EXPERIMENT 13 - User Interface Interactive Prototyping: 1 SE-210 Software Design & Architecture

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Lab #14


Course: SE3
Instructor: Ms Saiqa Anjum

1. You have to complete the task in lab.
2. You may be asked to submit the task in the assignment folder up to next day
depending upon the complexity of task.
3. Viva may be conducted by any or every student.
4. Copied work will be given zero marks.

EXPERIMENT 13 – User interface interactive prototyping

The aim of this lab is to introduce students to the concept of prototyping.

Consider the following case study of an order entry system.
In the order entry system a user must be authenticated by a user name and password.
After they are authenticated a place order form allows them to enter their shipping
address. All user information including name, account number, order date and order
number are automatically populated by the system. They can add or delete order lines
from the order by using add or delete buttons. Items to be deleted must be selected by
checking the checkbox on the order line. The order form also includes submit and cancel
button to process or drop the order. If the user clicks the add order line button another
window provides selection of a product and enter of the quantity. This window shows the
price of each product as well.
Make an interactive prototype for the given scenario using the online Design Prototyping
tool invsionapp.

 Upload the story boards on the tool invsionapp.

 Link the pictures by using the select tool.

1 SE-210 Software Design & Architecture

 On the first form shift + click on the submit button for the second form to appear.

 Shift + Click on the add button for the third form to appaer.

 Third form displayed.

2 SE-210 Software Design & Architecture

A major distributor of office supplies has a set of criteria for preparing bills. When the
customer places the order one of the sales staff prepares the order and writes the bill, if
there is an insufficient quantity of items on hand, the back order is set up for missing
items. The available items are shipped and bill is prepared. The cost is billed for the back
order items when they shipped. Wholesale customers are eligible for discount if they
purchase minimum of 100 items. Retail customers are4 not eligible for any discount
irrespective of the number of items ordered. All retail customers pay sales tax, Wholesale
customers don’t pay any tax provided they have state tax exception. All bills are mailed
to customers.
Task:Draw the protoype for above scanrio

3 SE-210 Software Design & Architecture

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