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 251-58 218 0530 FAX-251-58 218 0550 1921

Amhara Design & Supervision Works Enterprise VS Amhara Regional State Water Resource Development Bureau

Table of Contents
Table of Contents ...........................................................................................................i
List of Table .................................................................................................................... iii
List of Figures ................................................................................................................. iii
ACRONYMS AND ABBRIVATIONS .............................................................................iv
EXECUTIVE SUMMARY ................................................................................................... v
1. INTRODUCTION ......................................................................................................... 1
1.1 General .............................................................................................................. 1
1.2 Project Objectives ........................................................................................... 2
2. BACK GROUND .......................................................................................................... 3
2.1 Location ............................................................................................................. 3
2.2 Topography ................................................................................................... 4
2.3 Climate............................................................................................................... 5
2.4 Socio Economic Character .................................................................... 5
2.4.1 Economic Activities in Kunzila Town ................................................ 5
2.5 Infrastructure and Social Service............................................................. 6
2.5.1 Power and Communication ..................................................................... 6
2.5.2 Education .................................................................................................... 6
2.5.3 Health and Hygiene.................................................................................. 7
2.6. Existing Sanitation condition ....................................................................... 7
3. EXISTING WATER SUPPLY SYSTEM ........................................................................... 9
3.1 Existing Water Source ..................................................................................... 9
3.2 Rising pipes ........................................................................................................ 9
3.3 Service Reservoir.............................................................................................. 9
3.4 Distribution ......................................................................................................... 9
3.5 Problems Identified for Kunzila Town Water Supply ............................ 10
3.6 Willingness and ability to pay for improved water supply services 10
4. POPULATION AND DEMAND PROJECTION........................................................ 12
4.1 Population ....................................................................................................... 12
4.2 Design Period ................................................................................................. 12
4.3 Population Forecasting ............................................................................... 12
4.3.1 Growth rate ................................................................................................. 13
4.4 Future Water Demand ................................................................................. 13
4.4.1 Domestic water demand (Dwd) ................................................................ 14 Growth of Domestic Water Demand .................................................... 14 Population distribution by Mode of services ........................................ 14
4.4.2 Climatic Grouping .......................................................................................... 15
4.4.3 Socio-Economic Adjustment Factor.......................................................... 16
4.4.4 Summary of Projected Population and Growth in Domestic Demand 16
4.4.5 Public demand (Pd)....................................................................................... 17
4.4.6 Animal Demand .............................................................................................. 17
4.4.7 Unaccounted water or Water Loss (UL) .................................................... 17
4.4.8 Variation in demand ...................................................................................... 18 Maximum daily demand ........................................................................... 19 Peak hour demand ..................................................................................... 19
5. PROPOSED SCHEME DESCRIPTION .................................................................... 21
5.1 General ............................................................................................................ 21

Kunzila Town Water Supply Project Draft Design Report i

Amhara Design & Supervision Works Enterprise VS Amhara Regional State Water Resource Development Bureau

5.2 Water Source.................................................................................................. 22

5.3 Bore hole.......................................................................................................... 22
5.4 Raising Main .................................................................................................... 22
5.5 Distribution Network ................................................................................... 23
5.6 Service Reservoir ......................................................................................... 24
5. 7 Pumps .............................................................................................................. 25
5.8 Electro Mechanical Design ........................................................................ 25
5.9 Laying of Pipes ............................................................................................... 27
5.10 Public Fountains ........................................................................................ 27
5.11 Road/Gully Crossing ................................................................................ 28
5.12 Access Road ................................................................................................ 29
5.13 Air Release Valve ...................................................................................... 29
5.14 Washout Valves ......................................................................................... 29
5.15 Construction Materials ............................................................................ 29
5.16 Disinfection ................................................................................................. 29
6. ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT ASSESSMENT/EIA/ .................................................. 31
6.1 Introduction .................................................................................................... 31
6.2 Positive Impact of the Project ................................................................... 32
6.3 Negative Impacts ......................................................................................... 32
6.4 Mitigation Measures for Negative Impacts ........................................... 32
6.5 Implementation Program ........................................................................... 33
7. MANAGEMENTAL AND ORGANIZATIONAL SETUP.......................................... 33
7.1 INTRODUCTION............................................................................................... 33
7.2. Proposed Organizational Structure ........................................................ 33
Functional Responsibilities ................................................................................. 35
7.3. Monitoring, Evaluation & Reporting........................................................ 36
7.4. Training ............................................................................................................ 36
8. COST ESTIMATE AND TARIFF SET UP ..................................................................... 37
8.1 Cost Estimate of the Project....................................................................... 37
8.2 Running cost ................................................................................................... 37
8.2.1 Operation and maintenance costs ..................................................... 37
8.2.2 Personnel Cost ............................................................................................ 39
8.2.3 Chemical cost ................................................................................................. 39
8.2.4 Pumping Cost .................................................................................................. 40
8.3 Recommended Tariff ................................................................................... 41
9. CONCLUSION AND RECOMMENDATION .......................................................... 43

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List of Table

Table 2.1 Commercial Institution in the town ........................................................................... 5

Table 2.2 Educational institution in Kunzila town .................................................................. 6
Table 2. 3 top ten diseases in Kunzila town for the year 2006 E.C ...................................... 7
Table 4. 1 Population data for the project area (2006E.C) ................................................ 12
Table 4.2 CSA Country Level population Growth Rates...................................................... 13
Table 4.3. Projected Population ................................................................................................. 13
Table 4. 4 Projected Average Per Capita domestic Water demand ............................. 14
Table 4.5 Projected populations by Mode of Service.......................................................... 14
Table 4.6 Summery of Growth in Domestic Water Demand .............................................. 15
Table 4. 7 Climatic Grouping....................................................................................................... 15
Table 4. 8 Socio-Economic Grouping ....................................................................................... 16
Table 4.9 Summary of Adjusted Domestic Demand ............................................................ 16
Table 4.10 Public/Institutional/Demand ................................................................................... 17
Table 4.11. Summary of Adjusted Average Day Demand. ................................................ 18
Table 4. 12 Maximum Daily and peak hour factor ............................................................... 19
Table 4.13 Summery of water demand projection............................................................. 19
Table 5.1 Data of Drilled borehole .......................................................................................... 22
Table 5. 2 Summary of Pipe Diameter and Length ............................................................... 24
Table 5. 3 input data to design electromechanical equipments. ................................... 25
Table 5. 4 Summary of pumps and generator for electromechanical work ................ 26
Table 5. 5 Summary of water points (UTM) .............................................................................. 27
Table 5. 6 Location of Valve Chamber .................................................................................... 28
Table 8. 1 Summary of investment cost .................................................................................... 37

List of Figures
Figure 2.1 Project Location ............................................................................................................ 3
Figure 2.2 Topography of Kunzila Town ...................................................................................... 4
Figure 5.1 Layout of Proposed Scheme ................................................................................... 21
Annex A ............................................................................................................................................. 44
ANNEX B ............................................................................................................................................. 55
ANNEX C ............................................................................................................................................ 88

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a.m.s.l Above Mean Sea Level

ANRSWRDB Amhara National Regional State Water Resources Development

ADSWE Amhara Design and Supervision Works Enterprise
BH Borehole
CSA Central Statistics Agency
DN Nominal Diameter
GPS Geographical positioning system
GI Galvanized Iron
HDPE High density Polyvinyl Ethane
HWC Hazen William coefficient
kg kilogram
Km Kilometer
KW Kilwatt
kwh kilo watt hour
Ls Lamp sum
l/s liter per second
m Meter
m/s Metre per second
Mg/d Milligram per day
mg/l Miligram per litre
m3 Cubic meter
No Number
O&M Operation and maintenance
SR Water Reservoir
PF Public fountain
UTM Universal Transverse Mercator Coordinate system
WHO World health organization
GLC Gulley Center
BRC Bridge Center
RC Road Center
YC Yard Connection
HC House Connection
L/c/d Liter Per Capita per day
EIA Environmental Impact Assessment

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In order to give immediate solution that is aimed at alleviating serious problem of

existing water supply system of kunzila town in North Achefer Woreda, West Gojam
zone, study and design of new system have been carried out and presented in this

The overall objective of this project is to design and implement sustainable water
supply system improving the quantity, quality and level of service of project area

In Kunzila town, there is one Full cycle Elementary school (1-8) and one High School.
Besides, there is one health center. Eventhough all of them have connected to the
existing system, the limited source capacity affects their working system.
The new project is designed for 15 years design period /2016 to 2030/. The report
comprises the outcomes of study and design of water supply system including the
existing systems.
According to the socioeconomic data, the base population that the project
comprises is 6,773 (2006 E.C). Population projection has been made based on
geometric increase method and is estimated to be 12,516 at the end of the design

Demand projections were also made throughout the design periods. The major
modes and levels of services considered are public fountains/PF/, yard
connections/YC/ and House Connections/HC/. Hence, the maximum day demand
and peak hour demand at the end of design period is calculated to be 8.87 and
13.64 l/s respectively.

The water source for water supply is borehole located at about 2km from the town
in south east direction with estimated yield of 60 l/s. The maximum day demand at
the end of the design period is calculated to be 8.87 l/s, when adjusted for 14 hrs
pumping period the pumping discharge is 15.20 l/s. This signifies that the source is
more than to satisfy the community water supply fully throughout the design

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The proposed water supply structures for this project are elevated RCC service
reservoir (100m3), Public fountains (3 new + 7old need maintenance), Road
crossings structures and Generator with operation room. Water from the well is
pumped to the service reservoir and then distribute by gravity to the system.

The rising main (from source to reservoir) has total length of 1,965m PE 100 PN 16
HDPE pipe with OD 160 mm and total length of the distribution line is 12.248km i.e.
PE 100 PN 10 HDPE pipe.

The major positive impacts of the project are, save time and energy in fetching of
drinking water (especially burden of women and child in fetching of water from
other sources can be reduced), improve water supply coverage, improve health,
life standard and productivities of communities, provide better quality and
sustainable water supply for project area communities, easy control of hazards/like
fire outbreaks/, create job opportunities. To operate the system efficiently and
sustainably management organization set up has been structured.

Based on the inventory during study, degree of problem, economic level and
technical point of view, the community can afford this tariff. Therefore, it can be
concluded that if the project is implemented according to the design with good
financial management and close assistance of client, make feasible and
The estimated Costs for various items of works have been also calculated. The
grand total and investment cost of the project to implement the system is about Birr

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1.1 General

Access to safe drinking water is essential to health, a basic human right and a
component of effective policy for health protection. Hence, Provision of clean water
supply is one of the major factors that greatly contribute to the socioeconomic
transformation of a country by improving the health thereby increasing life standard
and economic of the productive society. However, most of the developing country
like Ethiopia has still low potable water supply and sanitation coverage that resulted in
citizens to be suffered from water born and water related diseases. In the modern
society, it is a must to build sustainable water supply schemes which can provide
potable water. So per the request of the client, Amhara National Regional State Water
Resource Development Bureau (ANRS WRDB), this study and design report is prepared.

This report presents study and design results of water supply and sanitation for Kunzila
Town in North Achefer Woreda, West Gojjam zone, carried out in accordance with the
scope of works agreed up on between the client, Amhara Water Resource
Development Bureau and consultant, Amhara Design and Supervision Works Enterprise
with main objectives of conducting Detail design study on the Water supply system in
order to improve the living conditions of the population in the study area by
enhancing the level of water supply services in terms of quantity, quality and

Thus, in this report detail descriptions of the major works undertaken are:
∗ General background
∗ Infrastructure and social service
∗ Existing water supply system conditions
∗ Population and water demand
∗ Description of the proposed scheme
∗ Cost estimates of the different parts of the system and Tariff Analysis

Kunzila Town Water Supply Project Draft Design Report 1

Amhara Design & Supervision Works Enterprise VS Amhara Regional State Water Resource Development Bureau

This report is prepared based on physical field investigation of pipe route surveying,
assessment of existing system, and necessary data collections, from concerned
governmental organizations and dwellers of the community.

1.2 Project Objectives

The overall objective of this project is to design and implement sustainable water
supply system for Kunzila town improving the quantity, quality and level of service for
these project area communities.

The specific objectives and components are:

∗ Design of Rising mains
∗ Design of distribution system
∗ Determination of Reservoir size
∗ Design of public water points
∗ Setting a reasonable tariff
∗ Other accessories related to the project
The water supply service level in the town is expected to reach up to 100% coverage
by the end of the project design period that is in year 2030.

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2.1 Location
The project area, Kunzila town is located in North Achefer Woreda, West Gojjam zone
of Amahara National Regional State, at about a distance of 22 km from woreda
capital town, Liben and accessed by 65 km gravel road in the west direction
branched from Bahir Dar to Addis Abeba Asphalt Road, at about a distance of 136 km
from Bahir Dar. There is 24 hour power supply and mobile telecommunication access.

Figure 2.1 Project Location

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Amhara Design & Supervision Works Enterprise VS Amhara Regional State Water Resource Development Bureau

2.2 Topography

The project area is characterized by flat topography the mean altitude of Kunzila
town is about 1,800 a.m.s.l, it actually varies between 1,780 and 1,820 a.m.s.l.


Figure 2.2 Topography of Kunzila Town

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Amhara Design & Supervision Works Enterprise VS Amhara Regional State Water Resource Development Bureau

2.3 Climate
In general, as per to the Ethiopian temperature zoning, Kunzila town belongs to Weyna
Dega Zone. The average yearly temperature records are b/n 25oc and 28oC, and the
average annual rainfall of the area is recorded to be 1,750mm.

2.4 Socio Economic Character

2.4.1 Economic Activities in Kunzila Town

The livelihood of the majority of the population in Kunzila Town is based on farming,
small business service, and government employees.
Table 2.1 Commercial Institution in the town
No. Commercial Institute Unit Amount
1 Trade/ Grain No. 96
2 Small retailer No. 20
3 Local Food house No. 5 with a total of 70 beds
4 Bakery No. 2
5 Local Drink House No. 27
6 Flour Mill No. 3
7 Small Shops No. 28
8 Church No. 2
9 Mosques No. 3
10 Municipality No. 1
11 Schools No. 2
12 Health center No. 1
13 Telecommunication No. 1
14 ACSI No. 1
15 Farmers cooperative No. 1
16 Ethiopian seed enterprise No. 1

In the project area the major ethnic groups – Amhara. When religious diversities are
considered, there are mainly two major branches which are Orthodox 65% , Muslim
30% and the rest 5% others.

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The total population size of kunzila town is currently about 6,273, of which 3,090 are
males and 3,183 are females. Furthermore, the households in this town are totally 972.
On the other hand, in kunzila zuria there is a village (Got) called mehalge comprises
totally 500 inhabitants of which 400 male and 100 female . so the total of the
population size the project benefit are exactly 6,773 .

According to the survey, 63% of the population are farmers, 35% trader, 1.5% are
employed in governmental offices and 0.5% of the population are daily labourer.
majority of the population are categorized under middle income level.

2.5 Infrastructure and Social Service

2.5.1 Power and Communication

Kunzila Town has both electric power supply from the national grid and mobile
telephone service.

2.5.2 Education
In Kunzila town, there is one Full cycle primary /1-8/ school and one High school (9-
10). With regard to water supply, the schools have water supply options even though
it’s not enough and hence students and school staffs are faced with lack of water
which in turn affects the teaching and learning process.
Table 2.2 Educational institution in Kunzila town
No. Educational No of students
Name of school level Male Female Sum No of Total
Kunzila full cycle
1 primary school 1-8 753 754 1507 36 1543
kindergarten - 131 99 230 2 232

2 Kunzila high 9-10 332 419 751 27 778


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2.5.3 Health and Hygiene

In Kunzila town, there is one health centre with 34 staffs and one health post. The
health posts in the kebele and in the other kebeles are served from this health center.
In addition to this, the health center also gives anti-retroviral therapy/ART/ services.

With regard to water supply system of Kunzila health center, there is connection of
water. But now the water source yield is decreasing through time and can’t satisfy the
demand of the institution. According to the information obtained from health center,
the amount to be obtained from the water connection is not sufficient and needs
other options to be connected to the existing distribution system.

The town health center has documented top-ten- diseases which are mostly prevalent
in the town and its vicinity. Water and sanitation (WATSAN) related diseases ranked
first, second, third, fifth, sixth and ninth.

Table 2. 3 top ten diseases in Kunzila town for the year 2006 E.C
S.No Top ten diseases Remark
1 AFI WATSAN related
2 Helmentiasis WATSAN related
3 URTI WATSAN related
4 Pneumonia
5 Malaria WATSAN related
6 Diarrhea WATSAN related
7 Trauma
8 Dyspepsia
9 Dysentery WATSAN related
10 Diseases of MSS

2.6. Existing Sanitation condition

Adequate provision of sanitary facilities such as both private and public toilets,
properly sited, carefully made and managed solid waste disposal facilities will reduce
the spread of contagious diseases and will also make the town clean and attractive.

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Amhara Design & Supervision Works Enterprise VS Amhara Regional State Water Resource Development Bureau

As observed during study, most of dwellers around 900 households have private pit
latrine in addition to 3 public latrines even though there is no enough water access for
these facilities.

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3.1 Existing Water Source

Kunzila town water supply system is supplied with one bore hole which is located at a
distance about 1.3 km, north from the center of the town. The source was constructed
in 1987 by the financial support of the government, as the first water supply source.
Previously the bore hole has yielding 4 l/s. However, the yield of the source is
considerably decreasing and it is very far below the water demand of the existing
town population. It was difficult to get information about the capacity of the
submersible pump and generator. During the survey and study, most expresses strongly
that they are suffering from insufficient Supply of water.

3.2 Rising pipes

The rising pipes with DN 65 mm and length about 1.63 km delivering water from EBH
(existing borehole) to 45m3 service reservoir and Simultaneously the rising main is
connected to the distribution systems also. As such, the pumped water couldn't reach
to the reservoir and the limited water used directly to the customer. The system serves
for the last 19 years and seems old age.

3.3 Service Reservoir

The town water supply system has one circular masonry reservoir having a capacity of
45m3 Constructed in 1987 E.C. The 45m³ service reservoir is constructed at UTM
coordinates of 285,839 m E and 1,313,777 m N at commanding elevation of 1812.6 m
a.s.l. to maintain sufficient water pressure at end user houses for the higher elevation
areas in the town. However, the recently expanded area of the town couldn't get
sufficient water pressure from the existing service reservoir. The service reservoir is at
good condition and the overflow, drain and vent pipes are properly installed.

3.4 Distribution
According to the information obtained from the water service committee, the
distribution network of Kunzila town is GI(GS) pipes with sizes ranging from 2'' to 1 1/2''.
However, the committee didn't have documented data for the detail information
about the total layout of the distribution systems i.e the information of the pipe size,
length and even the routes are not documented and found difficult to identify. The
system serves for the previous 19 years and seems old age. The distribution network
doesn’t cover the whole area of the town.

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Amhara Design & Supervision Works Enterprise VS Amhara Regional State Water Resource Development Bureau

The town has a total of 240 yard tap customers at the time of the field survey (year
2014). There are also 7 public fountains which 4 of them are operational. The rest 3 are
not functional as the limited water pressure couldn't reach. If the faucets of all public
fountains are maintained, the structure of the water points are in good condition and
can be incorporated in the new system.

3.5 Problems Identified for Kunzila Town Water Supply

Inadequate water source, interruption of electric power from the national grid system,
lack of qualified manpower, lack of coordination with town service, were among the
most pressing constraints reported by the Water Service Committee of Kunzila.
Regarding system operation, some problems were observed, particularly where water
production recording and sales is not properly handled.
The committee has no sufficient mechanical as well as electrical maintenance tools.
The existing tools are not complete and efficient. Similarly there is no formal record
keeping with respect to preventive maintenance.
The development of the town has also passed the areas previously covered with the
existing distribution network and some of the developments are also along the road to
Liben and chimba directions, where existing supply pressure and line could not reach.
These issues and more importantly the increase in the number of town population
entail the need to improve the water supply system of the town.

3.6 Willingness and ability to pay for improved water supply services
Willingness to pay describes the readiness to spend a certain amount of money for a
commodity or service, while ability to pay describes the affordability with regard to the
monetary resources of the household.

With regard to water supply there are several reasons why people would be ready to
pay increased prices:

• Water is an essential commodity, which cannot be substituted by other

• The present water supply is regarded unsatisfactory in terms of quantity
and reliability which is reflected in a poor hygiene and health situation
and increased burden of labor especially for women and children, thus
contributing to a low quality of living.

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Amhara Design & Supervision Works Enterprise VS Amhara Regional State Water Resource Development Bureau

• Increase of business opportunities. A reliable and good quality water

supply could increase opportunities of small-scale commercial activities
of households, thus contributing to an increase of the household
Generally, the inhabitants of kunzila showed a very positive attitude towards the
improvement of water supply facilities. Not only private households but also
representatives of health institutions and schools expressed the urgent need of
improvement and extension of the existing water supply. The majority of inhabitants
and representatives of institutions affirmed their willingness to contribute labor or
money within the framework of their capabilities.

The recently approved and implemented water tariff in kunzila town is 5.00 birr for all
users except public tap users which is 0.20 cents for one jerican or 20 liters.
Current discussions with the Community Representatives revealed that the majority of
the population considers the present situation of the town water supply service is
unsatisfactory. Most inhabitants of town would be willing and ready to accept a
certain increase in prices for a reliable and good quality water supply.

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4.1 Population

Even though, the central statistics Authority (CSA) is recognized body in Ethiopia to
determine the official population figures and growth rates that should be taken for
any development activity throughout the country, Town Administrator and
concerned woreda professionals also count population periodically. The data
obtained from Woreda Water Resource development office is tabulated in the
following table.

Table 4. 1 Population data for the project area (2006E.C)

S. No. Town/Village Population

1 Kunzila 6,273
2 Mehalge 500
Total 6,773

4.2 Design Period

Generally the design period of water supply system is determined by considering the
following facts: -
∗ The trend of water demand
∗ The Prospect of securing water resources
∗ Funds available for the construction of the project
∗ The serviceability of facilities/Economic life of facilities
∗ Rate of interest on the loans taken to complete the project
∗ Anticipated Rate of the population
Kunzila is a developing town and based on the aforementioned controlling factors,
15 years design period is considered.

4.3 Population Forecasting

After the design period has been fixed, the population of the study area in various
periods has to be determined.

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Amhara Design & Supervision Works Enterprise VS Amhara Regional State Water Resource Development Bureau

For the purpose of this design, rural growth rates for Amhara region as determined by
CSA are used for population projection. For such developing towns, population
geometric progress method is used to forecast the population at the end of 15 years.

Pn= Pp(1 +r)n

Pn= population at the target year
Pp = present population (6,773)
r = Annual growth rate in%
n = design period, in year (15 yr)

4.3.1 Growth rate

Table 4.2 CSA Country Level population Growth Rates

Settlement Summary of Regional Population Growth Rate (%)

Region type 2000 - 05 2005 - 10 2010 - 15 2015 - 20 2020 - 25 2025 - 30
Urban 4.40 4.50 4.30 4.10 4.00 3.80
Amhara Rural 2.50 2.30 2.10 2.00 1.70 1.50

Source: The 1994 population and housing census of Ethiopia, Result at country level,
Volume II Analytical Report, June 1999

Table 4.3. Projected Population

Year 2014 2016 2020 2025 2030
Growth rate (%) 4.3 4.1 4 3.8 3.8
Population 6,773 7,368 8,620 10,387 12,516

There for the projected population at the end of the design year (2030) is 12,516.

4.4 Future Water Demand

The major types of water consumptions, modes and levels of services for Kunzila Town
Water Supply system, are estimated based on MoWR design guide lines. The results of
analysis made to project water consumption modes and percapita water
consumptions considered for Kunzila Town water supply system design purpose are
discussed below.

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4.4.1 Domestic water demand (Dwd)

This demand category includes the water requirement for drinking, washing, and
cooking, bathing, cleaning & personal hygiene. Generally, for this rural developing
town, the modes and levels of services can be categorized as public fountains /PF/,
Yard connection/YC/, and House connection /HC/. Growth of Domestic Water Demand

The implementation of the project will result in change of the per capita water
demand through each mode of service. To estimate the projected per capita water
demand using the initial demand of 50 l/c/d for House connection, 30 l/c/d for yard
connection shared and 20 l/c/d for Public fountain (according to MoWR design
guideline January 31, 2006) corresponding to each mode of service, the consultant

assumed water demand to grow at growth rates of 1% per annum for public fountains
/PF/ and 2% per annum for yard and House connection users.
Table 4. 4 Projected Average Per Capita domestic Water demand
Demand Category 2016 2020 2025 2030
HTU 50 54.12 59.75 65.97
YTU 30 32.47 35.85 39.58
PTU 20 20.81 21.87 22.99

Source: - MoWR design guideline January 31, 2006 Population distribution by Mode of services

Based on the socio-economic survey carried out during study and the previous
experiences, it is reasonable to assume and adopt about 80 and 10 percent of the
population will public fountain and yard connection users respectively.
Table 4.5 Projected populations by Mode of Service
Percentage of Population Served by
2014 2016 2020 2025 2030
House Connection /HC/ 0 0.50 1.00 1.50
Yard connection shared /YC/ 20 20.00 30.00 40.00
Public tap connection /PC/ 80 79.50 69.00 58.50
Total 100 100 100 100

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Table 4.6 Summery of Growth in Domestic Water Demand

Demand Category Unit 2016 2020 2025 2030
m3/day 0 2.33 6.21 12.39
HTU l/s 0 0.03 0.07 0.14
m3/day 44.21 55.98 111.72 198.17
YTU l/s 0.51 0.65 1.29 2.29
m3/day 117.89 142.62 156.76 168.32
PTU l/s 1.36 1.65 1.81 1.95
m3/day 162.10 200.93 274.68 378.88
Average Day Demand l/s 1.88 2.33 3.18 4.39

4.4.2 Climatic Grouping

The Climate of project area has an impact for the quantities of water consumptions. Those
who are living in hot area consume more water and people who live in normal
temperature area consume less water. In order to account for changes of average
percapita domestic demand, the water demand is multiplied by climatic factors
specifically recommended for target area.

Table 4. 7 Climatic Grouping

Altitude Factor
>3300 0.8
2300-3300 0.9
1500-2300 1.0
500-1500 1.3
<500 1.5

The mean altitude of Kunzila town is about 1,800 a.m.s.l, it actually varies between
1,780 and 1,820 a.m.s.l. Therefore an adjustment factor of 1.0 to refine the average per
capita domestic water demand is considered.

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4.4.3 Socio-Economic Adjustment Factor

Socio-economic activities have a role in determining the degree of development of
the rural town under study which in turn determines water consumption. kunzila town,
as compared to other towns, it is classified under normal Ethiopian condition.

According to the guideline and considering development activities, it is classified

under group C with appropriate adjustment factor of 1.00.

Table 4. 8 Socio-Economic Grouping

Group Description Factor
A Towns enjoying high living standards and with very high 1.10
potential for development
B Towns having a very high potential for development but 1.05
lower living standard at present
C Towns under normal Ethiopian conditions 1.00
D Advanced Rural Towns 0.90

4.4.4 Summary of Projected Population and Growth in Domestic Demand

The following table presents summary of the results on population projection,

percentage of population served by different mode of services, Water demand
determination and its growth in the expected service year of the new system and the
calculated adjusted average domestic demand in liter per second.
Table 4.9 Summary of Adjusted Domestic Demand
Demand Category Unit 2016 2020 2025 2030
m3/day 162.10 200.93 274.68 378.88
Average Day Demand l/s 1.88 2.33 3.18 4.39
Climatic Adjustment factor 1 1 1 1
Socio Economic Adjustment Factor 1 1 1 1
m3/day 162.10 200.93 274.68 378.88
Adjusted domestic demand l/s 1.88 2.33 3.18 4.39

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4.4.5 Public demand (Pd)

This demand category includes the water requirement of health centre, schools,
market, and public facility government offices.
Table 4.10 Public/Institutional/Demand
Number of Demand Total
S.No Demand Category Unit
Customers for each Demand
1 Restaurants l/seat 360 10 3600
2 Day schools l/pupil 2488 5 12440
3 Public offices l/employee 102 5 507.975
4 Mosques & Church 1/worshipper 3048 5 15239.25
5 Hotels l/bed 70 37.5 2625
6 Public Bath l/visitor 0 30 0
7 Bus station l/user 350 5 1750
Total Average Demand l/day 36162.23
l/s 0.42

This demand is 22% of the total domestic water demand of 2016.

4.4.6 Animal Demand
In this town there are livestock’s, which the exact number is mentioned above.
Livestock’s found in the area are most of cattle, and sheep. Hence using nearby Lake
Tana for these animals is not assumed in this study and design.

4.4.7 Unaccounted water or Water Loss (UL)

All the water that is produced and distributed through the distribution pipe system
does not reach the consumer. Some portion of this wasted in the pipe lines due to
defective pipe joints, cracked and broken pipes, faulty valves and fittings. Some
public taps are left open even when there are no users and water is wasted
continuously. Unaccounted for water also includes illegal connection, unmetered
usages such as flashing, cleaning the system and over flow from components of the
water supply system. If there is considerable leakage or unauthorized withdrawal of
water from the distribution system, the required supply of water will obviously be

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Unaccounted-for water (UFW) is expressed as a percentage of the total water

produced for the system which is the difference between water produced and water
consumed or sold.
Loss will be higher at the beginning of the design period and will decrease due to the
good management developed through time ().

Losses as % of Production

Start year 5 year 10 year 15 year 20 year

40% 35% 30% 27.5% 25%

Source: - MoWR design guideline January 31, 2006

water losses, considered for 2016, 2020, 2025 and 2030 are 40%, 35%, 30% and 27.5%

Table 4.11. Summary of Adjusted Average Day Demand.

Demand Category Units 2016 2020 2025 2030
m3/day 162.10 200.93 274.68 378.88
Domestic Demand l/s 1.88 2.33 3.18 4.39
m3/day 35.66 44.20 60.43 83.35
Public Demand l/s 0.41 0.51 0.70 0.96
m3/day 197.76 245.13 335.11 462.23
Average Day Demand l/s 2.29 2.84 3.88 5.35
m3/day 79.10 85.80 100.53 127.11
Loss l/s 0.92 0.99 1.16 1.47
m3/day 276.86 330.93 435.65 589.35
Adjusted Average Day Demand l/s 3.20 3.83 5.04 6.82

4.4.8 Variation in demand

There are wide variations in use of water in different months of the year, day of the
month and hours of the day. To regulate the water demand variation, the average
water demand is multiplied by a certain factor to get the maximum day and peak
hour demand.

Kunzila Town Water Supply Project Final Design Report 18

Amhara Design & Supervision Works Enterprise VS Amhara Regional State Water Resource Development Bureau Maximum daily demand

The ratio of the maximum daily consumption to the mean annual daily consumption
is the maximum day factor. This demand is used to design source capacity, riser
mains, and service reservoir. Peak hour demand

The peak hour demand is one of the highest water demands within any one hour
over the year and estimated taking in to account the possible water collection hours
and amount collected by each demand category. Previous studies and experiences
clearly demonstrate that peak hour factor is greater for a smaller population.
According to water supply design criteria prepared by ministry of water resource
studies the proposed maximum day and peak hour factor are summarized below
Table 4. 12 Maximum Daily and peak hour factor
N0. Population range Maximum day factor Peak hour factor
1 0- 20,000 1.3 2
2 20,001-50,000 1.25 1.9
3 50,001and above 1.2 1.7
Source; MoWR design guideline January 31, 2006

Therefore, Maximum day factor of 1.3 and Peak hour factor of 2 are adopted for
economical design of this water supply system.
Table 4.13 Summery of water demand projection
Year 2014 2016 2020 2025 2030
Population 6,773 7,368 8,620 10,387 12,516
Domestic Demand (m3/d) 162 201 275 379
Public Demand (m3/d) 35.7 44.2 60.4 83.4
Average Day Demand (m3/d) 197.8 245.1 335.1 462.2
Losses in the system 79.1 85.8 100.5 127.1
Total Average Day Demand
m3/d 276.9 330.9 435.6 589.3
l/s 3.20 3.83 5.04 6.82
Maximum day demand
Max day Coefficient 1.30 1.30 1.30 1.30
m3/d 359.92 430.21 566.34 766.15
l/s 4.17 4.98 6.55 8.87

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Peak hour demand

Peak hour coefficient 2 2 2 2
m3/d 553.72 661.86 871.30 1178.69
l/s 6.41 7.66 10.08 13.64

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5.1 General
A design period of 15 years in one phase is considered for the design of the proposed
scheme as it is small town water supply system. The proposed water supply structures
for kunzila town are pipe line installation, service reservoir and public fountains. Water
from the borehole is pumped to the 100m3 elevated service reservoir and distribute by
gravity to public fountains and water taps. These structures are to be constructed at
selected sites and fenced properly.

Figure 5.1 Layout of Proposed Scheme

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5.2 Water Source

The adequacy of water source to meet the water requirement of the population till
the end of the design period is an important factor to be considered in rendering
sustainable water supply service.

The source of water supply system for this project is a borehole which is situated at
around 2km from center of the town at UTM location of E-286145.568, N-1311834.143
and Elevation of 1805.865m a.m.s.l.

5.3 Bore hole

Location and other necessary borehole data are shown below.

Table 5.1 Data of Drilled borehole
Well Name Units Value

Location E,N & Elev. m 286145.568, 1311834.143, 1805.865

Total Depth m 95.7
Drilling Well Diameter inch 14 ½
Production Casing Diameter inch 8
Static Water level m 16.86
Constant Rate test discharge l/s 46.8
Expected Dynamic Water Level m 22.57
Pump position m 57.65
Recommended pump position m 57.65
Recommended Discharge l/s 60

5.4 Raising Main

The rising main is designed to convey economically the required maximum day
demand with pumping hour of 14 hours (15.20 l/s). Water will be supplied from
borehole to elevated 100m3 RCC service reservoir. The rising main has a total length
of 1,965m.

Head loss
Friction losses
The size of the rising main is calculated by using the empirical formula developed for
fixing an economical pipe diameter, as shown below.

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D= 0.97√Q to 1.22 √Q
Where Q = 0.0152 m3/sec

D= Economical diameter in meters

D = 0.97√Q to 1.22 √Q
D = 0.97*√0. 0152 to 1.22*√0. 0152
D = 119.6m to 135.6m
Therefore Use OD 160mm (internal dia. 130.8mm) PE 100 PN 16 HDPE pipe
Check the permissible Velocity
V = Q/A = 4*Q/(3.14*D2)
= 4*0.0152/(3.14*0.1308)
= 1. 13m/s which is under the permissible velocity range

5.5 Distribution Network

The distribution network is designed in such a way that it safely and economically
accommodates the Peak hour demand of the year 2030. The layout of the
distribution network has been prepared based on the existing settlement pattern, 10
years master plan and topographic suitability of the town. As per the design criteria,
the following guidelines are maintained in the analysis of the distribution network.
♦ During Peak hour flow velocity shall be between 0.3 and 2.2 m/s
♦ During minimum consumption water shall not be stagnant in the distribution
In the simulation of the network system, the demand at each node is calculated
based on the information gathered regarding the future development trend of the
town and the estimated population density.
The hydraulic network diagram system for project area as shown on the layout
drawing including minimum demand (night time) and peak hour demand (day time)
conditions were carried out using the software called Watercad 6.0. Specific print
outs of simulation results covering minimum and peak hour consumption periods are
attached in annex A and schematic layouts showing the proposed pipe distribution
network are presented in the drawing.

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As per the analysis from the hydraulic calculation summary, the maximum pressure at
minimum demand is 35.9 mH2o. Therefore, due to the suitability of the soil and
topographic nature PE 100 PN 10 HDPE pipe in the distribution network is proposed.
Table 5. 2 Summary of Pipe Diameter and Length
Diameter Diameter Pipe type
/OD/ /Internal/
S/N (mm) (mm) Length (m)
1 125 110.2 266
2 110 96.8 1,151
3 75 66 980 PE 100
4 63 55.4 891 PN 10
5 50 44 6,796 HDPE Pipe
6 40 32.6 1,936
7 32 26 229
Total 12,248

5.6 Service Reservoir

The hourly variation coefficients stated in the design criteria has been used in
determining the capacity of the reservoir. Capacity of reservoir is determined using
simplified empirical method commonly practiced in many water supply projects for no
previously recorded hourly variation data. This is simply one third of the maximum day
demand at the end of design period.
Capacity of Reservoir = 1/3*maximum day demand at the end of design period.
= 1/3*766 m3/d
= 255m3
Accordingly, in addition to the 45m3 existing reservoir, construction of 200m3 capacity
new reservoir needs to meet the design period demand. However, the ground
topography of the reservoir site is not enough to give good water pressure for all the
project areas. As such, 13m elevated 100m3 RCC circular reservoir above the normal
ground level is proposed at the UTM location of E- 285847.84, N- 1313768.889 and
elevation of 1812.577m. The new reservoir is located besides to the existing reservoir
and the overflow of the new will be connected to the inlet of the existing. The outlets
of the two reservoir will be connected with Tee and then to the HDPE distribution line.

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The storage capacity of the two reservoir will be145m3. An additional 100m3 elevated
reservoir is proposed to construct in phase II (2025).

5. 7 Pumps
The primary function of a pump is to add hydraulic energy to certain values of fluid. A
pump serves to transfer energy from a power source to a fluid, thereby creating flow
or simply creating greater pressures on the fluid.
Many types and sizes of pumps are available ranging a power from fraction of horse
power to several thousand horse power.
In the selection of particular type of pump, the capacity, reliability, cost, power,
maintenance and efficiency factors are taken to account.
In this case Water from the BH directly lifted by the submersible pump to 100m3
elevated service reservoir. The pumps are designed for the end of the design period
(2030) to work 14 hrs each in one day in an average of 15.20 l/s with a head of 131
mH2O. The Pumping station is located near to the BH, i.e. 4m next to the BH in the
direction of Rising main.

5.8 Electro Mechanical Design

Table 5. 3 input data to design electromechanical equipments.
Reservoir Elevation(m) 1825.6
Bore Hole Elevation(m) 1805.87
pump position below well head(m) 57.65+ 0.7
Blind Casing interval @ pump position (m) (55.25-61)m
OD 160 (130.8mm
Raising Main Pipe type and Length(m) internal) HDPE , 1980m
Well safe yield(l/s) 60
Recommended pump Discharge for 14 pumping hr (l/s) 15.20
Dynamic water level(m) 17.61
Diameter of Surface Casing (inch) 14”
Production casing type & diameter PVC, 8”
Well depth 95.7m
Riser pipe diameter and length GI , 4”, 58m
Maximum day demand (l/s) 8.87

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Kunzila town water supply project electro-mechanical design

Frictional Head losses
From well 1 to service reservoir
Riser pipe head loss(HL1)
Using Hazzen William’s formula
HL1 =10.7*(Q/C)1.85*L/D4.87
Where c is coefficient of friction take 120 for GI pipe
Q is flow rate 15.2l/s
L=Riser pipe length (D=100mm) L=58m
HL1= 2.8m
Rising main pipe head loss(HL2)
Using Hazzen William’s formula
Where c is coefficient of friction take 150 for HDPE pipe
Q is flow rate 15.2l/s
L=Rising main pipe length (OD=160, DN130.8mm) L=1980m
HL2= 32.66m
Minor loss HL3=0.1*(HL1+HL2)=3.55m
Total head loss HTL
HTL=HL1+HL2+HL3= 39.01m
Total Dynamic head=ED+DWL+HTL+ height of reservoir +free head = 125m,
take 131m head.
Submersible pump motor power and generator capacity determination
Q=15.20 l/sec
The pump motor power and generator capacity can be calculated by using the
empirical formula as:
Assume that the efficiency of the pump is 70% and the generator power should
exceed from 30% to 50% of the electric motor power as general.
Finally we take:
1. Pump motor power=37kw
2. Generator power=90kva
Note: autotransformer starting system, soft starting system and star delta starting
system may be used with the above generator and motor capacity.
Table 5. 4 Summary of pumps and generator for electromechanical work
Description Borehole Remark
Pump capacity 37kw We recommend to
Pump Qty 1 use EEPCO as the
Total head in meter 131 major power source
Pump Discharge in l/sec 15.2 to reduce running
Transformer rating in KVA - cost
Generator capacity in kva 90KVa

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Manual change over switch capacity in


NB. The Particular Technical Specification for Submersible Pumps are attached in
the ANNEX.

5.9 Laying of Pipes

Since it passes mostly through farmer’s private lands and main road side, it should be
below ground. A trench about 90*60 cm size should be excavated along the
alignment and trench is filled in 20cm layers and rammed.

5.10 Public Fountains

The total number of public fountains, which are required for household consumption,
has been limited considering the walking distance for a farthest user in sparsely
populated rural areas of 500m. Thus, considering topography, walking distance and
number of population a total of 10 public fountains including the existing fountains'.
The existing 7 fountains will be functional with little faucet maintenance. Three new
public fountains is proposed i.e. for High school, for village Mehalge where the source
is located and one near to the town bus station.

For institutions such as Mosque, Gedam, Church, Health centre, and Agricultural
Bureau, eight single water taps are proposed for each.

The locations of the new public fountains are decided together with the presence of
town's water committee and dwellers.

Table 5. 5 Summary of water points (UTM)

Label Easting (m) Northing (m) Elevation (m)
Existing Water Points that Needs only Maintenance = 7
EWPT 2 285,157.17 1,313,566.32 1,800.97
EWPT 3 285,715.60 1,313,971.67 1,798.89
EWPT 6 285,279.80 1,313,250.55 1,803.16
EWPT 7 285,742.34 1,313,529.48 1,798.83
EWPT 8 285,570.35 1,313,208.95 1,801.25
EWPT4 285,420.03 1,313,876.44 1,797.88
J.School EWPT 5 285,411.74 1,313,921.19 1,797.67

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New Water Point that are proposed to construct = 3

H. School NWPT 1 284,799.65 1,313,284.00 1,807.65
Mehalge NWPT 3 286,623.09 1,311,852.50 1,802.32
Menaheriya new WPT 285,728.65 1,313,845.09 1,800.11
Single Faucet Taps = 8
Health Center 285,443.53 1,313,690.23 1,798.95
Mesjid 2 285,836.43 1,313,969.52 1,806.00
Mesjid 3 285,495.06 1,313,693.16 1,798.95
Mesjid Foset 1 285,763.02 1,313,590.54 1,798.89
Mirt Zer Faucet 285,710.27 1,312,901.83 1,801.81
Bar nero 285,838.51 1,313,321.97 1,797.22
Church 285,402.63 1,313,687.51 1,798.85
Gedam Foset 284,334.29 1,314,461.13 1,789.59

The public fountains are designed in such a way that users of various water fetching
types like Jerican, and barrel could easily be served.


Concrete/masonry valve chambers shall be provided for each valve location for
protection and to provide easy access.

Table 5. 6 Location of Valve Chamber

East North Elevation Code from the distribution layout
285,661.07 1,313,690.82 1,799.37 J9
285,665.73 1,313,751.77 1,799.45 J23
285,710.64 1,313,751.38 1,799.98 CROSS T1
285,653.52 1,313,822.72 1,799.13 J6
285,288.89 1,313,404.03 1,801.97 Road Crossing 1
285,359.81 1,313,310.39 1,802.11 J15
N.B In detail attached on the drawing album

5.11 Road/Gully Crossing

Whenever a pipe crosses gullies and rivers shall be provided the protection with
support. In the project area there one gully and three road crossings. The Road
crossing pipe in the distribution are crossing gravel road. concrete cover/supports
shall be provided. The HDPE pipe should pass the crossing through the Class B GI

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5.12 Access Road

Access road is very essential in water supply sites of the project for smooth operations
of the system during construction and operation and maintenance. In the case of this
project, the source is located at about 2km from the town. The topography to the
source is not difficult and can be accessed along the gravel road of Kunzila to
Chimba. The reservoir is located very close to the Bus Station and can be accessed
by vehicles. All public fountains are accessible and are at demand center distance in
the town.

5.13 Air Release Valve

On the raising mains air valves will be located at all high points and where the raising
grade reduces or the falling grade increases (clearly shown on the profile).

5.14 Washout Valves

Washout valves will be provided at all points on both raising and distribution mains to
enable mains to be drained for maintenance and repair.

5.15 Construction Materials

Availability of construction material at reasonable and economic distance is important
for the well going of the project.
The potential source of sand for this project is Delgi area around Lake Tana.

5.16 Disinfection

All water supplies should be disinfected in order to protect public health. Disinfections
inactivates any remaining bacteria in the water after previous treatment steps and
provides a residual disinfectants to inactivate bacteria introduced by any
subsequent entrance of contaminated water during storage or distribution. Hence all
water supplied through distribution system should be disinfected to provide a residual
disinfectant, which provides ongoing protection from bacterial growth and survival.
At present, the principal disinfectant used worldwide is chlorine. Chlorine in its various
forms is invariably and almost universally used for disinfecting public water supplies. It
is cheap, reliable, easy to handle, easily measurable, and above all, it is capable of
providing residual disinfecting effects for long periods, thus affording complete
protection against future recontamination of water in the distribution system. Its only

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Amhara Design & Supervision Works Enterprise VS Amhara Regional State Water Resource Development Bureau

disadvantage is that when used in greater amounts, it imparts bitter and bad taste to
the water, which may not be liked by certain consumers.
Generally chlorine gas and chlorine compounds are used to disinfect water before
distribution. Chlorine gas needs more expensive feeding equipment, difficult to
operate & maintain, and requires skilled supervisor so, use of chlorine compounds is
preferred to chlorine gas. Among the chlorine compounds, calcium hypochlorite is
selected to sodium hypochlorite, as the available chlorine in calcium hypochlorite is
The calcium hypochlorite solution will be prepared in a tank provided with motor
driven paddles to thoroughly mix the chemical. The solution will then be directed to a
constant head regulator to keep constant head then will be dosed in to the clean
water reservoir through plastic tube fitted with flow regulating tap. Two solution tanks
with mixers will be employed to ensure uninterrupted operation while one tank is
being filled for solution preparation.
This chlorine dosing facilities will be installed at the top of the clean water reservoir.
The equipment will be provided with simple shade to protect it from the attack of
direct sunlight and rain.

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6.1 Introduction
Environment is a system which consists of Hydrological, Biophysical, Atmospherically,
Cultural and Social condition. EIA provides the answer for impact during construction
and after construction. It is used as an instrument for sustainable development by
minimizing the adverse effects and maximizing the benefits that is obtained as result
of the project. In addition to these it identifies the problems which exist in the
environment and select alternatives that mitigate the impact.
Water supply service is a mechanism that delivers adequate, clean and safe water
to a community according to their present and forecasted demand. Presently this is
one of the characteristics of this water supply project. The abundant quantity with
high storing capacity as build from locally found materials to supply adequate safe
and clean water at proximal delivery distance to the user with cost effective and
efficient operation mechanism are some of the principles in the water supply.
Environmental study shall respect these principles to conceive a mitigation measure
and devise a monitoring plan.
The main mission of the initial environmental impact examination and evaluation in
this study is needed to assess the existing condition. Furthermore, to observe
preliminary cases and predicted effects that can be noticed due to the project on
natural and physical resources and human-environment of the proposed water
supply sites. The observed results will be used in improving the design, decision-
making and community participation to ensure sustainable and environmentally
sound water supply to this town.
Thus, the study will thoroughly focus on existing situations that have impacts on the
project and other likelihood effects or impacts that may arise due to the project on
the immediate sites and on the subsequent water delivering mechanisms to the
beneficiaries. The finding will further enhance the positive impacts and provide
protective devices and mitigation measures for negative impacts. It further assists to

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formulate the monitoring and the follow-up procedures for some immediate and
long term adverse effects.

6.2 Positive Impact of the Project

The water supply project has an impact on the environment even though the design,
construction and operation of the project are being done carefully. The
environmental impact assessment provides the result for the impact during
construction and after construction. Some of the major positive impacts of the
project are:

♦ Save time and energy saving in fetching of drinking water. Especially the
burden of women and child in fetching of water from other sources can
be reduced.
♦ Improve the Water Supply and Sanitation coverage
♦ Improve health, life standard and productivity of the communities
♦ Provide better quality and sustainable water supply for project area
♦ Easy control of hazards (like fire).
♦ Create job opportunities

6.3 Negative Impacts

There is no as such considerable negative impact in this rural piped water supply and
sanitation project. But some of expected impacts are:
♦ Disturbance of a small amount of agricultural land and vegetations during
laying of pipelines.
♦ land Loss of farmers for construction of public fountain

6.4 Mitigation Measures for Negative Impacts

Most of the negative impacts caused by the project are accomplished in the
construction period of pipe laying .This can be reduced by proper planning of the

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construction activities such as making the construction work to begin in non-farming

and non- harvesting season.

6.5 Implementation Program

The Water Supply Schemes kunzila Town water supply project is to be implemented in
two phases. In phase I 2015 – 2024.The construction activities that are going to be
implemented are described hereunder:
♦ Rising Main and distribution pipe Laying
♦ Construction of 100m3 elevated reservoir
♦ Construction of 3 new Public fountains and maintenance of the rest seven.
♦ Construction of Generator and Guard House.
♦ Pump installation
♦ In phase II 2025 – 2030, the construction activities that are going to be implemented are
Construction of the second 100m3 elevated reservoir.


Most water supply schemes in our region suffer from sustainability due poor
Managemental system right from the beginning till the final operation stage. To
alleviate the problem the Federal and Regional Governments issued Policies and
regulations to upgrade and improve the institutional and technical capacity of those
major actors in the sector. This section of the document is intended to prepare
Management Models and Organizational structure for Kunzla town water supply
system to operate efficiently and sustainably.

7.2. Proposed Organizational Structure

The organization structure that depicts the future management set up of the Kunzla
town Water supply system is shown below.

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Amhara Design & Supervision Works Enterprise VS Amhara Regional State Water Resource Development Bureau

Town Water



Accountant Casher Plumber Tap attendant Guard

Water sellers

Figure 3.Organizational structure of kunzla town WSS

As can be seen in the above diagram, a person titled manger is accountable to the
TWB and subordinated by other hired people with different experience and

The TWB shall follow and monitor the overall performance of the scheme instead of
taking over other routine activities.
The purpose of the proposed organizational structure is to create the appropriate
institutional framework for effective management and cost recovery as well as close
relation with the community and other stakeholders.
The major organizational units are the following:
♦ Head, Water Service
♦ Customer Relations Service
♦ Audit Service
♦ Administration Service

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♦ Budget and Finance Service

♦ Operation and Maintenance Service
♦ Equipment and Supply Service

Functional Responsibilities
The functional responsibilities of the organizational units of the water service are
explained as follows.

Head of Water Service

♦ Plans, directs, administers and co-ordinates the activities of the Water
♦ Responsible for the provision of adequate potable water in the town.
♦ Manages the employees, approves payments, authorize purchases and
contract services for the Water Service.
Customer Relation Service
♦ The customer service officer is responsible for maintaining relationship
between the office and customers.
♦ Receives requests, complaints and provides information to customers
handles complaints and disputed water bills.
♦ Maintains customer files.
♦ Handles all correspondences with customers

Administration Service
The Administration Service is responsible for the management of personnel
administration and general services.

Budget and Finance Service

• The Finance Service is responsible for the overall financial management of

the WSS.
• Responsible for reading meters, preparing bills and collecting all receivable

Kunzila Town Water Supply Project Final Design Report 35

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• Prepares and executes payments and maintains records of all financial

• Ensures that all payments are prepared and executed according to
governmental regulation, the financial system and within approved budget.
Operations and Maintenance Service
• Responsible for the management of the operation and maintenance
facilities of the Water Service.
Equipment and Supply Service
♦ Responsible for procurement of goods and services
♦ Responsible for receipt, storage, issue distribution, record and control of all
supplies, equipment and materials

7.3. Monitoring, Evaluation & Reporting

The TWB will hold a meeting every month to look at matters and present financial and
other administrative reports to the community. The report consists of all works executed
throughout the reporting period and encountered problems, it can be prepared by
the scheme manger. All community members shall involve solutions to ensure
ownership of the scheme.

7.4. Training
A special initiative is needed to develop the capacity of the TWB, Subordinate staffs
and communities for effective and sustainable management of the town piped water
supply scheme. The approach to capacity building and create awareness on the all
over duties and responsibilities of the communities included in the project will be
during and after implementation and operation.

Therefore, in order to actively react to the personnel required during operation,

educated community members can be systematically nominated and engaged
during the implementation phase of the project.

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8.1 Cost Estimate of the Project

The esteemed cost doesn't consider the construction cost of the elevated reservoir to
be constructed in phase II.
Table 8. 1 Summary of investment cost
Bill Amount
No Description Unit Quantity (birr)
1 General Items LS 1 538,626.95

100m³ Elevated Service Reservoir including Guard

2 house, toilet and site fence construction LS 1 1,088,164.30

Construction of Control & Generator Room at Well

Station including guard house, toilet and site fence
3 construction LS 1 992,130.25
4 Rising Pipe, 2km LS 1 662,386.72

Public Fountain ( 3 new + 7existing maintenance + 8

5 single water taps) LS 1 396,644.65
6 Distribution Network , 12.3km LS 1 1,088,105.85

Electro-Mechanical equipments Supply and

7 Installation LS 1 1,200,000.00
Sub Total 5,966,058.72
Vat (15%) 894,908.81
Contingency (10%) 686,096.75
Total 7,547,064.28

8.2 Running cost

8.2.1 Operation and maintenance costs

Routine maintenance is required to be made at each years of the project lifetime,
although the degree of maintenance increases as time goes on. The electro-

Kunzila Town Water Supply Project Draft Design Report 37

Amhara Design & Supervision Works Enterprise VS Amhara Regional State Water Resource Development Bureau

mechanical components of the scheme are expected to require major repairs to be

carried out over longer period of operation. For this project, an amount of 0.5% and
0.2% of the respective base costs is assumed as operation and maintenance cost for
civil work and for pipes and fittings, respectively.
Table 8. 2 Operation and Maintenance Costs
Investment Cost Operation and maintenance cost

Pipes Electro
Electro and mechanic
Civil Pipes and mechani Civil Work fittings al
Year Work fittings cal Total (0.5%) (.2%) (2%) Total
2016 201,038 116,700 80,000 397,737 1005 233 1600 9
2017 201,038 116,700 80,000 397,737 1005 233 1600 9
2018 201,038 116,700 80,000 397,737 1005 233 1600 9
2019 201,038 116,700 80,000 397,737 1005 233 1600 9
2020 201,038 116,700 80,000 397,737 1005 233 1600 9
2021 201,038 116,700 80,000 397,737 1005 233 1600 9
2022 201,038 116,700 80,000 397,737 1005 233 1600 9
2023 201,038 116,700 80,000 397,737 1005 233 1600 9
2024 201,038 116,700 80,000 397,737 1005 233 1600 9
2025 201,038 116,700 80,000 397,737 1005 233 1600 9
2026 201,038 116,700 80,000 397,737 1005 233 1600 9
2027 201,038 116,700 80,000 397,737 1005 233 1600 9
2028 201,038 116,700 80,000 397,737 1005 233 1600 9
2029 201,038 116,700 80,000 397,737 1005 233 1600 9
2030 201,038 116,700 80,000 397,737 1005 233 1600 9

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Amhara Design & Supervision Works Enterprise VS Amhara Regional State Water Resource Development Bureau

8.2.2 Personnel Cost

As mentioned in management and organizational set up, the recommended staffs
and remuneration with salary is shown below.
Table 8. 3 Personnel cost
Required Salary birr Salary birr
It. No. Position No. per month per year
1 Manager 1 1,499.00 17,988.00
1 Accountant 1 1,172.00 14,064.00
2 Cashier 1 1,172.00 14,064.00
3 Tap attendant and bill collector 1 1,172.00 14,064.00
4 Generator operator 1 1,172.00 14,064.00
5 Guard 2 700 16,800.00
6 Water seller 8 600 57,600.00
7 Plumber 1 1,172.00 14,064.00
Total salary birr/year 144,720.00

8.2.3 Chemical cost

A chlorine dose of 5 mg/l is required to treat the water. The cost of chlorine required
per each year is estimated and summarized in Table 8.4
Table 8. 4 Chemical cost
Chemical Requirement Total Chemical
Water flow (0.005kg/m3) Cost Cost
Year m3/day Kg/day per Kg Birr/Year
2016 183.8 0.92 41.61 13959
2017 191.7 0.96 42.03 14706
2018 200.0 1.00 42.45 15492
2019 208.6 1.04 42.87 16318
2020 255.6 1.28 43.3 20195
2021 266.0 1.33 43.73 21231
2022 276.9 1.38 44.17 22324
2023 288.3 1.44 44.61 23471
2024 300.1 1.50 45.06 24680
2025 371.2 1.86 45.51 30829
2026 386.0 1.93 45.97 32386
2027 401.5 2.01 46.43 34019
2028 417.5 2.09 46.89 35730
2029 434.2 2.17 47.36 37532
2030 544.1 2.72 41.2 40914

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8.2.4 Pumping Cost

Table 8. 5 Pump operation cost

Water Pump Pumping Fuel No. of Fuel Pumping

Year flow capacity hour/ consumption pumping cost Cost
m3/day m3/hour day l/hr station birr/lit (Birr/Year)

2,016 183.82 38.9 4.73 3 2 20 207144

2,017 191.72 38.9 4.93 3 2 20 216052
2,018 199.97 38.9 5.14 3 2 20 225342
2,019 208.56 38.9 5.37 3 2 20 235031
2,020 255.55 38.9 6.58 3 2 20 287986
2,021 266.03 38.9 6.84 3 2 20 299793
2,022 276.94 38.9 7.13 3 2 20 312084
2,023 288.29 38.9 7.42 3 2 20 324880
2,024 300.11 38.9 7.72 3 2 20 338200
2,025 371.19 38.9 9.55 3 2 20 418291
2,026 386.03 38.9 9.93 3 2 20 435023
2,027 401.47 38.9 10.33 3 2 20 452424
2,028 417.53 38.9 10.74 3 2 20 470521
2,029 434.23 38.9 11.17 3 2 20 489342
2,030 544.14 38.9 14.00 3 2 20 613200

Table 8. 6 Summary of total cost

Chemical pump & operation &

maintenance Personal Cost Total Cost
Cost operation maintenance
Cost (Birr/year) (Birr/year) (Birr/year)
(Birr/year) cost cost

2,839 13,959 3,500 207,144 625,179 227,442

2,839 14,706 7,000 216,052 638,333 240,596
2,839 15,492 10,500 225,342 651,909 254,172
2,839 16,318 14,000 235,031 665,925 268,188
2,839 20,195 17,500 287,986 726,256 328,519
2,839 21,231 21,000 299,793 742,600 344,863
2,839 22,324 24,500 312,084 759,484 361,747
2,839 23,471 28,000 324,880 776,927 379,189
2,839 24,680 31,500 338,200 794,956 397,218
2,839 30,829 35,000 418,291 884,696 486,959
2,839 32,386 38,500 435,023 906,485 508,748

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2,839 34,019 42,000 452,424 929,019 531,281

2,839 35,730 45,500 470,521 952,327 554,590
2,839 37,532 49,000 489,342 976,449 578,712
2,839 40,914 52,500 613,200 1,107,190 709,453

Table 8. 7 Full tariff analysis

Amount of water
Total Cost Amount of water Water tariff Water tariff
Year produced
(Birr/year) produced m3/day birr/m3 cents/20lit

2016 625,179 183.8 67093 9.3180711 18.64

2017 638,333 191.7 69978 9.1218913 18.24
2018 651,909 200.0 72987 8.9318239 17.86
2019 665,925 208.6 76126 8.7477022 17.50
2020 726,256 255.6 93277 7.785988 15.57
2021 742,600 266.0 97102 7.6476552 15.30
2022 759,484 276.9 101083 7.5134858 15.03
2023 776,927 288.3 105227 7.3833236 14.77
2024 794,956 300.1 109542 7.2571145 14.51
2025 884,696 371.2 135483 6.5299533 13.06
2026 906,485 386.0 140902 6.4334398 12.87
2027 929,019 401.5 146538 6.3397714 12.68
2028 952,327 417.5 152400 6.2488754 12.50
2029 976,449 434.2 158496 6.1607307 12.32
2030 1,107,190 544.1 198613 5.574614 11.15

8.3 Recommended Tariff

According to the water resource policy, urban water services should cover their costs and also
consider providing water to urban poor. Kunzila is a Town (about 6,773 people currently) and
the analysis shows that the WSS service can be recover the full cost.

Generally, the inhabitants of kunzila showed a very positive attitude towards the
improvement of water supply facilities. As such most inhabitants of town would be
willing and ready to accept a certain increase in prices for a reliable and good quality
water supply. After considering the willingness to pay options given and their implications the

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Amhara Design & Supervision Works Enterprise VS Amhara Regional State Water Resource Development Bureau

Consultant has recommended FULL TARIFF. The recommended tariff for Kunzila Town at this
scenario, therefore, is presented below.

Table 8. 8 Full tariff analysis

Amount of water
Total Cost Amount of water Water tariff Water tariff
Year produced
(Birr/year) produced m3/day birr/m3 cents/20lit

2016 625,179 183.8 67093 9.3180711 18.64

2017 638,333 191.7 69978 9.1218913 18.24
2018 651,909 200.0 72987 8.9318239 17.86
2019 665,925 208.6 76126 8.7477022 17.50
2020 726,256 255.6 93277 7.785988 15.57
2021 742,600 266.0 97102 7.6476552 15.30
2022 759,484 276.9 101083 7.5134858 15.03
2023 776,927 288.3 105227 7.3833236 14.77
2024 794,956 300.1 109542 7.2571145 14.51
2025 884,696 371.2 135483 6.5299533 13.06
2026 906,485 386.0 140902 6.4334398 12.87
2027 929,019 401.5 146538 6.3397714 12.68
2028 952,327 417.5 152400 6.2488754 12.50
2029 976,449 434.2 158496 6.1607307 12.32
2030 1,107,190 544.1 198613 5.574614 11.15

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Amhara Design & Supervision Works Enterprise VS Amhara Regional State Water Resource Development Bureau


• The existing drinking water supply systems of all the villages incorporated in the
project are not satisfactory and sustainable with respect to quality, quantity and

• `The Proposed Water Supply Project is therefore, at right time and is expected to
bring an improvement in the public health status, economical productivity,
sanitation conditions and time & energy savings, particularly for women and

• In order to optimize benefits and minimize the negative impacts of the proposed
water supply project, the following measures are recommended:

o Provision of clean and adequate water to the public users should be

supported by improving the sanitation facility. Therefore, the community
should be educated in keeping his/her sanitation and personal hygiene.

o Close follow up and the issue of empowering communities to build, own

and manage their water systems must be clarified at the highest level.

o The environmental protection component of rural water supply schemes

should be explored such as greeneries around water points.

• From the existing systems, it is recommendable to incorporate the 45m3

reservoir, and all the public fountains with little maintenance in the new system.
However, the existing pipe and electromechanically works shall be better to
exclude from the new system as they 19 years old since the construction and
seems old age.

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Annex A

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Amhara Design & Supervision Works Enterprise VS Amhara Regional State Water Resource Development Bureau

Table: - A1 Junction Report on minimum day demand

Label Easting (m) Northing (m) Elevation (m)
(m H2O)
420 284,440.20 1,314,311.40 1,789.59 35.917
Gedam Faucet 284,334.29 1,314,461.13 1,789.59 35.917
421 284,398.86 1,314,379.66 1,790.01 35.498
419 284,503.73 1,314,256.03 1,791.70 33.812
231 285,668.80 1,314,001.52 1,794.53 30.988
410 285,040.36 1,314,017.05 1,794.68 30.838
411 284,980.14 1,314,037.31 1,795.56 29.959
230 285,686.20 1,313,993.52 1,795.65 29.87
406 285,220.02 1,313,947.58 1,796.78 28.742
225 285,414.23 1,313,954.39 1,797.03 28.493
412 284,913.77 1,314,056.95 1,797.04 28.482
347 285,900.15 1,313,201.92 1,797.11 28.415
405 285,277.78 1,313,926.22 1,797.14 28.383
Bar nero 285,838.51 1,313,321.97 1,797.22 28.299
417 284,565.46 1,314,202.54 1,797.25 28.273
J 285,827.57 1,313,316.31 1,797.37 28.156
J21 285,673.54 1,313,947.72 1,797.46 28.063
404 285,354.94 1,313,886.22 1,797.48 28.043
J.School EWPT 5 285,411.74 1,313,921.19 1,797.67 27.854
108 285,651.49 1,313,951.87 1,797.70 27.822
334 285,794.55 1,313,375.17 1,797.71 27.819
EWPT4 285,420.03 1,313,876.44 1,797.88 27.643
J4 285,407.96 1,313,840.35 1,797.93 27.594
J5 285,420.68 1,313,841.12 1,798.08 27.445
J22 285,714.26 1,313,954.42 1,798.44 27.089
327 285,723.89 1,313,529.58 1,798.67 26.86
163 285,467.90 1,313,765.75 1,798.68 26.851
384 285,682.74 1,313,518.18 1,798.79 26.734
EWPT 7 285,742.34 1,313,529.48 1,798.83 26.701
Church 285,402.63 1,313,687.51 1,798.85 26.676
J25 285,649.61 1,313,855.09 1,798.85 26.672
EWPT 3 285,715.60 1,313,971.67 1,798.89 26.639
Mesjid Foset 1 285,763.02 1,313,590.54 1,798.89 26.632
J19 285,477.67 1,313,685.08 1,798.92 26.603
219 285,671.31 1,313,849.70 1,798.94 26.583

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Label Easting (m) Northing (m) Elevation (m)
(m H2O)
255 285,111.22 1,313,707.92 1,798.95 26.578
Health Center 285,443.53 1,313,690.23 1,798.95 26.578
Mesjid 3 285,495.06 1,313,693.16 1,798.95 26.576
J-226 285,440.97 1,313,696.39 1,798.95 26.576
168 285,333.77 1,313,692.47 1,798.98 26.545
J-225 285,470.44 1,313,705.27 1,799.01 26.516
J6 285,653.52 1,313,822.72 1,799.13 26.399
J3 285,752.27 1,313,587.49 1,799.13 26.399
227 284,945.55 1,313,618.97 1,799.23 26.297
J10 285,533.77 1,313,579.85 1,799.32 26.211
J9 285,661.07 1,313,690.82 1,799.37 26.16
176 285,262.49 1,313,676.97 1,799.38 26.149
99 285,662.15 1,313,725.88 1,799.38 26.149
94 285,553.04 1,313,571.92 1,799.39 26.133
CROSS T2 285,683.61 1,313,754.24 1,799.43 26.095
J23 285,665.73 1,313,751.77 1,799.45 26.079
189 284,978.94 1,313,613.83 1,799.47 26.06
397 285,711.74 1,313,865.95 1,799.51 26.019
13 285,682.60 1,313,722.12 1,799.57 25.955
413 284,818.19 1,314,083.19 1,799.79 25.738
J2 285,711.71 1,313,844.14 1,799.97 25.559
CROSS T1 285,710.64 1,313,751.38 1,799.98 25.553
Menaheriya new WPT 285,728.65 1,313,845.09 1,800.11 25.417
J18 285,615.28 1,313,239.82 1,800.36 25.168
443 285,875.91 1,312,806.79 1,800.61 24.922
371 285,507.06 1,313,363.71 1,800.69 24.845
190 284,936.92 1,313,599.53 1,800.77 24.759
457 286,447.13 1,312,253.12 1,800.79 24.74
452 286,382.95 1,312,315.18 1,800.90 24.631
EWPT 2 285,157.17 1,313,566.32 1,800.97 24.561
445 286,007.34 1,312,678.51 1,801.08 24.453
191 284,971.70 1,313,592.16 1,801.10 24.436
138 285,412.08 1,313,397.33 1,801.14 24.396
144 285,430.68 1,313,383.62 1,801.20 24.33
450 286,276.74 1,312,416.49 1,801.23 24.299
EWPT 8 285,570.35 1,313,208.95 1,801.25 24.281

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Amhara Design & Supervision Works Enterprise VS Amhara Regional State Water Resource Development Bureau

Label Easting (m) Northing (m) Elevation (m)
(m H2O)
449 286,205.31 1,312,484.33 1,801.30 24.235
460 286,562.84 1,312,109.48 1,801.47 24.061
J11 285,138.30 1,313,500.30 1,801.49 24.037
J12 285,149.51 1,313,518.18 1,801.55 23.98
Mirt Zer Faucet 285,710.27 1,312,901.83 1,801.81 23.724
281 285,272.75 1,313,386.68 1,801.84 23.692
215 285,358.11 1,313,343.30 1,801.88 23.653
Road Crossing 1 285,288.89 1,313,404.03 1,801.97 23.558
447 286,098.03 1,312,589.76 1,802.04 23.494
462 286,625.22 1,311,974.54 1,802.07 23.466
256 285,292.32 1,313,349.93 1,802.08 23.456
J17 285,715.92 1,312,862.22 1,802.10 23.438
J15 285,359.81 1,313,310.39 1,802.11 23.419
293 285,506.37 1,313,141.24 1,802.12 23.418
294 285,497.12 1,313,128.64 1,802.12 23.409
J-249 286,639.04 1,311,854.10 1,802.15 23.379
464 286,640.46 1,311,837.77 1,802.18 23.358
441 285,711.35 1,312,825.54 1,802.24 23.294
428 285,726.56 1,312,829.08 1,802.24 23.292
424 285,657.79 1,312,941.04 1,802.27 23.262
Mehalge NWPT 3 286,623.09 1,311,852.50 1,802.32 23.212
Road Crossing 2 285,343.89 1,313,301.04 1,802.34 23.198
425 285,668.14 1,312,956.30 1,802.34 23.198
426 285,687.41 1,312,886.17 1,802.39 23.147
260 285,288.58 1,313,304.87 1,802.41 23.12
J16 285,697.48 1,312,901.19 1,802.51 23.019
418 284,643.77 1,314,152.08 1,803.08 22.455
EWPT 6 285,279.80 1,313,250.55 1,803.16 22.376
J13 285,275.73 1,313,255.84 1,803.29 22.245
264 285,259.37 1,313,268.67 1,803.68 21.857
414 284,691.14 1,314,131.14 1,805.53 20.01
Mesjid 2 285,836.43 1,313,969.52 1,806.00 19.541
H. School NWPT 1 284,799.65 1,313,284.00 1,807.65 17.898
276 284,969.52 1,313,050.43 1,808.10 17.449
275 284,984.21 1,313,032.95 1,808.42 17.125

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Amhara Design & Supervision Works Enterprise VS Amhara Regional State Water Resource Development Bureau

Table: - A2 Pipe Report on Peak hour demand

Lengt Diamete Velocity

Start Node Stop Node Label h (m) r (mm) Material (m/s)
13 CROSS T2 P-14 32 110.2 HDPE 0.56
13 J9 P-267 38.1 110.2 HDPE 0.56
CROSS T1 CROSS T2 P-266 27.13 110.2 HDPE 1.29
100m^3 13m Elevated
Reservoir CROSS T1 P-245 138.38 110.2 HDPE 1.43
138 215 P-118 76.5 96.8 HDPE 0.39
J10 138 P-270 219.46 96.8 HDPE 0.39
J23 CROSS T2 P-243 17.98 96.8 HDPE 0.81
99 J23 P-22 26.21 96.8 HDPE 0.48
J9 94 P-254 160.63 96.8 HDPE 0.44
94 144 P-269 224.64 96.8 HDPE 0.44
144 J15 P-271 101.8 96.8 HDPE 0.44
215 Road Crossing 1 P-273 92.05 96.8 HDPE 0.36
99 J10 P-268 194.46 96.8 HDPE 0.48
Road Crossing 2 J15 P-206 18.59 66 HDPE 0.47
425 J16 P-183 62.48 66 HDPE 0.47
J9 327 P-287 173.13 66 HDPE 0.62
281 Road Crossing 1 P-142 23.77 66 HDPE 0.62
J6 J23 P-255 71.93 66 HDPE 0.71
Road Crossing 2 J13 P-272 81.69 66 HDPE 0.32
J25 J6 P-53 32.61 66 HDPE 0.6
293 425 P-280 245.67 66 HDPE 0.47
J15 293 P-278 223.72 66 HDPE 0.47
281 J11 P-289 176.17 55.4 HDPE 0.49
108 J25 P-251 96.93 55.4 HDPE 0.46
256 260 P-145 45.11 55.4 HDPE 0.39
J25 J5 P-239 229.21 55.4 HDPE 0.38
J5 J4 P-42 12.8 55.4 HDPE 0.19
281 256 P-274 41.76 55.4 HDPE 0.39
219 CROSS T2 P-256 96.32 55.4 HDPE 0.42
219 J21 P-252 98.15 55.4 HDPE 0.42
260 264 P-275 46.63 55.4 HDPE 0.39
J11 191 P-291 190.2 44 HDPE 0.3
371 J18 P-282 164.59 44 HDPE 0.28

Kunzila Town Water Supply Project Final Design Report 48

Amhara Design & Supervision Works Enterprise VS Amhara Regional State Water Resource Development Bureau

Lengt Diamete Velocity

Start Node Stop Node Label h (m) r (mm) Material (m/s)
H. School NWPT
J11 1 P-292 401.73 44 HDPE 0.3
189 227 P-244 33.83 44 HDPE 0.3
J2 397 P-6 21.95 44 HDPE 0.3
176 189 P-260 290.47 44 HDPE 0.25
264 276 P-276 362.71 44 HDPE 0.42
J6 163 P-257 194.16 44 HDPE 0.25
384 371 P-284 233.78 44 HDPE 0.41
163 168 P-258 152.7 44 HDPE 0.25
347 J P-285 135.33 44 HDPE 0.3
J-225 J-226 P-236 30.78 44 HDPE 0.33
294 424 P-281 246.89 44 HDPE 0.33
426 441 P-189 65.23 44 HDPE 0.33
327 334 P-286 169.77 44 HDPE 0.61
424 426 P-186 62.48 44 HDPE 0.33
CROSS T1 J2 P-246 92.66 44 HDPE 0.61
190 191 P-129 35.66 44 HDPE 0.3
Road Crossing 1 J12 P-288 180.14 44 HDPE 0.36
J19 J-225 P-235 21.34 44 HDPE 0.33
Road Crossing 2 294 P-279 230.73 44 HDPE 0.33
457 460 P-293 184.4 44 HDPE 0.5
447 449 P-193 150.27 44 HDPE 0.5
327 384 P-209 42.67 44 HDPE 0.48
334 J P-222 67.36 44 HDPE 0.47
J4 255 P-261 324.92 44 HDPE 0.13
452 457 P-196 89.31 44 HDPE 0.5
450 452 P-195 146.91 44 HDPE 0.5
445 447 P-192 126.8 44 HDPE 0.5
449 450 P-194 98.45 44 HDPE 0.5
J12 189 P-290 195.68 44 HDPE 0.06
462 J-249 P-295 121.31 44 HDPE 0.5
J10 J19 P-241 119.18 44 HDPE 0.46
334 J18 P-283 224.64 44 HDPE 0.13
443 445 P-191 183.79 44 HDPE 0.5
108 225 P-249 237.13 44 HDPE 0.54
J21 J22 P-238 41.15 44 HDPE 0.43

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Lengt Diamete Velocity

Start Node Stop Node Label h (m) r (mm) Material (m/s)
J13 275 P-277 366.98 44 HDPE 0.42
J16 J17 P-185 42.98 44 HDPE 0.8
168 176 P-259 72.85 44 HDPE 0.25
J17 443 P-190 169.47 44 HDPE 0.5
460 462 P-294 148.74 44 HDPE 0.5
419 420 P-307 84.12 32.6 HDPE 0.31
404 405 P-297 86.87 32.6 HDPE 0.31
412 413 P-302 99.06 32.6 HDPE 0.31
413 414 P-303 135.94 32.6 HDPE 0.31
414 418 P-304 51.82 32.6 HDPE 0.31
411 412 P-301 69.19 32.6 HDPE 0.31
417 419 P-306 81.69 32.6 HDPE 0.31
406 410 P-299 192.63 32.6 HDPE 0.31
410 411 P-300 63.4 32.6 HDPE 0.31
418 417 P-305 93.27 32.6 HDPE 0.31
J22 EWPT 3 P-242 17.37 32.6 HDPE 0.55
327 EWPT 7 P-208 18.59 32.6 HDPE 0.55
J18 EWPT 8 P-228 54.56 32.6 HDPE 0.55
Mehalge NWPT
J-249 3 P-205 16.15 32.6 HDPE 0.55
J17 428 P-188 34.75 32.6 HDPE 0.55
J5 EWPT4 P-240 35.36 32.6 HDPE 0.55
225 J.School EWPT 5 P-52 33.22 32.6 HDPE 0.55
J12 EWPT 2 P-124 48.77 32.6 HDPE 0.55
CROSS T1 J3 P-247 169.16 32.6 HDPE 0.48
J2 new WPT P-7 17.07 32.6 HDPE 0.55
J21 230 P-250 47.55 32.6 HDPE 0.42
J13 EWPT 6 P-160 6.71 32.6 HDPE 0.55
421 Gedam Faucet P-309 103.94 32.6 HDPE 0.31
108 231 P-31 52.73 32.6 HDPE 0.36
Health Center J-226 P-234 6.71 32.6 HDPE 0.36
420 421 P-308 79.86 32.6 HDPE 0.31
J4 404 P-296 70.1 32.6 HDPE 0.31
405 406 P-298 61.57 32.6 HDPE 0.31
J-249 464 P-204 16.46 32.6 HDPE 0.36
J3 Mesjid Foset 1 P-12 11.28 26 HDPE 0.38

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Amhara Design & Supervision Works Enterprise VS Amhara Regional State Water Resource Development Bureau

Lengt Diamete Velocity

Start Node Stop Node Label h (m) r (mm) Material (m/s)
J16 Mirt Zer Faucet P-184 12.8 26 HDPE 0.57
J Bar nero P-225 12.19 26 HDPE 0.49
J22 Mesjid 2 P-248 123.14 26 HDPE 0.38
J-226 Church P-237 39.32 26 HDPE 0.38
J19 Mesjid 3 P-231 19.2 26 HDPE 0.38

Table: - A3 Junction Report on peak hour Demand

Easting Northing Elevation Base Pressure

(m) (m) (m) Flow (l/s) (m H2O)
420 284,440.20 1,314,311.40 1,789.59 0 27.378
231 285,668.80 1,314,001.52 1,794.53 0.3 26.801
Gedam Faucet 284,334.29 1,314,461.13 1,789.59 0.26 26.647
421 284,398.86 1,314,379.66 1,790.01 0 26.641
230 285,686.20 1,313,993.52 1,795.65 0.35 26.222
419 284,503.73 1,314,256.03 1,791.70 0 25.607
410 285,040.36 1,314,017.05 1,794.68 0 24.997
J21 285,673.54 1,313,947.72 1,797.46 0 24.744
108 285,651.49 1,313,951.87 1,797.70 0 23.908
411 284,980.14 1,314,037.31 1,795.56 0 23.867
406 285,220.02 1,313,947.58 1,796.78 0 23.668
219 285,671.31 1,313,849.70 1,798.94 0 23.628
404 285,354.94 1,313,886.22 1,797.48 0 23.56
J22 285,714.26 1,313,954.42 1,798.44 0 23.556
405 285,277.78 1,313,926.22 1,797.14 0 23.553
CROSS T2 285,683.61 1,313,754.24 1,799.43 0 23.497
J4 285,407.96 1,313,840.35 1,797.93 0 23.389
99 285,662.15 1,313,725.88 1,799.38 0 23.366
J9 285,661.07 1,313,690.82 1,799.37 0 23.363
J23 285,665.73 1,313,751.77 1,799.45 0 23.363
CROSS T1 285,710.64 1,313,751.38 1,799.98 0 23.318
13 285,682.60 1,313,722.12 1,799.57 0 23.266
J5 285,420.68 1,313,841.12 1,798.08 0 23.252
163 285,467.90 1,313,765.75 1,798.68 0 23.207
J25 285,649.61 1,313,855.09 1,798.85 0 23.194
J6 285,653.52 1,313,822.72 1,799.13 0 23.11

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Easting Northing Elevation Base Pressure

(m) (m) (m) Flow (l/s) (m H2O)
EWPT4 285,420.03 1,313,876.44 1,797.88 0.46 23.045
94 285,553.04 1,313,571.92 1,799.39 0 23
327 285,723.89 1,313,529.58 1,798.67 0 22.991
J10 285,533.77 1,313,579.85 1,799.32 0 22.936
EWPT 3 285,715.60 1,313,971.67 1,798.89 0.46 22.907
397 285,711.74 1,313,865.95 1,799.51 0.46 22.838
Mesjid Foset 1 285,763.02 1,313,590.54 1,798.89 0.2 22.819
225 285,414.23 1,313,954.39 1,797.03 0.36 22.742
J3 285,752.27 1,313,587.49 1,799.13 0.2 22.669
J19 285,477.67 1,313,685.08 1,798.92 0 22.639
168 285,333.77 1,313,692.47 1,798.98 0 22.623
EWPT 7 285,742.34 1,313,529.48 1,798.83 0.46 22.62
384 285,682.74 1,313,518.18 1,798.79 0.1 22.6
J-225 285,470.44 1,313,705.27 1,799.01 0 22.487
Mesjid 3 285,495.06 1,313,693.16 1,798.95 0.2 22.471
J-226 285,440.97 1,313,696.39 1,798.95 0 22.451
J2 285,711.71 1,313,844.14 1,799.97 0 22.436
Health Center 285,443.53 1,313,690.23 1,798.95 0.3 22.418
334 285,794.55 1,313,375.17 1,797.71 0 22.32
Church 285,402.63 1,313,687.51 1,798.85 0.2 22.261
J 285,827.57 1,313,316.31 1,797.37 0 22.247
Bar nero 285,838.51 1,313,321.97 1,797.22 0.26 22.244
255 285,111.22 1,313,707.92 1,798.95 0.2 22.189
347 285,900.15 1,313,201.92 1,797.11 0.46 22.147
412 284,913.77 1,314,056.95 1,797.04 0 22.114
Menaheriya new
WPT 285,728.65 1,313,845.09 1,800.11 0.46 22.098
176 285,262.49 1,313,676.97 1,799.38 0 22.094
J.School EWPT 5 285,411.74 1,313,921.19 1,797.67 0.46 21.722
227 284,945.55 1,313,618.97 1,799.23 0.46 21.621
189 284,978.94 1,313,613.83 1,799.47 0 21.474
138 285,412.08 1,313,397.33 1,801.14 0 20.75
144 285,430.68 1,313,383.62 1,801.20 0 20.725
417 284,565.46 1,314,202.54 1,797.25 0 20.393
215 285,358.11 1,313,343.30 1,801.88 0.2 19.879
Road Crossing 1 285,288.89 1,313,404.03 1,801.97 0 19.648

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Easting Northing Elevation Base Pressure

(m) (m) (m) Flow (l/s) (m H2O)
281 285,272.75 1,313,386.68 1,801.84 0 19.633
371 285,507.06 1,313,363.71 1,800.69 0.2 19.602
J15 285,359.81 1,313,310.39 1,802.11 0 19.601
J18 285,615.28 1,313,239.82 1,800.36 0.17 19.541
EWPT 2 285,157.17 1,313,566.32 1,800.97 0.46 19.44
J12 285,149.51 1,313,518.18 1,801.55 0 19.417
Road Crossing 2 285,343.89 1,313,301.04 1,802.34 0 19.311
256 285,292.32 1,313,349.93 1,802.08 0 19.261
190 284,936.92 1,313,599.53 1,800.77 0.46 19.228
J11 285,138.30 1,313,500.30 1,801.49 0.26 19.107
191 284,971.70 1,313,592.16 1,801.10 0 19
413 284,818.19 1,314,083.19 1,799.79 0 18.976
294 285,497.12 1,313,128.64 1,802.12 0 18.807
260 285,288.58 1,313,304.87 1,802.41 0 18.779
293 285,506.37 1,313,141.24 1,802.12 0 18.751
EWPT 6 285,279.80 1,313,250.55 1,803.16 0.46 18.261
J13 285,275.73 1,313,255.84 1,803.29 0 18.207
EWPT 8 285,570.35 1,313,208.95 1,801.25 0.46 18.029
424 285,657.79 1,312,941.04 1,802.27 0 17.895
Mirt Zer Faucet 285,710.27 1,312,901.83 1,801.81 0.3 17.689
425 285,668.14 1,312,956.30 1,802.34 0 17.6
426 285,687.41 1,312,886.17 1,802.39 0 17.587
441 285,711.35 1,312,825.54 1,802.24 0.5 17.531
264 285,259.37 1,313,268.67 1,803.68 0.3 17.365
443 285,875.91 1,312,806.79 1,800.61 0 17.251
J16 285,697.48 1,312,901.19 1,802.51 0.1 17.184
J17 285,715.92 1,312,862.22 1,802.10 0 16.907
428 285,726.56 1,312,829.08 1,802.24 0.46 16.364
445 286,007.34 1,312,678.51 1,801.08 0 15.545
Mesjid 2 285,836.43 1,313,969.52 1,806.00 0.2 15.101
418 284,643.77 1,314,152.08 1,803.08 0 14.946
447 286,098.03 1,312,589.76 1,802.04 0 13.733
449 286,205.31 1,312,484.33 1,801.30 0 13.462
450 286,276.74 1,312,416.49 1,801.23 0 12.863
414 284,691.14 1,314,131.14 1,805.53 0 12.707
452 286,382.95 1,312,315.18 1,800.90 0 12.207

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Amhara Design & Supervision Works Enterprise VS Amhara Regional State Water Resource Development Bureau

Easting Northing Elevation Base Pressure

(m) (m) (m) Flow (l/s) (m H2O)
H. School NWPT 1 284,799.65 1,313,284.00 1,807.65 0.46 11.9
457 286,447.13 1,312,253.12 1,800.79 0 11.715
275 284,984.21 1,313,032.95 1,808.42 0.64 11.291
276 284,969.52 1,313,050.43 1,808.10 0.64 11.181
460 286,562.84 1,312,109.48 1,801.47 0 9.795
462 286,625.22 1,311,974.54 1,802.07 0 8.198
J-249 286,639.04 1,311,854.10 1,802.15 0 7.295
464 286,640.46 1,311,837.77 1,802.18 0.3 7.188
Mehalge NWPT 3 286,623.09 1,311,852.50 1,802.32 0.46 6.943

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Kunzila Town Water Supply Project Final Design Report 55

Amhara Design & Supervision Works Enterprise VS Amhara Regional State Water Resource Development Bureau

Table 1. Cost Summary for Kunzila Town Water supply Project Supply and Installation

Bill Quanti Amou

No Unit ty nt
1 General Items LS 1
100m³ Elevated Service Reservoir including Guard house, toilet
2 and site fence construction LS 1
Construction of Control & Generator Room at Well Station
3 including guard house, toilet and site fence construction LS 1
4 Rising Pipe, 2km LS 1
Public Fountain ( 3 new + 7existing maintenance + 8 single water
5 taps) LS 1
6 Distribution Network , 12.3km LS 1

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Table A1. Bill No 1. Rising Main Line

Unit Total Amount

Description Unit Qty
Price (Eth.Birr)

1 Supply of Pipes and fittings

PE 100 PN 16 HDPE Pipe, OD 160mm
1.1 including but welding m 2000

Air relief valve OD 160mm with flanged

gate valve and two stub flange adapter
1.2 for each ARV Pcs 1
Washout valve OD 160mm with flanged
gate valve and two stub flange adaptor
1.3 for each. Pcs 1

Sub Total

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Amhara Design & Supervision Works Enterprise VS Amhara Regional State Water Resource Development Bureau

Table A2 . Bill No 2. Distribution Lines

It.No Description Unit Qty Amount

2 Supply of Pipes and Fittings

2.1 PE 100 PN10 HDPE Pipes with compression fittings

2.1.1 OD 125mm coil length 12m m 266

2.1.2 OD 110mm coil length 12m m 1,151
2.1.2 OD 75mm coil length 50m m 980
2.1.3 OD 63mm coil length 100m m 891
2.1.4 OD 50mm coil length 100m m 6,796
2.1.5 OD 40mm coil length 100m m 1936
2.1.6 OD 32mm coil length 100m m 229
K9 DCI pipe DN 150mm for Passing HDPE m 60
2.1.7 pipe during gully and Road crossing

PE 100 PN 10 HDPE CROSS Tee (mm x mm x mm
x mm) OD 50 x 50 x 50 X 50 1 OD 125 x 125 x 125 X 125 2
PE 100 PN 10 HDPE Reducer Tee (mm x mm x
mm) OD 110 x 75 x 110 No. 3 OD 75 x 50 x 75 No. 3 OD 75 x 63 x 63 No. 1 OD 63 x 50 x 63 No. 2 OD 50 x 40 x 50 No. 4

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Amhara Design & Supervision Works Enterprise VS Amhara Regional State Water Resource Development Bureau

It.No Description Unit Qty Amount
(Eth.Birr) OD 110 x 50 x 110 No. 1 OD 50 x 32 x 50 No. 2 OD 75 x 40 x 75 No. 1 OD 75 x 32 x 75 No. 1 OD 63 x 40 x 63 No. 2


2.2.3 PE 100 PN 10 HDPE Tee (mm x mm x mm) OD 110 x 110 x 110 No. 1 OD 40 x 40 x 40 No. 1 OD 50 x 50 x 50 No. 4 OD 75 x 75 x 75 No. 2
2.2.3 PN 10 PVC Ball gate Valve 4" x 4" No. 2 2 1/2" x 2 1/2" No. 5 2" x 2" No. 3 1 1/2" x 1 1/2" No. 1
2.2.4 PE 100 PN 10 HDPE End Cap OD 50 mm No. 10 OD 40 mm No. 5

2.2.5 PE 100 PN 10 HDPE Adapter Female Adapter OD 40 x1''(DN 25 GI) No. 10 Female Adapter OD 32 x 1''(DN 25 GI) No. 10 Male Adapter OD 40 x 1''(DN 25 GI) No. 10 Male Adapter OD 32 x 1''(DN 25 GI) No. 10

Kunzila Town Water Supply Project Final Design Report 59

Amhara Design & Supervision Works Enterprise VS Amhara Regional State Water Resource Development Bureau

It.No Description Unit Qty Amount
(Eth.Birr) Reducing Nipple 1 1/2" x 1" No. 10 Reducing Nipple 2" x 1" No. 10 Reducing Nipple 2" x 1 1/2" No. 10

2.2.6 PE 100 PN 10 HDPE Compression Elbow OD 110mm 90o elbow No. 1 OD 50 mm 90o elbow No. 3 OD 40 mm 90o elbow No. 1 OD 125 mm 45o elbow No. 2 OD 110 mm 45o elbow No. 2 OD 50 mm 45o elbow No. 3


2.2.7 PE 100 PN 10 HDPE Straight Coupling 125 x 125 mm No. 22 110 x 110 mm No. 96 75 x 75 mm No. 20 63 x 63 mm No. 9 50 x 50 mm No. 68 40 x 40 mm No. 19 32 x 32 mm No. 2


2.2.8 PE 100 PN 10 HDPE Reducer Coupling

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Amhara Design & Supervision Works Enterprise VS Amhara Regional State Water Resource Development Bureau

It.No Description Unit Qty Amount
(Eth.Birr) 125 x 50 mm No. 1 125 x 40 mm No. 1 125 x 63 mm No. 1 125 x 110 mm No. 1 75 x 40 mm No. 1 63 x 40 mm No. 1 110 x 50 mm No. 1 63 x 50 mm No. 2 75 x 63 mm No. 1 75 x 50 mm No. 3 110 x 75 mm No. 2 50 x 40 mm No. 5 40 x 32 mm No. 1



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Table 2 Bill No.1 General Items.

Item Description Unit Qty Unit Amount

No. Rate (Birr)
1.1 Establishment of site sign boards (1.5m x 2m)size No. 2
Including 2" GI pipe post 3m height anchored
with mass concrete as engineers order
1.2 As-built drawings as specified L.S 1
1.3 Mobilization L.S 1
1.4 Demobilization L.S 1

1.5 Establishment of contractors and engineers site L.S 1

office as shown in detail drawing
1.6 Provide survey control and setting out of the L.S 1
work and beacons for construction
Total to Bill no 1

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Amhara Design & Supervision Works Enterprise VS Amhara Regional State Water Resource Development Bureau

Table 3. Bill No 2. 100m3 elevated concrete Circular Reservoir

No. Description Unit Qty Unit Total
rate price
1 Earth Work
1.1 Site clearing at an average of depth 20 cm m2 78.5
1.2 Bulk Excavation of Normal soil not exceeding a depth of 3 m3 74.08
m for foundation
1.3 Ditto but Rock excavation m3 10
1.4 Cart away the excavated materials 50m away m3 72
1.5 well compacted with approved selected material m3 58.8
Selected material fill
1.6 40cm thick Hard core filling (equivalent to hard basaltic m2 10.85
2 Concrete Work
2.1 10cm thick C-5 lean concrete for column footings m2 24

2.2 0.45x0.45 RCC columns Grade C-25 for elevated concrete m3 15.19
2.3 Bottom, intermediate and top beams Grade C-25 m3 12.29

2.4 Bottom slab for reservoir RCC 20cm thick with Grade C-30 m3 8.14

2.5 RC wall for reservoir 20cm thick with GradeC-30 m3 15.29

2.6 15 cm thick RCC cover slab for reservoir with Grade C-25 m3 6.1

2.7 Grade C-25 RCC for Footing m3 12.38

3 Form work
3.1 Base & top Slab m2 72
3.2 Wall m2 146
3.3 Columns m2 159.3
3.4 beams m2 91
3.5 Footings m2 24
4 Reinforcement bars according to the drawing

4.1 ø 8mm kg 659

4.2 ø 10mm kg 1880
4.3 ø 12mm kg 1196

Kunzila Town Water Supply Project Final Design Report 63

Amhara Design & Supervision Works Enterprise VS Amhara Regional State Water Resource Development Bureau

No. Description Unit Qty Unit Total

rate price
4.4 ø 14mm kg 568
4.5 ø 16mm kg 1338
4.5 ø 20mm kg 960
4.6 Tying wire kg 35
Sub total
5 Finishing Work
5.1 3cm thick cement screed mix 1:2 floor finish m2 35
5.2 Apply 3 coat plastering of internal concrete wall up to fine m2 66
finish with 1:2 mix
5.3 rendering the external wall of reservoir with 1:2 cement m2 75
5.4 Apply 3 coat plastering of beams and columns to fine m2 241.5
finish with 1:3 mix
5.5 Plastering for top and bottom slab m2 77

5.6 Provide and install water stopper made of synthetic pvc m2 22.3

5.7 Provide internal and external ladder m2 20.5

5.8 Provide valve chamber No 1

Sub total
6 Provide and install the following pipes and fittings
6.1 Inlet Pipe
6.1.1 DN 150 flanged DCI pipe m 16
6.1.2 DCI DN 150mm flanged elbow No. 2
6.1.3 Butt Weld Stub flange with back ring size 160 PN 10 No 1
6.1.4 Pipe Clamp to the wall/column of the reservoir No 3
Sub total
6.2 Over Flow & drain pipe
6.2.1 GI, DN 4” pipe m 24
6.2.2 GI Gate valve, DN 4” no. 1
6.2.3 GI , DN 4” elbow No 4
6.2.4 Normal tee, DN 4” No. 1
6.2.5 GI DN 4”, union No. 2
6.2.6 Pipe Clamp to the wall/column of the reservoir No 3
Sub Total

Kunzila Town Water Supply Project Final Design Report 64

Amhara Design & Supervision Works Enterprise VS Amhara Regional State Water Resource Development Bureau

No. Description Unit Qty Unit Total

rate price
6.3 Outlet pipe
6.3.1 GI, DN 4” pipe m 30
6.3.2 GI Gate valve, DN 4” no. 2
6.3.3 GI , DN 4” elbow No 4
6.3.4 GI threaded water meter, DN 4” No 1
6.3.5 GI DN 4”, union No. 4
6.3.6 GI DN 4” Nipple No. 4
6.3.7 GI pipe short piece with paddle 4” No 1
6.3.8 Flanged Adaptor 110/4" No 1
6.3.9 Female adaptor OD110x4” PN 10 No 1
6.3.10 Male adaptor OD110x4” PN 10 No 1
6.3.11 PN 10 reducer OD 125/110 HDPE Pipe No 1
6.3.12 GI flanged pipe short piece 4” No 1
6.3.13 Pipe Clamp to the wall/column of the reservoir No 3

Sub Total

Total price for elevated reservoir

7 Guard House at Reservoir

7.1 Excavation
7.1.1 Excavation of top soil up to 250mm depth m³ 4.1
Excavation of normal material below stripped level depth
7.1.2 m³ 21.3
i.e. 0.5m
7.1.3 Excavation in rock, extra over m³ 2.5
Backfill using excavated material as directed by the
7.1.4 m³ 13.5

7.1.5 Fill with hard-core 250 mm thick, including compaction m³ 2.98

7.1.6 Caraway the excavated materials not more than 50m m³ 11.42

7.2 Masonry work

7.2.1 masonry work with 1:5 cement/sand mortar below ground m³ 7.08

7.2.2 hollow block work, 200 mm thick class B m² 36

7.3 Concrete work
7.3.1 Concrete C-20, floor slab, 100 mm thick mass concrete m³ 0.93

7.3.2 Reinforced concrete C-25 , grade beam (200X200mm) m³ 0.52

Kunzila Town Water Supply Project Final Design Report 65

Amhara Design & Supervision Works Enterprise VS Amhara Regional State Water Resource Development Bureau

No. Description Unit Qty Unit Total

rate price
Reinforced concrete C-25 , column and tie beam
7.3.3 m³ 0.4

7.3.4 Reinforced concrete C-25 , lintel (200x150mm) m³ 0.25

7.3.5 Formwork
7.3.6 Formwork columns, beams and lintels m² 13.04
7.3.7 Reinforcement bars
a. Diameter 10 mm deformed bar kg 179.1
b. Diameter 6mm deformed bar kg 41.6
7.4 Roofing

Eucalyptus truss complete as shown on the drawings, span

7.4.1 approx. 3600mm including 70 x 50 ZIGBA purling, 200 x no 4
25mm fascia board, fittings and fastenings: 1.2 m c/c

Galvanized roofing corrugated iron sheets C-28 gauge to

7.4.2 BSCP 143: part 10 c.w. ridge and valley pieces and fixings m² 12
include grouting into wall

Ceiling 8mm thick chip wood fixed to 50 x 40mm Zigba

7.4.3 battens including corner lining for both internal and m² 9.8
external part

Rain water collection gutter in plain galvanized sheets G-28

7.4.4 150x100 mm including PVC down pipe DN 110mm m 3.5
fastenings and fittings

7.5 Plastering Work

Plastering with an undercoat with max. thickness 20mm to

7.5.1 m2 37.5
internal faces of block work

Rendering with 12mm thick 1:5 cement/sand mortar with a

7.5.2 wooden float to external faces of block work including m2 41.25
parapet wall
7.6 Painting
Painting of smooth concrete/plastered surfaces with
7.6.1 m2 11.25
emulsion paint
Painting of varnish to fascia board, external red wood
7.6.2 m2 3.9
ceiling and internal ceiling
7.7 Miscellaneous works

Kunzila Town Water Supply Project Final Design Report 66

Amhara Design & Supervision Works Enterprise VS Amhara Regional State Water Resource Development Bureau

No. Description Unit Qty Unit Total

rate price
Floor cement screed average 40 mm thick, floated finish
7.7.1 m2 10.5
with drain slope in to gate side

Metal door size 900x2100mm, SEIKO profile, frame, glazing

7.7.2 No 1
and complete with all accessories as per the drawing

Metal window size 1200x1200mm Seiko profile frame,

7.7.3 No 1
glazing and accessories
7.8 Electrical Installation

Light points fed through 2x1.5 mm² insulated wires in

thermoplastic conduits of Ø13.5 mm diameter including
7.8.1 No 2
flush mounted switches, wall boxes, insulating cups all
completely wired and ready for use.

Socket points fed through 2x2.5 mm² insulated wired in

thermoplastic conduits of Ø 16 mm diameter including wall
7.8.2 No 2
boxes, insulating cups and other fixing accessories all
completely wired and ready for use.

Supply and install light fittings type Philips TMS012 1X36 watt
7.8.3 No 2
or equivalent complete with 36 watt fluorescent lamp

0.5m wide semi dressed stone pavement around the

7.8.4 M2 16
Guard house

Supply and construction of 300mm dia. half ditch concrete

7.8.5 M 20
around the Guard house

Total To Guard house

8 Site work
Barbed wires fencing consist of 2.5 mm thickness wire
horizontal and diagonal member spaced as shown in the
8.1 drawing fixed to 3000 mm long Concrete post m 85
150mm*150mm anchored with mass concrete spaced
every 2000mm
Supply and erect gate type II as per the drawing, including
8.2 no 1
lock and all associated works
Construct toilet blocks as per the drawing including all
8.3 Ls 1
associated works
Sub Total to site work
Grand Total Bill N° 2

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Amhara Design & Supervision Works Enterprise VS Amhara Regional State Water Resource Development Bureau

Table 4. Bill No 3. Construction of Control & Generator Room at Well Station

Item Unit
Description Unit Qty nt
No. Rat
Construction of Control & Generator Room

1 Excavation

Excavation of normal material below stripped level

1.1 m³ 30
depth n.e. 1.0m
1.2 Ditto but in soft rock formation m3 6

1.3 Ditto but in hard rock formation m3 3

Disposal of surplus excavated material as directed by
1.4 m³ 9
the Engineer
Backfill using excavated material as directed by the
1.5 m³ 16
engineer up to 1 m
Fill to stated depth with selected granular material,
1.6 m³ 12
including compaction
1.7 Fill with hard-core 250 mm thick, including compaction m³ 4
2 Masonry work
Masonry work with 1:5 cement/sand mortar below
2.1 m³ 9
2.2 Hollow block work, 200 mm thick Class B m² 38
3 Concrete work
3.1 Concrete C-20 blinding layer, 50 mm thick m³ 2
3.2 Reinforced concrete C-25
floor slab, 200 mm thick including generator seat with
3.2.1 m³ 6.5
3.2.2 grade beam (300X200mm) m³ 1.2
3.2.3 Tie beam (250x200mm) m³ 1.11
3.2.4 Lintel (200x150mm) m³ 0.28
3.2.5 column (200x200mm) m³ 1.3
3.2.6 Well head and pipe supports m³ 1.25
4 Formwork
4.1 Formwork columns, beams and lintels m² 26
5 Reinforcement Steel Bars
Provide, Cut, Bend, and Fix in position reinforced steel
bar. All according to structural drawings.
5.2 ø 6 mm Kg 16.11

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Amhara Design & Supervision Works Enterprise VS Amhara Regional State Water Resource Development Bureau

Item Unit
Description Unit Qty nt
No. Rat
5.3 ø 10 mm Kg 227.04
5.4 ø 12 mm Kg 56.02
5.5 ø 14 mm Kg 63.82
5.6 ø 16 mm Kg 236.17
6 Roofing

Eucalyptus roof truss 100mm diam. and support

structures complete as shown on the drawings span
6.1 no 5
approx. 5300 mm including 70 x 50mm ZIGBA purlin, 200
x 25mm fascia board fittings and fastenings: 1.2 m c/c
Galvanized roofing corrugated iron sheets C-28 gauge
6.2 to BSCP 143: part 10 c.w. ridge and valley pieces and m² 40
fixings include grouting into wall
Ceiling 8mm thick chip wood fixed to 50 x 40mm Zigba
6.3 battens including corner lining for both internal and m² 32
external part
Rain water collection gutter in plain galvanized sheets
6.4 G-28 150x100 mm including PVC down pipe DN 110mm m 6
fastenings and fittings
7 Plastering Work
Rendering with 12mm thick 1:5 cement/sand mortar
7.1 with a wooden float to external faces of block work m² 38
including parapet wall

Plastering with an undercoat with max. thickness

7.2 m² 38
2x20mm to internal faces of block work

8 Painting

Painting of smooth concrete/plastered surfaces with

8.1 m² 42
emulsion paint
9 Miscellaneous works
Floor cement screed average 40 mm thick, floated finish
9.1 m² 28
with drain slope towards the gate
Metal door size 2500x2450 Seiko profile with frame and
9.2 300mm ventilation opening with grilled screen as per no 1
drawing (D1 type)

Kunzila Town Water Supply Project Final Design Report 69

Amhara Design & Supervision Works Enterprise VS Amhara Regional State Water Resource Development Bureau

Item Unit
Description Unit Qty nt
No. Rat
Metal door size 900x2100mm, SEIKO profile, frame,
9.3 glazing and complete with all accessories as per the no 2
drawing(D2 type)
Metal louvered window size 800x1000mm Seiko profile
9.4 no 3
with frame and screen grilled as per the drawing
Metal window size 1200x1200mm Seiko profile frame,
9.5 no 1
glazing and accessories
Light points fed through 2x1.5 mm² insulated wires in
thermoplastic conduits of Ø13.5 mm diameter including
9.6 no 2
flush mounted switches, wall boxes, insulating cups all
completely wired and ready for use.
Socket points fed through 2x2.5 mm² insulated wired in
thermoplastic conduits of Ø 16 mm diameter including
9.7 no 2
wall boxes, insulating cups and other fixing accessories
all completely wired and ready for use.
Supply and install light fittings type Philips TMS012 1X36
9.8 watt or equivalent complete with 36 watt fluorescent no 3
0.5m wide semi dressed stone pavement around the
9.9 M2 36
Generator house
Supply and construction of 300mm dia. half ditch
9.10 M 24
concrete around the Generator house

Sub Total

10 Guard House at Reservoir

10.1 Excavation
10.1.1 Excavation of top soil up to 250mm depth m³ 4.1
Excavation of normal material below stripped level
10.1.2 m³ 21.3
depth i.e. 0.5m
10.1.3 Excavation in rock, extra over m³ 2.5
Backfill using excavated material as directed by the
10.1.4 m³ 13.5

10.1.5 Fill with hard-core 250 mm thick, including compaction m³ 2.98

10.1.6 Caraway the excavated materials not more than 50m m³ 11.42

10.2 Masonry work

Kunzila Town Water Supply Project Final Design Report 70

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10 Guard House at Reservoir

masonry work with 1:5 cement/sand mortar below
10.2.1 m³ 7.08
10.2.2 hollow block work, 200 mm thick class B m² 36
10.3 Concrete work
10.3.1 Concrete C-20, floor slab, 100 mm thick mass concrete m³ 0.93

10.3.2 Reinforced concrete C-25 , grade beam (200X200mm) m³ 0.52

Reinforced concrete C-25 , column and tie beam

10.3.3 m³ 0.4

10.3.4 Reinforced concrete C-25 , lintel (200x150mm) m³ 0.25

10.3.5 Formwork
10.3.6 Formwork columns, beams and lintels m² 13.04
10.3.7 Reinforcement bars
a. Diameter 10 mm deformed bar kg 179.1
b. Diameter 6mm deformed bar kg 41.6
10.4 Roofing
Eucalyptus truss complete as shown on the drawings,
span approx. 3600mm including 70 x 50 ZIGBA purling,
10.4.1 no 4
200 x 25mm fascia board, fittings and fastenings: 1.2 m

Galvanized roofing corrugated iron sheets C-28 gauge

10.4.2 to BSCP 143: part 10 c.w. ridge and valley pieces and m² 12
fixings include grouting into wall

Ceiling 8mm thick chip wood fixed to 50 x 40mm Zigba

10.4.3 battens including corner lining for both internal and m² 9.8
external part

Rain water collection gutter in plain galvanized sheets G-

10.4.4 28 150x100 mm including PVC down pipe DN 110mm m 3.5
fastenings and fittings

10.5 Plastering Work

Plastering with an undercoat with max. thickness

10.5.1 m2 37.5
2x20mm to internal faces of block work

Rendering with 12mm thick 1:5 cement/sand mortar with

10.5.2 a wooden float to external faces of block work including m2 41.25
parapet wall
10.6 Painting

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10 Guard House at Reservoir

Painting of smooth concrete/plastered surfaces with
10.6.1 m2 11.25
emulsion paint
Painting of varnish to fascia board, external red wood
10.6.2 m2 3.9
ceiling and internal ceiling
10.7 Miscellaneous works
Floor cement screed average 40 mm thick, floated finish
10.7.1 m2 10.5
with drain slope in to gate side
Metal door size 900x2100mm, SEIKO profile, frame,
10.7.2 glazing and complete with all accessories as per the No 1
Metal window size 1200x1200mm Seiko profile frame,
10.7.3 No 1
glazing and accessories
10.8 Electrical Installation

Light points fed through 2x1.5 mm² insulated wires in

thermoplastic conduits of Ø13.5 mm diameter including
10.8.1 No 2
flush mounted switches, wall boxes, insulating cups all
completely wired and ready for use.

Socket points fed through 2x2.5 mm² insulated wired in

thermoplastic conduits of Ø 16 mm diameter including
10.8.2 No 2
wall boxes, insulating cups and other fixing accessories
all completely wired and ready for use.

Supply and install light fittings type Philips TMS012 1X36

10.8.3 watt or equivalent complete with 36 watt fluorescent No 2

0.5m wide semi dressed stone pavement around the

10.8.4 M2 16
Guard house

Supply and construction of 300mm dia. half ditch

108.5 M 20
concrete around the Guard house

Total To Guard house

11 Site work
Barbed wires fencing consist of 2.5 mm thickness wire
horizontal and diagonal member spaced as shown in he
11.1 drawing fixed to 3000 mm long Concrete post m 85
150mm*150mm anchored with mass concrete spaced
every 2000mm
Supply and erect gate type II as per the drawing,
11.2 no 1
including lock and all associated works

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10 Guard House at Reservoir

Construct toilet blocks as per the drawing including all
11.3 Ls 1
associated works

Lightening protection with 1.5m copper road air terminal,

1m length copper road imbedded to ground 50mm
11.4 galvanized steel pipe length of 5m connecting air Ls 1
terminal with earth road, including valve box with 50cm
by 70cm

0.5m wide semi dressed stone pavement around the

11.5 M2 36
Guard house

Supply and construction of 300mm dia. half ditch around

11.6 M 24
the Guard house

Sub Total to site work

Grand Total Bill N° 3

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Amhara Design & Supervision Works Enterprise VS Amhara Regional State Water Resource Development Bureau

Table 5. Bill No 4. Rising Main Line

Unit Total Amount

Description Unit Qty
Price (Eth.Birr)
1 Earth work
Trench Excavation in normal type of soil for
1.1 pipe laying (0.9m depth *0.6m width) m3 999.00
Trench Excavation in soft rock for pipe
1.2 laying (0.9m depth *0.6m width) m3 54.00
Trench Excavation in hard rock for pipe
1.3 laying (0.9m depth *0.6m width) m3 27.00
1.4 Back fill & compact excavated materials m3 1,049.23


Structural Works
Construction of grade C-20 concrete trust
blocks for bends (rate includes the supply
2.1 of all required material and construction) m3 6

3 Installation of Pipes and fittings

PE 100 PN 16 HDPE Pipe, OD 160mm
3.1 including but welding m 2000

Air relief valve DN 150mm with flanged

gate valve and two stub flange adapter
3.2 for each ARV, with all accessories Pcs 1
Washout valve DN 150mm with flanged
gate valve and two stub flange adaptor
3.3 for each, with all accessories Pcs 1

Sub Total

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Amhara Design & Supervision Works Enterprise VS Amhara Regional State Water Resource Development Bureau

Table 6. Bill No 5. Public Fountain

No. Descriptions Unit Quantity Amount
1 Earth Work
Clearing and removal of top soil to an
1.1 m2 42.2
average depth of 20cm
Bulk excavation for foundation to a depth
1.2 m3 20
not exceeding 500mm
Cart away surplus excavated material to a
1.3 m3 20
distance not exceeding 1000m
Supply and place 250mm thick trachytic
1.4 m2 10
hardcore blinded with crushed aggregate
Supply and install half concrete pipes DN
1.5 300mm for surface drainage around water m 23.2
point stand
Sub Total

2.1 50 mm thick C-5 lean concrete for water

point, valve chamber and ditch m2 14.32
150mm thick C-20 mass concrete in water
2.2 point base and on the surface of the hard m2 10
100mm thick concrete class C-20 in manhole
2.3 m2 3
floor and cover
Ditto, but in water point pillar and seating
2.4 m2 2.89
Sub Total
Supply, cut and fix mild steel reinforcement
3.1 bars of dia.8mm and 10mm for manhole Kg 8
cover, as shown in the drawing
Sub Total
4.1 For water point base m2 0.68
For water point pillar, cover slab and seating
4.2 m2 2.32
Sub Total

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Amhara Design & Supervision Works Enterprise VS Amhara Regional State Water Resource Development Bureau

No. Descriptions Unit Quantity Amount
Hard trachytic or equivalent stone masonry
5.1 water point wall grouted and filled with 1:3 m3 2.85
400mm thick trachytic stone or equivalent
5.2 m3 0.58
manhole walls grouted in 1:3 mortar
Sub Total
Three coats of plastering to internal walls of
6.1 m2 2.52
manhole, using 1:3 mortar
Pointing stone masonry wall of water point
6.2 m2 8.04
with rich mortar
6.3 30mm thick sand and cement floor screed m2 22.5
Sub Total
7.1 G.S pipe 1'' of class 'B' Type M 12
7.2 G.S pipe 1 1/2'' of class 'B' Type M 12
7.2 Elbow 90 deg. dia. 1” pcs 5
7.3 Reducer dia. 1"x3/4" pcs 4
7.4 Tee dia. 1” pcs 3
7.5 Coupling (socket) dia. 1” pcs 4
7.6 Faucet dia. ¾” pcs 4
7.7 Water Meter dia. 1” pcs 1
7.8 Gate Valve dia. 1” pcs 1
7.9 Nipples dia 1 ½” pcs 3
7.1 Nipples dia 1” pcs 4
7.11 Union dia 1 ½” pcs 1
7.12 Union dia 1” pcs 2
7.13 Male Adator 1 ½” pcs 1
7.14 Female Adator 1 ½” pcs 1
Barbed wires fencing consist of 2.5 mm
thickness wire horizontal and diagonal
member fixed to 2100 mm long angle iron
8.1 m 26
50mm*50mm with 5mm thickness anchored
with concrete posts spaced every 2000mm,
including lock and all necessary material as

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Amhara Design & Supervision Works Enterprise VS Amhara Regional State Water Resource Development Bureau

No. Descriptions Unit Quantity Amount
per the drawing.
8.2 Supply and construct RHS framed type II gate
as per the drawing including lock with its all
accessory No. 1
Sub Total
9 masonry Valve chamber construction as
shown in the drawing including metal sheet
for manhole cover with thickness 4mm with
all accessory including lock. No 1
Sub Total
Total Sum
Total for 3 new Water Points
10 Maintenance Public Fountain
No. Descriptions Unit Quantity Amount
10.1 Earth Work
Supply and install half concrete pipes DN
10.1.1 300mm for surface drainage around water m 23.2
point stand
Sub Total
10.2.1 G.S pipe 1 1/2'' of class 'B' Type M 12
10.2.2 Coupling (socket) dia. 1 1/2” pcs 4
10.2.3 Faucet dia. ¾” pcs 4
10.2.4 Water Meter dia. 1 1/2” pcs 1
10.2.5 Gate Valve dia. 1 1/2” pcs 1
10.2.6 Nipples dia 1 ½” pcs 3
10.2.7 Nipples dia 1 1/2” pcs 4
10.2.8 Union dia 1 ½” pcs 1
10.2.9 Union dia 1 1/2” pcs 2
10.2.10 Male Adaptor 1 ½” pcs 1

10.2.11 Female Adaptor 1 ½” pcs 1


Kunzila Town Water Supply Project Final Design Report 77

Amhara Design & Supervision Works Enterprise VS Amhara Regional State Water Resource Development Bureau

No. Descriptions Unit Quantity Amount
Barbed wires fencing consist of 2.5 mm
thickness wire horizontal and diagonal
member fixed to 2100 mm long angle iron
10.3.1 50mm*50mm with 5mm thickness anchored m 26
with concrete posts spaced every 2000mm,
including lock and all necessary material as
per the drawing.
10.3.2 Supply and construct RHS framed type II gate
as per the drawing including lock with its all
accessory No. 1
Sub Total
10.4 Valve chamber
10.4.1 masonry Valve chamber construction as
shown in the drawing including metal sheet
for manhole cover with thickness 4mm with
all accessory including lock.
No 1
Sub Total
Total Sum
Total for 7 Water Points
11 Single Faucet Water Taps for Public Institutions
No. Descriptions Unit Quantity Amount
11.1.1 G.S pipe 1'' of class 'B' Type M 2
11.1.2 Elbow 90 deg. dia. 1” pcs 2
11.1.3 Reducer dia. 1"x3/4" pcs 1
11.1.4 Coupling (socket) dia. 1” pcs 1
11.1.5 Faucet dia. ¾” pcs 1
11.1.6 Water Meter dia. 1” pcs 1
11.1.7 Gate Valve dia. 1” pcs 1
11.1.8 Nipples dia 1” pcs 1
11.1.9 Union dia 1” pcs 2

11.1.10 Male Adator 1” pcs 1

11.1.11 Female Adator 1” pcs 1


Kunzila Town Water Supply Project Final Design Report 78

Amhara Design & Supervision Works Enterprise VS Amhara Regional State Water Resource Development Bureau

No. Descriptions Unit Quantity Amount
Total of 8 Single Water Taps
Total Sum

Kunzila Town Water Supply Project Final Design Report 79

Amhara Design & Supervision Works Enterprise VS Amhara Regional State Water Resource Development Bureau

Table 7. Bill No 6. Distribution Lines

It.No Description Unit Qty Amount
1 Earth work
1.1 Excavation for pipe trench 0.9m*0.6m m3 6613.92

1.2 Back fill & compact excavated Materials m3 5879.04

1.3 Ditto item no1.1 But Soft rock excavation m3 54

1.4 Ditto item no1.1 But Hard rock excavation m3 10.8


2 Installation of Pipes and Fittings

2.1 PE 100 PN10 HDPE Pipes with compression fittings

2.1.1 OD 125mm coil length 12m m 266

2.1.2 OD 110mm coil length 12m m 1,151
2.1.2 OD 75mm coil length 50m m 980
2.1.3 OD 63mm coil length 100m m 891
2.1.4 OD 50mm coil length 100m m 6,796
2.1.5 OD 40mm coil length 100m m 1936
2.1.6 OD 32mm coil length 100m m 229
K9 DCI pipe DN 150mm for Passing HDPE m 60
2.1.7 pipe during gully and Road crossing

PE 100 PN 10 HDPE CROSS Tee (mm x mm x mm
x mm) OD 50 x 50 x 50 X 50 1 OD 125 x 125 x 125 X 125 2

Kunzila Town Water Supply Project Final Design Report 80

Amhara Design & Supervision Works Enterprise VS Amhara Regional State Water Resource Development Bureau

It.No Description Unit Qty Amount
PE 100 PN 10 HDPE Reducer Tee (mm x mm x
mm) OD 110 x 75 x 110 No. 3 OD 75 x 50 x 75 No. 3 OD 75 x 63 x 63 No. 1 OD 63 x 50 x 63 No. 2 OD 50 x 40 x 50 No. 4 OD 110 x 50 x 110 No. 1 OD 50 x 32 x 50 No. 2 OD 75 x 40 x 75 No. 1 OD 75 x 32 x 75 No. 1 OD 63 x 40 x 63 No. 2


2.2.3 PE 100 PN 10 HDPE Tee (mm x mm x mm) OD 110 x 110 x 110 No. 1 OD 40 x 40 x 40 No. 1 OD 50 x 50 x 50 No. 4 OD 75 x 75 x 75 No. 2
2.2.3 PN 10 PVC Ball gate Valve 4" x 4" No. 2 2 1/2" x 2 1/2" No. 5 2" x 2" No. 3 1 1/2" x 1 1/2" No. 1
2.2.4 PE 100 PN 10 HDPE End Cap OD 50 mm No. 10

Kunzila Town Water Supply Project Final Design Report 81

Amhara Design & Supervision Works Enterprise VS Amhara Regional State Water Resource Development Bureau

It.No Description Unit Qty Amount
(Eth.Birr) OD 40 mm No. 5

2.2.5 PE 100 PN 10 HDPE Adapter Female Adapter OD 40 x1''(DN 25 GI) No. 10 Female Adapter OD 32 x 1''(DN 25 GI) No. 10 Male Adapter OD 40 x 1''(DN 25 GI) No. 10 Male Adapter OD 32 x 1''(DN 25 GI) No. 10 Reducing Nipple 1 1/2" x 1" No. 10 Reducing Nipple 2" x 1" No. 10 Reducing Nipple 2" x 1 1/2" No. 10

2.2.6 PE 100 PN 10 HDPE Compression Elbow OD 110mm 90o elbow No. 1 OD 50 mm 90o elbow No. 3 OD 40 mm 90o elbow No. 1 OD 125 mm 45o elbow No. 2 OD 110 mm 45o elbow No. 2 OD 50 mm 45o elbow No. 3


2.2.7 PE 100 PN 10 HDPE Straight Coupling 125 x 125 mm No. 22 110 x 110 mm No. 96 75 x 75 mm No. 20

Kunzila Town Water Supply Project Final Design Report 82

Amhara Design & Supervision Works Enterprise VS Amhara Regional State Water Resource Development Bureau

It.No Description Unit Qty Amount
(Eth.Birr) 63 x 63 mm No. 9 50 x 50 mm No. 68 40 x 40 mm No. 19 32 x 32 mm No. 2


2.2.8 PE 100 PN 10 HDPE Reducer Coupling 125 x 50 mm No. 1 125 x 40 mm No. 1 125 x 63 mm No. 1 125 x 110 mm No. 1 75 x 40 mm No. 1 63 x 40 mm No. 1 110 x 50 mm No. 1 63 x 50 mm No. 2 75 x 63 mm No. 1 75 x 50 mm No. 3 110 x 75 mm No. 2 50 x 40 mm No. 5 40 x 32 mm No. 1

Kunzila Town Water Supply Project Final Design Report 83

Amhara Design & Supervision Works Enterprise VS Amhara Regional State Water Resource Development Bureau

It.No Description Unit Qty Amount

Concrete anchor blocks for tees bends

2.2.9 transversal anchors and end points of No. 13
rivers/gully/ as instructed by the engineer
Masonry Valve chamber construction as shown
in the drawing including concrete manhole
2.2.10 No 6
cover with thickness 8mm with all accessory
including lock.

Road crossing structures construction as shown

2.2.11 No 3
in the drawing



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Table 8. Bill No 7. Electromechanical Supply and Installation

Item Unit total

Description Unit Quantity
No rate amount
1 Pump and generator specification in kunzila town
water supply
1.1 supply and installation of Electric submersible pump Set 1
380V/400V, 50hz with a motor of impedance type
starting, complete with non-return valve, DN100
threaded outlet, power cable, level control
electrode, pressure switch, control panel board &
all other accessories required for installation in
kunzila well with Q=15.2l/s, H=131m, pump power
=37kw, pump position=57.65m below ground (blind
casing interval @pump position from 55.25 to 61m),
pump efficiency at duty point >= 70%, power cable
made of copper conductor of size 4*16sqmm,
length =75 meter, control cable of copper wire
1*1.5sqmm length = 200 meter
1.2 supply and installation of diesel generator set, set 1
continuous rating, as per the technical
specification, engine & alternator pre-installed on a
common rigid frame, switchgear panel, day tank
incorporated into the frame, exhaust piping system
and all accessories required for installation : prime
power =90kva, 3 phase, 400V, 50hz, 1500 RPM


2 pipes and fittings

2.1 GS heavy duty riser pipe as per BS 1387 or m 60
equivalent, preferably treaded appropriate for the
above submersible pump with length of L=6meter
DN 100mm and finished with hot dip galvanization

2.2 Flanged Woltman water meter turbine Pcs 1

type,DN100mm PN16
2.3 Double Flanged Gate valve, DN100mm PN16 Pcs 1
2.4 Double Flanged Gate valve, DN50mm PN16 Pcs 2
2.5 double flanged Non-return valve (check valve), Pcs 1
DN100mm, PN16
2.6 Double flanged GS Elbow 900 DN 100,PN 16 Pcs 4

Kunzila Town Water Supply Project Final Design Report 85

Amhara Design & Supervision Works Enterprise VS Amhara Regional State Water Resource Development Bureau

Item Unit total

Description Unit Quantity
No rate amount
2.7 Pressure gauge, glycerin filled 0-10 bar with Pcs 1
isolating cock & male socket outlet
2.8 Double flanged GS piece pipe DN100, medium Pcs 1
class, L=1800mm
2.9 double flanged Dismantling joint, DN100,PN16 Pcs 2
2.11 Double flanged GS reducer Tee,DN100/50/100 Pcs 2
2.12 Double flanged GS piece pipe with two 1/2" Pcs 1
coupling welded at the center (for pressure gauge
& pressure switch), DN100, pn16, L=500mm

2.13 single flanged 900elbow, DN50, pn16 Pcs 1

2.14 GS Well head cover 14 ” flange, with internal DN Pcs 1
114mm hole at the center to be welded with the
riser pipe
2.15 Flanged Air release valve,DN50 PN16 Pcs 1
2.16 Single flanged GS piece pipe DN50, pn 16, Pcs 1
2.17 Double flanged GS piece pipe DN100, pn16, Pcs 2
2.18 double flanged HDPE reducer DN110/OD160, PN16 pcs 1

2.19 HDPE Stab flanged adapter OD110,PN16 pcs 1

2.20 GS open Flange DN100,PN16 pcs 1

2.21 pipe support with pipe clamp, foot plate and ls 3

anchor bolts
2.22 GS flange adapter with back ring DN100, PN16 to Pcs 1
be welded with the riser pipe
3 Electrical Equipment
3.1 Cabling between the change over switch and metre 5
the panel board 4x25sqmm
3.2 Cabling between the change over switch and metre 10
the Generator 4x25sqmm
3.3 Cabling between the change over switch and metre 10
the EEPCO power 4x25sqmm

Kunzila Town Water Supply Project Final Design Report 86

Amhara Design & Supervision Works Enterprise VS Amhara Regional State Water Resource Development Bureau

Item Unit total

Description Unit Quantity
No rate amount
3.4 Earthing materials, including all inspection Set 1
chambers, copper rods, tape bonding straps etc.
as necessary for the earthing requirements within
the well compound

3.5 Cable tray, cable trunking, cable supports & cable Set 1
lage etc. as required within of the borehole

3.6 Manual change over switch with cable lag Pcs 1

(Rating:75A )
3.7 Power factor corrector/capacitor bank/ Pcs 1


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Kunzila Town Water Supply Project Final Design Report 88

Amhara Design & Supervision Works Enterprise VS Amhara Regional State Water Resource Development Bureau

Table1. Bench Mark & Water Point Data

Pt. East North Elevation Code

2 286147 1311826 1806 BM 1
1 286159 1311829 1805.86 BM 2
3 286146 1311834 1806.32 BM 3
24 286036 1312624 1802.21 BM4
25 286029 1312624 1802.18 BM5
46 285961 1313258 1795 BM6
48 285958 1313265 1795.02 BM7
72 285828 1313783 1812.33 BM8
73 285814 1313781 1811.44 BM9
113 285668 1313757 1799.48 BM10
114 285683 1313754 1799.67 BM11
187 284923 1313641 1799.3 BM12
188 284913 1313641 1799.54 BM13
257 285337 1313298 1802.99 BM14
258 285319 1313286 1803.11 BM15
388 285685 1313740 1799.63 BM 12A

Easting Northing Elevation

Label (m) (m) (m)
Existing Water Points that Needs only Maintainance
EWPT 2 285,157.17 1,313,566.32 1,800.97
EWPT 3 285,715.60 1,313,971.67 1,798.89
EWPT 6 285,279.80 1,313,250.55 1,803.16
EWPT 7 285,742.34 1,313,529.48 1,798.83
EWPT 8 285,570.35 1,313,208.95 1,801.25
EWPT4 285,420.03 1,313,876.44 1,797.88
J.School EWPT 5 285,411.74 1,313,921.19 1,797.67
New Water Pointthat proposed to construct
H. School NWPT 1 284,799.65 1,313,284.00 1,807.65
Mehalge NWPT 3 286,623.09 1,311,852.50 1,802.32
Menaheriya new
WPT 285,728.65 1,313,845.09 1,800.11
Single Faucet Taps
Health Center 285,443.53 1,313,690.23 1,798.95
Mesjid 2 285,836.43 1,313,969.52 1,806.00
Mesjid 3 285,495.06 1,313,693.16 1,798.95

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Mesjid Foset 1 285,763.02 1,313,590.54 1,798.89

Mirt Zer Faucet 285,710.27 1,312,901.83 1,801.81
Bar nero 285,838.51 1,313,321.97 1,797.22
Church 285,402.63 1,313,687.51 1,798.85
Gedam Foset 284,334.29 1,314,461.13 1,789.59

Table2. Rising Main Data

Label Easting (m) Northing (m) Elevation (m)

BH 286,145.57 1,311,834.14 1,805.87

Reservoir 285,847.84 1,313,768.89 1,812.58
7 286,143.10 1,311,941.55 1,805.12
40 285,956.95 1,313,096.98 1,797.13
30 286,002.16 1,312,844.00 1,799.10
12 286,103.50 1,312,202.95 1,803.19
15 286,086.68 1,312,306.83 1,802.78
PH 286,154.35 1,311,839.01 1,805.73
14 286,096.85 1,312,251.02 1,802.91
36 285,980.20 1,312,976.27 1,797.87
6 286,149.58 1,311,895.58 1,805.67
64 285,868.13 1,313,635.33 1,805.41
38 285,969.86 1,313,027.03 1,797.67
19 286,060.55 1,312,467.89 1,802.96
16 286,078.59 1,312,355.99 1,802.71
60 285,873.34 1,313,585.37 1,798.91
9 286,125.40 1,312,060.86 1,804.18
22 286,037.23 1,312,619.47 1,802.12
68 285,860.60 1,313,694.93 1,808.93
28 286,017.13 1,312,747.75 1,800.14
11 286,110.95 1,312,155.99 1,803.45
10 286,117.97 1,312,109.10 1,803.89
27 286,024.38 1,312,701.61 1,800.79
56 285,891.40 1,313,442.73 1,794.60
42 285,945.99 1,313,157.96 1,796.64
53 285,900.41 1,313,384.18 1,793.27

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Label Easting (m) Northing (m) Elevation (m)

26 286,031.08 1,312,659.10 1,801.31

21 286,045.29 1,312,567.06 1,802.61
44 285,926.87 1,313,259.68 1,795.97
29 286,009.21 1,312,798.80 1,799.43
20 286,053.57 1,312,512.79 1,802.86
32 285,990.91 1,312,917.07 1,798.34
43 285,936.02 1,313,211.49 1,796.10
58 285,885.01 1,313,503.52 1,795.00
8 286,132.31 1,312,013.02 1,804.44
17 286,070.29 1,312,406.42 1,802.74

Table3. Distribution Data

Label Easting (m) Northing (m) Elevation (m)

231 285,668.80 1,314,001.52 1,794.53

420 284,440.20 1,314,311.40 1,789.59
230 285,686.20 1,313,993.52 1,795.65
Gedam Foset 284,334.29 1,314,461.13 1,789.59
421 284,398.86 1,314,379.66 1,790.01
419 284,503.73 1,314,256.03 1,791.70
J21 285,673.54 1,313,947.72 1,797.46
410 285,040.36 1,314,017.05 1,794.68
108 285,651.49 1,313,951.87 1,797.70
225 285,414.23 1,313,954.39 1,797.03
Bar nero 285,838.51 1,313,321.97 1,797.22
334 285,794.55 1,313,375.17 1,797.71
J 285,827.57 1,313,316.31 1,797.37
J22 285,714.26 1,313,954.42 1,798.44
219 285,671.31 1,313,849.70 1,798.94
347 285,900.15 1,313,201.92 1,797.11
327 285,723.89 1,313,529.58 1,798.67
411 284,980.14 1,314,037.31 1,795.56
CROSS T1 285,683.61 1,313,754.24 1,799.43
99 285,662.15 1,313,725.88 1,799.38

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Label Easting (m) Northing (m) Elevation (m)

J23 285,665.73 1,313,751.77 1,799.45

J9 285,661.07 1,313,690.82 1,799.37
384 285,682.74 1,313,518.18 1,798.79
163 285,467.90 1,313,765.75 1,798.68
406 285,220.02 1,313,947.58 1,796.78
J25 285,649.61 1,313,855.09 1,798.85
13 285,682.60 1,313,722.12 1,799.57
404 285,354.94 1,313,886.22 1,797.48
405 285,277.78 1,313,926.22 1,797.14
J6 285,653.52 1,313,822.72 1,799.13
J1 285,710.64 1,313,751.38 1,799.98
EWPT 7 285,742.34 1,313,529.48 1,798.83
J10 285,533.77 1,313,579.85 1,799.32
J.School EWPT 5 285,411.74 1,313,921.19 1,797.67
J4 285,407.96 1,313,840.35 1,797.93
EWPT 3 285,715.60 1,313,971.67 1,798.89
94 285,553.04 1,313,571.92 1,799.39
J5 285,420.68 1,313,841.12 1,798.08
J19 285,477.67 1,313,685.08 1,798.92
168 285,333.77 1,313,692.47 1,798.98
EWPT4 285,420.03 1,313,876.44 1,797.88
397 285,711.74 1,313,865.95 1,799.51
Mesjid Foset 1 285,763.02 1,313,590.54 1,798.89
J-225 285,470.44 1,313,705.27 1,799.01
Mesjid 3 285,495.06 1,313,693.16 1,798.95
J-226 285,440.97 1,313,696.39 1,798.95
Health Center 285,443.53 1,313,690.23 1,798.95
J3 285,752.27 1,313,587.49 1,799.13
Church 285,402.63 1,313,687.51 1,798.85
176 285,262.49 1,313,676.97 1,799.38
J2 285,711.71 1,313,844.14 1,799.97
Menaheriya new WPT 285,728.65 1,313,845.09 1,800.11
227 284,945.55 1,313,618.97 1,799.23
189 284,978.94 1,313,613.83 1,799.47
412 284,913.77 1,314,056.95 1,797.04
255 285,111.22 1,313,707.92 1,798.95

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Label Easting (m) Northing (m) Elevation (m)

J18 285,615.28 1,313,239.82 1,800.36

371 285,507.06 1,313,363.71 1,800.69
138 285,412.08 1,313,397.33 1,801.14
144 285,430.68 1,313,383.62 1,801.20
215 285,358.11 1,313,343.30 1,801.88
281 285,272.75 1,313,386.68 1,801.84
Road Crossing 1 285,288.89 1,313,404.03 1,801.97
417 284,565.46 1,314,202.54 1,797.25
190 284,936.92 1,313,599.53 1,800.77
EWPT 8 285,570.35 1,313,208.95 1,801.25
J11 285,138.30 1,313,500.30 1,801.49
191 284,971.70 1,313,592.16 1,801.10
256 285,292.32 1,313,349.93 1,802.08
EWPT 2 285,157.17 1,313,566.32 1,800.97
J12 285,149.51 1,313,518.18 1,801.55
J15 285,359.81 1,313,310.39 1,802.11
Road Crossing 2 285,343.89 1,313,301.04 1,802.34
260 285,288.58 1,313,304.87 1,802.41
294 285,497.12 1,313,128.64 1,802.12
293 285,506.37 1,313,141.24 1,802.12
413 284,818.19 1,314,083.19 1,799.79
EWPT 6 285,279.80 1,313,250.55 1,803.16
J13 285,275.73 1,313,255.84 1,803.29
424 285,657.79 1,312,941.04 1,802.27
264 285,259.37 1,313,268.67 1,803.68
426 285,687.41 1,312,886.17 1,802.39
441 285,711.35 1,312,825.54 1,802.24
Mirt Zer Faucet 285,710.27 1,312,901.83 1,801.81
425 285,668.14 1,312,956.30 1,802.34
443 285,875.91 1,312,806.79 1,800.61
J16 285,697.48 1,312,901.19 1,802.51
J17 285,715.92 1,312,862.22 1,802.10
428 285,726.56 1,312,829.08 1,802.24
445 286,007.34 1,312,678.51 1,801.08
Mesjid 2 285,836.43 1,313,969.52 1,806.00
418 284,643.77 1,314,152.08 1,803.08

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Label Easting (m) Northing (m) Elevation (m)

447 286,098.03 1,312,589.76 1,802.04

449 286,205.31 1,312,484.33 1,801.30
450 286,276.74 1,312,416.49 1,801.23
H. School NWPT 1 284,799.65 1,313,284.00 1,807.65
414 284,691.14 1,314,131.14 1,805.53
276 284,969.52 1,313,050.43 1,808.10
452 286,382.95 1,312,315.18 1,800.90
457 286,447.13 1,312,253.12 1,800.79
275 284,984.21 1,313,032.95 1,808.42
460 286,562.84 1,312,109.48 1,801.47
462 286,625.22 1,311,974.54 1,802.07
J-249 286,639.04 1,311,854.10 1,802.15
464 286,640.46 1,311,837.77 1,802.18
Mehalge NWPT 3 286,623.09 1,311,852.50 1,802.32

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Particular Technical Specification for Submersible Pumps

1 General
o Submersible pump directly coupled to wet submersible motor for pumping ground
water from deep wells.
o Working temperature maximum above30 0 C (degree centigrade)
o Min permissible sand content of 25mg/l
o Max. external diameter of pump including motor over the cable should be less than
the diameter of the well casing at least by 2’’
2 Motor
o Submersible wet type motor adequate power
o Voltage three phases, 380/400v 50HZ
o Designed as to facilitate rewinding infield work shop
o Over load margin over rated HP by about 1.1% times
o Three phase induction motor
o Squirrel cage rotor
o RPM-2900
o Starting can be direct on line for motors less than 7.5kw, for pumps having the
capacity up to 50kw Auto Transformer and above 50KW Star-Delta type of starting.
o Motor shaft body should be made of stainless steel.
3 Pump
o Multistage, centrifugal radial type or centrifugal mixed flow type
o Impellers, diffusers, shaft and pump body should be made of stainless steel
o Stainless steel impellers statically and dynamically balanced
o Non return valve at the out let.
o Stainless steel strainer at pump suction
o Screwed connection for riser pipes up to four inch and flange connection for riser
pipes above four inches.
o Motor cable protection on the pump body
o The pump size in diameter includes the pump, cable and cable guard.
4 Clamp
• The clamps should have at least 2’’ extra length from the permanent surface
casing diameter on both sides accordingly
 For wells with 12’’ production casing permanent surface casing is 14’’
 For wells with 10’’ production casing permanent surface casing is 12’’
 For wells with 8’’ production casing permanent surface casing is 10’’
• The thickness & strength of the clamp should be designed to carry the load/ weight
of the pump & the riser pipe column full of water

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5 Switch Board (control panel)

o 3phase 4wires, 380,50HZ, star delta or direct or autotransformer starting depending
on the pump starting system.
o Short-circuit protected with a fuse disconnection switch ahead of the contactor or
circuit breaker, usually a molded type ease ahead of contactor.
o Systems with over current protection relay which is adjustable time and load.
o Water level monitoring relay for dry running protection.
o Voltmeter with selection switches for phase voltage.
o Ammeter for three phase current measurement and ammeter selection switch
o Indicator lamps for pump running and power on indicator. (green and yellow) red
for faulty
o Phase failure relay. (Including under & over voltage protection relay)
o Running hour meter
o 3 electrodes for water level control.
o Fuse holders and fuse for main circuit protection
o Stop push button
o Start push button
o Manual or automatic selector switch
o Time delay relay 0.1 to 30 sec.
o Control circuit voltage can be 220v or 240v with transformer
o Pressure switch
o Earth leakage relay with current transformer.
6 Power cable
o Four core submersible cable flat type to minimize the pump size
o Double/ single cable according to the type of starter to be used
o Cable diameter to be such that the voltage drop at the maximum depth setting is
more than 2.5% at an ambient temperature of 30.0C
o Cable connected with motor should be with water proof joint to the motor cables.
o Cable length 150meters, or double of this if the pump is star delta.
7 Additional Equipment
o 3 vulcanized electrodes for water level monitoring system to prevent pump from
running dry.
o Three single 1 mm2x2 control cable for electrodes equal length with power cable
o Cable clamp per 3 meter length for total power cable length (total head) two pairs
of pipe clamp at bore hole mouth with bolts and nuts for the specified pipe
diameters on the BOQ
o Pressure gauge as specified in the boq.

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o One or two, according to a number of cable core, jointing kit with quick drying
epoxy resin compound.
8 Technical Information
o The technical information should include but not limited to
o Pump discharge and total head.
o Complete pump performance at duty point and at different heads and discharge.
o Pump HP or KW
o Pump efficiency at 0.7 power factor (lagging)
o Number of stages and total length of pump and motor
o Pump over cable and motor diameter
o Pump out let connection diameter
o Type of impeller
o Impeller pump shaft, motor and pump casing material
o Size of submersible cable
o Make and type of starter
o Control panel box full details (wiring diagram and spare list)
o Impeller vane thickness, number of vane, vane angle at inlet and outlet of typical
o Other relevant information.

2. Generator
This specification shall be taken as standard, for an internal combustion engine as
prime mover diesel generating sets
2.1 Engine (Fundamental)
The engine shall be capable of operating at its rated speed loaded to its rated
capacity on hazardous working environment up to altitudes of 2300 meter, at ambient
air temperature and relative air humidity variations specified in art.1-2 without
evidence of ever loading the capacity of the engine.
2.2 Horse Power
The required minimum Brake Horse BHP, as per ISO standard power specified for the
respective equipment in sec. 2 shall be delivered by the engine at the flywheel at its
rated speed at standard reference at condition with all required accessories.
The rating of the engine bid upon should be specified in accessories with ISO standard
power. If other standards are taken the following points should be specified clearly.

o Brake Horse power, BHP, rating

o Standard reference conditions (Ambient air temperature) tool barometric
pressure and relative air humidity…)

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o Overall efficiency of the engine

o Standard accessories
A certified engine data showing, at least, net horse power, (continuous, intermittent
and maximum) torque performance curves, specific fuel consumption curve at 2100
meters elevation shall be submitted with the bid.

3. Cooling System (Water Cooled or Air Cooled)

3.1 Water Cooled
The cooling system unless otherwise specified in sec. 2 shall be of the closed,
pressurized, pump forced type. The radiator and water passages in the cylinder block
shall be of ample capacity to permit continuous full Load operation of the engine
without boiling of the coolant at atmospheric air temperature up to 750c.
The radiator shall be heavy duty construction, properly mounted to withstand shocks
and strain likely to be encountered in operation under the conditions of operation
described under art.1-2.
The cooling system shall incorporate and efficient thermostat to effect prompts
warming of the proper engine temperature.
3.2 Air Cooled
If air cooled the air blower capacity and the cooling fin arrangement shall be
sufficient to permit continuous full load operation of the engine without overheating
the engine at atmospheric air temperature of about 570c.
Velocity of cooling air should be sufficiently high to prevent formation of dust deposits
which could impair the cooling efficiency. The finish shall have adequate area for
prompt and efficient cooling.
Full details regarding the type, capacity of the radiator/blower and the cooling system
shall be submitted with the bid.
3.3 Lubrication System;
The lubrication system shall be powered by a mechanically driven gear type positive
displacement pump of ample capacity to operate at any desired ambient air
temperature and altitude.
The system shall be equipped with suitable Engine oil pump, dual centrifugal and full
flow-filters and suitably arranged oil passages in the cylinder block.
Full details regarding the type, capacity of the pump, the pump and filters and the
lubrication system shall be submitted with the bid.
3.4 Fuel System;
The fuel system shall include a mechanically driven fuel pump with all necessary
regulator and controlling attachments.

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The system shall incorporate easily accessible, interchangeable and readily

removable injectors, fitters of adequate capacity and construction heavy duty oil
bath or dry type air cleaner or adequate capacity for the size and type of engine bid
Manufacturer’s standard fuel tank shall be acceptable, unless otherwise stated and
shall be located so as not to be affected by heat from the engine, exhaust pipe, or
Complete specification data relating to the diesel engine fuel injection system shall be
submitted by bidder.
The system shall incorporate easily accessible, interchangeable and readily
removable injectors, filters of adequate capacity and construction heavy duty oil bath
or dry type air cleaner or adequate capacity for the size and type of engine bid upon.
Manufacturer’s standard fuel tank shall be acceptable, unless otherwise stated and
shall be located so as not to be affected by heat from the engine, exhaust pipe, or
Complete specification data relating to the diesel engine fuel injection system shall be
submitted by bidder.
3.5 Electrical System;

The engine shall be provided with a complete electrical charging, starting, electrical
switch, preheating switch, preheating switch and at least two keys.
The engine shall start satisfactorily at temperatures as low as 00c. The generator or
alternator shall be the manufacturer’s standard production model and shall be
adequate to provide service under normal operation conditions.
3.6 Tests on Completion
On delivery to Site, the Plant will be visually inspected, and any Plant with obvious
defects will be rejected.

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