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Manufacturing Execution System (MES)

Intelligence Reports

User Guide

Version 6.0
August, 2018
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MES Intelligence Reports User Guide

Contact Information.................................................................................................................. 3
Chapter 1 MES Intelligence Reports .................................................................................. 9
Introduction to MES Intelligence Reports .................................................................................... 9
MES Intelligence Reports Configuration and Deployment .......................................................... 10
Specifying the Production Day ................................................................................................. 12
Running a Report .................................................................................................................... 13
Report Layout ......................................................................................................................... 14

Chapter 2 MES Intelligence Reports Dimensional Model ............................................. 15

Introduction to the MES Intelligence Dimensional Model ............................................................ 15
Model Definition ...................................................................................................................... 15
Guidelines for Modifying and Redeploying the Model ........................................................... 15
Configuration Dimensions .................................................................................................. 16
Run-Time Dimensions ....................................................................................................... 17
Run-Time Measures .......................................................................................................... 18
Refresh and Update Intervals ............................................................................................. 19
Intelligence Model and Elements: XML-Based Report Model ..................................................... 19
Dimension Name............................................................................................................... 19
Measure Name ................................................................................................................. 20
Refresh Rat e .................................................................................................................... 20
Update Interval .................................................................................................................. 20
Intelligence Model and Elements: ArchestrA aaPKG File ........................................................... 20

Chapter 3 Production by Entity Report ............................................................................. 23

Report Overview ..................................................................................................................... 23
Report Paramet ers .................................................................................................................. 23
Report Data ............................................................................................................................ 24

Chapter 4 Line Production Report..................................................................................... 27

Report Overview ..................................................................................................................... 27
Report Paramet ers .................................................................................................................. 27
Report Data ............................................................................................................................ 28
Report Variations .................................................................................................................... 30
Report Variations Entity Layout ........................................................................................ 30
Period Layout.................................................................................................................... 31
Work Order Lay out ............................................................................................................ 32

Chapter 5 Genealogy by Work Order Report .................................................................. 35

Report Overview ..................................................................................................................... 35

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MES Intelligence Reports User Guide Contents

Report Paramet ers .................................................................................................................. 35

Report Data ............................................................................................................................ 36

Chapter 6 Genealogy by Lot Report ................................................................................. 37

Report Overview ..................................................................................................................... 37
Report Paramet ers .................................................................................................................. 37
Report Data ............................................................................................................................ 38

Chapter 7 Utilization Timeline Report ............................................................................... 39

Report Overview ..................................................................................................................... 39
Report Paramet ers .................................................................................................................. 39
Report Data ............................................................................................................................ 39

Chapter 8 Utilization by Entity Report............................................................................... 41

Report Overview ..................................................................................................................... 41
Report Paramet ers .................................................................................................................. 41
Report Data ............................................................................................................................ 43

Chapter 9 Utilization Analysis Report ............................................................................... 45

Report Overview ..................................................................................................................... 45
Report Paramet ers .................................................................................................................. 45
Report Data ............................................................................................................................ 46

Chapter 10 OEE Analysis Report...................................................................................... 49

Report Overview ..................................................................................................................... 49
Report Filters .......................................................................................................................... 49
Report Data ............................................................................................................................ 50
Report Variations .................................................................................................................... 53
Report Variations Show Details By Paramet er Set to Hour ................................................. 53
Show Details By Parameter Set to Day ............................................................................... 54
Show Details By Parameter Set to Shift .............................................................................. 55
Utilization Loss Summary Chart ......................................................................................... 56

Chapter 11 Mean Time Between Failures (MTBF) Report ........................................... 57

Report Overview ..................................................................................................................... 57
Report Paramet ers .................................................................................................................. 57
Report Data ............................................................................................................................ 58
Report Variations .................................................................................................................... 59
Show Details By Parameter Set to Entity ............................................................................ 59
Show Details By Parameter Set to Shift .............................................................................. 60
Show Details By Parameter Set to E vent ............................................................................ 61
No Failures ....................................................................................................................... 61

Chapter 12 Mean Time To Repair (MTTR) Report......................................................... 63

Report Overview ..................................................................................................................... 63
Report Paramet ers .................................................................................................................. 63

6 Version 6.0
Contents MES Intelligence Reports User Guide

Report Data ............................................................................................................................ 64

Report Variations .................................................................................................................... 65
Show Details By Parameter Set to Entity ............................................................................ 65
Show Details By Parameter Set to Shift .............................................................................. 66
Show Details By Parameter Set to E vent ............................................................................ 67
No Failures ....................................................................................................................... 67

Chapter 13 Quality Summary Report ............................................................................... 69

Report Overview ..................................................................................................................... 69
Report Filter Parameters ......................................................................................................... 69
Report Display Parameters ...................................................................................................... 71
Report Data ............................................................................................................................ 72

Chapter 14 Quality Characteristic Detail Report ............................................................. 79

Report Overview ..................................................................................................................... 79
Report Paramet ers .................................................................................................................. 79
Report Data ............................................................................................................................ 82

Chapter 15 Common Issues and Resolutions................................................................. 85

Reporting Services Not Running .............................................................................................. 85
Report Created in Older or New Version ................................................................................... 85
Report with Many Filter Parameters Will Not Run or Cannot Set All the Filters ............................ 86
No Data Source Configured in SSRS ....................................................................................... 86
Invalid View Definition ............................................................................................................. 87
SPC Chart Subreport Cannot Be Shown ................................................................................... 87
Timeout Errors During Initial Model Deployment or Data Updates .............................................. 88
Data Fails to Load During Initial Model Deployment with Socket Connection Warnings/Errors ...... 88

Chapter 16 Data Issues and Resolutions ........................................................................ 89

Data Is Not A vailable in Most Reports ...................................................................................... 89
Historical Entries for a Line Not A vailable After a Line Name Change ......................................... 89
Line Information Not A vailable in Line Production Report ........................................................... 90
Production Rate Information Not A vailable ................................................................................ 90
UOM Conversion Information Not A vailable .............................................................................. 90
Standard Item at Entity, Line Information Not A vailable .............................................................. 90
Production Entity Information Not A vailable .............................................................................. 90
Failure E vent Information Not A vailable .................................................................................... 90
Equipment Parameter List Is Empty or Partial List Is Shown ...................................................... 90
Item Parameter List Is Empty or Partial List Is Shown ................................................................ 91
Incorrect Event Summary After E vent Reclassification or Split ................................................... 91
Resolution .............................................................................................................................. 91
MESRDB HourlyUtilization Measure Table Has Historical Data But Not All of It ............................ 91

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Appendix A Time Range ..................................................................................................... 93

8 Version 6.0
MES Intelligence Reports User Guide

MES Intelligence Reports

In This Chapter
Introduction to MES Intelligence Reports .......................................................................................... 9
MES Intelligence Reports Configuration and Deployment ................................................................ 10
Specifying the Production Day ....................................................................................................... 12
Running a Report ......................................................................................................................... 13
Report Layout ............................................................................................................................... 14

Introduction to MES Intelligence Reports

Manufacturing Execution System (MES) Intelligence Reports are SQL S erver Reporting Service
(SSRS) reports based on the Intelligence software solution. The Intelligence services extract data from
the MES database, trans form it, and populate the MES data in the Intelligenc e database. This data is
then available to the following MES Int elligence Reports for viewing and analysis.
The reports are listed below.
Production by Entity Report
Summarizes good and reject production counts by line, entity, and shift.
Line Production Report
Summarizes production counts by line, entity, shift, work order, and item and displays production
over time or item.
Genealogy by Work Order Report
Shows, by work order, which input or raw mat erial items were consumed directly and indirectly to
create production items.
Genealogy by Lot Report
Shows, by lot, which work orders and produced lots consumed specific raw materials.
Utilization Timeline Report
Displays a color time line of utilization states by entity.
Utilization by Entity Report
Summarizes event counts and durations by line, entity, and shift.
Utilization Analysi s Report
Displays event counts and durations by reason, reason group or category, and by entity.
OEE Analysi s Report
Shows Overall Equipment Effectiveness (OEE) and its components (A vailability, Performance, and
Quality) by entity over time.
Mean Time Between Failures (MTBF) Report
Calculat es the failure counts and mean time between failures by entity.

Version 6.0 9
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Mean Time to Repair (MTTR) Report

Calculat es the event counts and mean time to repair an entity.
Quality Summary Report
Shows out-of-specification and out-of-cont rol Pareto charts and summary statistics based on
equipment, product (item), work order, operation, process, and item category.
Quality Characteristic Detail Report
Provides information on sample dat a and Statistical Process Control (SPC) charts based on
characteristics and multiple filters.
For information on how to install and configure Int elligence and the MES Int elligence Reports, refer to
the MES Installation Guide or online help.

MES Intelligence Reports Configuration and Deployment

The MES reporting content defaults to using the Intelligence database as the source for the report
data. The Intelligenc e model includes content from MES Performance, Operations, and Quality data
The section in the MES Installation Guide called "Configuring and Deploying MES Intelligence Reports"
describes how to configure and deploy the MES Intelligence reports. There are multiple steps involving
software components other than MES [that is, Intelligence and SQL Server Reporting Services
The MES installation software includes a non -licensed limited version of Intelligenc e that can be used
solely with MES Intelligence reports. The MES Int elligence reports will also work with a full version of

Note: Intelligence and the MES Intelligence Reports component must be installed on the same node
as SSRS. Otherwise, the Quality Characteristic Detail report SPC Chart will not work.

The configuration and deployment of the MES Intelligence reports includes the following procedures:
1. If not already performed, configuring the Int elligence components and MES Dat abas e Setup
2. Updating the Int elligence dat abase with the required tables to extract the dat a from the MES
database by deploying the MES Intelligenc e model.
3. Applying Intelligence 2014 R3 Hot Fix L00148071 to properly support the MES Intelligence reports.
4. Deploying the SSRS MES reports against the Intelligence database.
Once deployed, links to the MES Intelligence Reports are included in a folder within the standard
SSRS Report Manager web page. The default folder is MES Reports, but that can be modified during
the MES Intelligence Reports configuration.

10 Version 6.0
MES Intelligence Reports MES Intelligence Reports User Guide

The default SSRS Report Manager web page for the MES reports is shown below, but access to the
reports can be implemented in many ways.

Note the following about the configuration and deployment:

 The MES Quality Characteristic Detail report includes a subreport containing a .NE T control for
displaying the SPC Chart. This report requires that certain security policy settings for Reporting
Services are configured to display the .NE T control.
To configure these security policy settings, follow the instructions provided in the Reporting
Services Security Configuration.txt file that is located in the Intelligence Reports\Reports
folder of the MES application folder.
 For customers who have a full installation of Intelligence 2014 R3 and System Platform 2014 R2
SP1, the MES Intelligence Reports installation includes the ArchestrA IDE package file
MESIntelligenceObjects.aaPKG. This package file can be imported into the ArchestrA IDE for
easier modification to the MES Intelligence reporting model and for deploying into an existing
Intelligence system. Note that the Intelligence IntelligenceObjects.aaPKG file must be imported
into the ArchestrA IDE before the MESIntelligenceObjects.aaPKG file.
 The dimensions with dependencies and measures will not be updated on the initial deployment but
will be updat ed on the following refresh of all the dimensions and measures. By default, this will
complete at 25 minutes past the hour.
This two-stage update will result in a duplication of data in the Intelligenc e database. If there is a
large amount of data in the MES database loaded into the Intelligence database, then it is
recommended to remove the duplicate records to improve data ret rieval performance. The
Intelligence tables with the largest amount of data are generally the following three. Execute these
statements against the Intelligence database after all initial data has been transferred.
Delet e from MESRDBUtilization where aaObsolet e = 1
Delet e from MESRDBIt emProduction where aaObsolete = 1
Delet e from MESRDBIt emConsumption where aaObsolete = 1
 The Intelligence database and the MES database are expected to be in the same time zone. This
is so that local times for measures that are calculated by the Intelligence server will match local
times from dimensions that are copied from the source (that is, the MES database).

Version 6.0 11
MES Intelligence Reports User Guide MES Intelligence Reports

Specifying the Production Day

All the reports except Utilization Analysis and Utilization by Entity use the Reports system parameters.
These parameters define when the 24 hours of the production day starts. The Reports system
parameters are set in MES Client.

The shift history dimension uses the Reports system parameter to set the production day for each shift
record, which is then us ed by the reports to filter or group data by production day. Therefore, shifts
must be defined within MES for the production day filtering to function.
The Utilization Analysis and Utilization by Entity reports use the utilization event ti me and calendar day
to determine what records to include and calculate time during the day when an event crosses a day

Note: Any time you change the production day, the model must be redeployed. See Guidelines for
Modifying and Redeploying the Model on page 15.

Production Day Start

The possible values are:
The production day starts with the first shift that starts in the day. For example, if the first shift that
starts in the day starts at 08:00:00, then the production day starts at 08:00:00 of the current
calendar day and ends at 07:59:59 of the next calendar day. If the current calendar day is
December 1, then the production day would be from December 1 at 08:00:00 t o Dec ember 2 at
07:59: 59.
The production day ends with the last shift that ends in the day. For example, if the last shift that
ends in the day ends at 23: 00:00, then the production day starts at 23:00:00 of the previous
calendar day and ends at 22:59:59 of the current calendar day. If the current calendar day is
December 1, then the production day would be from November 30 at 23:00:00 to December 1 at
22:59: 59.
The production day starts with the first shift that occurs after the cut -off time specified by the
Production Day Start (Hours) the Production Day Start (Minutes ) parameters. For example, if the
cut-off time is defined to be 06:00:00 and the first shift that starts after that time starts at 07:00:00,
then the production day starts at 07:00:00 of the current calendar day and ends at 06:59:59 of the
next calendar day. If the current calendar day is December 1, then the production day would be
from Dec ember 1 at 07: 00:00 to December 2 at 06:59:59.
When TimeOfDay is selected as the Production Day Start parameter, the values from the
Production Day Start (Hour) and Production Day Start (Minut e) parameters will be used as the
cut-off time.
Production Day Start (Hours)
If the Production Day Start paramet er is set to Time of Day, specifies the hour portion of the cut -off
time for the production day. The valid range of values is 0 (the default) to 23.

12 Version 6.0
MES Intelligence Reports MES Intelligence Reports User Guide

Production Day Start (Minutes)

If the Production Day Start paramet er is set to Time of Day, specifies the minut e portion of the cut-off
time for the production day. The valid range of values is 0 (the default) to 59.

Running a Report
How you open an MES Intelligence Report to run it depends on how they are deploy ed. For ex ample, if
reports are generated according to a schedule and emailed to recipients, the email can contain a link
that opens the report.
To open and run a report from the MES reports web page in SSRS Report Manager
1. Click the report name link.
The report opens in a new browser window.

Each report has parameters for specifying time ranges, report -specific filters, and in some cases
options to show or hide elements of the report. Within SSRS, copies of the reports can be created
to remove, pre-populate, and ot herwise modify the provided reports.
2. Set the desired parameters.
Note that the Start Date and End Date are calendar controls for picking a specific day. If a time is
also required, it can be typed in manually.
3. Click View Report to run the report.
The report appears, with the dat a content set according to the selected paramet ers.

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MES Intelligence Reports User Guide MES Intelligence Reports

Report Layout
The report paramet ers are summarized at the top of the report, followed by the body of the report.

Depending on the report, there might be multiple pages and options to collapse and expand sections of
the report. See the following sections for details about each report.
SSRS reports that contain tabular data will also enable an option to export the data in various formats.
This option is available in the SSRS report's tool bar, where you can select a file format and then
export the data.

14 Version 6.0
MES Intelligence Reports User Guide

MES Intelligence Reports Dimensional
In This Chapter
Introduction to the MES Intelligence Dimensional Model .................................................................. 15
Model Definition............................................................................................................................ 15
Intelligence Model and Elements: XML-Based Report Model ........................................................... 19
Intelligence Model and Elements: ArchestrA aaPKG File ................................................................. 20

Introduction to the MES Intelligence Dimensional Model

The MES Int elligence reports use the Intelligence database for their data instead of the MES database.
This is done to limit the performance impact that a large report query would cause on the MES
database server.
Intelligence is used as the mechanism to peri odically extract data out of the MES database, transform
it to a star schema, and store it in the Intelligence dat abas e for easier reporting. Since the data is not
residing in the MES database and the extraction occurs periodically, the report developer should
understand the following about the Intelligence model that is used by the MES product:
 The underlying dimension and measure model
 The settings used in the model
 The additional views and stored procedures that query the dimension and meas ure tables
 The links between all the components.

Model Definition
The Intelligence model consists of the dimensions and measures used to define the data that is
extracted from the MES database. Some data is configuration data that rarely changes onc e i nitially
defined. Other data is run-time data this is constantly being added to the system.
The measures are calculat ed by the Intelligence service. To ensure that the local times in the
measures and the local times from the dimensions are comparable, the Intelligence dat abase should
be in the same time zone as the MES database.

Guidelines for Modifying and Redeploying the Model

The model is provided as both an XML file for importing and deploying through the Intelligence Model
Deployment utility web application and through an Application Server aaPKG file.
The model uses custom queries for the dimensions. These can be viewed in the XML file and in the
Application Server model. Additional columns can be added to the model by modifying the custom

Version 6.0 15
MES Intelligence Reports User Guide MES Intelligence Reports Dimensional Model

Note: Any modifications to a query will require a redeployment of the dimension/model, which will
delete the existing data and repopulate it from the source system. Therefore, these types of changes
should be performed in a smaller test environment due to the impact that the redeployment can have
on the MES database.

Whenever the full model or a component of it is redeployed, the existing Intelligence tables are deleted
and the data is repopulated from the source system (that is, the MES database). Therefore, the source
data should not be deleted until all model changes have been complet ed. Also, it is recommended to
make a backup of the Int elligence database before making a model change.
To redeploy the model
1. In the post-install Configurat or application, make sure that the MES Database Setup component
has been configured.
2. In the post-install Configurat or application, reconfigure the Intelligence components
3. On the node on which Intelligence is installed and configured, run the Intelligence Model
Deployment utility, select the updated Intelligence Model XML file, and deploy the model.
Optionally, redeploy the model from the IDE if a full version of Int elligence is being used.
When the new model is deployed, the existing Intelligence tables are deleted and the Int elligence
database is repopulated with current data from the MES databas e.

Configuration Dimensions
Refreshing of the Configuration Dimensions
The configuration dimensions are refreshed every 8 hours or daily at 15 minutes past midnight. These
dimensions look for dat a changes from the start of the deployment.
The default refresh rate settings are set with the expectation that configuration data i s relatively static
over time. With these settings, new rec ords added to these configuration dimensions will not appear in
reports for at least 8 or 24 hours depending on the setting. The dimensions set with an 8-hour refresh
are the ones to which the measure definitions refer. This is done bec ause the measures are configured
to recalculate only the last 8 hours of data, which means any dependent dimensions must be updated
within that time window to reflect changes.
Additionally, Intelligence will create a new record and mark the old record obsolete when a change is
detected in non-time-defining dimensions. The impact of this is that a change in the name or other
fields of a record will only be reflected on new dependent dat a coming int o the system with the older
records still referencing the original values. Redeploying the model will correct this, but will delete
existing data and restart the extraction process.
Configuration Dimensions List: 8-Hour Refresh
MES RDBEquipmentDetail
Cont ains the MES entity (equipment) definitions. It includes all entities and their associated
capability configuration data from the OEE, Utilization, and Storage Executor tables (OEE _Exec,
Util_Exec, and Storage_Exec).
Cont ains the item (product) definitions. It also includes item display setting, item class, unit of
measure, and unit of measure conversion data.
MES RDBItemReason
Cont ains the production (item) reason, grade, and state definitions.
MES RDBLineEquipment
Cont ains the MES Performanc e line and line entity (equipment) definitions.

16 Version 6.0
MES Intelligence Reports Dimensional Model MES Intelligence Reports User Guide

Configuration Dimensions List: Daily Refresh

Cont ains the MES Quality cause definitions.
MES RDBCharacteristic
Cont ains the MES Quality characteristic definitions.
MES RDBItemCategory
Cont ains the item category definitions for MES Quality.
MES RDBOperation
Cont ains the MES Operations proc ess and operations definitions.
Cont ains the MES Quality QM Specification and associated characteristic definitions.
MES RDBRea sonGroup
Cont ains the MES Performanc e reason group definitions and hierarc hy.
MES RDBRea sons
Cont ains the MES Performanc e reason definitions. It includes the reason group and utilization
state to which the reason is linked.
MES RDBSampleFreq
Cont ains the MES Quality sample frequency definitions.
Cont ains the shift definitions.
MES RDBSystemAttr
Cont ains the general system attribute (parameter) definitions.
Cont ains the unit of measure and conversion definitions.
Cont ains the MES user definitions.
MES RDBUtilCategory
Cont ains the MES Performanc e utilization reason category definitions from the possible set of
categories defined for all reasons.
MES RDBUtilState
Cont ains the MES Performanc e utilization state definitions.
MES RDBVersion
Cont ains the MES database version, MES model version, and MES SSRS report version

Run-Time Dimensions
The run-time dimensions are refreshed hourly (except where noted) and ret rieve new and modified
data from the MES database. These dimensions look for dat a in the last 2 days (update int erval) based
on the last_edit_at column in the corresponding MES dat abas e table. The utilization, job, and job
context dimensions look for data in the last 1 day instead of 2 days.
MES RDBItemConsumption
Cont ains the MES Operations consumption transaction records. It is dependent on the Item
dimension and has a 20-minute offset.
MES RDBItemProduction
Cont ains the job production transaction records. It also contains the item grade, item state, and
entity information from those tables. It is dependent on the job, shift, item reason, and item
dimensions and has a 20-minute offset.

Version 6.0 17
MES Intelligence Reports User Guide MES Intelligence Reports Dimensional Model

Cont ains the job records from the Job table. It has no dependencies and a 17 -minut e offset. This
dimension is configured as a Time -Defining Dimension. This means that existing records will be
overwritten if the value changes between updates (as opposed to creating a new record and
marking the original record as obsolete).
MES RDBJobContext
Cont ains the metadata that describes a job record (work order, operation, and sequenc e number)
and its start time. This dimension is referenced by the measures instead of the Job dimension as
the job context records should not change after their initial ret rieval. It has no dependencies and
has a 17-minute offset.
Cont ains the metadata that fully describes a lot and sublot. It has no dependencies and has a
15-minute offset.
MES RDBRe sourceActual
Cont ains the job events records. It has no dependencies and has a 15-minute offset.
MES RDBSampleCharRuleLink
Cont ains the MES Quality control rule violations recorded for a characteristic in a sample. It has no
dependencies and has a 15-minute offset.
MES RDBSampleResults
Cont ains the MES Quality sample results recorded for each characteristic in a sample. It also
includes the process name from the Wo table and the entity name from the Entity table. It is
dependent on the QM Specification, characteristic, sample frequency, and cause dimensions and
has a 20-minute offset.
MES RDBShiftHi story
Cont ains the shift history records for each entity. It also calculates the Production Day value based
on the system attribute setting (see Specifying the Production Day on page 12). It has no
dependencies and a 15-minute offset. This dimension is configured as a Time -Defining Dimension.
This means that existing records will be overwritten if the value changes between updates (as
opposed to creating a new record and marking the original record as obsolet e). It is also configured
for a 30-minute refresh rate to more quickly capture shift changes in time zones with a 30-minute
MES RDBUtilization
Cont ains the utilization records for each entity. It includes the job, item, entit y, line, and KPI target
values from the corresponding tables. It is dependent on the job, shift history, line equipment, item,
and reason dimensions and has a 20-minute offset.
MES RDBWorkOrder
Cont ains the metadata that fully describes a work order record. It has no dependencies and has a
15-minute offset.

Run-Time Measures
The run-time measures are refreshed hourly at 25 minutes past the hour. The measures look for data
in the last 8 hours (update interval) based on the last_edit_at column of the core table being retrieved.
MES RDBHourlyProduction
Calculat es the total good quantity, total reject quantity, entity production rate, and entity batch size
for each hour by shift, entity, and job. It is dependent on the shift history, job context, and
equipment detail dimensions. This measure assumes that a job's production rate and batch size
are not changing over time. If they are, this measure calculates the average for the hour.
This measure uses a different query from the MES RDB ItemProduction dimension to return the
production rate and batch size information.

18 Version 6.0
MES Intelligence Reports Dimensional Model MES Intelligence Reports User Guide

MES RDBHourlyUtilization
Calculat es the total entity run time, downtime, and idletime for each hour. It is dependent on the
shift history and equipment detail dimensions.
This measure uses a different query from the MES RDB Utilization dimension to account for shift
times not occurring on the hour.
E vents with a duration longer than 15 days will not be processed.
MES RDBProduction
Calculat es the entity production quantity for each hour by shift, line, entity, job, item, and item
reason. It is dependent on the item, item reason, line equipment, shift history, job context, and
equipment detail dimensions.
This measure uses the same query as the MESRDB HourlyProduction measure.

Refresh and Update Intervals

All the configuration dimensions are independent definitions that are expected to remain static over
long periods of time. As such, these dimensions are configured for a refresh interval of every 8 hours
or every 24 hours with an offset of 15 minutes, depending on the dimension. This means that these
dimensions are updated at least every day at 12:15 AM.
The run-time dimensions are the key dimensions that extract the data from the MES database for the
reporting content. Except for the shift history dimensio n, which runs every 30 minutes, these are
configured for a refresh interval of every hour by default. Based on their dependencies, these
dimensions have an offset from the dependent dimensions to ensure the dependent dimensions are
updated first. The offsets are set at 17 or 20 minut es based on the dependencies.
The run-time dimensions have an update interval of either 1 or 2 days depending on the dimension.
This means that only new or changed records from the most recent 1 or 2 days are being retrieved.
The run-time measures further calculat e aggregate data with additional data grouping. Since these
measures require all the other dimensions to be updated first, they are configured for a refresh interval
of every hour by default and an offs et of 25 minutes.
The measures are configured for an updat e interval of 8 hours, which is used to update existing hourly
buckets within the last 8 hours when a record is modified. For example, if an historical utilization event
is split or modified to change its utilization state, this change will be reflected in the Intelligence
database as long as the modification was made to a record within the last 8 hours. Also, depending on
your offs et from UTC, the modifications will not appear in Intelligence for the number of hours your
timezone is offset from UTC for those locations that have a negative offset from UTC.

Intelligence Model and Elements: XML-Based Report Model

The XML-based MES Intelligence report model is imported into the Intelligence dat abas e using the
Intelligence Model Deployment utility. Deploying the report model is described in the MES Installation
The model elements are defined in the MESIntelligenceModel.xml file. The basic XML element tags
are described in the following topics.

Dimension Name
A dimension is represented by the <DimensionDataItem> element. The name of the dimension is
defined by a <Name> child element.

Version 6.0 19
MES Intelligence Reports User Guide MES Intelligence Reports Dimensional Model

Measure Name
A measure is represented by the <MeasureDataItem> element. The name of the meas ure is defined by
a <Name> child element.

Refresh Rate
The following elements define the refresh rate of a dimension or measure.
The refresh rate interval of the dimension or meas ure. The interval time value must be a positive
The unit of time for the refresh rate. The minimum refresh rat e is 1 minute and maximum is 366
days. The unit can be Minute, Hour, or Day.
The offset time, in minutes, used to delay the scheduled data collection start time. The maximum
offset time is 59 minutes.
The following example demonstrat es the refresh rate configured at 1 hour with an offset of 15 minutes:

Update Interval
The following elements define the update interval of a dimension or measure.
The update period is a time interval for which dimension data has to be refreshed during the
dimension refresh. The minimum update period is one minut e and the maximum update period is
366 days. The update period must be equal to or more than the dimension refresh rate.
The unit of time for the update period. It can be one of the following values: Minute, Hour, Day,
Week, or Month.
The following example demonstrat es the update interval configured at 1 day:

Intelligence Model and Elements: ArchestrA aaPKG File

The Intelligence model ArchestrA package file —MESIntelligenceModel.aaPKG—can be used with a
full install of Intelligence 2014 R3 or with Intelligence 2014 R3 and the ArchestrA IDE Extension for
Intelligence component installed. This package file can be imported into the ArchestrA Integrated
Development Environment (IDE) from System Platform 2014 R2 SP1. Once import ed, the various
settings for the dimensions and measures can be edited. Additional details on how to use the
Intelligence objects is described in the Intelligence Administration Guide.
When using the objects to create the MES Intelligence reporting model, the data c ollection setting for
the date from which to retrieve data should be set to the desired value in all the objects before
deploying them.
Care must be taken to deploy the objects in the correct order to ensure that the dimensions are
updated completely during the deployment:
1. Deploy the data source.
2. Deploy the configuration dimensions and any run -time dimensions that have no dependencies.

20 Version 6.0
MES Intelligence Reports Dimensional Model MES Intelligence Reports User Guide

3. Deploy the dependent dimensions.

4. Deploy the meas ures.

Version 6.0 21
MES Intelligence Reports User Guide

Production by Entity Report
In This Chapter
Report Overview ........................................................................................................................... 23
Report Paramet ers ....................................................................................................................... 23
Report Data.................................................................................................................................. 24

Report Overview
The Production by Entity report shows production data for all shifts that started within the given period
for selected entities and items.
The report displays, for each item on each entity, the units produced, units rejected, and the calculated
percentage quality in a table.
With millions of production records in the database, this report should return data within 20 seconds for
one month of dat a across multiple lines and/or entities.

Report Parameters
Default on Other Allowed
Parameter Value Parameter Selection Description

Time Period - No Single The time period for the report data. See Time
Range on page 93.
Show Entity No Single The level at which the report is expanded on
Details By initial display:
 Line
 Entity
 Shift
 E vent
Start Date Today Time Period Single The start date for the report data.
This parameter is not applicable when the
Time Period parameter is any value other
than Date/ Time Range.
You can ent er the time for the Start and End
Date fields in 12-hour (am/ pm) format or
24-hour format. When you click View
Report, the time is converted to 12-hour

Version 6.0 23
MES Intelligence Reports User Guide Production by Entity Report

Default on Other Allowed
Parameter Value Parameter Selection Description

End Dat e Today Time Period Single The end dat e for the report data.
This parameter is not applicable when the
Time Period parameter is any value other
than Date/ Time Range.
Line Name All No Multiple The lines to include in the report.
In addition to every line, the list includes the
option None, which causes all entities that
are not on a line to be included in the Entities
parameter list. A combination of None and
lines is allowed.
Entities All Line Name Multiple The entities to include in the report.
The list of entities is filtered by the Line
Name parameter:
 The entities for any lines selected in the
Line Name list will be included in this list.
 If None is selected in the Line Name list,
all the entities that are not on a line will
be included in the list, in addition to the
entities for any selected lines.
Work Order All No Multiple The work orders to include in the report.
Items All No Multiple The items to include in the report.

Item All No Multiple The item reasons to include in the report.

Reas ons

Report Data
Good Count shows the good count value during the production converted to standard item UOM at the
respective levels.
Reject Count shows the reject count value during the production converted to standard item UOM at
the respective levels.
The E vent Details section includes the following columns.
Indication of good production or reject production.
Production Time
Work Order
Produced item.
Item production reason.
Produced item's grade.

24 Version 6.0
Production by Entity Report MES Intelligence Reports User Guide

Produced item's state.
Quantity unit of measure
In E vent Details, the data is not shown if it is the same as the previous row.
When there are no events found based on the selected filter criteria, the tabular dat a will show
available lines and entities with production counts of 0.
Unit of Measure Conversion Example
In the example report shown below, all the unit of measures at the event level (e.g., 50 Kilograms,
2.5 Kilograms) are converted to the line’s Standard Item UOM (e.g., Pieces), then the sum is shown at
the line level in the line’s Standard Item UOM. Similarly, all the UOMs at the event level are converted
to the entity’s Standard Item UOM (e. g., Kilograms) and the sum is shown at the entity level and shift
level in entity’s Standard Item UOM. The formula for conve rsion is:
(E vent level Quantity) x (conversion factor)
In the example report, if the first event row is considered, 100.00 Pieces is convert ed to 50 Kilograms.
100 x 0.5 = 50
This conversion is performed for each entity level quantity and then summed at respective levels.

Version 6.0 25
MES Intelligence Reports User Guide

Line Production Report
In This Chapter
Report Overview ........................................................................................................................... 27
Report Paramet ers ....................................................................................................................... 27
Report Data.................................................................................................................................. 28
Report Variations .......................................................................................................................... 30

Report Overview
The Line Production report shows production data for lines that started within the given period for
selected items and work orders. Production data includes produced and rejects counts; UOM; and item
production reasons, grades, and states.
The report has three layout options, allowing data to be organized by entity, work order, or time period.
When organized by entity or time period, data can be display ed in tabular or chart format. When
organized by work order, data is always displayed in tabular format.
With millions of production records in the database, this report should return data within 20 seconds for
one month of dat a across multiple lines.

Report Parameters
on Other Allowed
Parameter Default Value Parameters Selection Description

Time Period No No Single The time period for the report data. See Time
Range on page 93.
Shift Day No Multiple The shift for the report data.
Start Date Current Day Time Period Single (from The start date for the report data.
Date picker)
This parameter is not applicable when the
Time Period parameter is any value other
than Date/ Time Range.
You can ent er the time for the Start and End
Date fields in 12-hour (am/ pm) format or
24-hour format. When you click View Report,
the time is converted to 12-hour format.
End Dat e Current Day Time Period Single (from The end dat e for the report data.
Date picker)
This parameter is not applicable when the
Time Period parameter is any value other
than Date/ Time Range.
Line Name All No Multiple The lines to include in the report.

Version 6.0 27
MES Intelligence Reports User Guide Line Production Report

on Other Allowed
Parameter Default Value Parameters Selection Description

Items All No Multiple The items to include in the report.

Work Order All No Multiple The work orders to include in the report.
Layout Period No Single The type of layout to use for the report:
 Entity
 Period
 Work Order
Report Type Tabular Layout Single The report content type. The options are
based on the Layout parameter that is
selected :
 Entity - Tabular, Chart, Both
 Period - Tabular, Chart, Both
 Work Order - Tabular
Show Details Entity No Single The level at which the report is expanded on
By initial display.
Entity or Work Order layout:
 Line
 Entity
 Shift
 E vent
Period layout:
 Line
 Entity
 E vent
This parameter applies to tabular data but not
to chart data.

Report Data
The E vent Details section includes the following columns:
The produced item.
Good production count. Production count values are convert ed to the UOM of the line's standard
Reject production count. Production count values are converted to the UOM of the line's standard

28 Version 6.0
Line Production Report MES Intelligence Reports User Guide

Unit of measure. The UOM of the line's standard item.
Item production reason.
Produced item's grade.
Produced item's state.
The report includes only the entities that are designated as the source of production counts for the
When there is no dat a, the report will be blank.

Version 6.0 29
MES Intelligence Reports User Guide Line Production Report

Report Variations
Entity Layout
An example of the Entity layout, with tabular and chart dat a, is shown below.
 The tabular E vent Details section includes the following columns:
The produced item.
Sum of good production.
Sum of reject production.
Unit of measure.
Item production reason.
Produced item's grade.
Produced item's state.
 The Production By Grade By Item chart is grouped by Lines and categorized on Grade (Total
Approved and Scrap Values ) in percentage, which are shown by Item and Production Day.
 The Production By Grade/Date chart is a trend chart that is grouped by Lines and categorized on
Grade (Total Approved and Scrap Values).

30 Version 6.0
Line Production Report MES Intelligence Reports User Guide

 The Total Production By Date chart is grouped by Lines and categorized on Grade (Tot al Approved
and Scrap Values), with dat a for each P roduction Day in the selected time period.

Period Layout
An example of the Period layout, with tabular and chart data, is shown below.

Version 6.0 31
MES Intelligence Reports User Guide Line Production Report

 The tabular E vent Details section includes the following columns:

Production Day
Shift Name
The produced item.
Sum of good production count.
Unit of measure.
Sum of reject count.
Unit of measure.
 The Production By Item chart shows the total produced and rejected counts for the selected shifts
of each day in the specified time period.

Work Order Layout

An example of the Work Order layout, with tabular data, is shown below.
The E vent Details section includes the following columns for the Work Order layout:
The produced item.
Sum of production count.

32 Version 6.0
Line Production Report MES Intelligence Reports User Guide

Sum of reject count.
Unit of measure.
Item production reason.
Produced item's grade.
Produced item's state.

Version 6.0 33
MES Intelligence Reports User Guide

Genealogy by Work Order Report
In This Chapter
Report Overview ........................................................................................................................... 35
Report Paramet ers ....................................................................................................................... 35
Report Data.................................................................................................................................. 36

Report Overview
The Genealogy by Work Order report shows, by work order, which input or raw material items were
consumed directly and indirectly to create production items.
To enable genealogy, you must ensure that produc ed items of the same production level share a
common operation ID, work order ID, sequence number, and lot number.
The following criterion is being used to establish the correct linkage:
item_prod.wo_id = item_cons.wo_id AND
item_prod.oper_id = item_cons.oper_id AND
item_prod.seq_no = item_cons.seq_no AND
item_prod.lot_no = item_cons.fg_lot_no
The Genealogy by Work Order report displays for any specified produced item of a specified grade and
status all consumed items that went into its production.
Genealogy does not take into account sublots.

Report Parameters
Default on Other Allowed
Parameter Value Parameter Selection Description

Start Date Today No Single The start date for the report data.
You can ent er the time for the Start and
End Dat e fields in 12-hour (am/pm) format
or 24-hour format. When you click View
Report, the time is converted to 12-hour
End Dat e Today No Single The end dat e for the report data.
Work Order All work No Work orders whose ID includes the
orders entered string will be included in the
report. If blank, all work orders will be
Items All Items No Multiple The items to include in the report.

Version 6.0 35
MES Intelligence Reports User Guide Genealogy by Work Order Report

Default on Other Allowed
Parameter Value Parameter Selection Description

Entity All Entities No Multiple The entities to include in the report.

Show Collapsed No Single Specifies whether the work order entries

Expanded in the report will initially be shown
collapsed or expanded.

Report Data
The report data consists of multiple expandable levels:
 The first level is the work order and includes information about the operation and entity that ran the
work order.
 The second level is the item that was produced and includes information on when the job ran.
 The final level is the produced lot level and includes information on the production reason for the
produced transaction, the item grade and state, the entity to which the produced lot went, and the
production quantity. Under this final level is a table of all the consumable items with information on
the consumed lot number, the entity from which it was consumed, and the quantity.

36 Version 6.0
MES Intelligence Reports User Guide

Genealogy by Lot Report
In This Chapter
Report Overview ........................................................................................................................... 37
Report Paramet ers ....................................................................................................................... 37
Report Data.................................................................................................................................. 38

Report Overview
The Genealogy by Lot report shows, by lot, which work orders and produced lots consumed specific
raw materials.
To enable genealogy, you must ensure that produc ed items of the same production level share a
common operation ID, work order ID, sequence number, and lot number.
The following criterion is being used to establish the correct linkage:
item_prod.wo_id = item_cons.wo_id AND
item_prod.oper_id = item_cons.oper_id AND
item_prod.seq_no = item_cons.seq_no AND
item_prod.lot_no = item_cons.fg_lot_no
The Genealogy by Lot report displays for any specified raw material lot number all work orders that
used it. This report is essentially the reverse of the Genealogy by Work Order report.
Genealogy does not take into account sublots.

Report Parameters
Default on Other Allowed
Parameter Value Parameter Selection Description

Start Date Today No Single The start date for the report data.
You can ent er the time for the Start and
End Dat e fields in 12-hour (am/pm) format
or 24-hour format. When you click View
Report, the time is converted to 12-hour
End Dat e Today No Single The end dat e for the report data.
Raw Material All lots No Lots whose number includes the entered
Lot No string will be included in the report. If
blank, all lots will be included.
Items All Items No Multiple The items to include in the report.
Entity All Entities No Multiple The entities to include in the report.

Version 6.0 37
MES Intelligence Reports User Guide Genealogy by Lot Report

Default on Other Allowed
Parameter Value Parameter Selection Description

Work Order All Work No Work orders whose ID includes the

Orders entered string will be included in the
report. If blank, all work orders will be
Show Collapsed No Single Specifies whether the lot entries in the
Expanded report will initially be shown collapsed or

Report Data
The report data consists of multiple levels:
 The first level is the consumed lot and includes information about the item that was consumed. It is
possible that there is no lot number associated wit h the trans action.
 The second level is the entity from which the lot was consumed.
 The final level is the produced lot level and includes a table with the job data (work order,
operation, sequence number, start time, and end time), the entity to which the lot was produced,
and the quantity.

38 Version 6.0
MES Intelligence Reports User Guide

Utilization Timeline Report
In This Chapter
Report Overview ........................................................................................................................... 39
Report Paramet ers ....................................................................................................................... 39
Report Data.................................................................................................................................. 39

Report Overview
The Utilization Timeline report shows the timeline of utilization events by entity. Data can be filtered by
shifts and entities.
The events are displayed in a horizontal stacked bar format. A color key indicates the utilization
reasons for each event.
With millions of utilization records in the database, the time for this report to render is heavily
dependent on the timeframe of the report and the number of entities requested. Typical response time
is a couple of seconds for each entity for each day.

Report Parameters
Default on Other Allowed
Parameter Value Parameter Selection Description

Date Today No Single The date for the report data.

Shift All No Single The shift for the report data.
Entities - No Multiple The entities to include in the report.

Report Data
This report includes a stacked bar for selected entities of utilization events.

Version 6.0 39
MES Intelligence Reports User Guide Utilization Timeline Report

The color key indicates the utilization r easons for each event.

40 Version 6.0
MES Intelligence Reports User Guide

Utilization by Entity Report
In This Chapter
Report Overview ........................................................................................................................... 41
Report Paramet ers ....................................................................................................................... 41
Report Data.................................................................................................................................. 43

Report Overview
The Utilization by Entity report shows utilization data for entities. Data can be filt ered by:
 Time period
 Shifts
 Lines
 Entities
 Items
 E vent types
 Utilization states, reason groups, and reas ons
 Category
Utilization data is displayed in tabular format and includes total counts and durations for events, and
details about each event by line, entity, and shift.
The Utilization by Entity report uses the calendar day instead of the production day, since this report
totals the event durations that occur in the time period. The current Intelligence model does not include
the hours and minutes for when a production day starts for each entity, so it uses the event time and
midnight for the start and end of a day, respectively.
With millions of utilization records in the database, this report takes approximat ely 20 seconds for one
entity for one day. Additional entities and longer time periods increas e the response time with the
number of entities having a greater impact than the number of days. Ten entities for one week
displayed in approximat ely 30 seconds in a testing environment while one month dis played in 40

Report Parameters
Dependency on
Default Other Allowed
Parameter Value Parameter Selection Description

Time Period No No Single The time period for the report data. See Time
Range on page 93.
Shift All No Multiple The shift for the report data.

Version 6.0 41
MES Intelligence Reports User Guide Utilization by Entity Report

Dependency on
Default Other Allowed
Parameter Value Parameter Selection Description

Start Date Current Time Period Single The start date for the report data.
This parameter is not applicable when the
Time Period parameter is any value other
than Date/ Time Range.
You can ent er the time for the Start and End
Date fields in 12-hour (am/ pm) format or
24-hour format. When you click View Report,
the time is converted to 12-hour format.
End Dat e Current Time Period Single The end dat e for the report data.
This parameter is not applicable when the
Time Period parameter is any value other
than Date/ Time Range.
Line Name All, No Multiple The lines to include in the report.
Entities All Line Name Multiple The entities to include in the report.
The list of entities is filtered by the Line Name
parameter. When None is selected as the
Line Name paramet er, all the entities are
available in the Entities paramet er; otherwise,
the entities are filtered based on the line
Items All No Multiple The items to include in the report.

E vent Type Down Time No Multiple The event types to include in the report.
Utilization All related E vent Type Multiple The utilization states to include in the report.
State to Event
Utilization All related Utilization State Multiple The utilization groups to include in the report.
Group to
The list of utilization groups is filtered by the
selection of the Utilization State parameter.
Utilization All related Utilization State Multiple The utilization reasons to include in the report.
Reas on to and Utilization
The list of utilization reasons is filtered by the
Utilization Group
selection of the Utilization State and
State and
Utilization Group parameters.

42 Version 6.0
Utilization by Entity Report MES Intelligence Reports User Guide

Dependency on
Default Other Allowed
Parameter Value Parameter Selection Description

Category All No Multiple This parameter contains the list of Categories

available in the database and the None
The report data will be filtered on the selected
If None is selected, the report data will include
records for which all four categories are null.
Show Details Entity No Single The level at which the report is expanded on
By initial display:
 Line
 Entity
 Shift
 E vent

Report Data
Events Included in the Report
 E vents that started prior to the filter start time and ended after the filter start time.
 E vents that start before the filter end time and end after the filter end time.
However, the duration is calculated only for the time within the filter period. For example, an event that
started at 10:00 pm the previous day and lasted until 3:00 am of the report day will be included in the
report for that day, but the duration will be shown as 3 hours instead of the entire 5 hours of the event.
When showing multiple time periods in the grid (for example running a report for the last day and
showing three shifts), events that cross one or more time boundaries are included in all groupings. This
is important to note when looking at time period totals for duration and count at higher level groupings:
 At the parent level, the total count and duration reflect the events that existed during that time
 The total event duration for the time period will not exceed the total time span of the period.
 The total counts when added ac ross multiple time periods (i.e., time periods above the lowest
expanded level) will include extra event counts as the boundary events will be counted twic e since
they existed in both time periods.
For example, requesting the events for a day with three shifts and grouping by shifts will have a total
count of 3 when a single event covers the entire day. This is an artifact of the simple addition of the
lower groupings, which will show the single event occurring in each shift. The total duration for all
levels accurately reflects the event duration within the time period
When looking at a current time period such as current shift or current day, the most recent event's
duration will only be accurate up to the last time the Intelligence service updated the dimension, which
by default is hourly.
Data Included in the Report
 The Total Count shows the number of events at their respective levels. Summary rows total the
counts from all lower groupings, which will double count events occurring in multiple time periods.

Version 6.0 43
MES Intelligence Reports User Guide Utilization by Entity Report

 The Total Duration shows the Sum of E vent Duration in (hh:mm:ss) at their respective levels.
 The E vent Details section includes the following columns. If Duration is deviated from Standard
Time, then it will be highlighted in bold and red. Data is not shown if it is the same as the previous
o E vent Time.
o Duration(hh:mm:ss).
o Utilization Reason.
o Utilization Group.
o Utilization State.
o Failure: An indicator that the utilization reason for this event is flagged as an equipment failure
o Min/Std/Max(Minut es): Utilization reason settings.
o Category: The four optional category fields defined for the utilization reason.
o Item: The item associated with the work order running at the time of the event.
o Work Order: The work order running at the time of the event.

44 Version 6.0
MES Intelligence Reports User Guide

Utilization Analysis Report
In This Chapter
Report Overview ........................................................................................................................... 45
Report Paramet ers ....................................................................................................................... 45
Report Data.................................................................................................................................. 46

Report Overview
The Utilization Analysis report shows utilization data for each entity by utilization event types (Runtime,
Downtime, and Idletime). The report also shows Pareto charts of duration for all the filtered data by
utilization state, utilization reason groups, and utilization reasons. These also include the charts for
event counts. Data can be filtered by various parameters.
The Utilization Analysis report uses the calendar day instead of the production day, since this report
totals the event durations that occur in the time period. The current Intelligence model does not include
the hours and minutes for when a production day starts for each entity, so it uses the event time and
midnight for the start an end of a day, respectively.
With millions of utilization records in the database, this report takes approximat ely 25 seconds for one
entity for one day. Additional entities and longer time periods slightly increase the response time with
the number of entities having a greater impact than the number of days. Ten entities for one month
displayed in approximat ely 30 seconds in the testing environment.

Report Parameters
Dependency on
Default Other Allowed
Parameter Value Parameters Selection Description

Time Period No No Single The time period for the report data. See Time
Range on page 93.
Shift All No Multiple The shift for the report data.
Start Date Current Day Time Period Single (from The start date for the report data.
Date picker)
This parameter is not applicable when the Time
Period paramet er is any value other than
Date/ Time Range.
You can ent er the time for the Start and End
Date fields in 12-hour (am/ pm) format or 24-hour
format. When you click View Report, the time is
converted to 12-hour format.

Version 6.0 45
MES Intelligence Reports User Guide Utilization Analysis Report

Dependency on
Default Other Allowed
Parameter Value Parameters Selection Description

End Dat e Current Day Time Period Single (from The end dat e for the report data.
Date picker)
This parameter is not applicable when the Time
Period paramet er is any value other than
Date/ Time Range.
Entities None No Multiple The entities to include in the report.
Items All No Multiple The items to include in the report.
E vent Type Down Time No Multiple The event types to include in the report.
Utilization All related to E vent Type Multiple The utilization states to include in the Utilization
States E vent Type States by Duration & Counts chart.
The list of utilization states is filtered by the
selection of the E vent Type parameter.
Utilization All related to Utilization States Multiple The utilization reason groups to include in the
Groups Utilization Utilization Reason Groups by Duration & Counts
States chart.
The list of utilization reason groups is filtered by
the selection of the Utilization States parameter.
Utilization All related to Utilization Group Multiple The utilization reasons to include in the Utilization
Reas ons Utilization Reas ons by Duration & Counts chart.
The list of utilization reasons is filtered by the
selection of the Utilization Group para meter.
Analysis By All No Single The number of utilization states, utilization
reason groups, and utilization reasons to include
in each of their charts:
 All
 Top 5
 Top 10
The Top 5 and Top 10 options pertain to each
chart individually and do not pertain to the
Duration by Entity chart. For example, when the
Analysis By parameter is set to Top 5, then the
Pareto charts will have a maximum of 5 bars in
each chart based on the total duration for the bar.
The top 5 and top 10 instanc es in each chart are
determined by duration and not by count (for
example, the top 5 utilization states would be by
each state's total duration and not by the number
of times each state occurred).

Report Data
This report shows:
 A Duration by Entity chart of Runtime, Downtime, and Idle Time for each entity

46 Version 6.0
Utilization Analysis Report MES Intelligence Reports User Guide

 A Pareto of durations by utilization states, with a line indicating counts

 A Pareto of durations by utilization reas on groups, with a line indicating counts
 A Pareto of durations by utilization reas ons, with a line indicating counts

Version 6.0 47
MES Intelligence Reports User Guide

OEE Analysis Report
In This Chapter
Report Overview ........................................................................................................................... 49
Report Filters ................................................................................................................................ 49
Report Data.................................................................................................................................. 50
Report Variations .......................................................................................................................... 53

Report Overview
The OEE Analysis report displays the Overall Equipment Effectiveness grouped by entity over a
specified period of time.
The report displays:
 The Efficiency Analysis Bar Chart displaying the four KPIs for every entity that matches the filter
o % OEE
o % Utilization
o % Performance
o % Quality
 The OEE Trend Line Chart displays the OEE% per time period for each entity that matches the
filter criteria.
 The Utilization Loss Summary chart displays summaries of the utilization loss per time period for
the entities that match the filter criteria.
With millions of utilization records in the database, this report takes approximat ely 5 seconds for one
entity for one day. Additional entities and longer time periods increas e the response time with both
having a similar impact on response time. Ten entities for one week displayed in approximately 10
seconds in the testing environment while one month displ ayed in 20 seconds.

Report Filters
Default on Other Allowed
Parameter Value Parameter Selection Description

Time period - No Single The time period for the report data. See Time
Range on page 93.
Shift All shifts No Multiple The shifts for which to include data.

Version 6.0 49
MES Intelligence Reports User Guide OEE Analysis Report

Default on Other Allowed
Parameter Value Parameter Selection Description

Start Date Today Time Period Single The start date for the report data.
This parameter is not applicable when the
Time Period parameter is any value other
than Date/ Time Range.
You can ent er the time for the Start and End
Date fields in 12-hour (am/ pm) format or
24-hour format. When you click View
Report, the time is converted to 12-hour
End Dat e Today Time Period Single The end dat e for the report data.
This parameter is not applicable when the
Time Period parameter is any value other
than Date/ Time Range.
Entities - No Multiple The entities to include in the report.
Show Details Period No Single The level at which the report data is shown:
 Period. If this option is selected, only the
Utilization Loss Summary chart will be
included in the report, regardless of what
chart types are selected for the Show
Chart(s) parameter (even if the Loss
Summary chart is not selected).
 Day.
 Shift.
 Hour.
Show OEE No Multiple Which charts to include in the report:
 Performance
 A vailability
 Quality
 Loss Summary

Report Data
This report shows Overall Equipment Effectiveness (OEE ) and its components (A vailability,
Performance, and Quality) by entity, and compares those metrics across similar equipment and over
time. The report can als o include a Utilization Loss Summary chart.
 A vailability is based on the utilization events for the entity and is calculated by summing the
runtime events and dividing by the sum of the runtime and downtime events. Events classified as
Neither in the MES dat abas e are ignored.
 Performance is based on the actual production units on the entity compared to the estimated
number of units. It is calculated by summing the good and reject production counts and dividing by
the sum of the runtime events multiplied by the production rat e and batch size.

50 Version 6.0
OEE Analysis Report MES Intelligence Reports User Guide

 Quality is based on the good and reject production counts for the entity. It is calculated by
summing the good counts and dividing by the sum of the good and bad counts.
 OEE is the product of A vailability, Performance, and Quality. Note that this value is based on
runtime and downtime duration and does not include times classified as Neither.
 The Utilization Loss Summary chart converts the OEE components into minutes of lost production
at full capacity for each component. Note the following about the components in this chart:
o The A vailability component is the total downtime duration.
o The Performance component is the number of minutes of lost capacity from running below the
target rate. The Performance component can be negative if the entity is producing above the
target rate.
o The Quality component is the scrap counts converted to minutes of good production at the
target rate.
Note the following about the report.
 The report will include rows based on the Show Details By parameter even if there is no data for
the selected period. The default value for all the KPIs when no data exists is 0.
 When a shift transitions bet ween an hour, the transition hour will have a rec ord in bot h shifts. The
calculation includes only dat a for the shift in this scenario and therefore represents less than an
hour's dat a. On the chart, the x-axis time label for this scenario will show the hour twice, once for
each shift.

Version 6.0 51
MES Intelligence Reports User Guide OEE Analysis Report

52 Version 6.0
OEE Analysis Report MES Intelligence Reports User Guide

Report Variations
Show Details By Parameter Set to Hour
When the Show Details By parameter is set to Hour, the data is shown by the hour.

Version 6.0 53
MES Intelligence Reports User Guide OEE Analysis Report

Show Details By Parameter Set to Day

When the Show Details By parameter is set to Day, the data is shown by calendar day.

54 Version 6.0
OEE Analysis Report MES Intelligence Reports User Guide

Show Details By Parameter Set to Shift

When the Show Details By parameter is set to Shift, the data is shown as in the following report.

Version 6.0 55
MES Intelligence Reports User Guide OEE Analysis Report

Utilization Loss Summary Chart

If the Loss Summary chart is selected in the Show Chart (s) parameter list or the Show Details By
parameter is set to Period, the Utilization Loss Summary chart is shown.

56 Version 6.0
MES Intelligence Reports User Guide

Mean Time Between Failures (MTBF)
In This Chapter
Report Overview ........................................................................................................................... 57
Report Paramet ers ....................................................................................................................... 57
Report Data.................................................................................................................................. 58
Report Variations .......................................................................................................................... 59

Report Overview
The MTBF report shows the mean time between events that are considered failure events. It includes
only utilization events whose utilization reason has the Failure flag set.
The report finds all failure events in the requested time period and calculates the mean time bet ween
failure (MTBF) in hours. The calculation includes times during which the equipment was idle (in a
utilization state classified as Neither).

Report Parameters
Dependency on
Default Other Allowed
Parameter Value Parameters Selection Description

Time Period No No Single The time period for the report data. See Time
Range on page 93.
Entities - No Multiple The entities to include in the report.
Start Date Current Time Period Single (from The start date for the report data.
Day Date picker)
This parameter is not applicable when the Time
Period paramet er is any value other than
Date/ Time Range.
You can ent er the time for the Start and End
Date fields in 12-hour (am/ pm) format or
24-hour format. When you click View Report,
the time is converted to 12-hour format.
End Dat e Current Time Period Single (from The end dat e for the report data.
Day Date picker)
This parameter is not applicable when the Time
Period paramet er is any value other than
Date/ Time Range.
Utilization All No Multiple The utilization groups to include in the report.

Version 6.0 57
MES Intelligence Reports User Guide Mean Time Between Failures (MTBF) Report

Dependency on
Default Other Allowed
Parameter Value Parameters Selection Description

Utilization All related Utilization Group Multiple The utilization reasons to include in the report.
Reas on to
The list of utilization reasons is filtered by the
selection of the Utilization Group parameter.
Show Details Entity No Multiple The level at which the report is expanded on
By initial display:
 Entity
 Shift
 E vent

Report Data
This report includes only utilization events whose utilization reas on is configured with the Failure flag
 The Total Count shows the number of failure events at their respective levels.
 The A verage of Duration between all failures in hours is shown only at the entity level.
 Duration between each failure event in hours is shown.
 In E vent Details, data is not shown if it is the same as the previous row.
The E vent Details section includes the following columns:
Event Time
Utilization Reason
Time of Next Failure
The following failure event 's start time.
The difference between the next failure event 's start time and the reported event's start time.

58 Version 6.0
Mean Time Between Failures (MTBF) Report MES Intelligence Reports User Guide

Utilization Group
Utilization State

Report Variations
Show Details By Parameter Set to Entity
When Show Details By parameter is set to Entity, the tabular data will be at the Entity level wit h its
Total Count and A verage of Duration between all failures in hours at the Entity level.

Version 6.0 59
MES Intelligence Reports User Guide Mean Time Between Failures (MTBF) Report

Show Details By Parameter Set to Shift

When Show Details By parameter is set to Shift, the tabular data will be at the Entity and Shift level
with its Total Count and A verage of Duration bet ween all failures in hours at the Entity level.

60 Version 6.0
Mean Time Between Failures (MTBF) Report MES Intelligence Reports User Guide

Show Details By Parameter Set to Event

When Show Details By parameter is set to Event, the tabular data will be at the Entity and Shift level
with its Total Count and A verage of Duration bet ween failures of each event.

No Failures
When there are no Failures that match the selected filter criteria, the tabular data will show the
available entities.

Version 6.0 61
MES Intelligence Reports User Guide

Mean Time To Repair (MTTR) Report
In This Chapter
Report Overview ........................................................................................................................... 63
Report Paramet ers ....................................................................................................................... 63
Report Data.................................................................................................................................. 64
Report Variations .......................................................................................................................... 65

Report Overview
The MTTR report shows the mean time between events that are considered failure events and the
subsequent runtime event.
The report finds all failure events in the requested time period and the following runtime event. It
calculates the mean time to repair (MTTR) in hours. The calculation includes times during which the
equipment was idle (in a utilization state classified as Neither).

Report Parameters
on Other Allowed
Parameter Default Value Parameters Selection Description

Time Period No No Single The time period for the report data. See Time
Range on page 93.
Entities - No Multiple The entities to include in the report.
Start Date Current Day Time Period Single (from The start date for the report data.
Date picker)
This parameter is not applicable when the
Time Period parameter is any value other
than Date/ Time Range.
You can ent er the time for the Start and End
Date fields in 12-hour (am/ pm) format or
24-hour format. When you click View
Report, the time is converted to 12-hour
End Dat e Current Day Time Period Single (from The end dat e for the report data.
Date picker)
This parameter is not applicable when the
Time Period parameter is any value other
than Date/ Time Range.
Utilization All No Multiple The utilization groups to include in the report.

Version 6.0 63
MES Intelligence Reports User Guide Mean Time To Repair (MTTR) Report

on Other Allowed
Parameter Default Value Parameters Selection Description

Utilization All related to Utilization Multiple The utilization reasons to include in the
Reas on Utilization Group report.
The list of utilization reasons is filtered by the
selection of the Utilization Group parameter.
Show Details Entity No Single The level at which the report is expanded on
By initial display:
 Entity
 Shift
 E vent

Report Data
This report includes only utilization events whose utilization reas on is configured with the Failure flag
 The Total Count shows the number of failure events at their respective levels.
 The A verage of Time to repair failures in hours is shown at the Entity level.
 The Time to Repair for each failure event in hours is shown.
 In E vent Details, data is not shown if it is the same as the previous row.
The E vent Details section includes the following columns:
Event Time
Utilization Reason
Time of Next Running
The event start time of the first utilization event of type Running following the failure event.
MTTR (Hrs)
The difference between the next running event 's start time and the reported event's start time.

64 Version 6.0
Mean Time To Repair (MTTR) Report MES Intelligence Reports User Guide

Utilization Group
Utilization State

Report Variations
Show Details By Parameter Set to Entity
When Show Details By parameter is set to Entity, the tabular data will be at the Entity level wit h its
Total Count and A verage of Time to repair failures in hours at the Entity level.

Version 6.0 65
MES Intelligence Reports User Guide Mean Time To Repair (MTTR) Report

Show Details By Parameter Set to Shift

When Show Details By parameter is set to Shift, the tabular data will be at the Entity and Shift level
with its Total Count and A verage of Time to repair failures in hours at the Entity level.

66 Version 6.0
Mean Time To Repair (MTTR) Report MES Intelligence Reports User Guide

Show Details By Parameter Set to Event

When Show Details By parameter is set to Event, the tabular data will be at all levels with its Total
Count and A verage of Time to repair failures in hours at the Entity level.

No Failures
When there are no Failures that match the selected filter criteria, the tabular data will show the
available entities.

Version 6.0 67
MES Intelligence Reports User Guide

Quality Summary Report
In This Chapter
Report Overview ........................................................................................................................... 69
Report Filter Parameters ............................................................................................................... 69
Report Display Parameters ............................................................................................................ 71
Report Data.................................................................................................................................. 72

Report Overview
The Quality Summary report provides information and statistics based on equipment, product (item),
work order, operation, process, and item category. This report allows you to:
 Select from the multiple report bas es.
 Specify various filters to apply to the data being report ed.
 Select which sections of the report are displayed.
If you make a selection in one filter, it does not affect the choices in another filter because of the set of
existing data.
With millions of sample result records in the database, this report takes approximately 90 seconds for
one entity and 50 characteristics. Additional entities, additional characteristics, and longer time periods
increase the response time with the number of entities having the greatest impact.
Each additional entity added to the report adds 20 to 30 seconds to the display time in the testing
environment. The majority of the time is spent in rendering the charts and tables by SQL Server
Reporting Services whic h AVEVA will continue to investigate.

Report Filter Parameters

Parameter Default Dependency Allowed Description
Value on Other Selection

Time Period No No Single The time period for the report data. See
Time Range on page 93.
Shift All shifts No Multiple The shifts whose data will be included in
the report data.

Version 6.0 69
MES Intelligence Reports User Guide Quality Summary Report

Parameter Default Dependency Allowed Description

Value on Other Selection

Start Date Current Day Time Period Manual The start date for the report data.
entry or
This parameter is not applicable when the
from Dat e
Time Period parameter is any value other
than Date/ Time Range.
You can ent er the time for the Start and
End Dat e fields in 12-hour (am/pm) format
or 24-hour format. When you click View
Report, the time is converted to 12-hour
End Dat e Current Day Time Period Manual The end dat e for the report data.
entry or
This parameter is not available when the
from Dat e
Time Period parameter is any value other
than Date/ Time Range.
Entity All entities Line Name Multiple The entities to include in the report.
Item Category All item No Multiple The item categories to include in the
categories report.
Items All items No Multiple The items to include in the report.
Severity All severity No Multiple The severity levels to include in the report:
levels Unus ed, Not Monitored, Non-Key, Key,
and Critical.
Work Order All work No Work orders whose ID includes the
orders entered string will be included in the
report. If blank, all work orders will be
Operation All No Operations whos e ID includes the entered
operations string will be included in the report. If
blank, all operations will be included.
Sample All samples No Samples whose name includes the
Name entered string will be included in the
report. If blank, all samples will be
Sample All sample No Single The sample priorities to include in the
Priority priorities report.
If the Null check box is selected, all
priorities are included.
Clear the Null check box to enter the
integer of the priority level to include.
Sample All sample No Multiple The sample frequency type to include in
Frequency frequency the report.
Type types
Options are Shift, Calendar Time,
Production, Produced Lot Change, Job
Start, Manual, Job End.

70 Version 6.0
Quality Summary Report MES Intelligence Reports User Guide

Parameter Default Dependency Allowed Description

Value on Other Selection

Process All No Processes whos e ID includes the entered

processes string will be included in the report. If
blank, all processes will be included.
Lot Number All lots No Lots whose number includes the entered
string will be included in the report. If
blank, all lots will be included.
Sublot All sublots No Sublots whose number includes the
Number entered string will be included in the
report. If blank, all sublots will be included.

Report Display Parameters

Parameter Default Dependency Allowed Description
Value on Other Selection

Report Basis Entity Other Report Single By selecting data types in the Report
1 to 6 Basis selections Basi s lists, you can generate a report that
groups the summary data by those data
types. For example, setting Report Ba si s
1 to Enti ty and Report Ba si s 2 to Item
will group the summary data first by entity
and then by item.
If you click any of the entity graphs, the
resulting report drills down into that entity
and is then grouped by the next lower
basis option.
Number of 0 No Single Enter an integer from 0 to 9. The results
Characteris- are as follows:
tics to Display
in Graphics  If you select 0, the results for all
characteristics are grouped into a
single bar in eac h of the charts, one
for each basis value.
 If you select 1 through 9, there is a
grouped set of bars for each current
basis value, and a bar within each set
for each characteristic. There are as
many characteristics as the basis
value, till the limit set by the entered
If there are more characteristics than this
limit, an additional bar is added as the last
one in each set, labeled Other.
Statistics All No Multiple The statistics columns to include in the
Columns to report.

Version 6.0 71
MES Intelligence Reports User Guide Quality Summary Report

Parameter Default Dependency Allowed Description

Value on Other Selection

% Out of Null No Define the threshold values for % out of

Spec, Cp, specification, Cp, Cpk, Pp, and Ppk
Cpk, Pp, and Thres hold boxes. If you select the Null
Ppk option, there is no threshold set for the
Thres holds corresponding statistic.
If threshold values have been entered and
a value is above the % Out of Spec value
or below the performance indicators, the
data point is highlighted for quick visual
Typically, if you enter a threshold value for
any of these four measures, you would
include that column in the Statistics
Columns to Display list.
Report All No Multiple The report sections to include in the
Sections report.

Report Data
The report can include the following sections.
Filter Criteria
The time period that you had specified for the report and the other specified filters.

72 Version 6.0
Quality Summary Report MES Intelligence Reports User Guide

This bar chart of % out of specification displays the OOS percent, based on the selected report
basis for each characteristic. The order from top to bottom is by the worst offending grouping
context (e.g., entity) and characteristic.

Version 6.0 73
MES Intelligence Reports User Guide Quality Summary Report

Count OOS
This bar chart of count out of specification displays the OOS count, based on the selected report
basis for each characteristic. The order from top to bottom is by the worst offending grouping
context (e.g., entity) and characteristic.

74 Version 6.0
Quality Summary Report MES Intelligence Reports User Guide

This bar chart of % out of control displays the OOC percent, based on the selected report basis for
each characteristic. The order from top to bottom is by the worst offending grouping context (e.g.,
entity) and characteristic. A sample for a characteristic is counted only once, even if it violates
multiple control rules.

Version 6.0 75
MES Intelligence Reports User Guide Quality Summary Report

Count OOC
This bar chart of count out of control displays the OOC count, based on the selected repo rt basis
for each characteristic. The order from top to bottom is by the worst offending grouping context
(e.g., entity) and characteristic.

Summary Data
Displays summary data columns, grouping the data based on the following:
o Most recent basis selected for the report.
o The characteristic.
The other columns display the following:
o Total number of results (individual readings ).

76 Version 6.0
Quality Summary Report MES Intelligence Reports User Guide

o Number of results outside specification limits.

o Percent out of specification.
o Total number of samples for the characteristics.
o Number of sample characteristics out of control.
o Percent out of control.
If a threshold value is configured for % out of specification, the values in the table exceeding the
threshold setting are display ed in a different background color that is visible in black and white
printouts, and can be discerned by color blind individuals. When you select a new report basis, this
section is updated.

Statistical Data
Displays statistical data columns for the following:
o Characteristic name.
o QM specification name.
o Most recent basis selected for the report.
These columns are used to group data. The columns at the right of the table display the statistics
that you have chosen. These columns include average, min, max, standard deviation, estimated
sigma, range, Cp, Cpk, Pp, Ppk, Target, LSL, and USL.
If threshold values are configured for Cp, Cpk, Pp, and Ppk, the values in the table that are less
than the threshold setting are displayed in a different background color that is visible in black and
white printouts, and can be discerned by color blind in dividuals.

Version 6.0 77
MES Intelligence Reports User Guide

Quality Characteristic Detail Report
In This Chapter
Report Overview ........................................................................................................................... 79
Report Paramet ers ....................................................................................................................... 79
Report Data.................................................................................................................................. 82

Report Overview
The Quality Characteristic Detail report provides information on s ample dat a based on characteristics
and multiple filters. Characteristic data can be shown in Statistical Process Control (SPC) charts or in
tabular format. Data can be filtered by several elements including entities, items, severity,
characteristics, QM specs, and sample name and frequency type.
A subreport named _QualityCharacteristicDetail is available by clicking Details View on the toolbar of
the MES Reports web page in SSRS. This subreport provides an image control for the SPC charts that
can be included in the Quality Characteristic Detail report.
The Quality Characteristic Detail Report requires that certain security policy settings for Reporting
Services are configured. Follow the instructions provided in the Reporting Service s Security
Configuration.txt file that is located in the <MES installation folder>\Intelligence Reports folder.
With millions of sample result records in the database, the time for this report to render is heavily
dependent on the number of charts being generated and the number of results included in the report.
E ven with a small number of charts and a few thousand results, this report takes 90 seconds to display
with large datasets. Hundreds of charts with many thousands of result records displayed on the order
of 5 minutes in the testing environment. Note that rendering large results sets requires a lot of memory
for reporting services.
In some cases, it is necessary to close the Quality Detail report and reopen it to run another report with
different filtering options. The majority of the time is spent in rendering the charts and tables by SQL
Server Reporting Services whic h AVEVA will continue to investigate.

Report Parameters
Parameter Default Dependency Allowed Description
Value on Other Selection

Time Period No No Single The time period for the report data. See
Time Range on page 93.
Shift All shifts No Multiple The shifts whose data will be included in
the report data.

Version 6.0 79
MES Intelligence Reports User Guide Quality Characteristic Detail Report

Parameter Default Dependency Allowed Description

Value on Other Selection

Start Date Current Day Time Period Single (from The start date for the report data.
Date picker)
This parameter is not applicable when the
Time Period parameter is any value other
than Date/ Time Range.
You can ent er the time for the Start and
End Dat e fields in 12-hour (am/pm) format
or 24-hour format. When you click View
Report, the time is converted to 12-hour
End Dat e Current Day Time Period Single (from The end dat e for the report data.
Date picker)
This parameter is not available when the
Time Period parameter is any value other
than Date/ Time Range.
Entity All entities No Multiple The entities to include in the report.
Item Category All item No Multiple The item categories to include in the
categories report.
Items All items No Multiple The items to include in the report.
Severity All severity No Multiple The severity levels to include in the report:
levels Unus ed, Not Monitored, Non-Key, Key,
and Critical.
Work Order All work No Work orders whose ID includes the
orders entered string will be included in the
report. If blank, all work orders will be
Operation All No Operations whos e ID includes the entered
operations string will be included in the report. If
blank, all operations will be included.
Sample All samples No Samples whose name includes the
Name entered string will be included in the
report. If blank, all samples will be
Sample All sample No Single The sample priorities to include in the
Priority priorities report.
If the Null check box is selected, all
priorities are included.
Clear the Null check box to enter the
integer of the priority level to include.
Sample All sample No Multiple The sample frequency type to include in
Frequency frequency the report.
Type types
Options are Shift, Calendar Time,
Production, Produced Lot Change, Job
Start, Manual, Job End.

80 Version 6.0
Quality Characteristic Detail Report MES Intelligence Reports User Guide

Parameter Default Dependency Allowed Description

Value on Other Selection

Process All No Processes whos e ID includes the entered

processes string will be included in the report. If
blank, all processes will be included.
Lot Number All lots No Lots whose number includes the entered
string will be included in the report. If
blank, all lots will be included.
Sublot All Sublots No Sublots whose number includes the
Number entered string will be included in the
report. If blank, all sublots will be included.
Characteris- All No Multiple The characteristics to include in the
tic characteris- report.
Spec All QM No Multiple The QM specs to include in the report.
Detail All columns No Multiple Choose the optional columns you want to
Columns to display in the Characteri sti c Detail Data
Display section. The optional columns are:
 Actual Sample Size
 Entity Name
 Sample Name
 Item ID
 Work Order ID
 Operation ID
 Segment Requirement ID
 Segment Response ID
 Lot Number
 Sublot Number
 Sample Note
 Specification Name
 Caus e Description
 Equipment
 Whether the sample to which the
result value originally belongs is in
control or not
Report All No Multiple The report sections to include in the
Sections report: SPC Chart and Characteristic

Version 6.0 81
MES Intelligence Reports User Guide Quality Characteristic Detail Report

Report Data
The report can include the following sections.
Filter Criteria
The time period that you had specified for the report and the other specified filters.
SPC Chart for Characteri stics
Displays each characteristic using the specified filter criteria and the settings defined for the QM
specification used by the most recent sample. This section has the following features:
o If multiple characteristics are selected, their charts are displayed in alphabetical order by
characteristic name, from top to bottom, using the default chart type as defined in the MES
o The chart uses the control limits for the last point plotted on the chart.
o The chart is an image and shows the most recent data, when there is more dat a returned by
the query than what fits on the chart.

Characteristic Detail Data

Each characteristic is listed alphabetically. The rows display the following data for each selected
o The result value.
o The local sample requested time.

82 Version 6.0
Quality Characteristic Detail Report MES Intelligence Reports User Guide

o Any other columns selected by you for display.

Version 6.0 83
MES Intelligence Reports User Guide

Common Issues and Resolutions
In This Chapter
Reporting Services Not Running .................................................................................................... 85
Report Created in Older or New Version ........................................................................................ 85
Report with Many Filter Parameters Will Not Run or Cannot Set All the Filters .................................. 86
No Data Source Configured in SSRS ............................................................................................. 86
Invalid View Definition ................................................................................................................... 87
SPC Chart Subreport Cannot Be Shown ........................................................................................ 87
Timeout Errors During Initial Model Deployment or Data Updates .................................................... 88
Data Fails to Load During Initial Model Deployment with Socket Connection Warnings/Errors ............ 88

Reporting Services Not Running

Error Description
SQL Server reporting service is stopped.
This error is usually caused when the SQL Server reporting service is stopped. The following figure
shows the message that appears when the servic e is not running.

Go to Windows Services and start the SQL Server reporting service.

Report Created in Older or New Version

Error Description
Compatibility issues with the report definition file versions.

Version 6.0 85
MES Intelligence Reports User Guide Common Issues and Resolutions

An older version of a report definition file (.rdl) is being used. The following figure shows the message
that appears when this error occurs.

Reconfigure the MES Intelligence Reports component in the post -install Configurat or to redeploy the
latest report files. See the MES Installation Guide or online help.

Report with Many Filter Parameters Will Not Run or Cannot

Set All the Filters
Error Description
Some of the reports such as the Quality Detail report have many filter paramet ers and many items
within each filter can be selected. While selecting the multiple filters, the report will appear to freeze or
take very long to load the filt er list for a parameter.
In some cases, the total length of the parameter list exceeds the default len gth set by SQL Server
Reporting Services.
The length of the parameter request must be modified in the SQL Server Reporting Servic es
web.config files. The files are located in the ReportManager and ReportServer folders under the
Reporting Services folder. Open the files and make the following modification:
<httpRuntime maxRequestLength="2097151" executionTimeout="9000" />
Once the setting has been changed, restart the SQL S erver Reporting Services service.

No Data Source Configured in SSRS

Error Description
No data source is configured in SSRS.
There is no data source configured in SQL Server Reporting services. The message that appears
when this error occurs is shown below.

86 Version 6.0
Common Issues and Resolutions MES Intelligence Reports User Guide

Reconfigure the MES Intelligence Reports component in the post -install Configurat or to redeploy the
latest report files. Specifically, ensure that the settings in the SQL Server Reporting Services Node
section of the component are correct. Check for errors in the Configurat or Configuration Me ssage s
box. For more information about deploying MES Intelli gence Reports, see the MES Installation Guide
or online help.

Invalid View Definition

Error Description
There is an invalid view or a view is missing in the database.
Some of the related data source tables or views are not available. Therefore, the view is invalid. The
message that appears when this error occurs is shown below.

Reconfigure the MES Intelligence Reports component in the post -install Configurat or to redeploy the
latest report files. Specifically, ensure that the settings in the Intelligence Database Node section of
the component are correct. Check for errors in the Configurator Configuration Me ssage s box. For
more information about deploying MES Int elligence Reports, see the MES Installation Guide or online

SPC Chart Subreport Cannot Be Shown

Error Description
The SPC Chart subreport cannot be shown in the Quality Characteristic Detail report.
 The Intelligence and MES Intelligence Report components are not installed on the same node.
 Cert ain security policy settings for Reporting Services are not configured to display the SP C Chart
subreport's .NE T control.
 Make sure that the Intelligence and MES Intelligence Report components are installed on the same
 To configure the security policy settings, follow the instructions provided in the Reporting
Services Security Configuration.txt file that is located in the Intelligence Reports\Reports
folder of the MES application folder.

Version 6.0 87
MES Intelligence Reports User Guide Common Issues and Resolutions

Timeout Errors During Initial Model Deployment or Data

Error Description
The initial deployment of the MES Intelligence model might have to retrieve large amounts of data from
the MES database, especially if the MES databas e was recently upgraded. While retrieving the data,
timeouts can occur within the WCF communication layer or in the SQL Query.
The amount of data requested by the Intelligence service is not returned before the timeout expires.
Follow the guidelines provided in Tech Note 453 for setting the various timeouts for WCF and SQL
You can search for this tech note from the Knowledge and Support Center web site. To access the
Knowledge and Support Center, start at the Contact Page and click
through the Customer Support links.

Data Fails to Load During Initial Model Deployment with

Socket Connection Warnings/Errors
Error Description
The MES Int elligence model deployment does not populate all the dimension tables and there are
socket connection warnings or errors. Dat a is retrieved for smaller datasets but not for the large ones.
This is similar to the issue described in Timeout Errors During Initial Model Deployment or Data
Updates on page 88 but is seen even after increasing the timeout settings.
E ven with the extended timeouts, the quantity of data being returned might exceed the maximum size
expected by the Intelligence Data Adapter Service.
Cont act Technical Support and provide the following information:
 The error messages being seen
 The dimension not being populated
 The number of records in the corresponding MES table
 A description of the problem
This information will allow Technical Support to determine if Hot fix L00149698 will resolve your issue.

88 Version 6.0
MES Intelligence Reports User Guide

Data Issues and Resolutions
Data issues might cause the reports to be inconsistent. Data issues could result based on the following
 When an existing older version of MES is migrated to the new version
 When the parameters required for reporting purposes are not configured in MES software

In This Chapter
Data Is Not A vailable in Most Reports ............................................................................................ 89
Historical Entries for a Line Not A vailable After a Line Name Change ............................................... 89
Line Information Not A vailable in Line Production Report................................................................. 90
Production Rate Information Not A vailable ...................................................................................... 90
UOM Conversion Information Not A vailable .................................................................................... 90
Standard Item at Entity, Line Information Not A vailable ................................................................... 90
Production Entity Information Not A vailable .................................................................................... 90
Failure E vent Information Not A vailable .......................................................................................... 90
Equipment Parameter List Is Empty or Partial List Is Shown ............................................................ 90
Item Parameter List Is Empty or Partial List Is Shown ...................................................................... 91
Incorrect Event Summary After E vent Reclassification or Split ......................................................... 91
Resolution .................................................................................................................................... 91
MESRDB HourlyUtilization Measure Table Has Historical Data B ut Not All of It ................................. 91

Data Is Not Available in Most Reports

No data is shown in most of the reports even though there is data in the dimensions.
All the reports except the Utilization by Entity and Utilization Analysis reports use the Production Day to
filter the returned dat a. The Production Day is associated with the entity shift history data and requires
that there to be at least one shift defin ed in the MES database.
At a minimum, define at least one shift in the MES database (it can be for 24 hours ) and assign it to the
top-level entity so that all child entities have the same shift schedule.

Historical Entries for a Line Not Available After a Line Name

If a line name is changed, you must redeploy the model (see Guidelines for Modif ying and Redeploying
the Model on page 15). Otherwise, historical entries for the line will not be included in the Line
Production report.

Version 6.0 89
MES Intelligence Reports User Guide Data Issues and Resolutions

Line Information Not Available in Line Production Report

When line information is not configured or is not available in MES, the Line Production report will not
have summary information.

Production Rate Information Not Available

When production rat e information is not configured or is not available in MES, the following reports
might have incorrect summary information or the summary information might be missing:
 Production By Entity
 Line Production
 OEE Analysis

UOM Conversion Information Not Available

When UOM conversion factor information is not configured or is not available in MES, the following
reports might have incorrect summary information or the summary information might be missing:
 Production By Entity
 Line Production

Standard Item at Entity, Line Information Not Available

When a standard item for an entity or a line is not configured or is not available in MES, the following
reports will have inc orrect summary information:
 Production By Entity
 Line Production

Production Entity Information Not Available

When a production entity is not configured or is not available in MES, the Line Production report will
not have summary information.

Failure Event Information Not Available

When failure events are not captured or are not available in MES, the following reports will not have
summary information:

Equipment Parameter List Is Empty or Partial List Is Shown

For the following reports, only a partial list of equipment will be shown or the equipment list will be
empty if the equipment is not marked to capture OEE, utilization, or QM data, or it is not capable of
running jobs. Only the equipment that can capture OEE, utilization, and QM dat a and can run jobs are
shown in the list.
 Line Production
 Production By Entity
 Utilization Timeline
 Utilization By Entity

90 Version 6.0
Data Issues and Resolutions MES Intelligence Reports User Guide

 Utilization Analysis
 OEE Analysis
 Quality Summary
 Quality Characteristic Detail

Item Parameter List Is Empty or Partial List Is Shown

For the following reports, only a partial list of items will be shown or the item list will be empty if the
items are not marked as produced items in the item class. Only the items that are marked as produced
item are shown in the list.
 Utilization By Entity
 Production By Entity
 Utilization Analysis
 Line Production

Incorrect Event Summary After Event Reclassification or

After an event is re-classified or split with an earlier event that causes it to be merged with a previous
event that has the same reason (both of which cause the record to be removed from the source), the
event summary will not be correct in the following reports:
 Utilization by Entity
 Utilization Analysis
 Utilization Timeline
This occurs because Intelligenc e cannot capture the changes properly when the records get deleted
from the source.

For all the issues except "Incorrect Event Summary After E vent Reclassification or Split," configure the
relevant data in MES for each of the above dat a issues to see the reports correctly.
For the issue "Incorrect E vent Summary After E vent Reclassification or Split," redeploy the Intelligenc e
model to capt ure the changes.

MESRDBHourlyUtilization Measure Table Has Historical Data

But Not All of It
When initially deploying the Int elligence model for MES against a database with large amounts of
existing data, the backfill process for the Hourly Utilization measure takes longer than all the other
dimensions and measures.
Once all the dimensions and ot her measures are backfilled, the process for the Hourly Utilization
measure will likely still be happening. As long as there are messages indicating that the processing is
continuing, then Intelligence is still working on it.

Version 6.0 91
MES Intelligence Reports User Guide Data Issues and Resolutions

In very large systems with millions of records, the servic e has been observed to take 3 to 4 minutes to
process each hourly bucket. For such a system, it may take days or weeks to complete the backfill
process per year of data.

92 Version 6.0
MES Intelligence Reports User Guide

Time Range
Based on the time range selection, the subtitle of the report content will be updated. This parameter
allows you to pick one of the following options.
Current Shift
Based on report execution date/time, select the current shift period (not ended yet).
Previous Shift
Shift prior to the current shift as defined above.
Current Day
Based on report execution date/time, select the current production day (not ended yet).
Current Week
Based on report execution date/time, select the current production week (not ended yet). Note that
the week is assumed to start on Sunday (day 0).
Current Month
When selected, the current month from the start of the month to the current date.
Previous Day
Day just preceding the current day as defined above.
Previous Week
Week just preceding the current week as defined above.
Previous Month
When selected, the data from the previous month, from the start of the month until the month end
date, will be included based on other paramet er selections.
Date/Time Range
When selected, you must enter a start date and an end date (calendar control, dat e only, no time)
and, optionally, manually enter a time. The default time is midnight.

Version 6.0 93

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