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A funerary monument at Pompeii

Text and transl.: M. Osanna, ‘Games, Banquets, Handouts, and the Population of Pompeii as Deduced
from a New Tomb Inscription’, Journal of Roman Archaeology 31 (2018) 310–322.

Hic togae virilis suae epulum populo pompeiano On occasion of assuming the toga virilis, he
offered to the Pompeian people a banquet on
triclinis CCCCLVI ita ut in triclinis quinideni
456 three-sided couches so that upon each couch
homines discumberent (hedera). Munus 15 persons reclined. He offered a gladiatorial
show of such grandiosity and magnificence as to
gladiat(orium) / adeo magnum et splendidum
be able to be compared with (that of) any of the
dedit ut cuivis ab urbe lautissimae coloniae most noble colonies founded by Rome, since
416 gladiators participated.
conferendum esset ut pote cum CCCCXVI
Now, because his generosity coincided with a
gladiatores in ludo habuer(it ?) et cum / munus famine, for this reason he fed them for 4 years,
and the care he showed his fellow citizens was
eius in caritate annonae incidisset, propter quod
greater than that for his own patrimony; when a
quadriennio eos pavit, potior ei cura civium peck (modius) of wheat was quoted (valued) at 5
denarii [= 20 sesterces], he bought it and made it
suorum fuit quam rei familiaris; nam cum esset
available to the people for 3 victoriati [= 6
denaris quinis modius tritici, coemit / et ternis sesterces] a modius. Further, so that his
generosity would reach everyone, through his
victoriatis populo praestitit et, ut ad omnes haec
friends he distributed to the people one by one
liberalitas eius perveniret, viritim populo ad an amount of baked bread worth 3 victoriati [= 6
ternos victoriatos per amicos suos panis cocti
On the occasion of his show, which he had
pondus divisit (hedera). Munere suo quod ante / organised prior to the senatus consultum, for
every day of the games and for every combat
5 senatus consult(um) edidit, omnibus diebus event he provided animals of all species, without
distinction, for the hunts.
lusionum et conpositione promiscue omnis
And when Caesar had ordered that they deport
generis bestias venationibus dedit (hedera) / et, from the City beyond the two-hundredth mile all
the gladiatorial households [schools], to this
cum Caesar omnes familias ultra ducentesimum
man alone he [Caesar] granted that he restore
ab urbe ut abducerent iussisset, uni / huic ut [return] the two persons named Pompeius to
their home town.
Pompeios in patriam suam reduceret permisit.
On the occasion of his wedding, he gifted the
Idem quo die uxorem duxit, decurionibus sum of 50 bronze nummi [= 50 sesterces] to
every single decurion, to the people he gave 20
quinquagenos nummos singulis, populo denarios
silver denarii [= 50 sesterces] for each
augustalibus vicenos pagan(is) vicenos nummos Augustalis, and 20 nummi [= 20 bronze
sesterces] for each paganus.
dedit. Bis magnos ludos sine onere / rei publicae
He organised great spectacles on two occasions
fecit; propter quae postulante populo, cum without any burden upon the community.
For these things [deeds], with the people
universus ordo consentiret ut patronus
demanding it, when the entire local senate
cooptaretur et IIvir referret, ipse privatus agreed that he should be coopted as patron, and
the duovir [presiding magistrate] put the issue to
intercessit dicens non sustinere se civium
the local senate for a vote, he himself in a
suorum esse patronum. private capacity [as a private citizen] intervened
and said that he was unable to allow that he be a
patron of his own (fellow) citizens.

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