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Girl: We do, with a black number at the sides.

WORKBOOK KEYS 3 What time is Henry's skiing lesson?

& SCRIPTS Man: Is your skiing lesson before or after mine,
Boy: What
UNIT 1 Man: 8.45.
Grammar Boy: Oh, well mine starts half an hour later, at
quarter past

8 does, have 4 What is Mum's aerobics teacher doing this

Vocabulary evening?
12 swimming 3 basketball 4 snowboarding Boy:
5 volleyball 6 cycling 7 ice-skating evening,
8 surfing 9 skateboarding 10 football Mum?
2 2h 3a 4b 5i 6e Woman: Our teacher can't do the class this week.
7j 8c 9g l0d Boy: Is she ill again?
3 2 go 3 do 4 throw 5 train 6 lose
Recording script
1 Do you play volleyball in a team? tomorrow.
5 Where did Liz sell her football ticket?
3 Janey and Maria do aerobics every Monday Boy: Liz, hi. Did you sell that football match
evening. ticket that you
4 You must throw the ball over the net.
5 How often do you train for the competition with asking for tickets.
your coach? Girl: Oh
Exam tasks club and someone there wanted it.
Listening Part 1 Boy:
1A 2C 3B 4B 5C Girl: Yes, Dad advertised it online first, but no
Recording scripts one called us
You will hear five short conversations. about that.
There is one question for each conversation. Writing Part 9
For each question, choose the right answer (A, B, C (Suggested answer)
or D) Hi Ali
1 Where us Jessie playing table tennis? My nearest sports centre is in my village, next to the
Girl: park. You can play badminton, squash and
Kate. They went after school.
Girl: Bye,
centre to play volleyball after that. UNIT 2
Boy: Does your team wear black shirts, like ours? 12 was 3 started 5 didn't do
Girl: With white numbers, yes. Our team wears 7 were 8 invited
nearly the same as yours, but our socks are
white, not black. 2 Recording script
Boy: Oh. So you wear white shorts, too?
Last summer, Simon went with his family to camp
in a tent near a castle in the mountains. It was a
beautiful place but as soon as they arrived it started also just opened a new fashion room. Here, you can
or four days! During the see a large number of clothes worn by famous pop
day, they didn't do any activities because it was too stars over the last fifty or sixty years.
To make it easier for you to travel to the museum,
the wind and the rain were so noisy. On the fifth
day, the man who lived in the castle invited them to can now buy special low-
stay inside the castle! After that, Simon and his nicer than sitting on a bus! Ask about this at any
transport office or online. Museum tickets for adults
weather because they played games in the castle all
pounds seventy-five. This includes young people up
night. to the age of 19, but children under five go free.
3 1 ago 2 at 3 on 4 in 5 on 6 in Writing part 9
Vocabulary (Suggested answer)
1 2b 3c 4a 5f 6e Dear Zoe
2 1d 2e 3c 4f 5b 6a I went to town with. Mum yesterday. I brought a
32 supermarket 3 newsagent 4 department store great CD in the new shop in the shopping centre.
5 bank 6 bookshop We went home and we danced in the kitchen!
Exam tasks See you soon,
Reading Part 2 James
1A 2C 3A 4B 5C
Listening Part 5 UNIT 3
11 cinema 2 25th November 3 clothes Grammar
4 boat 5 5.75 1 1 bigger 2 more expensive 3 slower
2 4 smaller 5 busier 6 faster
Victoria Square. 2 2 the most easy way = the easiest way
3 the most cheapest way = (he cheapest way
Cinema. 4 your most old clothes = your oldest clothes
3 When does / will the exhibition end? It ends 5 the beast competitions = the best competitions
on 25th November. 6 the most big shopping centre = the biggest
4 What is in the new fashion room? There are shopping centre
clothes worn by famous pop stars. Vocabulary
5 Are there any cheap travel tickets? Yes - boat 1 2 walk 3 fly 4 drive 5 ride 6 sail
tickets 2 Recording script
6 How much does it cost for teenagers? £5.75 Narrator: One
Recording script Boy: How do you usually travel when you go on
You will hear some information about a museum. holiday?
Listen and complete each question. Girl: We usually travel by train.
Narrator: Two
popular museum for visitors aged 12 to 18. And its Boy: Do most students walk to your school or do
new address in Victoria Square has brought they goby bus or car?
thousands more visitors to see its amazing Girl: Most go by car!
collections. Narrator: Three
This month, the museum has a ne Boy: Which airport do people in your town fly
film, with hundreds of pictures, recordings and Girl: They usually fly from Barcelona airport.
Narrator: Four Marcia: Oh yes, I can catch it there, too. Who else
Boy: Can 10-year-olds drive cars in your country? goes on the bus?
Girl: Josh: Ellen. She lives opposite the cinema, so she
Narrator: Five catches the bus at the tram stop near there.
Boy: Does anyone in your family ride a
motorbike? Josh: ssing the busy road to
Girl: Yes. My uncle rides one. the tram stop. So she uses the stop next to
Narrator: Six the traffic lights behind the station.
Boy: How long does it take for a ship to sail Marcia: Oh yes.
around the world? Josh: Tom gets the bus too, at the crossing, near
Girl: long? the supermarket car park.
Boy: About three months, I think. Marcia: I know. Thanks Josh
3 2 turn right 3 Festival Bridge
4 your left 5 turn left 6 in front of UNIT 4
4 (Suggested answer) Grammar
Walk to John Street and turn left. Walk down John 1
Street until you get to Park Street. Turn left. Walk 5 mustn't ride 6 must put
down Park Street, then turn right into Green Lane. 2 1d 2a 3c 4f 5e 6b
Walk down to the river and go across Pool Bridge. 3 Recording script
The swimming pool is on your right. Girl: Peter is always hungry in the afternoon at
Exam tasks school.
Reading Part 3b Boy: He should eat more at lunchtime.
1E 2G 3C 4D 5A Girl: Peter often forgets what his homework is.
Listening Part 2 Boy: He should write it down in a diary or
1 Michael C 2 David B 3 Ellen E notebook.
4 Katy A 5 Tom F Girl:
Recording script Boy: He should wear a jacket.
Listen to Marcia talking to her friend, Josh, about Girl: Peter wants to play tennis better.
taking the school bus. Boy: He should take some lessons.
Where does each person catch the school bus? Girl: Peter is always tired in the morning.
Write a letter A-H next to each person. Boy: He shouldn't go to bed late.
week, Josh. Where should I catch it? Boy: He shouldn't borrow her things without
Josh: I catch it from Hill Street. After the railway asking.
bridge, 4 2 you could come = you can come
stop's there.
Marcia: Right. Does Michael catch it there? He lives to my party
near you. 4 to see if I can find = to see if I could find
Josh: No. His mum drives him into town. She
works at the motorbike shop, but leaves her
car in the car park in George Street. 5 2 quickly 3 terrible 4 slowly 5 quietly
Michael catches the bus there. Vocabulary
Marcia: Right. 11 music 2 maths 3 science 4 history 5
Josh: David gets on at the bus stop in New Street, geography 6 art 7 English
by the bridge - the one that crosses the Exam tasks
river. Reading Part 1
1B 2H 3A 4G 5F
Listening Part 5
1 guitar 2 Wednesday(s) 3 58 4 Play Well 5 22.80
Recording script
Narrator: You will hear a music teacher talking 2
about her lessons. 2 dropped, was putting 3 saw, were walking
Listen and complete each question. 4 br
-school music 6 built, were camping
lessons at Hill Road School. Vocabulary
some of you can already play the violin because you 12 campsite 3 capital 4 adventure
5 hotel 6 guidebook 7 island
2 2 terrible - bad - OK
try something else, you can learn to play the guitar 3 not bad - good - amazing
with me. I have a class of ten students and we have 4 boring - all right - interesting
lots of fun! School orchestra practises on Mondays, 5 OK - good - brilliant
and I think it's good for you to have a rest on 6 boring - good - exciting
Tuesdays, so you can come and play more music at Exam tasks
Listening Part 2
We meet for the lessons in Room fifty-eight - 1C 2H 3A 4G 5E
the big room opposite Art Room seven. If you Recording script
come, you must buy the book I use so you can Listen to Matthew talking to his friend, Alice, about
practise at home. It's called Play Well and you can courses his friends took while they were on holiday.
buy it at Music Now. My lessons aren't expensive Which course did each friend take?
because you learn in a group of ten. Each student For questions 1-5, write A-H next to each friend.
Matthew: How was your holiday, Alice?
seventy a week. OK? Alice: Great. My course was really
Writing Part 9 interesting.
1 1 opening and closing formulae Matthew: What did you learn?
2 Me, I like French music: Eddy Mitchell and Alice: How to write stories and news
Johnny .Hallyday are my favourite French singers. I articles.
also like English music. The Beatles is the best Matthew: Really? Maybe I should do a course
group that I have ever heard. If you want, I can play on my holiday...
the bass in the concert. I am going to have a meeting Alice: Like Ahmet? He learned to cook
about the concert. Phone me on 3466 for more Chinese dishes onholiday - he wants
information about this. Thank you. to work as a food writer when he
2 Suggested answer leaves school.
Hi Nicky, Matthew: Zena went to the same holiday camp
In our music lessons, we sometimes sing and we
sometimes play the keyboard. I like rock music best Alice: Yes, but she chose a course which
s of reading
play the drums. and writing for. She had a week of
Bye, Spanish dancing lessons. ,
UNIT 5 Alice: She learned to work with silver and
Grammar made a beautiful necklace and
1 earrings. 1 saw them yesterday.
Matthew: holiday?

Alice: No, he just went away for two days Maria: Really? I must see it. When is it?
because he had to come home on Neil: In July, starting on the 24th and finishing on
Monday to do a music exam. He did the 30th.Can you come?
a windsurfing and sailing course at Maria: Yes. Where is it?
Lake Jarvis. Neil: At the college. The exhibition entrance is
Matthew: Right. When does Ellie come home? opposite thetheatre.
Alice: Next week. She's done a short course Maria: OK. Are you going to sell the paintings?
on biology this week. It was all about Neil: Yes, but quite cheaply. We decided the most
water plants and she loved it. expensive price should be £30, but some of
Matthew: Really? the small pictures will cost just £7.50. And
Reading Part 4 we'll give all the money we get to our art
1B 2B 3B 4A 5C 6B 7A club.
UNIT 6 Neil: And our teacher is going to give lessons at
Grammar theexhibition.
1 2. Are you going to get up early tomorrow? Maria: What about?
3Is it going to rain? Neil:
4 Is he going to Portugal? the subje
5 Are you going to basketball practice? exhibition is colour - so all sorts of artists
6 Is it going to stop soon? will be interested.
7 Are we going to have dinner soon? Writing part 9
2 2 to take 3 speaking 4 to find 11 but 2 and 3 or 4 because
5 writing 6 practising 7 sitting 2 (Suggested answer)
Vocabulary Hi Paddy,
1 2 play 3 concert 4 circus
5 disco / dance 6 exhibition visit my grandma.
2 2a writer 3 a musician 4 an artist
5 a musician 6 an actor 7 a singer 8 an artist
Exam tasks Harry
Reading Part 3b
1A 2E 3F 4B 5G UNIT 7
Listening Part 4 Grammar
1 photos / photographs 2 24th / 24 1
3 college 4 30 5 colour 2
Recording script 3 If you like we w
You will hear Neil talking to his friend about an art 4 If I can
exhibition. 5 when you'll arrive = when you arrive
Listen and complete each question.
Neil: Maria, do you like this painting? here
Maria: It's brilliant, Neil! Did you do it? Vocabulary
Neil: 1 2 on a river 3 in a field 4 on a path
5 by a gate 6 on a hill
Maria: Great. Will the exhibition only be paintings? 7 in a wood 8 on a lake
Or otherthings as well, like drawings or 2 a ice b wind c storm
film? d fog e cloud f thunderstorm
Neil: There are going to be a few photos in the g sun h snow i rain
4 What work does Eleanor do on the farm at
Boy: Which farm do you work on at weekends,
Girl: The one next to the horse-riding school.
Boy: Cool! They have thousands of chickens - do
you have to collect their eggs?
Girl: I do, and my friend Sue sells them in the
farm shop.
5 Where is Richard's MP3 player?
Writing Part 8 Man: Why are you using my MP3 player,
1 9.15 2 Mike Moon 3 boots Richard?
4 free 5 station Richard:
Listening Part 1 gone to see Grandma.
IB 2A 3C 4A 5B Man: Are you sure? I saw it in the kitchen this
Recording script morning.
You will hear five short conversations. Richard:I know, but I went to the library after that.
There is one question for each conversation.
For each question, choose the right answer (A, B or me to say she found it on one of the seats.
C). Reading Part 1
1 What was the weather like last winter? IF 2G 3E 4A 5D
Man: Look at the snow outside, Daisy!
Daisy: Wow! We can go skiing this weekend, UNIT 8
ll, did Grammar
we? 12 yet 3 yet 4 already 5 just 6 yet
Man: No, it was too wet. But there may be a lot of 2
ice on the roads this weekend, so we may not
go skiing. 3
Daisy: Never mind.
2 Who will go for the birthday meal with Jade and 4 We have lived in this house for eight years.
her parents? We have lived in this house since 2005.
Woman: coming to the restaurant with us on 5 I have had this bike since I was twelve years old.
your birthday, Jade? I have had this bike for five years.
Girl: I asked three of my best friends, Mary, Kate 6 She has been in the shop for an hour.

Woman:OK, and of course your brother will be with 32 have won

Girl: And you and dad. Vocabulary
3 What happened during the storm last week? 12 mouth 3 hand 4 teeth 5 arms
Boy: 6 face 7 eyes 8 stomach 9 hair 10 back
Girl: Yes! A tree fell across the river and the Exam tasks
water came up onto the road near our school. Writing Part 6
Boy: Was the school OK? 1 unhappy 2 thirsty 3 glad 4 tired 5 hungry
Girl: Yes, but we had to walk there every morning Reading Part 5
until the water went away. 1C 2C 3A 4B 5A 6C 7B 8C
Listening Part 3
1B 2A 3B 4B 5C
Recording script UNIT 9
Listen to Christina talking to her friend Barney Grammar
about her health problem. 1 2 are put 3 is visited 4 is written
For each question, choose the right answer (A, B, or 5 are shared 6 are seen 7 are spent
C) 2 2 The first digital cameras were sold by a
Barney: How are you, Christina? company called Logitech.
Christina: Not great. 3 The first fridge was built by Jacob Perkins in
Barney: 1834.
Christina: I've hurt my back, at the top, near my 4 The first computer mouse was made of wood.
neck. It hurts when 1 put my arms 5 The first hairdryer was used by a French
up. hairdresser.
Barney: Have you seen the doctor? 6 The first text message was written on 3rd
Christina: Not yet. But 1 will. December 1992.
Barney: This morning? Vocabulary
Christina: - 1 a MP3 player b desktop computer
c laptop d digital camera e keyboard
until Thursday. f mobile phone g email h mouse
Barney: How did it happen?
Christina: 1 fell over after basketball practice
yesterday. 1 walked home from
school, then it happened when 1 was
going upstairs to our flat.
Barney: Really? So where are you now?
Christina: At home, lying down. Not on my
bed, in the living room, on the sofa.

Christina: Mum said no skateboarding which
Exam tasks
swimming - Listening Part 2
going to my guitar lesson this 1A 2G 3E 4B 5H
evening, bu Recording script
Barney: Would you like something to read? Listen to Alice talking to her mum about finding
things on the Internet. What thing does each person
library about famous people. want to find? For questions 1-5, write a letter A-H
Christina: OK - but not- film actors again. next to each person.
Barney: Woman: Hi, Alice.
Christina: Girl: Hi, Mum.
or something like that. Woman:
Barney: How about an amazing swimmer? Sarah here?
Christina: Brilliant. Thanks, Barney. Girl:
Christina: Brilliant. Thanks, Barney. a hairdryer that she
saw on a TV advertisement.
Woman: What about your dad?
offer on that one about a
photographer - he saw it at the
cinema last year.
Woman: Oh, OK. And your brother?
Girl: Thomas is in his bedroom on

website where he can buy a cheap

electric guitar. He wants to teach
himself to play guitar.
Woman: Really? And your sister?

good for photos, s

a new one.
Woman: Which cousin came with Aunt
computer so he can look on the
Internet. He wants this new digital
camera that takes amazing pictures
and videos.
Woman: Right. Is Grandma in her room?
asked for a new laptop for her

Woman: Right!
Writing Part 7
1 has 2 to 3 were/got 4 the 5 of
6 but /although 7 Why 8 with 9 be 10 does


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