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den* * 16=7-e. REGD. NO. D.L.


of ,7.3
4 mita

P it 1 11—Section 3 - section (i)

urftwiT v$041T -er


Tt. 396 ] Tan, 31-41prIII; 1997/3414-4 16, 1919

No. 396 NOW DELHI, WEDNESDAY, ER 8,1997/AS11 1/1NA 16,1919


7t. S 31/10k. 1997

317.*.t.14. 10/97

1,110 To Pio 584 (' 30.—~ 4 3O ii T31'471 *-Th try f

Mt/ 11:r aft' vrtm : T4 Progh tOt t$T4 TIT'AVVIINit) f-4zrri. 1997 Trorrl

(1) 7-4 1 A-4-4(2-1, 1996 mrj, Trrir Vint

2. '37 r$1 4qThi OtiZti f41-4 ftzrq M/10 -
3:prot -31(91a1 won zrt f4EITif f9t3 911141•1k #173$7, f474T4 7=mA 4 '4, 0.4 de4 rr

*Pr I

-114MTh TPINVPIFft ql 4 T41,1 17-4 'T' 1,ral Vika f*:11/1414, -441,6 fT-iTir t91401* -917i
'41814F-4441 WPM ;

1-4 41I61.(if TR. '10 (64-tkleb, *fg.F .* 3M-41- fattROlt frAPI tilrftttl#141Tf913# izir4=-4 *ant %Tel t
.0-'4041 tintiEti-W TIWTIT .4-61
TA' StIfter far* artgfgrw /4 Iiirdri ***Or * ;

2547 GI 9 (I)


(-W) -Z-q C44 *II. -4Tft* q.-R. OfiTT-11 337Z

-1 *qtr f4)(41 mutt( t,
TraN fr
(.014(1 t'Ist14(4 fA•4 -q• TR. Tram- f*-zrr Hc11:

Muff i4w-4- qpr t ram n5f arf= (tr ssaK n111

aFzi wirstir0 vmi =ram f*m Tim t

(g) Cti*q). ti-R- itigt r: twtr ;

(7) .e..ff * amr -T41. Trr Oft 17-t 3Trzt-T ovi tit coml. *
31trerf T Mu* 4 lAtto micrEir4i RI q pi ,“gr Tifft -6)

3. ifkr* vist1cP WWI' Attu .ff t -

(1) "To *Is i arrwr 3/4-aff **in qt41Ra *aff'ffrff 31ietd fn imn
t, IN-fr/srtr *vr-rt*a- t, .z-94 IziI1.4)
arft wry w1k4 9 I

t& I t *1--
A-41*PFIM8 3IRTZT. \.3*-1 ZINN 01411 t
qP4r1141 am i ff-4.41, 1914 rp aRrai TPiTtJ1 ,04 f:fift 44
(31E441) 4.01M1 '47 t(414(yr) do-t+11-f t1

4)*u1:- ‘1 ,61 71 1 7-Ter, 1996

4)41*.4Vb *ITITIA le4t4T lagsf4c-r
merzu aiaom TV 3TMIT filt4T Alti zir -za NR:r-4 N3tim-41-a- -qv Trf
71**Rtic) Tem- ciA4 ItTIT eft 401- \i'w1(1* TM' '0.TMTE179 *94 t (r)14 7.T4
4ft *a 4 'ii k a-qmit ,i1i4) givt mita 44 tiv ifln 4r
n9t7 Aftffliffd 01416X V6 mitf4ti% IR lT .3T5-ii war fd4i 4-41
A •er ftalit -$-** oticim tr4 TZT17Pfrl-
vrzt 1),(4 'A ftf6'

(iii) TRPi 31701 tt)IVIfl 2 4 .3Q'vittle ftRit *44*

'W1 3TIVIZI 10-1 4-11-f t ct4e1ti 3 ii fi
mir ;

(iv) 'tit Act 14 QiRtiziI uiftrzi *Ow 4=.114). * t

fA04 .1\,) 1-51014 -#7trftft Ei41


14—IL nrfr

(NI 4;k;r141 ,:, fr q -01 11 Vi. Z1q"0.ff

4.;; F4)))-'),° .-)1):;4 44 4 )).t())(.4v.7)1 4.)TZ <4;-..- .1);41•1 T41.)(- 1
r.)11) M). .4-c-Fr41-4 Nfo -qt=i-rdi -1:,:t.T;

)4i-1 -*, ):0') 44 +/I .4-; 1I l 1 snk ,r4-9

4 -4-ff;4;41.4 ,-1.) ,<4 0, 2 it ).1).))4.4.1-(1 )),)-1T*4)) TJtr 1 1TF1 r

. '61-11.T4T1

5. #714Firci '))):{"Ti ?TIT3Tu1 .1)1 JP-4:i 14 ;it))f1fIs.frcli4Filc1';3))-''"

9 -F;;))f-iN"1 4.01-' 4 -4 ')s 17Tftl 17 41Bff MIT r11 40-9 Ply`ci -4-7 111

f14:11) ;')! 44);4'))).Z; Th)))/):: ('- ftr;TP1 ri ' 41--(kr nfeb--01 91=4 -ztt
W112 Ti 11:_R; 1l 15 4f41'.47-11 )371 iff9 4114 34 MiTru1 ;cb-s..'91
;TI T Pc-1 ,-15;"4 45 41

t15\ 1 31 ti\r"..-Ticb cld'14-fi-i \FTOiii f4-45TAT rci

,1 4 rrT"'I
c- ;4, iU

3-14-4--":=175.--zzur ,-- -,.4-40:1, 1 99 qir 3.12-Tfif

'f4i.T 44 14-4 1ff4Tril
))i I iw till 4 "1111 iTii" 31 MT1. 3:4W-01
- . 74 CI 4-7 . nsrrT"{-4Thfi'M kr-9.9-4 4 t 4-04 -giro
sxsl ,, Ifi

))))-c1 474 12T IT-7717 '1 1fl f4ZIf1f

6141 11 1 3 I. 3 1 4j‘,,i l;-1 7.:14-f 2 2 ) liI1-45-41 31;71 PI-44 i 4,
WLI 7f:r fk-cp<AT cl)KDTkr;1 4cri 00 TINE
t) I. 4; it M )15.671:1 -31. 4-01 'R.1111T4 5 1 tiq `(/.7)-0. i r4 R
:T))), )),),).))))1);), 1 )))t )1) 5r'4)))1 4 `))H ‘'4 3114icf; 61. oiTYfi jZ7t).- ir.). ,37tri-d7

Atom Wor

(I) s aterd tocar, itrftgl *xT A 4-R• tgrt

arint iovo eicim ztrz 'WON VIE 'REPT (2) Zrferet 3Tfircfilti 'We Pi ftl"Ff
if; WORT L'Zit clA0 &ff TIT *449- 4tei mr4 Taft4 .31KM \yi& qi•i (114-11-t
zfrfit i crpfkg s4r4 'f4N11 anthi alXf f*Z11 T1't iteftiti
Prtri WNW "etA altitg *1- TIT 11* 4-11^4 0 4 11

(1)iii 4f4 *r* 3* (7) GrCIa* cf+r aTrOr .04 A rtrftc4
*tit ing4111, wet f: it Aar z't zrt *rag km A er, -zrA .Tr fitoRwritera
aittowiti tfrii 0)+11:114 ITTM wk. 311-f Zit car 1:141T17 #ITEM4 CIAO *
rog zn
2trcr4 fRIld Arq,

(ii)70 *It tg cr) to I 1 7-14t1, 1991 *1 rfi .10 qeifiki AN 30 Mit

ATM tiV cottc4* clf1t4 ergs4r-q
•Ug •MlIstt* woad ; ti zr6
310 *T4 ftsITT (4\cA er9 14 to al-4.4 ?Atm fkwezr trmor

(2) fdmritt 51 t4(11 cr) cif Mt 3T11-4 cm rig A- ,fr ftETT viii,

(3) 3ITTV 4-01 mateo41 t Wtfil ffrOTC3t1 1 t 3171

. f;til•Pc't avki 31. 4
nef ATM 61C11 +11.1 f#41 Awn #0 4.g t171)fr1 WiTITTFTaIYj 7T1Rra 3i1 rl
1 *Alt. 1996 *1 RrAftrei 210-1 4-11.1*31711V ‘111Vir

(4)7* R *zrq wr .4r fireor ft to olty 4 11 tf 341'9 .91 ,11\ANii I

'ff\r-eJ ftM A46- * tzli I \Jilt:0), 1996 *1 TIT ∎i*t.

Ttifirr 40 A .ti.41?-0 *-1-R7 44,44 Icrer
3114TM ctPUt 711 3114- =Fs
f4R viii s cnivur, Vikttol 34.471
3TrirliftS stair trV 4if51-cf f4N r=744
c min rn f4triRct .*TRT AVIT * 31-4W
441 4Y1 itowur Aff 1-10 34 41 4NT fAwr A 40101 31RWR *TIT

41-c" 2. - 44 1 1101, 1996 *I ITT 5 tip<1104 ft01-(1 ti 31 i comt1 fat1 <1 *mil
Atm 314'9 ttrkftm f*vertra fir fd4m4 1 wffertt,
1996 •R) 711 4114 (AI ft* IrrOire A 4-4 f 111 51 1RM utrVII
1 -117,71 :

-\3-T5 fi TfzitfOT 79-1T-Trtf .04 34Trz 1-fhf47 60
t 71) Ttrzli wit m3tattr colzbizi 375-dr NTT #iiET uftl

( WA 111 474-nrfi A TA. fkEurf 6 t3T f' 3114 (3) t aiO3 0 ii-414910 t
3T1::t91 fcc' I "Ili, 1996 34 3:terftr0 ()ci-1 4.111 5 33-133R
fil7,477 r•TA 'ff-T TN-TO -ett ferim 3r1-01 fWkvi A et tO crikitr
urT-0{,tt A79 T64 "fiT9-1 , l!'11 51 TTel 2143 TR 10 Th7 WM erPmf 313R
741 ftf -9-ef f45. ai ,sio-r 3117 41-rR- 46 3"4-11-1Pzi trq t1-3 t 33* TTM
fju (:;&•111 Vt4it 071

(;) mi-h-rfkz:0

l TI-1 a-0-9 14
(11;34 ?Tel T17
. ch7 40 FfMT-ff 39-4 .11)-77 14Pc•iram . " 4 Itar

(ii) T 777 4140-116_144`i grq1fcf*a-1Am A r-ciA -$W1

ITTlx f-171400 ftin 71-wn -4-- 1 74 310 .E1-31D1 1 c-1111

( -4;) Tf iWriao &-c-pf9-r9 4 -.79--c-I1T 161,1 do-N-11-f srol r wAf4o-

t7.93i-NT5 lc1f 1W TA-M-44 TT 7i1 W09 f*AIRcr ;

(3-1) 3irr3 Ally AZ1 3ter1iTo 1iVf 344T-01134 3TRIT to) Th-r
Tgri 311-t-d9 f4trifto err

?r; ‘e" ,, 71774 37-77 f•1 3TP-P7

A ..1 41k;6i4 e191 trzi 3R1-1- -#Aftro do14111 .RT9-4 wrzft -091 tit
t1I3 AT3 4-011T- 3411" Tdi -cf- .0-R1

kfcI*1. si .tf 3: 41.9 04, (.1 tilor Al'.a, vip-

;HL GAzi, - I'ft op, INDIA FATRAORDI vro 111 0.. 4401

(zM 34-rw -z-gt6-4 ad-Ar4 km- N! 4 5 *A ,IN -c-ff-Ift gitr -(4) er Trerf/0
(1 ,1 4111c cT1 5 6TN ,I)

(N) wirtrit 4--d-A-Ff * tf 12 4-cFr-0-44i etr& aR't

‘91644al 84 r
c1Fzct), 0-v4ftr- tPfliT ct 2 4--dAlltai

(A) arT17 WW1A 4A-A-rA Acr.19-TiA 7113 0 AM'i 16 :11T9TZB ,

WT66I4,icir 12 "8 T1) 3-0 07hfire kiff7-1-171 `,') 4-(1--.-flfatri

tri 4--o-A * ft-N ,m4* -Erf4 ft-0) t41-c4-0 cur tr-4 0x4fc-I
i6 "30 fñi f aPTA i rn dcIA-41-1 ark
co mil (4"*vitc-1 r6-1 ', OA tit itP4- f-A A A-r4 Tur wil't 019-4 kid;
irqrm wiwir fo--41f i ft A tittnt ciT.T.Tri 15 I

4-4 7r6 11) ft

ROW TRH fflEtilri J

5ffR ii u9 ,-1/21-01 Ter 4-(i*F-r
St win k 4raff-lit Rwtw,m,ikat.igi (71-11t74 .TTf \rWri4 d
ci-14111 4) 41-3)- 1,1 c.r) I

- R71 WzI tT171-.4 PElt-Nifffi !1.0 4111 'Efft-MkT4) - wrt

(t) Ti 4c1-14-8-r ¶S 4-a9

(Zfi) TOWti:15 AVO ,1 5 10 (. J 9 0-. lot)) fPz 4-4 ,IR- d TTT ro m-rr

(TO 4T:c(1 1 :7/W91T9 4j.-M r Ff tZt'ataPTI 'flE 7 1C(41

- ic

(q) 39 Z1 404-rr9 A irt.;-1 aiftif3411F1 1P1 Th

\i-A* dc1A[9 5 T1 rpflq ftli5l1 4$1
41-KA KFrk rlej117031. (iW) p-Rufr:0 m,fm #7.1)-R-0
-1Z1v.4 sr814411. PRIM fe); 4-nfte6 A '41--A4114-
-- 14-c-.0r ftEn
ftr44 f44--ARgc-T wr14,4 -OA

( -t) akilin4 zy,f ter--n

114171 11—zr 3 Tfl ; iT

(N) ft4)-Ti rti) ed-PrN

TIT3fItm 1510 TK-ER*1-- •.3'i1-0 (1960=-100) TR q"rf-r IIMT ; 30

(TT) tki=if'• kffl t-TJ 34Tiftli V171 It) tr-6-A P_TT Tett %--*Ti 74T #Tro
3ifter 30,1fpi k 4 Trft-Eri ;

.37f -q44-14 acr-T-THT 499 t 31f41t-dt1 '317-T1 .11 61 tr4f0 3f949

Wm' 499 Firt-c1 IT‘Tt t Trftaz -449tI t
, w1rarR--1 RTWITeTzl IRTI6ria4)if fa*4 k, Utz' (0)1401c4 uw)srari)
1Fv11 -0241 RT•ItWiTh PT LP? :11-5"T4 Teed a c-I-1 4-11-1
- c-P-f-449 t qi-u4P-T1jfi 9-R:99
4c1 -I-9 T-1 L &4 I

qlftT-Tf 4r4--A c- 3110-tit t -f -e-R:1 IMIT 3TR1 60 ,6

fOcf toffxrri A 49-4tr4m (t) wzrak t 3r-iwq fq1Rcr 'ii Rii.i
- “ftf Offil 14R614Tel'i - tt 49f vn-fA-F 4tf 9en aff4 4-or
frT.T16-tf9 TON Ier?

44rTr9 ?c1-TTTFT TFf 41T ;

(J.A)f9 3T1 ,?,-,4 3i1 ,)d- 4 ,0"1 . 3/4 9 MT -011- 4 1-M1 Ifl 't1ct5 47(0 1510
(1960= 100 ) j.TR-1 S)ItTeITJ-1k Th1, 3fR

(71) -r.r4-4.-11 476 t-FT Tr4 3taft4 9-69 Ift-T4)

- 7rtf ft--49 M.T1
mffW 3)-14--c-,o -4-41 1-4-t-T1 I

3}fitIC7I • 44.1 'T ViI7f)Trera -1'91-1 IR TIPPfURdtifl

- II

Iqrel 5-.12-871 14 955-15.1030-20 -. 1150 t cl-1 II A 1030 nWL`.17 Ifft

SOTTO n Tel -c.5.4If-rOz-T) Otil•Of c1-1 4-11-1 4 ftzlIT AWE -0211
I 030 INIT.; 3.4-1N5 T-11=1" t A ItT/ITT

t'd 2:- Itta 4 74-4-rt cr>44-rfl kr4ift -.4-4-tr, 1996 41 rritzg

qT rniq1 Thl Avg 1;11 F1•31*1211)-1741-T lrityr 7f7-4
'WW1 '4 4 1f

7k-d. 3 1* Mit t7 til ,-78-441t, 199 6 It1 ITO1 -1f1731 ze1 Irest t'
14A5)(1 lai+11-1* 0(11MK fkfr z7set trv. 3iTTTT fk-#firu
tm T4-411 ITTO 4 11171 t 1)46 4T-t-i-r 34131 cii 44if ri-R4-if
39inRW 014c1IfttiNI TR OM Th'utzr fig- uii arm
5 • 11 1

41-d 4:- vigi q) 4 -3--m 454-1 ,c4) 4 WA 'FP-1Tel IR ef fkzIfkffi 311s1T7' '017 f TT, IR
teiiii4^1 WIT 4 -44zWerfl TT1 dc14il-6 TITt ferarl 707 ftzn LII
tet tO 4c1-1 col $.9 -,3r1 qtpf ,3441-1wrffrET TT-4 *iol 4 er
rz-Ri 1-A0%i i Arm 4-191 viN4I

•-f)c ATE117-1 -39 F i,Rqr h< arlitlrga) 414cRilsi Fita Tr94

FIT17 745 FlTft1-ff 34-TT9TIF Lig tr itTeM t I

5:- tg.5 (z6), (R31), (T1) 71 (ET) '45 arigm 4-f4 q441'r jfi
RteRitl tiPeliagif 31•1 Mt 01[ ettr 1TW4 *ffffutit
cifci ici r-1 3:19TitO crl• f71711 ,nicouf I

6:- T 4 4/ 11 (1) 31'e1 cii 1jui *ft Terr-ift1 4)-71 1

WqratI, 1996 5 Tct ITO ‘9 411-I ttbstf qI 't& W4-411 Ta91 14 311-4
itcri 111tef -4$7 vb-r ?ten #zWr-ff 4c7.1411-1 -4 %14.147r kff trf ftifra
qlf 3-ff air4to cb4-f tftraitr16 \ilict)1 if-d9 3711 3:10Rrer T N-7 4• -f
ftirr Awl! f- ff wa-6 wf4is5 /*art er I

RY'd 7:- .yi5i zert *TNIt1 1 9-4.-t1, 1996 '4'c1Ic1 4 Id N VIM cl? "CO crfl 'f$
'ttg (z15), (M), (Tr) 31t141 ("E1)1-frI .9-r-qffr
al7rN trftwfk-cr trA.
try tixArr giktFP4r4i 3Tfrrm 7r-er f, dr tt ft4fd 4
sractir criel araz c1.1 ITTer 11141iI TINT41 cciRcmci if09 W:1 4 31-4-1fita-
4mfzii .nivff I
qrn 11—"<r7 3 'T 1 trziTI :3-17;1'41711 9

"41Z 8:- \1-f cto4T-1114441.

gitgrg ft 1 ".ff-dqt, 1996 T rT41 ftezrr
3fU4U fgt fgt. ci(t)ur, f4.41 373jfsaffT '&3i 'VTR Tt 3F4 trteiTI 30
TTAi f"rk? 411 nefT n•Gi . at lilTral tit-ori 5414retrr TIT! k-v4
cLf dFcj *FT glIf \i ,14,171-6 cLIRci 4 lci tUff *ic-1 act•iiik ita dc1.-1
T f4aNtrIt f$711 *4 1 1cf& 1996 tf TIT Viit 3T11)'
U-ff 3gft ci4Dr1 4 1cite AMU TVU 44) 7). ft #errut
fkrfvur f4:zift -4 girt rk-vt tffr c4414wici -et ft% 34
4u9--Ift -kct zlta 3NRI UT tfr ftzrt AN 4 11, fi ardit ch4T.Of
7Trd cb ,m1 TOT I

ciK 1 -- *-#‘4-10--a tt-.Tri-m ta9---I-fk kit -%-t 4-Rm Tf 3TO

*rrr, 31-01-Rm 0,4T4itr tUff Wm)" dAT4 tzx k`l

11Z 9- 1-0
7, qtf ft-# VAT41 I T'T
.q-9-dtf, 1996 TITO Will
Or--aUR 1171 .3e wf=4):R5 c4tn cb4i t-da• IfTqf
•6. f t ft 1 'I-I4, 1996 T '41-4 \J•o-ri tR it-zu 1TEIT t 3-ff
-c°15 WOTT-41—Ti td-9. Zt. TITT .R-". 1• f4zrf \AR; -q)- ft zifk kfttia 4)4-al
cb) 1TR' f4 14T 1/41 1 t Zrg 1ft Tfzkl!U *Zql 0 4-1T411 Li4)'-v0 Mtn A'
4 wRrTfr 1fIRsd iiY 311tri *eft, 3TaTi

(k) kft6.3 -d2TI 4itsa ta 4) zu k'r k;.4) t---4R- kr ti wiftg ttrr *174 1:F
5•7 tr-4' 04 I

(a) fm jfl .3-cticv Tr-41

- k .RterET9- ttn d-1411-r, ft9-41 f k d-f
6 -11Tftg. I

(IT) tf241R3 cI) -01 1-1 iT9-4 k44,sa 4) til GN16k Iff 3-fit 3ifiTT

(ti) 14"frriffi #YR- 1:N 2117ft rf WEIR( 3fftdT, .f: K-2 f1f 1313 (-17
22) t. -511-4ETk 614 t cbioi 311141 ft-it tivAci mcbl ,z Vt
gi1 f4utTuf fziDcf tR.4 41-e4 fftzTrr TIT 3fl-4.0 (mot
.4ffp L41:4 kf4sa LN TR 1Tt 4)14 kl4Iszs arittft *iqirET -q .)(1 ,1 1114
aiTeR qf'OES taaqt' k tRur 3rftrk 4ct-t grc?t


$1-1 v.rquiA -0 <;ful -41R-c). p 4-Piz 3ft-0-Tit kfq;‘5

ifj‘l 3ilciqcba 1

37* AMETI9i 31-1W-4 qN-N3 3TRWINtr ch I f4E1t4u1 c=1

TT'TII Ttfgil 114. 2 f)Tfil 1321 (@ 7TTh 27) t 3t-cPiT1 JY-qT artR n
tciT 3r9A1 -k-d9 y'q1'4 iT9-71 31-1(17-1 *al VI
t I

(2) 1)W-1 5 3T@ETF11 31E11-4. 14-444 (i) trq qr

ta4 To -14- 14Tra ftqr .1q dog 0,4 t ITO cla-9 34-4-641
wER f -Lm f4)411 ,11111 I
8. WWI 0141 34701 irdfftlft riTtla -
f1-4 7 dt-1fkrR ( 1 ) t 317ER ff`itferei kii , 1 4-11-1 4 ff-rzld 3Ce(?1
314 1A --d-4-qit 3q# artffq q10 u01,3 mT4 44114 ,)c-H4-11-r 4
aff,F24-r 4 tff9-9-ft q-ru T7t aft

ota ft oi& R-efi (4,4r401 WI tivi UcT fttPi ( 45" •9t-'d 6 -41 9 -#1' W--4t
3113 ft4:14T 7 3t/ 1 -ziff (1) l'OPA tpistm t aptr-4- vTrzrr Trai •a4 ii14-1(4
3T-41,41 #erfita --,z4m- 4 4.41 1 ffrtro t 12 111 - 311I5
Wf4 ErTffra ' TTkYt 1

arftitau zt 41 ft 04 4piel, tk-4 4-ti 3rrA 4 vT

Tr)--(11t &T ci.ici Tf5T -4--d-Tr 1 1996 (t) f471-(1 IT)11 1 1 40 et. -0--#t
5f5 5 MT c4( 71-4141, .)c-I.-1 1-11-1 3RT4fkW17 WE
4-kFT TR xL1+11-1 n3-41 let UTIVITI tfit wTh-E;i3 4
tR3 14-0 t

czifk \riff (-iivr:1-41, 1996 ( (41 i-'4(71TF(9 (Th 3a1W-dff taci

3iftIT T1TRI ETI -0, 2.), .(-M 1 ,A-Tertf, 1996 tfftft1()-0-1i14 ar41,14

04 4-FrA -6Jtf ,)-a-ffrrr9): 4 34 -) t-14')-11

4-0--HF-1 5T 1JJ fire fIT1T T731).R. 'WO -WfkisZ5 (F4- 1-tf 3Pr4T kff9 31N
fkICI ;)c--1I 1114 14 frr-IT•i 3421-M t q--cN rIVVI 1 er MIT #41)-f0-cf (1 f 411•1
- 4

— 11

ci?.57lit 3T1i)ct,
zii-ctzs,T,cf e..041.41t CbE çjj kb

''f';1) 1s(1 (T1:1F-11 11t1 41; .‘Z 1-2441 c1TTIKI,T11 1 (4,1 . 61-00-1-1 TrY: 11

arft:/) Tit 31111A t-cfT1f4 T,111-7 1 W011. I

9 1.,-1-Icat, 1996 e:111Ic1 c1191-1 ira9

41-‘A,I IT1T 11 311.-F11 .n.`11011 st):, 31) \I. 1

fr-q)I m-flm 0 .!fttfszsiTT r-4pip (41/11 Q1111-0- th 6114 <-`21
Thrirj 1.1 f1'121-.1 .Z-A1\ruT 11711-1 t U-0 f -En

4iri -44Hi 4 -,3- -r-)5 -4o-P, 471 312.1 1 fA41 Przni

(40, (4). (+I) cicr-11 ,1

‘.0411.71 f',11i1;71 ,..:.;•6- )7 -."7;1 ITR-c9fs'ZPif

. 7)14 n 1 7,)11 T1
stc,3- TT`1 1,1 7.11 ch \Til

.11 1 ',.:1,'-‘111T7 lf;.1 Tiu1-4): I77-11.j.) 11 14-cTh TIT .4-14i

44:1 `The. 4)) f-Wt) 4 )1) ,af/T flAft.(1 1TI1 ,-.7nr1ITT

10. 7-ep -,71-9-04,), 1996 "41?,- ,1. 14479 tIA TR 331 aT1re4
fkfRirf . 111:.1kF r1T I61.1- j-I1141. . 1996 1 4 E:c4ti 1C 1'n

'6;11 1 ,11 c+1 I (IC' 1--N .1 3Thi - ,71-) 4-1z'; 1) 7,7k1

71 i .1'1f1)-(-.1 tiTnFci .; I 4 yr-1 111-0 I 1c-1 3-=11,4;if fld1 . fi1- 2
f;."10fi 1 3 1 :13. (91 11;iTill 22) !1 a-1 T1H v3 ,0 ft-?1I1 4 -ftzti ,r117111 f TzIT

1 7,- ,111•Tc11 ), 1 9 9 6 fr7 1 '3 1111 1 N 211 N'N• Ks.if4 ‘3iri 101-141r.f1 (1-1%). 31 ciTtM
1•,..F(4 t741 211 I

I I '49- W431711 t5 'T-171R-11 €51 4J1111(11 1.1 :;1T <9121

t41 -di.t! 5000 (TJ-I •1:1-C! f 5T-0 -14

4t1 611 7:;' 1 1 31) . Tift-71 I Ift 5 0 00 T5 1,11 Mf 1T1 Th cf41)fth TT0T--i
f•-)R7-1 5000 1d4T ;1 IT''<r; 50 1,711.-C1Lc-1 a-cr, I



crivoT - PWT 5 4z4v14 :

(T) 1b k 5TWei ffirf:Mird AtITT atffq-

( I) TO (C1.-1 'ffETT ST-4i 4 'N-4* 'FAR qg f244/31 d 3TriA Cf`i

Ifie-d1 k711 , t 1-IRE111411-4V4 X:tg4 zr4Rt f7 'Oil, IN

(ii) .3*1 4111 4s t 1,0 114. f- k1 arcr . dcr ,i 74

ilvtftrai f457 wr4 IteA Trr5 Ocir (urt AR. c r-4 urcRT -4T7
ITT 'ff) t

(T§) "*.io4 31-dit51 314 t 1 Wfat, 1996 3:1 UTOT PW' 30 fire-47, 1997
-g1-4 4r-
A mit I

12. zwr afitami - tF4 tql f4441t gr44r-4, & Tteaff)

fkzirr, 1947, ta'ft(tire4c1ta-9) Nit, 1960 *Icif (*itilficr dcm) Atiq,
1973 31N. *fr (I-ItAcr f4tr4 1986, 4-4f24441 nItit .344iNct
ftWRI, 4r=r-A kle f4zr41 3T dcr.i PoRicr DAI z-fr 411 cict)
vi& f'4441 3cr

1 3 TEZ t* 41 MN- zit

fA-4-91 •TrIft TIT *ft
4114 '•.q
.*1 itAt Ufr Turrt :6zp-r t.rnr z-fr ifFrr
.4-45 3117 trcif aTti) f)oef * -413:e .* 3rrkvr ww6.
7- clo) 4 4r9A * -orzr*iiict eft t Atfcp) IT 31r4nrw *Mil

14. MUM - Tff ,101 • ftift ITTMEA ZZIngE oR wef TIVff

t, Zit u t xlift A7i uriq
I 31

(1-444+T 3 .3fri' 4 t4)* 5 6 2 0

(1) t -cl At-A tl c11c,10 (2) 3T7F4t1T9, 3Trs 1 ii -ic t1 4 1(3‘i, clts1-16, (3)
z-b ZI-A)T‘ZT (4) 31-14W-quT, (5) tF W-41 3TREW?12T,
(6) #i cbria)ccIT (7) T4ta. IT-01 At-A (8)ITT-eeRf 91 1 1-ic4
7-1 c;,#i--TTR itP4TR, Racr).-1611c,' (9) I1T-edRiRu1/47k11/.141 - 4 -{-9-n-9,
qt ( 1 ) iic 3T9 ftga t- rfk-tr-41 34T-2-rm,jftc (ii) InVtrZ4 qiDc41
fktp 30-Erfl--er 01 4-11e14.1 (12) txtW, 4 c1i1 i 5TRItc4i1 71. cb" r`ur"
at-q 'ET" 11 oc491.-r tre f9t
Rtryftfa-ci 31W1 A 31-1i-R1u f$-q t, fk

ti tcut ThiT9 nt11I.i **U

(b.) )

3 4

trq3-1 S' 0-12-917C- 1 4- adn 2550-55-2660-60-3200

'17"'- 1 "-°?1-11-1 0 7`. 2610-60-3150-65-540
An0-15-1010-20-1150 2650 - 65 - 3300 - 70 - 4000
7444 pi
92c- 1 `.- 900 -7^-12" 2750-70 - 3800-75-4400
5 c5 (31) 950-20-1150-25-1400 3050-75-3950-80-4590
(4) 950-20-1150-25-1500
(T) 1150-25-1500 *
6 (31) 975-25-1150-30-1540 3200-85-4900
(4) 975 -25-1150-30-1660
Tfi-7 (31) 1200-30-1440-30-1800 4000-100-6000
(4) 1200-301560-40-2040
(7i) 1320-30-1560-40-2040
8 8 (31) 1350-30-1440-40- 4500-125-7000
1en0-n-/20 ,)
(A) 1400 40 1800-50-2300
q-fl (31) 1400-40-1600-50- 5000-150-8000
-- nn60 2'^ -
(41) 1600-50-2300-60-2660
*1:1-q-Tit fP IV186WETifOTI1 ft9i-- 631987

I ', XI- 1 04- EXTRAORDIN 11T; 11

; . +'• r.1...7 5_2 , 1 ' _9()1:1r,

fl X.1- 1 07 d (-60 500-75-2q A ri (I(' 1 - C) R 00

t.',11117f1 4 tA)
2 N*1-12 (311 2000-60-2300-75-3200 600200-10500
(V) 2000-60-2300-75-3200-

2:47s.:-3?(“1-100-3500 745 0-22: b--11500

14 yi-14 2500-4000 (9- ird1411 1-4 7500-250-12000 13 3 WO
I t T*1-17 (3-T) 3c, 00-100 3500-125 4500 10000-325-15200
(4) 3000-100 3500-125-5000
Tf1-21 37005125-4700; 50-5000 2000-17 [-16500

i 5 •%.-i-24 T3D 4100-125-4850-150-5300 * 14300-400-18300

(;11 4500-150-5700
trf1-26 1:3O 5100;150-5700 164000-450-20000
CO 5100-150-6150

21 Vizr-- 29 (3-1) 5900-206-6700 I 3400 500-22400

•R) 5900-200 3 300
22 Tii-30 7A00-100-7f100 22400-525-24500
cm-741 _.2,59-130no 4(-111 el._2“tr,

24 Ti-1-32 7600/- ftzm 24050-600-26000

. TI- 33 8000i- 1440 26000j- Th71-1

* 311 -V.t..crcE 1 ,1) 4,111 114-1H Ti

1), ST"fi-.1 Mel 3:6T1!`n

1) t4VM-Oc-1Clc1.1 11Ij itflift7-11 (erff4

f2491 ta.-.TITFT 3flarqv {.I-Ic11 3 (vefi-14 ;

3-1- T41 34Tt 2375--75- 3650 00-3 750

344N't-4111 (4-0.0 4)1 4 311 , t,
1 Pi'T-d Tit F1r9 141r 9 f .--tVT)f4(1
;3 ;

lirri I I 7.5 ' IS

(2) 1qMc-1 •, 1 • cry.) "Tr if 4414-)

3TiTc) 1TTidq5 TAT-11;1 .-c-1 -31-111;i 31 -FIN I 50-kffrd k(1-;-1 7-1T;1 qrT1-457Er1

Tq-6Iq -16 rib711 '01111 1rq

tc-1.1+11.1 2500-4000 ( . )T11f1taTil1T9 .
(3) -!----TT4ATI -1 741 1.0 *•-tt`NTftffl
7500 - 12000 -E-F1 TH1 ) d1HI .5 220 0-- 4000 (Vri ll f
8 0 0 0 1 3 5 0 0 \riTfu-41 )
(4) JñI1T iffR a K7, (is. 6000•190-9800)
. ‘71 ,7. •(-T 011.14 \' 67)- ft 4-0-13H 1640-60-2600 - 75 - 2900
47'0 4-.;ti Pi iPThT '41 3F- n 94-01 - a74-4rftzi1
631 -9, mtfl i:;turf
. 474 TT-91

(fT4q- q b( j )

• (i )
1 ;(r''1 f 7 1. 1711 1 -TY1.--1qt, 1 996 '01)ff5Y .4 1.?.1‘1WIY,1 .") .1.1. '1 1=11-q
.!fr in

• (ii) 3 4 ;Rmircfr•-1 i ,)-4--1-71-FT
1 -1-T 7-V- 1 1- 1-74-9 q7,7„ra1

• ii 3-rn741 •-, ;(“f9-c-Ifit, -0 -or'ro

• 11 -J;11 \,)
21 -J ,TrzrH A;!1 N , TT

?fc'FfT1 7I 1-n ( -Q•)

tur.TP,T9 1.990 -eer 41,1=1 - -(4•9 4-Nal

PAR I •;( d

rt , ,,,,,
ricT-79 ..... .... eiOlTe,"4
H;-T . ..... . t t f=a-- Ri
1.-r7",4 n •n• r

* (1) 1 -97r41, 1996 -0 tilitcl 'TO faq TteRIV t.1.171-19 ii

• 3T1 trq 7fr9 ffi-911 k ?ol

* 4.1.1A trr91t Trr-trut

*3tEr-41 7T-trEi -44 MI cof wr7
1 ?1 -14-rvi 7)719 ATITT covit lk OP? 3R-FOr u'R;

• c 1ii ci, 1.1 96 T'f 0-4 Il#f 311441f-d-91ft *() 5fr.ipTi4c1-9191 .

* (731) '07IIIRRI 01411.114 T-144-1M7&. t I"


1-.17.144 7 Ff'l 4r?.. 2 q.(1

vaTi a'rt a o- 14i -141.ce z1)-Y- 3A-1-fal TwilT:rrzti tfai

t \Jcqlq-i if 7zq wrerc4z6 ITO Tt-4fgro 31-fm--41 Lirmcp
34-1te. ciEcr 34-FT1 t 710
nil 1-FI1 ,ITirri 17
to *mat CIA 0.11C+1C1) $1

(ittraa4--d4 f4zffr, 1997)

44- T16 Tursz t

ggit--2 o r4zi-TT witwfbil c c1PM r f ITR-4 IWZTIT

t 1 ( 2 ) 74 qTrff-Fd 1-10w,r f4-zFr vrKtrft 3r1Wwiq 3114
t--A 4r-4 Nirtif44) 144-Aur -aTiTT ---4 - ail ord-ociI trq .wrk 04

4-3 u ftZflff Tritsz t

Pzief-4t7-a- --11=e-411-a-41 t (1) -41 44* f 34 I
zi-q39-43 g-RT 3TZt f fc T #+-g-a 3tR \'-114um
1-krl 4p- T C 31"4-71 1%-q +10 I Tq 4PTA 4, We f%---41 t--4q
c414dild "rt=e-Eil 4)1 3TErz)z Wm. t, dcf-1 4 11-1 *I rilq VT-4
q0-qm dci-mkt •Rtstuff tr--A 39-Or arTaw TITa -0-71T I
cic*I dal 3Tr4Yl di-q ara-rr w-41 ft-7 IV-4

4.1÷5 arftrrzt -zrt t

r f4-erff vicHNI #v1-ftrd dc114-11-i
3T Pt I carat Rrazi wl ed-Prr1 dc1-1111-1 4 t -44 ,401 -VrTa t I
-4-d- 11-9 4-61 4.4 .R 3 3T- =Tr 3tv Trent c41
T'Ot Al 1 .wdtr, 1996 -4 Trerflt 1MT ‘31-f Ta' 1-1Pciff ' YTT TITT
wl 'OR 3irft uTi u I31TR (,t 0,41.(Or t-ftrzr-d
wrill Ti t 0140107 zrr tz-• zrt 3Tf 4Td
31TR qg 1111-4- 31rf .9-ei ,)(1-1 ,11-7 *WET
t1<r errrr I 0 cottOrf lwrzli tr4 clier,
u^l mil tdrrR Ta- 114>c11 t IirEf 1-141t i4-01 3 -0 31f4qr4a: d
ta-1+11.1Fl ITIT viiyiir

ftrffi-6 ffizrff Wel ft tti fttrr .1r7 3t--q

itt 3tfr 1 311T417-141. 3T-cITIJ ,.TN I 311.191 f'- (1,04 f4arti 0TP-1 QfJvT

TM tRt j'i k#4) 4 0 wa TrO cp4-ri

fira ;Ttit ft f4illtPra . A -q artf9T f4wFci
31t5 .1117 uttf
ww-tr t - fAll-ffta 3:FPI-Am t ai-qv , fat---o4 t--00--d- 3fl
1TtiTN I 31TR $0 f*-Pi Vi+M TYt t4Ar-tr -ct'vr t vffq
'4 iNd &1- R air -t-1-41IF -atm rr cTTrt-;-f z-tr
1:f] fatal tem 3TtiM1-0 'ff-1:1-019110 4 1f drAkiNstf 'f"•
fkiTA t
kiMOCi dviljI.1 FT 04* -fffMTi ncv.htta f u11 (ft-T
Tit A 3T-4f4 -Oft ttfun mtrtel gur4k 7TVIt I

M-34-M-0 1 A-1 n141, 1996 31"R .f,"0 ftz101t UITti

riii ci - 41 31'H1 1447- 1-9-451 3R
tz7t TJE I

f e+. 7 ( 1 ) f4ERI Th 1lT I Qi-Icitf, 1996 .)ci•-IJ-1141 1 k-cifacb

fi4T4tRini f4-44 7(1) t Tg-a t atff4TT -19 71t- 3wzni9 $*1
t aTtft- 14,41 (.•f cbitI 1 it-fr atrq f War ,11-11
\-3Wrr 4rt ft Trq

c I

4W1 750-12-870-14 940

2. Pwrtfd-a 2550-55266O-60--320O
3. 786
4 1.11996 '0' lreql WM (1510 1163
it-01 n4)icbtf7)
at-4'44 iiqdi•ter '-re ft-Ta 1 00 .

6. atetri 111 ,4(11 'et Tit ftFd 100

(tei td 'WE 10 ITM"Vid TIR71 .A9-alt 100 w)
147: Ii 3 j '1

7. TLIT, 2149
8, 4-(1-1m 40
- s r4
- 314


9. Wcil1eRi 1ft3 4 3i71- 1 2550 T. (--7-Lics-iTiTf)

10 4%1 siTL)--(T) 3
- 2605 T.

Thir If 0;•)f oj p-Trditro

11-ci;Pi 14 ',IM
11, 'fn 259 0
"QFC;11 5 TU o 14"•<
'31) 3Tn 1, 7 5()


1640-60-2600-75-2900 T.
5500 - 175-9000 T
2360 T.
3493 T.

100 "T.
236 T

61.89 T

7133 .

9 3(1-(41
47,k-rul0i cIFL

1044-ffM ka-ift
F4 3 6200 T
"f'eR t4R w+--deo .4--d-9-PFT A T45
td-ff-ift 111;Rtici 1 ril i;rfaTilte
d taff '*"fitq'

11 141-11 (-114iN 11 fAvtfta. fhtii vii 7250 •5.

# 9 zit 10 ITV 3/4"tr
u t*q1'

.3 4 16 ,01-111

1 zr-44F 4500-150-5700 5 .
2 14300-400-18300 T.
3 407T9 td9 5400 T
4 1.1.1996 '111-er1T-4 ITT-- d1(1510 5994 T
Ittio14) 77)
5 3t-434 trg-A f$-Fd 100 T
6 3taft4 *wqdr 540 T
OE& ()clq 10 vrom DRv.g
-tocw 100
T-4Prr9- trit- farzri 12034 Ti .
ta-9' WI 40 vitvra •J114' 2160 T

T ei 14194 5 .

9 T it ii acfrtimi 31-TraT 14700 T

litelcr/v4 Trfta,4 -FP-it I
10. TAN 31-c--4- 3 tff9lift 15100 T 411--
vwrrita- do11m -4 REF 14 6 -1"""t;
td9-1-ft %141cfct •S't c-1) 3fizm'ft 2 ci,.-itiftit)
11 3“-dirdcf a a.i 11I.1 41 f4 f4)41. vii4 15100 T
'410 (soq # 9 '4f 10 Tq *TA' 't
*-i4 .41 tf)
1/ - 0 LS 3(i)] TF! 41•314,f : 3:174, InIr71 21

ip1-7(2) ti4 1:n1TM A

R41 41 Thl W+I *ITT 70 ft* TH A
arcrA xrzb f47 doimm iffrti 1-4,q1 Afib-A Tumrtr- tm- ifs #aiti
' T11-1-dicIiiI1 t ft thccoxpr x.:91 tl
14±8 fm tre2a fdft-d V7M t •171t 31-571R 9 3T-TTA
•- r f - -rfsgR, fA-aff q7kui qftisa
ch4v-ftEff 3fftreg Th-f4,5i5 3-9 q)4tuRcil 1-N-cjcp
gRT ftzIT q-1 V-0 t 3tH 4H1 ‘3.-1 q)4"cuRzt, 1 1 1996
34445 friT4 ed-ITFT 3ff.-W-d# tff# TIT t 311R -A Trfo-Rhi ctworr
athrrr trf ztH dol 341E17 IR Trf'd-tET
-d9-1ft t, Tr F.4-11.9 Will TIM t I

Pip1-9 -4 14 t I

rft.#. vir
71.3/4. 3ru-aF,t, cf •4‘rt 3417 tit3 1:1i7q

(Railway Hoard)


New Delhi, the 8th October, 1997

RBE No. 133/97

G.S.R. 584 iE).— in exemse of the powers conferred by the proviso to article 309 of the Constitution, the president
herebv makes the following rule, flaInety:-

1 Short title and commencement :-

(1) These rules may be called, the Railway Services (Revised Pay) Rules
(2) They shall he deemed to have come into force on the 1st day of January,

Categories of Railway servants to whom the rules apply :-

( I) Save as otherwise provided by or under these rules, these rules shall
apply to persons appointed to Railway Services.
(2) These rules shall not apply to :-
(a) Permanent employees of former Indian States absorbed in Railway
Services so long as such persons continue to be governed by the pre-
absorption conditions of service under the Railway Services;
(b) Persons locally recruited for service in Diplomatic, Consular or other
Indian establishments in foreign countries;
(c) Persons net in whole-Wile employment;
(d) Persons paid out of contingencies;


Persons paid otherwise than an a monthly basis including those paid

only on a piece-rate basis;
Persons employed on contract except where the contract provides
Persons re-employed in Railway service after retirement;
any other class or category of persons whom the President may, by
order, specifically exclude from the operation of all or any of the
provisions contained in these rules.
3. Definitions:- In these rules, unless the context otherwise requires :-
(1) "bask pay" means pay drawn in the prescribed scale of pay, including
stagnation increment(s), but does not include any other type of pay like
'special pay'. 'personal pay', etc.
(2) "existing scale" in relation to a Railway Servant means the present
scale applicable to the post held by the Railway servant (or, as the case
may be, personal scale applicable to him) as on the 1st day of January,
1996 whether in a substantive or officiating capacity.

Explanation: -In the case of a Railway servant, who was on the 1st day of
January, 1996 on deputation out of India or on leave or on foreign service, or who
would have on that date officiated in one or more lower posts but for his officiating
in a higher post, "existing scale" includes the scale applicable to the post which he
would have held but for his being on deputation out of India or on leave or on
foreign service or, as the case may be, but for his officiating in a higher post;

(3) "Present Scale" in relation to any post/grade specified in column 2 of

the First Schedule means the scale of pay specified against that post in
column 3 thereof;
(4) "revised emoluments" means the basic pay of a Railway servant in the
revised scale and includes the revised non-practising allowance, it any,
admissible to him, in addition to the pay in the revised scale;
(5) "revised scale" in relation to any post specified in column 2 of the First
Schedule means the scale of pay specified against that post in column 4
thereof unless a different revised scale is notified separately for that
(6) "Schedule" means a schedule annexed to these rules.

4. Scale of pay of posts :-

The scale of pay of every post/grad.e specified in column 2 of the First

Schedule shall be as specified against it in COlumn 4 thereof;

5. Drawal of pay in the revised scales :-

Save as otherwise provided in these rules, a Railway servant shall draw pay
in the revised scale applicable to the post to which he is appointed;

Provided that a Railway servant may elect to continue to draw pay in the
existing scale until the date on which he earns his next or any subsequent increment
in the existing scale or until he vacates his post or ceases to draw pay in that scale.
.7411 774'7. - -tt
PtTM -

Explanation 1: The xisting scale under th.e

the pro viso
to this rule shall be admissible oil spec t of on scale.
Explanation 2t, The aid option be ada ssible to any
person •nted to a post on or alt he lsf day )1' January, 1996 , whether for the
first tint in Railway Service, or by remotion from another post and he
shall be allowed, pay only in the revised scale,

a Railw. servant exercises U e option under the

e in respect of a post held by him in an
w purpose of regulation of pay in that.
Zaflwav Establishment Code. Volume II
post, his substantive pay shall be the
in bad he retained tlw existing scale in
respect of th le holds a Lien or would have held a lien
had los lien not the ia post which has acquired
the character et st>lista wt) ord er for the time being in
force, hichove r i

',rise of i tion

The option under th wise to rul e i shall he exeirised ii writing

the loan amended he dtile so as to reach the autheriti
II Ii niiu l l4. .0 SUIP three months et the date of
ptd)lication of Luse ru existing scale has been revised
hti 'II1 ' order 111r lc' subs that dale, within three months of the

'rov ded that :-

lit date el stit:11

as Iht t i dei oli
tea ts' or clopuIation or forei lee or .telivit set vr.e, the ',It, I otttkot
shah iq=f'vt'3`t`1sod in vv ti t he said rtuthoril)' within
three lne)oths of the (Lilo of his 'sitar, chi itos1 in India : and
wdcr 5risp!'nsioiI oft the 1st da v of
teivised svi hints"! the
hal dale is lalet tl.,In the date

Th e vv p lfocv diall he lcd ht the Sec, to tie Head ot

his Goltic eo.

have elected to be governed by the revised scale of pay with effect on

and from theist day of January,' 996.

(4) The option once exercised shall be final.

Note: 1- Persons whose services were terminated on or after the 1st day of
January, 1996, and who could not exercise the option within the
prescribed time limit, on account of death, discharge on the expiry of the
sanctioned posts, resignation, dismissal or discharge on disciplinary
grounds, are entitled to the benefits of this rule.

Note :2- Persons who have died on or alter the 1st day of January, 1996 and
could not exeivise the option within the prescribed time limit be deemed
to have opted for the revised scales on and Worn the Ist day of January,
1996,or such later date as is most beneficial to their dependents, if Ihe
revised scales arc more tavourable and in such cases, necessary action
for payment of arrears should be taken by the Head of Office.

Fixation of initial pay in the revised scale : -

The initial pay of a 1-Zaikcity servant who elects, or is deemed to have elected
under sub nile(3) ot rule r. to be governed by the revised scale on and from
the fst, day 01 fanuan, , 996, shall, unless in any case the President by special
order otherwise directs, ixed separately in respect of Ins substantive pay
in the permanent post on which he holds a lien or would have held a lien it it
had not been suspended„ind in respect of his pay 111 the olliciating post held
by him, 111 the following manner, namely

in the case of all

amount 'resenting 40 per cent of the ba$i. iiav 111 the e fisting scale
shall be added to ihe'etisling einolinnems' 01 the emplot kw;
atter the existing einolumenLs have been so increased, Ilte pay shall
thelearier be Used to the revisod scale al Me 1(,1 ,,e above t h e
amount thus ioniputed.

Provided that

tit it the 111111 U111111t of Irevised scale is more lhati the amount so arta n ed
at, the pay shall be lixed at the minimum of tiv, i-eyised scale
0111f1110! so arflVeil at is 11101'e than the maximum 'it the ret mod
stale, the pat - shall be tied at the TIliaNimum of that scale

lea turniet: '21;11

: 341,1 177 25
where in the fixation ot pay, the pay of Railway servants drawing pay
at more than tour consecutive stages in an existing scale gets bunched,
that is to say, gets fixed in the revised scale at the same stage, the pay in
the revised scale of such of these Railway servants who are drawing
pay beyond the first tour consecutive stages in the existing scale shall be
stepped up to the stage where such bunching occurs, as under, by the
grant ot increment(s) in the revised scales in the following manner,

for Railway its drawing pay from the 5th upto the 8th stage
in the existing scale - by one increment
(h) for Railway servants drawing pay from the 9th upto the 12th stage
in the existing scale, if there is bunching beyond the 8th stage - by
two increments
for Railway servants drawing pay from the 13th upto the 16th
stage in the existing scale, it there is bunching beyond the 12th
stage by three increments

up of the pay as above, the pay of a Railway servant gets

stage in ale revised scale which is higher than the stage in the
ale at which the pay of a Railway servant who was drawing
higher stage or stages in the same existing scale is fixed,
alter shall also be stepped up only to the extent by which
)I that of the tomer.

made shall ensure that every employee will ,el atleast

one increment in the revised scale ot pay for every three increments
crement(s), if any in the existing scale of pay.

l'xplJna I- or the purpose clause "existing emoluments" shall

TI basic pay i . n thetin scale ;

allowance riate to the basic pay admissible at
index average 0), and
ic) the .imounts of and second instalments of interim relief
admissible en thin has c )av in the existing scale;

(H) nployees who are in receipt ot special pay/allowance in

- in the rig scale which has been recommended for
'11 pa) without any special pay/allowance, pay shall
the rovistid scale en accordance with the provisions of clause (A)
lboVk , \cep; sit to cases milts" shall include -

iris; scat

(b) existing amount of special paykaliow - duce ;

(c) admissible dearness allowance at index a k'OU ge 1)1 ( ) .- 100)under
the relevant orders; and
(d) the amounts of first and second instalmei its of interim reliet admissible
on the basic pay in the existing scale and special pay under the relevant

(C) in the case of employees who are in receipt ot special pay component with
any other nomenclature in addition to pay in the existing scales, such as
personal pay for promoting small family norms, special pay to Parliament
Assistants, Central (Deputation on Tenw'e) Allowance, etc., and in whose case
the same has been replaced in the revised scale with corresponding
allowance/pay at the same rate or at a different rate, the pay in the revised
scale shall be fixed in accordance with the provisions ot clause( A) above. In
such cases the allowance at the new rate as reconunended shall be drawn in
addition to pay in the revised scale of pay;

(0) in the case of Railwav medical officers who are in receipt 01 non-practising
allowance, the pay in the revised scale shall be fixed in accordance with the
provisions of clause( A) above except that in such cases the term "existing
emoluments" shall not include NPA and will comprise only the following -

(a) the basic pay in the existing scale;

(b) dearness allowance appropriate to the basic pay & non practising
allowance admissible at index average 1510(1960—IOU) under the
relevant orders; and
(c) the amounts ot first and second instalments of interim relief
admissible on the basic pay in the existing scale and non-practising
allowance under the relevant orders,
and in such cases, non-practising allowance at the new rates shall be drawn
in addition to the pay so fixed in the revised scale.

Note 1 - The Railway servants drawing pay upto the stage ot Rs. 1030 in the
existing scale of Rs.775-12-871-14-955-15-1030-20-1150 shall he fixed in S-2 scale o.t
pay and those drawing pay beyond the stage of Rs.1030 shall he fixed in S-3 scale of

Note 2 - Where the increment or a Railway servant falls on the 1st day of
January, 1996, he shall have option to draw the increment in the existing scale or the
revised scale.

Note 3 - Where a Railway servant is on leave on the I st day of January, 1996,

he shall become entitled to pay in the revised scale of pay from the date he joins
dot}- . In case of Railway servant under suspension he shall continue to draw
1 -- grr.", 3 (i Js 2

subsistence allowance based on existing and hi.s pay in the revised scale
of pay will be subject to final order on the pending disciplinary proceedings.

Note 4 Where a Railw ding a permanent post and is

officiating a higher post on a regal basis a nd the scales applicable to these two
posts are merged into one scale, the )ay shall he fixed under this sub-rule with
reference to the officiating post. only, and the pay so fixed shall be treated as
substantive pay.

The proVi Note sh a. ll apply, anutatls rnutandis to Railway

servants holdnig ixi an capacity posts on different 4! Istins scales which
have been replaced by a to.

ula ted iri accordance with

e (A), clans may be, exceed the revised
emoluments it tifterence shall be allowed as
personal pay to be a

at pay under sub-rule Railway

servant, wh o, in the existing scale was drawing immediate). ire the 1st day of
January, 1996, mare pay ly servant junic him in the same
cadre, gets fixed in the revised scale at a stage lower than that initior, his pay
shall be stepped upto the same stage in the revised scale as tha e junior.

Where a 'Railway servant is in rece pers on a pay on the 1st day of

together with hi . s existin g as calculated in
rice with clause (A), clause claus e ) or clause (D), the case may he,
eix s the revised emoluments, Ihen, the ditlerence representin ixcess shall
Railway servant as personal pay to he abs bed in t

Note of who are in receipt ofpersonal pay for passing

Hindi agya, icipewriting, Hindi Shorthand and such other examinations
under the "Hindi Teat. Sheine- , or on successfully undergoing training in cash
and accounts matters 1st day of January,1996, while the personal pay
shall not be taken into account lo yes at fixation of initial pay in the revised
they would continue to draw after fixation of their pay in the
and from the 1st or subsequently for the
ion of their pay in the
the a ppropriate
cation at pay for the period
icii"e.-1. 6(11 the einpi

Explanation :- For the purpose of this Note, " appropriate rate of increment
in the revised scale" means the amount of increment admissible at and immediately
beyond the stage at which the pay of the employee is fixed in the revised scale.

Note 9 - In cases, where a senior Railway servant promoted to a higher post

before the 1st day of January,1996, draws less pay in the revised scale than his
junior who is promoted to the higher post on or after the 1st day of January,1996, the
pay of the senior Railway servant should be stepped up to an amount equal to the
pay as fixed for his junior in that higher post. The stepping up should be done with
effect from the date of promotion of the junior Railway servant subject to the
fulfilment of the following conditions, namely:

(a) both the junior and the senior Railway servants should belong to the
same cadre and the posts in which they have been promoted should be
identical in we same cadre,
(b) the pre revised and revised scales of pay of the lower anirthigher posts
in which they are entitled to draw pay should be identical,
(c) the senior Railway servants at the time of promotion have been
drawing equal or more pay than the junior,
(d) the anomaly should be directly as a result of the application of the
provisions of Rule 1313(FR22) of Indian Railway Establishment Code,
Volume II or any other Rule or order regulating pay fixation on such
promotion in the revised scale. If even in the lower post, the junior officer
was drawing more pay in the pre-revised scale than the senior by virtue ot
any advance increments granted to him, provision of this Note need not be
invoked to step up the pay of the senior officer.

The order relating to refix ' ation of the pay of the senior officer in
accordance with the above provisions should be issued under Rule 1321 (FR
27) of Indian Railway Establishment Code, Volume II and the senior officer
will be entitled to the next increment on completion ot his required
qualifying service with effect from the date of refixation of pay.

(2) Subject to the provisions of rule 5, if the pay as fixed in the officiating
post under sub-rule(1) is lower than the pay fixed in the substantive post, the former
shall Le fixed at the stage next above the substantive pay.

8. Date of next increment in the revised scale -

The next increment of a Railway servant whose pay has been fixed in
the revised scale in accordance with sub-rule (1) of rule 7 shall be granted on the
date he would have drawn his increment, had he continued in the existing scale :

Provided that in cases where the pay of a Railway servant is stepped

up in terms of Note 6 or Note 9 to sub-rule (1) and also second proviso to sub-rule(1)

of the nettt t Shall be 1:,;raDil.d on the con iletioi alily ig service

ol twolvo niondis from the date ol the stopping up of the pay' in the vise( scal e.

'kJ I u rt ter that in cases other than those covered by the

increment of a Rail way servant Whose pay is Fixed on
the I st same stage as the one fixed for another Railway
servant junioi to rawing pay at a lower stage than his in
o tisli tie scale, stall I 'e 0 e date as admissil tile to his jithior, it
tin' dale ol increment klt the jt e earlier.

Provided also that in dw ease of person s who had bee n

than a veal' as on the I st day of January,
o re vised scale shall be allowed on the I st day ol January,

Note i- hi eases w facts two existin} scales, one being, proinotional scale toe ihe •••
other are MO rj..;17'an d junior y servant, now drawing his pay at espial or
lowin stage in the lower sa le of pa in Ihe revised
scale than the soniot Rail% ay servant in the existing 1111 her scale, the pay

tt•ris -ilti ill the' revised scale shall be stepped upto that of his
e dabs and he shall draw not increment atter completing the
4 .1.41 te otsuch stepping up t:t1: pay.

in the revised stale subseatient to the 1st day of lanuary,

f 99 6 : -

niwa y serv e to draw his pay in the existing

scale and is r to revised call., front a dale later than the 1st day of
January, 1996, his p in die revised scale shall be hsted under
the Railway tr this purpose his pay in tlw existing scale
shall have the same moaning as sting eitioluntents as Ceitilllitett iu aCCiirdrIllICe
with clause (A), clause (h), clause (C) orc se (1)), as the case may he, of Sub-rule (I)
el rule / otcepl that the basic pay to be taken into account for calculation of those
', mot uments will be the basic pay on the later date aforesaid and where the Railway
servant is ill receipt oh special pay or non practising allowaitce, his pay shall be fixed
ductine, thorn those emoltunents an amount equal lo 1110 special pay or non
practising allowance, cl.S thIC Case may be, at 1.1w revised rates aiipropriale to the
iimoluments so calculated.

f ixation of pily on reappointment after the 1st day of lanuary, 1996 to a

post liettlyrior to Ilia! date :-

Railer a, se vant who had a ted in a post prior to the 1st day of
n ot was eel holding that post on that date and who on subsequent
HIM pOSI draws pay in the revised scale of pay shall he allowed the
Rule 1313 (FRJ?.7 of the Indian Railway Establishment Code,
Volume to the evien1 it would have been admissible had he been holding that
post on the 1st day ot January; 1996, and had elected the revised scale of pay on and
from that date.

Mode of payment of arrears of pay :-

The arrears would be paid in cash with the stipulation that where Hie
arnount of arrears is less than Ps.S000, it should he paid in one instalment and
svhere it is in excess of Rs.5000, it should be paid in two instalments; in the first
instalment payment should be restricted to Rs.7000 plus fifty percent of the balance
amount of arrears.

Explanation For the purposes of this rule :

(a) "arrears of pay", in relation to a Railway servant, means the
difterence between
(i) the aggregate of the pay and allowaru es Io which he is entitled
011 account la the revision of his pa y and allowances under
these rules, for the relevant period; and
(ii) the aggregate ot the pay and allowances to which he would
have been entitled (whether such pay and allowances had been
received or net) for that period had his pay and allowances not
been so revised,
(b) "relevant period" means the period commencing on the 1st day et
January, 1996, and ending with the 30th September, 1997.

Overriding effect of Rules :-

The provisions of the Railway Fundamental Rules, the Railway

Services (Revision ot Pay) Rules, l9V; the Railway Services (Authorised Pay) Rules,
1900, the Railway Services (Revised Pay) Rules, 1973 and the Railway Services
IRevised Pay) Rules 1986, shall not, save as otherwise provided in these rules, apple
to cases where pay is regulated under these rules, to the extent they are inconsistent
with these rules.

Power to relax

Where the President is satisfied that the operation of all or any of the
provisions of these rules causes undue hardship in any particular case, he may, by
order, dispense with or relax the requirements at that rule to such extent and subject
to such conditions as he may consider necessary for dealing with the case in a just
and equitable manner.

14. Interpretation :-

It any question arises relating to the interpretaion at any at the provisions el

these rules, it shall be referred to the Railway Board 101' decision.
Revised scales 101' ho sts Carr' 'es in Group , except
posts for which dilierent revised sia1e are notified separately, in the offices ot - (1)
Secretariat, (2) 1 esearvh, Designs & Standards Organisation,
haft College, Vadodara, (4) Railway Rates Tribunal,
Ch Tribunal New Delhi (6) Rail Movements (Coal) ,
utta, (7) way Recruitment Roards, (8) Indian Railway Institute of Signal
Engineering & Telec o mmunication, Secunderabad, (9) Indian Railway Institute of
Civil Enginecring„ Pwro, (10) Indian Railway Institute ot Electrical Engineering,
72S!'asif.. (It') Indian Railway Institute ot Mek- hankal and klectrical Engineering,
iamaiptrr, (12) C entre f ox ^cf t-arl ed Rfaisitenance Technology, Gwalior.


(Its. 1
750-2-870-14-940 2 :10-

775 12 871-14 1025 2610-60-3150-65-


800- -10 150 2650-65-3300-70-


900- 20-1200
. 2750-70-3 00-75

9.5 150-25- 0 3050-75.3950-80-

9"50-20-1150-25-1.500 4590

975-2' "540
97-25-1150-30-1660 3200-85-4900



S. SCALE PRI_ SI \ I SCAL I RF N. 151i1) SCAL li

1 2 1 4

S-7 I 700 30 1140-30- I r300

1700 )0 1560-40 7040 - 4000-100-6000
1320- i0-1560-40-2040

S-8 ia) S' , 0 JO 1140 10 1800 S0-2200

(11) 4100 10 1800 50-2300 4500 125-7000

5-9 (a) 1.100-40 1600-30-2300-00-2600

(10 I 600-'i0-2 . 300. 60 2660 3000 150-8000

S• 10 1610.60 2600 /5 7900 5500 175-9000

11. S-1.0 A 1610 60_2600..../s..29011 6000 190-9800

(56r note 4 below')

12. -. GO 2000 60 1? 300. 73.3200

(b) 7.000-60 • 7300 /5 )200 - 100 - 3500 0500 200-10500

13. S -13 (4) 2175 75 3200 I 00-3500 7450-725-11500

14. S 14
- 2 "."00- 4000 7500 250 12000

(see note I t,;-r 1 below)

) S-IS .l.200 75 2800 I 00_4000 8000.775-13500

S 19 ( a ) 3000.100 3500 125-4500

(b) 3000-100 3500-125-5000 10000 325-15200

1/ -71 3/0o.125-1/01) 150.5000 12000-375:16500

18. 5-24 (a) 4100 125 4850 150_5300#

(b) 45011 150 5/00 11300-400-18300

O. 5-26 (a) 5100 150 570(1

(b) 5100- 150-61 16400-450-20000

20. S-27 5100-150-6300 700-6700 I 6400-450-20900

For RPF. Me scale will be pers:onai (r• the :nctunbents The number ';4' ,n this se4le. will be
separately nonfted
1 410 -TT Z. 33


' NO NO. Its.) (Re-)
1 2 3 4

21. S-29 5900-200-6'700

5900 18400-500-22400

S 10 7)00-100 609 22400-525-24500

100 - 20 0. 7 500-2 5 0-8000 22400-600-26000

'7600/- FIXED 24050-650-26000

)/ FIXED .„_26000/FIXED

t pay are applicable for a ll. categortev ot Railway servants

it designations strictly on 11w basis of the existing *rates ot
I who are covered by S.Not 113 (S-14) which is applicable
o nly t o officers of Railways in present scale Rs,2375-75 3050,100-
till (except RL)SO). Fixation is to be made directly in the
Revised scat otional pre-revised scale.

Th e
0 ay servants in Group 'D', 'C', 'B' di 'A' on
Itiqit, ales of nay will Con dun(' in the revised scales till
hu- ther or( h nge cl - ation should be made in the revised

ire revised scale of Rs 2500-4000 corresponds to a

of Rs./500,1 00 is lower scale than 2200-4000 (as it
citriesponds to as -I scale of R5.8000-13500).

ale S.
rl'Vl:;ed 51 6000-190-9800) is specific to the category ot
ENpress/ Sr.Passene,er Drivers/ SrtNlotormen in the present scale of
60,2600-75-2900. II is not applicable to any other category ot staff.



1 ORM 01: (11'110N

(See Rule 6(1)1

(i) I hereby elect tlw revised scale

‘,VIth Ottet t !TOM ,t lanuat‘

Iterebv elect to continue on

Ow existing scale ol pav -;t1 my snbstantive/otticialing post mentioned below witil:
the date 111V nt-s1 increment
' the clan.' nw subsequent increment raising my pm y k R.
vacatoo to draw pay' in the existing scale.
rsisting scale

(Iii) I hereby elect to draw my

increment failure, on 1. 1 a) in the e.xisting scale (OR
l')) in die revised scale


Na me


Office in which employed


To be scored out it not applicable

ir0Re]: Note 2 of Rule

'11TI — ;RITZ 31.. )


' / K LUT1.
0 n Office/ Sia yn
an option

o f pay for all the posts from the 1st

electing t ontinue on themxisting scale ot pay 4k.mbQnti re/
a Ling post mentioned below until
the d 1 increment
the date e subsequent in MI raising his pa Rs.
in the existing scay

»!6i lent fa on 1.1.96

.c1: 1(0 revised scale +it

I tale
5th mn

* to be scored ou ya
-*,`. Ref. Note 2

The b awa y
antic m om ,
wavii PT Il d e lli er 0 CPS I sepi-ird H


(RI lo 1 ,4 PAY) 1997

Rule 1- This rule is se atory.

Rule 2 - This rule lays down the categories ot et iployees to whom the rules
apply. 6 ept tot the categories excluded under clause (2), the rules
are applicable to at) persons under the rule making control ot the
President serving wider the administrative control of the Railway

Rule 3 - This rule is self-explanatory,

Rule 4 - The recommendations of the Commission on p ay scales for CfCrlaiti

categories/class of employees of the Central rernment, have given
rise to representations from other categories t employees on tlw
ground of upsetting the existing relativities and parities. In all such
cases, where the recommendation is for upgradation of pay scales for
individual categories of posts in a DeparhrIPIII or cadre otherwise than
by rationalisation of pay scales, for the present the nonnat
replacement pay scales for the existing scales ot pay as shown in the
First Schedule shall be allowed. Separate orders in such cases will be
issued subsequently .

Rule 5 - The intention is that all Railway servants should be brought over to
the revised scale eNrept those who elect to draw pay in the existing
scales. Those who exercise the option to 011161111e on the existing scales
of pay will C011617111V to draw the dearness allowance and interim
reliefs at the rates in torte on the 1st January, 1996, and the clearness
allowance will count towards the emoluments t01 pension. etc. to the
extent it so counted on the said date, if a Railway servant is holding a
permanent post in a substantive capacity and officiating in a higher
post or would have officiated in one or more posts but for his being on
deputation etc, he has the option to retain the existing scale only in
respect of one scale. Such a Railway servant may retain the existing
scale applicable to a permanent post or any one of the officiating
posts. In respect of the remaining posts he will necessarily have to be
brought over to the revised scales.

Rule 6 - This rule prescribes the mariner in which option has to be exercised
and also the authority who should be apprised ot such option. The
option has to be exercised in the appropriate form appended to the
rules. It should he noted that it is not sufficient for a Railway Servant
to exercise the option within the specified time limit but also to ensure
['KM 3(i)] 37

that it reaches the prescribed authority within the time Limit. in the
persons who are outside India at the time these rules are
promulgated, the period within which the option has to be exercised is
three months from the date they take over charge ot the post in India.
In the case of Railway Servants the revised scales of whose posts are
announced subsequent to the date of issue ot these rules, the period of
three months will rim trout the date of such annothicement.

Persons nvlar have retired between 1st jantiai , 1996 ; and Iho dale ot
issue ot the e> r les a re also eligible lo exercise option.

Rule 701 This rule deals with the actual tix in the existing scales on
1st day January, 1996. A ba' illustrations ind icating the 111,1111101 in
which pay et Railway servants should be tixed under this sub rule
subject tr stepping up of pay under Noles below rule 7(1 ) ate given
below :-

Illustration No.1
1. Existing Scale o f
Proposed Scale o1 Pay
3. Existing Pay 11:s 786
4. P A. as en 1.1.96 (at index I :s. I
level lilt))
ist Instalment ol
6. 2nd Instalment el I I:.
10% 01 bash pay subject
to null. ot LOG.

I no I uments
8. ol pay


tita g ill
proposed scale inrlucng
benefit ot bunch

in the proposed sgr,i
Ine:rerneul, ii
xircunr, scale, tune chase

I Lit 1:.s.26 (.1 5

proposed scale (stage ot
pay at SI. No. 9 or 10
whichever is higher).

Illustration No.11
I. Existing Scale of Pay Rs.1640-60-2600-75.2900
Proposed Scale of Pay Rs.5500- 175, 9000
3. Existing Pay Rs.2360
4 D.A. as on 1.1.96 (at index Rs.3493
level 1510)
1st instalment of 1.R. Rs.100
o. 2nd Instalment ot 1.R. Rs.236
10% of basic pay subject
to min. of Rs.100.
7. Existing emoluments Rs.6189
Add 40% of basic pay Rs. 944 1%.

Total Rs./I33

Stage next above in the Rs.72.50

proposed scale including
benefit ot bunching, it

If I increment is ensured Rs.6200

in the proposed scale for
every 3 increments in the
existing scale, the stage
of pay in the proposed

Pay to be fixed in the Rs.72`,0

proposed scale (stage of
pay at St. No. 9 or 10
whichever is higher).

Illustration No.111
1. Existing Scale of Pay Rs.4500, 150-5700
Proposed Scale et Pay Rs.14300-400 1s300,
Existing Pay Rs.5400
1).A. as on 1.1.96 (at index Rs.5994
level 1)10)
I st Instalment ot 1.R. Rs.100
2nd Instalment of 1.R. ,:= Rs.540
10% ot bask pay subject
to mitt. of Rs.100.

T1 [I — 3(1)1 qtI 39

I Existinlii, emoluments is. 12034

S. Add 40`l, oi basic vtav Rs. 2 160
._. „. .
Total Rs. 11194

110"n 1 ,II.ovo th,, Ps. 1.4700

irlt.tpk“.0 4.1 all'
ILL1 L oill L11 bilitcliniy, I

It 1 i.ensiii Ps. ="1.00 (two increments for 1, increments

hi , I "A'fi if' 8 , 1 in the existing, scale)
i'0989itS ki n Iiw

ii tli prt , r980l1

i I iit 11xed in Ow Rs. I 'ix in°

p ii pit te xt
pm id oi

iZtattA2.1, This. ride nol admissible in cases where a Railway

d:11 he- vie, tedllo rot vied scale in respect ot his substantive post,
eeL has rei sic& in resint in an otticiating post.

ri;iS rik s niciiTherni v hi c l i the next merement in the

hc, c:4111dIvti. JIitttri , ViSOS Ic this rule are intended
le eliminate Inc iunior Iiiervants drawing more
in senior iv the operation el the substantive part ot this
and iaidurg care ot the lilailway servants who have been
in pax al the maximum ot the existing scale tor more than one
hoii, and also tlittSt , PailWaV servants who have been
the esisting scale and are actually in
le, egoot it iahon increinela on ad I t o, basis.
toile 9 I l i I I iii 1- 0 \planatorti.

'NO, PC -Vd"Sio. PC- V/97/1/RSRPi1

V.K. AGAR WAL, Member (Stan).

Railway Board and FA-Officio Secretary

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