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Senior High School


Organizational Management

Learning Objectives:

At the end of the week, it is expected that the learners must be able to:
1. Understand and differentiate the fundamentals of business organizations
and management and
2. Discuss and integrate the planning, organizing, staffing, directing,
and controlling functions of management to current issue.

The accounting, Business and Management (ABM) track for grade 11 and 12
levels is expected to be the most popular career paths under the K to 12 program
ABM covers a range of job opportunities in the product and service sector of
the Philippine economy. The track prepares students for business management
programs at the collegiate level, as well as occupations in the skilled labor force as
operations technicians and service personnel.
Entitled Organization and Management: Concepts, Caselets, and Exercises,
covers the organization and management concepts required for college degrees,
technical and skills training, and entrepreneurship ventures.
The organization and management concepts serve as guidelines for
professions or academic programs in science, technology, and engineering, as they
cover general course sketches of these trades.
It focuses on organization and management concepts through developments
in the Philippine economy, as well as global statistics. The caselets and exercises
drill the students in the use of the ABM, with particular emphasis on organization
and management theories in diverse environments.
Caselets, or short cases of actual companies, although kept nameless, offer
problem-solving exercises to develop critical thinking and practical training
expertise for instructors and students alike.
Organization and management, therefore, offers an initial and easy compass
for life changes and challenges.

-The Authors
Directions: Fill in the blanks with the correct word or phrase. Write the letter only.
a. Management d. Innovation
b. Leading e. Efficiency
c. Organizing h. Effectiveness
d. Action plan i. Management levels
e. Planning j. Controlling
1. , or delivering strategic value, uses tools, such as the flowchart and
GANNT chart.
2. The terms downsizing, rightsizing, and reengineering are often used in the
function of managers.
3. New perspectives in , or mobilizing people, sometimes use the term
4. There is often negative connotation for the function of managers.
5. Top, middle and frontline are in an organization.
6. is the process of working with the people and resources to accomplish
organizational goals effectively and efficiently.
7. means organizational goals are achieved.
8. means goals are achieved with minimal waste of money, time, materials,
and people.
9. is the introduction of new products and services.
10.An ask the ‘what-where-when-how-how much’ questions for
management cases.

What comes into your mind when you hear the word management?

Management: Definition and Functions
Business environments are battlefields, and business organizations are engaged in
combat. Familiar business terms include globalization, competitive advantage, globalization,
and mobilization of resources. There is no doubt on the veracity of competition or
engagement in a business environment. One only needs to walk inside a mall, open social
networking sites, or simply surf the net to prove the business atmosphere skirmishes.

Comparative advantage: Rules of Engagement

QUALITY STANDARDS = are altered constantly, because human desires adjust with new and
modern technologies, in truth, innovation is a particular strategy for all business organizations
COST= Is a primary concern for consumers, s managers must never fail to address this to
INNOVATION = As the introduction of new products and services. With the new technologies
and an active social media via cyberspace, this competitive advantage aspect is growing at as
dizzying pace.
QUALITY = is defined as the ability of a product or service to meet costumers needs.

Think of a companies may be utility (communication, electric, petroleum/ gas and water
distribution), transport (land, sea, and air) or food service companies that they have
experiences or have knowledge of.
Evaluate the company as to quality, innovation, speed, cost, and service aspects.
Rating 1-5 1- poor 2- fair 3- good 4- very good 5- excellent
Quality Innovation Speed Cost Service aspects
5 5 3 5 4



III ; Managers: commanding officers

Every enterprises, therefore, needs its managers who function as commanding officers
in the business war. Bateman and Snell (2008) detail the functions and roles of managers as
1. Planning, or delivering strategic value;
2. Organizing, or building a dynamic organization;
3. Leading, or mobilizing people; and
4. Controlling, or learning and changing
Selected planning tools for managers and commanding officers, also listed in the CDS
toolkit for Philippine cites are
1. Simple frequency count, which allows prioritization of problems that need to be
addressed. The simple frequency count may be likened to an election tally, where the
candidate with the highest votes gets chosen by the voting public.
2. Flowchart, is a tool that puts key processes in symbolic patterns that are easy to
understand. The symbolic represent relationship sequences between and among
different task.
3. GANTT charts are useful for schedule and planning projects. The charts may be
considered a visual tool for the action plan.
4. Activity Network Diagram (AND) is a planning tool used to diagram activities is
sequence from start to finish; and
5. Plan-Do-Check-Act (PDCA) cycle is a problem solving model. It is also called as the
improvement storyboard model. It is a also called as the improvement storyboard
Organizing methods and structures have changed dramatically in recent years, in response
to shifts in global economies. Some terms that are now part of the language of managers and
senior executives in their organizing function are:
1. Downsizing, or the planned removal of position or jobs;
2. Rightsizing, means the efforts at achieving an appropriate size for effective enterprise
3. Costumer relations management (CRM) a function or enterprise unit tasked to focus on
interactive relationships with customer’s needs;
4. Reengineering, includes efforts to revolutionize organizational systems and process to
satisfy customer needs.
5. Total quality management (TQM), an integrative approach to management that
supports the realization of costumer satisfaction through an extensive variety of tools
and techniques that result in high quality goods and services; and
6. Just in time (JIT), which calls for subassemblies and apparatus to be produced in very
small lots and delivered to the next stage in the process exactly at the time needed.
Management Levels: Chain of Command
Top-level managers or senior executives are responsible for the overall management of
the organization. Middle-level manager’s report to top-level managers and are located in the
middle layers of the hierarchy. Frontline managers supervise the operational activities and are
also called operational managers.
Top-level Managers:
1. Establish high performance standards.
2. Institutionalize a set of norms and values to support cooperation and trust.
3. Create the corporate purpose and ambition.
Middle-level Managers:
1. Develop individuals and support their activities.
2. Link dispersed knowledge and skills across diverse units.
3. Manage the tension between short-term purpose and long-term ambition.
Frontline Managers:
1. Create and pursue new growth opportunities for the business.
2. Attract and develop resources.
3. Manage continuous improvement within the unit.

Direction: Study the following example of cases and make an action plan by
filling out the table.

Management functions and action plan

Your family business, a fast-food franchise in Quezon City mall, is creating another
outlet in a new mall in Caloocan City. Using the management function-planning, organizing,
leading, and controlling-create an action plan to implement the business expansion, using a
simplified case method template.

Problem statement: To recommend an action plan for the Caloocan City food service

Case Facts: The Caloocan City outlet has the same manpower requirements the
franchise in Quezon City: one store supervisor (College graduate with two-year experience);
two store assistants (college graduate with one-year experience); and three frontline staff (HS
with one-year experience).

The manpower training, materials, and machinery requirements for the expansion will
be provided by the franchisor. The money for the expansion is estimated at five million pesos
(Php 5,000,000), and will be provided by the family. The manager of the expansion will be
from family members, who will provide and direct the day-to-day operations and service
requirements of the business (finance, accounting, logistics, among others).

Action plan recommendation





Fixing skill

Congratulations on finishing the supplementary learning module. You have just had an
amazing learning journey and for sure you will also do the same in the succeeding modules.

Finally, please complete the statement below.

I have learned that

I wish to ask my teacher about



Direction: Match column A with column B. Write the letter only.

1. The ability of a product or service to
meet the customer needs.
2. The planned removal of positions or
jobs B
3. Efforts to revolutionize organizational
systems and processes to satisfy a. Downsizing
customer needs. b. Rightsizing
4. The efforts at achieving an c. Costumer relations manager
appropriate size foe effective d. Reengineering
enterprise performance. e. Total quality management (TQM)
5. An integrative approach to f. Just in time (JIT)
management that supports the g. Flowchart
realization of the costumer h. GANTT Chart
satisfaction through an extensive i. Quality
6. variety tools and techniques that j. Activity network
result in high quality goods and
10.A planning tool that puts a key
processes in symbolic patterns that is
easy to understand.
11.A planning tool that is used to
diagram activities in sequence from
start to finish.

7. A visual tool for scheduling and

planning projects.
8. A function or enterprise unit tasked
to focus or interactive relationships
with customers.
9. An organizing method that calls for
sub-assemblies and apparatus to be

Direction: Identify the management level being described in each statement.
Top-level managers (TLM)
Middle-level managers (MLM)
Frontline managers (FLM)

1. Manage continuous improvement within the unit.

2. Create the corporate purpose and ambition.
3. Develop individuals and support their activities.
4. Establish high performance standards.
5. Institutional a set of norms and values to support cooperation and trust.

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