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Hamdard University – Islamabad Campus

Hamdard Institute of Engineering & Technology

Bachelors OF Computer Science
Course Title: Professional Practice Semester: Spring – 2021
Exam: Mid-Term Date: May 31 , 2021
Maximum Marks: 10 (Part:3) Time: 120 mins ( 10:00 – 12:00)

Course Instructor: Israr Akhter Student Name :_M.Usman Danish_

Student ID__839-2016__ Sign:______________________

1. Students must complete the 03 long questions within the 120-minute time frame allotted for the exam
and all questions are compulsory.
2. The student may not use his or her textbook, course notes, internet, or receive help from a proctor or
any other outside source Copying can lead to marks deduction.
3. Every student will take the examination on a Laptop or Desktop PC.
4. Attempt paper on the same questions paper, Submit it in PDF format and Mention your Full name,
CMS ID, Signatures and Start uploading your paper 15-minute before the ending time
5. Make sure you appear for the online exam sitting alone in a well clear room with no background
noise during the entire process of the exam.
6. For rough work, make sure you do the rough works on blank sheet only.
7. In case of having uploading problem please email the paper within due time to your teacher
8. E.g or personal email of teacher

Part 3: Questions (2+ 3 + 5 = 10)

1. You are a software engineer at a company where management routinely encourages you and
your colleagues to use pirated software. How would you respond in a way that is legal, moral,
and ethical? (2)
That’s highly illegal. You should notify them that it is illegal. And, if they continue, you should
notify the legal team. If it continues, you either need to leave the company or notify the proper
You do not want to be an accessory to piracy and any other laws being broken. Although it is
less likely that the blame falls to the employee, it still won’t look good if you’re looking for
another job and your employment history states that you were part of a company that got
busted for a scandal.

2. Explain IEEE Code of Ethics with examples and block diagrams. (3)


Student Name__________________ ID:_________________

Software engineers shall act consistently with the public interest.

Software engineers shall act in a manner that is in the best interests of their client and employer
consistent with the public interest.
Software engineers shall ensure that their products and related modifications meet the highest
professional standards possible.
Software engineers shall maintain integrity and independence in their professional judgment.
Software engineering managers and leaders shall subscribe to and promote an ethical approach
to the management of software development and maintenance.
Software engineers shall advance the integrity and reputation of the profession consistent with
the public interest.
Software engineers shall be fair to and supportive of their colleagues.
Software engineers shall participate in lifelong learning regarding the practice of their profession
and shall promote an ethical approach to the practice of the profession.

3. (A) Explain Traits of a professional with name and examples. (2.5)

 Professional appearance:
Professionals should always strive for a professional appearance, including appropriate attire
and proper hygiene and grooming. Clothing should always be clean and ironed properly. Pants,
dresses, formal skirts, crisp white shirts and leather shoes are all appropriate for a professional's

 Reliable:
Professionals are dependable and keep their commitments. They do what they say they will do
and don't overpromise. Professionals respond to colleagues and customers promptly and follow
through on their commitments in a timely manner. Punctuality is a key aspect of this
professional characteristic. It's always important to clarify any areas of uncertainty when dealing
with customers or members of your team to ensure there are no mistaken assumptions or

 Ethical behavior:
Embodying professionalism also means to be committed to doing the right thing. Honesty, open
disclosure and sincerity are all characteristics of ethical behavior. Many organizations include a
commitment to ethical behavior in their code of conduct. Professionals can adopt a personal
code of conduct and make the same commitment on an individual basis.

Student Name__________________ ID:_________________

 Organized:
A professional keeps their workspace neat and organized so that they can easily find items when
they need them. All files and paperwork should be in place and, if they have to deliver a
presentation, all materials should be ready well in advance so there are no unexpected delays.

 Accountable:
Just as a professional accepts credit for having completed a task or achieved a goal, they also are
accountable for their actions when they fail. They take responsibility for any mistakes that they
make and take whatever steps necessary to resolve any consequences from mistakes. They are
accountable and expect accountability from others.

 Professional language:
People who behave with professionalism monitor every area of their behavior, including how
they talk. They minimize the use of slang and avoid using inappropriate language in the
workplace. They even are conscientious of the language they use in informal settings.

 Separates personal and professional:

Professionals understand the importance of separating their personal lives from their
professional lives. While professionals may experience the same challenges in their personal
lives as others, they maintain a clear separation between their professional lives and workplace

 Positive attitude:
Part of being a professional means maintaining a positive, can-do attitude while working. A
positive attitude will improve a professional's overall performance and increase the likelihood of
a positive outcome. It will also impact the behavior and performance of others, improving
employee morale in the office.

 Emotional control:
Emotional control is another key characteristic of professionalism. Professionals understand the
importance of maintaining their composure and staying calm in all situations. By remaining
calm, even during challenging moments, others can rely on them to be rational and of sound

 Effective time management:

An employee who knows how to manage their time well is viewed by their peers as a
professional. Some characteristics of time management abilities include showing up at the office
on time in the morning, being on time for meetings and letting someone in the office know if
they suspect that they might be late.

 Focused:
A professional is clear about their goals and understands what they need to accomplish to
achieve them. They know how to stay focused on their work to maintain their productivity.

Student Name__________________ ID:_________________

Professionals recognize the importance of maintaining focus to improve the quality of their
work and be as efficient as possible.

 Poised:
Professionals should demonstrate poise, a calm and confident state of being. Being poised
means maintaining a straight posture, making eye contact when communicating and helping
establish a friendly and professional presence. Being poised means also staying calm during
times of heightened pressure.
 Respectful of others:
Professionals always treat others with respect. They understand that though humor is
appropriate in the workplace, they should always use it with respect to others. The only time
that professionals engage in conversations about other people is if they are evaluating their
performance and looking for constructive ways to improve their performance in the workplace.
 Strong communicator:
A professional must have strong communication skills. This means that they not only can
effectively and efficiently convey messages to others but also that they can actively listen to and
understand what others are telling them. By engaging in open and constructive communication
with others, professionals can collaborate more effectively and accomplish a lot.
 Possesses soft skills:
Soft skills are personal attributes that allow someone to interact effectively with others. Soft
skills include things like leadership, critical thinking, teamwork and people skills. Soft skills help
professionals to behave courteously when addressing colleagues and managers, use the right
language when communicating and respect the opinions of others.
(B) Define all parameters of professional Life with name and examples. (2.5)
Attributes of Professionalism are as follow:

First of all, accountancy professionals are known for their specialized knowledge and skills
backed up by their accountancy qualification. It is expected and required that they will keep this
knowledge and skills up-to-date throughout their careers (undertaking regular continuing
professional development – CPD) so that they can always deliver work of the highest quality, in
accordance with accounting standards and relevant laws and regulations.

Reliability and accountability:

True professionals plan in advance and never turn up to client meetings unprepared. They
honour their commitments and can be relied upon to always get the job done – they deliver what
they said they would deliver, and on time. But if things are not going exactly to plan, they do not
look for excuses but do their best to put tasks and projects back on track. If mistakes are made,
they accept responsibility for the part they played.

Honesty and integrity:

Personal accountability is closely linked to honesty and integrity, another two tenets of
professionalism. Professionals always tell the truth and never compromise their values. They will

Student Name__________________ ID:_________________

do the right thing at all times and in all circumstances, even if it means others will disagree or

‘There are also contributory factors of morality and ethics – a professional person should
demonstrate a squeaky-clean, whiter-than-white stance, adds Clarke.

Imagine being faced with an irate client or supplier. Instead of getting angry in return, you will act
like a professional if you stay calm and business-like, and if you do everything you can to
understand and help resolve the issue. Professionals can do this because they have a good degree
of emotional intelligence, which means they consider the emotions and needs of others.

At work, professionals keep calm under pressure no matter what, even though they might act
differently if faced with a similar situation in their personal lives.

It is possible because they have developed a work persona that is separate from their personality
outside of the office, says Rona O'Brien, dean of business and management at GSM London: ‘In
your personal life there are situations where you will be angry, shout, start an argument or be
difficult with other people. While you don't want to entirely remove your individual personality at
work, you must be able to dampen down the negative sides.’

Your contract of employment may state that your workday ends at 5pm, but some days you may
have to stay half an hour late to get a task or project finished on time. This does not mean you
should ignore important commitments in your personal life, but you do not want to be seen leaving
important work not done just because you want to go to the gym.

‘Your employer expects you to demonstrate a commitment to your role, as well as being flexible
enough to adjust to any changes,’ says Johnson. Plans, goals and parameters evolve as work moves

Respect for others:

Treating all people with respect and kindness is part and parcel of being professional. This
includes people junior to you and those in support roles, as well as people you dislike. Sometimes
you will have to work with colleagues you just do not get on with or who are not very nice. Remain
professional by always being polite to everyone you come into contact with, no matter what their
role is and no matter what you think of them.

Respecting others also involves supporting them when they need it and being generally helpful,
which sometimes means doing that little bit more. You gain a reputation as a professional by going
over and above the bare minimum requirement of your job description. This means always looking
for ways to do your job better, helping out colleagues and not balking at new responsibilities.

Professional image:

Student Name__________________ ID:_________________

Professionals always look the part. What you wear (this includes hair and jewellery) needs to
exude an air of confidence and respectability, ‘as you are always on show and being judged,’ says
Johnson. ‘This does not necessarily mean that you have to conform to the stereotype of a pin-
striped suit and white shirt, but you do have to be very smart. Lasting impressions are made in a
split second.

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