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Significance of the Secant and Tangent

Moduli of Elasticity in Structural Design
D O N S. W O L F O R D *
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The American Rolling Mill Company

INTRODUCTION differences in the initial moduli of elasticity of materials

such as steel or iron, brass, and aluminum. These
T HIS PAPER deals with the problem of designing
beams and columns of structural materials t h a t
have no well-defined yield point and which m u s t be
initial moduli always prevail to t h e proportional limit,
and in the strain-free iron and steel this is practically
the yield point. In materials such as brass and alumi-
used above their proportional limits to be useful. .
num, no sharp yield usually exists. There is a more or
Other investigators have demonstrated t h a t analysis
less rapid decrease in t h e modulus of elasticity as the
of such structures can be m a d e b y means of t h e concept
stress is increased above t h e proportional limit.
of the reduced modulus of elasticity. T h e reduced
In materials such as austenitic stainless steel, a sharp
moduli for beams and columns of solid rectangular sec-
yield point seldom, if ever, occurs, and ordinarily the
tions have been developed and checked experimentally.
proportional limit is considerably below its yield strength.
T h e author develops formulas for determining reduced
W h e n austenitic stainless steel is cold-reduced, t h e pro-
moduli of hollow sections and shows t h a t columns can
portional limit, yield, and tensile strengths can be in-
be properly designed b y direct use of t a n g e n t moduli in
creased. 2 ' 3
Euler's formula. Confirmatory tests were m a d e on
T h e ferritic steels lose their sharp yield points when
columns of corrugated stainless steel. T h e directional
subjected to small amounts of strain (1 or 2 per cent),
properties of these stainless-steel columns are shown b y
a principle t h a t is p u t to use in the form of temper roll-
the experimental d a t a to have a relatively small effect
ing to eliminate ''stretcher-strains," which are so ob-
on the column performance. Likewise, stress-relieving
jectionable in drawn objects such as autobody parts.
for general improvement of physical properties did n o t
T h e low-alloy, low-carbon, high-strength steels being
appear to produce commensurate load-bearing capacity
developed for aircraft owe their strength to cold reduc-
in these columns.
tion and exhibit stress-strain curves similar to those for
I t is shown t h a t t h e reduced modulus for beams of
cold-rolled austenitic stainless steels. I t is evident
hollow section is substantially equal to t h e secant modu-
t h a t some of t h e knowledge gained in t h e p a s t on stain-
less steels will be useful in t h e application of these new
steels in aircraft.
T h e suitability of materials for structural purposes
T h e theory of flexure beyond t h e proportional limit has been judged mostly by the tensile properties, largely
has come into use in aircraft and other lightweight struc- because of convenience and precedent. This practice
tures rather recently b u t is n o t generally known or is satisfactory as long as t h e material is structurally iso-
applied outside of these circles. T h e classic formulas tropic. However, the demand for lightweight struc-
for strength and deflection of beams and columns as- tures is causing the increased use of cold-reduced steels
sume a constant modulus of elasticity t h r o u g h o u t the in which the tensile and compressive properties are often
member, whether the stress be tension or compression, unequal and also variable relative to the rolling direc-
even when the stress level is carried to t h e yield point tion of t h e material.
of the material. 1 Engineers have recognized basic T h e A r m y - N a v y Aeronautical Specification A N -
QQ-S-772 classifies aircraft stainless steel of the 18-8
Presented at the Structures Session, Eleventh Annual Meeting,
I.Ae.S., New York, J a n u a r y 25-29, 1943. chromium-nickel t y p e according to its yield and ten-
* Research Engineer, Research Laboratories. sile strengths. Material from which t h e tensile speci-

mens give yield strengths exceeding 110,000 lbs. per column failure. Correlative tests between yield (0.2 per cent offset) and ultimate strengths ex- strength and short-column failure m u s t be m a d e so t h a t
ceeding 150,000 lbs. per is called "half-hard"; short-column formulas such as Johnson's parabolic
material having yield strengths exceeding 140,000 lbs. expression can be fitted to the resulting d a t a and used
per and tensile strengths exceeding 185,000 lbs. generally for other short columns of the same material.
per is called "full-hard." I t m u s t be noted, how- T h e defect in Euler's relation when applied to short
ever, t h a t the compression yield strength along the columns appears to be due mainly to the modulus of
grain of the half-hard stainless steel sometimes tests as elasticity changing from t h e initial value used in the
low as 85,000 lbs. per 4 T h e design of lightweight equation. Osgood 12 summarizes the work of Consider e
structures is mainly concerned with the strength of com- (1889) and others b y saying t h a t "as an ideal column
pression members, which are inherently less strong t h a n stressed beyond t h e proportional limit begins to bend,
tension members due to (1) secondary failure b y local the stress on t h e concave side increases according to t h e
instability of thin sections and (2) primary column law of the compressive stress-strain diagram and t h e
failure in general. stiess on t h e convex side decreases according t o Hooke's
T h e behavior of compression members, struts, or law, and t h a t therefore the strength would be given
columns was first rationalized b y L. Euler almost by
Downloaded by UNIVERSITY OF OKLAHOMA on February 2, 2015 | | DOI: 10.2514/8.11031

200 years ago.

P = TT2EI/L2 (1)
E n d conditions in columns have been handled in
m a n y s t a n d a r d textbooks 5 , 6 > 7 and are mainly i m p o r t a n t in which E is a modulus, the value of which lies between
insofar as t h e y determine t h e n u m b e r and n a t u r e of the modulus of elasticity and t h e tangent modulus. . . .
counterflexures leading to primary failure. Earlier in 1889 F r . Engesser presented his t a n g e n t
Investigators and engineers of the last century found modulus, and in 1895 Felix Jasinski pointed out t h a t
Euler's formula to be adequate for long columns m a d e this theory was n o t correct and called attention t o
of sharp-yielding materials b u t n o t for short columns Considered work K a r m a n (1910) presented t h e
(L/r less t h a n 100), and as a consequence the empirical theory again, adding the actual evaluation of E for t h e
formulas of Rankine, Gordon, Johnson, and others rectangular cross section and the idealized H-section
were worked out to enable the engineer to determine (consisting of infinitely thin flanges and negligible web),
permissible column loads in t h e short-column range. 8 - 9 and gave the theory new life b y making a series of care-
Unrestrained columns of sharp-yielding material ful tests designed to afford a check on t h e theory. Since
theoretically do n o t develop critical stresses greater then E has been evaluated for other cross sections b y a
t h a n t h e yield point, and experiment bears out this n u m b e r of writers."
fact. 10 T h e double modulus or reduced modulus, as T i m o -
Safe and efficient long columns (L/r more t h a n 100) shenko calls it, for t h e solid rectangular section is
can be designed b y means of Euler's formula, provided usually given in the following form: 13 ' 14
the number and n a t u r e of counter-flexures occurring
Er = 4EtE0/(VEo + VEty (2)
under load are properly taken into account, because a
material like ordinary mild steel having a modulus of where
elasticity of 30,000,000 lbs. per would be stressed
Er = reduced modulus of elasticity, lbs. per
to no greater t h a n 30,000 lbs. per a t a slenderness
Et = t a n g e n t modulus of elasticity, lbs. per sq. in.
ratio of 100:1. This would ordinarily n o t exceed t h e
EQ = initial or Young's modulus of elasticity, lbs. per
proportional limit and, consequently, t h e modulus of
elasticity would be constant u p to this stress.
W i t h slenderness ratios less t h a n 100:1 Euler's M o s t of the sections used in aircraft are substantially
equation indicates t h e development of stresses greater hollow or m a d e to dispose the material as remotely from
t h a n t h e yield point in ordinary mild steel. Failure the neutral axis as practical in order to obtain t h e maxi-
under such conditions is therefore n o t due to primary m u m strength and stiffness with the minimum of ma-
Euler buckling. Relations like the Johnson 1 1 ' 8 para- terial. Box beams, monocoque structures, and corru-
bolic formula for short columns have been successfully gated sections are examples of this practice. T h e re-
applied to sharply yielding materials because it is duced modulus of elasticity for hollow sections in which
relatively easy to fit t h e Johnson parabolic relation to the material is ideally remote from the neutral axis will
limiting cases—namely: (1) A t a slenderness ratio of now be derived.
zero, the terminus cannot exceed t h e yield point; Let the material have a stress-strain curve as shown
(2) Johnson's relation is m a d e t a n g e n t to Euler's. in Fig. 1, the stress-strain relation being defined b y the
Inasmuch as austenitic stainless a n d cold-reduced curve OA when t h e stress is increased from zero to t h e
steels do n o t exhibit sharp yield points, a yield strength m a x i m u m value F, a t which point the t a n g e n t shown is
based on the stress a t 0.2 per cent offset strain is used as a measure of the tangent modulus. If t h e point A on
a measure of useful strength. T h e r e is no fundamental t h e stress-strain curve corresponds to t h e s t a r t of pri-
relation between this arbitrary yield strength and short- m a r y buckling of t h e hollow column shown in Fig. 2,
S T R U C T U R A L D E S I G N 171


\ \ *
v n n fezzzza—f \ !
vV - , h \i


\ ±^> A. u i ^ ST3
' 2
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F I G . 1 (fe/0- Idealized stress-strain curve. F I G . 2 {middle). Schematic diagram of a bent hollow rectangular section. FIG. 3
(right). Stress distribution in hollow rectangular section acting as a column.

the configuration of stress in the material will be as h = hi + hi (8)

represented in Fig. 3. herefore
The values of stress F± and F2 represent the difference
ht = Eth/(E0 + Et) (9)
between the fiber stress throughout the column and the
average stress over the whole section. This difference imilarly
is due to bending. The stress on the concave side of
h* = E0h/(Eo + Et) (10)
the column will lie on line OA of Fig. 1, while the stress
on the convex side will be represented approximately The total moment of forces acting about the neutral
by line AB. axis is not necessarily zero,16 but rather
To simplify this derivation, assume that the thickness
E0hi(bt)hi Eth2(bt)h2
/ is extremely small and that the distance h is relatively M =
great. By the same reasoning let it be assumed that + (ID

the stresses F±. and F2 are substantially constant whence

throughout the thickness in each case. For a position
of stable equilibrium in the slightly bent column the M = (bW/p) [E0Et/(Et + £„)] (12)
forces on the concave and convex sides of the section But
must be equal. The position of the neutral axis must
be such as to bring about this balance. Basic me- I = 2(h/2)Hb = hHb/2 (13)
chanics teaches that the stress in a section subjected to
a moment M is
M = (I/p) [2EoEt/(E, + £0)] (14)
F = Mc/I (3)
where I = moment of inertia, in.4, and c = extreme
Er = 2E0Et/(Et + E0) (15)
fiber distance, in. Likewise, the relation of this mo-
ment M to the radius of curvature is Er will then be a reduced modulus, in this case for hol-
low rectangular sections.
M = EI/P (4)
M = IEr/p (16)
where E = appropriate modulus of elasticity, lbs. per
When this equation is manipulated as the original Euler, and p = radius of curvature, in. By substitution
derivation it takes the classic Euler form as follows:
F = Ec/p (5)
F = PIA = w2ET/(L/ry (17)
The total forces must be equal to each other for equi-
This equation can be used to design short columns at
librium. Using the appropriate moduli,
stresses exceeding the proportional limit.
(bt)(Eth2/P) = (btXEJi^p) (6) The solid rectangular and hollow rectangular sec-
tions with corresponding reduced moduli given in
or simplifying
Eqs. (2) and (15), respectively, probably represent the
Efo = EJii (7) extreme conditions in useful sections likely to be en-
but countered. Admittedly, it would be a tremendous
172 JOURNAL OF THE A E R O N A U T I C A L S C I E N C E S — J U N E, 19 43

task to prepare data for reduced moduli of elasticity for MATERIAL

all structural shapes that might be used in aircraft,
The material selected for the experiments was from
especially since there are so many of them. Some of
two lots of the grade known as Type 301 or 17-7 high-
the most useful materials are anisotropic, which further
tensile stainless steel. The American Iron and Steel
increases the difficulties.
Institute specifies that its analysis should be within
The next question is whether a simpler index of a
the ranges given in Table I.
material's suitability for short columns might be de-
vised. The initial modulus of elasticity E0 appears in TABLE I
the Eqs. (2) and (15) for the solid and hollow rectangu-
Analysis of Type 301 Stainless Steel
lar sections. In the high stress range, the tangent
Carbon over 0 . 0 8 %
modulus is small compared to the initial modulus, to 0 . 2 0 % max.
which varies little for a given material. Therefore, the Manganese 2 . 0 0 % max.
tangent modulus is the major quantity influencing the Chromium 16% min.
magnitude of the reduced modulus. 18% max.
The curves in Figs. 4 and 5 have been calculated from Nickel 6 % min.
8 % max.
Downloaded by UNIVERSITY OF OKLAHOMA on February 2, 2015 | | DOI: 10.2514/8.11031

Eqs. (2) and (15). When applied to hollow rectangular Phosphorus 0 . 0 4 % max.
sections of steel used in short columns, an initial modu- Sulphur 0 . 0 4 % max.
lus of 30,000,000 lbs. per might be assumed. If Silicon 1.00% max.
the stress level were such as to cause the material to be
acting along the stress-strain curve at a tangent modu- One of the lots, which will be referred to in this report
lus of 10,000,000 lbs. per, the reduced modulus as material A, met all of the requirements of Army-
would be 15,000,000 lbs. per; under the same Navy Specification AN-QQ-S-772 for full-hard temper.
conditions in a solid rectangular section the re- The other lot, which will be called material B, did not
duced modulus would be about 15,800,000 lbs. per quite meet the specified strength requirements for half-hard temper, although it is considerably stronger
than would be necessary for quarter-hard temper.
Both were approximately 25 gauge (0.022 in.) and were
subjected to complete tensile and compression tests.
Specimens were taken both longitudinal and transverse
to the original rolling direction and tested as-cold-rolled
and also after they had been stress relieved at 300°C.
for 24 hours.16
Tensile tests were made in accordance with standards
of A.S.T.M.,17 using a 20,000-lb. Amsler universal test-
TANGENT MODULUS ET TANGENT MODULUS E T ing machine. Compression tests were conducted in
accordance with the method outlined by Franks and
F I G . 4 (left). Reduced modulus as a function of initial and Binder.3 The cylinder used by them is rolled up from
tangent moduli in hollow rectangular sections. F I G . 5 (right).
Reduced modulus as a function of initial and tangent moduli in flat stock and has a slenderness ratio not exceeding 15
solid rectangular sections. and a ratio of diameter of cylinder to thickness of sheet
not exceeding 40. The setup for the compression tests
These differences are even less significant in short in the 200,000-lb. Baldwin-Southwark universal testing
columns than would appear. The critical column machine used in these experiments is shown in Fig. 6.
stress, F, determines the tangent modulus effective
at the point where primary buckling occurs. When
values for Er and F are substituted in Eq. (17) the corre-
sponding slenderness ratio can be determined. How-
ever, for a constant critical stress, a given change in the
tangent modulus corresponds to a somewhat smaller
change in the slenderness ratio, which term is in the
second degree. Conversely, small changes in the
slenderness ratio in the short-column range must be
offset by somewhat larger changes in the tangent modu-
lus, provided the same critical stress level is required.
This means that the decrease of the tangent modulus at
the high stress levels is not so significant in columns as
might be expected. This principle is difficult to show
analytically; therefore column tests were made to dem-
F I G . 6. Compression testing setup in 200,0004b. Baldwin-
onstrate it experimentally. Southwark testing machine.





Longitudinal Transverse

Cold Stress Cold Stress
Rolled Relieved Rolled Relieved

Y i e l d s t r e n g t h at 0 , 2 $ o f f s e t - t h o u s a n d s o f l b s . p e r s q . i n . Fty 160 170 1 154 170

Ultimate Strength - thousands of l b s . per s q . i n . Ftu 209 205 212 207
Proportional l i m i t a t 0 . 0 1 $ o f f s e t - thousands of l b s . per s q . i n . Ftp 83 92 86 106
I n i t i a l Modulus o f E l a s t i c i t y - M i l l i o n s o f l b s . p e r s q . i n . Eo 26.4 28.0 29.0 30.8
E l o n g a t i o n - P e r Cent i n 2 i n . 18 16 11.5 9
Downloaded by UNIVERSITY OF OKLAHOMA on February 2, 2015 | | DOI: 10.2514/8.11031


Y i e l d Strength a t 0.2$ o f f s e t - thousands of l b s . per s q . i n . Fey 133 161 181 191

U l t i n a t e buckling s t r e n g t h - thousands of l b s . per s q . i n . Feu 180 187 204 211
Proportional l i m i t a t 0.01$ o f f s e t - thousands of l b s . per s q . i n . Fpy 43 97 96 120
I n i t i a l Modulus o f E l a s t i c i t y - m i l l i o n s o f l b s . p e r s q . i n . Eo 25#2 25.6 29.1 28.4


Yield Strength Fty 105 113 j 107 118

Ultimate Strength Ftu 152 147 154 151
1 Proportional Limit Ftp 54 56 54 67
Modulus o f E l a s t i c i t y So 26.0 28.1 30.0 30.5
Elongation 27 33 26 23.5

Yield Strength Fey 89 103 119 120
Ultimate Buckling Strength Feu 122 126 143 124
I Proportional Limit ?py 41 59 68 70
Modulus of E l a s t i c i t y Eo 25.0 28,4 26.4 28.2


Longitudinal Transverse I Longitudinal Transverse j
As AS AS As AS As A3 As
Cold Stress Cold Stress Cold Stress Cold Stress
Rolled Relieved Rolled | Rolled Relieved |
Relieved Rolled Relieved
Nominal L«mgth - 21 i n .

(1) Pitch "P",in. 1.37 1.39 1.34 1.35 1.35 1.36 1.39 1.39
(2 Depth " D ^ i n . .232 •212 .250 .231 •210 .201 .212 .206
(3 5.90 6.56 5.36 5.65 6.45 6.76 6.58 6.75
Pitch-Depth, "K" 28.8 26.5 30.8 28.4 24.5 23.4 24.6 24.9
(* Tangent a n g l e , "a" .021 .0196 .0212 .0196 .023 .023 .022 .022
\5 Thickness " t " , i n . 13.44 13.62 13.38 13.70 13.68 13.68 13.75 13.80
(* Width " b * , i n . .134 .132 .134 . .133 .186 .126 .127 .129
(7 1.063 1.058 1.080 1.068 1.055 1.052 1.053 1.052
(8 Blodgett*s strength f a c t o r "Ce"
,<109 Development f a c t o r " * e "
• 088
. .0725
Least radius of gyration "r* 21.23 21.22 21.55 21.35 21.18 21.28 21.5 21.6
12 Specimen l e n g t h , i n . 259 282 245 262 292 306 293 299
1165 1155 1470 1175 1060 1000 1155 1125
(13! E f f e c t i v e column l e n g t h «L M , i n . .300 •282 .306 .287 J .332 .330 .320
(14 .319
Slenderness r a t i o "L/r" 2880 9960 4800 | 4100 ] 3190 3030 3620 3520
C r i t i c a l , load from t e s t , l b .
Cross-sectional area, s q . i n . Nominal L<mgth - 1 0 . 5 in .
C r i t i c a l column s t r e s s
E f f e c t i v e oolumn l e n g t h "L", i n . 10.80 10.79 11 .36 . 11.07 10.87 10.76 11.2 11.52
12 Slenderness r a t i o "L/v* 133 141 129 136 153 148 152 160
C r i t i c a l load from t e s t , l b . 4400 3980 5030 4600 3570 3650 3940 3740
Cross-sectional area, s q . i n . .302 .285 .306 .287 .337 .330 .319 .320
(16 C r i t i c a l column s t r e s s 14,600 13,900 16,400 16,000 10.600 11,100 12,900 11,700
Nominal L mgth - 5 . 0 in

11 S f f e o t i v e column l e n g t h *L", i n . 5.46 5.5 5.64 5.81 5.49 5.49 5.62 5.56
I 12 1slenderness r a t i o "L/r* 68 74 64 71 79 81 '•"' 7 7 77
(13 I C r i t i c a l load from t e s t , l b . 12,900 11,450 16,150 15,000 11,300 13,250 15,150 15,200
•308 .282 •306 .287 .326 .325 .314 .320
(14 I C rr oi tsisc-as le ooolumn
I C tional area, s q . i n .
stress 41,900 40,600 52,800 j 52,200 34,600 40,700 47,500 47,500
Nominal L angth - 2.25 i n .

I S f f a c t i v e oolumn l e n g t h "L", i n * 2.86 2.29 2.27 2,27 2.27 2.28 2.28

Slenderness r a t i o "L/r*
C r i t i c a l load from t e s t , l b .
\ 33
1 Cross-sectional area, sq. i n . •308 .366 •287 •326 .325 .319 .320
(15 [ C r i t i c a l oolumn s t r e s s 79,300 88,000 76,000 82,000 79,400 95,600 96,000

Items ( 1 ) , ( 2 ) , ( 3 ) , ( 4 ) , and (5) were avoraged from a r e p r e s e n t a t i v e number of r e a d i n g s .


The summary of mechanical properties on lots A and than those of material B, ranging from 0.210 to 0.212 in.
B is given in Table II. As has been pointed out by as-cold-rolled and from 0.201 to 0.206 in. as-stress-
other investigators,2, 3> 4> 16, 18 the longitudinal compres- relieved.
sion strength of highly cold-worked materials is less The corrugations described herein are of the common
than the corresponding tensile strength, and the trans- arc-and-tangent type rather than aircraft type made
verse compression strength is greater than the corre- up of connected circle arcs. Blodgett19 worked out
sponding tensile strength. This is true of materials A mathematically precise methods for determining the
and B. Stress-relieving reduces these differences some- moments of inertia of arc-and-tangent corrugations in
what. The highest initial moduli of elasticity (29,- terms of the pitch-depth ratio and the angle of the flat
000,000 to 30,800,000 lbs. per were observed in or tangent with respect to the neutral axis. A modifica-
transverse tensile specimens. When the parts made tion of this method was used to compute the properties
from sheets have their working axes along the original of the present corrugations. The radius of gyration
rolling direction, which has less favorable compression was obtained as follows:
strength, the stress analyst should have a complete
understanding of this to make the best use of the proper- J = C.btd2 (18)
Downloaded by UNIVERSITY OF OKLAHOMA on February 2, 2015 | | DOI: 10.2514/8.11031

ties. where
The stress-strain curves upon which the above-men- 4
tioned data were based are given in Figs. 7-10. The I = moment of inertia, in.
C6 = Blodgett's factor, which depends on the pitch-
compression curves have been plotted to the ultimate
depth ratio and tangent angle
buckling stress, the magnitude of which is dependent
upon the dimensions of the test specimens. It is really b = width of corrugated sheet, in.
the potential strength, and, as will be demonstrated / = thickness, in.
later, it can probably be developed only if the structural d = depth of corrugation, in.
member is designed against secondary or local buckling. The cross-sectional area can be computed by means of
The tangent moduli determined for each stress- the following formula:
strain curve are given in Figs. 11, 12, 13, and 14.
A = \*bt (19)
Likewise the secant moduli are given in Figs. 15, 16, 17,
and 18. The secant modulus of elasticity is the ratio where A = cross-sectional area,, and X6 = de-
of maximum stress to maximum strain and is always velopment factor for corrugating based on the pitch-
greater than the corresponding tangent modulus above depth ratio and the tangent angle. The least radius of
the proportional limit. The tangent and secant moduli gyration is then
converge with the corresponding initial moduli at the
proportional limit and, consequently, are all the same
below this stress. It is possible for the tangent modulus
to become zero at the ultimate tensile stress. The
lowest tangent modulus that can be developed in com-
- $
= ^
V X6

Four lengths of specimens for the tests were approxi-


mately as follows: (1) 20.5-21.0, (2) 10.2-10.9, (3)

pression tests corresponds to the ultimate buckling
4.9-5.2, and (4) 2.2-2.3 in. The ends of all specimens
stress. None of the observed values were less than
were cut square and parallel within about 0.01 in. by a
2,000,000 lbs. per
stationary grinder fitted with a cutoff wheel.


Corrugated sheets were used to test the theory be- Special apparatus was devised to give the corrugated
cause the results of such tests would have universal ap- specimens the minimum end restraint under the col-
plication. A pattern used in commercial roofing, which umn loads. Fig. 19 shows one of the 20-in. long
nominally has 1.25 in. pitch and a 0.375 in. depth, was specimens being loaded with this apparatus in a 200,000-
selected because it was the nearest size to standard lb. Baldwin-Southwark universal testing machine.
aircraft corrugations available. The rotary-drum type The top and bottom supports are sharp 90° hardened
corrugating machine that was used is eminently suited and ground knife edges that rest in shallow grooves,
for corrugating soft steels but less so for the materials ground into the channel-shaped adapters. The knife
described herein because of their large amount of edges extend the full length of 14 in. and withstood over
"spring-back." The dimensions of the corrugated 50,000 lbs. during the tests without noticeable wear.
specimens are given in Table III. The average pitch The top support was bolted to an adapter ring around
ranged from 1.35 to 1.39 in. in corrugations made from a plane head resting in a spherical seat, affording a small
both materials. Corrugated specimens of material measure of accommodation.
B had average depths of 0.232 to 0.250 in. as-cold- The knurled screws along the adapters are used to
rolled and 0.212 to 0.231 in. as-stressed-relieved. press the angles against the specimen in order (1) to
Corrugations of material A were consistently shallower hold assembly together while being placed in the ma-


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STRESS-THOUSAND PSI < - > r o A O f t o o O r o ^ o > O D O I N
S T R E S S - THOU_SAND_PSI. ° o o o o o S S o o p e








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-n O z
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F I G . 19 (left). Column testing setup in 200,000-lb. Baldwin-Southwark testing machine. F I G . 20 (right). End view of testing
setup with 5-in. specimen in place.

chine and (2) to adjust the position of the specimens the secondary or local buckling which occurred in some
with respect to the knife edges. The dial gauges were of them are shown in Fig. 21.
used to measure the lateral deflection of the specimen All of the data given in Table III were obtained under
under load and adjust for minimum eccentricity. This the first load. The critical column stresses were com-
operation consisted of setting the dials to zero at a seat- puted by dividing these loads by the cross-sectional
ing load of about 200 lbs. and observing their movement areas of the specimens.
when the load was increased to about half the final The critical column stresses were plotted against
critical load. The screws were adjusted until the lateral slenderness ratios in Figs. 22 and 23 for materials A and
deflections were less than 0.001 in. at half the critical B, respectively. The curves shown are the result of
load. This procedure was followed by slowly loading substituting tangent moduli in the Euler formula at
the column until the critical load was reached, the dials various stress levels against which the resulting com-
giving advanced warning by their greatly accelerated puted slenderness ratios were plotted. The critical
movement. At the critical load a slight finger pressure column stresses obtained on specimens of material B
applied near mid-length was sufficient to move the at various slenderness ratios fall close to the computed
specimen laterally, particularly in the longer specimens. curves. Such agreement is usually rather easy to
In order to remove any chance of restraint in the show in long columns, much less so in short col-
shorter specimens, the adjusting angles were removed umns.20' 21- 24> 25 The agreement between test values
after the eccentricity adjustment was made and the and the Euler curves based on tangent moduli was also
test was continued as shown in Fig. 20. This illus- good for material A, except for the shortest specimens,
trates a 5-in. specimen after primary buckling has oc- which did not quite develop the expected stresses.
curred. There is reason to believe that the shortest specimens
In computing effective column length 0.6 in. was of material A may have failed locally before the primary
added to the specimen length to compensate for the Euler failure occurred. According to Wilson and New-
adapter thickness. mark, 22 the stress at which wrinkling occurs can be
computed by means of the following expression:

All except the shortest of the specimens failed by ~Ws (21)

primary Euler buckling. The shortest specimens had
slenderness ratios from 33 to 41. Typical examples of where /x = Poisson's ratio, approximately = 0.3, R =
S T R U C T U R A L D E S I G N 177

mean radius of shell, in., and other terms as previously
Suppose the wrinkling stress is set equal to the critical OL

column stress, t h u s :
E 1
(L/ry VsAVI

L/r = \^Vs Vl - 0.32 (R/t)


T h e smallest radius of curvature of the corrugated

specimens was a b o u t 0.5 in. a t the arc and approxi-
mately 3 in. a t the section intended for a flat. Using
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Eq. (22) t h e m i n i m u m slenderness ratio without sec-

ondary failure for 0.020-in. thick material would be 20
for the 0.5-in. radius and 49 for t h e 3-in. radius. These
calculations serve as a rough guide to show t h a t sec-
ondary wrinkling probably adversely affected the crit- 40 80 120 160 200 240 280 320
ical column stresses developed in the shortest specimens. SLENDERNESS RATIO

This is a principle of which the designer m u s t never lose F I G . 22. Critical column stress versus slenderness ratio for speci-
sight. mens of material A.
T h e high strengths t h a t are indicated b y compression
tests on specimens ideally proportioned against wrink- spar-sheet-stringer units of airplane wings. This
leads to t h e solution of shear-lag problems.
Another use of the secant modulus is predicting de-
flections of hollow beams. According to Timoshenko, 2 3
the theory of bending beyond the proportional limit
was first developed b y Saint Venant and later aug-
mented b y Meyer and von K a r m a n . Timoshenko
gives the equation relating the m o m e n t and the radius
of curvature of a beam bent beyond the proportional
limit as follows:
M = ErI/p (23)

F I G . 21. Typical 2.25-in. columns showing secondary failure.
M = the moment, in.lbs.

ling cannot be attained in structures unless they too are S I60

ideally proportioned to prevent secondary wrin- ^EULER CURVE
1 FOR E0= 29
kling. 2140
In general, the transverse specimens developed higher <
120 1 !
critical column stresses t h a n t h e longitudinal ones. .1
T h e benefits of stress-relieving appear to be slight. T h e TcR
» 100
variations in mechanical properties of anisotropic ma- to
terials, such as high-strength stainless steel, have rela- \ \
tively little effect on behavior of short columns. cc 80 \\
T h e stress analyst should familiarize himself with Lj-sl
possible variations in t a n g e n t moduli of a given ma- | 60
terial in order to know the likely minimums t h a t m a y be
o 20
S 0 80 120 160 200 240 280 320
One of the uses of the secant modulus is in evaluating SLENDERNESS RATIO
the collective action of structures m a d e of two or more
FIG. 23. Critical column stress versus slenderness ratio for speci-
dissimilar materials fastened together as a unit, as in mens of material B.

Er — reduced modulus of elasticity, lbs. per SUMMARY AND CONCLUSIONS

I = m o m e n t of inertia, in. 4
(1) A double-modulus formula for determining
p = radius of curvature, in.
strength of columns based on the initial and t a n g e n t
T h e expression for the reduced modulus of a solid moduli of elasticity has been developed for hollow
rectangular section in bending can be given as follows: sections in which substantially all of the material is re-
/•A/2 mote from the neutral axis. This augments the
3 formulas previously worked out b y Considere, Engesser,
Er = (24/A ) / Fede (24)
./o and von K d r m a n for columns of solid rectangular cross
section, as well as miscellaneous sections given by
where Osgood and others. These formulas enable t h e stress
A = difference in strain between top and b o t t o m analyst to determine the probable critical loads in
fibers, in. per in. columns of materials worked above the proportional
F = m a x i m u m stress, lbs. per limit, using the classic Euler equation.
e = m a x i m u m strain, in. per in. (2) Complete tension and compression tests were
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m a d e on two tempers of 25 gauge T y p e 301 (17-7)

In t h e above expression t h e integral is the area-mo- high-tensile stainless steel. These tests were m a d e on
m e n t of the stress-strain diagram about an axis through longitudinal and transverse specimens, b o t h as-cold-
zero strain. rolled and after stress-relieving. Stress-strain, tan-
T h e determination of the area-moment of a stress- gent, and secant modulus d a t a are given in curve form.
strain diagram can be handled b y a modification of (3) Column tests were m a d e on corrugated sheets of
Simpson's rule, b u t the operation is tedious, making it the same stainless steel. These tests were m a d e on
somewhat impractical. longitudinal and transverse specimens, both as-cold-
T h e derivation of t h e reduced modulus for a hollow rolled and after stress-relieving. Specimens having
section in which substantially all the material is remote slenderness ratios ranging from approximately 30 to
from the neutral axis is as follows: 300 were loaded as columns with knife-edge end condi-
F r o m the geometry of Fig. 2, it is seen t h a t tions.
dL/y = L/p (25) (4) T h e critical column stresses were plotted against
their corresponding slenderness ratios. Euler curves
where dL is the change in length of the distance l a t a based on tangent moduli for the same materials were
distance y from t h e neutral axis. B y definition generally in good agreement with the experimental data.
T h e failure of the shortest columns (having slenderness
e = dL/L (26)
ratios around 35) to develop the stresses expected on
B y substitution the basis of tangent modulus d a t a can be explained by
premature crippling arising from local instability.
e = y/p (27) (5) T h e tangent modulus can be used directly in
Euler's formula to design both solid and hollow col-
F r o m E q . (16), when h = 2y
u m n s . This results in sufficient accuracy without in-
I = tbh2/2 = 2tby2 (28) volving the use of the complicated reduced moduli.
(6) T h e inherent n a t u r e of short columns appears to
B y definition, the secant modulus of elasticity is minimize t h e importance of t h e somewhat wide varia-
tions in tangent moduli with respect to grain direction
Es = F/e (29)
and stress-relieving. This works in favor of .aniso-
T h e total m o m e n t is tropic materials such as cold-reduced austenitic and
ferritic steels.
M = 2F{tb)y = 2eEs(tb)y (7) T h e designer m u s t not overlook the fact t h a t the
= 2Es(tb)y2/P = IEs/p (30) stresses indicated b y mechanical tests on ideal speci-
mens of high-strength materials can be developed
This equation shows t h a t t h e reduced modulus of a
only if local instability of the thin sections is taken into
hollow section with substantially all of its material re-
mote from its neutral axis is equal to the secant modu-
(8) T h e reduced modulus to be used in determining
lus Es. I n practice, sufficient accuracy in determining
the degree of bending in hollow sections with most of
the effective secant modulus should be obtained by
the material remote from the neutral axis is m a t h e -
averaging the values a t a given stress level for both
matically shown to be the secant modulus.
tension and compression.
T h e user of secant modulus d a t a m u s t remember
t h a t the reduced modulus can be applied directly only
in the case of pure bending. Timoshenko deals with T h e d a t a for this paper were determined by members
the method of handling other cases. 23 of the Research Laboratories of T h e American Rolling
S T R U C T U R A L D E S I G N 179

Mill Company and permission to publish has been given chanics, Vol. II, Strength of Materials, pp. 354-364; John Wiley
by this company. & Sons, New York, 1919.
Reference 6, p. 174.
The author is particularly indebted to Harry LaTour 11
Reference 5, p. 159.
for his help in performing the tests and computing the 12
Osgood, William R., The Double-Modulus Theory of Column
data. Mr. Clark Prudhon's aid in developing rapid Action, Civil Engineering, Vol. 5, No. 3, pp. 173-175, March,
methods for measuring moduli was also inestimable. 1935.
The consistency of the cylinder and column test data Reference 6, p. 159.
Nadai, A., Plasticity, 1st American Edition, p. 178; The
was, to a considerable extent, due to the methods and
McGraw-Hill Book Company, New York, 1931.
care exercised by J. C. Young and his staff in preparing 15
Fleming, Robins, Engineering Fallacies More or Less Com-
the specimens. The valuable suggestions made by mon, Civil Engineering, Vol. 5, No. 5, p. 332, March, 1935.
R. L. Kenyon regarding the presentation of the data Franks, Russell, and Binder, W. O., The Stress-Strain Charac-
should not go unmentioned. teristics of Cold-Rolled Austenitic Stainless Steels in Compression
as Determined by the Cylinder Test Method, Proceedings, A.S.T.M.,
Vol. 41, pp. 629-645, 1941.
Standard Methods of Tension Testing of Metallic Materials,
Boyd, James E., Strength of Materials, 3rd Edition, p. 125; A.S.T.M. Designation E8-36, p. 750, P a r t I, Metals, 1939.
Downloaded by UNIVERSITY OF OKLAHOMA on February 2, 2015 | | DOI: 10.2514/8.11031

The McGraw-Hill Book Company, New York, 1924. Barlow, Howard W., The Column Strength of Closed, Thin-
Aitchison, Ramberg, Tuckerman, and Wittemore, Tensile Walled Sections of 18-8 Stainless Steel, Journal of the Aeronautical
and Compressive Properties of Some Stainless Steel Sheets, Re- Sciences, Vol. 8, No. 4, pp. 151-161, February, 1941.
search Paper 1467, Journal of Research of the Bureau of Stand- Blodgett, H. B., Moment of Inertia of Corrugated Sheets, Civil
ards, Vol. 28, No. 4, April, 1942. Engineering, Vol. 4, No. 9, pp. 492-493, September, 1934.
3 20
Franks, Russell, and Binder, W. O., Tension and Compressive Osgood, William R., Column Strength of Tubes Elastically
Stress-Strain Characteristics of Cold-Rolled Austenitic Chromium- Restrained Against Rotation at the Ends, N.A.C.A. Report No.
Nickel and Chromium-Manganese-Nickel Stainless Steels, Journal 615, 1938.
of the Aeronautical Sciences, Vol. 9, No. 11, pp. 419-438, Sep- Osgood, William R., and Holt, Marshall, The Column
tember, 1942. Strength of Two Extruded Aluminum-Alloy H-Sections, N.A.C.A.
High Strength Steels (a section of this handbook dealing with Report No. 656, 1939.
their stainless steels will be available early in 1943 from The Wilson, Wilbur M., and Newmark, N a t h a n M., The Strength
American Rolling Mill Company). of Thin Cylindrical Shells as Columns, Bulletin No. 255, Engineer-
Sechler, Ernest E., and Dunn, Louis G., Airplane Structural ing Experiment Station, The University of Illinois, February 28,
Analysis and Design, 1st Edition, p. 156; John Wiley & Sons, 1933.
New York, 1942. Reference 6, pp. 45-51.
6 24
Timoshenko, S., Theory of Elastic Stability, 1st Edition, p. Basquin, O. H., Tangent Modulus and the Strength of Steel
64; The McGraw-Hill Book Company, New York, 1936. Columns in Tests, Technologic Papers of the Bureau of Standards,
Reference 1, p. 260. No. 263.
8 25
Niles, Alfred S., and Newall, Joseph B., Airplane Structures, Templin, R. L., Sturm, R. G., Hartman, E. C , and Holt, M.,
2nd Edition, Vol. 1, p. 298; John Wiley & Sons, New York, 1938. Column Strength of Various Aluminum Alloys, Technical Paper
Fuller, Charles E., and Johnson, William A., Applied Me- No. 1, Aluminum Company of America.

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