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In this document I tried to identify and analyze list of operations related to

Retail/Corporate Business operation Teams as per Volume four RFP document.
As my assumption there are seven operations which will include to our scope
definitions even though there are activities related to loan and credit operations
it will be omitted in the future as required. The following are list of operations
related to Retail/Corporate Business operation teams.

 Branch Operations
 Head Office Portions
 Planning and development operations
 Accounts and finance operations
 Finance operations
 Treasury operations
 Domestic banking operations


Under branch operations there are around thirty five functions. And also some functions have its own
sub functions for example Deposit functions has six main sub functions. Each functions it has different
types of transactions and reports. For example for deposit function saving and current account opening
transaction has around thirty four transactions and Each Transaction has its own reports. Some Branch
Operations functions, transaction and reports are listed below.

A. Functions
 Saving / current accounts
 Fixed / reinvestment / recurring deposits
 Other term deposits including special deposits accounts and flexi deposit schemes
 Reserve fund and other funds: rate of interest: highest interest rate for deposit accounts
is to be extended during all changes in rate of interest.
 (Non Resident Ordinary) NRO / (Non Resident External) NRE savings accounts in any
 NRO / NRE term deposit accounts in any currency
2. Customer ID
3. Customer account number
5. Internal / suspense accounts
6. Direct loans and advances: deposit loans, term loans, retail loans, suit filed loans,
decreed debts, any claim accounts and arbitration filed accounts.
7. Cash credit advances and over draft a/c s: cash credit, overdraft, temporary overdrafts,
key loan (goods loan)
8. Various types of loan products :
a) Loan types with fixed rate of interest.
b) Loan types with floating rate of interest.
9. Borrowings: National Bank of Ethiopia (NBE), Financial Institutions / Others
10. Agricultural /Finance/ industrial finance/Rural project / Farm sector and other schemes
11. Statutory reserve funds
12. Local clearing: branches – inward / outward
13. Lockers management
14. Remittances: Issue of DD/CPO/TT/ gift cheques Payment of DD/CPO/TT/ gift cheques
15. Collection of cheques: inward and outward
16. Purchase and discount of cheque
17. Cash operations
18. Beginning of Day (BOD) / End of Day (EOD) operations.
19. Please not that we have requested a true 24x7 operations. Automatic scheduling also
should be possible.
20. Revenue expenditures ; Income and Expenses
21. Customer Information File
22. Audit trail
23. Bank guarantees and letter of credit
24. Finance and investments
25. Forex dealings (Forex Service Bureau )
26. Inward/outward bills/trade finance
27. ATM and other delivery channels
28. Furniture and fittings maintenance: stock details, depreciation, purchases, sale of
unserviceable items.
29. Stationary stock: inventory, issue, purchases stock printing of forms, books, and
registers printing of cheque books and stock maintenance
30. Inspection and audit: balance sheet, auditing, financial statements, branch inspection,
affiliates inspection
31. Providing low interest loans under the Special Schemes
32. Investment credit to special sector
33. Preparation of Statutory and MIS reports
34. Customer query module
35. Any transactions
1.1 Deposit Functions of Saving/Current Account
 Account opening by capturing the following details: Name, Introducer, joint
account details, Minor account details, address, Know Your Customer (KYC)
norms, Constituent, Nominee, Guardian, Power of Attorney, operational details,
temporary overdraft and other statistical information’s. System generated
account numbers.
 Account can be opened/closed through cash/transfer or transfer from/to another
 Maintenance of functional and interest parameters.
 Modification of account details like address, nominee, phone number etc with
authorization. History to be maintained.
 Capable of creating new scheme of accounts by the system administrator at data
center and launch to branches such as Children’s savings scheme, any other
 Cheque book stock maintenance and issue Cheque books
 Collection of charges for issue of Cheque books towards cost over and above
free leaves.
 Accepting stop payment, revoking the same by cheque number, charging for stop
 Charges for Minimum balances not maintained accounts
 Accepting transactions through cash, transfer and clearing
 Capturing transactions with user ID, Officer ID, machine ID, Time stamp with
branch name.
 Cancellation, Rejection, Modification of transaction by the teller with
 Issuance, modification and deletion of standing instructions and collection of
charges for the service.
 Product accumulation in case of credit and debit balances for all accounts, month
/ quarterly/half-yearly/annual wise
 Interest computation based on parameterized rates and posting in the ledger on
a pre-determined date.
 Handling charges for return of Outward / Inward Cheques
 Printing of pass book and Statement of accounts. Issue of duplicate passbook
and collection of charges.
 Maintenance of no interest /special interest accounts and payment of additional
interest for Special category of customers.
 Provision for report on frequent return of Cheque /unhealthy accounts and to
close the same.
 Enquiry by Customer's name, Account Number and Cheque Number, joint
account holder, customer ID wise
 Ability to store and reproduce the specimen signature and photo of an Account
 Freezing/de-freezing of Accounts whether partial or whole
 Marking Inoperative accounts after a specific period if no transaction was done
and collection of
 Penal charges.
 Marking/unmarking of death of constituent and settlement of claim preferred
 Sanction of overdraft limit and renewal and authentication.
 Temporary Overdraft Sanction (TOD) -period of validity, limit, authentication, etc.,
 Charging of interest on TOD on a daily basis or periodicals
 Conversion of inoperative account to operative account based on customer's
 Provision for closing of inoperative accounts with zero balance on parameterized
 Balance enquiry and transfer information to external media. Confirmation of
balance and acknowledgement of debit
 Transfer of funds from one account to another if shortage of funds to meet
clearing obligations of same customer sweep in / sweep out facility.
 Calculation and charging of folio charges automatically based on parameters with
applicable concessions.
 Conversion and maintenance of suit filed overdraft accounts
 Children’s savings deposits scheme, and any others
 Separate details for inoperative accounts age wise and reporting to National
Bank of Ethiopia (NBE) and details of transfer in and transfer out
 Maintaining the unclaimed deposits in a separate account.
 Collection of penal charges on a later date if sufficient balance was not there and
after the balance was enough
 Maintenance of securities for overdraft accounts
 Information on OD limits expiring daily.
 Account opening by capturing the following details: Name, Introducer,
Constituent, Nominee, joint details, Guardian in case of minor, Power of Attorney,
operational details, KYC norms other statistical information’s. Account number
and rate of interest are to be system generated.
 Account can be opened through cash, transfer, clearing and transfer from
another branch
 Closing of Account through cash, transfer, and transfer to another branch
 Maintenance of interest parameters/functional parameters, should be parameter-
driven (not fixed)
 Should be able to set minimum and maximum opening balance
 Additional interest for deposits maturing on a holiday.
 Configuring new account types within different schemes using parameters at
data center and launching to branches.
 Modification of account details like address, nominee, phone number etc with
authorization. History to be maintained.
 Renewal of matured deposit for any period within the period limits applicable to
other deposit schemes and also with automatic renewal.
 Acceptance, modification and deletion of standing instructions for interest
payments and monthly remittances.
 Interest computation on deposit amounts and posting the respective account
upon maturing.
 Compounding of interest with principal amount on every deposit quarter from
date of opening for reinvestment and recurring deposit accounts.
 Payment of accumulated interest periodically through cash and transfer and
standing Instructions.
 Premature withdrawal of deposit and interest calculation at reduced rate after
applying penal rate as applicable.
 Premature closure without penal clause and Renewal of deposit for availing
higher rate of interest.
 Transferring matured deposits to “Matured” account on maturity date
automatically either during EOD or SOD.
 Income Tax Calculation and Deduction at source from interest on deposit as per
 Issue of Loans/ Over Draft (OD) against Deposits and lien marking. Unmarking of
lien not to be allowed where loan/OD is outstanding.
 Closing of deposits and adjusting to loan / O.D. account on the date of maturity.
 Electronic Tax Deduction at Source (ETDS ) and other statutory returns in
electronic form
 Income Tax to be Deducted at source from interest paid and remittance to
Government and furnishing monthly / annual returns to I.T. Department by
customer-wise. Issue of tax deducted certificate in the prescribed form.
 Calculate Income Tax and deduct at source from interest on cash certificates
deposits accrued on year-to-year basis and at the time of maturity/foreclosure.
 Marking unmarking of lien/attachment Freezing/de freezing whether wholly or
partially on a deposit account.
 Additional interest for special type of citizens / Staff and also no interest.
 Transfer of Interest payable on Lien marked Fixed deposits to Loan/OD accounts
every monthly, quarterly, half-yearly and yearly on due date
 Printing of deposits receipt and duplicate when reported lost.
 Information on lien marked deposits maturing daily.
 Settlement of claim preferred accounts.
 Enquiry by providing any one the Customer's name, Account Number, address,
customer ID.
 Control over minor deposits when attains majority
 Partial renewal of all deposit accounts to be allowed and part payment by cash
 Enquiry on details of a specific deposit account for a period.
 Remittance of Recurring deposit remittances from another branch
 Enquiry for current old and closed deposits
1.3.1 Special deposits accounts:
 Deposits with various schemes of different maturity patterns and rollover
facility to different product on maturity.
 Whenever Rate of interest is changed, it should be applied on a Rule
based and predefined.
 Deposits and withdrawal to be allowed.
 Transfer of funds with other deposit accounts.
 Opening of accounts with necessary details as per National Bank Of Ethiopia (NBE)
directives and maintenance of the same
 Maintain parameter and retrospective interest calculation
 Enquiry, monitoring, modification and record for the same
 Enable collection and credit of foreign currencies
 Inward /outward remittance in Foreign/ Local (ETHIOPIAN BIRR) currencies.
 Opening of accounts with necessary details as per NBE directives and maintenance of
the same
 Maintain parameter and retrospective interest calculation
 Allow modification and record for the same.
 Provision for transferring the proceed to domestic accounts
 Periodical Payment of interest and collection of TDS (Tax Deduction at Source)
 Maintain matured deposits.
 Statutory reports to National Bank Of Ethiopia and Enquiry and monitoring.
 Unique Customer ID to be generated for existing and new customers for entire bank and
not branch
 Provision to check duplicate creation of customer ID
 Customer Id is to be promptly added in all accounting forms
 Account details to be queried by using Customer Id
 The account number to be branch specific for identification, as the structure will be
discussed and provided by the Bank.
 Account number to be product specific.
 Recording information of share holders.
 Addition/ Deletion/ Cancellation of member.
 Parameter to be maintained.
 Allocation and Issue of dividend and appropriation
 Various Sundry Creditors account creation and maintain consolidated general ledger
account with reconciliation
 Various Sundry Debtors account creation and maintain consolidated general ledger
account with reconciliation
 Reversal of Sundry Debtors / Sundry Creditors account
 Tallying /Review of long pending items and its classification.
 Budget for all revenue & expenses and details and control.
 Shareholders’ or Any Director’s Special Account


 Master Details of all Accounts.
 List of accounts opened/ closed /transferred in/ out
 List of inoperative accounts
 Balance confirmation Certificate
 Statement of account for an account for a period
 Classification of accounts by constitution, customer wise
 List of Accounts frozen as per Court Order and deceased
 Interest certificate
 Cheque book stock and issue register –account wise.
 List of inoperative turned operative accounts during a day / month / year vice versa
 List of minors attaining majority
 List of accounts with debit balances.
 Daily subsidiary books
 Trial balance and Daily balancing of accounts
 Statutory reports when required by statutory bodies
 List of Debit balance accounts come to credit balance today
 Exceptional transactions list
 Daily position of OD accounts and Statement of OD interest
 Overdue Account product Rate wise bifurcation and display
 Stop/Revoke payment instructions.
 Cheques book issued register
 Amount wise analysis of number of accounts
 Inoperative accounts/charging penalty
 Report on Attachment orders, earmarking funds
 List of inoperative accounts transferred in and out.
 List of Securities available
 List of photos / signature not available


 Master details of deposit accounts
 Term Deposit maturity date wise/amount wise register
 Customer ID wise Term Deposit accounts
 Term Deposit interest paid /payable register
 Lien against deposits for Loans/OD limits sanctioned.
 Details of Tax Deduction from interest paid / payable on deposits.
 TDS report and statutory report
 Issuance of interest accrued certificates and confirmation
 Notice to accountholder for not carrying out standing instruction (non-provision of funds).
 List of matured/maturing accounts between given period
 Renewal notices for deposits maturing during a period.
 List of Deposit opened / closed / premature closure
 Deposit account with and without Standing Instructions
 Term Deposit receipt printing and stock
 maintenance.
 Enquiry on details of a specified account for a period
 Classification of Term Deposits – Individual, institution-wise , rate wise, age wise, type
wise, account wise, expected maturity of deposit, over a period, age wise.
 Notices to clear overdue monthly installments
 Notices to close accounts when more than the specified numbers of installments are
 Details of Customer-wise remittance of Tax Deduction at source (TDS), amount details
to furnish monthly and annual returns.
 ETDS and other statutory returns in electronic form
 Master list of all loan accounts
 Trial balance all types of loan accounts
 Statutory and MIS reports
 Subsidiary Books, daily Balancing of all loan accounts
 Demand, collection and balance calculation and reports
 Maturity /overdue /default notices
 Ledger Statements of accounts for a specified period
 List of Non-performing assets based on norms.
 List of Overdue loans Report and Reminders
 Drawing power history, Seasonal variations
 Master list of Consortium advances
 Key Loan Ledger for a period
 Suit filed and decreed accounts ledger for a period
 Any Claim Register for a period.
 List of converted loans for a given period.
 Interest arrears/application of interest penal overdue
 Interest demand for all Loan Accounts
 Purpose-wise / rate wise/ scheme wise of loans
 Recovery Statement -Short Term/Mid Term Loans
 Overdue intimation letter.
 Statutory MIS reports and periodical returns.
 List of loans opened / closed / premature closure
 Details of retrospective interest adjustment
 Master details and Ledger accounts
 Outstanding register for various types of accounts.
 Ledger statement of accounts for given period.
 Stock statement, goods received/released details
 Customer wise disbursement list
 Trail balance and daily balancing and remittance particulars
 Interest charged details –month/quarter/annual
 Statutory returns/ MIS returns to Financing agencies
 Classification by rate/purpose wise
 Security and surety details and maturity particulars
 Overdue statement/ MIS statements.
 Due date register
 Sanction intimation/ Reminders
 Repayment schedules/ register
 Interest due, demand and payment register.
 Drawing power history, Seasonal variations
 Master list of Consortium advances
 Key Loan Ledger for a period
 DD/ MT/CPO/GC/TT Issued Ledger for a given period
 DD/ MT/CPO/GC/TT payment Ledger for a given period
 Unpaid register for DD/ MT/CPO/GC/TT for a given period
 DD/ MT/CPO/GC/TT cancelled register
 Advice generation for Issue/cancel/revalidation/ex-Advice/stop payment/payment for DD/
 Revalidation/stop payment register
 Printing DD/Pay order/Credit advice
 Stop payment instructions report and Covering letter
 Discrepancy intimation letter
 List of daily transactions.
 Master list of inward/outward Cheques for collection
 List of daily transactions and Subsidiary register.
 Cheques collected/paid during a given period.
 List of Cheques for returned unpaid and charges collected.
 Consolidated register for Cheques, Booked, retired and returned during the day with all
 Cheques collection outstanding register.
 Cheques realized over a given period
 Schedules for sending Cheques for collection.
 Reminders for long pending for realization
 Realization /Commission /discount/ register
 Details of agent commission, overdue interest received/paid
 Master list of Cheques Discounted/purchased , Foreign Cheques
 List of daily transactions.
 Reminders to drawers for long pending realization.
 Advices to customer on Cheques realization / return.
 Cheque / DD / Cheques purchased outstanding register.
 Cheques Discounted/purchased outstanding Register.
 Cheques Discounted/purchased cancelled Register.
 Realization /Commission /discount register
 Details of agent commission received/paid
 Details of overdue interest paid/received
 Register of Outward instruments sent.
 Bank wise list of presentation of outward instruments.
 Register of Inward clearing instruments.
 List of bounced Outward/inward instruments.
 Bouncing Intimation to customers
 List of inward/outward instrument for branches
 List of ECS debit credit items booked.
 List of ECS debit credit items returned.
 List of frequent returns customer wise
 Bouncing details customer wise for a given period
 Branch wise consolidation of inward/outward instruments.
 Branch wise consolidation of ECS debit/credits


A. Functions

1. Statistics/Reports/Statements
a. Preparation of Balance Sheet
b. Preparation of Profit and Loss A/C
c. Preparation of Advances, Recovery and Outstanding position statement
d. Preparation of Demand and Time Liabilities statement
e. Preparation of Demand collection and balances (Overdue) statement
f. Preparation of Reports/Statements/Registers
g. Finance and accounting
a. Maintaining the record of Inspection
b. Maintaining the record of Auditing
c. Monitoring Imbalances
d. Reports/Registers

a. Preparation of Balance Sheet of Head Office
b. Preparation of Profit & Loss Account of Head Office
c. Preparation of Advances, Recovery, and Outstanding position statement
d. Demand, Collection, and Balance (Overdue) Position
e. Statement Showing The Position Of Classification Of Overdue
f. Register For Period Wise Classification Of Overdue Loans


A. Functions

1. Formulation of productivity norms for branches and staff

2. Planning and statistical compilation of data from all branches and departments
3. Performance budgeting and perspective planning for Branches and the Bank in general
4. Formulation of products and schemes
5. Preparation of Action Plan of the Bank which contains:
6. Share capital (from Shareholders and other reserves)
7. Reserves and provisions
8. Borrowings with term wise and sector wise classification
9. Loan projections
10. Deposits (with classification)
11. Receipts
12. Non Overdue Cover (NODC)
13. Loans and advances
14. Loans issued / disbursed
15. Demand, Collection and Balance (Over dues)
16. NPA with account / amount / life wise classification
17. Mini Banking operations
18. Other accounts
19. Training of officers and other staff and other matters relating to training.
20. Preparation of Annual report of the Bank
21. Management of circulars and instructions – issuing agency / subject / date wise.


1. Staff Working Strength of as at Current Year

2. Per Branch Deposit, Advances and Business Productivity of branches and the Bank for
the Current Financial Year
3. Per Employee Deposit, Advances and Business Productivity of the Bank For The
Current Financial Year
4. Working Capital of the Bank for the Last 5 Years
5. Preparation of Balance Sheet and Profit and Loss Account-Branch and Bank Level
6. Deposits And Borrowing Related Transactions
7. Loans And Advances At the Branch and Bank Level
8. Compilation of Demand, Recovery, Over dues-Branch and Bank Level
9. Miscellaneous Information Branch and Bank Level
10. Sector-wise Level Information
11. Demand Collection and Balances
12. Weaker Section Advances Related Transactions

B. Reports

1. Training Profile of all Trainees

2. Report for Branch, Staff and Productivity-Branch and Bank Level
3. Report For Per branch Deposit, Advances and Business Productivity Of Branches and
the Bank in general
4. Report for Per Employee Deposits, Advances and Business Productivity Of Branches
and the Bank in general for the Current Financial Year
5. Annual Statements
6. Key Personnel Performance
7. Statistical Information Related for the Banking Industry
8. Growth Parameter Information-Deposits
9. Balance Sheet and Profit And Loss Account
10. Annual Statements
11. Flow Of Fund
12. Financial Analysis Profit And Loss, Balance Sheet (Unaudited Statement)
13. Important Performance Indicator-Statements
14. Deposits and Borrowings-Branch and Bank Level
15. Important Performance Indicator – Statements
16. Loan And Advances- Branches and the Bank in general
17. Monthly Progress Report about Loans and Advances for Branches and the Bank in
18. Monthly Progress Report about Borrowings and Loans for Branches and the Bank in
19. Growth Parameter Information-Loan And Advances
20. Basic Data On Performance Of Branches and the Bank in general.
21. Dossier Statement-Loan And Advances
22. Demand, Recovery, Over dues- Branch and Bank Level
23. Progress Report For Loan and Advances to Branch and Bank Level During The Year,
and for any period



1. Loans and advances

2. Loans and advances
• Short Term (ST) loans
• Medium Term (MT) loans: Medium Term for Sectors , Medium Term for Farm
Sector, Medium Term for Commercial Sector , Medium Term for Non Farm
• Medium Term Conversion (MTC) loans: Conversion of ST loans to MT loans in
all cases
• Medium Term Conversion Re-phasement (MTCR) loans: Re-phasement of MTC
3. Staff loans: Housing loans, House repair, Vehicle loans, others
4. Government Loans
5. Consortium finance
6. Loans to other Financial or any other institutions
7. Borrowings from Financial Institutions within the limits of advances given to the Bank
8. Share capital and Share certificates: Applications for allocating the shares, Sanctioned
9. Investments • Investments made in SLR, Non SLR, Central Government securities,
Bonds, in Banks abroad • Institutional deposits • Fixed Deposits • Cash with Head Office
10. Reconciliation
11. Clearing • Inward clearing • Outward clearing • Instruments for clearing: MICR, High
value clearing, Out of Bill Collection (OBC), Intercity collection, Electronic Clearance
System (ECS), Electronic Fund Transfer
12. Mutual Schemes
13. HO consolidation
14. Branch Office management


1. Maintenance of funds
2. Investments in approved securities, call deposits and deposits with other Financial
3. Maintenance of liquid assets and cash reserves
4. Enrolment of shareholders and allotment of shares, issue of share certificates
5. Various types of deposit account
6. Matters relating to Deposit Insurance and Credit Guarantee
7. Insurance of cash in transit and cash in safe etc
8. IBC, OBC and all types of bills, issue of Demand Drafts, main transfers.
9. Local clearing
10. Management of mutual arrangement schemes, if any
11. Maintenance of central accounts – Balance sheet, Profit & Loss account
12. Aspects relating to payment of Income Tax relating to Bank
13. Statutory returns to NBE and others
14. Reconciliation of Bank accounts, Branches accounts
15. Management of safe custody lockers, and bank vaults
16. Deposit mobilization – preparation of schemes, implementation – customer service
17. Maintenance of Books of accounts and registers
18. Profit distribution
19. Loans against deposits
20. Maintenance of old records
21. Survey for opening of new Branches
22. Issue of Bank guarantee

1. Loans of all types
 Account register
 Interest due statement
 Due date diary
 Individual loan account
 Consolidated ledger of branches and the Bank
 Supplementary book
 General ledger
 Master list of all deposit accounts
 Interest payment register
 Statutory returns to NBE or Government
 List of inward remittances
 List of outward register
 Other statutory reports
 Statement of accounts
 Master details Holding wise shareholders list
 Certificate details / Live shares – details
 Dividend report / Printing of dividend warrants
 Share certificate lost form.
 Receipt for additional shares refundable amount
 Master list of all reserve
 accounts
 Ledger and transaction particulars for given period
 List of inward and outward remittances
 Master List of all suspense accounts
 Transaction wise particulars and ledger details
 Trial balance of all accounts
 Transaction wise particulars for given period
 Expenses over and budget provision
 Budget allocation of all expenses.
 Daily cash book & balance of each Branch / HO Bank
 Scrolls for Cash, Transfer and Clearing for each Branch and HO.
 Balance sheet of each Branch / Head Office Bank
 Profit and Loss account of each Branch / Head Office Bank
 Daily trial balance statement of each Branch / Head Office and also for Bank as a whole
 Main daybook of each Branch / HO.
 Generate an abstract of the General Ledger for the day
 Rate wise classification of deposits and advances
 No. of deposit accounts at each Branch/Bank as a whole and type-wise
 Average outstanding of loans, advances, deposits and borrowings each Branch / HO
Bank, type-wise
 Receipt and payment of loans, advances, borrowings, deposits and others
 Classification of overdue loans -period wise, type wise
 Statutory returns to NBE / Auditors / Government/Others.
 Balance sheet analysis.
 List of Direct GL Transactions
 Funds Management chart
 Trial balance of short term deposits and call money
 Trial Balance & Schedules
 All returns NBE/Government/ etc.
 Demand & Time Liabilities
 List of reporting Fridays , Saturdays
 CRR / SLR statement related figures
 Return for Drawal statement
 Reconciliation of accounts with NBE/Other Commercial Banks/ others etc.
 Call Money / short term deposits
 Deal Sheet / Deal confirmation memo
 Lending / Borrowing position – period wise
 Daily call deposit statement
 Investment amount per day -average rate statement
 Fortnightly position
 Investment/ Cost Sheet
 Report on safe custody of security
 Report on Bond / security details
 Purchase & Sale of securities register
 Source of Funds
 Cash inflow and outflow statement
 CRR / SLR requirement Statement (Daily/fortnightly)
 Report of various GL Accounts of our bank

8. HEAD OFFICE -Other than Banking Department

 Branch Reconciliation
 Bank’s general Reconciliation

1. Financial Statement Report (Monthly, quarterly, semi-annual and annual)
 Preparation of Consolidated Balance sheet ( Report)
 Average daily balance sheet
 Interest income and interest expense balance sheet
 Non-interest income and non- interest expense statement
 Relevant Ratios
- Loans/ Deposits
-   Investment/Deposits
- Loans/Capital
. Equity capital/ Asset
- Dependency Ratio ( Long term assets versus
Volatile liabilities)
 Investment portfolio and loan activity report
 Income Statement ( Report)
 Cash flow statement report
 Summation of all branches cash report
 Issue accounts summary report
 Controllable expenses recapitulation report
 Different management reports
 Weekly or monthly Reserve and Liquidity Report
 Income expense detail and Summary by monthly ( Report )
 Loan and Advances Summary (Report)
-  With Sector
- With age of repayment
- NPL Report
- Percentage Reports
- Provision for doubtful loans
 Deposits sum up Report with sector
- Demand Deposit number of transaction and
 Total balance report
 Savings Deposit number of transaction and total balance report
 Time Deposit with
 CDT number
 Name
 Date opened
 A/C number
 Principal amount
 Maturity date
 Rate
 Periods
 Margin held account including it’s
 Percentage
 Comparisons, variations and percentage report of each category of deposit with last
 last year same period and plan
 Comparison, variations and percentage reports of Salary and benefits, General Expense
and all Income accounts.
 with last year same period
 with last month
 with plan
 Annual Budget preparation based on previous years trends
 Annual reports

 Monthly, quarterly and annual Profit and loss statement reports

 Asset Liability mismatch report
2. Payroll and other benefits
 Staff Payroll statement
Income tax calculation
Deductions (court case, loan repayment, PF,
Credit Association, etc..)
 Taxable and non taxable Income
 Monthly, quarterly and annual Profit and loss statement reports
 Asset Liability mismatch report
 Bank Reconciliation ( With Central Bank, Commodity Exchange, Issue Account, other
Domestic and foreign correspondent banks)
 Monthly schedule for various account balances ( payment with CPO, Credit A/C, memo)
 Customized bank formats with reference numbers
 Claims
 Credit summary
 Debit and credit tickets
 Other formats
 Stock Account Reconciliation
 Stationery stock account with item
 Fixed Asset Register with category ( Bldg, Office furniture, equipments, computers, etc..)
 Fixed Asset with zero book value report
 Fixed Asset with Age report to dispose
 Depreciation calculation
 Issue account Reconciliation
 Tax payment schedule
 Account Receivable Schedule
 Accounts payable Schedule
 Age Analysis report
 Trial balance reports separately
 Posting windows should be customized as to avoid repeated encoding of A/C numbers
for each transaction to be posted.
 The system should have export facilities with pdf, excel and access programmes.
 Electronic mail system between Head office and branches
3.Share Holders Service
 Share Register
 A/C No
 Name
 Address
 Entry date (Posting date)
 Value date (payment date)
 Number of days utilized
 Number of shares Sold/ transferred/
 Balance shares held ( net capitalized)
 Dividend calculation module
 Dividend reports
 Control ledger
 Share holders capital summary
 A/C No
 Name
 Allocation ( if any)
 Payment for allocation
 Dividend or cash
 Total payment for allocation
 Total paid up capital
 Share progress report
 Retain earnings
 Dividend statement
 Format to transfer electronically message to shareholders
 Payroll calculation service
 Features of the system allows to generate staff payroll
 Individual ledger
 Gross salary like
 Basic Salary
 Over time
 Acting allowance
 Cash indemnity
 All Deductions
 Provident fund
 Income tax
 Graduate tax
 Personal loan
 Loan advance
 Calculate income tax at different rate
 Saving and credit Associations.
 Credit Associations loan repayment
 Salary Advance
 Other deductions
 Benefits
 a. Cash incentives
 b. Fuel and representative allowance
 Net pay
 Deduction of loan automatically from staff salary and credit loan account
 Transfer of staffs to several branches
 Slip by department
 Summary of payroll
 Display summary balance by department
 Classification by clerical and non-clerical staffs
 Generate payroll report
 Generate payroll tickets
 System will interface staffs account no. with personal account opened in the bank for net
5. Loan Registration Service
 Individual ledger
 Beginning Balance
 Record loan and advance during the month
 Calculate deductions during the month
 End balance
6. Medical Registration Service
 Individual ledger
 a. Id no.
 b. Full name
 c. date of employment
 d. amount consumed
 e. un used amount
 f. Branch
 Post all medical cases


1. Manages cash movement
2. Shows Cash Local Currency position
3. Shows Cash Foreign Currency position in local c/y and consolidated balance
4. Intra-day liquidity position management that can be interfaced with the would be
implemented National Payment System-EATS.
5. Provides a report of daily/intraday cash-foreign & local currencies balances
6. Facilitate cash related issues when Premium Switch solution is put in
practice(Card-Banking, e-banking)


1. Saving/Demand Deposit
 Different Saving Deposit types
 Different Saving account by category (Memo Group)
 Different A/C structure
 Support for ECX related accounts
 Minimum Variable initial deposit for each account type.
 Cheque Savings A/C.
 Statement printing at all process levels
 Register passbooks & cheque books Issues to the customers
 Passbook Printing and entries management. (BBF, all entries, reversals, etc.)
 Interest calculation at product level such as (simple interest, compound interest, monthly
balance, minimum balance … etc.) and multiple interest models and conditions including
tier and floating interest rates on the lowest (minimum) monthly balance.
 Calculate interest for Blocked/In-active/In-operative/Dormant accounts, rule based;
Calculate Income Tax on Interest Earned and other taxes ; Capitalize the calculated
interest on monthly basis and to related GL accounts.
 Link individual provident fund savings account to the company/employer detail
 Categorize Current A/c / Overdraft A/c into different sub sectors.
 Change the A/c from Normal current to Temporary/ permanent Overdraft/ Others
 Define cheque numbering structure, cancel remaining leaves of cheque books in case of
account closure from system, Stop payment of a cheque or cheques or range of
cheques, reinstate/revoke stop payment of cheques
 Reverse cheque deposit transaction if a cheque bounces, automatically set the status of
a cheque, Record amount of cheque, payee name, date of cheque, reason for stop
cheques etc.
 Re-route release of stop payment instructions, register returned checks for reason of
insufficient funds, track returned cheques due to insufficient funds, verify only ‘valid’
cheques from the record that are presented for payment, monitoring of already paid
cheques, monitoring of already paid cheques, Inquire/Report on stopped and returned
cheques, cheque inventory management and administration, Set minimum cheque
reorder level, enable cheque book charge, Register paid/cancelled cheque, reject the
same cheque number or cheque books, reject issue cheque book to closed account
 Term/Fixed Time Deposit
 Define Fixed Time deposits for various contract events, various interest types, customer
type, tenor of the deposit etc.
 Define interest rules, commission, fees and charges and attach to any Fixed Time
deposit products; Continue calculating and passing accrual entries upon contract
maturity or expiry
 Define type of accounting entries the above
 Maintenance of Time/fixed Deposits and Interest Rates
 Fixed Time Contract Management

 Maintenance of Accounting entries and audit trail log files

 Interest, penalty, commissions, chargers and fees changes per contract basis
 Penalty on Fixed Time deposits and its maintenance; Management of all commissions
and charges on contract bases.
 Remittances
 Support for the following remittance types,
o Incoming remittances for (TT,DD, and MT)
o Outgoing remittance (TT,DD,CPO,MT)
 Support for multiple charges for all remittance such as commission, service charges and
postages, generate receipts/slips which are defined by the bank for each remittances
 Support the following mode of payment,
o Cash
o Customer Account/ Standing instruction
 Standing Instructions alerts
 Maintain remittances (DD/TT/MT) reported lost separately and validate during payment,
enable/disable stop payment/lost mark of instruments, mark remittance instruments as
stale after certain period and capability to revalidate, Incoming remittances origination
 Make retransfers for received transfers with the certain period and make it automatically.
 Ability automatically reconcile payment instruments
 Report/Query Samples
 Journal posting with reference to the user and type of transaction
 Number and List of Outgoing Transfer Made by Type of Transfer
 Number and List of incoming Transfers by Type of Transfer
 List of Outgoing/Incoming Transfers by Branch, Telegraphic Transfer Notice, Un-Cleared
Transfer Report
 Transaction Amount By Type of Transfer, List of Outstanding/unpaid transfers
 Totals of Commissions and Other Charges
 Inward/Outward Clearance
 Clearing maintenance Details for Ethiopian banks that are participating in the clearing,
Floating days in which transaction value date is considered, Features to clear cheque
before the end of the floating days, A bounced/ returned cheque transactions that
reverse the previous future dated check deposit (if it is before floating days), ACH
(Automatic Clearing House) definitions
 Capture the front and back of cheque images for verification purposes, when MICR
project is enabled, On-line viewing of authorized signatures for an account, during
 Outward Clearing
 Record details during accepting payment instruments for deposit, support validation of
instruments, record and display the amount of instruments under “Under clearing”
headings of the account information of customer’s account, status that indicates the
instrument has been accepted for deposit and under clearance process.
 Collection of service charges, automatic accounting entries upon collection of charges,
period for settlement of both Normal and Special clearance mode, Its parameterization,
alert with clearance that are not settled within the period defined by the Bank uncleared
 Payment document workflow and entries, confirmation Receipt validations.
 Cash Management
 Cash (both local and foreign currency) and Traveler checks (TC) transfer/ receive /sell/
buy Management
 Vault and Treasury Management
 Teller Operations Management
 Ability to handle various double entry transactions.
 Non-Cash Transaction
 Cheque, TT , CPO , DD Management
 Update of Bank’s GL
 Inward and Outward Clearing Management
 Maintenance of audit trails for various activities
 Standing Instruction
 Standing instructions with:
a.       Multi currency standing Instructions
b.      Both customer accounts and General Ledger accounts
c.       Debit one account and credit one M account
d.      Debit one account and credit multiple account
e.      Debit multiple account and credit one account
f.        Debit Multiple accounts and credit multiple accounts
 Accounts and Finance/General Ledger
 Chart of Accounts Maintenance
a.       Create chart of accounts of the bank
b.      Define chart of accounts for Asset, Liability, Capital, Income, Expense and off
balance sheet GLs like Contingent Asset, Contingent liability categories
 Link each chart of accounts to their respective parent GL
 Create chart of accounts with the following preferences:
a. Setting GL to Revalue /Not revalue
b. Allow/disallow HO and/or branches to use the GL (chart of accounts)
c. Allow/disallow staffs not to use GL for directly posting journals
 Define revaluation for:
a. Real accounts
b. Contingent Accounts
c. Nostro Accounts
d. Foreign currency customer accounts
 Revalue the GL by:
a. Position (static balance)
b. Transactions trade finance transactions)
 Map Chart of Accounts to:
a. Income account GL during gain on foreign currency revaluation
b. Expense account GL during loss on foreign currency revaluation
 Journal Entries
 Pass Journal entries with (Double entry system):
a. One Debit and many Credits (with LCY and / or FCY)
b. One Credit and many Debits (with LCY and / or FCY)
c. Many Debits and Many Credits (with LCY and / or FCY)
d. Debit with LCY (local currency) and Credit with FCY (foreign currency) or vice
e. Debit one FCY and credit another FCY or vice versa
 Automatic checking of data integrity i.e. total Dr and Total Cr during posting of journal
entries using LCY
 Journal batch templates with (Double entry system):
a. Single Debit and multiple Credit or vice Versa
b. Multiple Debit and multiple Credit or vice versa
c. Single or multiple currency type
d. Ability that validates the balancing of total Debit and Credit
e. Ability that can be triggered only by user’s activation
f. Editable, add or remove entries facility
 Consolidation of GL accounts at branch and Head Office levels, /automatic posting of GL
accounts respective Branches/Head Office
 Ability to generate Trial Balance/Profit and Loss account of current or any previous date
 GL Report/View
 Daily and Previous posting journal, GL and subsidiary trial balance, account statement
by date ranges for single or all accounts, account statement by date ranges for single or
all accounts, consolidated balance sheet, maturity gap analysis report, top n depositors
with their respective deposit amount, Long Outstanding Suspense account according to
 Reconciliation reports, Balance Sheet and Profit & loss reports
 Generation of the P & L Account and actual balance sheet of the Bank/ Branch on any
date. The process shall calculate the provisional interest collectable as well as payable
on all types of assets and liabilities and draw these financial statements
 Generate Income & Expense Statement and Balance Sheet in the statutory/regulatory
format, Off balance sheet items e.g. Contingent Liabilities, Memorandum accounts,
regulatory reporting, automatically generate the external reports required by various
controlling authorities such as NBE
 Automatic inter-branch transactions, and inter-branch settlement

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