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Moving to a new town acre eee enn) era Expressing reaction, e.g. indifference my Peer en ec) Cea ae ee eee ee ener eee aan ae a Pert You relocating Lesson, You’re relocating rwo workers are offered a on an explains the relocation conditions to them hem is pro fice manager: eee Aim In this lesson you have learnt how to express indifference by means of expressions like: e manager 2 of €&) = I suppose so. + It's all the same to me. + It makes no difference either way. How to show that you are positive when you hear some news by means of phrases like ©) = It's not such a bad. “I've been to worse About approximation and vague language: ©&| — - sortof + kind of and—ish + about roughly more or less Finally. you have explored the topic of moving to a new town, relocating and learnt the vocabulary connected with it (accommodate, condo, equipped, headquarters, high rise, house owner, mover, refurbish, run an office, spacious, relocation package, relocation allowance) 126 Lesson 1: You're relocating Ca Comprehension Setting up means starting from scratch, organising and putting ‘ystems in place Ob, right shows that she is not overly happy about going to Sc “Sort of means that the apartment is not realy in the town centre but close tot Adding i=/ to an adjective makes it more vague. Vows! means not brand new but not very old either She is being polite using gu/' mal), What she really means are the alternative phrases below. /ecule means the same as tiny ore ov loss maans that the boss doesn't know for sure but £5000 is about the right amount. Character Mr Clark Rebecca ‘Mr Clark Rebecca Mr Clark Rebecca Me Clark Rebecca Mr Clark Rebecca Mr Clark Rebecca Mr Clark Rebecca Mr Clark Rebecca ‘Mr Clark Rebecca Mr Clark Rebecca Mr Clark Rebecca Mr Clark Rebecca Dialogue Good morning, Rebecca. Have a seat. Thank you. Now, I'm going to be talking to both you and Lauren today. know you work closely together in the office. |have some very exciting news for you I'm intrigued! Tell me more! ‘That sounds interesting! I'm all ears! Well. As you know, our company has been doing incredibly well recently and profits are up. We've therefore decided to expand the business. Great! Exciting times! Indeed! We are opening a new office in Goattown, Scotland and I'd like you and Lauren to be involved in Setting the office up. Oh, right. Scotland, That's quite a long way away. It's only about 2 hours on the train from here. You'll receive a full relocation package. We've already arranged ‘an apartment for you which is, sort of, in the town centre, Will that be OK? Er... | suppose so. What's the apartment like? Well, it's newish “and it's roughly 80 square metres It’s biggish and it’s about 2 years old. It’s oldish and it's quite big 80 square metres? That sounds quite small ° That sounds tiny! 80 square metres is absolutely miniscule (®! Oh. Will that be a problem? No, it sounds fine. Big, small it's all the same to me (Old, new = it’s all the same to me. Big, small - | don't mind either way. You'll also get a relocation allowance Al your moving costs will be paid for so you don’t need to worry. How much will that be? Um, £5000. £5000? Will that cover all my expenses? More or less |. Does that sound OK to you? It might be a bit more, it might be a bit less. Erm... | suppose so. Great. Now, you and Lauren will work together to set up the office. You'll have roughly 20 people under you. Ineed to appoint either you or Lauren as manager. | don't have a strong preference. I think you should choose. Um... I've always wanted to be a manager but Lauren would make a great manager, too! Oh. OK. Could you send Lauren in, please? Yes, of course. Thank you. 127 Unit 4 orefers 3 The expression whores fo where something is loca Lauren doesn’t try to hide her disappointment as much 2s Rebecca Ia placeis out in the sticks, it's out inthe country, long way From any mmetropalitan area Here, she tries to sound positive To have 2 good head on one’s chou /dor=means to be intelligent. 128 Mr Clark Lauren Mr Clark Lauren Mr Clark Lauren Mr Clark Lauren Mr Clark Lauren Mr Clark Lauren Mr Clark Lauren Mr Clark Lauren Mr Clark Lauren Mr Clark Lauren Mr Clark Lauren Mr Clark Lauren Mr Clark Lauren Mr Clark Lauren Hello Lauren, please have a seat Thank you. I've already spoken to Rebecca this morning and I'm going ‘to give you exactly the same news. You're relocating. ‘Oh wow! I'd like you and Rebecca to relocate to Scotland and run the new office for me. Can you do that? Scotland. | used to go to Scotland a lot when | was young. Whereabouts "is the new office? Goattown. Goattown? That's in the middle of nowhere!” That's out in the sticks (19)! It's roughly 50 miles from the nearest city but it has excellent transport links. How do you feel about moving there? Well, I've been to worse towns." I've seen worse films. I've heard worse ideas Great. | think you'll be really happy there. There's lots to do. Really? | suppose it’s not a bad place to work. | guess it could be a good place to work. I knew you'd love it. Now, we've already found you an apartment. It’s in a newish block Ooh, | love new apartments. Does it have a garden? Um, I'm afraid not. Will that be a problem? The local park isn't far. No, it'll do. So, when do we move? Next month. That soon? Yes, We're keen to get started. You'll receive all the details in your relocation package tomorrow morning. Great! ‘Oh, Lauren, there is one more thing, Yes? ‘There'll be about 20 new employees to take charge of. Are you up for the challenge? Do you think you could manage 20 people? Do you think you would be able to cope with being the manager? Who, me? What about Rebecca? She's been here much longer than met She has, but I think you would suit the role better. You've got a good head on your shoulders”. You are sensible and intelligent. ‘Oh wow! So, I'll be the boss? Not quite! You'll be the office manager. Well, that's good enough for me! Thank you so much! Use of English FIXED EXPRESSIONS. “I'm all ears!’ or “I'm Intrigued!’ means that you are very interested in what somebody is about to tell you and can't wait to hear it ‘Setting up’ means starting from scratch, so from the very beginning. It means to start, e.g ‘a business, organise it and put everything in its right place. *Oh, right’ doesn’t show enthusiasm about something. On the contrary ~ it shows that we are not overly happy about something, “80 square metres is absolutely miniscule: Miniscule means tiny, very small. We say “absolutely miniscule’, not ‘ery mintsexte: - we Use a strong adverb with a strong adjective. Expressions like: “it's all the same to don’t mind either way’or'I'mnotbothered about it’ show that you are indifferent to what you hear and you don't really care about what will happen. Lesson 1: You're relocating When you say "I have seen worse places’, ‘it’s better than nothing’, ‘It'll do’ or “It’s not such a bad place’ in reference to the place somebody is talking about, you show that you are positive about the place. If you say that 2 place is “in the middle of nowhere’ or ‘it's out in the sticks’, you mean that itis a very distant place and far from civilisation. If somebody says that ‘you've got a good head on your shoulders’, they mean that you are sensible and intelligent. APPROXIMATION AND THE USE OF VAGUE LANGUAGE We can use approximation and vague language when we don’t want to be exact or direct about something: ‘The apartment is sort of in the town centre. (This means that the apartment is not exactly in the centre, but somewhere near it.) + The office building is kind of new too. (This means that the building is not exactly new) + The furniture is newish. (This means that the furniture is not exactly new, but not old either.) The expressions we use to approximate something are: 8+ Sort of © + Kind of We can also add the ending ~ish to the adjective we want to approximate: le8|+ Newish (means ‘kind of new’) ~~" + Oldish (means ‘kind of old’) + Biggish (means kind of big’) Approximation and vague language are also Used to estimate numbers: If we don’t know if the apartment is exactly 80 square metres, we can say that: + The apartment is approximately 80 square metres. + The apartment is about 80 square metres. + The apartment is roughly 80 square metres. “The apartment is some 80 square metres. + The apartment is more or less 80 ‘square metres + The apartment is around 80 square metres, Notice that "approximately’ is more formal than ‘about’, ‘roughly’, ‘somewhat’ ‘around’ or “more or less: 129 Unit 4 Work-out Rewrite the sentences using the prompts. Example: This is kind of anew chair. (-ish) This is & newiish char 1. The apartment is oldish (sort of) 2. ‘The boss said that the office would be kind of big, (ish) 3. Approximately 70 per cent of the population never relocate (roughly) 4, It takes about 2 hours to get from London to Leeds on the train. (more or less). ‘The amount of caffeine in one can of Cola is roughly equivalent to four cups of coffee, (approximately) 6. The last earthquake of this size occurred approximately 60 years ago. (some) 7. Jerry is rather short (-ish) 8. This soup is somewhat cold. tan o Put the verbs in brackets in Present Perfect Simple, Present Perfect Continuous or Past Simple. Example: | (ask) you to come and see me today because we're opening a new office. Likave asked you ty come tnd see me today becuse were enening & new abfice, 1. We (decide) to expand the business 2. We (arrange) an apartment for you For some time now and it should be ready by next week. 3. I (want) always to be a manager! 4. | (rent) an apartment in New York last week, so I'm able to move in right now. 5. Tim and Angie (own) this house since thay (come) to Vegas. 6. How long you (work) in this department? 7. | (werk) for Good Times Corporation since | (leave) college 8. How many projects you (complete) successfully since you (start) working here? 130 Lesson 1: You're relocating Correct the mistakes in the sentences. Example: What's the apartment likes?_What’s the anartment (che? 1. I'd lke you to be involved in the set the office up. 2. We have arranged already an apartment for you 3. The condo he was talking about is very miniscule 4, It sall the same for me 5. The cottage is out in the stick! 6. The rent is sort of $700 per month, 7. We're keen to getting started! 8. | wanted to appoint Helen to the manager, but she resigned. Replace the underlined parts of the sentences with the correct form of the expressions below: suit the role of /WHEPSEBBUES / keep this to yourself /have a good head on your Shoulders /all ears /relocate/set up/ cope with Example: Whereis the station?_Whereabyute ix the datoen? 1. Sueis sensible and intelligent. 2. Tell me! I'm really intrigued! 3. I'm not sure if Kate will deal with that problem. 4, The boss said Mr Brown would be good enough to be a manager. 5. Nobody can heat about it, so don’t say 2 word. 6. Guess what?! The company wants me to move to Paris! 7. Steve Jobs and Steve Wozniak formed their first own business, which they named “Apple Computer Company’ in 1976. Unit 4 132 Use the following expressions to fill in the gaps in the text. up/ setting / expanding / profits / exceptionally /managers /run /@lB/ recently /up [relocated / appointed Dear All, (1) __bue to the Fact that our company has been doing (2) well (3) we are glad to inform you that our (4) are ©) and we are (6) the business. This means ” new offices (8) in other parts of the country. We are also pleased to inform you that some of you will be (9) toournew offices and (10) as (22) to (22) them. You will be informed about more details shortly, Best regards, Michael Borrows Deputy KR Director Read the definitions below and write the words or expressions to match them, Example: election _Allswince - a special ‘bonus’ you get from your employer when you are being relocated which helps you finance accommodation expenses. ~ all the materials with information you need before you relocate. = extremely small ~ to repay a person who has spent or lost money curious and fascinated ~ the action of deducing or subtracting something - where ~ in the middle of nowhere Word List ‘accommodation ‘accommodate ‘appoint sb as ‘condo equipped expand high rise headquarters house owner ‘outsourcing redevelopment refurbished relocate relocation allowance ‘relocation package Tun an effice seated site spacious approximately urban bother bothered cope with deduce deduction direct indifferent indifference intrigued roughly ‘out in the sticks setup somewhat straightforward vague whereabouts Lesson 1: You're relocating decryption Jace dressageianip overdose shertlt gunpowder gather attendance % community G4 acreage? peacefultattoo Mise, “stad CSA ier -ofenighboutood son badminton” spedgnoughredecorate "Sip butcher, wagon confus fe, engaged gerersus tude woe polite gee ata iiutgon ‘at get rate? 133 1. The apartment is sort of old 2. The boss said that the office would be biggish. 3. Roughly 70 per cent of the population never relocate. 4, Ittakes more or less 2 hours to from London to Leeds on the train 5, The amount of caffeine in one can of Cola is approximately equivalent to four cups of coffee. 6. The last earthquake of this size ‘occurred some 60 years ago. 7. Jerry is shortish. 8. This soup is coldish. We have decided to expand the business We have been arranging an apartment for you for some time now and it should be ready by next week. | have always wanted to be a manager! | rented an apartment in New York last week, so I'm able to move in Fight now. Tim and Angie have owned this house since they came to Vegas. How long have you been wo: this department? have been working / have worked for Good Times Corporation since | left college. How many projects have you completed successfully since you started working here? 1g in 1. 'd like you to be involved in setting the office up. 2. We have already apartment for you 3. The condo he was talking about is absolutely miniscule 4, It's all the same to me. 5. The cottage is out in the sticks! 6. The rent is approximately / about J roughly / more or less / around $700 per month, 7. We're keen to get started! 8. I wanted to appoint Helen as the manager but she resigned arranged an . Sue has got a good head on her shoulders. Tell me! I'm all ears. I'm not sure if Kate will cope with that problem. The boss said Mr Brown would suit the role of manager. Nobody must hear about it, so keep itto yourself. Guess what?! The company wants me to relocate to Paris! Steve Jobs and Steve Wozniak set up their first business, which they named ‘Apple Computer Company’ in 1976. ue ‘exceptionally recently profits wp ‘expanding setting up relocated 10. appointed 11. managers irun 134 Mownune relocation package miniscule reimburse intrigued deduction whereabouts cout in the sticks pevaa for ihe move Unit Lesson 2 Preparing for the move Two young office workers are relocated and talk about their new destination. They are not very enthusiastic about moving to Scotland, and one of them being promoted spoils, their friendship. eee Aim: In this lesson you have learnt the difference between ‘make and do’ and got to know some useful expressions with them: ©&) + Mr Clark made you the manager. + You'll make someone a great wife one day! + I'll do my best! + Itwill do you good to spend more time outside. Also, you have revised and practised vocabulary connected with relocation and moving to anew town like: £8) = last minute arrangements “« short notice + relocation package + compact apartment + start up anew office + ready-made curtains + a decorator + do up 136 Lesson 2: Preparing for the move Ca Comprehension mages 8 Ifyou have enough on your plate, you have alot of things to worry about of deal wit ‘To pry means ta inguire to closely into a person's private Stairs Character Lauren Rebecca Lauren Rebecca lauren Rebecca Lauren Rebecca lauren Rebecca lauren Rebecca lauren Rebecca Lauren Rebecca Lauren Rebecca Lauren Rebecca tauren Rebecca Dialogue So, we're going to be neighbours in Goattown then? im se glad you're going too. | really don’t want to move te Scotland but, if you're going to be there it won't be so bad! Don't worry! It’s a bit of 2 shock for me, too, but I've been to Goattown before, It's not so bad I've been to worse towns than Goattown, It’s not as bad as it first seems. Not so bad? It's miles away from anywhere Yeah, | know, but we'll have fun though, right? You're right. Well just have to make the most of it. it's just such short notice! We are moving in two weeks! We'll have to make the most of what is there. We'll have to make ‘sure we make the best of the opportunities to have fun, know! They could've given us @ bit more warning! Talk about last minute! Now I've got ko make all these last minute arrangements. | don't have time £0 breathe! mm more than happy to help. You must have enough on your plate |". You're going to be the new manager ‘You must have a long list of things to do! You must be really busy with your new job as welll im sorry about that. They should've made you the new manager. You've been doing this job much longer than I have. | think you've made a much better impression on the boss though. | should've made more of an effort over the last few years, I should've tried harder over the last few years. Nonsense! You're a great colleague! Hey! Our new apartments look amazing! They're certainly very modern, if a little compact. I'm just worried that all my stuff won't fit in You'll have to make room! Maybe you could throw some things away! You'll have to arrange your things carefully so that you create enough room for everything. Il do my best! I'm going to buy all new furniture with my new salary! ‘Oh. You got a pay rise? Erm. Yes, just alittle one, It's enough to make a living but I'm not making a fortune, don't worry! I'm not making millions! It wasn't a huge pay rise, don’t worry. Sorry, | didn’t mean to pry or make you feel bad. You deserve it. You are going to make an excellent boss! Thanks Rebecca, Let me make something clear, Just because I'm the boss, it doesn’t mean that you can't help me make the decisions. I'm sure I’m going to need all the help | can get. | can’t do it on my own, Of course! I'lldo my best to help you. | will support you. 137 Unit 4 138 Lauren Rebecca Lauren Rebecca lauren Rebecca Lauren Rebecca Lauren Rebecca lauren Rebecca lauren Thanks. | know you're disappointed about not being made manager, but Ill make it up to you. I'll be making the decisions on how much of pay rise everyone gets next year, don't forget! I'l make sure I hold you to that! ‘And I'll make sure you get a good bonus, too! What are your plans for the bedroom? Il ensure that you get a good bonus. I'll make certain that you get a good bonus. Frm going to make some new curtains and design some new wallpaper, too. | wish I could make things like you. You're so creative. 'm just going to buy some ready-made curtains and pay a decorator to do up my apartment. Yours will be much nicer, though | really want to make it my own and put my own stamp om it. Il help you to make your apartment loak nice too! | want to create something individual that is unique to me Thanks, Rebecca! You'll make someone a great wife one day, too! You the kind of person someone will be happily married to! | never want to get married! That's the last thing | want to do! Really! I can’t wait to get married! I think Carl might ask me to marry him soon! Carl? Who's Carl? You know, Carl. Mr Clark's son! We've been going out for nearly a year now! ‘What? So that’s why Mr Clark made you the manager. He made out that you were the best person for the jab, This won't do, it won't do at all. He told me that he thought you were the best person for the job. Rebecca! Il have to make the most of what is "in other words - ‘we'll have to make rake the best of the opportunities to have fun’ means to use something the best You can, use it to the best advantage. It can also mean to represent something at its best: ‘He knows how to make the most of his Features. ‘You must have enough on your plat. means that you have a long list of things to do, you must be very busy. If somebody says: "I should've made more of an effort’, they want to say that they should have tried harder to do something ‘Make a fortune’ means to earn 2 lot of money, to make millions. Lesson 2: Preparing for the move If somebody wants to ‘put their stamp on something’, they want to create something individual that is unique to them and different from others. “It will do you good to spend some time outside’ means that it will be good for somebody and their health to exercise more. “Hl do my best’ means that you will try your hardest to do something. “I will have to make up some rules’ means “| will have to create some rules’ If somebody ‘makes a good boss, a good wife or a good husband’, they are good bosses, wives or husbands. EXPRESSIONS WITH DO & MAKE Do We use do to describe activities, or things that have an eff ect on people. We refer to general activities: -&) - do homework doa course do exercise / sport + do housework doajob + do research + do somebody an injury + do somebody a favour + do somebody good or bad + do harm In informal English, we can use do instead of other verbs to talk about certain jobs: rush your hair) tidy the garden) do your hair do the garden We use do when we talk about very general, not particular activities: do something / anything / nothing / everything + doalot Do is also used with ~ing to form nouns when we talk about jobs and leisure activities: do the ironing / the washing / the cleaning / the cooking / the shopping do some sking / reading / sightseeing / swimming / walking Some other commen expressions with do are: 8. doa crossword ~ + doa degree / an exam do business doup do your best do your duty 139 Unit 4 MAKE To talk about creating or building something, we use mak ©-8) » make clothes / curtains / things / afilm make a sandwich / dinner / coffee / acake make a plan /a model / project / an appointment /a decision We can use make to say how successful someone would be, or is, in a particular position or role: (©) « make a good boss /a good wife /a good husband Some other common expressions with make are: (©8)- make a call/ make a fire + make a fortune / money /a profit /a deal make a journey / make a living + make a mess / make a mistake make a noise / make a promise make an attempt / make an effort + make an exception / make an excuse make an impression make an offer + make friends (with somebody) + make it up to somebody make out make progress + make room make something clear make sure + make the bed + make the most of something make up make war / peace Work-out Put the following expressions into the right category. in omelette / fOGGIRG / the dishes / 2 test / an excuse / gardening / 2 suggestion /a lot of noise /an excellent secretary /up an apartment /a comment /harm/good/a discovery/ business DO MAKE isgging & speech 140 Lesson 2: Preparing for the move ‘Transform the sentences using the prompts and DO. Example: shop tomorrow. (the shopping) Ill ds the shenaing tenserrew 1. She washed her clothes yesterday. (the laundry) 2. We enjoy cooking in our free time. (some cooking) 3. |I'liron when you finish hoovering (the ironing) 4, Will you wash up today? (the washing up) 5. Tim often goes to the park to watch birds. (some bird watching) 6. Ihate writing letters. (letter — writing) 7. Sue reads a lot in her spare time. (a lot of reading) 8. We had to take a lot of notes when we went to Mr Brown's lectures. (a lot of note-taking) Underline the correct option, \When you live abroad, part of the fun is doing /IKIAG mistakes when you try to communicate You may not do / make very well if you take things too seriously. When you do / make the shopping ina supermarket, you don't need to do/ make much of an effort because everything is there on the shelves. You might not understand everything, but you can usvally do / make a guess by reading the labels carefully. The problems arise when you need to do / make business abroad When a company depends, for instance, on how well you can do / make yourself understood. That's when you really need to do / make sure that you won't do / make any mistakes. Replace the underlined parts of the sentences with the correct form of the expressions below. do up /indeorsy person /BAVERESTEIUE / make up /make out /make sure/make room /pry into Example: | don’t know who they are and what they want. L haven't a clue whe they dre tnd what they want 1. I will have to get somebody to refurbish my apartment, 2. They need to ensure if we really want to buy the house. 3. Why do you always have to inquire into my personal life? 141 Unit 4 142 4, My brother doesn’t like going out much. 5. Bob's apartment is so cluttered that he would have to c/ear space to fit some new furniture in, 6. Nobody can understand why you have been put in charge here. 7. She invented an excuse about having to look after the kids. Match the beginnings with the endings 1. I want to make a. everything they could to help us with the move, 2. The children did b. a good book? 3. Steve is very smart and makes c. your nails? 4, You were simply doing 4. curry for dinner today, 5. What makes ©. aliving. 6. Who does f. nothing all day! 7. My salary is not enough to make 9. progress quickly. 142 3 4. 5. 6. the gaps with MAKE or DO in the correct form Example: | think he will a very good friend. L. His children didn ‘a good impression on us, 2. You've been a really good job lately, 3. I'iltry to my best. 4, Letme something clear. 5. I didn’t mean to any harm, but if I hurt you let me it up to you somehow. 6. She has ‘a promise and I'll sure hold her to that. 7. Sitting here and lamenting won't you any good. She ‘me swear not to tell anybody about what | had seen. It doesn’ any sense! Lesson 2: Preparing for the move Word List —xx pry make out indoorsy person make up co short notice haven'ta clue peacefu have enough on your plate clue secan neigh compact cluttered spend en fitin interior butcher . engage sw property polite si pay rise ensuite habit hold sb to sth utility room stave" ready-made parking permit wos” decorator penthouse deste doup Bk: Do: jogging / the dishes / a test / gardening / up an apartment / harm / good / business Make: aspeech/anomelette/an excuse! 2 Suggestion / a comment / a discovery / a lot of noise / an excellent secretary fas resp of the tan is making mistakes when you try to communicate, You may not do very well if you take things too seriously. When you do the shopping in a supermarket, you don't need to make much of an effort because everything is there on the shelves. You might not understand everything, but you can usually make 2 guess by reading the labels carefully ‘The problems arise when you need to do business abroad. When a company depends, for instance, on how well you can make yourself understood. That's when you really need to make sure that you won't make any mistakes. She did the laundry yesterday. We enjoy doing some cooking in our free time, I'll do the ironing when you finish hovering. ‘Will you do the washing up today? Tim often goes to the park to do some bird watching. hate doing letter-writing Sue does a lot of reading in her spare time, We had to do a lot of note-taking when we went to Mr Brown's lectures, | will have to get somebody to do up my apartment. ‘They need to make sure if we really want to buy the house, Why do you always have to pry into my personal life? My brother is an indoorsy person. Bob's apartment is so cluttered that he would have to make room to fit some new furniture in Nobody can make out why you have been put in charge here. ‘She made up an excuse about having to look after the kids make doing do make do/make made / make do made make 143 E | Notes Vi ey EV AYO ihe move Lesson, Doubts about the move Before moving to a new city, an office worker calls the tourist information office to find out more about the place. The tourist information officer gives her an accurate description of the town. eee Aims In this lesson you have learnt how to express shades of opinion, certainty and uncertainty: £8) I'm having second thoughts “+ Deep down I'm not sure + I'm absolutely sure + I'm positive + You never know I can't say for certain You have learnt the use of comparatives and superlatives and how to double them: £8 More and more + My English is getting better and better. The best of the best As expensive as + The sooner we tell them the better. Finally, you have revised vocabulary connected with relocation and moving to a new town: last-minute arrangements short notice + relocation package + compact apartment + start up anew office + ready-made curtains earmark + visitor spot 146 Lesson 3: Doubts about the move Cd Comprehension If something's the talk of he sown, iemeans that many people in a town are talking about itin an Interested or excited way, Character Joshua Rebecca Joshua Rebecca Joshua Rebecca Joshua Rebecca Joshua Rebecca Joshua Rebecca Joshua Rebecca Joshua Rebecca Joshua Rebecca Joshua Dialogue Good morning, Goattown Tourist Information Centre. Oh, hello there. I'm moving to Goattown and I'd like to know what to expect Certainly! You must be coming to work in the new office of a big company that is opening here, aren’t you? Erm ~ yes! How did you know? Oh, it’s the talk of the town '! We haven't had any new people move here for 25 years! ... and now there are 20 new residents! It's the biggest population influx we've seen for a long, long time! Everyone is talking about it! Ob right! That doesn’t sound very reassuring! Why don't more people move to Goattown! Oh, well, I've no idea! It’s such a wonderful place! In fact, it’s the 451st most popular visitor spot in Scotland! Last year, | spoke to 98% of the visitors to Goattown personally’ It's the second least popular visitor spot in Scotland! That sounds positive. | have to admit, I'm having second thoughts about moving to Goattown though, I'm not so sure that moving to Goattown is a good idea I'm having some doubts about whether | should move to the town. (Oh really? Why is that, dear? Wall, I'm only 25. There doesn’t seem to be that much for me todo! Oh, I'm positive that you'll love it here. 87% of our young people never leave! There's plenty to do. Did you know that there are over 34,000 different footpaths and cycle paths in the area? Do you cycle at all? Well, | was planning to buy a bike, but they are becoming more and more expensive these days and | have less and less free time, I have less and less free time as the weekends seem shorter and shorter these days. Some things are becoming cheaper and cheaper these days whereas others are becoming more and more expensive. Oh, you'll most definitely have plenty of free time in Goattown! I'm not sure | like the sound of that! What | mean is, because we're a small town here, you'll spend a lot less time travelling between the shops, work and home. The less time you spend travelling around, the more free time you'll have! ‘The more time you spend in the town, the more you will find to do, Oh, | see. So, what do people my age do at the weekends? There are all sorts of clubs and societies. I'm absolutely certain that you'll Find something that interests you! You will definitely find something to interest you, That sounds promising. What kind of clubs are there? Well, there’s the belly-dancing club, the street dance club, the comedy club, the real ale society, the juggling group, the extreme cycling group. 147 Unit 4 148 Eormarliedmeans designated for a particvalr purpose. Sot ss/cle means the same as earmarked. Rebecca Joshua Rebecca Joshua Rebecca Joshua Rebecca Joshua Rebecca Joshua Rebecca Joshua Rebecca Joshua Rebecca Wow! Perhaps | won't be bored after all! Is it easy to join these clubs? Yes, of course! The more, the merrier! The more people that come, the more fun the clubs a Excellent! You never know, of course. You might even meet the man of your dreams in Goattown! ‘Oh, Ihave my doubts about that! V1 have you know that Goattown men were voted the best looking men in the UK! In my opinion, they are the best of the best! Ha ha... I'l be the judge of that one! You never know what might happen! Anything is possible! Seriously, though, I'm still having some doubts. Deep down, I'm just not sure it's the right move for me. In my heart, I'm not happy with the decision to move. Well, I'l let you in on a little secret. Goattown is about to become a lot more interesting in the next couple of years. Really? How so? Well, there are plans for a multi-million pound development on the outskirts. A billionaire has decided to invest £45,679, 934 in the town, £8,425,653 of which has been earmarked for a new theme park! ‘The money has been set aside ) for a new theme park! Wow! Goattown just got a lot more interesting! Thanks, Joshua, you've given me some food for thought there. Glad to be of help. Feel free to call back anytime! Bye for now! Bye! Use of English FIXED EXPRESSIONS ‘It's the talk of the town’ means, in other words ~ ‘Everyone is talking about it ‘It's the second least popular visitor spot in Scotland’ means that it is not a popular Visitor spot. If somebody says: ‘I'm having second thoughts about moving to Goattown’, they want to say that they are not sure that moving there is a good idea. It’s the same as ‘I'm having some doubts about moving to Goattown’. “The more, the merrier’ means that the more people that come, the more fu Lesson 3: Doubts about the move ‘I have my doubts about that!’ means ‘| don’t think so!” ‘Deep down, I'm just not sure it's the Fight move for me’ means that, in her heart, Rebecca is not happy with the decision to move. If somebody says that "some money has been earmarked for a theme par! means that some money has been set aside for ‘a theme park COMPARATIVES AND SUPERLATIVES. Basic rules ADJECTIVE COMPARATIVE SUPERLATIVE ‘One syllable ‘Adjective +er(#than) _| the + adjective + est tall taller (than) the tallest easy easier the easiest big bigger the biggest Two or more syllables more /less + adj ‘the most /least + adjective (+than) the most expensive expensive more expensive the least expensive less expensive Irregular good better bad worse the worst old older / elder the oldest / eldest far farther / further the farthest / furthest INTENSIFYING AND WEAKENING To inten: 'y a comparative we can use: even / much / far / a lot / considerably / substantially / significantly /a great deal + London is considerably bigger than Glasgow. His new book is even better than the previous one, + It's a great deal more expensive to go ‘on holiday by car. ‘To weaken a comparative we can use: allttle / slightly /2 bit / somewhat 8). Glasgow is ~ Edinburgh A Mercedes is somewhat more expensive than a BMW. slightly bigger than 149 Unit 4 150 To intensity a superlative we can use: by far / easily ©8- London is by far the biggest city in ~ England. + Tom is easily the tallest student in the class. To weaken a superlative we can us fone of / some of / among [eg)- London is one of the biggest cities in ~~ the world + Tom is among the tallest students in the class, COMPARATIVE PATTERNS. (not) as... as When two things are (almost) equal, we can use the pattern (not) as... as: Pipreerelereley antes eeresterrensie arr lana ‘To underline that things are almost equal, just / about / almost / more or less / nearly / quite ‘|: Boston is nearly as big as Seattle. they are almost the same size) Be carefull Compare: (©&-|- Tom isn't nearly as rich as Sam. (= Tom is considerably poorer than Sam) ‘Tom isn’t quite as rich as Sam. am is slightly richer than Tom) In informal language, we often use nothing like as or nowhere near as: (Ge): clatgew te nowhere reer ss)5iq 26 Tendon {C London is much bigger than Glasgow) DOUBLE COMPARATIVE We can underline how something increases or decreases in intensity by doubling more or the same comparative adjective with and between the forms: (eS) - Houses are becoming more and more expensive. Ihave less and less free time “My English is getting better and better. THE ... THE... WITH COMPARATIVE To describe how a change in one thing causes a change in another, we can use two comparative forms with the: The sooner we tell them, the better for them: The less time you spend on commuting to work, the more free time you will have. Lesson 3: Doubts about the move Work-out Put the words in the right order to make sentences. Example: bigger / considerably / London /than /is/ Warsaw Landen is considerably bager than Warsius 1. the more/the destination /The more /the holiday / exotic /expensive 3. The country to Her soon Waits [became and /rarer/ rarer 4, The [better / decide /we the [sooner 5. Tan] Glasgow [large as quite /Aberdeen as 6. nowhere Glasgow sas /near7as/ London populated 7, Slightly is further Londen /from/than [Aberdeen] lasgow 8, London/drier/is/somewhat/Aberdeen/than/July/in Underline the correct option. Example: Bob is becoming most /A#@F@and more impatient. Betty's results were nearly not /not nearly as good as Bill's. His latest book isn’t as /isn’t like exciting as his first one. ‘Smart phones are getting more big and big / bigger and bigger. The higher you climb, the further than /the further you will fall The further you swim, the more cold/the colderthe water gets. 1 2 3 4 5. Carlis nothing /nowhere near as friendly as his brother. 6. 7. I'm not as big a fan of The Rolling Stones than /as | was when | was younger. 8 ‘The new car is slightly Jess /Jeast reliable than the old one. Unit 4 152 Finish the sentences using the prompts. The later the election, (g00d for the Prime Minister) The later the election, the better for the Frome Miy Example: 2. The higher the humidity. (aiffleult to breathe) 2, The Higher the prices of food are, (little people spend on Te) 3. The bigger the room, .. (space we will have for the baby) 6. The longer you leave it, ... (bad it will get) 7. ‘The fewer new investments n the town, . (high the unemployment) 8, The more carbohydrates you eat, .. (fat you become) Fill the gaps in the sentences with MUCH, MANY, LITTLE or FEW. Example: Jerry smokes as __niny as 40 cigarettes a day! 1. Susan doesn’t jog as a8 she did when she was younger. 2. Mrs Hallway was disappointed that as as 4 guests came to her garden party. John can pay as {as $2,000,000 for a new penthouse, My cousin can’t make a living. He earns as as $20 per week 5. They don’t have many friends. Actually, they have as as only two Friends. 6. London has got twice as banks as Glasgow. ‘There isn’t much milk left. In fact there is as as 100 ml Match the sentences with their meaning. 1. It sounds promising, 1a. It takes place at the same time. 2, It sounds reassuring b. It shows signs of future success. 3. It's a big influx on the population. . They live far from the city centre. 4, The'r wedding coincides with our holiday _¢. They designated a lot of money for plans. cancer research 5. They live on the outskirts. @. It removes my doubts and worries, 6. The company earmarked alot of money _‘f. They made us think a lot. for cancer research 7. Your comments gave us plenty of food 4g. A lot of people arrive here. for thought. 6__7. Lesson 3: Doubts about the move Look at the factsheet and write sentences using the prompts. Loftin Paris | Penthouse in Bertin | “xu, partment in Bedrooms 5 3 2 Floor area Om 70m 100m Price €2,000,000 © 3,000,000 800,000 Location | BS mintothectty [20min to the city] 16 min go the city centre Example: Paris / Prague / bedrooms / considerably The loft in Faris has get conscderably mere bedrooms than the apartment in Prague 1. Prague /nowhere near as /big/ Paris 2. Paris/ significantly / big / Prague 3. Paris /twice / expensive / Berlin 4, Prague/a great deal/ cheap / Paris 5. Paris /by far/ expensi 6. Berlin/close to the city centre / Prague 7. Paris / slightly / far from the city centre / Berlin Word List nowhere near outskirts by far reassuring coincide resident considerably significantly cycle path slightly earmark Substantially food for thought the more, the merrier footpath turn up influx wicket engaged Je Unit 4 Key o° ‘The more exotic the destination, the more expensive the holiday. It is becoming more and more popular to travel abroad on holiday. Her visits to the country soon became rarer and rarer. ‘The sooner we decide, the better. Aberdeen isn't quite as large as Glasgow. Glasgow is nowhere popullated as London, Aberdeen is slightly further from Londen than Glasgow. London is somewhat drier Aberdeen in July. than Betty's results were not nearly as good as Bill's. . His latest book /sn’t as like exciting as his first one, Smart phones are getting bigger and bigger. ‘The higher you climb, the further you will fal Carl is nowhere near as friendly as his brother. The further you swim, the colder the water gets. I'm not as big a fan of The Rolling Stones as | was when | was younger. ‘The new car is slightly /ess reliable than the old one. The higher the humidity, the more difficult it is to breathe. ‘The higher the prices of food are, the less people spend on it. ‘The bigger the room, the more space we will have for the baby. The more money they borrow from the bank, the longer they will have to pay it back. ‘The later you go to bed at night, the more difficult it is to get up early in the morning. ‘The longer you leave it, the worse it will get The Fewer new investments in the town, the higher the unemployment. ‘The more carbohydrates you eat, the fatter you become. much Tew much little few many little ‘The apartment in Prague is nowhere near as big as the loft in Paris. The loft in Paris is significantly bigger than the apartment in Prague. ‘The loft in Paris is twice as expensive as the penthouse in Berlin, The apartment in Prague is a great deal cheaper than the loft in Paris. ‘The loft in Paris is by far the most expensive, The penthouse in Berlin is as close to the city centre as the apartment in Prague. The loft in Paris is slightly fur- ther from the city centre than the penthouse in Berlin. alt ri Unit Lesson. 4 Moving in ‘One of the young workers has just moved in and is cleaning the house when her mother calls her. She wants to visit to help her settle in, but her daughter is not keen on the idea eee Aims In this lesson you have learnt vocabulary related to household tasks: + do the ironing + do the polishing + a scouring pad + lime scale + a screwdriver You have learnt a few new expressions which we use when we can't remember the name of somebody or something (whatshername, whatsitcalled, thingamajig, etc): ©&) + Can you ask whatshername to come and help you? + Did you use a thingamajig? + Did you use whatjumacallit? Approximating and vague language like: + sort of + kind of + about + approximately Revised expressions with make and do: (es) + make the beds = + do the washing up + do the cleaning Lesson 4: Moving in Cd Comprehension Whatshernameisaword used when you can't remember someone's name. Thingummyjig's a word used when you can’t remember what something is called Give ov tobe means the same as more or less ‘This means it has very little space Character Rebecca Mum Rebecca Mum Rebecca Mum Rebecca Mum Rebecca Mum Rebecca Mum Rebecca Mum Rebecca Mum Rebecca Mum Rebecca Mum Rebecca Mum Rebecca Mum Rebecca Mum Rebecca Dialogue Hello? Hi, Becky! Oh, hi Mum! Is everything OK? You sound tired. No, I'm fine! It's just tiring moving house. The removal men left a couple of hours ago. Isit clean? Cleanish Do you want me to come and help you clean the place up? No, no! I'm fine! It's all under control! Can't you ask whatshername to come and help you? Can you ask that girl you used to be friends with to come and help you? Who, Lauren? No way! I'm not talking to her! | haven't spoken to her since | found out that she was made manager because she is dating the boss's son! Oh dear. Listen, Ill come up tomorrow and help you to get the place sorted out, I'll come and help you to arrange your things and get moved in, No, Mum, please don't. There's no need! I'm fine! I've cleaned the bathroom so far. | had to bleach the shower as it was mouldy and the taps were covered in lime scale. The floor was filthy, too! I've been on my hands and knees scrubbing! No wonder you're tired, Did you use a thingamajig? ” Did you use a whatjumacallit? Did you use one of those things you clean floors with? A what? You know... a scouring pad? Yes, of course! I've only got the kitchen, the living room and the bedroom to do now and then I'm done. Well, how long is that going to take you? Well, | can probably do the dusting and polishing in about three quarters of an hour, and the vacuuming will take roughly 30 minutes or so. I'll be done in 2 hours, give or take a few minutes. Is that all? It’satinyapartment, Mum. There’sbarelyroomtoswingacat ” ! There's hardly any room to move around freely. Is there enough room for me to come and stay? Sort of. You'll have to sleep in the living room Oh, I'l be Fine. Do you still have that whatsitcalled that | Used to sleep on in your old flat? You mean the futon? No, | had to leave it behind, There That's a shame! That was one of the most comfortable beds I've ever slept in! It was a good bed, wasn’t it? 157 Unit 4 This phrase really emphasises that something was very comfortable, 50 158 Comfortable that it had 2 negative Mum Rebecca Mum Rebecca Mum Rebecca Mum Rebecca Mum Rebecca Mum Rebecca had some of the best night's sleep in my whole life on that bed. Why didn't you take it with you? Wall, the mattress was getting softer and softer the more people slept on it! It was too comfortable for its own good!” He was too clever for his own good. ‘She was too quick for her own good Well... 50, what are you going to have for dinner tonight? Oh gosh, | haven't even thought about dinner. Once I've finished cleaning, | have to make the bed, hang the new curtains that | made, unpack all my cutlery and crockery, give them a wash, and then do the ironing. I've got to be at ‘work tomorrow and all my clothes are still in my suitcase. Oh, Becki, I'm worried about you. I'm getting on the first train tomorrow morning Please Mum, I want to do this on my own, I want to be independent. I want to put my own stamp on my apartment, | don’t need any help. Well, have you made any friends yet? Not yet! I've only bean here for about 3 hours! ‘That's it. | can’t bear the thought of you all alone up there. I'm coming up first thing tomorrow morning. I'll stay for a few weeks until you're settled in and I'll help you to make some new friends. Mum! No! Sorry, Becky, but I'm worried sick. I'll see you tomorrow. Mum! Use of English FIXED EXPRESSIONS ‘Can you ask whatshername to come and help you?’ ‘Whatshername’ and “whatshisname’ are expressions we use when we have forgotten a woman's or @ man’s name. ‘Did you use a thingamajig?’ ‘thingamajig’ is an expression which we use when we can't remember what something is called. We can also say ‘Did you use whatjumacallit?” ‘I've only got the kitchen, the living room and the bedroom to do now and then I'm done’ ‘I'm done’ means ‘I will have finished’ Lesson 4: Moving in If somebody says: “It's a tiny apartment. There's barely room to swing a cat’, they want to say that there is hardly any room to. move around freely. “It was too comfortable for its own good’ means that something was very comfortable, so comfortable that it had a negative impact. “Iwant to de this on my own’ means"I want to be independent’ or ‘I want to put my own stamp on it, ! don't need any help’ HOUSEHOLD TASKS ~ MAKE and DO In this lesson you have learned a few expressions connected with the topic of household tasks: (e}] - moving house lean up + bleach the shower ‘The majority of household chores collocate with the verb do, not make: (€&- do the ironing do the cleaning aetna inet do the dishes do the polishing do the dusting do the hoovering do the cooking However, we havea few expressions frequently connected with the household which collocate with make: (8) make the bed “+ make amess make order VAGUE LANGUAGE It frequently happens that we forget the name of a thing or a person we want to mention. Then, especially in colloquial English, we can make use of expressions like: whatshername (whatsername) ~ we use it when we don't remember a woman's name whatshisname (whatsisname) ~ we use it when we don’t remember a man’s name thingy / thingamabob / thingamajig / thin gummylig / thingummy —all these can be used interchangeably when we don't remember the name of a thing Hand me one of those red thingies over there. Is thingummy on the table? Where is it? I need to call whatshisname to cancel the meeting, Have you seen whatshername recently? He has got a lot of those thingamabobs in his room. 159 160 ‘Transform the sentences using the prompts. Example: 1 need to iron today. (do) Lnced te de the ironing todas ‘The apartment is not exactly very clean, (cleanish) have to arrange my things and get moved in, (sorted) Did you use one of those things you clean the windows with? (thingama| Tonly have to dust the furniture and I will have finished. (done) There isn't enough room to mave around here. (cat) He was s0 clever that people thought he is arrogant. (good) Becky said she wanted to do renovate her flat on her own. (stamp) | should get the hoovering over with in roughly one hour. (give) Make the numbers in these sentences less precise using the prompts. Example: They bought 700 new computers. (about) cy bought about 700 new computer The company will invest $10 million in new technology. (approximately) Tewill cost us $5,000 to redecorate the house. (roughly) i could take six, seven or eight hours to drive to Glasgow, depending on the Waffic (give or take) 53 students passed the exam. (around) ‘The next meeting is in 13 days. (roughly) Lesson 4: Moving in the gaps in the sentences with the following expressions. ehingEMBajig/ whatshername / whatshisname /whatsitcalled Example:| need one of those red _thingitmajias for this ~ have you got one? 1. I gave the reports to the new secretary. 2. Have you invited Mike to the party? 3. Where's the that you change channels with? 4. Poor Ms 1 5. That's the painting which was painted by Mr 1 6. Have you got that, ‘we bought yesterday? Read the definitions and write the words or expressions that match them. Example: (2m ¢ 5 ¢ & { ¢ ~awhite deposit formed in a kettle, boiler or on taps by the evaporation of water containing lime we ~~ a sour liquid made by allowing wine or cider to become acid 2 ~ a strong chemical used to kill harmful bacteria or to make coloured things white Be ~ to rub the surface of something in order to make it shine 4, ____ = green, blue or white bacteria that grow on food that is no longer fresh or ‘on things that are not kept clean and dry 5 ~ very dirty 6 | ~ a small piece of a rough substance, used for cleaning pans. 7. ~~ ~~~ ~atype of firm mattress used as a bed or sofa 8. ___.. ~ te clean or dry something by moving a cloth or something soft over it 9, < ~~ = an object with a long handle and a mass of thick strings or a sponge on one fend, used for washing floors Match the beginnings with the endings. 1. to do up a. anail into a board drill oo b. new heating in a house glue caflat 4. to grease 4. pieces of a broken dish together 5. to hammer «@. fire logs into smaller pieces 6. to install f.a valve into a water pipe saw 49. creaking door hinges 8. to screw bh. a hole in a wall Le 2. 161 Unit 4 Gan se sregunpowder gather endanc® *Sohtend, recognition bacon weg munity” 8P oo, ee, sind S500 ghredecorate gehereu nse torsiigted” Read the text and fill in the gaps with the words. own / smoothly /repaint / DIY store / Install /did /polishing / wrenches / scale / scrubbing /d8/tools Lastweekwe decidedto_ds_up ourapartment. We wanted to do it on our somy husbandwenttoa and boughtallthenecessary like hammers, drills, screwdrivers, and pliers. We hadto the walls, fix the broken furniture, new windows and refurbish the bathroom. The work went off but afterwards we had so much cleaning! Iwas on my hands and knees the floors in the bathroom and fighting lime. on our taps. My husband the. and hoovering. To my surprise he even cleaned the windows! = | Word List 162 bleach hammer removal men tool clean up Time scale Fepaint hoover (v) ‘creaking mattress, saw hoover (n) deposit mop scouring pad vinegar rill mould screw water pipe dust mouldy screwdriver wipe filthy moving house scrub) wrench Futon nail settle in vacuum ‘grease polish Sort out vacuum cleaner give or take leave sth behind whatshername whatsitealled head off thingamalig whatshisname whatsitsname & | Key Lesson 4: Moving in 1. The apartments cleansh 1. The company will invest @ eos piice sorted out. | YY Dhroxinately Mo milion in'new 3. Did yousse thingamang? technology. 4. Font haveto dust ne frniture and | 2. wil oat us roughly £5,000 to Uineone redeco/te the house 5. These's barely room to swing 2 cat | 3. It could tale seven hours, give or here take an hour to de to Glesgon, 6. He was to clever for his own good. depending onthe ate 4, Becky sid she wonted to pac her | 4. Around $0" students passed the oun Stamp on her fat pr @. K"ahould get the hovering over | 5. The txt meeting Is a roughly two with none hou ie or take afew weeks minutes @ Lees 2. vinegar 2: Whatshsnome 2 bests 3. whotstaled / thingamajig 3: palsh 4. Whotshername a Reale 5. Whatshsnome 5. fthy 6: whats thingamajg 6. scouring pad 4, futon & wpe 3 mop Le Last week we decided to do up our Oz Spartment. We wanted to ion 3a Gur own, 30. my. husband went {2 ag SM piv “store “ond bought ait the 32 Recessary tools Hee harmers, dil &b srewérvers, wrenches. and’ lars ne We had to repaint the wal, fe the at Broken Tune Install new windows and refurbish the bathcoom. The work went off smoothly, but afterwards we had so much cleaning! | was on my hands and knees scrubbing the floors in the bathroom and fighting lime Seale on our taps. My husband did the polishing and hoovering. To my surprise, he even cleaned the windows! 163 E | Notes

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