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Measurement of Customer Satisfaction towards

Online Shopping
[This dissertation is submitted for the partial fulfillment of the degree of Master
of Business Administration (MBA) with a major in Marketing]

Submitted By:

Md. Istiaque Karim

Matric ID: R 193141

Program: MBA
Trimester: Sum- 2020

Date of Submission: 5thmarch, 2021

Department of Business Administration Faculty of

Business Studies International Islamic University

Measurement of Customer Satisfaction towards
Online Shopping
[This dissertation is submitted for the partial fulfillment of the degree of Master
of Business Administration (MBA) with a major in Marketing]

Submitted By:

MD. IstiaqueKarim
Matric ID: R193141
Program: MBA
Trimester: Sum-2020

Supervised By:
Mohammed Nazmul Hoq

Assistant Professor
Department of Business Administration
International Islamic University Chittagong

Date of Submission: 5thMarch, 2020

Signature of Supervisor

Department of Business Administration Faculty of

Business Studies International Islamic University
5thmarch 2021 To
MBA Internship / Dissertation / OCP Committee
Department of Business Administration
International Islamic University Chittagong

Subject: Submission of the Dissertation.

Dear Sir,
Assalamu Alaikum Wa Rahmatullah.
I would like to thank you for giving me the opportunity of doing this assignment on this subject
to prepare the Dissertation. This task has been given me the opportunity to explore one of the
most important aspect of “Measuring Customer Satisfaction toward Online Shopping.”
It was an immense pleasure for me to have the opportunity to work on the above-mentioned
subject. I have delivered my best to come out with a good one. I would like to mention that there
might be some unintentional errors in the report. I am optimistic and strongly believe that you
will consider my shortcomings while you evaluate my paper. Thank you.

Sincerely yours,

Md. Istiaque Karim
ID No: R 193141
Program: MBA
Major in Marketing
Department of Business Administration
International Islamic University Chittagong


First, I am grateful to my Almighty Allah for providing me the ability to

understand and complete the huge task of preparing this dissertation.

I am very much grateful to my honorable supervisor, Mr. Mohammed Nazmul

Hoq, assistant professor of DBA for assigning me to prepare this report which
enriched my academic as well as practical knowledge and attitude. He also
provided me some important advices and guidance for preparing such type of new
idea based dissertation. I have the pleasure to submit the report on “Measuring
Customer Satisfaction toward Websites that market Online Shopping.” for your
kind evaluation.

In the end, I cannot help but mention that this paper is the outcome of days of hard
work. I give my endless thanks to the people who have contributed greatly behind
the completion of the dissertation. Without their help, this report would not have
been even completed within the deadline, let alone being a successful and helpful

Executive Summary
It has been in trend that all the content is designed according to the customers need and
which provides some kind of information that can benefit a customer. In this thesis, an effort
has been made for understanding the use and importance of Online Shopping deployed by
company/ website to gain new customers and securing the key customers, evaluating the
content marketing factors which are responsible for the consumers buying behavior and
analyzing their satisfaction are the main objectives. People living in Chattogram, Bangladesh
NCR were taken as samples and the framework of the structured questionnaire examined
how marketers can use digital platforms to develop customer satisfaction in Chattagram,
Bangladesh to increase their sales growth and market value. Questionnaire was divided into 3
parts: Demographic Profiles of the respondents, Customer’s perception about Digital
platform, Customer Satisfaction toward Websites that market Online Shopping and the last
phase is satisfaction profile which examines the satisfactory score of the consumers while
preferring a particular website to shop online great content can also determine the level of
sales. The results were analyzed and it emerged that digital content marketing has a high
significant impact on customers, and it is an important marketing tool type which cannot be
ignored by websites or companies. Content marketing strategy should include some feature
which can help to gain more satisfaction are properly designed in terms of spacing, language,
edit cart feature, security logo display, offers and discount should be available on special
occasions and festivals, feedback and review display for each product, live chat option
service, accurate and reliable information about the product should be on website. The study
have found A large number of the online shop customers are male (68%).Moreover Young
generation is the main user of online shopping space (18-30 years are 93%). Also Customers
are somehow satisfied with the quick and easiness of transactions. Though The online
shoppers are not yet trustworthy to the customers (61% dissatisfied). But reply of customers
request in online market space and willing to help the customers is in satisfactory level.

Description Page No.
Letter of Submission i
Student’s Declaration ii
Supervisor’s Declaration iii
Acknowledgements iv
Executive Summary v
Chapter - One
1.1 Introduction 02
1.2 Justification of the Report 03
1.3 Research Questions 03
1.4 Objectives of The Report 03
1.5 Scope of the Report 04
1.6 Limitations of the Report 04
Chapter - Two
Literature Review
2.1 Introduction 06
2.2 The Concept of Content, Digital Content Marketing Concept and Its Functions 06
2.3 Customer Satisfaction Factor and Its Importance In Digital Content 08
2.4 Legal remedies against e-commerce fraud 09
Chapter - Three
Research Methodology
3.1 Methodology 13
3.1.1 Research Design 14
3.1.2 Data Collection Method 14
3.1.3 Survey Questionnaire Design 15
3.1.4 Population 16
3.1.5 Target population 16
3.1.6 Sampling Area 16
3.1.7 Sampling Size 16
3.1.8 Sample Type 16
3.1.9 Statistical Tools Used for Data Analysis 16
Chapter – Four
Data Analysis
Reliability test of data and descriptive statistics ,Section I: Democratic profile of 18-22
the respondent
Section II: SERVQUAL Method Survey Questionnaire Measuring Customer 25-37
Satisfaction toward Websites that market Online Shopping.
Chapter – Five
Findings, Recommendations & Conclusion
5.1 Findings 39
5.2 Recommendations 40
5.3 Conclusion 41
References 42-44
Questionnaire 45-47


1.1 Introduction:
Online Shopping is one kind of marketing being broadly used to advertise goods and services to
reach customers using digital channels. It extends beyond online marketing including channels
that will not require the usage of Internet. It provides mobile phones (both SMS and MMS),
social media marketing, banner advertising, search engine optimization marketing and several
other types of digital media.

Through digital media, customers have access to information whenever and then for any place
where they desire. With the use of digital media, consumers do not just depend on just what the
company says regarding brand but additionally they are able to follow what the media, friends,
peers, etc.

To look at the utilization of digital channels in marketing from a customer relationship viewpoint
offers much assistance to a marketer. Brand communication could be persistent and personalized,
and various options for a dialogue exist. The benefits of this include learning from and about
customers, revealing certain requirements and interests, and being able to provide them with
more personal service. From the customer context, the web has given chance to get up-to-date
information with less effort to compare goods and services, and to get in touch with marketers.
Moreover, in a very digital environment, customers increasingly use self-service and also have
more choices to begin action (e.g. give feedback, check account balances, request and
personalize marketing communication). From the customer context, perceived valuation on using
digital channels and keep in touch with a marketer can come in several ways. It could be money,
time, information, convenience, entertainment, assistance, social interactivity, prestige, or
something else the customer enjoys. Building up a healthy relationship with a customer through
digital platform can have a huge impact on business growth. Online Shopping in Bangladesh
started in 2008. The popularity of Online Shopping has been increasing in Bangladesh since

This thesis examines how marketers can use digital platforms to develop customer satisfaction in
Chattagram, Bangladesh.

1.2 Justification of the Report:

Customer satisfaction is a marketing term that measures how products or services supplied by a
company meet or surpass a customer's expectation. Customer satisfaction is important because it
provides marketers and business owners with a metric that they can use to manage and improve
their businesses. Customer satisfaction is of paramount importance for every business, whether
small or big. Customer satisfaction is the only thing that will sustain and help grow a business in
the long term. The quality of your product or service is not enough to gather smart customers in
the perfect competitive market.

1.3 Research Questions:

The research objectives can be achieved through searching for answers to some particular
research questions. The questions applicable for this study have been stated below-
What are customers’ perceptions about digital market?

What are the factors of digital platforms and websites that make customer satisfied?

Why the customers are dissatisfied and how digital platform can be improved?

1.4 Objectives of The Report:

To study the Concept of Content, Digital Content Marketing Concept and Its Functions.

To identify the factors affecting the Customer Satisfaction on online shopping.

To identify the reason of dissatisfaction if any and to provide suggestions to improve the
level of customer satisfaction.

1.5 Scope of the Report:

The scope of the report was to find the effectiveness of Online Shopping. Online Shopping is the
key to hold an in-demand profession. Apart from these, there is a broad scope of Online
Shopping as promoting and branding business through digital media is the fastest and reliable
mode of marketing to target mass audience. The main basic scopes of the report are,

1. To understand online shopping market and websites.

2. To understand Online Shopping effectiveness.
3. To understand how Online Shopping works.
4. To understand how Online Shopping and websites has impact on customer satisfaction.

1.6 Limitations of the Report:

I have been tried my best to provide with all necessary information about Online Shopping. The
study in this field some problems were created that may be termed as limitations of the study.
They are as follows:

 The main limitation of the study is the time limitation; I had a very limited time for doing
this huge report.
 Geographic area of the report is limited within Chittagong city.
 People were not so communicative to give information.
 Some people were not intended to fill up the questionnaire.
 People are busy with their own work, they don’t even like to give 2 minutes to fill up the

With this limitation I tried my best to make this report authentic and worth reading.


Literature Review

2.1 Introduction:
A literature review is a text of a scholarly paper, which includes the current knowledge including
substantive findings, as well as theoretical and methodological contributions to a particular topic.
Literature reviews use secondary source, and do not report new or original experimental work.
This chapter connects the past research that has been done and can contribute to our research to
make it more effective. This chapter has discussed about the variables which are founded during
the research. Literature review mainly done on the basis of these variables. There is also a table
of the previous literature review which helps us to establish our research findings.

2.2 The Concept of Content, Digital Content Marketing Concept

and Its Functions:
Content marketing and content strategy elements are different from each other (Rose, 2013).
Content marketing can be defined as the creation and dissemination of valuable and relevant
content in order to build a long-term relationship to attract target group and thus gain them
whose demands and expectations are clearly defined and understood. Accordingly, content
strategy is a concept prepared to strengthen ties between customers and companies and it also
details product's features, functions and differences. The prepared content not only shall be
entertaining and inspiring but also it should form talks about the product and donates new
information to the customer (Han bury, 2011). While creating content, it should be formed
according to which media direction it shall be used in (social media, blogs, magazines, etc.).
Because these environments are different from each other and so are their user profiles.
Therefore, it would be different for the prepared content to be accepted and perceived by the
users. The prepared content shall be;
• Shareable,
• Easy to understand,
• Incentive,
• Easily accessible,
• Absorbing (Lei tag, 2011)
While content is being prepared, analyzing target customers and driving their attention are essential
factors. That the prepared content is innovative, enjoyable, and bears unusual features is

important in terms of adoption and dissemination of this content (Swank, 2014). As already
mentioned before, content marketing is created in order to attract and bound tie with the target
customers, whose demands and expectations were clearly identified, by means of several factors.
With the help of valuable content creation, the customers are tried to be directed as required.
Besides, content marketing is also can be defined as the process of creating continuous value
through which customer behaviors can be changed and directed (Pulizzi ve Barret, 2009).
Similarly, digital content marketing is creation of awareness with the customers towards
products and services by drawing attention of target group and potential customers; building
content suitable for the demands of the customers and distribution of content via digital channels
(Penpece, 2013).
Digital content marketing is also used in marketing strategies, in which page designs, graphics,
texts and videos are found, which are informative, create value for the product and make
consumer a customer. All these things are created with the help of content marketing for the
products which the companies think to market either online or offline. The customers find it easy
to get the information about the product they wish to buy thanks to high access level of
Digital content marketing is therefore intended to establish a relationship based on trust and
communication by responding consumers’ demands (Karkar, 2015). We can give the following
examples for a better understanding of the digital content marketing techniques. A brand
manufacturing cell phone can offer a phone on the market, which emits zero radiation, so as to
draw attention of consumers who pay attention to the wellness criteria. In addition, a company
manufacturing, unlike its competitors, camcorder or camera may introduce some new products
which are waterproof, high-quality recording under vibration; provide WI-FI and GPS and
recharge itself using solar energy, and with help of digital content marketing through which the
demands of the consumers are taken into consideration and thus the product shall be promoted.
The aim of digital content marketi
ng is to transmit the original and valuable content, which is impressive indeed, to the consumers
and therefore help them to make the right decision. With the digital content marketing, the
customers are provided with the precious information through which they may get rid of
complexities of marketing activities and so a positive impact is created in the minds of
consumers by which a long-term customer loyalty is established and will be reinforced. In

particular, it should be noted that content marketing has an educational structure and, therefore,
focuses on communication rather than sales. As a result, it can be said that consumers want to
change knowledge and experience with loyalty (Rahim and Clemens, 2012).
Similarly Hillenbrand (2014) argued that communicating with customers and maintaining this
communication rather than promoting the sale of products should be one of the main objectives
of content marketing. The leading reason of businesses to use digital content marketing is to
establish a qualified relationship with the consumers, and to help to build better marketing
strategies. For this reason, the most commonly used content type is the written one; however,
videos, info graphics, etc. are used in forums (, 2013). Social media, web sites,
news, blogs, etc. can be considered suitable for this type of content to be published and social
media is the most widely used one (Sluis, 2014). It is seen that with increasing use of Online
Shopping and social media, the budget allocated to marketing activities in these areas also appear
to go up(Foruouzandeh et al, 2014). Besides, the development of the internet has led to an
increase in digital content markets. The increase in digital markets has led to an increase in
number of those using digital media. Moreover, the increasing number of digital market
customers has also improved and increased the number of studies on the electronic channels
(Azad et al, 2016).

2.3 Customer Satisfaction Factor and Its Importance In Digital

Content Marketing:
The increase in the rate of purchases made over the internet makes it necessary to ascertain how
and why consumers prefer internet while shopping (Lin, 2007). Apart from the basic functions of
a website, it should also use marketing activities which put emphasis on customer knowledge
and satisfaction to achieve success. Online retailers may also increase customer satisfaction and
loyalty with the information regulated according to customer requirement and with more
affordable options alike (Verhoef, 2001).
The value created for the product is an important factor in the establishment of consumer
satisfaction and plays an important role in fulfilling the consumer's purchasing condition. While
determining size of the benefit regarding the product he/she is going to buy, the consumer gets

reference from the valuable content generated for theproduct (Lin, 2003). Basic elements of
content marketing to ensure customer satisfaction are as followings;
• Innovation
• Accuracy
• Confidence
• Fulfillment of expectations.
The realization of the intended consumer satisfaction depends on the effectiveness of prepared
content marketing strategy. Customer satisfaction has positive results for retailers in that it
provides them with keeping the attention of the consumer for a long-term and spreading
consumer satisfaction as word of mouth (Zeithaml, 2000).
As the consumer has the opportunity only when they get the product in the purchases made over
the internet, the characteristics of sold products and their usage directions must be consistent
with the instructions given on the site, for it is of great importance in terms of consumer
satisfaction. When the purchased product meets the demands of consumer, his/her comments on
the blogs and product page would be quite positive, which is of great importance for the
company in terms of gaining new consumers. The services offered by online retailers can be
sorted into three categories: pre-sale, sale, post-sale (Liu and Arnett, 2000). Pre-sale phase
includes efforts to draw the attention of consumers by providing easy access to the reasonable
prices. The online consumer purchase activity takes place in giving order and paying time. Post-
sale phase covers transmission, solutions of problems and related services (Lın, 2007). With the
valuable content, difference of the product, the innovative nature and the benefits from it may
tried to be shown in social media, blogs, internet articles through which the consumer may move
towards the product. In post-sales phase, the valuable content which plays an important role
when the customer chooses a product should be consistent with the previously provided content
and it should be accurate as well. Whether the content created by consumers is positive or critical
depends on the satisfaction provided to the consumer.

2.4 Legal remedies against e-commerce fraud

THE COVID-19 outbreak has made people more dependent on online shopping platforms for the
purchase of their daily necessities as governments across the world have imposed restrictions on
public movement and social gathering. Although the restrictions are eased now in many

countries, including Bangladesh, a large number of people have stuck to online shopping for
various reasons. Online shopping saw a surge well before the COVID-19 outbreak and has now
But what is worrying is that many buyers face fraudulence while buying online; news of such e-
commerce fraud has made the headlines many times in the recent past, especially since the
COVID-19 outbreak. Many customers with little knowledge of the process of online shopping
have ended up being deceived. There are allegedly organized groups that run online shopping
platforms and Facebook pages, post attractive advertisements of products, promise to deliver the
products to buyers for a nominal courier service fee; but the customers do not get the goods they
order in many cases.
In a such a situation, what is worth thinking is how the deceived customers can seek justice and
where they can lodge their complaints and what are the provisions in the laws regarding the
fraudulent activities in e-commerce.

There are some laws which are applicable to e-commerce podium. There are, for example, the
Penal Code 1860, the Contract Act 1872, the Sale of Goods Act 1930, the Special Powers Act
1974, the Bangladesh Standards and Testing Institution Ordinance 1985, the Consumer
Protection Act 2009 and the Trade Marks Act 2009, etc, which are and can be used to resolve e-
commerce fraudulence issues.
According to Section 52 of the Contract Act 1872, when purchasers click the button ‘I Agree’ or
‘Purchase’, they acknowledge the contract and if any party breaches the contract, other party can
take action under Section 53 of the act and they can also claim compensation for the breach of
contract under Section 54 of the act. Although the e-commerce podium is not mentioned in those
provisions, they can be used to adjudicate the legal issues.
Sections 264–267 of Chapter XIII of the Bangladesh Penal Code 1860 give guidelines on false
instrument of weighing and fraudulent use of weight which are punishable by fine and/or
imprisonment. If we apply it to e-commerce podium, it can be used as a safeguard against the
fraud related to the issue of faulty weights.
Trademark issues are also very important in ending e-commerce fraud. Sections 71–78 of the
Trademark Act 2009 are evidently devised to suppress fraudulence related to falsely applying
trademarks, trade names or exaggeration of trademarks.
The Sale of Goods Act 1930 dictates the contract related to the sales of goods. According to
Section 56 of the act, if buyers wrongfully reject to buy the good, sellers can file cases against

them for non-acceptance. Similarly, cases can also be filed against sellers by customers if the
sellers do not deliver the product.
Sections 30–32 of the Bangladesh Standard and Testing Institution Ordinance, 1985 provide for
some guidelines which protect certain rights of consumers by considering some acts as offences
such as the improper use of standard mark and disregard of export or sale restrictions.
According to Section 25C of the Special Powers Act 1974, if sellers sell adulterated food,
articles, drinks, cosmetics that are injurious to health, sellers can be punished with death penalty
or with life imprisonment or with rigorous imprisonment for 14 years. The provision can also be
used to e-commerce.
Sections 40–51 of Chapter IV of the Consumer Protection Act 2009 provide for guidelines on the
punishment for any act that threatens the rights of consumers. To file complaints, there are some
grounds under which the complaint can be lodged and they are: when any product, services or
medicine is sold at a rate more than the fixed rate; when any adulterated product or medicine is
sold knowingly; when any adulterated food product that is injurious to health is sold; the sse of
false statements in advertisement in order to deceive buyers; non-delivery of any product or
services after payment; giving short measure; manufacturing or producing spurious medicines;
when any expired medicine or product is sold; and when any defective product or unsatisfactory
services are provided.
Illegal data collection and intentional obstruction of computer systems of customers, as is alleged
to have happened in some cases, will fall under the category of cyber threats and, therefore, can
be dealt with relevant laws.



3.1 Methodology:
Research methodology is the specific procedures or techniques used to identify select, process
and analyze information. it plays a significant role in accumulating the relevant data and
information. This includes a discussion of the research design, data collection methods,
population, survey questionnaire design, population, sampling area, sample size, sample type and
statistical tools used for data analysis.

Research methods
Research methods are specific procedures for collecting and analyzing data. Developing your
research methods is an integral part of research design. When planning your methods, there are
two key decisions will make?
First, decide how will collect data. Methods depend on what type of data needs to answer
research question:

a. Qualitative vs. quantitative: Will data take the form of words or numbers?
Quantitative research “describes, infers, and resolves problems using numbers. Emphasis is
placed on the collection of numerical data, the summary of those data and the drawing of
inferences from the data”.

Qualitative research, on the other hand, is based on words, feelings, emotions, sounds and other
non-numerical and unquantifiable elements. It has been noted that “information is considered
qualitative in nature if it cannot be analyzed by means of mathematical techniques. This
characteristic may also mean that an incident does not take place often enough to allow reliable
data to be collected”.
b. Primary vs. secondary: Will collect original data yourself, or will use data that has
already been collected by someone else?
c. Descriptive vs. experimental: Will take measurements of something as it is, or will
perform an experiment?

Second, decide how will analyze the data.
 For quantitative data, can use statistical analysis methods to test relationships between

 For qualitative data, can use methods such as thematic analysis to interpret patterns and
meanings in the data.

3.1.1 Research Design:

The main aim is to find the additional information about the research topic. Where I tried to
come up with a new insight with the existing problem. Basically, in this process I have to go
deeper into the subject matter so that I can provide elaborate description of the problem.
Through this research, it may extend the knowledge on that particular matter. So in that sense it
is Descriptive research. This report is all about the survey of measuring customer satisfaction
about Online Shopping so it is design structural SERVQUAL method questionnaire as like
demographic profile and likert scale, so it is a qualitative research.

3.1.2 Data Collection Method:

For this study I have to collect data from both primary and secondary sources. Though Most of
the information was collected from primary sources. My core research components were based
on Online Shopping. So I targeted the people who have high access on internet usages.
I have conducted survey on online basis through Google-form. It has provided first hand data
through internet systems. Moreover this data’s are collected within a very short possible of time.
I had sent to my respondents via social platform about the questionnaire and asked for their
active participation. It was a great success when i found out the active participation of respondent
and it has taken our research performance in a great new level. And lastly collected data helped
identified the people of Chattagram perception towards Online Shopping. Primary Data Collection:

Data have been collected through questionnaire survey among the people. Questionnaire has
been designed to find out the customer satisfaction to ward websites.

14 Secondary Data:
Besides this, secondary data was also used such as: library books, internet sites, textbooks,
journals, articles, thesis and dissertations that have been documented by past researchers.

3.1.3 SERVQUAL Survey Questionnaire Design:

For gathering descriptive information, the most suitable approach is survey, which can be
structured or unstructured. A structured survey is conducted using questionnaire forms and is
called structured because all the respondents are asked in the same way. The questionnaire
consists of close-ended simple questions regarding the key points of perception of Online
Shopping. Close-questions are profession, gender, age, Income level, media preference of Online
Shopping. While filling in the list of questions concerning informative advertising, truthfulness,
Reliability and Usefulness, respondents were asked to rate them from strongly agree to strongly
disagree. The scale used in the qualitative research form was made on the basis of Likert scale,
which has five levels: from strongly disagree to strongly agree, including answer neutral. The
Likert scale was early designed by Likert (1932).In the questionnaires I kept the following points
in mind:

The number of questions was as few as possible.
 Questions were logically arranged.

 Questions were short and simple.

 Questions of sensitive nature were avoided.

 Answer to questions was not required any calculations.

The questionnaire has been divided by two parts. First one is the demographic analysis where it
represents the respondent’s gender, age, education, occupation and income level. Then I have
covered some basic questions about customer’s perception about social platform in the
2ndsection. Then in the 3rd section I have adopted some questions to measure the customer
satisfaction toward websites that market Online Shopping.
There are 18 questions that has been revised from those author’s article Hardik Panchali
(2018),Yi-Shun Wang, Tzung-I Tang, Jeung-tai Eddie Tang (2001), Ahmet Andaç 1, Ferdi
Akbıyık2 & Ahmet Karkar3 (2016) to analyze the Customer Satisfaction Factor in online

3.1.4 Population:
The population designed for this study was limited to the people of Chattagram City who use
social media. It is not possible for me to reach all the people. But I tried my level best to reach
them and collect the authentic information.

3.1.5 Target population:

The targeted population are all the people who knows about the internet, active on social
networking sites and have a little bit of knowledge on Online Shopping.

3.1.6 Sampling Area:

To conduct this research, I had chosen the different platforms of social media. Like Facebook,
messenger, whatsapp, instagram.

3.1.7 Sampling Size:

The sample was comprised of 122 respondents spread across different platforms of social media.

3.1.8 Sample Type:

The age of the respondents was range from under 18 to above 45 years. The members of the
sample are selected randomly as it is used to get a fairly accurate cross-section of the population
and to ensure purity of research results.

3.1.9 Statistical Tools Used for Data Analysis:

After the data was collected it was organized and analyzed. For analysis of closed-ended
questions, computer program was used. Data was analyzed by using descriptive statistics.
Frequency tables were drawn and from these the data was presented in pie diagrams and bar


Data Analysis

Reliability test of the survey data

The ability of an apparatus, machine or system to consistently perform its intended or

required function or mission on demand and without degradation or failure
Name of Variable Cronbach’s Alpha N of Items
Total 0.67068 13

Analysis: According to the given questionnaire I found 13 questions based on that questionnaire.
I find out total of their reliability Cronbach's Alpha value is 0.67068, according to rule is its fit
because the values cross o.65.

Descriptive Statistics:
Descriptive statistics are brief descriptive coefficients that summarize a given data set, which can
be either a representation of the entire population or a sample of it. Descriptive statistics are
broken down into measures of central tendency and measures of variability or spread.
Descriptive Statistics
N Minimum Maximum Mean Std. Deviation
The online shop is visually 122 5.00 1.00 24.4 23.62
The physical layout and the 122 4.00 1.00 30.50 21.00
facilities that Online Shoppers
offer to its customers
It is quick and easy to complete 122 5.00 1.00 24.4 25.10
a transaction at the present
online shops
The online shop delivers on its 122 4.00 1.00 30.50 27.32
undertaking to do certain things
by a certain time
The online shop shows a sincere 122 5.00 2.00 24.4 25.59
interest in solving customer
The online shop has adequate 122 4.00 2.00 30.50 30.5
security and Transactions with
the online shop are error-free
I believe the online shop is 122 1.00 4.00 24.4 24.85
The online shop instills 122 5.00 2.00 24.4 25.83
confidence in customers
My overall opinion of the 122 5.00 2.00 24.4 20.77
services provided by online
shop is very good
Overall, I am satisfied with 122 5.00 2.00 24.4 23.84
online shop online experience:
I think the online shop gives 122 5.00 2.00 24.4 24.74
prompt service
I believe the online shop is 122 4.00 2.00 30.25 28.61
always willing to help
I believe the online shop is 122 5.00 2.00 24.4 17.56
never too busy to respond to
customer requests

Section I
Demographic profile of the respondents

1. Gender:
Table-1: Gender

Frequency percentage
Male 68 56%
Female 54 44%
TotalSampleSize & 122 100%
Source: Survey through online.



Source: Survey through online.

Analysis: By the above graph we can see that about 56% respondent are male and 44% are
female. So I can say most of the male respondents are active on social platform.
2. Age :
Table-2: Age

Frequency Percentage
Below 18 years _ 0%
18-30 years 113 93%
31-45 years 7 6%
Above 45 years 2 1%
TotalSampleSize& 122 100%
Source: Survey through online.

1% 0%

below 18 years
18-30 years
31-45 years
above 45 years

Source: Survey through online.

Analysis: By this study we can see 93% of respondents are from the age group 18-30, 6% are
from the age group 31-45 and 1% are from 18-30 years.

3. Education:
Table-3: Education

Frequency Percentage
SSC 1 1%
HSC 6 5%
Honors and above 115 94%
TotalSampleSize& 122 100%
Source: Survey through online.

1% 5%

Honors and above

Source: Survey through online.

Analysis: Here statistics shows that the education level of 94% respondent are honors and above,
5% of them studies HSC and the rest of the respondent studies SSC.

4. Occupation:
Table-4: Occupation

Frequency percentage
Student 75 62%
Service holder 21 17%
Business person 10 8%
Housewife 11 9%
Others 5 4%
TotalSampleSize& 122 100%
Source: Survey through online.


9% 4%
Service holder
62% Business person

Source: Survey through online.

Analysis: By the above graph we can see 62% of the respondents are student, 17% of them
are service holder, 9% are housewife, 8% are business person and remaining respondent do
their job on other sector. It clearly shows that most of the students are active in social

5. Monthly income :
Table-5: Monthly income

Frequency percentage
Below 10,000 67 55%
10,000-25,000 40 33%
25,000-50,000 10 8%
Above 50,000 5 4%
TotalSampleSize & 122 100%
Source: Survey through online.


8% 4%

Below 10,000
33% 55% 10,000-25,000
Above 50,000

Source: Survey through online.

Analysis: Statistics shows that 55% respondents monthly income are below 10,000/- , 33%
of them earns 10,000/- to 25,000/-, 8% of the respondent earn 25,000/- to 50,000/- and rest
of the respondent earns above 50,000/-.It means most of the people whose earning is below
10,000 are mostly active in the social platform.

Section II
SERVQUAL Method Survey Questionnaire Measuring Customer
Satisfaction towards Online Shopping.
6. The online shop is visually appealing:
Table-6: The online shop is visually appealing
Responses Frequency Percentage
Highly Satisfied 65 53%
Satisfied 15 12%
Neutral 36 30%
Dissatisfied 4 3%
Highly Dissatisfied 2 2%
Total Sample Size & 122 100%
Source: Survey through online.

The online shop is visually appealing




3% 2%

Highly Satisfied Satisfied Neutral Dissatisfied Highly Dissatisfied

Source: Survey through online.

Analysis: Statistics shows that 65% of the respondents are satisfied & highly satisfied, 30% of
the respondents are Neutral and 5% of the respondents are dissatisfied & highly satisfied with the
statement of online shop are visually appealing; It implies that 65% respondents are satisfied of
online shop are able to appeal visually to their online customer.

7. The physical layout and the facilities that Online Shoppers offer to
its customers:

Table-7: The physical layout and the facilities that Online Shoppers offer to its customers
Responses Frequency Percentage
Strongly Agreed 52 43%
Agreed 13 11%
Neutral 47 38%
Disagreed 10 8%
Strongly Disagreed 0 0
Total Sample Size & 122 100%
Source: Survey through online

The physical layout and the facilities that

Online Shoppers offer to its customers


Strongly Agreed Agreed Neutral Disagreed Strongly Disagreed

Source: Survey through online.

Analysis: Statistics shows that 54% of the respondents are satisfied & highly satisfied, 38% of
the respondents are Neutral and 8% of the respondents are dissatisfied & highly satisfied with the
statement of physical layout and the facilities that Online Shoppers offer to its customers. Now it
indicates that 54% customer are satisfied above statement of physical layout and the facilities
that Online Shoppers offer to its customers.

8. It is quick and easy to complete a transaction at the present online shops:
Table-8: It is quick and easy to complete a transaction at the present online shops

Responses Frequency Percentage

Strongly Agreed 59 48.36%
Agreed 10 8.20%
Neutral 43 35.25%
Disagreed 8 6.56%
Strongly Disagreed 2 1.64%
Total Sample Size & 122 100%
Source: Survey through online

quick and easy to complete a transaction

at the present online shops


8.20% 6.56%

Strongly Agreed Agreed Neutral Disagreed Strongly


Source: Survey through online.

Analysis: Statistics shows that 56.56% of the respondents are satisfied & highly satisfied,
35.25% of the respondents are Neutral and 8.2% of the respondents are dissatisfied & highly
satisfied with the statement of quick and easy to complete a transaction at the present online
shops. Now it indicates that 56.56% customer are satisfied above statement of quick and easy to
complete a transaction at the present online shops.

9. The online shop delivers on its undertaking to do certain things by a
certain time:
Table-9: The online shop delivers on its undertaking to do certain things by a certain time
Responses Frequency Percentage
Highly Satisfied 66 55%
Satisfied 10 8%
Neutral 38 30%
Dissatisfied 8 7%
Highly Dissatisfied 0 0%
Total Sample Size & 122 100%
Source: Survey through online

The online shop delivers on its undertaking to

do certain things by a certain time



8% 7%

Highly Satisfied Satisfied Neutral Dissatisfied Highly Dissatisfied

Source: Survey through online.

Analysis: Statistics shows that 63% of the respondents are satisfied & highly satisfied, 30% of
the respondents are Neutral and 7% of the respondents are dissatisfied & highly satisfied with the
statement of the online shop delivers on its undertaking to do certain things by a certain time.
Now it indicates that 63% customer are satisfied above statement of the online shop delivers on
its undertaking to do certain things by a certain time.

10: The online shop shows a sincere interest in solving customer problems:

Table-10: The online shop shows a sincere interest in solving customer problems:

Responses Frequency Percentage

Highly Satisfied 8 7%

Satisfied 62 51%

Neutral 40 33%

Dissatisfied 9 7%

Highly Dissatisfied 3 2%
Total Sample Size & 122 100%
Source: Survey through online

The online shop shows a sincere interest in solving

customer problems



7% 7%

Highly Satisfied Satisfied Neutral Dissatisfied Highly Dissatisfied

Source: Survey through online.

Analysis: Statistics shows that 58% of the respondents are satisfied & highly satisfied, 33% of
the respondents are Neutral and 9% of the respondents are dissatisfied & highly satisfied with the
statement of the online shop shows a sincere interest in solving customer problems. Now it
indicates that 63% customer are satisfied above statement of the online shop shows a sincere
interest in solving customer problems.

11 : The online shop has adequate security and Transactions with the online
shop are error-free:

Table-11: The online shop has adequate security and Transactions with the online shop are error-free.
Responses Frequency Percentage
Highly Satisfied 9 7%
Satisfied 64 53%
Neutral 40 33%
Dissatisfied 9 7%
Highly Dissatisfied 0 _
Total Sample Size & 122 100%
Source: Survey through online

The online shop has adequate security and Transactions

with the online shop are error-free


7% 7%

Highly Satisfied Satisfied Neutral Dissatisfied Highly Dissatisfied

Source: Survey through online.

Analysis: Statistics shows that 60% of the respondents are satisfied & highly satisfied, 33% of
the respondents are Neutral and 7% of the respondents are dissatisfied & highly satisfied with the
statement of The online shop has adequate security and Transactions with the online shop are
error-free. Now it indicates that 60% customer are satisfied above statement of the online shop
has adequate security and Transactions with the online shop are error-free.


12. I believe the online shop is trustworthy:

Table-12: I believe the online shop is trustworthy
Responses Frequency Percentage
Highly Satisfied 1 1%
Satisfied 7 6%
Neutral 40 33%
Dissatisfied 60 49%
Highly Dissatisfied 14 11
Total Sample Size & 122 100%
Source: Survey through online

online shop is trustworthy




Highly Satisfied Satisfied Neutral Dissatisfied Highly Dissatisfied

Source: Survey through online.

Analysis: Statistics shows that 7% of the respondents are satisfied & highly satisfied, 33% of the
respondents are Neutral and 60% of the respondents are dissatisfied & highly satisfied with the
statement of the online shop is trustworthy. Now it indicates that 60% online customers are
dissatisfied above statement of the online shop is trustworthy.

13. The online shop instills confidence in customers:

Table-13: The online shop instills confidence in customers

Responses Frequency Percentage
Highly Satisfied 8 7%
Satisfied 54 43%
Neutral 51 42%
Dissatisfied 8 7%
Highly Dissatisfied 1 1%
Total Sample Size & 122 100%
Source: Survey through online

Reliability of social platform

43% 42%

7% 7%

Highly Satisfied Satisfied Neutral Dissatisfied Highly Dissatisfied

Source: Survey through online.

Analysis: Statistics shows that 50% of the respondents are satisfied & highly satisfied, 42% of
the respondents are Neutral and 7% of the respondents are dissatisfied & highly satisfied with the
statement of The online shop instills confidence in customers. Now it indicates that 63% online
customers are satisfied above statement of the online shop instills confidence in customers.

14. My overall opinion of the services provided by online shop is very good:

Tablef-14: My overall opinion of the services provided by online shop is very good:
Responses Frequency Percentage

Highly Satisfied 18 15%

Satisfied 56 46%

Neutral 33 27%

Dissatisfied 12 10%

Highly Dissatisfied 3 2%
Total Sample Size & 122 100%
Source: Survey through online

Security system of digital marketing





Highly Satisfied Satisfied Neutral Dissatisfied Highly Dissatisfied

Source: Survey through online.

Analysis: Statistics shows that 61% of the respondents are satisfied & highly satisfied, 27% of
the respondents are Neutral and 12% of the respondents are dissatisfied & highly satisfied with
the statement of my overall opinion of the services provided by online shop is very good. Now it
indicates that 63% online customers are satisfied above statement of my overall opinion of the
services provided by online shop is very good.

15. Overall, I am satisfied with online shop online experience:

Table-15: Overall, I am satisfied with online shop online experience:

Responses Frequency Percentage

Highly Satisfied 17 14%

Satisfied 60 49%

Neutral 36 29%

Dissatisfied 8 7%

Highly Dissatisfied 1 1%
Total Sample Size & 122 100%
Source: Survey through online

Overall, I am satisfied with online bookstore online





Highly Satisfied Satisfied Neutral Dissatisfied Highly Dissatisfied

Source: Survey through online.

Analysis: Statistics shows that 63% of the respondents are satisfied & highly satisfied, 29% of
the respondents are Neutral and 8% of the respondents are dissatisfied & highly satisfied with the
statement of Overall, I am satisfied with online shop online experience. Now it indicates that
63% online customers are satisfied above statement of Overall, I am satisfied with online shop
online experience.

16. I think the online shop gives prompt service:
Table-16: online shop gives prompt service
Responses Frequency Percentage
Highly Satisfied 12 10%
Satisfied 60 49%
Neutral 40 33%
Dissatisfied 9 7%
Highly Dissatisfied 1 1%
TotalSampleSize & 122 100%
Source: Survey through online

online shop gives prompt service




Highly Satisfied Satisfied Neutral Dissatisfied Highly Dissatisfied

Source: Survey through online.

Analysis: Statistics shows that 59% of the respondents are satisfied & highly satisfied, 33% of
the respondents are Neutral and 8% of the respondents are dissatisfied & highly satisfied with the
statement of the online shop gives prompt service. Now it indicates that 59% online customers
are satisfied above statement of the online shop gives prompt service.

17. I believe the online shop is always willing to help customers:

Table-17: I believe the online shop is always willing to help customers:

Responses Frequency Percentage

Highly Satisfied 13 11%

Satisfied 71 58%

Neutral 29 24%

Dissatisfied 8 7%

Highly Dissatisfied 0 0%

TotalSampleSize& 122 100%

Source: Survey through online

online shop is always willing to help customers




Highly Satisfied Satisfied Neutral Dissatisfied Highly Dissatisfied

Source: Survey through online.

Analysis: Statistics shows that 69% of the respondents are satisfied & highly satisfied, 24% of
the respondents are Neutral and 7% of the respondents are dissatisfied & highly satisfied with the
statement of online shop is always willing to help customers. Now it indicates that 63% online
customers are satisfied above statement of online shop is always willing to help customers.

18. I believe the online shop is never too busy to respond to customer requests:

Table-18: I believe the online shop is never too busy to respond to customer requests:

Responses Frequency Percentage

Highly Satisfied 16 13%

Satisfied 48 40%

Neutral 37 30%

Dissatisfied 16 13%

Highly Dissatisfied 5 4%
TotalSampleSize& 122 100%
Source: Survey through online

shop is never too busy to respond to customer requests



13% 13%


Highly Satisfied Satisfied Neutral Dissatisfied Highly Dissatisfied

Source: Survey through online.

Analysis: Statistics shows that 53% of the respondents are satisfied & highly satisfied, 30%
of the respondents are Neutral and 17% of the respondents are dissatisfied & highly satisfied
with the statement of online shop is never too busy to respond to customer requests. Now it
indicates that 63% online customers are satisfied above statement of online shop is never
too busy to respond to customer requests.



5.1 Findings:
While analyzing data collection, analysis and representation, we got some problems. We have
tried our best to prepare a complete framework of this project. The overall findings of the report
are mentioned in following:

1. A large number of the online shop customers are male (68%).

2. Young generation is the main user of online shopping space (18-30 years are 93%).

3. A large number of online shoppers income is low (below10000 is 55%).

4. Most of the customers are highly satisfied with the visual appearance of website of the
online stores (53%).

5. The facilities online shoppers offer to their customers are good.

6. Customers are somehow satisfied with the quick and easiness of transactions.

7. Huge numbers of Customer are satisfied with the undertakings of the online shops.

8. Majority of the Customers think that the online shoppers are sincere in solving their

9. Most of the Customers are satisfied with the security and error-freeness of transaction.

10. The online shoppers are not yet trustworthy to the customers (61% dissatisfied).

11. Response of the customers with overall service and shopping experience is satisfactory.

12. Online shoppers provide prompt service to the customers.

13. Reply of customers request in online market space and willing to help the customers is in
satisfactory level.


1. Instant replies mean that businesses are able to handle a much greater number of
messages. Provided answer in a timely manner after the instant reply, no user will feel
ignored. So in this situation, the website may start auto instant replay for the customers
when they are away. Or they may start individual sector for handling the customers.

2. Though most of the customers are satisfied with the information provided by the website
but large portions are still confused about the fact. We can migrate them into satisfied
customer by give the customer reliable facts about the business and Encouraging Reviews
and User Generated Content.

3. Online shoppers has to develop the privacy policy to attract more female customers.

4. The online shopping system should be more easy and familiar so that the older people
can also shop online.

5. The online shop must increase their trust worthiness by providing services as like : cash
on delivery , product changing opportunity , discount and gift for the loyal customers etc.

The successful completion of this dissertation indicates that the future of marketing is in the
hands of digital. Online shop is not only concerned with placing ads in portals, it consists of
integrated services and integrated channels. Marketers want to use these components in an
effective way to reach target groups. In this digital era marketer is not the custodian for a brand,
people who are connected across the digital platforms are the custodians.

Brands want to build their presence over digital platform, because customers have high affinity
towards digital media than other media’s. More than that customers are highly information
seekers and digital media is the only platform for two way communication between brands and

Online shopping site is the best platform to convert a product to a brand. Because it is more cost
effective and it provide lot of touch points to marketer. Brands can able to engage their target
group in an effective way through digital platforms. Digital media is not only for engagement,
brands can increase their customers or they can retain their existing customers. Digital platforms
help to increase the impact of brand recall in target groups.

I honestly believe that this thesis report will be most useful for marketers to understand the
online shop and to plan for future strategies.

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 Samiul Azim
| Published: 00:00, Sep 05,2020

Measurement of Customer Satisfaction Analysis toward Websites that market
Online Shopping in Bangladesh - A Study on Chattagram City.

I am Md. Istiaque Karim, student of MBA (Marketing) of International Islamic University

Chittagong, conducting a dissertation report on “measurement onCustomer Satisfaction
Analysis toward Websites that market Online Shopping”. For this reason I have to prepare
questionnaire survey to know your views and opinions.
Would you mind spending a few minutes to help me by completing the questionnaire?

a) Yes b) No

(The data collected through the survey will be used for only developing the dissertation report
and will not be disclosed elsewhere)
Section I : Demographic Profile of the respondent

1. Gender :
a) Male b) Female
2. Age :
a)Below 18 years b)18-30 years c) 31-45 years d)Above 45 years
3. Education :
a) SSC b) HSC c) honors and above
4. Occupation:
a)Student b) Service holder c) Business person d) housewife e) Others
5. Monthly Income :
a)Below 10,000 b)10,000-25,000 C)25000-50,000 d)Above 50,000

Section II: Measuring Customer Satisfaction Analysis toward Websites that market Online

6. The online shop is visually appealing
a)Highly b) satisfied c) Neutral d) Dissatisfied e)Highly
satisfied dissatisfied

7. The physical layout and the facilities that Online Shoppers offer to its customers
a)Highly b) satisfied c) Neutral d) Dissatisfied e)Highly
satisfied dissatisfied

8. It is quick and easy to complete a transaction at the present online shops

a)Highly b) satisfied c) Neutral d) Dissatisfied e)Highly
satisfied dissatisfied

9. The online shop delivers on its undertaking to do certain things by a certain time
a)Highly b) satisfied c) Neutral d) Dissatisfied e)Highly
satisfied dissatisfied

10: The online shop shows a sincere interest in solving customer problems
a)Highly b) satisfied c) Neutral d) Dissatisfied e)Highly
satisfied dissatisfied

11: The online shop has adequate security and Transactions with the online shop are error-free
a)Highly b) satisfied c) Neutral d) Dissatisfied e)Highly
satisfied dissatisfied

12. I believe the online shop is trustworthy
a)Highly b) satisfied c) Neutral d) Dissatisfied e)Highly
satisfied dissatisfied
13. The online shop instills confidence in customers
a)Highly b) satisfied c) Neutral d) Dissatisfied e)Highly
satisfied dissatisfied

14. My overall opinion of the services provided by online shop is very good
a)Highly b) satisfied c) Neutral d) Dissatisfied e)Highly
satisfied dissatisfied

15. Overall, I am satisfied with online shop online experience:

a)Highly b) satisfied c) Neutral d) Dissatisfied e)Highly
satisfied dissatisfied

16. I think the online shop gives prompt service
a)Highly b) satisfied c) Neutral d) Dissatisfied e)Highly
satisfied dissatisfied

17. I believe the online shop is always willing to help customers

a)Highly b) satisfied c) Neutral d) Dissatisfied e)Highly
satisfied dissatisfied
18. I believe the online shop is never too busy to respond to customer requests
a)Highly b) satisfied c) Neutral d) Dissatisfied e)Highly
satisfied dissatisfied


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