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Self-assessment Change and Lifestyle

1. Grammar


2 Complete the message from Prunel’s CEO with the past simple or present perfect forms of the verbs in brackets.
I (11)______________ (receive) our company’s end-of-year results yesterday, and I am delighted to announce that it
(12)______________ (be) an excellent year for Prunel. As you all remember, we only (13)______________ (start) ten years
ago in a suburb of Grenoble where we (14)______________ (employ) six people, two of them part-time. Today, that number
(15)______________ (grow) to over 1,500. In more than 30 countries, people now associate the Prunel brand name with
trendy and trendsetting clothing designs. At the beginning of the new century, we (16)______________ (begin) targeting the
Japanese and North American markets for future growth, and things (17)______________ (improve) considerably since. You
will be pleased to hear that we (18)______________ (just / acquire) full control of our Canada-based joint venture. A lot of
other positive changes (19)______________ (take place) recently despite signs of a global downturn. Earlier this year, our
staff (20)______________ (expect) redundancies; instead, we (21)______________ (take on) 15 new shop assistants since
May. Besides, we (22)______________ (open) our new flagship store in Toronto three weeks ago. I know that our success is
down to all your hard work. Congratulations to you all.


3 Complete the expressions. Write one word in each blank.

on with aim down on please feel back

23 Starting: ‘OK. Let’s get ______________ to business.’

24 Setting objectives: ‘The ______________ of this meeting is to map out a new marketing strategy.’

25 Asking for reactions: ‘How do you ______________ about this suggestion?’

26 Dealing with interruptions: ‘Could you let him finish, ______________?’

27 Keeping to the point: ‘Perhaps we could get ______________ to the point.’

28 Speeding up: ‘I think we should move ______________ now.’

29 Slowing down: ‘Hold ______________, I think we should look at this in a bit more detail.’

30 Summarising: ‘Right, let’s go ______________ what we’ve agreed.’


4. Write the word based on the definition given

1. very early in the morning CR _ _ _ OF D _ _ _

2. body system the breaks down food and absorbs nutrients D _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ System
3. someone who works from nine o'clock to five N _ _ _ _ - TO – F _ _ _ _
4. Extreme tiredness, exhaustion F _ _ _ _ _ _
5. a complex response system that protects the body from bacteria, viruses, and other foreign substances IM____
5. Put in the context

Outsmart alter circulate determine deprive suffer being round

1. Supermarkets frequently stay open until 10 p.m. on weekdays, and sometimes even ___________-the- clock.

2. The firm _________________s its production plans to maximize its profit.

3. Their lives and the life of their town hung upon ____________ing their foes and deceiving them to walk into their trap.

4. Singing seemed to influence their psychological well-_______ and mental states significantly.

5. Changing your meal times could be enough to _______ one of your internal body clocks, researchers have found, giving us
new insight into the relationship between when we eat and our body's circadian rhythms.

6. I've been ________d of your company for too long - come and see me soon.

7. Hot water __________s through the heating system.

8. Do you ________ from (= do you have) any allergies?


Put headlines in the spots

Be comfortable Try fasting Skip naps Get right with the light Keep it regular Practice
relaxation Avoid noise Get daily exercise Eat early Keep it cool

Throughout the day, your internal clock rotates between sleep and wakefulness. This 24-hour sleep-wake cycle is known as
our circadian rhythm.
Your internal clock is located in a part of the brain called the hypothalamus. It responds to external cues that tell your body it’s
time to go to bed.

Sometimes, your circadian rhythm can get thrown off due to:

● shift work
● all-nighters
● jet lag
● traveling across time zones

Luckily, there are things you can do to improve sleep hygiene and reset your internal clock.

Here are 10 ways to work your way back to a good night’s sleep.

1. ___________
One of the best ways to fix your sleep schedule is to plan your exposure to light. When you’re exposed to light, your brain
stops producing melatonin, the sleep hormone. This makes you feel awake and alert. Darkness tells your brain to make more
melatonin, so you feel drowsy. In the morning, exposing yourself to light can help you wake up. Try opening the curtains,
taking a walk, or relaxing on the porch. At night, prime yourself for sleep by turning off or dimming bright lights. You should
also avoid glowing electronic screens from computers, smartphones, or television, as they can stimulate your brain for several

2. ____________

Making time for relaxation might help you sleep better.

When you’re stressed or anxious, your body produces more cortisol, the stress hormone. The higher the cortisol, the more
awake you feel. Creating a relaxing bedtime ritual may reduce stress and its negative effects on sleep. Focus on calming
activities, such as:

● yoga
● stretching
● meditation
● deep breathing
● journaling
● drinking caffeine-free tea

3. _________

If your sleep schedule is out of whack, avoid naps during the day. Napping can make it difficult to go back to sleep at night.
Long naps might also cause grogginess, which is the result of waking up from deep sleep. If you must nap, aim for less than 30
minutes. It’s also best to nap before 3 p.m. so your nighttime sleep isn’t disrupted.

4. __________________

One way to reset your internal clock is get regular exercise.

Most of your tissues — including skeletal muscle — are linked to your biological clock. So, when you work out, muscle
responds by aligning your circadian rhythm. Exercise also helps you sleep better by promoting melatonin production. Thirty
minutes of moderate aerobic exercise may improve your sleep quality that same night. However, you’ll get the best results if
you exercise regularly. Aim for 30 minutes of moderate aerobic activity at least five times a week. Keep in mind that evening
exercise can overstimulate your body. If you want to exercise at night, do it at least one to two hours before bedtime.

5. ____________

A quiet sleeping environment is a must for a good night’s rest. Your brain continues to process sounds, even as you snooze.
Loud, distracting noises can make it difficult to fall asleep or stay asleep. To remove loud noises, keep your television out of
the bedroom and turn it off before bedtime. Turn off your cell phone or use the “silent” setting. If you live in a noisy
neighborhood, white noise can help you get quality sleep. White noise is a soothing, steady sound that masks environmental
noise. You can create white noise by using a:

● fan
● air conditioner
● humidifier
● air purifier
● white noise machine
6. ___________________

Just before bedtime, your body temperature drops to prepare for sleep.

A cool bedroom temperature — between 60 and 67°F (15 to 19°C) — will help you feel comfortable and doze off. One 2012
study Trusted Source from the National Institutes of Health found that the temperature of the room where you sleep is one of
the most important factors in achieving quality sleep. Anything below 54°F (12°C) or higher than 75°F (24°C) might disrupt
your slumber, so be sure to adjust your thermostat.

You can also use an air conditioner or fan during warmer weather, or a space heater during cold weather. These offer the extra
benefit of creating white noise.

7. ____________

A comfortable bed is the best sleeping environment for a good night’s rest. Old mattresses and pillows can cause aches and
pains, making it difficult to get quality sleep. Generally, experts suggest replacing your mattresses every 10 years and pillows
every two years. You should also get a new mattress or pillow if you wake up feeling stiff, or if you feel more comfortable
sleeping on a bed away from home. The firmness of your mattresses and pillows is up to you. But if your mattress is saggy and
your pillows are lumpy, it’s time for a replacement.

8. _____________________

Your circadian rhythm also responds to your eating habits.

A late dinner can delay sleep, so eat your last meal two to three hours before bed. This will give your body enough time to
digest the meal. Eating dinner around the same time each day will also get your body used to a routine. It matters what you eat,
too. Heavy, high-fat meals might disrupt sleep because they take a while to digest. If you’re hungry, eat a light snack. The best
foods for sleep include a combination of carbs and protein, such as wheat toast and almond butter.

Avoid caffeinated drinks like coffee, tea, or energy drinks. As a stimulant, caffeine takes several hours to wear off, so have
your last cup before mid-afternoon. It’s also best to skip alcohol before bed. A nightcap might make you drowsy, but alcohol
actually disrupts your circadian rhythm, making it difficult to sleep well.

9. ________________

If you want to fix your sleep schedule, it helps to make one first. Choose a bedtime and wake-up time. Stick to these times
every day, even on weekends or days off. Try to avoid staying up or sleeping in for more than one to two hours. By following
a regular schedule, your internal clock can develop a new routine. Over time, you’ll be able to fall asleep and wake up with

10. __________________

When you eat and digest food, your internal clock knows that you’re awake. That’s because metabolism and circadian rhythm
are closely linked. On the other hand, fasting puts your body on “standby” so it can repair itself. Fasting is also a normal part
of sleep. Try skipping food just before bedtime. Since fasting naturally happens during sleep, it may help you doze off.

Plus, your body continues to burn calories during sleep. If you fast before bed, you’re more likely to feel hungry in the
morning. This might motivate you to rise early, then return to a normal sleep schedule over the next few days.

But remember, going to bed on an empty stomach can keep you awake. Fasting may be useful if you aren’t already hungry.

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