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SHAMAE: HI EVERYONE!.. I can't hear you!... HELLO??...Now, that's the spirit! I

am one of your tour guide for today and my name is CMB or you can call me,

BATTA: Alright! Seems everyone is looking nice today! Hi! Im Jheresa Pimentel
just call me Jhe, and I am your tour guide number 2.

SAGO: A dashling smile for you my dear tourists,your tourguide no. 3, Lynne
Pearl Sidayen, like the two of them ,you can also call me Pearl.

SAGO: I know you are all excited! So while we are heading to our destination, let
me tell you a few reminders! First, dont leave your things unattended. Second, if
you have any questions want to clarify don’t hesitate to call my attention. Third,
just enjoy the tour and leave nothing but footprints, kill nothing but time and take
nothing but pictures.

SHAMAE: In case of emergency, don't hesitate to approach me and I am always

ready with my first aid kit.

BATTA: Now, my dear tourists, are you ready to go?... I can't hear you!.. are you
ready to go?... Okay!
Welcome to Paoay! Officially the Municipality of Paoay, is a 4th class
municipality in the province of Ilocos Norte, Philippines. Locals trace the origin of
the name Paoay from the Ilocano phrase “Makapaway kami,” which means “we
can stand alone.”
SHAMAE: Now we are here in our first destination. Welcome to the world-famous
Saint Augustin Church or commonly known as Paoay Church. Are you familiar
with Paoay Church? Who among you visited Paoay Church before? Alright!as the
Paoay Church, is a Roman Catholic church that completed in 1710, the church is
famous for its distinct architecture highlighted by the enormous buttresses on
the sides and back of the building. It is declared as a National Cultural Treasure
by the Philippine government in 1973 and a UNESCO World Heritage Site under
the collective group of Baroque Churches of the Philippines in 1993.
: The church was built to withstand the numerous earthquakes that are common
to Ilocos Norte, and the walls are more than 3 feet thick. These walls are
constructed from coral blocks, tree sap, stucco-plastered bricks and timber.

SAGO: If You have questions, can you raise your hands?...Yes ma'am? If there is
none, Thank you very much.

SHAMAE: For more details, please visit Once again,

ALL: We are your tour guides! AGYAMAN KAMI,MARAMING SALAMAT, , SA


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