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Health Psychology (PSY408) Assignment No. 01

Lesson 15
Due Date: Jun 1, 2021 Marks: 20
Student name: Hina
Student id: BC170404371

Assignment Question
Following are some cases related to the Types of Conflicts that cause stress. Please
read the types of conflicts mentioned in your handouts in detail to attempt the
assignment and identify the type of conflict each case refers to and justify your
selection by providing the description of each type of conflict.
Note: Two or more cases may be related to a single type of conflict. Please record your answers
in the table given below:
Sr. No. Cases Identification Justification

1- Zain was diagnosed with Avoidance/Avoidanc It happens when we have to choose

e Conflicts between two unpleasant situations. Zain,
a tumor last month. His
like many others, was diagnosed with a
condition seems to tumor and may have to choose between two
treatments that will manage or cure the
become more critical as
disease but have very unpleasant side
the tumor was a bit old, effects. He frequently tries to postpone or
avoid making a decision when he is in
and he remains anxious
avoidance/avoidance disputes. In the hopes
about it. The doctor has of receiving more enticing options, a
patient may postpone or quit therapy or
given him a choice
change physicians. When delaying or
between chemotherapy escaping isn't an option, Zain and he
oscillate between the two options,
and surgery as the
frequently changing their minds on whether
treatment. But both to be subjected to chemo or surgery
In this case, he'll need to enlist the help of
methods of intervention
someone else to decide for him. People
have their side effects. often find avoidance/avoidance disputes
stressful and difficult to resolve, as Zain
Zain is very worried
does in this example.
about either treatment
and unable to take the
final decision.
2- Asia is fond of eating Approach/Approach It occurs when we are drawn to two
Conflicts enticing goals that are mutually exclusive.
spicy food but she has
As in this example, Asia was diagnosed
been diagnosed with a with a stomach ulcer and tried to consume
spicy food, but her doctor urged her not to,
stomach ulcer recently.
and she also wanted to better either their
The doctor advised her health or eat tasty food, so she now has
frequent disputes when tasty, fattening
to avoid spicy food as it
meals are accessible. Although she usually
may aggravate her resolves an approach/approach
disagreement quickly, the more significant
disease. Therefore, she
the decision is to her, the more stress it is
promised herself not to likely to cause.
She needs to make a choice but is unsure of
eat anything spicy. But
what to do. You have two choices, both of
she was invited for which sound appealing. It's entirely up to
dinner yesterday, where
every food item was
deliciously spicy. She
felt a strong urge to eat
all the dishes: however,
her doctor’s advice and
her promise instantly
came to her mind, and
consequently, she
experienced a conflict in
her mind; “Should I eat
spicy food as it’s my
favorite or should I
follow the doctor’s
advice as
it is necessary to become
3- A 48-year-old lady was Approach/Avoidance Moving approaching something is referred
Conflicts to as an approach. Moving away from
diagnosed with high uric
something is what avoidance entails. You
acid. She was a beef can't move toward and away from anything
at the same time. When a goal has both
lover but the doctor
asked her to stop eating positive and bad characteristics, approach-
avoidance conflict emerges, causing both
beef as her condition
approach and avoidance reactions. Kurt
could become more Lewin coined the term, which refers to two
opposing forces of positive and negative
critical if she continued
valence acting on an individual
eating it. The doctor simultaneously.
As in this situation, the elderly lady enjoys
advised her to eat boiled
eating beef, yet beef is harmful to her
vegetables rather. Upon health because she has been diagnosed with
high uric acid. She was also told by her
listening to it she felt
doctor to consume only boiling veggies,
much stressed as she which caused her a lot of worries, but she
also wanted to be rid of her sickness even if
wanted to get rid of her
she had to eat only boiling food.
disease even by eating Despite this, she did not enjoy it.
boiled vegetables, yet
she always disliked them.
4- Shela is a teenager. Avoidance/Avoidanc Choosing between two equally unappealing
e Conflicts options is referred to as the avoidance-
She has become ill
avoidance conflict.
recently. She visited a Shela became ill and went to the doctor, as
she did in this case. She despised going to
doctor two days ago.
the doctor and disliked taking medications
She did not want to go and injections. However, to recover
quickly, she must pick between these two
to the doctor because
unfavorable options.
she disliked pills and Normally, a conflict like this would be
resolved by weighing the relative
importance of the two objectives.
Unfortunately, the Shela has two unfavorable options in this
situation, which occurs when a person is
doctor asked her to
forced to pick between two unfavorable
choose between pills possibilities. Individuals can use avoidance
to Wait and see if they will have better
and an injection, but
options in the future.
due to her fear of both, In this circumstance, she must make an
informed judgment.
she experienced a huge
amount of stress.

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