EE2015 Electromagnetics II Spring 2019 Homework #2: Getframe (GCF)

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EE2015 Electromagnetics II

Spring 2019
Homework #2


Consider a lossless transmission line lying on z -axis. The line extends from z = 0 to z = l, where l,
equal to 60 cm, is the physical length of the line. There is a TEM wave propagating along the line
in +z-direction. The frequency of the TEM wave, f , is 2 GHz. The transmission line is air-core.
Therefore, we can assume the phase velocity, up , of the propagating wave is equal to the speed of
light in free space. The phasor form of the voltage on the line:

V (z) = V0+ e−jβz . (1)

The corresponding time-domain waveform is
v(z, t) = V0+ cos (ωt − βz) , (2)
where the angular frequency ω = 2πf and phase constant β = ω/up . Assume the amplitude of the
voltage wave
V0+ = 1 (V). (3)

In this problem, use MATLAB, Python, or other programming language to plot the voltage wave-
form v(z, t) over the entire length of the transmission line for time instant t increasing from 0 ns to
1 ns at 10-ps step. Record the plots as movie frames and make a movie clip. Set the frame rate to
10 frames per second. The movie would be 10-second long.

The movie clip should look like this one:


When using MATLAB for this homework, beside knowing how to do basic array operations in
MATLAB, you may need to use the following functions:
ˆ getframe – get the plot as a movie frame. Use getframe(gcf).
ˆ movie – make a movie clip out of frames
Type function name in help, you will see how to use it. For MATLAB basics, just search on the web
and you will find many tutorials, such as this one:

[Important] Please add the flowing line at the beginning of your code
clear; close all;
This line would clear all the variables and close all the figures that are generated by the previous


Please submit your code online by May. 13th , 2019. Follow this link to submit your code:

Make sure that you check your code carefully and submit your code only once and with the specified
file-name format. Note that late submission will NOT be accepted. To fill out the form, you need
to log in with your Google Apps account. To apply for an account, please go to

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