Equations of Motion Answers

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i A stone is thrown vertically upwards with speed 16 ms“ from a point h metres above the ground. The stone hits the ground 4s later. Find (a) the value of h. (b) the speed of the stone as it hits the g UNEASE AE ET 5. Rays = 24m ,Ue9 ms”! A ball is projected vertically upwards with speed 21 ms“ from a point 4, which is 1.5m above the ground. After projection, the ball moves freely under gravity until it reaches the ground. Modelling the ball as a particle, find (a) the greatest height above A reached by the ball, @) (b) the speed of the ball as it reaches the ground, @) (©) the time between the instant when the ball is projected from 4 and the instant when the ball reaches the ground. (4) _VzOms"! * Sates tame) fore . S J. Ca a ad 2Oe! ,c.5e = awt*! ~22-5nm rr Zx-Aa-B —1A-6 Se eyeatet hect= 22-T 16+ Zyl akee grsurch we '4- Sars ve =A Ras Oe 2rA-YR24 y= ilies v= qe Py = 21-6 FF 707 = IPT owe) Chat Leave blank 0 TANYA TT pe (no —=—— ve fone + may as Dims) oF Be % ‘ v= ee a —lye+r = 2\+ C428 ae sss 9N0S a4 SesS “ be G- wees © PD 7 Tan 2e08 Equedios of moten ie Mi 2. A firework rocket starts from rest at ground level and moves vertically, In the first 3 s of its motion, the rocket rises 27 m. The rocket is modelled as a particle moving with constant acceleration a m s*. Find (a) the value of a, Q) (b) the speed of the rocket 3 s after it has left the ground. @ ‘Afier 3 5, the rocket burns out. The motion of the rocket is now modelled as that of @ particle moving freely under gravity. (c) Find the height of the rocket above the ground 5 s after it has left the ground. @ = CANT 0 0 Se Bees Equeties: =f mote B= amet E : —-> K 26) une) sel C starting level) t-3 —» sto ES. seceuts Cstoct Stands a=--3 cleR agai, Bali page2 HA tim from az \Sms7! a 4 need} ath szutt+bat™ S= 8x2 HECYH~2 S= 36- 19-6 f= bem Pas we storted mobo fron heat of QIN Heeght ceachech 5 21+ 1664 =43-4my =4im Cs) 12 nw 2) aif K oe s ae mS Worn Bole Tewve bani 5. Astone is projected vertically upwards from a point 4 with speed wms~!. After projection the stone moves freely under gravity until it returns to A. The time between the instant that the stone is projected and the instant that it returns to A is 34 seconds. Modelling the stone as a particle, (a) show that w=174, @) (b) find the greatest height above 4 reached by the stone, @) (c) find the length of time for which the stone is at least 62 m above 4. = © tw 1 54259 Roe Stas = __aask2gimn ia Greatast hea we AY = AS+ 6m (S¥ bast heart abe Sah (A Leave blank Attain moves along a straight track with constant acceleration. Three telegraph poles are set at equal intervals beside the track at points A, B and C, where AB=50m and BC=50m. The front of the train passes A with speed 22.5 ms'!, and 2 s later it passes B. Find (@) the acceleration of the train, ® (b) the speed of the front of the train when it passes C, ® (c) the time that elapses from the instant the front of the train passes B to the instant it passes C. 22-Sms4 4 2 AK Stem —S8o som SS 2) Fla ccaleehn twa. A ca_S 8% SOm, ue 22-Tms' ve tat t=4s s+ ut + © ot* SO = 22-s62 + bee ZERO Se 2 te a Zen Za-~ SO-4S B= SS b) S=JOGm, a= Z2-Sms' yet aa2-Sms tok a a N= ue 2as Pa Beg eS 5 2 ne 8 ISS v N* = Se6-2S5+909 wf = weed se.S Ve BE ae w= 27 «sm (33h) Geeme, Fen #4) = 22-S+2:St Weep ee Ss = FE SES ~~ C = 2638S Ss HOUMA (6A se cence ome) 1. Three posts P, Q and R, are fixed in that order at the side of a straight horizontal road. ‘The distance from P to Q is 45m and the distance from Q to R is 120 m. A car is moving along the road with constant acceleration a m s%, The speed of the car, as it passes P. is um s+. The car passes Q two seconds after passing P, and the car passes R four seconds after passing Q. Find (i) the value of u, pasa (ii) the value of a. iE Leave bank 2. Attime = 0, a particle is projected vertically upwards with speed w m s from a point 10 m above the ground. At time 7 seconds, the particle hits the ground with speed 175 ms". Find (a) the value of u, (b) the value of 7. ve-IbSmr, a ee $= -l1Om wer a 2 (—9- F)¢-10) +I1Ae CINE AE A A Lewe bank an Sy, ee Q2 (Total 7 marks) VIN 1 0 A eI May 2578 6. A ball is projected vertically upwards with a speed of 14.7 ms“ from a point which is 49m above horizontal ground. Modelling the ball as a particle moving freely under gravity, find (a) the greatest height, above the ground, reached by the ball, ® (b) the speed with which the ball first strikes the ground, @) (©) the total time from when the ball is projected to when it first strikes the ground. @ AN | +VR grotet heeht whee v= S Se 2 ge we ve Ose Ge =A Bus t= 7% = Greatest hear = GA Cas _= 6O°025m blank N35 3 90A01 628 v= sued ms aia a CM +e <) <= = 49m ,u Fit Tmsm az —a-Fmsy js. wos, Gt Ve ue ae 4+ vou a = See R aI — a8 May 221\ Leave ) | blank 1. Attime r= 0 a ball is projected vertically upwards from a point O and rises to a maximum height of 40 m above O. The ball is modelled as a particle moving freely under gravity. (a) Show that the speed of projection is 28 ms, @) (b) Find the times, in seconds, ae the ball is 33.6 m above 0. A-Sms— 6) = Awe S = 4 On - tie y= Gm"! = a = =9-Fms— | jee aes | | ee es “er Zas tae ty Poe S tat = i. Pee Vyctes os! eel uU= ZIeims— Ad required b) = 33-6 m u= Zemsu! See A= A+ Sms | be @ Sect + = spelouc= | 23-6 = 2et + ~<-9-8KRt | hen BE OB yp BEE ee Ustha, quadfatic formule | Seige naa es ea | k= Ze JCeay- Gx 4-12 3+6 pei 2 a Mn May 2°) [ i Question 1 continued \%) | k= 2E +z or += 2e~i-2] | Gy a:8 4=G seconds += (+) secands C2dp)| | | | | qi | (Total 8 marks) | 3 {MY 0 Turn over Mi may zelz 5. A particle P is projected vertically upwards from a point A with speed w ms". The point 4 is 17.5 m above horizontal ground. The particle P moves freely under gravity until it reaches the ground with speed 28 ms“ (a) Show that w= 21 GB) At time ¢ seconds after projection, P is 19 m above (b) Find the possible values of ». (6) The ground is soft and, after P reaches the ground, P sinks vertically downwards into the ground before coming to rest. The mass of P is 4 kg and the ground is assumed to exert a constant resistive force of magnitude $000 N on P. (c) Find the vertical distance that P sinks into the ground before coming to rest. a Pe pores ie a vweviaJdas - a C-28¥- 2% -4- x -1-T n= ie “Re 7 betel ws 2) Cas required) ==—)11-Sm Leave blank _ MN wn Zee Sb Ceontinued) quedirats = fer mula SS a Sea. AA eer Batre be 2)+F jt oe ee or gis a-F i= 2qezcl'r be} -2G71SZ29 Vile Pe oe = SEA" Cs) Ee \s0 C55) z —~ O-s\6oTS i gra = Destemne stress = a-Slem Cz) MA MAN s2ons 2. A woman travels in a lift. The mass of the woman is 50 kg and the mass of the lift is 930 kg, The lift is being raised vertically by a vertical cable which is attached to the top of the lift. The lift is moving upwards and has constant deceleration of 2 m s?. By modelling the cable as being light and inextensible, find (a) the tension in the cable, 8) (0) the magnitude of the force exerted on the woman by the floor of the lift @) Tewve blank |. A lorry is moving along a straight horizontal road with constant acceleration. The lomry Mt NAOy AON Tae Wank passes a point A with speed wm s', (u<34),and 10 seconds later passes a point B with speed 34 ms". Given that AB = 240 m, find (@) the value of w, 8) (b) the time taken for the lorry to move from A to the mid-point of AB, 2240 = 10(u+S4) WES ete ONS, es 120 = Sek 4 te = t*yiyt— 120 __ B= 6 seconds ~o = Ce +206) Saal f= -29 ot EG a Sod onan AI Impersible | 00 0 0 P

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