Unionist March 2011

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Volume 41 • Number 3

March 2011

Official Publication of Social Service Employees Union Local 371-DC 37 AFSCME, AFL-CIO www.sseu371.org

Union Elections: This Is What Democracy Looks Like

I t comes around every three years. The
members of Local 371 choose their
leaders in a Union-wide election, and
the candidates for this year’s election have
been announced.
are incumbent Joseph Nazario and
Rosemary Ciulla-Frisone.
l The candidates for Vice President
of Research and Negotiations are Rose
Lovaglio-Miller and Gustavo Rodriguez.
l The candidates for Vice President of
Publicity and Community Relations are
incumbent Michelle Conklin and Patricia
Also up for election are three spots for
During a mass membership meeting at l The candidates for Vice President of Trustee of the Local. Running for those po-
the School of the Future in Manhattan Organization and Education are incum- sitions on the Moore for the Members slate
March 7, members nominated people for bent Beverly Mallory-Brown and Ingrid are Brigette Browning, Marissa Greene
the various officer slots in the Union’s lead- Beaumont. and David B. Kayode; running on the
ership. It breaks down as follows: l The candidates for Vice President of Wells-Members United slate are Vincent
l The candidates for President are in- Grievances and Legal Services are incum- Ciccarello, Yolanda DeJesus and Melva
cumbent Faye Moore and Vice President of bent Lloyd Permaul, Glenda Lee and Mary Scarborough.
Research and Negotiations Anthony Wells. Kelly. Running for three open positions for
l The candidates for Executive Vice l The candidates for Vice President of Trustee of the Welfare and Education
President are incumbent Yolanda Pumarejo Legislation and Political Action are in- Funds on the Moore slate are Mark
and Reuben Adeshuko. cumbent Michelle Akyempong and Melvin Casner and Michelle Gaskin; running on
l The candidates for Secretary-Treasurer Alston. Continued on page 3

Black History Celebration Honors Past and Present

February is known as Black History
Month, but perhaps it should be better
known as Black Present Month.
It is usually a time when we reflect on
the victories of civil rights advocates in
American history, but the fact is that we
find ourselves in the same struggles today.
We have reactionary politicians who say,
with all seriousness, that the civil rights
legislation of the 1960s should be rolled
back, and just as Martin Luther King, Jr.
was assassinated while standing in solidar-
ity with striking sanitation workers, public-
sector workers—as Local 371 members
know all too well—face assaults from the
political right, which blames civil servants
for the financial mess Wall Street created.
On February 25 at DC 37’s downtown
headquarters, hundreds of Local 371
Dave Sanders

members and their families gathered for a

memorable night of music, speeches, and
Continued on page 4 The IMPACT Repertory Theatre featured children of all ages performing original dance and music.

Update on Prescription Drugs Delegate Election Rules Rally for City Services
Page 3 Pages 6-7 Page 8
CALENDAR Women and the Triangle shirtwaist Fire
21 Jewish Heritage Committee Meeting:
6:30 p.m. Union Office, 12th Floor
23 Political Action Committee Meeting:
6:30 p.m. Union Office, 12th Floor
Civilians in Law Enforcement
Chapter Meeting: 6:30 p.m. Union
Office, 15th Floor
24 shelter Chapter Meeting:
6:30 p.m. Union Office, 12th Floor


Pat Arnow
4 HHC Chapter Meeting:
6:30 p.m. Union Office, 12th Floor
6 Executive Committee Meeting: The Local 371 Women’s Committee was on-hand March 9 for the New York chapter of the Coalition of Labor Union Women’s
6:30 p.m. Union Office, 12th Floor celebration of the 100th anniversary of International Women’s Day. The theme included recognition of the upcoming 100th
anniversary of the Triangle Shirtwaist Fire in Greenwich Village March 25, the infamous industrial fire where 146 workers—
12 Alumni Association Meeting: mostly young immigrant women—were killed. The event led to major safety reforms for workers.
2 p.m. Union Office, 12th Floor
13 Women’s Committee Meeting:
6:30 p.m. Union Office, 12th Floor ACs Lawsuit Update
20 Delegate Assembly: 6:30 p.m. Advance The City has given Local 371’s lawyers court-ordered docu- In December, a Manhattan Supreme Court Justice ruled in the
Realty Building, 235 West 23rd Street in ments in regards to 109 layoffs at the Administration for Union’s favor in terms of revealing information about the termi-
Manhattan Children’s Services. The Union is now waiting on the judge in nations, after the Union charged in its lawsuit filed in late May
the case to set a court date. that the City was also hiring provisionals at the same time.
27 Political Action Committee Meeting:
6:30 p.m. Union Office, 12th Floor
Civilians in Law Enforcement
Chapter Meeting: 6:30 p.m. Union
Office, 15th Floor
25 YEARS AGO March 1986 15 YEARS AGO March 1996
INCREASE IN EVICTION CASES President Charles Ensley and Delegates from the
Workers at GSS #10 in Central Harlem are doing a Bellevue Shelter met in March with Department of
heroic job handling cases of a critical nature such Homeless Services Deputy Commissioner Anthony
as evictions of the elderly and troubled despite Proscio and other management representatives on
Published monthly except for a combined issue in July/
August and a Supplement in January by the Social working under the most deplorable conditions the problem of staff security at Bellevue.
Service Employees Union Local 371, District Council 37, including severe understaffing, excessive case- In calling the meeting, the Union pinpointed a
AFSCME, AFL-CIO. Subscription Price $2.00 annually.
Periodical postage paid at New York, N.Y. loads...and supply shortages, faulty elevators, number of problems creating an unacceptable risk
POSTMASTER: Please send address changes to: The inadequate security and a host of other problems... to staff at the shelter. Among these were the failure
Unionist, SSEU Local 371, 817 Broadway, N.Y., N.Y. 10003. A labor-management meeting is being scheduled of management to remove individuals with a his-
USPS# 348990 (212) 677-3900
ISSN# 0041-7092
by the Union to discuss GSS understaffing, and the tory of assaulting staff from the shelter, to provide
Union has begun arbitration proceedings for GSS security to staff working areas...and to prohibit
Faye Moore #10 and nine other locations with serious physical access to the building in the evening to unknown
Executive Vice President plant problems.” individuals—some of whom have had guns.”
Yolanda Pumarejo
Joe Nazario 20 YEARS AGO March 1991 10 YEARS AGO March 2001
V.P. Organization & Education Twenty-five angry Bronx houseparents and senior
Beverly Mallory-Brown
Local 371’s Executive Board voted unanimously
V.P. Grievances & Legal Services houseparents turned out for a Union meeting on on March 7 to issue a statement condemning the
Lloyd Permaul March 5 to protest the deteriorating conditions in ‘egregious violations of workers rights’ by the WBAI
V.P. Legislation & Political Action Bronx group homes in the aftermath of the tragic Radio management...Last Christmas, Pacifica arbi-
Michelle Akyempong
V.P. Publicity & Community Relations
fire at Laconia Avenue.... trarily fired a number of members of the production
Michelle Conklin Union Organizer Paul Simmons told the house- staff, including a union shop steward, and banned
Trustees parents to call Melvin Hall, director of congregate four unpaid staff members from the station. In
Michael Ballesteros
Yolanda DeJesus care in the Bronx every time they worked alone. He addition, management removed Amy Goodman, the
Melva Scarborough also advised houseparents to keep a record of the popular host of the morning show, ‘Wakeup Call,’
Editor time they worked alone so that the Union could file
Ari Paul
and banned Mimi Rosenberg, long term co-host of
an out-of-title work grievance, charging that the the labor show ‘Building Bridges: Your Community
houseparents are performing supervisory tasks.” and Labor Report.’”
Visit us on the web at www.sseu371.org

2 The Unionist | March 2011

Union Elections Jeffrey Wilson, and Michelle Woody;
For the Moore slate: Reuben Adeshuko,
Adams, Jacqueline Love, Diana Verna,
Everlina Washington and Myrtle Wilson;
Continued from page 1 Melvin Alston, Rosemary Ciulla-Frisone, On the Wells slate: Henry Adekoya,
the Wells slate are Michelle Blackstock, Michelle Conklin, Glenda Lee, Beverly Michelle Akyempong, Ron Cook, Rick
Rosaura DeJesus and Jagdish Patel. Mallory-Brown, Gustavo Rodriguez, d’Arias, Lucy Lane, Hector Molina, Denis
Running for the 20 positions of Reuben Archer, Faith Cochran, Angela Relf, Jose Santos and Thomas Schechter.
Delegate to the DC 37 Delegates Council Hunt-Phipps, Dawn Jones, Gina Marie Ballots will be mailed to members’
on the Wells slate: Michelle Akyempong, Keyes, Adrienne Miller, Emmanuel Ojo, homes April 4 and must be returned by
Ingrid Beaumont, Patricia Chardavoyne, Jason Paulino, Dempsey Phillips, Maria 9:00 a.m. April 29 to be counted. The ad-
Pascual Gomez, Doris Hernandez- Santiago, Amador Suarez, Lisa Turner and ministrative term will commence May 1.
Murphy, John Land, Rose Lovaglio- Delroy Williams. The American Arbitration Association
Miller, Kirby Lindell, Margaretta There are also nine slots for Delegate to will count the ballots beginning at 10:00
Mormon, Joseph Nazario, Lloyd the Central Labor Council. In the running a.m. on April 29. Any member who has
Permaul, James Plaza, Yolanda Pumarejo, for those positions on the Moore slate not received a ballot by April 12 should
Sylvia Quinones, Magda Santos, Derek are Melvin Alston, Lonnie Artis, Tracy call AAA at 1-800-529-5218 to request
Carson, Dawn Isom, Tamar Johnson- a ballot.
Pat Arnow

Saunders, Ana Soto, Yolanda Williams,

Election Committee
Members Chosen
Five members of the Election Committee have
been elected. They will oversee the General
Officers Election slated for next month.
Saundra Galloway and Theodore Baker were
elected in a Delegate Assembly meeting
February 16. Charlena Lowery, Manuela
Garrett and Maria Cintron were elected during
Pat Arnow a General Membership Meeting February 28.
Union members packed an auditorium to participate in the nomination process.


In response to the Federal Patient Protection and Af- The application form can also be completed and FAXed to All applications must be postmarked or FAXed not later
fordable Care Act, the Union’s Welfare Fund allows Fund the Welfare Fund, at (212) 505-2584, ATTN: Enrollment. than March 31, 2011.
members’ children between the ages of 19 and 26 to A separate application form must be completed for each If you have any further questions, or to obtain additional
enroll for coverage under the Fund’s Prescription Drug child between the age of 19 and 26 for whom you are application forms, please call the Welfare Fund, at (212)
benefit, effective January 1, 2011. This coverage will requesting Prescription Drug benefit coverage. 777-9000, Ext. 3054 or 3060.
be provided at no out-of-pocket expense, and will be
included within the Fund member’s $4,000.00 annual The Sections Below Must be completed by the Covered Member
maximum limitation on coverage ($8,000.00, if both
husband and wife are Fund members). This does not Member’s Name: ___________________________ Social Security Number: __________________________
apply to Dental, Optical, or any other of the Welfare
Fund’s benefits. Address: ______________________________________________________________________________
The Fund member/parent must opt into the Plan for the Telephone Number: _________________________
children to enroll, and a child on the Plan will be able to
stay on until his or her 26th birthday. There is an enroll-
ment period from January 1 to March 31, 2011. Children Dependent Child’s Name: _____________________________ Date of Birth: __________________________
who were previously covered and became ineligible due
Relationship to Member: ______________________ Social Security Number: __________________________
to the age limits (19, or 23, if a full-time student), or were
over the age limits when the Fund member/parent be- Address (if different from the member): _________________________________________________________
came eligible for coverage, must enroll in order to become
covered for Prescription Drug benefits. Is Your Dependent Child Currently Employed ___________ Yes _________ No
Adult children of Fund members can be covered whether If Yes, Please Provide the Following Information Regarding Your Dependent Child:
or not they are single or married, but cannot enroll if they
have Prescription Drug coverage through their employ- Employer’s Name: _______________________________________________________________________
ment or their spouse.
Employer’s Address: ______________________________________________________________________
To enroll your adult child up to age 26 for coverage by
the Welfare Fund’s Prescription Drug benefit, clip out and Employer’s Telephone Number: ______________________________________________________________
complete the application form at right, and mail it to:
ATTENTION: Health Coverage, which provides prescription drug benefits, is not available from my child’s employer.
SSEU Local 371 Welfare Fund, 817 Broadway, 15th Floor,
New York, New York 10003, ATTN: Enrollment. Member’s Signature: _______________________ Date: _______________________________________

March 2011 | The Unionist 3

Official Rules for 2011 Delegate Elections
A. GENERAL RULES: 3. The WLEC shall post on the bulletin board resentative (who must be an AFSCME member)
1. The Delegate is the chief Union representative the names of the candidates nominated, the date, as an observer.
of his or her location and represents all members time and place of the balloting, and the names of 5. There shall be no campaigning at the polls.
there regardless of title. the members of the WLEC. No one at the polls (including those registering vot-
2. Delegate elections shall be held annually in 4. The WLEC shall, as soon as possible, inform ers, distributing ballots, poll watching, etc.) shall
May. the Secretary-Treasurer’s office by phone (212-677- indicate support for or opposition to any candidate
3. Delegate and Alternate Delegates shall be ap- 3900) of the nominees’ names in the order they are within the hearing of anyone voting or waiting to
pointed in accordance with the Local’s Constitution; to appear on the ballot and shall assist the Secretary- vote. No candidate is allowed at the polls except to
one Delegate for a minimum of 25 to 74 members, Treasurer’s office to identify the distribution points cast a ballot.
two Delegates for a minimum of 75 to 124 members covered by their election. 6. Elections are to be held for at least two (2)
and, in like manner, one additional Delegate for 5. The WLEC shall be responsible for picking up hours during the lunch hours or during the pay
each 50 members. For each Delegate there shall be all election material including the latest member- periods in conventional 9 to 5 locations. Wherever
two Alternate Delegates. ship run, ballots and report sheets from the Union possible, elections shall be held all day.
4. Membership in good standing commences office. 7. For locations where there are shifts, voting
when a worker is on union dues check-off, or when 6. The WLEC should count the ballots imme- must be available for some period for each shift.
a worker is both on “agency shop fees” deduction to diately after closing the polls, but no later than the Wherever possible, the election shall be held
the local and his/her “green card” has been received end of the day. throughout all shifts.
in the Union office. Membership in good stand- 7. The WLEC has an additional responsibility
ing is immediately established by direct payment enumerated under Section H (Certification of the E. VOTING PROCEDURES:
of dues to the Union. Dues are payable monthly Election).
in advance. 1. In order to receive a ballot, the member’s name
8. The WLEC shall, immediately after the elec- with Union Designation (Code UA or UX in Pay
5. Locations which do not hold elections in May tion, destroy all ballots which have not been used. Grade Column) must appear on the membership
will be considered to have unfilled positions, unless 9. The WLEC shall maintain all records of the run provided by the Union Office. Any other code
the Secretary-Treasurer has approved, in writing, an election for thirty-one (31) days, or in case of protests, (AA, A, S, or X) denotes Agency Fee payer or Non-
extension based on a specific problem. for 31 days after the resolution of all protests. On Member and, therefore, renders one ineligible to
6. Nomination meetings shall be held in each the thirty-first day the WLEC shall destroy all the vote unless the WLEC confirms that a “green card”
location with 15 days notice. Such notice shall be material except the membership run which should be has been received in the Union Office. In HHC an
any Union leaflet distributed to the members in given to the Delegate for the location’s use. Agency Fee payer is identified by the number 9 in
the work location or mailed to the membership, or the first column after the name on the printout or
notice prominently posted on bulletin boards, or C. NOMINATION AND DECLINATION RULES: by an asterisk (*) on the pay stub.
published in The Unionist.
1. Any member who is in good standing for six 2. The member must sign the membership run
7. Nomination meeting notices shall specify the weeks on the date of nomination may run for Del- next to his or her name and will then receive a ballot.
date, time and place of the election. The nomina- egate or Alternate Delegate.
tion notices should also specify the date, time and 3. If the member’s name is missing or an ineligible
place of a run-off election should it be necessary. If 2. At the nomination meeting any member may code appears, he/she must submit a paystub showing
the election dates, time and place are not specified nominate himself or herself or any other member. “U” beside dues deduction or Union membership
on the nomination notice, a second notice must be No second is required. The nominee need not be must be verified by phone through the Union office.
given at least 15 days in advance of any election. present. Upon receiving proof of membership, the WLEC
3. Any member nominated for Delegate is au- shall print his/her name and social security number
8. No funds of SSEU Local 371 or of any affiliate
tomatically nominated as a candidate for Alternate on the membership run, and indicate how member-
body shall be used to support the candidacy of any
Delegate. However, a member may be nominated ship was certified. The member must then sign next
member for any elective office within AFSCME.
and run for Alternate only. to his/her name before receiving a ballot.
9. No publication sponsored by the Union or
by any affiliate body shall endorse or support any 4. A motion to close nominations is always out of
candidate for elective office within AFSCME. order. Nominations for each office are closed only F. COUNTING RULES:
after three consecutive calls for “other nominations” 1. Each candidate has a right to one (1) represen-
10. Any nominee for elective office shall have the go unanswered. tative (who must be an AFSCME member) to be
right to have campaign literature mailed once to
each member in good standing, through the Union 5. No further nominations shall be accepted after present at the counting.
office, but at private expense. the close of nominations. 2. The number of ballots cast should not exceed
11. Messages on the Union tape (212-674-7670) 6. Every nominee shall be given an opportunity the number of signatures.
for two consecutive work days will constitute official to decline. Declinations after the nomination meet- 3. Write-in votes, blank ballots, and signed bal-
notice to all candidates. It will be the responsibility ing must be submitted in writing to the WLEC. A lots are void.
of all candidates to call the tape regularly in order member declining the Delegate nomination will still 4. A vote is valid if a member votes for the same
to keep themselves informed. be considered a candidate for Alternate Delegate candidate in both Delegate and Alternate columns.
unless he/she also specifically declines to run for The two marks shall be considered as one vote for
12. Prior approval of the Secretary-Treasurer is
Alternate Delegate. said candidate as Delegate.
required for a change in the composition of the
work location. 7. If there is only one nominee for each open of- 5. Use common sense if the intentions of the voter
fice, such unopposed candidate or candidates shall are clear; count the vote.
be declared elected, provided they fulfill all require-
B. ThE WORk LOCATION ELECTION COMMITTEE: ments for office. In all other cases, elections shall 6. The Delegate votes shall be declared and
1. The conduct of the election shall be the respon- be by secret ballot. counted first. When counting for Alternate any
sibility of the Work Location Election Committee member who ran for Delegate and lost shall have
(WLEC). The Committee shall be chosen at the the Delegate votes received added to the Alternate
D. VOTING RULES: votes received to make his or her Alternate total.
nomination meeting and shall consist of no fewer
than two (2) Union members in good standing who 1. Only members in good standing may vote.
7. In the case of a tie, a runoff shall be held at
are not candidates for any position involved in the 2. Absentee or proxy voting is prohibited. the request of any involved candidate. Any alter-
election. The members of the WLEC should be 3. A standard ballot form shall be used at all loca- nate method acceptable to all these candidates is
present at the nomination meeting. tions. permissible (e.g. lot, flipping of a coin, drawing
2. The WLEC shall remain neutral on all issues 4. The polls cannot be watched by any candidate. straws, etc.). Fifteen days notice of run-off elections
and candidates. However, each candidate has a right to have a rep- must be given.

6 The Unionist | March 2011

Members Celebrate Irish Heritage

Local 371 members attended

DC 37’s annual Irish Heritage
celebration at its downtown
headquarters March 4. Members
were treated to traditional Irish
musical performances, including
Photos: Dave Sanders

one from the FDNY-Emergency

Medical Service’s Pipes and Drums
(left), as well as some unique Irish
dancing (right).

G. PROTESTS AND APPEALS: 6. If a protest is being considered before the order of the number of votes received. If members
1. Protests must be made in writing to the WLEC WLEC has certified the election, incumbents shall desire to yield their rank they must do so in writing
by a member of the work location within ten (10) remain in office until the WLEC certifies the elec- to the Secretary-Treasurer.
days. In case of such protests, all interested parties tion. If the election has been certified the newly
shall be afforded an opportunity to be heard and a elected Delegates and Alternates remain in office
decision shall be made by the WLEC in writing until a new election is held. I. INTERIM DELEGATE ELECTIONS:
within thirty (30) days after the filing of the protest. 1. A Delegate transferred to a new work location
2. In any election where an agreement of the count h. CERTIFICATION OF ThE ELECTION: shall continue as Delegate from his/her former lo-
cannot be reached, this problem shall immediately be 1. The newly elected Delegates and Alternates cation for a period of thirty (30) days or until such
brought to the attention of the Secretary-Treasurer take office immediately upon the certification of former location shall elect a new Delegate, which-
where a ruling will be made. the election by the WLEC. ever shall occur first.
3. In case of an outright violation of the Constitu- 2. The WLEC shall post the election results on 2. In the event an interim election is needed
tion, a reelection may immediately be ordered by the bulletin board. for vacated Delegate or Alternate positions, said
the Secretary-Treasurer. election shall be for the total number of vacant
3. The WLEC shall submit the results of the lo-
4. Any protestant adversely affected by a WLEC cal election in writing to the Secretary-Treasurer of offices for the remainder of the unexpired term.
decision may file a written appeal with the Secretary- the Union immediately after counting. This report No Alternate moves into a Delegate position
Treasurer within ten days after the decision, or, if no must include: automatically, but must be voted on. Incumbent
decision has been rendered, within forty (40) days af-
a. A copy of the ballot used including totals re- Delegates move into the next higher available Del-
ter filing the original protest with the WLEC. Upon
ceived by each candidate; if the election is uncon- egate position. (Incumbent Alternates move into
receipt of such an appeal, the Secretary-Treasurer
tested, a work location membership list including the next higher available Alternate position.) The
shall refer it to the Central Election Committee
Social Security numbers. election will then be held to fill the total number
(CEC) to conduct an investigation, affording all
interested parties an opportunity to be heard and b. The winners’ names, home addresses, social of remaining positions.
a recommendation shall be made in writing to the security numbers, home telephone numbers, work
location with their addresses and work telephone 3. Alternates must resign their position as Al-
Secretary-Treasurer within thirty (30) days.
numbers. ternates if they wish to run for a vacant Delegate
(The CEC is composed of two representatives position. This is to insure to the members the right
from each Chapter with the Secretary-Treasurer c. The signatures and work phone number of the
WLEC members. to fill all vacancies at the same time.
serving as Chairperson. However, no person may
serve as a member of the CEC in any election in 4. The location shall be considered without Del- 4. However, if an incumbent Alternate resigned to
which he/she is a candidate.) egates by the Secretary-Treasurer until the report is run for a vacant Delegate position and is not elected
5. Any further appeals may be made to the Judicial received. When received, the report will be accepted Delegate, but is reelected Alternate, his/her rank
Panel in accordance with the AFSCME Constitu- subject to review by the Secretary-Treasurer. among the Alternates shall be as if he/she had not
tion and Judicial Panel rules. 5. Delegates and Alternates shall be ranked in resigned to run for Delegate.

March 2011 | The Unionist 7

Social Work Celebration Periodicals Postage
Paid at New York, NY
The Committee of Concerned Social Workers
held its annual celebration March 11 with
keynote speaker Mimi Abramovitz. See next Social Service Employees Union
month’s Unionist for more in depth coverage. Local 371
817 Broadway
New York, N.Y. 10003

Condolences are extended to Virginia S. Valente,
Community Coordinator, DOT, Safety City Staten
Island, on the death of her mother, Carmella Valente,
on February 9. Condolences may be sent to Virginia
Valente, 11 Gadson Place, Apt. 2G, Staten Island,
NY 10314.

Condolences are extended to Collins Nwankwo,

Caseworkers at HASA, on the death of his father,
Vitus Nze, January 13. Condolences may be sent to
Collins Nwankwo, HASA, 1791 Grand Concourse,
Bronx, NY 10453 hundreds Rally to Support City Services
Condolences are extended to Darcell Berridge, sseu LocaL 371 joined other unions, workers and supporters who turned out for
Juvenile Counselor at the Horizon Juvenile Center civic leaders and community groups on Feb- the rally. City Council Member Charles
in the Bronx, on the death of her mother, Gertrude
ruary 24 to demand that Mayor Bloomberg Barron, Sonia Ivany of the New York City
Lockwood, on February 24. Condolences may be
sent to Darcell Berridge, 3000 Bronx Park Blvd., Apt. support City jobs and services that he has Chapter of the Labor Council for Latin
13A, Bronx, NY 10467. threatened to cut, while continuing tax American Advancement (LCLAA), Local
breaks for millionaires and giving away mil- 371 President Faye Moore and others spoke
Congratulations lions of taxpayer dollars to private interests out about the widening gap between rich and
Congratulations to Barbara Chatmon-Judson for runaway projects like CityTime. poor, the attack against public-sector unions
on her retirement after 30 years of service in the Representatives from the AFL-CIO, and the right of workers to representation.
Substance Abuse and Policy and Planning Division Transport Workers Union Local 100, CWA “There is nothing more pathetic than a bil-
and Family Support Services at ACS. Local 1180, DC 37 Locals 375, 1113, and lionaire who cries broke,” Moore said. “This
1549 were among the hundreds of union is not about money; this is about us, this is
about the working class. Wisconsin just beat
us to the streets. Bloomberg already told us
BULLETIN BOARD that he wants to do away with the civil-service
system, that he wants to take our benefits.”
SWAP- CPS/FSU at 1200 Waters Street wants to Local 371 member Antoinette Nelson was
swap with CPS at Emergency Children’s Services among the demonstrators, and expressed
at 492 First Avenue. If interested, please call the sentiment of many in the crowd, stating,
(917) 349-2474. “This is not about money, it’s about power.
SWAP- AJOS1 at East River Job Center in Long The Union is one of three power brokers in
Island City would like to swap with AJOS1 in Far this City, the other two being the politicians
Rockaway. If interested, please call (917) 776-1223. and big business. If we let them take the
SWAP- CPS/FSU at 2501 Grand Course, Bronx Union out of the equation, we lose the voice
looking to swap with CPS at 974 Morris Park Av- President Moore addresses the crowd. of the middle class.”
enue, or CPS at 1200 Waters Place. If interested
please contact (718) 679-7561.

GREAT DEALS ON ART- Beautiful custom framed

8” x 10” and 11” x 14” prints are available for
sale. Prices range from $25 to $75. Prints from
artists like Romare Bearden and more are avail-
able. Please call Fred at (646) 265-8288.Thanks
for reading.

WANTED- Top cash paid for your old jazz, soul,

R&B and gospel albums. Call Howard at (212)
CLASSIFIED ADS are free to Union members and agen-
Photos: Pat Arnow

cy shop fee payers in writing only (typewritten if possible)

to THE UNIONIST, 817 Broadway, New York, N.Y. 10003.
Include your work phone with ad copy, but work phone
numbers will only be printed with swap transfer ads. In
no instance will ads run longer than three months. No Local 371 members lead other labor activists in a march for City services by City Hall.
real estate or business ads accepted. The Union neither
endorses nor is responsible for these offerings. 8 The Unionist | March 2011

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