi
had been has not replaced
demolished its toothbrushes
to pave the way forbecause of an income of
the construction
the Babri Masjid on the orders of the Mughal emperor Babur. This rules out the
possibility of the Sunni Waqf Board’s adverse possession claim to manifest. The
court, in fact, dismissed the claim of adverse possession for multiple reasons,

“The plaintiffs have failed to adopt a clear stand evidently because they are
conscious of the fact that in pleading adverse possession, they must necessarily
carry the burden of acknowledging the title of the person or the entity against
whom the plea of adverse possession has not been adequately set up in the
pleadings and as noted above, has not been put-forth with any certitude in the
course of the submissions. Above all, it is impossible for the plaintiffs to set up a
case of being in peaceful, open and continuous possession of the entire

This shows that the decision of the court to award the land to the Hindus was not
based on an adverse possession claim by the Muslim side, which was dismissed.


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Flawed logic
The court’s decision was based on a contested right over the disputed land. It
No, the Supreme Court did not uphold the claim that Babri Masjid was built by
looked demolishing
for elements of exclusive possession because when there are two claimants
a temple

to a land, this becomes a civil law necessity.

The problem with the court’s order is not that it sought evidence for exclusive
possession, but that it put this burden on the Muslim side alone. Even though the
Hindus were not able to show exclusive possession of the inner courtyard, they
were still awarded title over the entire disputed site using the concept of
preponderance of probabilities.

The court may have invoked the concept of a composite site, but its reasoning
rested on a divided site.

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Ayodhya Babri Masjid Supreme Court


Babur in India: An emperor who loved the monsoon breeze but wasn’t impressed by the 8/16
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melons or grapes
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Scientists looked at sea levels 125,000 years ago. The results were terrifying

Have you ever noticed

how your tastes have
shifted with age?
While you may have moved on from things you love in your
childhood, wouldn't it be great if they also caught up with

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Oct 31, 2019 9/16
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Oct 31, 2019

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A lot changes in the journey to becoming a grown-up. Some changes are inevitable
— school uniforms to formal wear, steaming hot breakfast to breakfast bars on the
go, last-minute homework to last-minute presentations etc. — while others take
place without us really realising. As we become more responsible and discerning,
our tastes also evolve with us. Have you ever paused and looked at how this
phenomenon has played out in your life?

From posters of favourite bands to paintings by favourite artists

Your bedroom walls have always been a record of you growing up. While earlier
the posters you taped up declared your love for then-famous celebrities and pop
stars, now your walls greet your guests with thoughtfully picked out art frames.
They mark an interesting shift, from peer influence to greater self-awareness. Your
choice in art reflects not just your taste, but also your beliefs, philosophies and
inspirations. You’ve expanded your horizons and how. 10/16
11/11/2019 Flaw in Ayodhya judgement: SC rejected division of disputed site but based decision on divisions

From a glass
Home of milk
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Remember how you once scrunched up your nose as you gulped down your glass
of milk every evening? Admit it, now as you slowly sip on your morning cup of
coffee with just a dash of milk, or none at all, it feels good to leave those days
behind, doesn’t it? Stressful meetings, café hangouts, reading hours or sleepy
mornings…you can count on coffee to be with you through it all.

From milk chocolate to bitter dark chocolate

As children, we loved the sweetness of milk chocolates, but as adults, we relish its
bitter richness. But now with Cadbury Dark Milk, you can have the best of both
worlds — the creaminess of the milk chocolate you loved as a child, and the
richness of dark chocolate you grew to appreciate as an adult. In fact, it is the
richest creamy chocolate Cadbury has ever made. Whichever camp you may firmly
be devoted to — milk chocolate or dark chocolate — Dark Milk will give you a soft
nudge to venture not too far from your comfort zone. Think of it as a chocolate that

VIDEO 11/16
11/11/2019 Flaw in Ayodhya judgement: SC rejected division of disputed site but based decision on divisions

has evolved
Home to keep
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with your taste. To
The Latest Therelish
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The Field taste Trending
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Dark Milk, click here.
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Cadbury Dark Milk. The Grown Up Chocolate.

Caught on TV: Yoga guru Ramdev lifts Arnab Goswami off his feet to ‘prove his strength’

From jungle gyms to fitness gyms

There was a time when the word gym meant endless fun with friends hanging
upside down till the school bell rang. Now, it refers to a period of intense activity in
which you sweat, exert and defy your physical limits. May be your body sounded
an alarm after all those years of sedentary lifestyle and hunching in front of the
computer, or maybe you seek that post-workout endorphin rush. Whatever be your
reason for hitting the gym, pat yourself on the back for this one.

Watch: Maharashtra farmer breaks down after selling his onion crop at just Rs 8 per kg
From milkshakes to smoothies 12/16
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The one time you didn’t object to milk was when it was presented to you as
milkshake, sufficiently suppressed by sugar and flavour. As you grew up, health
demands took over, so you moved to smoothies. Umpteen recipes later, you’ve
developed a taste
Watch: for them
Kirti Kulhari and too. You
Sobhita may convince
Dhulipala yourself
on Netflix’s that
‘The Brand Newyour sense
Show,’ ofby
Kusha Kapila
discipline brought you here, but biology may have made the transition easier.
Children crave sweet junk food as evolution ensured they are hardwired to seek
the most energy efficient foods. As a grown-up, complex flavours, and health
wisdom, generally feel more welcome. Plus, in the case of smoothies the
combinations — green, strawberry, berries, oats etc. — are endless, and the guilt

From colas to cold-pressed juices

Colas have been with you through all occasions, from birthday parties and
sleepovers to celebrations big and small. At some point you wizened up and made
not only a healthy leap, but also sought out the maximum nutrition. Your
preference for cold-pressed juices shows that if nothing else, you’re doing at least
Watch: This video of a tiger family of three cubs and an adult drinking water is going viral
one thing right as an adult — reading nutrition labels. This transition didn’t come
easy, so kudos for learning to prioritise your needs over your wants.

Indeed, the transition to adulthood is paved with changes, some of which are not in
our control. It’s good to know that with some things, like Cadbury Dark Milk, we
don’t have to choose between the sweetness of childhood and the flavour of being a
grown-up. 13/16
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Even after 30 years of

government immunisation
projects, less than 70%
Indian infants are
A lack of awareness among both citizens and health workers,
immediate side-effects such as fever and misinformation
plague the country; especially UP and Bihar.

Sadhika Tiwari,

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An hour ago

Gambia files Rohingya genocide case against Myanmar at International Court of Justice 14/16
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Polio vaccination drive. File photo. | Noah Salem/AFP

An hour ago

Sadhika Tiwari,

Mumbai: Lata Mangeshkar hospitalised, sister says her condition is stable
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Two in five infants nationwide did not receive complete immunisation, leaving
them susceptible to disease. An intensified effort focussing on lagging districts is
crucial to improve the lives of millions of children and, consequently, their ability
Industrial output contracts 4.3% in September, falls for second month in a row
to learn and earn as well as their peers and to contribute to the economy.

Mission Indradhanush, launched in December 2014, aimed to ensure 90% of

infants would be vaccinated by 2020. Under Intensified Mission Indradhanush 2.0
or IMI 2.0, the second phase of the initiative launched on October 31, immunisation 15/16
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is setHome
to be carried out in
Hard Times 271 districts
Video The Latest across the country
The Reel The Field where fewer
Magazine than 70%
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infants are currently vaccinated.
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The scheme, which aims to achieve the target by March 2020, will especially focus
on 652 blocks across 109 districts in Uttar Pradesh and Bihar – both among India’s
worst performers on immunisation coverage.

To have received all basic vaccinations, a child must receive at least one dose of
BCG vaccine, which protects against tuberculosis; three doses of DPT vaccine,
which protects against diphtheria, pertussis or whooping cough and tetanus; three
doses of the polio vaccine; and one dose of the measles vaccine....

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