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Some educationalists argue that non-exam, arts-based subjects, such as

music, drama, art and craft, should be compulsory in the secondary-school

curriculum. They believe that activities such as these can improve overall
academic performance. To what extent do you agree or disagree? Give at
least two reasons to support your opinion.

Nowadays in most countries educational system subjects such as music, art and craft,
sometimes even dance are compulsory up to eleventh grade. Then students can choose
only one of them or in some countries not even choose any of them. While some
people think that these subjects do not benefit student academic performance, in fact,
it has a positive impact on student results.

First of all, art-based subjects calm students. These days students are under enormous
pressure to be the best one in class, to get a better grade than other students and just
overall to meet the standards of the responsible student. Also, they are stressed when
they have to process such a large amount of information that they hear during their
lessons. However, subjects such as arts, music or drama allow students to rest and to
not be so concerned only about grades, but focus on the process.

Secondly, art-based subjects allow students be creative. In most classes such as

mathematics, literature, physics, science, chemistry, history and etc. we only learn
information that is given to us. There is no freedom to create something, because
everything is already given to us. But in non-exam subjects students can finally feel
free to express themselves and create whatever they want to. Art-based subjects
liberate students’ imagination.

All in all, art-based subjects have a positive impact on student academic performance.
Non-stressed, creative and happy students have better results, so classes such as
music, arts, drama or dance where they can relax and finally feel free to create help
them to reach great academic results.

Laima Breskutė IIf

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