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Facts, and “Facts”

If you hit someone and don't apologize, someone will be mad at you, but in your
defense, you might not care, so you ignore them. One day the person you hit
comes up to you and hits you back. Then someone’s mad at them. The process
keeps going and going, and sometimes never stops, people argue over what
they think is wrong or that they should not care.

It’s the same thing with almost everything, there’s always going to be a fight.

That’s the life our world is living.

A lot of people have strong opinions, and they like to share them, but sometimes
they overshare and make people think that it’s a statement.

You see there’s a big difference between opinions and statements.

Opinions are coming from the person's perspective but not something that could
be true for everyone.
Statements are something official. No, it’s not like a law, but it’s close to that.

You see the difference?

How do we know if we can trust news articles because we might have a different
perspective of the topic?

For example, I can't say something that I think is true, because somebody might

So whenever you disagree with someone, remember that it’s their opinion.

We can’t make every law, or statement.

Stereotyping is rude and offensive.
Stereotyping can offend and hurt a lot of people.

For a girl maybe they rather wear stuff in the boys section, instead of skirts and
dresses. What if their mom doesn't want their child to wear that stuff?

The mom clearly thinks that part of the clothing section is for boys.


Why would you do that to a child?

Force them to wear something that they don’t wear with pride?

You're making them feel insecure about themselves because of this, it will keep
them from letting their kids be themselves.

This is truly terrible.

Imagine walking through the hall at school wearing something that you don't take
pride in?

Our world can not live like this in any means.

“Girls bathroom Boys bathroom”

“Boys over here, girls over there.”

Boys section, girls section

This is all stereotypical.

What about the people that are non-binary?

We can’t let people get away with this, so always remember that this is all MY
opinion. We all have our own differences.

Sometimes you might see the same thing I‘m seeing and believing.

“Boys” “Girls”
When you think of yourself as a girl, you’d probably go to the girls section at a
clothing store.

When you think of yourself as a boy, you might go to the boy section at a clothing

It’s not like that for everyone. Some girls might wanna wear some stuff in the boy
section. Some boys may want to wear stuff in the girls section.

Some people think, that you should only shop in the aisle that is for the sex you
were assigned at birth.
Some people think it’s okay.

Lets get to the bigger part of the topic, nonbinary.

Non Binary or enby is when you don’t Identify as a girl or boy, or you identify as
Have you ever had to go into a bathroom that isn’t the sex you are?
It might feel uncomfortable, or weird.

That’s how it’s not fair for the people that are non binary.

It makes them feel like they are an outcast or don’t belong.

People can mistake you for being a girl or a boy.
It’s not really fair.

You see? Our world is filled with endless stereotypes, not everyone is the same
Remember that.

I hope you enjoyed this essay, remember don’t let anyone stop you for being

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