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Universiti Teknologi Mara

Faculty of Education

TSL 641
TASK 2: Article Review

Name : Muhamad Fahmi bin Shamsuddin

Matrix no. : 2007295456
Class : Cohort 4 / Link 8
Lecturer : Mr. Wan Zulkifli
Date of Submission: 6 / 3 / 2011
Article Review

The title of this research is “Beyond Motivation: ESL / EFL Teachers’ Perceptions of the
Role of Computers” and it is a research article taken from CALICO Journal Volume 25 (2). This
research was conducted by Dr. Hoe Kyeung Kim who is an Assistant Professor of TESOL at
Cleveland State University in Ohio. Her research interests include teacher education, educational
technology, second language acquisition, culture and identity, and the practice of constructivism.

This article mostly discusses about the perception towards CALL. Based on my
understanding of this research, the significance is twofold, which means it has two significances.
The first aim of this study is to provide understanding of why and how language teachers could
integrate computers into their teaching practice. While, the second aim of this study through the
understanding of teachers’ perceptions, needs, or interests regarding CALL, is to provide
valuable input for the design and structure of teacher education programs. The research uses
interview as its basic method. The interview is conducted based on a grounded theory that was
used as a framework for this research. Thus, in this study, 50-minute interviews were conducted
with 10 ESL/EFL teachers. All participants were teaching-English-to-speakers-of-other-
languages (TESOL) graduate from University in western New York and have experience in
teaching, varied from 3 months to 28 years. They were all pursuing ACET certificate and share
an interest in utilizing computers in their future teaching practices. Most of them were in their
third or fourth semester of the TESOL program. According to the research article, the
participants range from the age of 25 to 45 years old where nine of them were female and eight
were nonnative English speakers. Among them, there are four Koreans, one Japanese, two
Taiwanese and one Venezuelan.

The finding of the research is derived from three main questions; How do the ESL
teachers perceive the role of computer technology in their classrooms? In what way do the
teachers believe that CALL can contribute to language learning? How do the teachers expect to
integrate CALL in their language classrooms? The answers for the first question on how the
ESL teachers perceive the role of computer technology in their classrooms were emerged into
three categories which are computer as a tool, computer as a motivator and computer as an
optional tool. The second question discusses on what way the teachers believe that CALL can
contribute to language learning. Most of the participants respond that CALL could support
student-centered teaching and increase students’ motivation. While for the third question that
asking about the expectation of teachers on how to integrate CALL in classrooms, most of them
answered that they were planning to use CALL actively, but slowly in a controlled manner.

In my opinion, this research is a well organized and really interesting because it deals
with the current issue of education which is the CALL’s integration. This research interest me
more as it is an authentic research that deals with the teaching issue that me, as a future ESL
teacher, is going to face soon when we are posted to school. Thus, it will be a platform for me to
understand more about teaching profession and what are the things I need to prepare and
improve before teaching in real prospective especially regarding the CALL’s integration in
school. In term of organization, I think it is a well conducted research. First of all, this research
successfully covered the teachers’ perspective on using CALL in ESL lessons because the
interview were conducted among graduate TESOL students who had experienced teaching for at
least 3 months varied from private tutoring to teaching at public junior-high schools and college.
Secondly, the research took over one semester and each participant were interviewed lasted
about 50 minutes. Moreover, the research question were semi structured and focused not only on
ESL/EFL teachers’ perception on CALL but also the beliefs about language teaching and
pedagogy, and expectations about the use of computers in ESL or EFL classrooms. Thirdly, this
research is assumed reliable as all the interviews were audiotaped and transcribed later which I
believe becomes the evidence that strengthen its reliability. In conclusion, this research will be
beneficial to all ESL teachers in Malaysia and worldwide as it provides lots of information
regarding the improvement of ESL lesson using CALL in classrooms. It gives some insight on
how language teachers could integrate computers into their teaching practice effectively which is
very important as the understanding of teachers’ perceptions, needs, or interests regarding CALL
will provide valuable input for the design and structure of teacher education programs in

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