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International Conference on Electrical Engineering and Computer Science (ICECOS) 2019

Modelling of Polymer Coated-based Optical Fiber

Sensor for Moisture Measurement in Transformer
G.L.G. Pavan Kumar, M.H. Ahmad and M.Y. Mohd Noor Z. Nawawi*, M. A.B. Sidik, and M.I.
M.A.M. Piah Department of Communication Jambak
Institute of High Voltage and High Engineering, School of Electrical Department of Electrical Engineering,
Current (IVAT) Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Universitas
School of Electrical Engineerin, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia Sriwijaya
Faculty of Engineering, Universiti Johor Bahru, Malaysia Palembang, Indonesia
Teknologi Malaysia *
Johor Bahru, Malaysia

Abstract—— Optical fiber based on the polymer coating is The water quantity in the oil is measured by using Karl
one of the best options for water detection sensors in liquid Fischer titration, polarization and depolarization current,
insulation. The water diffusion can be simulated through the return voltage method and frequency domain spectroscopy
finite-element method (FEM) as it provides the finite element which are offline methods. The offline methods only give spot
analysis to determine the performance of the moisture sensor values where it misses the temperature dependency of the
based on optical fibers. In this work, a commercial COMSOL moisture [4]. The moisture is considered uniformly distributed
Multiphysics software was used for the FEM simulation of the in these methods, but it varies with load and time and the
coated optical fiber based moisture sensor. The response of the uniform condition is not achieved by forced oil cooling [5].
sensor was estimated for different thickness to select the coating
Water activity probe is popular nowadays for online
thickness before the hardware design to opt for the best
sensitivity. The electric field propagation used the 2D model and
measurement [6], but it is made of electronics which cannot
was estimated by using the boundary mode analysis and be used inside a power transformer. The water content in the
frequency domain study. Transport dilute species uses 3D model transformer oil is 10 ppm to 100 ppm for the temperature of 0
species to study the diffusion of water into the polymer by to 100 °C but at a normal temperature less than 10 ppm for
varying the thickness and concentration of water (mol/m3). The new oil [7]-[8].
light propagation was simulated based on electromagnetic fields Fiber optic sensors in the field of the power industry are
and water diffusion using Fick's law. The modelling of the
gaining a lot of interest [9]. Optical fibers are insensitive to
sensor was done, and the response time required for the sensor
EMI and suitable for severe electrical environments. There are
was estimated along with the effect of the electric field with
varying thickness of PVAc coating.
several optical fiber sensors are available for moisture and
water detection using a different polymer-based coating.
Keywords— PVAc, Fick’s Law, Power Transformer, Different types of Fiber Bragg Grating (FBG) is coated with
polyimide, PMMA for moisture detection [10][12]. The other
methods used were by observing the changes in the
I. INTRODUCTION evanescent wave scattering and transmitted power in optical
Moisture monitoring is very important in areas of high fiber due to change in the water quantity in the coating [7]-[8].
voltage insulation as the moisture may eventually lead to a
catastrophic failure. There are many sensors are available The PVAC is a strong dielectric, inexpensive and high
based on a capacitive, mechanical, resistive and optical thermal stable homopolymer material formed by
method for moisture detection. The water content in the polymerization of vinyl acetate monomer. This PVAc used in
transformer oil affects the properties of oil and leads to many applications for gas, moisture and humidity detection.
chemical changes. The PVAc is used in the application of capacitive and resistive
sensor for humidity measurement and it showed a good
The water already exists inside the transformer response in detecting the humidity and resistive sensor shown
components pressboard, oil, paper and wood and when the the linear response [13]-[15].
temperature rises inside the transformer it diffuses into oil and
form gas bubbles and increase gas concentration [1,2]. The However, none of the previous work utilized PVAcbased
other chance of entering is through the seal and gaskets due to coating optical fiber sensor with varying coating thickness. In
improper maintenance. The water in cellulose at risen this paper, the simulation is carried out on PVAc coated
temperature decays the mechanical strength of the cellulose optical fiber to investigate the performance by exposing the
by depolymerization process [3]. When the desorption sensing layer to the water of various concentrations and
happens, it decays insulation properties like dielectric thickness. Due to the above mentioned advantage of optics, it
constant, breakdown strength, overload capacity and forms is best to opt to use optical fiber inside the transformer for
gas bubbles in oil thereby leading to partial discharge and incessant condition monitoring of liquid insulation.
future failure of the insulation.


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International Conference on Electrical Engineering and Computer Science (ICECOS) 2019
The diffusion in the polymer is explained by Adolf Fick ( )= × (3)
using Fick’s law in 1855. The second law of the Fick’s is
derived by utilizing his Fick’s first law.
The first law of Fick’s [16] defined that the molar flux is IV. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION
correlated to the concentration under the supposition of steady The light propagation in the fiber is elaborated in the A
state condition. It suggests that the diffusion of flux is from a section and water diffusion in the PVAc polymer in the B
higher to lower concentration region, with amplitude is section.
proportional to ∇ . The common form of the Fick’s first law
is written as follows
A. Simulation Results of Electromagnetic Waves in Optical
= − ∇ (1) In the 2D COMSOL Multiphysics, wave optics module is
used to simulate the electromagnetic waves inside coreless
The (∇) gradient operator in the equation specifies the first optical fiber without and with PVAc coating. The coreless
derivative in two and above dimension space. For the species fiber of cladding radius is 125μm. The front boundary of the
i, Ni is the molar flux (mol/m3), Di is diffusion coefficient fiber is selected as port 1 which is excited, and the end
[cm2/s] and Ci is the concentration(mol/m3). boundary is selected as port 2 which is unexcited over the
cladding radius. Firstly, across the ports 1 and 2 boundary
Fick's second law [17]-[18] is an exceptional instance of
mode analysis were studied. The frequency mode in the wave
the convection-diffusion condition in which there is neither
optics module is used to study the electric field distribution
the advective transition nor net volumetric source. The
between the ports. The simulation is done on 1.2 mm optical
Fick’s second law is written as follows fiber with 1 mm length PVAc coating. The electric field norm
in V/m is shown in Fig. 1.
∇ (− ∇ ) = (2)

Ri is the reaction rate. From these two laws, the absorption

of the water by the polymer is simulated.

The simulation is carried out in 2 Dimensional and 3
Dimensional. The 2D is to study the boundary mode analysis
and frequency domain in fiber and 3D is used to study the
water diffusion characteristics in the polymer coated fiber. In
this study, the coreless optical fiber is utilized with water
sensitive PVAc polymer coated on the top of the coreless
fiber. The coreless fiber acts as a core with refractive index
1.444 and PVAc polymer coating acts as cladding. The water
sensitive polymer PVAc absorbs the water and it affects the
output power in the fiber. The response given by the sensor
depends on the thickness of the PVAc coating. The thickness
of the PVAc coat influences the time for the water to travel
from the outer layer to the boundary of coreless fiber and
PVAc. The properties of the PVAc is given in below Table I.


Definition Value

Density 1.19 [g/cm^3] Fig. 1. Electric field (a)without coating and (b) with 10 μm PVAc coating

Refractive index 1.467

Diffusion coefficient water in

of 2.03x10-7 [cm2/min]

The molar mass of the water is 18.00152 g/mol. Ci is

the concentration in (mol/m3) is converted to parts per million
(ppm) by multiplying Ci with the molar mass of the water
gives the concentration in ppm. The concentration in ppm is
given as follows


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International Conference on Electrical Engineering and Computer Science (ICECOS) 2019
Fig. 4 shows the same as the previous Figure 3 but in
planes view. From the results, it can be clearly seen that the
saturation of the water diffusion happens after a certain period.
Fig. 3 and Fig. 4 show the diffusion before and after the
saturation point.

Fig. 2. Average electric field in optical fiber for various PVAc coating

The average value of the electric filed norm is shown in

Fig. 2 as the thickness of the coating is increasing then the
average value of the electric field norm value is decreasing.

B. Simulation Results of water diffusion in PVAc Fig. 4. 10 µm PVAc coated fiber in planes view.

The PVAc is coated over the optical fiber for a length of 1 The simulations are repeated for 10 µm to 25 µm thickness
mm. The moisture absorption by the polyvinyl acetate coating PVAc layer in a step increment of 5 µm thickness with a water
on optical fiber mechanism is modelled and simulated using concentration of 1,10 and 18 ppm as shown in Fig. 5. Fig. 5
COMSOL MULTIPHYSICS. In this model, the transport of shows saturation time for different thickness 10, 15, 20, 25 for
diluted species physics in chemical species module is used to the concentration of 1, 10 and 18 ppm. The time taken
simulate the water diffusion in PVAc polymer. The water approximately by the water to reach the interface of coating -
absorbed by the polymer is given by the Fick’s law based on cladding boundary is given in Table II below where 180 ppm
water diffusion coefficient which is time dependent. A 3D results are also included. Table II shows the saturation time
geometry was used to simulate the optical fiber with a for various PVAc thickness and concentration.
cladding diameter of 125 µm. The fiber is coating with
different thickness of PVAc. The outer layer of the coating is
considered with different concentrations c0.c (mol/m3) of the TABLE II. THE SATURATION TIME REQUIRED BY PVAC
water, i.e. 0.056 mol/m3 (1ppm), 0.56 mol/m3 (10 ppm) and 1 PVAc
mol/m3 (18 ppm) to show the amount of water outside the fiber thickness (µm)
1 ppm 10 ppm 18 ppm 180 ppm
surrounding. All the initial concentration, c of PVAc coating
is considered to zero. For each simulation, the outer 10 22 s 26 s 27 s 29 s
concentration is considered constant for all the time of the 15 50 s 58 s 60 s 66 s
simulation. The diffusion of the water starts from the outer
layer to inside of the PVAc to PVAC-cladding interface. The 20 88 s 103 s 106 s 116 s
water diffuses from the high concentration region to low 25 136 s 159 s 164 s 179 s
concentration. The Diffusion coefficient, Dc (cm2/s) is given
in the transport properties. The PVAc data used for the
simulation are given in Table I.
Fig. 3 (a) and (b) shows the water diffusion in the 10 µm
PVAc coated fiber after 10 sec and 30 sec in 10 ppm
concentration of water slice view in XY- XZ plane.

Fig. 3. 10 µm PVAc coated fiber in slice view


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International Conference on Electrical Engineering and Computer Science (ICECOS) 2019

Fig. 6. Time response with varying the PVAc coating thickness at 180 ppm

The 15 µm thick PVAc coated optical fiber is suggested to

be suitable in the insulation oil. As the thickness is less its
response is faster but if the thickness is about to less than the
degradation of the polymer due to harsh environments, in the
long run, it would change the sensitivity of the sensor. This
study is not only for the selection of moisture sensor in
insulation oil it can be applied to the other applications like in
agriculture field for water content in the soil, in atmosphere
humidity detection and food processing industry, chemical
industry etc.

The simulation work has been carried out on the PVAc
coated optical fiber and its response was studied by varying its
thickness and concentration of water in the surrounding
medium. The electric field distribution in the fiber has been
also simulated with and without PVAc coating with varying
thickness. The time required by the sensor to sense the
response was calculated for a range of 10 to 25 µm thickness
with step increment of 5 µm. The optimized coating thickness
was also suggested. Further study is essential on the polymer
coating deformation and degradation in the harsh environment
inside a power transformer.
Fig. 5. Water diffusion in the PVAc vs Time for various concentration.
The diffusion reaches saturation point when the water The authors would like to acknowledge Universiti
reach from the outer boundary surface to PVAc-cladding Teknologi Malaysia, and Universitas Sriwijaya for providing
boundary and the time taken for it to reach saturation is research grants under vote numbers 16J61, 07G05, 04G81,
considered as saturation time. From the Table 2 at a particular 4B340, 4B341, 4B342, 4B383 and 4B377.
thickness, the saturation time is varying with the concentration
but if we look into the Figure 5 it can be clearly seen that to .
reach approximately 90-99% of concentration it almost took
equal saturation time. In this case, it is more dependent on the REFERENCES
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