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Directions: Write a one page essay about a product that you consume today. Use the
following guide questions below.

1. Identify a product that you use today. It could be a gadget, a mode of clothing, food that
you consume, etc.

2. Expound the process of how such thing or object become part of your day to day living.

3. Discuss the role of economic globalization exemplified in that product that you have

4. How does economic globalization impact the local, the national and the global economy?

Economic Imperialism- one nation assumes economic power over the others

Adopt culture of western countries

One produc

Globalization is the reason why the Corona Virus 2019 is already present amid Philippine
society. Globalization is the reason why many Filipinos have access to imported products
that make life easy.

However, globalization has also instilled a sense of responsibility among the world's
citizens. The call for nature conservation as a response to the challenges of climate change
is an example. The campaign for universal human rights and the advancements of
indigenous people's rights to their ancestral domains are also manifestations that people
from many parts of the world have also give significance to their sense of responsibility for
their fellowmen. Nevertheless, the effects and results of these connectivities for the
process of globalization is always uneven and unequal. 


            Globalization has dramatically shaped the world even if globalization is not a new
phenomenon. The last 50 years have seen the rapid growth and development of economies
and political influences as the things emerging from it have played significant roles in these
processes. Though globalization can be very much felt in the present society, its effects and
influence on a myriad of things are not similar because globalization is always uneven and

My MacBook is one of the essential products I used every day. This product has
become my lifeline, particularly during this pandemic, because we are in an online class and
have much schoolwork that needs to be done. This product provides me with the versatility
and independence that I need to complete instructional assignments, online quizzes,
exams, assessments, and learning tasks at any time. Furthermore, this product allows me
to access the lectures given by the instructors in the VSU e-learning Moodle anytime and
join the virtual online classes anytime to learn from my instructors and acquire extensive

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