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Nama : Rahman Hanggara

Nim : 41420010014

Quis 8 Kewarganegaraan

Conclusions 1

Our life is not far from the desire to achieve goals and dreams of success. Often times we
struggle with the thought that life should have a purpose. The life that is lived today must
be filled with success in achieving dreams. Indeed, these things are legitimate to be used as
beliefs and motivations at work and work. Because dreams and desires make life dynamic.

In achieving success there are 5 keys to this:

1) Some people may see the things they want and some people see things that are
preventing them from getting the things they want. So in essence, we can pursue
whatever we want, but we cannot prevent other people from pursuing whatever
they want. We don't have to do it the way other people do, we can do it our own
2) Sometimes we are the source of the problem because of our own egos and then
start blaming others and running away from responsibility. This is why in achieving
success we have to suppress our egos deeply.
3) It's not how tough, we are, it's not how smart we are, it's not how fast we are. If we
want to fight, we should not fight alone, but struggle together, helping each other
with the people in our relationship. Receiving help is not a bad thing, but a lesson
that tells us how weak we are without other people.
4) On building leadership, we must be able to respect others by giving the right to
speak at the deliberations. Because when we listen to other people talk, we
appreciate them indirectly.
5) When we get position, wealth, fame of others will treat us well. But when we no
longer have all of that, then other people will treat us like ordinary people who have
nothing. Because when we are given privileges only for something we have such as a
position, not given to us. So we have to be grateful for all of these things so that we
don't feel special.

Conclusions 2

It seems that there is no one who does not want success. Surely everyone wants to
achieve success. Because it is one of the greatest dreams you have in life. However, the
journey to success is not an easy thing if we are not consistent when doing something.
Especially if we just complain, we can be sure that success will stay away from life.

Not only do we have to focus on the desired dream, but we also have to defeat the
biggest enemy which is a barrier to success. The biggest enemy of success is not only our
competitors or competitors, but comes from ourselves. Many people blame others when
they fail to achieve the success they want. In fact, there are still a number of traits that exist
within the individual that have the potential to hinder success from being present.

Actually, success is not that difficult to achieve and you can start with yourself first. For
that, throw away things that can potentially prevent the success you get. Focus on the
dreams and the efforts that you will live.

Commitment is an important thing that everyone must have in order to be disciplined. If

you have a strong commitment, discipline will automatically apply in your life. Of course, a
lack of serious commitment will have bad consequences which lead to inconsistency. In the
end, this attitude has a negative impact on business or career.

“My favorite thing in life is that it doesn't cost anything. It is very clear that the most
valuable resource we have is time. " (Steve Jobs). Often times we sacrifice our time for our
own interests. We can dedicate ourselves and live for it. However, we don't realize that at
the same time, someone is trying to dedicate their lives to us. When it is too late, we just
realize that we have missed many precious moments just to care about ourselves rather
than the people around us.

Conclusions 3

Everyone has the right to have a friend or companion with whom they are comfortable.
However, the existence of this limitation does not only have to be friends with that same
friend. Again, as social beings, we definitely need it with everyone. Friends and close friends
will not only be able to help us, sometimes we need someone else there. But here are some
tips that can be done if you want to communicate with new people, or old friends but with
different personalities from us.

 Learn to understand the character of the person

When you meet new people or old friends, but don't understand their nature, it
would be nice if we first understand their character. What they like and don't like is
very important to understand. Because if we understand their character, it will be
easy for us to take a stand when interacting with them.
 If you're with this person, respect their attitude
Respect for other people is something we have to do to anyone, be it friends who
are very close, especially friends who just met. Because, basically everyone would
want to be respected, want their existence to be recognized by others. If we do not
respect other people, it will be difficult for others to respect us.
 Understand how they communicate
Everyone has a different style of communication, there is someone who tends to be
chatty towards others, tends to be quiet and speaks as needed, as well as other
tendencies. In this case it would be better if we understand the speaking style of
our opponent's communication before we communicate with him, so that when
there is communication there is no misunderstanding, because the flow of
conversation is different.

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