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LETHPH 4 5 HERES] alice sorry tno ‘hank ray ‘ck eberteessseeeveneeseupeeeeees ed The puppy's name “What is your puppy's name?” says Tatenda. “Brown Puppy is not a good name for a puppy. Ge Little Puppy is not a good name. Bad Puppy is not a good naifie”" “He likes sticks,” says Chipo. “Js the puppy's name Sticks?” “No,” says David. “Sticks is not a good name.” “Is Rex a good name?” says Tatenda. “Oh, yes,” say the girls. “We like the name Rex for the puppy.” Aman is on the road. “Yes,” says David. He wants to go to the shops. “| like the name Rex. One boy throws the ball up, up, up. His name is Rex.”” It comes down on the man. The boys run away down the toad. The man cannot see the boys. He takes the ball home. The three boys are sorry. | Now the bous cannot play with the ball “Woof, woof,” says Rex. “Ohl Rex likes his name,” says Jenny. “Put him down, David. See him run to me. Rex! Rex! Rex!” 2 { . ms Three boys play with a big ball. The boys run and jump. One boy throws the ball up. The boys catch the ball. The boys like to play with the ball. @ The SPCA man and Rex “What is your name, my boy?” says the SPCA man. "My name is David.” “1 see your puppy looks good,”~ says the SPCA man. : x a eo! “What is his name?” "His name is Rex,” says David “He is a.good puppy. We like him.” “This will help Rex,” says the man. “It is good to bring a puppy for this.” “Oh,” says David. “It is good for a puppy. 1 do not like it.” “Woof, woof,”’ says Rex to the SPCA man. “You do not like this,” says the man. “Good boy, Rex. Good puppy.” The sun is up. Jenny must go to school. “Put your shoes on now,” says Mother. “1 cannot find my shoes,” says Jenny. “You must put your shoes away at night,” says Mother. “You are bad, Jenny. Now the shoes are lost.” Rex comes in with a shoe. "Thank you, Rex. You are a good puppy,” says Mother. “You help Jenny.” « The lost shoes < __ Nae Jenny's shoes are on the grass. She puts them down so she can play. At night time she must put the shoes away. Jenny plays and plays. It gets dark and she runs home. The shoes are on the grass in the dark. o The play hut "| like this hut,” says Chipo. “We like to play in here.” “It is like a little home,” says Jenny. "Shall we bring a little table here?” “Oh, yes,” says Chipo. “One little table and two chairs.” | shall bring the table,” says Jenny. “You bring the two chairs.” Mother comes in. She sees David and she sees the cup. F a “Oh, Mother!” says David. The table and chairs look good. “1 want to help you work. Chipo brings three cups to the hut. Now | do this.”” The girls want to make tea. Mother says, “David, | like you to help “We can play mothers,” Jenny says. me. You are.sorry. “We can make tea in here.” It is not so bad to break a cup.” * David puts the cups in the water. He gets one cup. It is wet. The cup falls down and breaks. Oh! Look at the cup. See David break the cup. He is sorry. He wants to help Mother and now he breaks the cup. sa The girls put the three cups on the table. “Sit down on the chair, Jenny. | shall make the tea,” says Chipo. “| shall sit on this blue chair,” says Jenny. “Make tea nicely, Chipo.” samen “Do you like to play here, girls?” says Father. ue “Oh, yes, Father. wee at em Do yourwant tea?” bs a “Yes, please,” says Father. “like tea.” Father sits on the yellow chair. He is big. The chair is little. “Can | put sugar in your tea?” Jenny says. “Do you like sugar and milk?” “Yes, please,” Father says. “Mmm! This tea is good.” “Mmml” says Jenny. “Mmm” says Chipo. David helps Mother, Bh th +f Mother takes the tea cups away. “Will you help me, please?” she says to David. “The cups are dirty.” “| shall put the cups in the water for you,” says David. Mother must go to the shops. David wants to help. He wants to do the work for Mother. o Tatenda comes in. “Do not cry, Chipo,” he says. “1 shall go and find your baby doll.” “Oh, thank you,” says Chipo. Tatenda finds the doll on the road. He comes in and he is wet. “You are a good boy,” says Mother. “You help so nicely.” Sam makes tea) a8 Oe ] itm A i = ft ji 7 Lelie.) so The girls and boys are at school. Rex and Sam do not go to school. Rex and Sam are in the play hut. Sam wants to make tea like Chipo. Rex cannot sit on a ehair. He cannot make tea. ; = lx Sam sits on the table. He makes tea on the table. | Rex cannot see the tea. He wants to drink water. |) Sam wants to drink tea. & “Woof, woof,” says Rex. “This is not tea. 1 want to drink water.” The two girls run home. They do not see the doll fall down. “Come in,” says Mother. “The storm is here. You will get wet.” Jenny puts Fluff down. Chipo wants to put the baby doll down. “Oh! My baby doll is not here,” says Chipo. “She must be on the road in the storm.” Chipo wants to cry. 5 Chipo plays with her baby doll. Jenny plays with Fluff. A storm comes. It gets dark. “We must run home so we do not get wet,” says Jenny, "Run fast, Chipo.” Rex wants to go. aa He will find water to drink. Bad Sam jumps on toRex: He rides on Rex. “Rex, you are my bicydlé,’ ads ‘Sam. “Run fast. wou! Go, go, go.” bas — Red sits on the sand. He is wet. “1 do not like to be a duck,” he says. “You are not a duck, funny boy,” says Jonah. David rides his bicycle to the shops. “You will not be a duck, Tatenda rides with him. You are a puppy!” David's Mother wants food. The boys will bring the food for Mother. “Here are the shops,” says David. “We stop here and go in.” “A puppy! | like to be a puppy,” says Red. - He runs away down the road. » 5 2 “You can see me,” says Red. “Do | look like a duck? | want to come into the water.” “You can come in,” says Jonah. “You are not a duck.” The puppy jumps into the water. He swims and swims to Jonah. The boys look at the bananas. “Catch me!” he says. The bananas are big and yellow. “I do not like to swim.” “What Mother wants is bananas,’ “Swim to the sand and grass,” says David. Jonah says. “Mmm!” says Tatenda. “Il cannot help you.” “| like bananas.” 2 ry The boys pay the shop man for the bananas: David puts the money on the table. In shops we pay for food with money. Mothers bring the money to the shops. “Put the bananas in this,” says the shop man. The boys ride home with the bananas. “Woof, woof!” says the pupp “What are you? Are you a crocodile?” “No, funny puppy. : ‘A duck swims in water like this,’” says the duck. “Oh, so you are a duck,” the puppy says. “What is your name?” “My name is Jonah. ~ Jonah the duck.” “My name is Red,”, says the puppy. A little yellow duck swims in the blue water. The sun is up. The duck likes to swim up and down. He likes to catch little fish. He likes to drink the water. He likes to sit in the mud. 80 The girls play shop at home. Jenny is the shop girl.= The girls bring toys! The toys are on the table. Jenny's shop is a toy shop. On the table is a boat, a car, Fluff, a fish, two books, a crocodile, a red ball and a green bus. Chipo is the mother. A doll is Chipo’s baby. She is a baby doll. “What do you want?” says the shop girl. "What is in your shop?”” says the mother. “Look and see what you like.” The mother puts Fluff on the table, “| want this for my baby,’ says the mother. “Here is the money to pay for it.” Now the bus stops at the shops. “What do you want to get here?” says Tatenda. Father says, “Mother wants wool to knit. She wants three balls. We can get wool in this shop.” Tatenda says, “We must get bananas for Sam. He likes bananas.” “You boys like bananas. So do the girls,” says Father. Here is the bus. The boys and Father get on. Father pays money to the bus man. We pay for bus rides. “Sit here, Father,” says Tatenda, “Sit with us.” The boys look out of the window. A policeman is in a car. The boys see a fast blue car. “Oh, no! Fluff cannot go. She is my baby,” says Jenny. “| do not want Fluff to go.”” “You are a bad shop girl," Chipo says. “Fluff is in the shop. She is what ! want.” “No, no, no!” says Jenny. “1 do not want to play shops with Fluff.”” “Funny Jenny!” says Chipo. “1 will pay for the red ball, please.” “Yes,” says Jenny, ‘Sam is a thiefj ‘Sam comes to the shop. The girls are not here. He looks at the toys on the table. Sam sees the crocodile. He wants to take it. On the, bus. rf “Let us go to the ahora! ‘says Father. “Do you want to come, Tatenda and David?” “Yes, please! Can we go in the bus and not in the car?” says Tatenda. The three go to the bus stop. The bus will come now. Bad Sam jumps onto Chipo's mother. The tea falls down. “Qh, no!” says Mother. “Oh, Sam you are so bad. You must go now.” “| will help you,” says Jenny's mother. "The tea is on you and you are dirty.” “Oh, look at Rex,” says Chipo’s mother. “He can help us. Look at him drink the tea.” “Good boy. Rex!” “6 He runs to Tatenda with the crocodile. “This is the crocodile in the shop,” says Tatenda. “You are bad, Sam. You are a thief. Put it in the shop. You must pay for the crocodile. You must not take it.” Sam is a good boy. He puts the crocodile in Jenny's shop. ® Night tis dork, Tatenda and Chipo are with Father. “Look up, Father. itis dark,” says Chipo. Father says, “Yes, it is night. The sun is down so it is dark.” Chipo says, “I do not like the night. I like the yellow sun.”” Tea time with Mother The two mothers are at home. Jenny's mother makes tea. “Do you take milk and sugar in your tea?” "Yes, please. | like milk and sugar." Jenny’s mother brings the tea. “Thank you,” says Chipo’s mother. We pray at bedtime * d David and Jenny like to thank God. God can teach us to pray. David thanks God and prays for His help. Jenny thanks God for Mother and Father. David thanks God for his puppy, Rex. Jenny thanks God for home. “Get into bed now,” says Mother. “You must go to sleep now.” Tatenda says, “Look up, Chipo. Look, the stars are here. Stars help us to see at night.” “The night is good,” Father says. “We must sleep at night.” “| do not like to sleep,” says Chipo. “1 like to play.” Tatenda says, “I like the night. ike to see the stars. Little yellow stars in the dark.” Rex at night; It is night. Itis dark. The sun is down. The stars are up. Rex is not at home. : He plays with a puppy in the grass. He runs and runs. The puppy runs home. Rex is lost. n Mother says, “God likes us. We must do what he wants us to do. We can help God.” “Thank you, Mother,” says David. “Jonah’s story is a good one.” “What can | do to help God?” says Jenny. Mother says, “You can thank God. You'can pray.” God brings the big fish to the sand. The big fish throws Jonah up onto the sand. Jonah is pleased to be on the sand. Now Jonah will help God. Jonah is nét bad now. He is sorry and he likes God. “2 Rex cannot find his home. He wants to go and sleep. He will not sleep in the grass. Rex wants David. It is dark and he wants to.see the sun. “Woof, woof, woof. 1am lost,” says Rex. David and Father cannot see Rex. “Woof, woof, woof.” “Stop, Father! Rex is here. He must be in the grass. Rex! Rex! Come home.” “Woof, woof, woof.”” Py Jonah is sorry Jonah is in the big fish. The big fish swims and swims. Jonah is sorry. He wants to help God now. God sees Jonah is sorry. God likes Jonah. So the boat man throws Jonah into the water, Down, down, down. See Jonah go down in the water. A big fish swims up. A big fish gets Jonah. Oh, oh, oh. Jonah must do what God wants. David sees Rex in the grass. Rex is pleased to see David. So he jumps up. “Bad puppy!” says David. “it is night and you must sleep. Come home with me.” “Oh, oh, oh,” says Jonah. “God wants me to help him, | want to run away so now the storm is here.” “What shall we do?” says the boat man. “You must throw me into the water,” tis a dark night. No stars are up. says Jonah. A thief looks into the shop window. “The storm will stop.” He wants to break the window. “Oh, nol’ says the boat man. He wants to break it with a big stick. “We cannot do this!” The bad thief wants to take the shop “You must do it,” says Jonah. money. “Look at this bad storm. He wants to take toys and food. You will go down, so throw me in.” The boat is on A big storm comes. The sun is down and it is dark. See the boat go up and down in the storm. The storm is bad. The boat will go down. “Get up Jonah! We shall go down with the boat.” 38 ' nied The thief looks up the road. He looks down the road. He cannot see a policeman. He takes his big stick and breaks the window. Oh! What a bad man. It is bad to be a thief. The thief runs into the shop. It is dark so he cannot see. He looks for the money. He cannot find it. He takes food and toys. A policeman comes down the road. The thief cannot see him. boat on the water. He wants to go away so God cannot see him. He wants to get into the boat. God likes Jonah and can see him. The boat will go away now. Jonah will go to sleep in the boat. A man is in this story. His name is Jonah. God wants Jonah to go and help him. Jonah must do what God wants him to do. Jonah will not help God. He wants to run away. Ey The policeman sees the window. What shall he do? Is a thief in here? It must be a thief. The policeman runs into the shop. It is dark in the shop. The policeman sees the thief in the dark shop. “Stop thief! Stop thief!” The thief runs and he falls in the | = la dark shop. Mother gets a book and sits on the bed. The policeman will catch him. “Yes, | shall read a story to you,” “Please co not catch me," she says. says the thief. “This is a good story. "Let me go! Let me go, please!” You will like it.” 2» as Now it is bedtime David and Jenny are not dirty. The toys are put away. "Get into bed now,” says Mother. “It is time to go to sleep.” “Oh, please read to us,” says David. “We like you to read to us. Read a stoqy to us at bedtime.” “Oh, please read, Mother,” says Jenny. “Please do redid a story to us.” “No, no, no!” says the policeman. “You are a bad man. It is not good to be a thief. Look at this window. Let us go to the station.” So the policeman and ‘the thief go to the station. a Itis dark and time to go to bed. David and Jenny must put away the toys. Jenny puts the doll to bed. David puts his boat and bus away. It is good to put toys away nicely. 2 it is bath time. Mother lets the water into the bath. “You must bath at night time,” says Mother. “You are dirty. You must not go to bed dirty.” “1 like to bath,” says David. “| like to play in the water,” Jenny says. V. Jenkins and C. Lewis

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