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Comparison of leaflets

‘Got a teenager’ ‘Death Valley Eggs’

a) Purpose The purpose of the leaflet is to help The purpose of the leaflet is to
parents with their children by show how cruel some of the so
giving tips on how to handle called battery units are for egg
teenagers with different difficult laying hens.
b) Audience The audience to which it is aimed at It is aimed at people who buy
is parents with teenagers seeking eggs and at the uninformed
wisdom on how to handle different public.

c) Layout The leaflet’s layout is appealing to Considering the layout, the

both parents and teenagers. Fonts photos really make its point to
are also colloquial, it catches your show people how cruel they
attention and the different colours are. The different fonts used,
of the fonts are eye catching. The prove to be successful.
graphics of the illustrations could Different colours helps to keep
have been more in detail. the reader’s attention.
d) Tone The tone of the language is really The writer uses emotive
calm and relaxed but also emotive. language to provoke
examples ”enough’s enough”, sympathy. Words like: “barely
“ignore”, “difficult”, “very tough”, able to move.” ”inhumane.”
”nagging”, “moody” ,”attitude.” ”suffering.” ”size of a
postcard.” “Dirty overcrowded
sheds.” “Never see daylight.”
“Breath fresh air.” “Exercise.”
“Their natural instincts.” are
used to explain the suffering.
e) How I think the leaflet is successful I do not think it is successful
successful? because the leaflet informs parents since people do not read
that there are places that can help leaflets because they are
them and their teenagers with always in a hurry to get
different challenges. There are a lot somewhere. On the other
of phone numbers, e-mail hand the layout is good so if
addresses, websites, and tips for someone reads it they won’t
parents on how to handle young lose interest.
adults and how to set boundaries.
Both of the leaflets aim to inform people although the subjects differ.
Both address very serious topics
The one is trying to help the parents and the other one is trying to let people
know under which circumstances the eggs are coming from.
The leaflet on the teenager has graphics and the leaflet on eggs has photos.
The one about the eggs is really disturbing as the other one about the
teenager less disturbing and more informative.

Summary of the leaflets

• The information that the leaflet contains is mostly phone numbers as well as
websites, email addresses and contact details for both parents and teenagers
to help with different challenges. How you can change an un-cooperative child
and tips on setting boundaries.
• It shows how people handle chickens and how they mistreat the hens in
order to collect the eggs.

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