Ep Report (Example)

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APT 2013


SESI 2019/2020



Group Members Matric No.



Praised is presented only for Allah almighty disposer of all things. peace
and blessing be opon beloved Muhammad SAW leaflets bearing the
revelation to illuminate be universe, the companions, his family, all the
scholars and lovers of islam througout the world.

Thank to the god that we can complete the assignment on the interview
report Mrs. Faiza Bawumi Sayed Ahmad to be submit to Dr. Muhamad
Saufi bin Che Rusuli very well. By making this assignment we can add
knowledge and understanding about entrepreneur behavior.

Our assignment was explain about the journey of Mrs. Faiza Bawumi
Sayed Ahmad to become one of the successful entrepreneur in malaysia.

Finally, we thank the lecturers who thought us Dr. Mohamad Saufi bin Che
Rusuli has been providng guidline and information on how to making this
assignment. Thank also to friends who give lessons,information and
shared idea.








7 F. CONCLUSION 20- 25




An entrepreneur can be defined as a starter. He or she is the beginning

for some-thing of a project, activity, or venture. Some-time, an
entrepreneur might not be the ideator, but she or he is definitely the one
that decided to realize to make that idea become reality. Also, the
motivation, ideas and see the way of opportunities create her nowadays
as top ten women successful among other entrepreneurs in Malaysia. The
entrepreneur is a seen character who is a driver that able to make
repeated sorts or to take different actions to overcome an obstacle that
gets in the way of reaching goals.


Figure 1 shows : the owner of Syarikat Faiza Sdn Bhd.

The founder of Syarikat Faiza Sdn Bhd is an Egyptian-born woman who

migrated to Malaysia because she followed her husband. She is Hajjah
Faiza Bawumi Binti Syed Ahmad Egyptian-born woman who was born on
March 9, 1947 and was 73 years old in 2020. Although she had lived in
Malaysia for 3 months at the time, but she was fluent talk in Bahasa
Melayu because she is a very friendly and often mingle with her

neighbours. Hajjah Faiza was the wife of the late Abu Bakar Ahmad and
had 7 children. She is a diploma graduate student in the field of sewing.

Apart from that, before becoming the managing director for Syarikat
Faiza Sdn Bhd, she has ventured into several fields, namely as a cashier,
sewing handkerchiefs, making and selling curry spices and opening retail
stores. This gentle woman is actually a firm person. she wants to ensure
that the established company needs to be on the right track and record a
profit every year. Hajjah Faiza, who was born into a family who is also
active in business and has been involved in business since childhood, she
used to be a cashier in her father's shop. The experience prompted her to
take a serious interest in business. Her soul that is interested in the
business world has motivated her to produce a profitable business and
from there began the formation of Syarikat Faiza Sdn Bhd.

She started her business when she started migrating to Malaysia

according to her husband. Hajjah Faiza began to fill her free time with
beneficial activities starting with taking wages to sew embroidery with a
capital of RM4 and selling various kitchen items. She also bought yard
cloth and made dress shirts for her neighbours' small children. Then she
produced a set of pillowcases. Her beautiful, neat and attractive stitches
are sold to her friends. Next, he traded in an encyclopedia set, followed by
the tableware business. Through this small business, she saved money to
make the next business capital which is selling spices and rice.

She is also interested in producing curry spices. She bought various

spices such as coriander, cumin, halba, dried chillies, cloves and so on to
mix the ingredients to produce fish and meat curry spices under the
Bunga Raya brand. Everything is done at home instead of washing, drying
and frying the spices. Later, she sent it to the store for grinding and
distribution. At the time, she was a bit stunned to see a trailer truck full of
food at home, but she was determined to pack using Bunga Raya brand
and shops to shops throughout Johor.

A few years later, Hajjah Faiza bought a grinder and opened a

grocery store with capital instead of selling the curry spice. From there she

found that rice wholesalers were mostly supplied by other races. She
started learning different types of rice. Hajjah Faiza applied for a rice
wholesaler license and sold various types of rice including ponni,
basmathi, fragrant rice and Siamese rice after receiving positive feedback
on her survey efforts from one store to another to get a response on
whether they would buy her rice if she sold it. Customers who subscribe to
her spices also buy rice from her because they have faith in her.

Her business was well-received despite the fierce competition. In the

early 90s, the Faiza company took advantage of the community's
sensitivity at that time to the way it was made and the food content. Faiza
Company started introducing a category of quality rice from Kartanaka,
India. This rice is a type of "Ponni" rice. Through quality and nutritious
products suitable for patients such as diabetics, Faiza Company introduced
this rice known as "Ponni" to the whole of Malaysia. Her company is now
known for its high-quality products, one hundred percent made in Islam
and halal. She hopes that with the involvement in the production of the
product, it will give Muslims the option to get a high-quality product and
without hesitation will doubt its halal status.

Figure 2 shows : Types of rice sold by Syarikat Faiza Sdn Bhd

Hajjah Faiza not only became the Managing Director of Faiza Company,
but also worked hard to ensure the smooth operation of the company and

was also involved in a factory project owned by Faiza Company worth
RM14 million in Sri Gading, Batu Pahat. Her success now is not easily
achieved, but after overcoming all the challenges of 43 years in the
business world. Hajjah Faiza said all the efforts made were not to
accumulate wealth but to become the largest zakat payer in Malaysia thus
helping more people in need.

The experience of going down to the field to approach the lives of the
poor and single mothers made him intend to set up the Faiza Foundation
one day to manage welfare and donations to the public, especially the
poor and single mothers to enjoy a better life. "The pleasure available
should be shared with those in need, especially the poor and single
mothers", said Hajjah Faiza Bawumi Sayed Ahmad, at national-level
Maulidur Rasul figure in 2010.Puan Faiza, who is the Managing Director of
Faiza Sdn Bhd, which is synonymous with the "Bersamamu" charity
program, TV3 because the company is the main sponsor of the show, said
her intention now is to set up the Faiza Foundation to help the group.

Faiza company has also received various awards including best

wholesaler in 2000, Padiberas Nasional Berhad (Bernas) operational
excellence award in 2001 and and gold award for Taj Mahal rice by
Reader's Digest Super Brand. Despite being busy doing business, Hajjah
Faiza still spends time doing charity work including holding positions as
the President of Bumiputera Rice Wholesalers Malaysia, Women Chairman
of the Malaysian Islamic Welfare Organization (Perkim) Batu Pahat, Batu
Pahat Umno Division Committee Member (Welfare Bureau Chairman) and
members Batu Pahat Hospital visitor board and Batu Pahat orphan trustee.
She has also won various awards including Wanita Anggun 2005, Tokoh
Ibu Mithali Perkim 2007, Wanita Nadi Negara at the Johor level 2007 and
the special award Tokoh Guru 2009.

Figure 3 shows : Opening of Faiza company affairs and sales office

Hajjah Faiza suggested that Muslims in this country should live together
so that they are not easily oppressed by other races and strong relations
among Muslims are not only able to develop the Muslim community in this
country, but also able to improve the economic position of the community.
Hajjah Faiza said her experience in business, including dealing with other
nations to open her mind to awaken the Muslim community, particularly
the Malays of the need to practice mutual assistance to each other as
practiced by other nations. She always emulated the personality of the
Prophet Muhammad S.A.W in carrying out daily life, especially the trust
and perseverance of the Prophet in carrying out business as well as in
carrying out his responsibilities as a leader.


Entrepreneurs play an important role towards the development of the

country and are an important component in the process of economic
growth. Entrepreneurs are important needs and as agents for change and

development economy. In moving towards the era of globalization, in
Malaysia its people can no longer rely on the government to provide
employment. The work culture in Malaysia now leads to working with the
private sector or self-employed. Therefore, every individual needs to be
smart in seizing opportunities, especially in business by becoming a
successful entrepreneur and can develop with the passage of time.
Therefore, realizing the importance of entrepreneurship for the economic
growth of the country and to produce capable and competitive
entrepreneurs, the focus should be given to entrepreneurship education.

Figure 4 shows: The located of Syarikat Faiza Sdn Bhd

Syarikat Faiza Sdn. Bhd. was established in 1992, in conjunction with

the name of the company owner, namely Hajah Faiza Bawumi Sayed
Ahmad located at PLO 442, Jalan Wawasan 16, Kawasan Perindustrian Sri
Gading 2, 83300 Batu Pahat, Johor. This location is the main headquarters
among the other three branches of the company. The company's branch in
the northern area is in Sungai Petani, Kedah while the company's branch
in the East is in KualaTerengganu. There is also a company branch in Kuala
Lumpur. The distance between the company and the city of Batu Pahat is
about 10 kilometers and the site used to build the factory is the right

owned by the owner of the company itself. In 1992, his company turned
the business entity into a company Sdn. Bhd.

In 1997, the company entered into a joint venture with Bernas and
became a member of the Bernas group. Currently, the rice factory of
Syarikat Faiza Sdn. Bhd. operates on a site of 40 000 square feet and uses
high-tech equipment. The company is close to residential park areas such
as Taman Mutiara and Taman Sri Panchor. Thus, it makes it easier for this
company to grow more advanced because the locals can buy products
sold by Syarikat Faiza Sdn. Bhd.

Syarikat FAIZA Sdn. Bhd. (SFSB) has also produced other paddy
production in line with consumer demand such as Basmathi, Fragrant rice,
Thai Super Special and Local rice. SFSB has been known for its high-
quality products, one hundred percent made in Islam and halal.

In the early 90s, the company took advantage of the sensitivity of the
society at that time to the way of making and content of food. The
company started introducing a kind of quality rice category from
Kartanaka, India. This rice is a type of "Ponni" rice. After seeing the
potential of "Ponni" rice, SFSB introduced the rice which is believed to be
good for health, especially for people with diabetes, obesity and high
blood pressure. To this day under the Taj Mahal brand, Ponni herbal Faiza
rice has been distributed throughout Malaysia.

SFSB currently has three factories in Selangor, Kedah and Terengganu.

SFSB has 200 permanent employees and over 300 contract employees.
SFSB is currently also exploring new areas including marketing vermicelli,
chili sauce and soy sauce apart from rice and spices. As for vermicelli
products, his company has ordered machines from China and the products
will be processed at another factory also in Sri Gading. The plant is
capable of producing nine tonnes of vermicelli a day, but at the initial
stage only processed five tonnes of vermicelli with a sales target of RM12
million for the first year.

Figure 5: Shows some branch locations of this

Undeniably, business and entrepreneurship are very challenging fields.

Various factors are needed to achieve success in business including
management skills, efficient staff, strong financial resources, good
products and services and most importantly a large and loyal customers.
Marketing is the most important aspect in trying to attract customers
because customers do not exist in business. Marketing problem is a
universal problem that is also experienced by all traders regardless of
background or size of their business. Marketing is also a big challenge
faced by small entrepreneurs. Basically, the main purpose of marketing is
to help firms identify the output needs and wants of target users.

Knowledge and application of mixed marketing strategies in business

plays an important role in determining the success or failure of a business.
Therefore, the selection of a suitable marketing mix strategy and market
targeting through efficient implementation is the core of the business. The
ability to realize a mixed marketing strategy that is, products, prices,
promotions and distribution channels is the foundation of success for
entrepreneurs to succeed in business.

Faiza company sets the target of their customers, namely the
community who want to take care of health because the quality of rice
produced is for those who want to take care of health. In addition, the
target customer is the Muslim community. This rice is made from halal
ingredients that can give confidence to the Muslim community who
prioritize halal food items. This company runs its retail business as its

Figure 6: Showing an article in a newspaper showing the perseverance

of the owners of this company

According to Faiza, Faiza Company's non-rice products have also been

exported to New Zealand since 2009 and now in Sydney, Melbourne,
Brunei, Singapore, Vietnam through Parkson Supermarkets and Saudi
Arabia. As for the local market, the product can be obtained at Tesco,
Econsave , TF Value Mart , Billion, Giant, Tunas Manja and Tiong Fat
markets throughout the country. This product is available at Giant
Supermarkets and mini markets nationwide and has entered the Sabah
and Sarawak markets. To date, the company has marketed 22 brands of
rice and 24 non-rice products such as spices, wheat flour, vermicelli,
instant vermicelli, soy sauce, honey, salt, sugar and rhubarb.

Distribution Channel Strategy defines distribution as a group of

middlemen who move goods from manufacturer to consumer. To form an
effective marketing strategy for this element, Faiza Company's distribution
channel management emphasizes the selection of middlemen whether
using the services of wholesalers, agents, retailers or selling directly to
end users in order to move and distribute products in the most efficient
way. The use of middlemen is the most preferred distribution channel
because middlemen can find out what the needs of consumers. Problems
in distribution are due to the selection of distribution channels that are not
suitable for the goods produced. Entrepreneurs should wisely choose the
most appropriate channel including the aspect of transportation with the
lowest cost rate but ensure their products reach customers at the right
time and place. Distribution of these products is very important to
businesses because most products making the product expensive to
target. With the ability to reduce the percentage of distribution margin, a
product is able to compete by offering cheaper prices to the market.
Distribution methods that require buyers to wait too long should be
changed so that buyers get services and products efficiently.


Puan Faiza Bawumi Sayed Ahmad, started dabbling in the business

world from an early age by helping her father become a cashier every
Friday. With the experience she has had, Puan Faiza began to tame to
open a small business since moving to Malaysia because she married a
student of his father at Al-Azhar University. Faiza's father is a tahfiz Al
Quran teacher at the Al-Azhar University. There are several role models
that Puan Faiza can emulate to become a successful entrepreneur. Among
them are the characteristics of an entrepreneur such as willing to take the
open risk, have discipline and responsibility attitude, have high vision,
have an efficient team orientation, and always manage his business based
on renenue-orientation.

When Puan Faiza migrated to Malaysia with her husband in 1964, she
quickly became accustomed to the life of Malaysian society and was able
to master Bahasa Malaysia in just three months. Due to that, Puan Faiza
now considers herself a Malaysian. Due to her husband being busy

working, she wanted to open her own business because she did not have
a job. With the attitude that is in herself, she is very brave to take the
open risk to open his own business by taking a wage to sew embroidery
for only RM4 and sell various kitchen items around her housing in Batu
Pahat, Johor. Puan Faiza is very passionate about the small business she
owns because she is very interested in business. Apart from that, she also
sells homemade curry spices. Due to the fact that at that time, she did not
have much clear competition, her business selling homemade curry spices
was very encouraging. A few years later, Puan Faiza started buying a large
grinder and opened a grocery store with the capital of the sale of
homemade spices that she had done.

In addition, Puan Faiza is very disciplined in running her business. The

discipline attitude and responsibilities attitude in an entrepreneur is
very important so that they do not violate business ethics or actions such
as using the usury system, leaking company information to outsiders and
paying business zakat. Next, entrepreneurs also need to always be honest
with customers or suppliers to do business efficiently and will always grow
from time to time. For example, a responsible trader must present the
content of the product being sold so as not to confuse the consumer and
help the consumer to remain confident to use the product marketed by
the marketer.

Therefore, with the discipline attitude and responsibility attitude in

Puan Faiza, she aspires to be one of the largest zakat payers in Malaysia.
Puan Faiza who has perseverance and high spirit has now managed to
open a large business and is the owner of a rice wholesaler company,
Syarikat Faiza Sdn Bhd. His involvement in the field of business has
started since she was a child and encouraged her to continue to be
serious and persistent in this field. Before Puan Faiza opened a rice
wholesaler factory, she had applied for a rice wholesaler license to sell
various types of rice. The types of rice marketed by Faiza Company are
ponni rice, basmathi, fragrant rice and even Siamese rice. She also carries
out social responsibilities by being the main sponsor of the reality show

"Bersamamu" to help more people in need. Although his business has
been successful, she remains responsible and honest in marketing quality
products to maintain the good name of the company and market her
products to a higher market level. This proves that Puan Faiza is a very
disciplined and responsible entrepreneur.

Figure 7 shows: the collaboration between Syarikat Faiza and

Bersamamu TV3

A clear vision is very important in every entrepreneur to cultivate

excellent performance from time to time. This is because, vision is an
important element for an entrepreneur to continue to achieve the goals of
an organization or company she leads. Visionary means having a far-
sighted view of something such as progress or development in the future.
In this study, Puan Faiza is a figure with high vision. Puan Faiza, who was
born in Egypt, has been involved in the business world since she was a
child by becoming a cashier in his father's shop. The experience prompted
her to take a serious interest in business. This proves that she did not
come from a wealthy family, in fact his success today is the result of his
own full point. After Puan Faiza migrated to Malaysia, she has run various
types of business such as taking wages to embroider, selling various types
of kitchen items, producing pillowcases, doing business online and running
a tableware business. She also produced various curry spices and was
finally able to open a grocery store with a capitalization of curry spice

sales. From there, she found that rice wholesalers were mostly supplied by
other races and became an inspiration to her to supply halal rice to
Muslims in Malaysia.

Faiza Rice products cultivated by Puan Faiza are well received by the
local community despite the fierce competition. She guaranteed that the
product she was working on was of high quality, one hundred percent
made by Islam and Halal. She hopes that with the involvement in the
production of the product, it will give the Muslim community the option to
get a high quality product and without hesitation to doubt its halal status.
His efforts are not to accumulate wealth but rather to become the largest
zakat payer in Malaysia. As a result, the business she runs is growing
rapidly in Islamic countries such as Malaysia.

In addition, team orientation or teamwork refers to the cooperation

of employees working in a group to perform tasks by working together
and energy to achieve the objectives and goals of the company. The
combination of expertise and advantages owned by the subsidiary will be
able to take the company to a higher level and be able to be competitive
for a long time. For successful entrepreneurs such as Puan Faiza who is
the owner of the rice wholesale company Syarikat Faiza Sdn Bhd. She is
able to manage a company with extensive knowledge of the business
market and has an efficient and effective management team. She strongly
believes that the success of his company has been achieved as a result of
earnestness in doing everything. Puan Faiza is always looking forward to
producing better ways to generate better techniques in the production of
her products, how to communicate with employees more efficiently and
provide the best way to do sales services. In addition, the strength of Puan
Faiza's company depends on the workforce who have experience in work
responsibilities and extensive knowledge to compete in rice business

Todays, Puan Faiza's company is growing and becoming more active

until her company is able to expand its business by opening factories
located in Terengganu, Selangor and Kedah. Apart from running a rice

business, Syarikat Faiza Sdn Bhd has now entered a new field by offering
new products namely soy sauce, chili sauce and vermicelli. To increase the
larger production volume, Puan Faiza has purchased a machine from China
to achieve a sales target of RM12 million. In conclusion, Puan Faiza is an
entrepreneur who has a team that is oriented and able to jointly
contribute their abilities and able to create a strong cooperation between
all parties so that goal setting can be achieved.

Besides, Puan Faiza also manages her business in a revenue-oriented

manner. According to her, customer satisfaction is the most important
aspect for the survival and development of his business. Priority in the
selection of high-quality products became his choice to maintain the
authenticity of traditional recipes that are symbolic to Syarikat Faiza Sdn
Bhd. Puan Faiza also places great emphasis on hygiene and quality
aspects during the manufacturing process of her products where her
company's products are free of additional flavors and preservatives. The
processing and packaging process of its products can be done very well
with the availability of high-quality machines and help save time for more
efficient production.

Apart from that, the most important thing for Puan Faiza is that the
product she produces has HALAL status from the Malaysian Islamic
Development Department. Puan Faiza herself once issued a statement
that the rice products she produces are well received by the local
community despite a lot of competition from the rice sales industry. Due
to her encouraging sales results, Puan Faiza is committed to innovating
various new products to grow her business. The success she has achieved
shows that she has succeeded in prioritizing the quality of production to
satisfy the market demand as well as be able to raise the name of his
products and gain customer trust.

In conclusion, it can be concluded that individuals with entrepreneurial

characteristics are able to manage their business very well. For an
entrepreneur like Puan Faiza, the characteristics of an entrepreneur such
as willing to take the open risk, have discipline and responsibility attitude,

have high vision, have an efficient team orientation, and always manage
his business based on renenue-orientation. The values that Puan Faiza has
in her help her to always be ready to do the work with full commitment.
Successful entrepreneurs must take the example of Puan Faiza's
personality to be a successful entrepreneur. Effective effort and hard work
also influence future success.



Entrepreneurs commonly face many obstacles when building their

companies. The three that many of them cite as the most challenging
areas overcoming bureaucracy, hiring talent and obtaining financing.
With the rise of new businesses, the acquisition of capital funds is very
challenging, and many entrepreneurs face it with difficulty. financing
their own business requires using methods such as using their own
money, providing sweat equity to reduce labor costs, minimizing
inventory, and debtor factoring.

While some entrepreneurs are the only ones struggling to get small
businesses from scratch, others use partners equipped with greater
access to capital and other resources. In situations like this, new firms
may obtain financing from venture capitalists, hedge funds,
crowdsourcing, or through more traditional sources such as bank loans

E.1 Primary Motivation

Mrs. Faiza bawumi Sayed Ahmad which indeed born in the family
who also involve in the business.Been in the business since childhood, she
was the cashier in her father shop.The experience led her to be seriously
involved in the business. After married and having the first son , she
followed her husband to migrate to Malaysia.After stay in Malaysia ,Mrs.
Faiza Bawumi used her late husband as her primary when she needs to
gather up new information about the industry to start up in rice

wholesaler states Faiza Sdn.Bhd.Besides she also continues discussing the
business that related and updates to find the opportunity to build their
company stronger in the market. Furthermore, Mrs. Faiza Bawumi always
surrounds her self with a minded individual such as an entrepreneur and
business owner. Mrs. Faiza Bawumi thinks that searching for information is
very important to observe and understand the opportunity that might be
the strategy to grow the company and to attract customers while
becoming a good competitor to other companies. Lastly, Mrs. Faiza
Bawumi was believed to work hard and sincerity in business is the root of

E.2 Setting Goals

Mrs. Faiza Bawumi runs her company’s operation in Sri Gading, Batu
Pahat Johor successfully after struggle for 43 years. Mrs. Faiza Bawumi
wanted to be the leader of Bumiputera wholesaler rise producer locally
and internationally by providing excellent customer services, emphasizing
quality, and human resource development. Besides Mrs. Faiza Bawumi
said all the efforts made were not to accumulate wealth instead of being
the largest paying zakat in Malaysia thus helping more and more people.
Next, she also helps people especially single mothers through the
‘Bersamamu program’. Besides she also planning to set up a foundation
called ‘Yayasan Faiza’ to help needy people. Mrs. Faiza also said her
business experience, including dealing with other races, opened her mind
to awaken the Muslim community, especially the Malays of the need to
practice mutual assistance with one another as practiced by other races.
In his daily life, she always emulated the character of Prophet Muhammad
SAW, particularly his Majesty's faith and patience in conducting business
as well as in carrying on the business. Lastly, Mrs. Faiza Bawumi goals are
to provide knowledge and exposure of workers to the actual process of
technology in the food processing industry.

Figure 8 showing the type of goods sold by Syarikat Faiza

E.3 Resources
Mrs. Faiza Bawumi starting to save money by sewing embroidery
dresses with a capital RM4 and a set of a pillowcase to start her business.
Next, she trades an encyclopedia set, followed by a crockery business.
Through this tiny business, she saves money for the next venture which is
started to producing curry spices under the Bunga Raya brand, and
everything is done at home rather than washing, drying, and frying the
spice. After a few years, Mrs. Faiza Bawumi opened a retail outlet with
capital rather than selling the curry spice and from there she found that
wholesalers of rice were mostly supplied by other races. Mrs. Faiza
Bawumi used the money from Bunga Raya's profit to start-up in the
wholesale rice business. In 1998, Faiza was promoted ponni rice from India
which is believed to be good for health, especially for people with
diabetes, obesity and high blood pressure. At this time, the company also
has started to be introduced to a type of quality rice from Kartanaka,
India. This rice is a type of "Ponni" rice. Faiza said, to prove the goodness
of the rice, this company has asked Universiti Putra Malaysia (UPM) to do
a study and the results are positive. "I have invested millions of ringgit in

Taj Mahal products and have asked for exclusive rights from Bernas," she
added, happy with the public response to the products. Through quality
and nutritious products suitable for patients such as diabetics, SFSB
introduced this "Ponni" rice to the whole of Malaysia.Besides Mrs. Faiza
Bawumi has an eye for detail. She records every single cent that is spent.
If she happens to make mistakes when running the business, she would
admit to it and learn from that mistake. Furthermore, she would share the
lesson learned with her employees for their own learning experience so
that such mistakes are not repeated.

E.4 Networking
Networking refers to social organizations or gatherings that offer
various types of resources to aid the entrepreneur in improving their
entrepreneurial projects. The goal of most entrepreneur networks is to
bring together a broad selection of professionals and resources that
complement each other’s endeavors. Mrs. Faiza Bawumi always meets up
with various entrepreneurs in the same field to enhance as promoting her
business. Besides in reality TV program which is “bersamamu " Mrs. Faiza
Bawumi takes this opportunity to be one of the sponsors for this program
and consumers who purchase Syarikat Faiza's products will also contribute
to ‘Tabung Bersamamu TV3’’. Mrs. Faiza Sdn Bhd Company Managing
Director, Faiza Bawumi Sayed Ahmad said, people who want to donate
rice to the needy in conjunction with this holy month can also do so
through the purchase of Faiza brand rice. Meanwhile, the public has the
opportunity to participate in the 48-Year Loyalty With Faiza Contest which
is now entering the fourth month of the organization to enjoy the main
prizes in the form of a Honda City 1.5 L, first prize (Perodua Myvi 1.3),
third prize (Yamaha 135LC for three winners) and monthly prizes in the
form of a holiday package to Beijing / Umrah. Besides, Collaborate in
setting up Cooperatives Mosque through ANGKASA . Next, provide training
for students of educational institutions which is selected throughout
Malaysia .Lastly, provide benefits for the employees of the company . E.g

medical benefits ,prayer rooms, annual leave, awards outstanding
employees ,and training.

E.5 Controlling At Early Stage Of Business, Serious Or Not?

Puan Faiza starting a business as an activity to kill some times when

she first come to Malaysia. She takes a job to sew as her first business.
Because of she loves to make curry spice, she started to sell all kind of
spices such as coriander, cumin, dried chili, cloves, and many more. She
started this business as a home-based business where she produced all
the spices and distributed it to the local store around her house.
Eventually after a few years, she opened up a store with the using the
money that she saved up from selling all the spices. Because of she saw
an opportunity to be a rice wholesaler, she decided to learn about all kind
of rice. Then she decided to take a rice wholesaler license and started to
sell a variety type of rice such as ponni, basmathi, fragrant rice and also
Siam’s rice. At the early stage of her current business, she was facing a
dead end when she saw a trailer truck full of rice is in front of her house.
But she didn’t give up, she is determined and start to repackaged the rice
under a brand which called Bunga Raya and started to distribute them to
the stores around Johor.

E.6 Risk Orientation At Early Start Up?

The company take a notes of how Malaysian are starting to take a full
consideration on how one food is produced and their nutriments. So they
eventually take a brave step and introducing to a unique category of
herbal quality rice from the state of Kartanaka, South India. This rice is
known as Herbal “Ponni” rice. Not knowing how Malaysian will react to this
introduction, they managed to release it at the market. Now, this rice is
one of the popular rice that be a consumer’s choice to have a balance
“diet”. This has gained people’s trust because Syarikat Faiza has
collaborated with University Putra Malaysia (UPM) to do a researched and
it turns out the Herba “Ponni” rice is indeed could help people with their

E.7 Business Plan

Syarikat Faiza Sdn Bhd once started with the aim of why did they
start to be a rice seller company. The main vision of Syarikat Faiza Sdn
Bhd is to be the leader in the food industries in Malaysia which specialize
in the production and distribution of specialty of high-end rice. Syarikat
Faiza Sdn Bhd also remind all the consumer to do good deed to all people
without exception. This is shown by the act when they always give a hand
to help those who are financially unstable. They also became one of the
sponsor in the television program which called “Bersamamu”.

E.8 Prepared or Not To Start Up?

In her early stage in business, Puan Faiza was prepared to do some

business. This because with the previous small business as a tailor she
managed to do some saving to start her spices business. She also has an
experience as a cashier when she was younger at her father’s store. In her
rice wholesaler business, she also took an extra effort to learn all type of
rice that people love. By this, she will know what type of rice more
preferable to people and what is it specialty. This is shown that in every
business she involved, she is prepared from a to z about how to manage
the business, what is her target market, and how to tackles people
interest on their preference of rice.


Hajjah faiza bawumi sayed ahmad was successful entrepreneurs

according to the dimension of Islamic entrepreneurship are individuals
who strive to develop the activities they implement in accordance with the
path required by Islam. Although, the reward of profit is part of the drive
to entrepreneurial activity, it is not considered as the absolute objective
that is the yardstick of entrepreneurial success. On the other hand, the
main objective that needs to be targeted by Muslim entrepreneurs is the
divine pleasure that includes profit in this world as well as the hereafter.
This is the fact that success is a superior manifestation of the Islamic

entrepreneurial framework in generating Muslim professional

Figure 9 shows: Book published by Mrs. Hajah Faiza

Until now Puan Hajjah Faiza’s business is indeed moving forward with
high demand throughout the day making him one of the richest
entrepreneurs in Malaysia. His success has given a lot of encouragement
to young entrepreneurs out there until this year which is May 2020, he has
successfully published a book called Faiza which tells the experience and
twists of his life before and after migrating to Malaysia. The book will be a
guide for young people who want to step into the world of business.
Malaysia is indeed fortunate to have an entrepreneur like Hajah Faiza who
is resilient and authoritative.


As we know Entrepreneur is an individual who runs an enterprise

while a trader is a business person. Generally, an entrepreneur is defined
as someone who runs a profit-driven business while practicing strategies
that are strategies to continue to succeed.

F.1.1 Never Give Up.

Roughly, what we can learn from entrepreneur Faiza Bawumi Sayed

Ahmad is that she never gave up in facing various challenges for the
success of his business. The spirit he showed was very inspiring to the
young entrepreneurs out there. Every business has a problem that often
arises at the beginning of the business is the existing capital, customers,
and competition. In the face of difficulties or problems, do not let the
entrepreneur quickly give up or despair, instead, he should be willing to
open his eyes, ears, and thoughts. This is because, by opening the eyes,
the entrepreneur will be able to see other opportunities that may arise.

Further by attaching ears and opening the mind will be able to help
solve problems that arise, for example by opening the ears, we will hear
useful advice from certain groups such as family, friends, and loved ones,
while by opening the mind, entrepreneurs need to wisely save the
business by thinking out of the box, creative and innovative. This should
be instilled in the souls and hearts of entrepreneurs so that they have an
attitude that does not easily give up to save their business.

F.1.2 Wisely Solve Problems

When having a problem in business of course an entrepreneur

needs to solve it professionally and thoroughly. That is what the
entrepreneur Faiza Sdn Bhd is doing to launch its business. Problems that
often exist in business are suppliers, customers, profits, losses and
bankruptcy. This is because, business is an employment sector that
consumes a very large amount of money and the risk of failure is huge if
not wisely take the opportunity and act.

This is seen as an entrepreneur Faiza Sdn Bhd who had problems at

the beginning of his business did not give up and tried to think of other
approaches that give him a profit by looking at business opportunities
elsewhere. In Faiza history as entrepreneur, she also experienced of
stuck when starting a business of rice especially when seeing a trailer full

of rice is placed in front of his house. However, armed with determination,
she told wrap the rice with the brand name and the BungaRaya distribute
it in stores across the Johor.

Therefore, for every problem that arises during business activities,

we must always be calm and think of ways to solve the problem wisely
and not by giving up because every difficulty must have a way out.

F.1.3 Proactive

Next, among the qualities that can be learned from entrepreneur

Faiza is his proactive nature which is self-confidence. He is also always
proactive in growing his business as well as having a purpose, moving
forward, and oriented towards the future. A proactive person will not wait
for the opportunity to come, they will look for opportunities that can help
them to perform a job. They take the initiative to market opportunities by
creating a new environment. With this, the company he owns can become
a leader in the market, and influence the methods of competing by
building new demand.

Figure 10 showing an article about Syarikat Faiza signed an MoU

with the National Diabetes Institution

Faiza's proactive entrepreneur will also try to find feedback from his
customers, and not just wait for his customers to come and make a
complaint. When they receive a complaint, they will be open and accept

the complaint with a calm heart, try to fix existing weaknesses, and then
achieve business success.

F.1.4 Time Efficiency

Also, time is one of the important factors in business management.

Entrepreneurs Faiza teaches us to value time well because effective time
management helps business activities run smoothly. An entrepreneur
must carry out a task or business properly, efficiently, and thoroughly.
Some define time efficiency as the efficiency of an entrepreneur in
growing his business according to current trends or following high current
demand. So, entrepreneurs need to be good at using the opportunities
available to meet the current needs of customers.

F.1.5 Foresight

Every business should have its own business direction, as does Faiza
Sdn Bhd. The company aspires to expand its business market to other
countries and also manufactures various types of products under the Faiza
brand. Foresight can be defined as the ability to anticipate what will
happen in the future even though there are many risks to be faced.
Entrepreneurs of Faiza Company make the risks they face a challenge and
test in the business that gives them a new experience. In becoming a
successful entrepreneur, one of the characteristics that must be present is
to have a far-sighted nature. An entrepreneur who has this foresight
nature is a person who is good at planning, analyzing, and has the
attitude of seizing the opportunities that are in front of the eyes. so that is
Hajah Faiza, an entrepreneur of Syarikat Faiza Sdn Bhd who is one of the
leading successful entrepreneurs in Malaysia.


The terms key success factors can be used in four different ways as
a necessary ingredient in management information systems, as a unique
feature of a company, as a heuristic tool for managers to sharpen their
thinking, and as a description of key skills and resources needed to
succeed in the marketplace certain. Having a business is very attractive to

people for many reasons like we can be our own business boss, work with
amazing people, create your own schedule, and change the spirit into a
career. so, nothing is easy about it and even then, there are entrepreneurs
who first venture into business and then become blind to the facts in
running a business and they quickly give up. So, there are some key
factors of success to entrepreneurs out there especially, who are just
stepping into the realm of business.

F.2.1 An Innovative Business

If we want our business to last long, especially in today's

competitive industry, we need to determine what sets us apart from the
other options available. Smart marketing or exciting technology alone will
not guarantee that our target customers will be fascinated by what we
have to offer. We should offer real value or a new experience to our
customers. therefore, in that way we can attract more customers to
support our business.

Richard Werbe, the founder of StudyPool micro-mentoring services

platform, explains the strategy for generating innovative business ideas,
saying, "we should pay attention to trends. Most people think they should
come up with completely original ideas, but we can take the current
popular trends and develop from what we have seen out there, creating
better services or products. "that is what is called innovation.

F.2.2 The Right Talent

To achieve business success requires a long period of time. So we

need to gather interest and hone the right talent to build our own brand.
The team is the backbone of the company itself, and someone less skilled
can thwart the progress of their business completely. Whether we are
building a team on the spot or a remote workforce, one thing remains the
same that the right talent matched with the same vision will greatly
increase the chances of business success. According to, Mrs. Faiza
Bawumi, when she first opened the business, she did not have many
relationships for reference but I am committed to building my own team

that shares my vision, as well as having the desired experience and
knowledge for each role. Developing a business requires a lot of work
during the initial phase. The long hours and roller coaster rides are far
more exhilarating when the whole team is ready to work hard to achieve
goals and reach milestones together.

Figure 11 showing transportation used to transport goods to market

F.2.3 Networking

Next, the key to success is a network. Building a personal network of

like-minded entrepreneurs has several advantages. This gives us a
soundboard when we have questions or need advice, which is very
helpful, especially in the early stages of business. As your network grows,
so do your resources. Such as the founder of Faiza who always networked
with groups of professionals in the business. Personally, networking has
been a big part of one of his successes, and see how beneficial networking
has been for him to start a business.

Every business, from large law firms to start-ups to small

businesses, can benefit from having a strong network. As we become
more comfortable with networking, our network size and capabilities to
help solve problems and make wise business decisions increase.
therefore, the use of the right network is highly recommended so that we
can take time out of our schedule to dedicate to creating a network.

F.2.4 Strategic Focus

The strategic focus is a business imperative but not something that
all businesses fully understand. Thinking strategically requires identifying
the desired end state, considering all of the impacts (positive and
negative) that might affect the achievement of that end-state, and coming
up with strategies (general plans for leveraging strengths and
opportunities, or overcoming weaknesses and threats) to achieve results.
Strategies represent the "how" elements of strategic focus. Based on the
identified endpoint and the various impacts that could affect the success
of achieving that endpoint, the organization will identify how it will
achieve success. The SWOT analysis provides an important input.
Strategies are designed to leverage or take advantage of the identified
strengths and opportunities and to minimize or overcome the identified
weaknesses and threats.

Strategic focus shifts over time and is affected by measures of

success. An important part of the strategic planning process is the
identification of metrics that will be monitored on a regular basis to
determine whether the plan is working. Additionally, specific individuals
should be assigned accountability for each of the measures and should
report regularly on their progress. Positive results may involve increased
emphasis on various strategies; undesirable results may suggest a shift in

F.2.5 Good Marketing

In addition, marketing is very important in every business we make,

good marketing can take a business a step further. Marketing is the
process of interesting potential customers and clients in your products and
or services. The keyword in this marketing definition is "process";
marketing involves researching, promoting, selling, and distributing your
products or services. The four keywords in the marketing model known as
the Four Ps of marketing. The four Ps in this model is product, price,
promotion, and place.

Figure 12 shows: Muslim rice support

i. Product: The procedures you have in place to ensure that your

products are ready for selling. Your product (or service) should fill a
gap in the market, meet the needs of customers, and stand out from
the competition.
ii. Price: The cost of purchase, including both the sticker price as well
as less quantifiable trade-offs that a customer must be willing to
make when they purchase your products.
iii. Promotion: The information you give consumers through targeted
advertising to generate interest in your products. Promotions usually
have one of two purposes: generate leads or initiate actual
iv. Place: Refers to how and where products are sold. All distribution
decisions are part of your overall marketing process.

G. References.
1. Primary Resources:
a. M. Azmi, O. Nik Hairi, L. Kuan Yee, Faktor Kritikal Kejayaan
Usahawan dalam Perniagaan. Jurnal Sains Sosial dan
Kemanusian. 34-45, 2012.

b. N. Y Nik Rahimah, J. Ghazali, B. Zaharah,“ Asas pemasaran”, Siri

Pengurusan FajarBakti : Kuala Lumpur, 1992

2. Secondary Resources:
a) https://www.thebalancesmb.com/what-is-marketing-2296057
b) https://www.entrepreneur.com/article/305688
c) https://bizfluent.com/info-8353924-strategic-focus.html
d) https://lernify.com/5-ciri-ciri-usahawan-berjaya/
e) http://usahawan-berasfaiza.blogspot.com/p/profil-
f) https://penyusakti.wordpress.com/2019/12/23/siapakah-
g) http://farizadheartit.blogspot.com/p/usahawan-berjaya-faiza-
h) https://www.faizarice.com/portal/mission-vision.php
i) http://malaysiaiformation.blogspot.com/2015/11/mengambil-
j) http://www.facebook.com/berastajmahal
k) https://www.faizarice.com/portal/our-history.php
l) https://www.hmetro.com.my/node/129406
m) http://aiiwe9traits.blogspot.com/2016/12/biografi-tokoh-dan-


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