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Экзаменационный материал по аудированию кафедры иностранных языков СамГУ

_____________________________ ФИО студента___________ № группы Результат: ____ баллов

Part I. Questions 1 – 6. You will hear an interview with a girl called Maria Shaw, who went on an
outdoor adventure trip with girls from her school. For each question, choose the correct answer A, B or C.
1. Maria didn’t think she’d find the trip hard because
A. she’d had experience of camping with her family.
B. she’d always cycled a long way to school every day.
C. she’d been on walking trips with the school.
2. What was Maria worried about during the 1 day’s activities?
A. She wouldn’t complete everything in time.
B. She’d be very cold when she was there.
C. She wouldn’t manage to sail in the right direction.
3. What made the climb up the rocks so slow?
A. The group kept slipping on the slopes.
B. Several students fell and hurt themselves.
C. Parts of the climb were extremely steep.
4. What Maria’s group got to the top of the rocks, they
A. were given a talk on the environment.
B. took photos of each other.
C. ate a big meal.
5. Maria says that by the end of the trip the girls were
A. feeling keen to go home again.
B. working together better.
C. cooking food for each other.
6. What will Maria do for the next trip?
A. Take her family with her.
B. Spend time on a beach.
C. Go somewhere with wilder countryside.

Part II. Questions 7 –12. You will hear a boy Josh talking to his class about a trip he recently
went on. For each question, fill in the missing information in the numbered spaces.
Josh’s Weather Centre trip.
Josh went to the Weather Centre with his (7)___________________ .Josh says the Centre first reported
strong winds in (8)___________________ .The Centre later put forecasts in (9)_______________ for
everyone to see. Lots of weather information now comes from (10)__________________ according to
Josh. Josh thinks people need to know how much (11)_________________ there’ll be. Josh says that
his local (12)____________________ always needs to know about the weather.

Part III. Questions 13 – 20. Look at the sentences for this part. You will hear a conversation
between a girl, Claire, and a boy, Tom about a football tour. Decide if each sentence is A)TRUE, B)

13. Claire has read about the football tour in a newspaper. A)TRUE B) FALSE C) DOESN’T
14. Claire is worried about being the youngest member of the team. A)TRUE B) FALSE C) DOESN’T
15. The girls in Claire’s team are 20 years old. A)TRUE B) FALSE C) DOESN’T
16. Tom feels that schoolwork is more important than sports A)TRUE B) FALSE C) DOESN’T
17. Claire intends to study at a university next year. A)TRUE B) FALSE C) DOESN’T
18. Claire thinks it’s important to win every game on the tour. A)TRUE B) FALSE C) DOESN’T
19. Claire comes from Manchester. A)TRUE B) FALSE C) DOESN’T
20. Тom agrees to go and support Claire’s team at her next match. A)TRUE B) FALSE C) DOESN’T

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